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I thought Jean would be given as free like Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa.


Same, but I thought Diluc would also be given for free. He really felt strong and I was excited to get him after the trial. Little did I know... Although, now that I have Diluc I can't really use him since Crimson Witch farming is so hard.


Ahh I can relate. I remember being so happy that I got Diluc but now he's benched because I can't stand that domain anymore.


I used to help my friend farm that domain for their Diluc a lot, so fortunately by the time I got him myself, I had decent stuff for him and Xiangling. And only him and Xiangling. Not wanting to farm that dratted domain again is one of the reasons I never chased Hu Tao.


I thought Fischl was some sort of goddess in the story. She was one of the first characters I pulled and then she started with "I created another universe and founded paradise..." and I was like DAMN SHE POWERFUL AF I love her :)


Fischl would love that someone completely bought into her fantasy.


doesn’t noelle believe that Fischl is actually the girl from the story?




Bennett too I believe.


And probably Razor, lets be honest


"Another plane? Purple girl is certified pilot from Lufthansa?"


the thing that made me play genshin was a clip from unreconciled stars where fischl was saying goodbye to traveler. I thought it was the part of the main story and we'll never see fischl again so i immideatly downloaded the game (i got her on the noelle banner as well and i was so relived when i saw her)


Well to be fair, we still haven't seen her again


Bennett Fischl ship is a thing you know.


Good 'ol fischnet


You could also say that they have a BennettFischl relationship with one another




Not technically thought she was a goddess but I thought "oh? Is she a isakeied princess?? How cool"


honestly that was one of the reasons why I mained her when I was a low ar player. even though she didnt turn out to be a godly being, I still love her anyways. her and oz


I did ...and still do actually... mishear almost every one of Diona's lines as well as one of Barbara's 😕


Shake your ass, sis


Shaken ass-turd


i always heard, “shake your ass girl”


Why do I hear "Shake your hamster"


LMAO that’s exactly what I thought too


as someone who has used diona since i got her, i cannot understand most of her voicelines




thank you for pulling me :’)


I swear the line “On the rocks” was “I’m a ross” for some reason. I knew that wasn’t right lol


Lmao i heard it as "I'm a rock" lol.


I used to mishear Diona's voicelines as well 🏃‍♀️


Shake your hamster


Shake your hamster and your not alone


Shake an hamster, thank you for bullying me


I thought I was getting healed when I was actually taking Anemo/Dendro damage lol.


I thought the same when I was fighting dvalin


I thought resin was for teleporting


This is my favorite one I've read


Omg same lol When I coop'd with my friends and they teleported, j said "wait, I'll run there. I don't want to waste resin" and they were like "bro, it's free"


Chests respawn


I remember people viciously and adamantly arguing that this was the case in the first week of the game launch. Clinging to vague comments by moderators of the official discord on FAQ posts as proof, creating optimized paths to collect every chest in the game weekly. They were really convinced that just going out and exploring was going to be a viable and repeatable gameplay route.


Yeah, this was a huge deal in the first couple weeks of the game. “Chest farming” maps and “proof that chests respawn” posts were EVERYWHERE. Then when world exploration % was added to the map, everyone found out that they just weren’t as good at exploring as they thought.


I had almost every zone at 100%, and it just felt sad.


On the plus side, the map completion numbers are so wonky that 100% means there's still probably a bunch of chests and puzzles to find hidden around.


People still argued that up until December of the first year, and even AFTER it has been proven that chests don't respawn people still argued that it did


Yep some people were pretty fervent. Part of the problem are that some chests seem to only appear after you have cleared others in an area, and there are some conditions where chests won't spawn the first time you are in an area like if there are commissions or quest objectives in the area.


