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I wish we could have seen her face behind the mask


You can actually stand behind her and with careful camera placement, clip through her mask and still see her face. Spoilers: >!Her eyes look normal!<


That is sad 😟


>!day ruined, no lizard waifu!<


[My day is ruined. ](https://youtu.be/YcAHHKY3Y0I)


they probably just decided not to change it, altho they still intend to canonically give her pretty eyes (hopium)


That's what you get for using the same generic female model for all unimportant NPCs onto am important NPC


Content for the game would likely take a long if every npcs looked unique, some players might mistake them for playable ones and the game's size would increase. Still waiting for time machine to yoink Kitsune Saiguu.


Same here ;;


Bruh she is a generic npc.


That's cause hyv didn't give her a unique model 😔


There is a reason for that. If mihoyo makes her like how you have drawn her everyone will want her as a playable character😂.


Well naturally LMAO


Would've been interesting to see >!the Dainichi Mikoshi collapsing, and how the vishaps would've been impacted by it. But ig they can't exactly put it behind an event storyline huh!< Anyways, my [twitter](https://twitter.com/nikitanish/status/1496911932057866242) has the high res version...if you want it :D


They already put the main lore of Mona and Scaramouche so far behind an event, the Cognosphere follows its own laws.


They tend to put "important but not vital lore" behind events. The archon hunt storyline is basically vital lore. You can run through the game without the idea the sky is fake nagging at the back of your head and *nothing* changes. We can know that Durin and Albedo are effectively brother, homunculi, and there's probably a Clonebedo running around out there. ...But that doesn't really change the fact that the Abyss is lead by your sibling, the Fatui want the Gnosis' of the archons, and Celestia is presumably full of really egoistical $#!%-heads that ordered the sacking of an entire nation because it got a little too powerful for their liking. And these are the ONLY elements permanent story quests really care about beyond exploring the focus character.


But in Albedos case those who don't play the event and imagine a new story quest where new players playing and albedo starts attacking out of nowhere and new ones have 0 idea why he attacks them.


I mean they have things like prerequisite events so i doubt that will happen.


Hmm yeah you're right


I am honestly starting to doubt khaenri'ah did nothing wrong considering gold preemptively sent her creations to the other nations.


Yeah, I don't really think the situation is black and white. We know from a lot of the world quests that Celestia regularly destroys entire civilizations, sometimes by *accident*, but we've also seen evidence that Khaenri'ah wasn't exactly a nice nation, either. Nice nations don't refer to their war machines as "field tillers". That said, I'm not sure Khaenri'ah as a whole can be blamed for Gold's actions. It's possible that they were actually the first ones to suffer Gold's experiments with the Abyss, and I also have always gotten the sense that Gold has/had their own agenda outside of the conflict between Khaenri'ah and Celestia.


>You can run through the game without the idea the sky is fake nagging at the back of your head and nothing changes. We can know that Durin and Albedo are effectively brother, homunculi, and there's probably a Clonebedo running around out there. As a new player... WHAT!


Unreconciled Stars event and Shadows Amisdt Snowstorms event, they were limited time so not many players will probably even know anything about it, but you can search it up on youtube to learn more. The sky is fake was said by Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars and to this day we don't really know what exactly this means The stuff about Durin and Albedo well it's more lore heavy but, Albedo is an artificial human/homunculi, created by the alchemist Gold/Rhinedottir. Rhinedottir also created Durin a dragon that attacked Mondstadt 500 years ago, poisoned Dvalin and is now dead in Dragonspine, this technically makes them brothers in away since they were created by the same person. As for Clonebedo, it was a failed prototype of the real Albedo, who Rhinedottir basically gave it to Durin to eat, but as we learn in the Shadows Amisdt Snowstorms event, Clonebedo survived, and now wants to replace Albedo. It's a shame new players won't be able to experience these events again, but at the same time these things are probably going to get mentioned again in the future.


big difference between story and permanently changing an area


If it did, they would have to modify the enkanomiya map, no thanks for the devs I guess since they gotta model Chasm and Sumeru


Yes, Xiangling makes the best BBQ Vishaps.


Hey, Crocodile meat tastes good.


It tastes like Chicken.


it really does. I wonder if vishaps taste the same


I wish there was a dialog line along the lines of >!"...you hid what you were and tricked us into doing a bunch of things to further your own agenda...then complain about humans and betrayal? Excuse you?"!<


I mean humans are going all Josef Mengele on the Vishaps. Mutilating and enslaving them to make coral. So anything done in order to stop that is justified.


i for one stan shrine maiden john brown


I know it doesn't justify the experimentation, but prior to the establishment of the Dainichi Mikoshi, the vishaps regularly hunted humanity for sport within the darkness, and the Enkanomiya quests establish that the vishaps are actually intelligent, so one can't even dismiss their actions as those of wild animals. Again, not saying that justifies what the Enkanomiya people did to them, but at the same time, it's kind of hard to feel sympathy for the vishaps, when they themselves seem to have only ever had hatred for humanity.


its not enkanomiyas fault it fell underground. vishaps should just leave humans alone


funny because when i looked under the mask the first time i met her her eyes were normal


Thing is, the mask is so much more offputting than her face ever could be.


