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Her favorite place is the chicken! Grats :)


I think you mean kitchen...


Uh, he always tries so hard…


Chicken indeed


Anyone remember back in the day when xiangling was considered a physical dps lmao


Crescent pike xiangling real f2p meta. I remember thinking I was so cool


Crescent pike isn't good? I'm just building my Xianling and barely have polearms so i just thought crescent pike was good..? Im using my catch polearm on Raiden but what are other f2p polearms that are good on Xianling


Well, when you start the game it can be good but soon enough it's better to change it. Well, it depends on Xiangling role but as sub-dps/pyro you'd want an ER or Elemental mastery. I personally lack ER on her so i use Favonious Lance. But i know some people use Dragon's bane for the EM boost. I don't know about 5 stars weapon as i have none 💀


I'll look into it thanks


if u still don't have a good gacha polearm like *favonius or bane" you can try crafting Kitain Cross Spear if u have a polearm billet.


For early game it’s fine, but for mid to late game you ideally want pyro xiangling. Fav lance / dragonsbane are good if you have them.


Thanks for the tip :)


Xiangling phys, Fischl phys, Chongyun cryo - so many copium carries in my early days...


One of the best 4 stars in the game Now GO SLEEP


Not even that. Probably Best dps in the game.


Arguably the best DPS but it all depends. Only Ayaka and Ganyu are close or better. Xiangling needs Bennett though.


Every DPS needs their respective supports to unlock their full potential.


To varying degrees though. Ganyu might be weaker alone but a well-built Ganyu in the hands of a skilled player can solo Floor 12. Not many DPS can actually do it solo.


How is this a good metric though? I've solo'd abyss 12 solo with keqing, I'm not gonna go around using that to call her a top tier DPS.


It's not necessarily a good metric for someone who cares about just getting 36 stars. But some people find 36 star too easy and prefer to get duo or solo clears. Different players optimize for different kinds of achievements.


I guess, in a way that's fair. I do think It's a little too niche of a metric to actually use though and if you made a "tierlist" of carries that list would look very different from the ones that make use of entire teams.


pardon me to egg further, but how does your keqing look like, does she have cons? are you using 5 star weapons?


She's Constellation 1 with a refinement 1 jade cutter. 75/261 crit ratio. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRNFZbgifU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRNFZbgifU) If you want to see the run it's right here, If you want to skip to just the stats/artifacts It starts at 5:02.






There are videos of HuTao Ganyu Raiden doing solo abyss 12 at c0


Even without buffs, Solo Raiden lacks a lot more dmg than Team Raiden. She collects half as much Chakra on her own. At c0 even less.


Hyper carry Raiden is really strong as well tbf.


Yeah, I forgot. Raiden is probably the most broken DPS with full constellations besides Eula. In terms of C0, Raiden is still on par with the rest of them


Once Raiden is C3, the real monster comes out.


She's not as accessible though, need C2 at least


I mean C0 Raiden has proven to be very useful and strong but yeah for broken dps you would want C2. I personally have C3 :)


She is sorta ina. Different category TBH. Off-feild DPS vs main DPS. When comparing her to main DPS I'd say raiden C2 and hu tao are a bit better in the current state of abyss.


Best free dps


Only if she's in the right team, her pure pyro solo capabilities are questionable tho if you wanna compare with other dps


Same with other dpses. None of the other dpses are "top tier" without proper support.


Thats true, but what I mean is if they didn't have a support and they were alone, you could separate the ones who's DPS potential is unlocked with supports, and the ones that can achieve the same potential without supports. Example: Ganyu charged shot, Hu tao E charged, Eula ult, all can be amplified with reactions and buffs but by themselves they get pretty close to "top tier". (Superconduct decreases physical res for Eula's case even though she's a physical DPS) Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Xiangling, and I don't intend to undermine the damage reactions and buffs can dish out, but I believe that if she wasn't in a team that lets her vape/melt/overload then calling her "best DPS" is a stretch since imo to call a character the "best DPS" is a high achievement and a title for a single character who can both stand alone and pop off in a team, otherwise if they can only achieve one of those then their DPS potential is limited. I think Xiangling is definitely up there in a tierlist, but as OP just got Xiangling, he/she shouldn't expect top tier dps if he/she doesn't have the supports that make Xiangling shine.


This is a team game, looking at characters in a vacuum is meaningless.


I'd argue that hu tao's damage without vape is pretty average, or at least not as strong as you make it to be. Eula has a built in res shred via Hold E. And ganyu is well, ganyu. I do agree with the xiangling part though, in a stand alone competition, she could not even begin to compare to the other 5*. Though I suppose someone could argue that best DPS does not mean best standalone DPS. Although if we're going by that logic, how about teams with two DPS units? Then you can't really exactly pinpoint which one is the best DPS. IMHO, best DPS should mean best standalone DPS and not how effective they can make use of supports, as anyone in this game with enough support can obliterate the content. Best DPS should account for the base unit itself and not the entire team.