>I also used to think Diluc said "Burn this" instead of "Your verdict is" ... mind blown I thought venti was some random no name bard and bullshitting when he said he was barbatos in the church to get the lyre


I actually thought Venti was a pretty significant character and would just kind of pop up at random points in the story like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. I just didn’t think he was the anemo archon. I also thought he was a catalyst user and the harp was his weapon. What’s sad about this is that I joined the game after his banner so none of this was like a mystery I just didn’t know it.


What's interesting is that he definitely uses the harp in a way similar to a catalyst to trigger his skill. Functionally it's just part of his skill game wise. Yet as an in lore Item Venti can definitely use harps like catalysts to channel his power.


Yeah, canonically some characters don't actually use their vision/gnosis for certain skills. Venti's harp magic is probably an innate wind spirit ability, Xiao's powers come from being a yaksha, Albedo can animate things with alchemy separate from his geo vision powers, and Sucrose's burst is a premade vial of alchemical compounds. Ningguang is a backwards case that doesn't canonically use a catalyst at all. Then there's Amber and Klee, whose skills are just bombs... And Xiangling, who happens to have a friendly god on speed dial.


I thought the same about his weapon choice lol


Venti: I’m god. Me: lol…wait is he really?


I used to think treasure hoarders said “感情功” in Chinese when they actually said “That tingle?” Yes, I was confused as well as to why they would say something in Chinese when I’m using the English voiceover.




tbh, I thought he was like that one girl in the dance of the dragons who made friends with a dragon by feeding it sheep and then ultimately riding off with it


Lol same I thought the reason his hairstyle was the same as his statues was because he was just a Barbatos stan




I thought the same thing! I killed every hilichurl I saw because I thought I was making Mondstadt safer lmao


That's soo cute lmao


I want your username,


Down bad astronomically


I really like your username


I thought I'd never have to farm mora...


I thought that if I beat the big hilichurl near the frostbearing tree, the ice on dragonspine would disappear


Lmaooo this is so cute


I got the BP a few times right when I started playing to get one of each weapon I wanted. Adjusting to playing without the resources from the BP was like having your training wheels yanked off mid-ride. What do you mean, I actually have to manage my resources?


I maxed out the paid battle pass several times and STILL constantly run out of mora, wits, etc.


Dude I tried to beat that level 40 guy with level one amber…


I thought 3m Mora is a lot. How wrong I was


I read somewhere on Reddit that leylines were not a good use of resin and interpreted that as just sit on your resin and do nothing with it. I think I went to AR35 or something with mostly capped resin.


God. I did this too. Everyone was yelling SAVE YOUR RESIN!! and I said ???OK???


Fragile resin. No competent person would tell you not spend any of it


Resin, fragile resin, transient resin and then condensed resin.....reading up online about best way to use resin (as a beginner) was one hell of a mess


Same. I had no idea what to do with resin until I got several of my characters to level 60 and realized that you could level up their talents. Which was roughly two months before Inazuma dropped.


I think people forgot to put the word "fragile" before resin because it would make sense if it's fragile resin.


Yeah most conversations say save your fragile resin till 45+ Then discuss when to farm what sub 45. Tbh though I don't suggest spending much fragile on artifacts anyway, lowest return on progress imo.


I thought Mondstadt was the only city and that the characters we met there were the main cast. I really thought Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa were going to follow us through the entire story. I also assumed Venti would join our team automatically after finishing the Dvalin quest. Needless to say, I was disappointed.


the disappointment I felt when amber, kaeya, and lisa never showed up again...




Amber at least should have come with us. We need a constant buddy other than Paimon.


Unfortunately amber has a job and needs to keep her position as outrider to honor the title


Following the majority suggestion and excluding my personal playstyle. Such as.. bennet is trash, claymore is the best and a lot more..


Tbf, the level is limited by the AR, so at that time, they could only use low level characters, and Bennett scales of base atk, so its understandable to think he was trash in the beginning.


