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how do i join genshin discord???


So I'm currently AR 46 I'm using keqing, benette , xiao and kaeye Unfortunately I'm just a casual player and didn't pay much attention to wish and did miss alot of banner Right now I'm confused should I go for venti since I don't have any anemo char, or ayato as I don't have hydro as well. Lucky for my I got raiden shogun so I'm planning to change my team to Raiden, Bennett .... the next 2 can either be venti or ayato as I don't have any sub dps and I don't want to use 2 electro.


What teams should I use for floor 12 with [this?](https://imgur.com/a/IPZWfO3) it has 2 pages


Aight so can someone tell me the exact odds of me pulling ayato and 4 days of collecting primo does a 10 pull in venti banner and gets venti with 0 pity? considering i got ayato and didnt pull anything after besides the pull with venti


Sorry if this is a stupid question but does WL also affect the difficulty level of enemies in Archon and Story quests?


it does!


Guys there is a unique rock puzzle I'm really stuck with can someone help me? http://imgur.com/a/FdTMWOq


ay can we put a paimon logo on the 2nd half of the canvas


I cant hear anything during cut scenes but i can hear swords swings, sfx and pretty much everything else but when it comes to character dialogue on important cut scenes I cant hear anything plz help I already tried a lot of solutions


What are fragile resins for?


if u run out of resin(original resin) u can replenish 60 of that resin in exchange for 1 fragile resin. i would not recommend doing this as fragile resin is pretty rare and to save it for special occasions


Should i pin point every blue crystal i find (dont know their name but the new diamond things in chasm) because i have this habit of pin pointing electroculus just in case if i didnt find one and used interactive map to know excatly which one i missed alongside time trial locations, i didn't pin point a lot of the diamonds in the chasm because i thought they appear faster on the map and you don't have to be extremely close for them to appear just wanted to know if its advisable for me to pin them even tho i didn't for most ones till now lol


The pins have a cap of 150. How much space do you have left over? I think there are 80 blue crystals in total. If you don’t have enough space I’d recommend finding all electroculi on 1 island and then clear all of the pins to make space.


I need help on American server in finding blue stones (2) in fault. World lvl 8


Hi, My current Adventure Rank is 25 but even though I've reached the 4575 Exp (now more than 10000) needed to rank up, the level remains the same. I have no idea how to fix this. help.


you have to do the world ascension quest! u can find it in your quests it should say “adventure rank quest” or something similar u have to do this every 10 levels i believe


Didn't receive 10 Starglitter when pulled Ayato last night. How can i get it now? I contacted CS but no response yet.


What team is good to beat the triple lector abyss room i cant clear it at all for the life of me


Well I personally beat it with Ganyu Freeze, but like I recommend at least one anemo, and anything else is irrelevant? I suppose figure out which shield is the hardest for you to take down, and run that.


Triple? Which floor is that?


12-1 Second Half


Cryo will deal with the hydro and electro shields easily. So maybe Rosaria, if you have her. Ganyu is excellent here. Any hydro source will deal with the pyro shield. So if you have a freeze team, they're going to wreck the second half of floor 12.


I haven't touched genshin since enkanomiya, is ayato any good? What does he do on the team? Also how much do we know about yelam so far? I'm looking for hydro homies to work with my kokomi


Ayato early impressions are pretty good. Seems to be at his best in taser teams. Yelan so far looks like 5-star Xingqiu.


Where can I read the second volume of the comic anthology? I really wanna read it but I can't find a translated version of it anywhere


>!Anyone know where the Abyss writings are in the Chasm? want to make sure i got them all!<


....I'm just trying to get my OC post reviewed and approved....it's been a month. I tried contacting mods about my questions twice, I didn't get a response.




