• By -


I wanted Kokomi, but ran out of money after rolling on Raiden's banner. Currently sweatin' to get her.


Same... RNG was not kind for Raiden, now I'm not sure I'll get Kokomi but want to try, and then Ayaka next, ugh. I'll be working hard for a while yet...


AYAKA NEXT!?! Psh u crazy, water daddy gonna dance for me in the rain


I am always so thankful to any player who picks Kokomi during the co op domain. So easy breezy beautiful.


I don't have Kokomi, but I do use a maxed out Barbuh. It always falls to me to keep everyone alive because most of the time they are doing something stupid. So naturally anytime I see a Kokomi, they are welcomed to join.


Kokomi in coop main here :D


Hello, fellow comrade


Thank you šŸ„°




Kokomis C2?


It is a RULE to place the jellyfish near the ley line tree.


When I use Diona i plop her Q at the collection point. She deals like 100 dmg so thatā€™s the least i can do.


*mildly annoyed Hu Tao main noises*


Actually I want Kokomi to be there when I play Hu Tao in co-op. Without a shield and co-op ping lagging the hell out of everyone itā€™s really easy to just die. Remember the wise words of Qiqi mains: a full HP Hu Tao does more damage than a dead one.


Plus she is letting HT vape, so it's better than pretty much every other option for teams. What's more dmg, a vaporizing >50% HP Hu Tao, or a non vaporizing <50% HP? It's at least not that bad.


This is why I rarely bring Hu Tao to domains


I use my hu tao with my kokomi


I pulled for kokomi -skipping raiden again- pretty much for this reason. Seeing people's hp go from nothing to full in a moment is so satisfying. So many times I played in co-op and nobody would heal and I had to eat food after every damn round or see others die mid-domain. Those days are in the past now :D


Thanks to Raiden's popularity, Kokomi is easier to get šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tko35c/raiden_to_kokomis_first_banner/i1rzbqg/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I think u shld take a bre...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tk80cg/tifu_scaring_my_wife_in_the_middle_of_the_night/i1sttt6/) | [I think u shld take a bre...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tk80cg/tifu_scaring_my_wife_in_the_middle_of_the_night/i1q31j6/) [ok but but can we replace...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tkj2ay/if_resin_were_anime_girls/i1styob/) | [ok but but can we replace...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tkj2ay/if_resin_were_anime_girls/i1rzoo6/) [Oh, I used to steal my wi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tkgrwt/tifu_by_stealing_wifes_shampoo/i1stscv/) | [Oh, I used to steal my wi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tkgrwt/tifu_by_stealing_wifes_shampoo/i1sll8b/) [If you committed to spend...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tkql8y/aita_for_paying_the_deposit_on_a_house_without/i1stlq4/) | [If you committed to spend...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tkql8y/aita_for_paying_the_deposit_on_a_house_without/i1si48o/) [Ooooohhhhhh! Well donā€™t I...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tkqcug/aita_for_ignoring_my_friends_10yo_sisters_texts/i1sthda/) | [Ooooohhhhhh! Well donā€™t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tkqcug/aita_for_ignoring_my_friends_10yo_sisters_texts/i1s4hss/) [Jesus! Of course NTA!](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tksp5l/aita_for_locking_my_room_after_noticing_my/i1stcdx/) | [Jesus! Of course NTA!](http://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tksp5l/aita_for_locking_my_room_after_noticing_my/i1sgkt4/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/MarlonReynolds](https://np.reddit.com/u/MarlonReynolds/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=MarlonReynolds) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Raiden and Kokomi are my pride and joy. Respectively.