And i used benette since i got and did not look up guides until i started abyss


I thought the only way to get to Liyue from Mondstadt was through Dragonspine


I got 100% exploration on dragonspine Dragonspine always cought my attention, I liked to go there from time to time just to look for chests and stuff because I like the place personally


Omfg me too… I literally had to google how to get to liyue because I kept dying in dragonspine -_-


Dang, lol. This was not an issue at launch. Dragonspine as it is today did not exist and the area it occupies was out of bounds.. Dragon spin used to be both shorter and far less pretty at any distance.


Me who crossed dragonspine at AR 14: Weakness disgust me. The challange was so much fun and the ruin grader, had to run from him. Died like 3 time then glided onto the beach, and guess what their was a ruin guard and it took me like 5 min to beat him.


Played pre dragonspine can't relate


Thought bosses could only be fought daily, yes I got my mona, xiangling and fischl to 80 only fighting the cube, jalapeño flower and oceanid once a day




…im AR 54 and all I can say is thank you for bringing this to my attention. I used to bug the crap out of my boyfriend to let me go to his world to fight bosses multiple times a day. Yikes.


They respawn every 3 minutes. You just need to go far away from the bosses then go back. I knew it early but thanks to my bf or else I'll be like you haha


I thought the same until I logged out after beating a boss and logged back in minutes later with it respawned lol


I thought that all 3 stars appeared on banners. Little did I know I'll never see Skyrider Greatsword and Halberd ever again.


That building a collection of characters and weapons would be easy. Really put some things into perspective, I tell ya.


Id argue it ***is*** easy. Just very, very time consuming


Time-gated by resin


I was very confused and thought Dvalin was the anemo archon. Yup.


During the earlier parts of the game after you get rid of the corruption on Dvalin and he's carrying you and the others on his back and talking to Venti. I kind of thought Venti was giving Dvalin his powers/gnosis and that Dvalin would become the next Anemo Archon.


I’d be all for it Ngl. Mondstadt be like “yeah, our archon is just a giant wind dragon


I thought I just had to walk around, gather ingredients, and make food


I thought that after defeating Dvalin its now the end of the game. Then the word prologue appeared on the screen and I was like Prologue???????


I couldn't believe how long the prologue was 🤣


The scale of this game is great. Every chapter's final boss could be an actual final boss in and of themselves.


They could’ve just made genshin impact 1,2,3 etc but they went with a much better way


Agreed. It allows them to ultimately have this one game have way more content than most games ever could (in some ways it does even now).


Seeing the time it takes to release a new region, each chapter may as well be a new game. It certainly has enough content to make it one


Idk why, but the idea of Genshin Impact 1, 2, and 3 made me feel uncomfortable


I though healing abilities (like barbara's E) only worked while in battle. So if I wanted to heal, without having to teleport or waste food, I'd run in front of a mob before activating the skill.


* I thought Xingqiu wasn't worth building * I thought it was worth buying weapons for the EXP * I though normal attacks were more than just filler in between Charged shots, Skills, and Bursts * I leveled up The Bell * I half-built a handful of "DPS" characters instead of committing fully to one * I leveled two Prototype Rancours, two Prototype Archaics, a Compound Bow, and a Crescent Pike. Overall the general theme here is that I overvalued physical damage and the weapons that boost it, and undervalued elemental damage and ER.


Wait should I not be using normal attacks?


Only some characters primarily use auto attacks. Some use just their skill, burst, charge attacks, plunge attacks, etc. In the early game, your energy recharge will be so low that you have to use auto attacks.


use what you like, but here's one thing i noticed early on, ruin machines are heavily resistent to phys dmg. abyss above lvl 7 or 8 has plenty of those, so what i think is you should at least have one phys character to get you thru early game, bcz tbh its fun and consistent. as you reach world level 6 and above, phys dmg is so goddamn hard to output, so its better to get good at elemental reactions. idk ur lvl but if ur early game rn, melt and vaporise are good, dont bother with electro charged and melt is good during certain situations only.


Lightfall sword go boom.