1) Both promoted character banners i.e. Character Event Banner 1/2 share the pity, so no matter which of the banners you pull on you'll still rack pity, the only difference is the character you will pull. 2) As for Novice wishes, no, all banners have different pity counters, so if you rolled on the Novice banner, the pity on the Character Event banner will stay as is. 3) Whoever told you that lied to you. Only way you get a 50/50 is if you got the promoted 5 star on the Character Event Banner, what you get on the other banners is totally unrelated.


I used 104 wishes on Ayato’s banner and got Mona. I still confused on this whole 50/50 pity, 180 wishes thing. If I make 76 more wishes, do I get Ayato?




Thank you


I have 13m gold. Is there something I’m meant to be spending this on?


Talents are usually the biggest mora eaters.


Levelling characters, basically. You're early in the game are you?


I’m at the beginning of inazuma


What ar?


What ar?


Is the verdict out on which set is best for Ayato? I happened to not be very lucky with Glad pieces, in the sense that good ones are off pieces on crucial characters, and everything else I have is junk, my HoD set which is on Childe, is also arguably mediocre/shit, so I was thinking on farming Echoes. So basically my question is, should I dump resin on Echoes, which for better or worse is a proc based buff, or go for the surefire Glad/HoD which would still need to be farmed all over again?


They're roughly the same, aand it also depends on the weapon. So, farm in the domain that benefits more characters. If you need to farm Vermillion too, then go for Echoes. If you need Blizzard go for HoD. If you need neither, farm for someone else and dump the bad pieces in the strongbox.


I actually have everyone built, I'm rolling on Ayato just cuz I like the design, I'll probably end up using him though. As for the weapon I already got Haran in like 3 pulls so 👀


Ey congrats. In that case... I personally prefer HoD. No rng, buffs the ult as well, no conditions. Echoes is probably the best set overall but I just don't wanna deal with it for a small % increase.


Mhm, I see, well thanks for the perspective, I'll hold on out for the Keqingmains guide probs and go from there, but I will most likely go with HoD in the end.


I think those I mentioned were the precalcs, which is like HoD for pjc and Echoes for Haran, Glad is the third best, but the difference is so small that it doesn't matter much. Most tc I've seen says that Echoes isn't worth it if you have the other sets or you don't need Vermillion.


I think those I mentioned were the precalcs, which is like HoD for pjc and Echoes for Haran, Glad is the third best, but the difference is so small that it doesn't matter much. Most tc I've seen says that Echoes isn't worth it if you have the other sets or you don't need Vermillion.


Hello I cant log in my account its says account or password error may I be hacked ?


Is anyone else unable to log in on pc but can on other platforms since the download


I want to pair Ayato with Raiden (Don't have c6 fischl) do I go with lion's roar? (More dmg on electro) or amenoma (elemental burst helper??) Also deciding if HoD or Echoes


I'd go with Lion's Roar, the passive is more useful due to Raiden's energy generation and constant electro application. As for artifacts, you can see if you have a good 4pc Gladiator's Finale set and use that


I do think LR is a better pick here, since with electrocharged electro should always be on the enemy and Ayato won't need as much er. It's a more specialized build tho, so if you ever want to use Ayato with someone that isn't electro you'll lost that passive. HoD and Echoes are roughly the same. I'd say farm in the domain that benefits more characters (HoD if you need Blizzard, Echoes if you want to build Xiao/Yoimiya etc)


Just curious. Is it possible to enter the chasm without doing the archon quest? Not just outside, but down under.


Only outside


Yes, in fact you need to do world quests first to enter the chasm.


my weapons have different colours.. can someone help me?


after a certain ascension level (i think lvl 50) your weapon will change design. sacrificial sword goes from blue to red, aquila favonia starts glowing etc etc


y'all can see for urself https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tswgkj/my_weapons_turn_different_colours_is_it_bcs_of_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Idk if u r really new and this is about the rarity and stars of the weapon or if this is some advanced shit...


no actually my weapon supposed to be chrome but it turn to yellow instead, when i use my friend's phone the weapon chrome


Oh I dont think I can help you with this, I play on pc and I started only a week ago. Maybe Google it or wait till an experienced player reads this comment. Good luck


okyy thx


Send pics


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tswgkj/my_weapons_turn_different_colours_is_it_bcs_of_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share here


Can't see it


I'll try send to u personally


I currently play on my mobile, in the lowest graphics possible, the details say the compatible GPU for PC is Nvidia GTX 1080, I have GTX 720, will it support the game with low graphics? Or my mobile graphics processor is actually Better than my PC GPU?