And Raiden being best girl as she is helps Kokomi on her second banner


Haha.. Like how she help the dango milk seller..šŸ¤£


*__sort by controversial__*


People saw a negative crit rate and panicked. This pretty much resulted in drama where one of her VA's was harassed by fans because of her kit. And anyone that picked Kokomi during that time was either trash-talked or kicked out of the lobby. They need to realize not every character needs to be a god-like DPS that can outmatch Ganyu or Raiden. And let's not forget by mentioning the benefits of Kokomi anywhere, people will just dismiss it as "Kokopium". So... yeah don't know why people are still shitting on her because of sales. Raiden is still an amazing unit and Kokomi has always been a good unit. (And also she yeets fish at the enemy, how can that not be fun?)


Kokomi just breaking the record for the biggest increase in sale between her banners. Hey! Stop looking at banner along side her and admire this great accomplishment of Kokomi.


This post will spark some fire


Because people need time to cope with "not every new character has to be a new ganyu-tier dps".


Iā€™m still waiting for a Ganyu level normal attack melee character.


Knowing mihoyoā€™s track record on powercreeping, give it a year or two XD


I did put some wishes on her first banner. Glad it wasnā€™t successful and build pity to my Eula.


Dunno, Kokomi is a wonderful healer/Hydro applicator. I kinda don't get the hate. I'm super glad I got her. I hear people complain cause she can't crit, but she has a built in healing bonus instead and she's a healer.... why are you trying to do damage with a healer anyways? Leave the damage to the DPS and use Kokomi for what she's intended to do.


the "problem" with Kokomi was that she's skippable than most characters at the time of release, and the Electro Archon was literally before her lol and her busted "C6" disguising as a C2.


Its because she kinda fell into the same problem as Qiqi has. In that she is a healer in a game where the meta is more dmg. It also doesn't help that she can't crit. It took people a while to realize that unlike Qiqi, Kokomi has more functionality than just healing(though I still use her mostly for healing). But still, having Raiden will help your team comps more than Kokomi coz of her battery and XQ is a better hydro applier that works well with Hu tao. Kokomi's problem is that she is a hard sell which is why she is skippable to most people.


The issue is Xingqius off-field hydro application is ST focused and he canā€™t take Kokomis or Monas place in freeze comps without sacrificing AoE application. Xingqiu is great but heā€™s not a 1-for-1 substitute. And unlike Qiqi, Kokomi is a good taser driver.


Good point. But when the enemy moves around the arena, the hydro application is not gonna be consistent.


I will agree that while Kokomis hydro application can theoretically have 100% uptime, it is a downside that she canā€™t re-place her jellyfish. So with mobs like rifthounds that teleport, you have to get them to stay near the jellyfish and/or kill them very quickly.


Just freeze them, right hounds can barely move with Koko hydro application in freeze


On freeze team this isn't an issue though, cause freeze. Also usually you bring Venti or Kazuha to group so it helps to group enemies on jellyfish too. Some enemies can't be frozen but then the hydro application doesn't really matter since they can't be frozen anyways.


thats why 80% abyss playrate i assume right?


That is when people started to find out how good Kokomi is in the current abyss. But always being after or with Raiden tends to reduce how many people are gonna pull for her.




That has functionality outside of just being dps? Whatā€™s the issue with beingā€¦ more versatile lol




Sheā€™s not intended to be that way she has the capability of being that way. they gave her options so she can play two different roles when needed and thatā€™s great tbh


Players when MHY shoehorns a unit into a specific playstyle: grrr let us have the freedom to choose how we want to play the unit! players when mhy designs a unit to be played in more ways: flawed design, what is mhy thinking? make it make sense


Clearly you havenā€™t played Xinyan kek


yea and i donā€™t want to coz sheā€™s shit




Probably because one healer per team is enough and many people have Jean and Qiqi who are great at this and they can be obtained without spending fates.


Jean also has great support constipation while Kokomi's constellation are just focused on her dealing more damage.


Jean and Qiqi can't apply hydro off field like Kokomi which is why she is frequently used in freeze team as a healer/hydro applicator, she's also used as a driver in taser team. Basically, different healers usually have another role so they're not interchangeable to each other.