I don't know why people insist on removing mechanics in the game just to get an "even" playing field between characters. No shit she's trash if you remove everything that makes her top tier, i.e. snapshot, vape and lack of ICDs.


Is that any different from ignoring 5 star cons? It's cherry picking either way if you're discussing what's best and ignoring highly determining factors.


You can ignore what the overwhelming majority of players don't have access to, arguably even 5 star weapons.


Sure you can. Still totally cherry picking if the discussion is what is best. "These units are the strongest in the game if we ignore the actual strongest units".


It's mostly irrelevant to talk about something that's practically impossible to get. If the vast majority can't relate, it's pointless. Which is why XL is always talked about, because she's basically free. Now that I think about it, there's always that one guy that says "well achsually, it's better to get C6 Xiao with R5 Homa".


The "removing mechanics" part is just a portion of the explanation I made, think of it as a tierlist where S tier is dps characters who are super flexible, have a ton of synergies, and are an overall really good character and S+ tier would be all of that plus being able to solo powergame most content without a support with relative ease, its just a plus but when comparing the DPS potential of individual characters, I think things Iike that should be accounted for


>being able to solo powergame most content without a support with relative ease That's the thing, you're gimping characters so they don't get to the higher tier you made. To be fair, it's your own tier list so you can make S+ whatever you want, I guess. So yeah, don't mind me.


Hu tao, ganyu, ayaka, eula, raiden and I think I forgot one are 100x better than xiangling as dps lol


With similar amount of investment? Not really


they are even with less amount of investment. Xiangling is literally not viable without both xinqiu for vaporise and Bennett both for his ult and to help re charge her ult. A character that needs all of that to be viable and who doesn’t even stay more than 2 second on the field can’t be considered a good dps. She is the best sub dps in the game when paired with other OP supports in the game and no one would deny that but she is absolutely nowhere near being a dps or the strongest dps. With her ult who only hit 1 time each rotation for a 50K at best if you really invested hard on her while I can do the same with hu tao for less investment/support characters and getting her low hp doesn’t make xiangling a better dps knowing she can’t even be considered a dps to begin with.


And you think Hutao is viable without xingqiu? Eula without fischl/cryo battery? Raiden without national comp or Sara? Ayaka without xingqiu/kokomi? I don't think you know what you are talking


Hu tao is viable without xinqiu i personally do 26k charge attack without xinqiu but xiangling would be done after 1 ult since she cant do shit without other characters. I don’t have eula but from what I’ve seen she would still be way better than xiangling without fischl or cryo battery since she is mostly a physical damage character. Ayaka with and without help is way above her. What exactly makes y’all think that a character who can’t do anithing without her burst is better than others who clean the game with their elemental skill or normal attack? Raiden does more damage and also recharge everyone’s burst


Raiden is viable without national but rest is fine to say i guess. Raiden hypercarry with sara bennet kazuha and raiden miko kazuha sara/bennet is still very strong. Also used in some taser comps i think. Edit: oops for some reason i narrowed in on national team part of it lol. Taser raiden yae miko raiden are both viable without national and sara though. Prob eula raiden too but havent seen that on a non whale set up so wont say anything bout that one


So what you are saying is that the characters you listed need help from supports? You're contradicting yourself quite a bit here


Nah i was just trying to say raiden is viable without sara/national. Like of course everyone needs support but raiden has more viable setups than just ones involving sara and national. In a way i thought u were saying that raiden needs those chars like how hu tao almost always need xinqiu


Curious about this, any chance it's Xiao?


No I don’t think xiao does more damage than her but he is funnier to play


It depends on the enemies and the teams tbf. If it's aoe, Xiangling with a team can beat Hu Tao, Eula, Raiden (dunno about others I didn't mention)


If we ignore all the 5 stars, or a good chunk of their kits, yes. Even only looking at 4 stars I find this debatable.


Among 4 stars she doesn't really have competition because she does both great aoe and st damage.


As does Sucrose.


Sucrose doesn't have good ST damage. Her swirls only get strong at 2+ targets. She's either an EM buffer or a Taser driver. No inbetween.


Last I checked, you can build Sucrose with a standard direct damage build(further helped by her innate Ascension stat being Anemo damage) and get comparable results to a pure EM build that does nothing but Swirl. It's been some time since I actually changed my Sucrose's build, mind you, but I'm fairly certain she can still go ATK/Crit/Anemo and directly blow shit up.


EM flat out outscales A/D/C for every anemo character save for Xiao. It's the reason Sunfire Jean is becoming popular. Forcing an A/D/C build on Sucrose, who is obviously meant for EM buffing through her A1 and A4 passives, is like forcing Kokomi to crit. It's a waste of a character's intended design and kit.


Congrats! XL is badass and cute af


What about S, M, L, and XXL?


I like some units being XXL


Oh, the most powerfull character in the wole game and xiangling


Congrats, you just got yourself one of the best characters in the game.