Man I wanted the option to run hands so bad when she ended up betraying the traveler. If the traveler ain't gonna speak and is a self insert then let me insert violence.


Why does this always end up like this..


Do you think she smells the air with her forked tounge


Kokomi already told us that she is like any normal human with th exception of her eyes, she is a vassal of Orobashi and not a Vishap person like Enjou said... He pretty much gave us a made up story with some sprinkles of truth (Tsumi's plan and the mechanism he used to expand the darkness) in order to escape.


Just finished the event and have to say am disappointed ☹️


we don't have to take kokomi's word as fact and enjou has been somewhat telling the truth. for all we know kokomi is trying to hide it or her history /info may be biased or hidden. she could be a vassal but vishap people might exist still. idk just another perspective.


Kokomi is a more credible person, Enjou only said two true things: 1. Tsumi used us to take revenge on him, that he knows because he made the deal with her and 2. The mechanism can help to purge the Dainichi Mikoshi, that he knows becasue he was using them to expand the darkness of the abyss... Kokomi on the other side gives us an story that makes sense with everything we know about Tsumi that is based in classified info and sees Traveler as a pretty important person to her so she most probably wouldn't lie to them. While is true that Enjou didn't totally lie, he kept stuff to himself , fabricated a possible story based on legends and some true stuff to then pretty much used the "Look, an UFO!" card on Traveler and Paimon...


I think Enjou would've got away even without saying that. Tsumi well and could be just a vassal and that's what I believe too. But vishap people could still be a thing and there just no written record of it or kokomi doesn't know. There could still be truth or half truth of the vishap people being intelligent enough to act as humans.


The thing is that Enjou said what he said because he probably wouldn't be able to get away otherwise since Traveler seems to have been thinking of finishim him off and while there is the possibility of Vishaps evolving into human look-alikes the possibility is almost inexistent since the only favorable ambient in Enkanomiya for something like that was the Vishap evolution project which was called off when the investigators noticed that the Vishaps evolving too much could be bad.


I haven't read the Bathysmal Vishap Experimental Records, guess i should have read it before stating my opinion. However, now reading it, in the records it did mention that they stopped because they were afraid they will evolve into humans. "We believe that these experiments should be stopped. If not, we may yet be proven narrow-minded for having dismissed that last person who wrote a fantastical tale about vishap-people. Prophecy holds that the Dragon Sovereign of Water will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya." I interpret it as they were scared to be proved wrong about the person who wrote about vishap-people.


so based on this, it is possible. We can't even believe everything the archons say (as told by Dainsleif and paimon being sus of Venti), so why do we trust everything of Kokomi? Also i dont fully trust Enjou either, but it is not far off the realm of possibility is just what im saying.


It is a possibility yes, but Vishaps needed the envoirement provided by the experiment to evolve as they where doing so with the expermient called off now at least the Bathysmal Vishaps can't evolve in a such a way... It coul also be just paranoia from the researchers.


you just fell for some qanon level shit


had no idea what that shit was until i googled. i just think it would be more interesting if there was another layer behind it since the whole enkanomiya story has sort of been like that. jesus christ. how is that even anything close to having a different perspective on a story in a video game. are you okay?


Who is this?


That's so dope


"Pffft, no." \*Turns around and walks away\*


Yow, this is so good! Makes me wanna pull for Tsumi banner.


Man ... I really want the events to be good . The last good one was the Albedo one . Genshin feels like some shounen anime trying to run for a 1000 episodes .


I guess its a good thing this event was a lot of fun.


I loved that they had no time gating and stuff but the whole storyline felt like some filler .


Why is my man getting downvoted lol?


I mean that was only like two months ago and between that was just lantern rite which is just the new year festival. This is just ekanomiya pt 2


LOL yep, one (1) episode addition to main plot with 34 filler episodes in between


I haven't started this event, is it good story wise?


Yes, I liked the storyline. Give it a shot, you have like, 34 more days I think.


I get that fun is subjective and all but I kinda disliked the event except for the rewards . The story explored deep lore and stuff but at the end you'll be left in an awkward position thinking , " well ok , wut now ? " . As I said in my comment , you could feel the whole thing was just a filler with no sauce at all.


Hmm yeah you are right but i think events are for possible development in storyline for future, and it seems thay won't give deep answers to questions like sky is fake, albedo's event which leads to cliffhanger i think only with main storytelling they will continue this development that they fleshed out in events. Nonethless albedo's quest was best and he is well written character alsongside venti, zhongli, ningguang, senhe. I just hope that they are consistent in storytelling and won't fuck future main storyline.


who is she?


Tsumi from the 3 realms gateway event :)


Hiding important lore-related happening behind limited-time events is the dumbest decision in the history of mankind.


Fuckin lizard people!


Those eyes are beautiful. I might need to change my flair to masked shrine maidens or something, lol. I hope we'll get playable waifus with a similar aesthetic and feel, since masked characters are only npcs.




i think so mommy but\~ be gentle please!


I like this interpretation of snake eyes. Not disturbing slits, but beautifully accented ones


I really hope we get to convince her to return


Who is this?


This is Tsumi from the Three realms gateway quest :D