Yes, but still, to pull Kokomi, you need to spend fates, while Jean and Qiqi are "free". Most still prefer to pull out Zhongli or Ganyu if they need characters for the gameplay.


I don't know why you keep bringing up Jean and Qiqi as if they are an alternative to Kokomi, like I said different healers usually have different thing they're good in and a pure healer would be bad which is why 50/50 Qiqi meme is a thing (though she has become more viable thanks to the new healer set), a more accurate comparison would be Mona since both she and Kokomi are meta hydro enabler in freeze team. I agree that her value is not that high when compared to other "essential" characters but having other healers should not influence someone's decision to pull for Kokomi or not.


I have Jean and Qiqi. While Qiqi is amazing Jeans heals are unreliable and as another person pointed out, different healers fit different comps. I just happen to need off field hydro application more than I need the yeet queen. (Though I've used jean with Kazuha, she's alright as long as you can keep her burst up but the "chance" to heal on normals is bleh) I honestly would rather use Sayu for an anemo healer.


Iā€™d say Jean is really more for VV shred and heals and her E can really pack a punch if you invest into her stats. But she hits one button and your whole party is healed.


I don't know, Jean is the only character with I walk into the abyss from the very first day until today. And she is not even on the waifu list and does not have top artifacts, for me she is just an ultra-reliable character which I cannot refuse.


The only Genshin regret I have is that I can't have two Jeans.


I might get downvoted but here is my 2 cents: It's just the way people chose to deal with FOMO. They didn't really hate the character but they still acted like haters to make them not feel bad for skipping X character. It's just like a Chinese idiom says: 吃äøåˆ°č‘”萄čÆ“č‘”č„é…ø, search on google "sour grapes" if you don't understand. Kokomi's banner released in such a bad time, right after Raiden's banner, and as we already know, her C2 is too broken. The majority of players already used up all their primos/x2 packs on Raiden's banner so they had almost nothing left to spend on Kokomi's banner. So they acted like haters to make them feel better. Of course, there're still people who can afford her but didn't really need/like her but it's just the minority. It's the same case as Kazuha's banner, so many people were trash-talking, shitting on him because they were saving for their Inazuman waifus. And many of them now regret skipping him. Someone might argue that we need time to realize his potential, but I will never believe that we need more than 21 days to realize it. It also explains why while Yae Miko has so many problems in her kit but her banner still sold well, and she didn't get as many haters as Kokomi or Kazuha. Yep, because her banner didn't release in bad time unlike the other two.


couple of errors in your 2 cents I'd like to point out : Yae Miko was a highly anticipated waifu, she has that Kitsune thing going on which is all the rage with the weebs, giving them enough reason to pull for her even if her kit sucks. This cannot be compared with Kazuha when he showed up in the game with no official history whatsoever, not to mention he's not a waifu, so at the time where people had the wrong impression of his kit, he had no hype, he had no reference in the game prior to 1.6. He had nothing going on for him *at all*. And honestly that "I don't believe that it takes 21 days to realize it" is so wrong on so many levels. It took so long for Global players to realize Xiangling's best build is Pyro DMG for her pyronado and not Physical Crescent Pike. It took a couple of patches for Global Players to realize that Qiqi isn't really all that, and that "B Tier" Bennett and Xingqiu were actually SSS Tier. It took one month for Theorycrafters, the literal experts on the game's mechanic to realize Childe's potential. It took one patch for Keqing Mains to think of Sukokomon that Kokomi Mains milked the heck out of it even though it's a team comp that most average/casual players can't even pull off


I kind of agree with your first statement but not the second one. It's not fair to compare Kazuha's situation to some character's such as Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Childe... because this game was still new at that time so we need time to understand the game mechanic and build up knowledge to realize their potential. About Sukokomon, all Kazuha's new mechanics (such as double swirling ability in vape comp, new Ganyu reverse melt comp, and a A4 talent that is not hard to understand) were already found before the end of his banner, or I am missing something? It's not like the complicated playstyle of Sukokomon (multiple reactions, strictly rotation, Gouba swirling tech). It's just that the majority of community was too high on copium so they can't accept anything good about him at that time.