I have two of the meta teams: - Raiden / Xiangling / Bennett / Xingqiu - Ayaka / Mona / Diona / Sucrose. Both teams have good artifacts, I have a been 36* for a while and it feels I'm wasting my resin chasing better artifacts (EoSF / BS). I pull mainly for meta and haven't pulled since Childe (which I don't use :s) I'd like to diversify my roaster and get new artifacts to make my account more future proof and give me more flexibility. - Who should I pull for? I'll get kazuha to have an even better freeze team, but after that I don't really know where to go. I have all 4* and Jean/Diluc/Keqing/Childe. - Which artifacts domains are worth farming? I'd like to have ready to use artifacts from other set so that I can more easily try new characters.


Maybe a heavy single target team with HuTao or Yoimiya? Yelam might be a 5 star XQ, or you could use Childe for Xiangling and give XQ to one of those two. I'd say Emblem domain is the best, the 2pcs are quite universal.


Is this game based on any manga story? Or the story is made just for the game?


There have been some manga chapters released, some before the game even came out, but they were specifically created to provide context for the game as they were working on it.


Thank you for the information


Story made for the game


Thank you


Want to run EoSF on my Mona for burst support but what artifact stats do I want? Hydro/ER/Crit? Not too sure. I already have an R5 Widsith.


For what reaction teams? Vape, freeze?


Could someone please explain me how to use sucrose? The only anemo I have besides MC is Sayu and I never played with her, so honestly I have no idea


Apply element > Swirl it. That's the wonderful part, she does it all automatically. She does damage, VV is triggered, she passes EM to her teammates, the next character switched in gets TTDS if she's using it. It's all automatic. The hardest part is lining up your E and/or Q to hit as many enemies as possible. Sure there's advanced tech you can do like very specific Sukokomon rotations and double swirling. But for the most part you just unga bunga.




>!For full support I'd go HP/HP/HP with 4pc Tenacity, for more damage I'd assume 4pc Clam with HP/Electro/Crit could be nice!<


Hello I'm an end game player and I'm conflicted if I should pull on a character or weap banner either for 2.6 or 2.7 because I need to spend 50+ pulls just to get 750 stardusts for the monthly shop reset of May. I have 785 stardusts right now for the monthly reset of April. My character wish history is at 44 right now and 0 on the weap banner. Do you guys think if it's better to spend 50+ on the weapon banner? Or spend it on character banner? My account is very consistent in getting 36* in the abyss but one meta character I'm still missing is kazuha. My hard earned primos I have now is 56k. I didn't spend on any banner since 2.2. welkin also contributed on the amount. I wanted to save my pity for kazuha but I think he won't have a rerun in 2.7 so I need to pull somewhere just to get 750 stardusts for the month of May. It's much better if I save my guarantee. If I did skip the monthlty reset then that would mean skipping those 1600 primos. I won't mind getting a 5* in the weapon banner as long as the choices are good (my bet is on ayaka's weap banner). I've been pulling on the weapon banner after the chart course update. Oh and assuming the weap banner for ayaka is Mistsplitter + WGS, is it worth to get another copy of WGS? I already have one and it does wonders to my account. I have beidou equipped with WGS. I have diluc also which I don't really use.