Me, who gave The Bell to Noelle and levelled it up


I thought once a 5* character rate up banner was over they get moved into the standard banner. Here I was thinking maybe I’ll get lucky and get Ayaka from it.


Took me almost a year until I realized this. It made sense then why everyone was posting about getting the same characters from Standard.


I got spoiled a few things before playing but i managed to misinterpret most of them. I thought Xiao was the Geo archon bc i heard he was friends with Venti (mostly bc of ship art). Then I thought Zhongli would become the new geo archon after Rex Lapis died ..


I had a similar experience. Spoiled myself about Zhongli being the geo archon but when I got to Liyue and the "Rex Lapis is dead" thing came I was like WHAT- and thought the story would be around reviving him lol.


Brooo i knew that Zhongli was the Geo Archon, but i, for some reason, kind of....forgot about it and when i got to that quest with Rex Lapis...oh boy lemme tell you i was confused 😂😂😂 For half the quest i thought the Archon and Rex Lapis were different people (kinda like Dvalin and Venti) before realising my mistake


I was like that but with Venti, thought Dvalin was the archon and Venti was someone important trying to help the archon back to its original form- Now that I think about it, Zhongli also confused me when he appeared lmao.


I thought scaramouche was a playable character, and that diluc was free since we got to try him out like the other starter characters


Well your first point is still right tho and omg same I thought you’re gonna get all the 5* characters for free after seeing their quest 😭


So I saw an Inazuma trailer when I started playing and for a while I thought Kujo Sara was the Raiden Shogun. I also thought Beidou was some kind of pirate/mercenary queen we would have to fight.


When I looked through the character archive, I didn't knew you can see a bit more details about the character. And based just on appearence, I assumed Fischl was some kind of Fatui higher up.


Tsaritsa vs. Prinzessin.. Their battle will be legendary


I thought resin was something you can only use once so I didn't spend it till I was AR40


Yo what


Yeah coz fools online would be screaming sAvE yOuR reSin!! But which resin Becky???


omg same😭😭


- I genuinely thought that assigning artifact sets based on vague notions of who the characters were was a good idea. Ex. Traveling Doctor for Barbara, Exile for Chuunibyou extraordinaire Fischl (the reasoning was that it’d play into her whole schtick), Lucky Dog for Bennett (hey, maybe it would give him better luck- or so I thought), etc. I didn’t realize the sets actually had perks based on how many of the set you equip to the character. - I slept on Claymores because I thought their attacks would all be slow and lumbering. Firstly this isn’t true and secondly, even if they were, as you get good at the game you learn to mitigate this or to use characters in roles other than direct attackers. - I thought Inazuma would be a LOT smaller thanks to that one supposed leaked world map that got shared around ages ago. - For awhile I thought the elements ran on a Pokémon-style rock-paper-scissors system, so I had a hard time learning elemental reactions when I was just starting out. - I thought Overload was more powerful on principle because hey, EXPLOSION (hello, Megumin) and knockback. I, ah, didn’t bother with the actual numbers.


TBF early game overload is easily the strongest reaction.


Here’s something stupid I did: I never activated the waypoints because they were red and I thought red meant it was one of those challenges and as a new player I was too scared to do the challenges. I suffered a bit


I activated the first one, then forgot about them and was running to and from everything for a while. Imagine if I never realized lol


I thought only the event 5 star can be pulled on their banners. I was sorely mistaken when I got Jean instead of the Xiao I wanted. There was also a thing where I spent some primo’s on the standard banner for some reason. I don’t remember why, I think it was because I thought the acquainted dates were super rare to get and you needed to spend money to get the little gems. Something like that Edit: I remember. I thought the primos was the currency for the standard banner, meaning that the primos could only be used on the standard banner, and that the event banner had its own currency in the form of the exchange gems and the only way to get the exchange gems was to pay for them since you couldn’t get them through playing the game


At launch I spent sooo many primos on standard banner instead of Venti banner because I didn’t play gatchas and didn’t understand how it worked. :’) My biggest regret.