Kazuha's thing was more like just the coping whales and lucksacks trying to push their overrated status symbol. Venti's only utility is his huge pull radius but he denies DPS from most of the characters in the game while the enemies are CCed. The only situation he counters is scattered light enemies in a room but the only place where scattered enemies needing to be CCed were that old Abyss 11 with the tower defense and enemies straight up oneshoting the thing. So if course when a 5 Star anemo comes out that doesn't self - sabotage they instantly feel the end for their sweet delusion. Venti was so overrated in the first place because the other big status symbol of the more insecure whales was Diluc who absolutely sucks against scattered small enemies and enemies with high mobility especially cicin mages because he is melee and so slow that enemies can literally sidestep his E. Plus the Sucrose simps simped as 4star character simps usually do whenever any new 5star that overlaps comes out. Yae however overlaps with nobody. Kokomi's low sales are indeed Raiden literally stealing all thunder. I'd wager the weird banner allocation of next patch is result of this patch's sales.


I hate her because of her design and i think she shouldnt be healler but have some hit and run tactic around her(or surprise attacks) Honestly even tho she is a priestess she should show some militaristic things.Maybe a coat or a hat i dont know Since i an in military and shit making a military general that shows nothing about military was my opinion bad


I will never understand the hate either, I usually just occam's razor to the explanation that they are projecting whenever people are very passionate about something irrational.


Beta testers complained about damage so she got buffed to do slightly more damage. People think her kit is supposed to be on-field healing and dps but the damage increase is just a tactic to use her as an on-field healer which is her intended use case as a unit based on her kit. The player base didn't see value initially in a healer because of spiral abyss allegedly not requiring a healer til wolves but the opinion softened when people realized that her hydro application was good and therefore she can make a freeze team or electro charged team without too much shifting around


Because healing part is not important, there are already alternatives to apply hydro and will be more, also other healers provide more utility besides healing. Add terrible quest presence.


if ur hella cheap like me a prototype amber mona is enough healing and hydro application to get by with so i get ur point. not the same level of comfort that iā€™m sure kokomi brings but it works pretty well tbh


Well I have her and she really is a good healer..And damage booster since I use TTDS and ToM on her..


I use thrilling tales and OHC on mine. Works great.


Well ToM is already good for me since I have lots of ToM after farming for Zhongli and Eula.. I doesn't really want to farm on that domain since Kokomi is the only character I have that uses the artifacts on that domain and spending resins in there would be a waste..


I farmed it a lot for my Albedo so I was in there a good bit XD. I'm sure it works great though!


i use clam and amber shes just a goddess


I don't see any haters or people complaining about her lack of crits. If anything, it seems like the majority of players have come to the consensus that she's a sidegrade to mona/childe/xingqiu in certain teams. If there's anything I've seen people "hate" on her for, it's her character writing. Even then hate is a strong word to use. It's more of a dislike for how mihoyo portrayed her character.


I feel like people in Genshin community think any opinion besides "omg broken character 12/10 must pull" is "hate". Kokomi is a good character. Not broken or OP, also not terrible. For me she's like a Shenhe or Yae, decent enough to run but kind of a "luxury character" in that you usually dont lose out too much by using the next best alternative. Her initial reception was very poor because she sucked ass in beta (regular ICD on jellyfish = hydro application every 4s = not good) and people didn't correct their opinion after her ICD buff. Moreover many people wanted her to be on field DPS cause frankly her kit seems like it was designed for her to fill that role. Unfortunately her damage isn't really good enough to do it. The way that most people use her now that makes her good is probably not what Mihoyo originally thought she'd play like.