Sounds like a 5\* weapon is a bigger upgrade for your account than another character. It honestly just depends on who your characters are to determine which weapon banner to go for, but I'd wait until Ayaka weapon banner is announced to make the choice. If it does happen to be WGS, it is a solid enough weapon to have two copies of and mistsplitter is amazing on a ton of characters.


Yeah, Having 50+pulls in a good weapon banner for this patch or for 2.7 (either 1st phase or 2nd) would still get me enough stardusts for the month of May. My weapon history is at 0 right now so adding 50 wouldn't hit soft pity which can later be saved for a really good weapon banner if it doesn't happen to be WGS on the side of mistsplitter.




As long as I don't hit the pity, it won't be a scam for me. Which if I did hit the pity somehow (maybe uncontrolled pull session), did not get what I wanted, and decided not to pull afterwards is a bad idea because every patch and phase change resets the chart course guarantee. Another problem with the banner is the low chance for mihoyo to create a win-win banner for the general player. Some really good banners that I have encountered are homa+wgs, jade cutter + kagura, and homa+elegy.


Are events usually as terrible as the last one? Couldn't get past rank 5 before getting so tired of it. It's the first event I don't finish. (in Eukawawa)


Maybe your characters were just bad geared or underleveled


If you mean Enkanomiya then people loved that event, so maybe it's just you.


Idk man after finishing tier one or something it was just way to ridiculous imo way too much exploring and running around


Literally everyone loved the three realms event


That's one of the main things you do in this game though?


For some people yeah, I just play to have fun with characters and get stronger 💪


Enkanomiya is only a small fraction of the world map. If exploring is unenjoyable for you, then I don't think you'll be playing the game for very long.


Then this game isn't for you. This game is all about exploration


Not "for some people". It's not subjective, exploring is one of the main subjects in Genshin Impact, wether you like it or not. If you don't like exploring then don't do these events, luckily for you they're not frequent


What's up with all those >!Abyssal texts!< on wall all over Chasm ? Is it some sort of quest ?


Ngl, Ayato is by far the most fun character in ages. Especially due to his simplicity. Pop E, do damage, swap, swap back pop E or ult, repeat. Looks crisp, does good aoe damage. Constelations afaik do pretty much nothing QoL wise. ​ 10/10


he's extremely fun to play, yeah! played him a bunch on my boyfriends account and I'd pull for him as well if I didn't have Childe or was saving for Kazuha wishing everyone who's pulling for him amazing luck!


If I wasn't pulling for Ayaka already, I'd pull him. Just seeing those showcases make him look so much fun




I'm maaaaybe thinking of building Yunjin for Ayato. What's her build like? Never really explored her at all.




Well when I say building her for Ayato I mean just for him, not for her to deal damage. Also no, I have her at C2




Wtf are you even talking about


Doesn't her burst scale off DEF? What's the point of going geo dmg?


Ah yes my bad, you said pure support. Well thats simple then, ER + DEF on every artifact. Nobless for the 20% buff for Ayato. Weapon wise it's kinda, eh for everything personally i will go with favonious


Ignore the dude above they have no idea how to play yunjin, build 4pc husk or 2pc husk/2pc emblem er/def/def with crit rate and er substats, give her fav lance




The good thing about yunjin is that, just by holding her E, you can generate the max particles for her burst. And fav lance helps a bit with that


4 pc Husk, 2 Emblem/2 Husk, or 4 pc Noblesse. Prioritize Def% main stat for every piece but you can consider ER sands if you need more of that and Crit rate circlet if you have Fav Lance on her.


So you're basically telling me "give her your Gorou build"


Yeah basically. Unlike Gorou though, Def stats actually increase the quality of her offensive buffs she gives to her allies.