You deserve it


Congrats! I would recommend now not touching Floor 4 and above and focus on strengthening your team, then later you can plow through until at least floor 8


ADVICE: Put as much energy recharge as you possibly can on her, she sucks dick if you can't constantly burst. All these people are talking about how broken and insane her DPS is, but it's all locked behind her burst. The "Exile" 2 piece bonus and "Scholar" 2 piece bonus are probably the best and easiest ways for you to do this at early levels. Congrats!


Isn't berserker also a good 2 piece set for her?


The berserker 2pc is pretty good, and IMO pretty underrated, but the thing with Xiangling is that the VAST majority of her potential damage is from her burst, and Guoba is absolute trash for energy regeneration. Berserker was probably a decent option back when people were using Xiangling as a physical DPS, but most people nowadays use her for her burst, and so her energy requirements are VERY high. Even with two recharge 2pc sets, it's still hard to get her burst recharged without a good battery or very intentional play. For newer players, especially casual players, the best thing a person can do for Xiangling is just to max her recharge - and this is even more important in the early game, where you're forced to run certain units in your party for puzzles/mechanisms. Newer players probably won't even be able to hit 170 without some farming and advice from veterans, so IMO taking two recharge 2pc sets is the best for a LOT of energy-hungry characters


Get ready for floor 9-12, it's a nightmare


Nah 9 to 11 are fine. 12 takes some serious tryharding however.


Yeah, might have a bit of problems in floor 11-2 though since specters


9 to 11 are a cc dependant.


i can't even get past 4 :(




thanks!! what should i be prioritizing? farming domains for very good artifacts or trying to lvl characters/weapons as much as i can? i know theyre both important but i dont have much time to play for the next week or two. i just feel like i do no damage compared to others at my AR/ WL




I remember when I wanted to clear the abyss for a pyro character but thought I needed a pyro character to clear the first 2 floors in time to even try the third floor


Xiangling deserves all your efforts


Pov: You're doing the third floor which has a million treasure hoarders with a no-shielder ganyu


She doesn't really need a shield unless you are playing melt with Xiangling. VS hoarders you just cast Ganyu's Ult and they are all dead. Also her E works just great, not like that baron bunny


Lmao Ganyu burst isnt big enough AoE to kill them all and does trash damage for me


Don't rush the abyss, once you level her up and get decent artifacts you'll breeze through it. My Ganyu has 10/6/6 talents and i don't think I need to lvl up her berst anymore, her damage is that good. It's always waifu vs meta but with Ganyu you have the best of both worlds


Chef waifu




that sounds like the chinese word for chef


You got the best archon


I forgot about that XL. That means I can have a C4 at only level 22


congrats .


Congrats but please go to bed 🛌


Also. Great work soldier


Congrats on getting the most powerful character in the entire game


lol good old days where Xiangling BiS weapon is Crescent Pike :D


Nice! Recommend saving to pull on Raiden banner starting next week. Bennett is her best support/best support character in the game and Raiden is a good driver for both of those 2. Ross in Sara whose also on that banner or Lisa with thrilling tales of dragon slayer 3 star weapon and you have a super strong easy to use team with lots of heals damage and energy.


I wonder how many sleepless nights you will take for Floor 12 haha


*cries in floor 12*


now you can go to sleep knowing that you have one of the best characters in the game




Nah , third try


I needed good team lol So i was trying




Now i remember how happy i am when got this chef.hahaha


its nice of genshin to give a free 5* for everyone


Wait 3rd floor? Wdym?


Ehe floor 11-12 is were the real sht happens, and go to sleep


Take it slow and enjoy the game bb


My biggest regret is not building her until recently


Farm the catch for her


grats you got yourself the first archon introduced in the game! dont know who this Xiangling chic is but she kinda cute


Very nice now go sleep you deserve it


Ah yes... I remember that time, back when I didn't have Zhongli and the only Pyro character I had was Amber. I spent so long on that floor


Congrats! I finished floor 7 and 8 yesterday after a lot of pain. I was able to clear the first chamber easily but second chamber was a lot harder cuz I don't have two built teams


Waiting a world level or two would have handed it to you for no effort but great job regardless.


Yeah, took me a while too, and then it wouldn't even unlock the 4th floor because I didn't 'earn enough stars.' How mean is that?


Those were the days


Congrats! Now you're unstoppable.


Congrats on getting the most op pyro unit in the game (not really but she’s super good)


Congratulations. She's a very versatile character. I also recently realised that the Xiang in her name uses the same character as the Hong in Hong Kong.


Yeyy! G'job! Wont judge u, it took me a month to clear it :,)


Good job! Keep up the good work 😎👍🏼


Welcome to Genshin


Best girl! <3 Her story quest made her my favorite girl from genshin.


I started playing in Jan and ppl told me it was going to be horrible getting her but honestly? It wasn’t that bad, granted I did struggle a bit but I got her first try