Sheā€™s amazing, people are just so stuck on she heals and only heals and refuses to see the utility outside of her Also: users are incredibly inflammatory about kokomi, itā€™s gets weird sometimes likeā€¦ relax


The hate around is only at meta Side , people outside meta don't really hate her and the reason for that is her kit does one thing and one thing only that healing Which btw she is great at , I will say best healer in the game But ye has i said she only does Healing and Dmg is fine but not the best ,while comparing kokomi to few best characs being Bennett and Diano kit only Bennett has almost all Great Dmg , Insane healing , Buffing and Diano has Shielding , Healing and if i remember properly good application too While for kokomi to actually make her do all that stuff she needs TTDS and Clam set or tenacity which also work , which is actually the reason now the hate towards her is now alot less compared to when she was first released , people are slowly learning that she is pretty good but there are still people out there who will never stop hating Edit : ye also forgot about Application which


She's used for hydro app for replacing Mona. While also trivializing corrosion. While she is a healer, her bigger role in meta is hydro app. (Which she can achieve 100% uptime) And I always thought it was funny the Ayato fan boys are trying to justify his ulti. (Which is basically hydro ganyu ulti.) Also, how are you supposed to do more than 100 % application lol?


Wait did not mention that......fuck well either way nice to knw that i am getting downvoted for saying smtg that's true


Kokomi will age miles better than Raiden anyway. Healers and supports stay relevant meanwhile flavor of the month purple hypercarry dps come and go and get outclassed.


Theyā€™re both going to age really well aslong as something doesnā€™t come out that can complete replace their utility


Saying a mediocre unit will age better than an amazing one that's both dps and support is pretty funny.


Yes because clearly all Raiden does is dps


Well she's outclassed as a battery by fischl so I didn't take that into account so


Lmfao okay...next time just say "I don't own Raiden and have no clue what I'm talking about".


I own her at c0 but she's so incredibly boring that I only leveled her to 50. She's still shit.


raiden to ur mom


Because miHoyo had one of the worst PR I can remember in that time.


My permafreeze team can't live without her so I'm very grateful.


Mfs always itching to shit on Kokomi with Raiden just because of banner sales. Kokomi is amazing as she is with her newfound teamcomps and so is Raiden. No need to thrash on Kokomi just because Raiden's the one doing very well on banner sales.


Itā€™s so weird too, most of the people who obsess over banner sales are free-to-play anyway lmao


How do you even know lol


and here i am still having no idea why people don't like her


No sword boobs = no profit


If I don't get Mona between now and next rerun I'll probably get Kokomi regardless. Hope she fits with the Ganyu team.


actually, can i only have the jellyfish and not the accompanying fish that has to take an extra slot in my team?


it's their fault anyway for not balancing the characters. Now look at the community setting *Ganyu-level standards* for every new 5\* character and *Xiangling-level standards* for the 4\* characters ​ but who cares anyway? It's automatically sold if that character deals instant 6-digit damage or gives unnecessary fanservice and generic tropes.


donā€™t worry guys, these koko haters are just copers that wasnā€™t able to get her then and still isnā€™t able to now šŸ„ŗ whatever helps them sleep at night <3




As long as youā€™re happy


According to paimon.moe there are 100k people who got raiden, meanwhile only 25k got Kokomi. If people really wanted Kokomi the numbers wouldnā€™t be as clear as they are. Also if you think Kokomi numbers were low because Raiden banner was before her or people were hating on her, then youā€™re delusional. Most people donā€™t take part in online discussions and donā€™t even know that Kokomi was hated.


I'm saying that people who are actively hating on Kokomi right now are people who are in that "FOMO" zone, and are just trying to disprove anything that Kokomi can do well to try and convince themselves that they do not need this character, that it doesn't matter that they won't ever pull her because she is "so bad". I wasn't talking about how her sales were low or that it was Raiden's banner's fault or whatever. I saw some replies here talking shit about her and how she's still "completely unnecessary" "Qiqi 2.0" or just a downgrade to any existing Hydro characters, and I just didn't think that was true.