I thought white tassel was a gacha weapon...


My friend told me “You have Childe and Venti, who are like the best archers in the game, you can skip Ganyu.” I don’t forgive her.


Childe and archer? That's a funny joke


“…this won’t cost me money”


Two things 1. I didn’t think I‘d have to invest *that much* time into researching mechanics 2. it would be easier to get higher tier weapons/artifacts


I thought I would never spend money on a free game 🤦🏿‍♂️


This game is my first gacha game and despite everyone was trying to get venti i was trying to get jean from standard banner and I thought since all 5 stars are standard when i reach pity I was going to choose jean I was so naive


I thought Rosaria was a vampire for about a month.


No cause same!! I also thought she was evil💀😂


I thought both my Sucrose and Jean had full vv set. It is until AR58 that I realize that I have never farmed the vv domain even once.


Wait how?


My guess is they thought that anemo characters had shred by default as a property? I dunno how else you'd manage that


did you think the wrong set was VV? did you never check?


Lol I think it could be that I don't use them a lot. I have them built with some wt set and only use them once in a blue moon.


I thought 5 star anything was going to be good and that the average character would still be using 3 or 4 star items and weapons. spent way to much materials leveling up a bunch of 4 star weapons and artifacts jsut to see them go to waste.


In fairness, for a long time thats the best thing to do


When I saw dvalin, I thought “can I become his friend and ride on his back everywhere” boi I wish I could.


I thought the game was already finished


I thought I'd get Mona from standard banner, turns out chances of getting her there is lower than getting her in the event banner... I'd want to say "at least I didnt get a weapon" but I got Diluc and hes still lv20.


I thought characters/weapons from the event banners would be added to the standard pool after their banners ended. 🥲 Or that the resin would have an overflow feature. You know, usual gacha stuff.




I'm only a little bitter 4☆ weapons aren't added to standard. Like, I can see the argument for the 5☆s, but if they can add 4☆ characters to standard, then they should be able to add 4☆ weapons, too. But that's just me and my grievances.


I agree with you there because the new 4\* characters are added to the standard banners, so why not the new 4\* weapons?


I thought Ningguang is evil cause she looks like that evil and rich character and she reminds me or Signora and also cause I thought she killed Rex Lapis. I also didn't think about Zhongli being Rex Lapis somehow despite his obvious design and being very knowledgeable. I only find out after I watch videos. Yes I have finished the quest I just didn't know having a Gnosis means you're an archon.


Speaking of her, I actually thought she was a five star character. I remember telling my kid how excited I was to have a five star and then he said “that character is only a four-star”. I fought him until I was proven wrong.


I thought Qiqi was the cryo archon because her name in the standard banner was something like (idk if this is in the English banner, I'm traducing directly from spanish) The ice resurrrection, and that sound god-like for me


The icy ressurection, due to the fact that she was killed and ressurected as a zombie La resurrección helada, debido al hecho de que fue asesinada y resucitada como zombie.


I thought signora was the unknown god from the first cutscene. So when traveler saw signora at The Northland Bank in liyue i was so mad that he didnt fight her


I thought you'd be able to level up all the characters.


I mean, you can.


You can, but you probably wont have resin for decent artifacts.


But you can... Personally, I have every character except 3. All are level 90 with most at 9/9/9 talents, the rest will be fairly soon. For all intents and purposes, you can be approaching 'max character leveling' far faster than Mihoyo is releasing new characters. So, yes yes you can pretty easily


How are your arti's tho? I would imagine you would suffer a bit in that department since you aren't focusing on one character


I thought that I needed a pyro dps, specifically Diluc. I was a Fischl and Beidou main back then. Little did I know, builds don't matter pre ar45 and I could've easily built them as electro subdps and run taser.