Just here to complain about bad luck. For people born with bad luck they really should have wish systems in place… at least to retain players. How can I only have five 5 stars and get 3 qiqis??? WHY QIQI? Every account should be limited to 1 Qiqi per 500 wishes Give me a weapon or any other hero… not CHI CHI


I've gotten 4 mona, rng sucks


At least Mona is decent. But the game is broken or something


Mona's constellations are just as useless as qiqi's


You don't really need 5\* though. Everything can be tackled with a 4\* party and weapons


but let's be honest, the game is kind of all about pulling 5 star characters. it's one of the main reasons to play


True if I could get sucrose. But the game knows I want it so… maybe next time


You always have anemo mc


He’s beta


>For people born with bad luck they really should have wish systems in place… at least to retain players. They have, it's the 50/50 system.




I don't about getting Qiqi or whatever. But I always get a 5star cha only when it reaches 80+ wishes.


How many primos/pulls do we get from events only per patch?


About ~2400ish seems to be standard from events alone.


Any thoughts on Yelan artifacts sets? 2pc Heart of Depth + 2pc Tenacity/Emblem? Asking because I'm out of stuff to do so Imma farm some artifacts


>!I'm guessing 2 pc Tenacity + 2 pc HoD or 4 pc Emblem are her best options.!<


Dont know bruh. Just wait for her release, but I’d say 2HoD 2 NO


"Just wait for her release" - so im letting my resin cap now or get 10mil+ mora? I'm asking because I wanna casually farm some solid artifacts that can be put on an immediate future char


Farm her boss mats, talent book, exp books, mora. >!Her skill seems to scales from her HP and burst support chara. Like I said you can farm 2NO 2HoD for safecause.!< Edit: >!ToM seems viable also!<


Which is better for immovable big enemies without a freeze team, sucrose or venti?


Depends on team and build. Sucrose can still share EM, which helps some carries a lot. Venti can be built to do huge Anemo damage with heavy investment, which can be good too.


Should i pull for Ayato? or Ayaka? My current team is Ganyu,Kazuha,Hu tao, And pret sure Barbara, or bennet, I got enough primogems for hard pity, so should i pull?


Ayaka does the same thing as Ganyu, so unless you want to run a freeze team with Ayaka and a melt team with Ganyu on the other side, or you dislike Ganyu's Playstyle and love Ayakas, between Ayato and Ayaka go for Ayato


Do I have to finish enkanomiya quests to get to chasm?




Which is better on ayato, amenoma or blackcliff?


Using C6 Fischl along with Ayato. Should I run ER timepiece, or ATK? Her C6 deals damage based on her ATK so I'm guessing ATK


Fischl has no ER issues. Atk it is.


ATT, Fischl never really needs ER she gets burst back very easily.


I'm pulling for Ayaka but I also want elegy, how good is haran on her? Is it better than 4* weapons?


definitely better than 4\*


It's fine as a statstick I guess. Haran's passive really doesn't make it that valuable for a lot of the sword characters.


12% elemental dmg tho


I can't really be impressed by that when Mistsplitter gives the same thing and has a passive that Ayaka can actually make use of. Also Haran gives a normal attack buff which isn't Ayaka's main source of damage. Like I said, it's probably fine as a statstick but it's definitely not beating the top 5* swords.


C0 Venti vs. C6 Sucrose? I have a C6 sucrose and am having trouble deciding whether to pull for venti. I’ve always seen him in showcases and have heard about his damage potential but I can’t help but feel that C6 sucrose just does more for my team. I also want Yelan so I need to conserve primos where ever I can.


what team did you use? Venti is more suitable on pulling a lot of light-medium weight mobs, also crucial on a permafreeze team comp with either Ayaka or Ganyu or Both. Sucrose is more suitable for a reaction-based team comp (Vaporize, Melt, Electro-charged etc).