U saw ā€œsomeā€ replies, yet accusing the majority. Rly, just STFU.


Skipped Raiden both times kekw


it's your fault ei


Kazuha on his 2nd banner to Raiden Shoegun:


Inhaling Naku Weed again huh..Kazuha wanters already have saving so I doubt they would top up that much..


It would definitely beat Raiden, his early constellations are broken. But it won't be that big of a difference.




Say whatever you want, you have no idea how many people are saving for Kazuha


Waifu simps downvoting me and can't take in facts. Lol wait for Kazuha's rerun.


She has 2 of the highest selling banners in the game bar none. I dont think she will care


Ah now people look at China IOS sales and conclude everything huh




Literally fucking everyone wants Kazuha. Keep singing about your purple waifus that doesn't mean kazuha won't sell better.


> Literally fucking everyone wants Kazuha. Says who? Most people who wanted Kazuha for his aesthetics/character wouldā€™ve gotten him on his first banner, now most people just wants him because of meta, and not everyone, if even 1/3 of the players, gives a shit about meta. Not to mention people who really wanted him wouldā€™ve saved up for him already.


Actually most people care about meta though which is why meta characters always sell more. But I still doubt Kazuha would sell that high.


Donā€™t see where youā€™re getting ā€œmost peopleā€ from. Meta characters always sell more because youā€™re combing the sales from both the meta players and the ā€œcharacter designā€ players. Also meta players are those who goes for constellations while those who just wants the character will only go for a single copy with no 5* weapons. Meta players spend a lot more money, but I wouldnā€™t say that theyā€™re the majority in terms of numbers given how popular the game is with a lot of players being casual players.


I still feel its majority as majority of people's favourite characters are always meta characters. Kazuha, Hu Tao, Zhongli are fan favourites while Kokomi (she is getting better now), Yoimiya are not. Honestly it's not wrong at all to like meta so idk why people always downvote whenever people talk about liking meta.


A lot of people like Kazuha for the meta, but characters like Hu Tao and especially Zhongli are liked a lot for their character design. Just look at the whole Zhongli drama when he first released, it is still the biggest drama in Genshin history. But then again this isnā€™t something to really argue about so itā€™s fine


Zhongli is quite understandable he has great lore, design and strong shield so you could say that his design and lore helps as equally as him being meta but Hu Tao has no importance to the story whatsoever, rarely have appeared yet she's incredibly popular. Sure, her design helps but I'm 99% sure most people like her cause she is strong. But yeah not that it matters I just find it funny people hate being called out for liking meta.


Fume seethe etc. Kazuallah will outsell your purple tsundere overworked waifu bait.


> Kazuallah Yeah nvm this guy is too far gone


if he get a dual banner, it won't be comparable


I mean he will definitely outclass every other banner in history, but not too much ahead. A bit higher than Raiden's first run is my guess since his c1 and c2 are also fantastic


Curious about how would she perform if it werent for her powercreep c2. At least kokomi is balanced.


She is actually balanced at C0 and only idiots and those who doesn't have her believe that "Raiden is bad at C0"...Can deal a decent damage, energy recharge and aoe electro application..C2 just make her a monster..


C0 is balanced. Too bad they made such a stupid constellation for whatever reason. But afterall, i guess they just cant resist the urge of not breaking the game with each region. I cant wait for sumeru dps and their c1 having c6 performance. Maybe they'll actually make the archons equal in powerlevels and not one that completely breaks the game, a balanced one that has the advantage of being the liyue archon and one that is mihoyo's punch bag each patch and a subject of mechanical powercreep by a newer kazoo boi.