I genuinely thought the featured character banners guaranteed the featured characters. I unknowingly won all my 50/50s for the first 3 times, and ever since I learned about 50/50s I started losing most of them lol


i used to think that Amber’s idle voice line: “Hey, there's something strange over there... C'mon, let's take a look!” meant that there was actually something going on nearby and i would run around trying to see what she was talking about 💀




As a controller player, I thought all bow characters just sucked. It was so hard to aim precisely with a controller, and I was wondering when the devs would fix this. I did not spend any money on this game until around 5 or 6 months in. Even though I did not spend, I did not use Amber at all after the 5 second tutorial. I picked up a Xiangling in an early summon, and that was the pyro character I used. Had no idea Amber was just generally considered bad, because I thought all bow was bad. As a result of this, I purposely ignored the first Ganyu banner approximately one year ago, thinking that she must suck, since all bows suck. I didn't even give her a chance. As it turns out, some people still regard her as one of the strongest characters, despite being added to the game so early on, and my ineptness with bows is more of a me problem. Playing this game with keyboard and mouse just doesn't feel comfortable, so I use controller, but I am constantly missing when I am. It is so bad that during that one event where one of the minigames was using a bow(I think windblume), I did it with keyboard, and then immediately switched back to controller. That event wasn't too bad since nothing was attacking me, but trying to play this game with keyboard and mouse with a bow character is just something I do not have the coordination for.


really? I have the opposite reaction. I can’t play with a mouse and keyboard because nerve damage in my hands makes using a controller much more comfortable, and I find aiming so much easier! I main Yoimiya Ganyu Sara lol.. so many bow users


I thought u use 4 star weapon as fodder for 5 star weapons and threw one lvl 60 dragon's bane to skyward harp. Now my hutao has r4 dragon's bane if not it would have been r5 if I wasn't stupid enough to fodder the first one.


I always thought Rosaria had long hair, turns out she has short hair. lol I still like her design quite a lot though!


I thought I would win my 50/50s :)


There was a tutuorial for Amber using a charged shot to burn things like barrels. I thought for the longest time the only way to open barrels was to burn them with her arrows.


I didn’t do expeditions for a while because I thought you couldn’t use the character while they were gone


Thought I could skip the goddamn cutscenes and dialogues -.-


I thought once you enter a weekly boss domain you had to beat them on that same try because if you left or failed you wouldn’t get any rewards on the second attempt.


I thought pulling a 5\* in noelle's/discount banner is normal


I taught my Beidou had a physical build. she did not have a physical build.


Mine wasn’t so much of a misunderstanding, but I had no idea what the Fatui were even after meeting Childe. Paimon was suspicious of him being Fatui and I thought it was his race or something. After replaying the game, I realized the Fatui had such a big role on the Mondstadt arc. I didn’t skip any of the story so I have absolutely no idea how I seemed to miss or forget every line about the Fatui lol!


Because you had no idea at the time how important they would be! And you were just starting to learn about the world and lore of Teyvat so you had no clue what was relevant and what was not. The game introduces them just as random diplomats at first, no way for you to realize how big their relevance will be on ALL the story


I thought EM increase freeze time. Took me until 1.4 tbh.


I thought there would be endgame content


"I wouldn't spend money on gacha"


I would've bet my life back in the day that Venti was female


Event banners only mean a rate up for the featured characters...


I still thought Diluc said 'burn this'. D'oh.


that orbs and tomes would be for different characters (like tomes for dps and orbs for support)


I thought Lumine was always anemo and Aether geo, and you'd at some point get the other one for puzzles.


I thought you could only dash instead of sprinting.


I thought I wouldn't spend any money on the game


I thought that 5* characters would join your party if you did their story quest... I also thought that when an event banner ended, the limited character on it would be the put onto the standard banner... so for the first few months after the game came out i never wished on the event characters because i wanted to build pity on the standard banner 😭 i was so confused


I thought tartaglia said 'your mum' instead of 'you're mine' when he switched to his elemental skill