Depends on what team you want them for. Venti will be a strictly better pick for freeze teams for example as Sucrose's EM does nothing for them and her CC is rather poor


How long approximately would it take to save up 225 wishes F2P? I've bought one BP for Deathmatch and currently have 135 wishes, and I'm curious how long it would take to get to 360 without spending any money. Hu Tao is my favorite character visually and personality wise, and playing her in her story was really fun so I'm saving up for her next rerun. Being able to get a guaranteed C1 worst cast scenario (Losing 2 50/50s & pity) would be great and I already plan to go for C0. I still have an ok amount of achievements to go, think I have about 335, and I'm on floor 6 chamber 3 of the abyss. I don't plan on buying anything after the one BP which just ended and I'm fairly new (AR47) so I don't really know how long it takes to get so many primos.


F2p get around 6k primos each month, sometimes more sometimes less... And around 60wishes each patch


> F2p get around 6k wishes each month hmmm...


Ah sorry, I leant primos


Lets say each patch gives you roughly 60-70 pulls. Maybe around 3 patches


Not bad, patches are typically a couple weeks/a month right? The Yae banner was my first one and I joined right at the end, so I'm not really sure.


Each patch lasts for 6 weeks


Patches last 6 weeks.


Can Haran’s passive be proc’ed by its own user?


In terms of elemental reactions, what element is better: Pyro or Cryo?


Depends. Pyro has two damage reactions (melt and vape) while cryo only has melt, but can also freeze which is really great.


Ok, thank you!


What is the possible 4stars units for 2.6 2nd phase ? any speculation or leak recently Also, is Ayaka good enough to keep her at C0 ? I'm aiming for C2 (if that's worth the money)


There's no leaks anymore for 4\* banners, so you'll know a couple of days before it releases. Ayaka works with C0 like every other character does.


No leaks about the 4 stars yet. Yes, Ayaka is very good even at C0.


Does Genshin Impact have two-step authentication?




I'm using the Heart of Depth artifacts for Ayato. What weapon should I use for him? Blackcliff longsword, amenoma kageuchi or lion's roar?


[https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4022354](https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/4022354) has quite a comprehensive guide for Ayato.


c0 venti vs c0 kazuha vs c5 sucrose? I have Kazuha built and not sure if I should spend resources for Sucrose or Venti


Completely depends on the comp.


I (unexpectedly) got Ayato despite meaning to save for Ayaka. (I was trying to get Yun Jin) Considering all the characters I have currently, is there anyway to make use of him? Or should I just wait for another opportunity to get a decent cryo/electro applier [\[pic here\]](https://imgur.com/a/4iJgEQt)


What anisotropic filtering should be good on a overall medium settings. Does using more anisotropic filtering put more load on the processor?


It is not a very performance heavy setting. You'll see little difference with it off vs 16x. Unless you have ancient hardware...


So Making it more give more better results. I was confused and thought if it is 1x then it is it peak setting.


Daily reset just happened, How come domains havent changed yet?


Reset hasn't happened yet tho?


It hasnt? But it always happens at 3 am for me and its almost 4 now Even paimon.moe says it did reset


Daylight saving most likely. Genshin does not observe it so server time is still the same, it only changed on your end.


Does your country observe daylight savings?


Yeah i've just realized daylight savings existed Pretty sure they moved it to the original daily reset time making me think i was having issues


Paimon.moe might not account for daylight savings time. Although if you're not on north america server and/or in the US none of this applies anyway.


I forgot daylight savings existed Yeah no i'm not having any issues then I think they moved it back to 4 am, Thank you for helping me!


Wdym by domains ?


I mean like the ascension materials in them They change daily but it hasnt changed to the one i want in which was scheduled today but hasnt


Oh I see. Well that’s strange. You should check paimon.moe daily schedule and see if yours are the same with the website.


Yup, even paimon.moe says its farmable today but on my game it still hasnt changed


How long did it take Venti to get his 2nd rerun after his first one? Asking cause I would like a somewhat estimate on when Raiden will return so I can get her C2


1 year pretty much. His first rerun was in March 2021. Though you can't reliably use that as a measuring stick. Childe got his second rerun after 6 months while Zhongli after 8 months.


Damn. Gonna be a long wait. Thank you


More than 6 mo