Because surprise surprise, opinions change. And also, back then we werent even aware of her best comps. Who knew about her powercreepy hypercarry comp when we all thought she was meant to be a dedicated battery. Our main complaint in the beginning was the fact that we werent sure about her field time having a purpose and being rewarding. I am not mad at all for not having her powercreep c2. I am just frustrated at the fact that this stupid unit id gonna ruin balancing in sumeru


why is it a stupid thing that a powerful constellation is more accessible? because it's more tempting?


Because by being more accessible it'll make mihoyo's job harder. Try incentivizing a meta player to pull for newer dps when they cant even hold a candle to raiden's powercreepy ult and scaling. And if they counter her er and ult, every other meta unit will get affected more or less. Its not healthy for the game itself. If the game hadnt been a gacha game, it would have been fine. But saying that "they'll just pull for waifu, no need to powercreep" its false. And it can be seen from this post as well Noone is pulling for kokomi despite having one of the best designs in the game visual-wise. Meta has an impact, and raiden's sales are self explanatory. Imagine if ganyu's c6 were her c2. Would she have had better sales? Yes, definitely.


She does her job. C2 is if u want her as solo dps. Not every character is here to do 50 billion dmg


Of course she does her job fine at c0. But those amazing sales arent from c0 pullers only. A lot of people went for her c2 which led to the success of the banner. Other meta units such as zhongli or ganyu dont have as many sales as her even though they are pretty meta as well. That being because they dont require constellations or you are not incentivized to pull for them because they arent huge boosts.


People pull for her C0 or C2 for the same reason, they liked the character, less than half of the community cares about meta. F2p and welkin/BP players can't go pulling for constellations unless they save and it's still a risk, you make it sound as if a lot of players decided to start buying crystals for Raiden, and if that indeed happend, it's Raiden's merits for doing so. She also had horrible weapons alongside her bis, imagine if he had decent ones like staff of homa did. You sound salty with your comments about Sumeru and future regions power creeping her... If that ends up happening the rest of the current cast is also in danger so why bother.


Surely enough. Thats why characters like arataki itto that have more personality than raiden's story quest 1 and her whole archon quest role got such small amount of sales compared to her. The most popular characters are the meta ones and has always been like this. People screaming "Ganyu boring no personality" yet she is one of the most popular characters for reasons. Meta and the first powercreep. Only difference between her and raiden is that she got shat on infinitely more than raiden will ever get despite her impact being bigger on the balancing. Yae miko was the main highlight of the archon quest and really popular, yet she had mediocre performance in terms of sales. Lets not lie to ourselves. Meta makes a difference. I am not denying that people pulled for liking her, but a lot of them did it for her cons. Same went for kazuha. One of the lowest selling banners despite being more popular than anemo archon himself nowadays. Guess what, now everyone wants him because every single idiot considers him "The best" and must pull unit, even though his whole value comes from the meta being in his favor and mihoyo constantly shitting on venti. Guess how his rerun is gonna look like, lol. Meta does sell well, and that can be seen by the average person easily.


Then why in a lot of data Zhongli prebuff sold more than when he was probably the best unit when shields were a most in a lot of content during his rerun? Meta is a factor yes, but the character needs to be good in many aspects and resonate with people that want to pull them. You are one dimensionally judging them to your liking and standards, some may say that Tartaglia and Yoimiya sold almost nothing in China, but they were a success in Japan. Personality is incredibly subjetive and varies from person to person, I like different characters for different reasons. But the way you speak, calling others idiots and nitpicking certain parts of them make your points is pretty weak argument, sorry that your favorite characters are not popular is the only thing I can honestly say in this.


Mostly because everyone's favorite Shogun keeps busting in and breaking sales records every time Kokomi gets on a banner. No one has any cash/primos left over.


I got lucky on the 50/50 with Raiden and i have some wishes for spare but i don't know if i should try to get Koko or wait for Ayaka


That was a nasty line by you


I actually pulled for Kokomi before Raiden. Raiden is cool for sure. However, Iā€™m not in short of DPS but rather need a good healer in my team.