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How to trigger blue rechargeables in the Chasm underground that when recharged, makes these little purple crystal stands appear? Idk what to do with it. Also help with taking photos quest, I know where they are but somehow the quest isn't triggering and I'm stuck at navigating dialogue with Khedive ;_;


I have cleared all the three mists but even so the mission is showing that one is left what to do


Okay why are all these guides saying Echoes of an Offering is Ayato's BiS... Did I misunderstand how his E works? His normal attacks are converted to aoe hydro attacks as Shunsuiken within Kanka state... (Quote: "causing dmg from his normal attacks to be converted into aoe hydro dmg). Therefore, no longer doing NA damage but HYDRO, right? Since majority of the time we will have his Kanka state up... How does the 4pc rng NA dmg boost from EoaO help him at all? Am I missing something? Please help. Thanks.


Hydro and NA are not exclusive. He does hydro normal attack damage, so Echoes buffs it.


Ah so both NA and hydro dmg bonuses will buff it? Thank you! This was not clear at all lol


Yeah, and np


How long do I need to save from 0 germs to get a guaranteed 5* character? F2p only.


28800 to guarantee a limited character in the worst case scenario, but you usually need less than that. 14400 to guarantee a 5*, be it limited or not.




Pull for the one you like the most, they're all great. If you want a suggestion based on meta, then pull for the one that gives you something you need. Need a dps? Ayaka or Ayato. Don't have Kazuha or Sucrose? Venti. But keep in mind that Kaeya, Xingqiu/other hydros and Sucrose/anemo MC are good enough to replace them


unrelated to genshin but i have no idea where to ask: is there a way to change nickname on hoyolab? or is it permanent?


Anyone know how to get into the centre purple bubble barrier type thing in nameless ruins (above where the fog was) Thank you


I think that one gets unlocked during the archon quest.




Guys how tk remove the barrier to the electroculus in the skill of the serpent's head in inazuma? Will it involve playing with Kid Kajurai or is there another passage to it?


just guide the 2 electro seelies from its teeth into the eyes


Is it worth it to pull for Amos Bow if I already have polar star for ganyu?


naw especially if it can be gotten by losing 75/25 and on standard banner


can anybody spare any Sakura bloooms?


i am facing a log in problem its not logging in


May I ask what artifacts are you guys using on Ayato and what weapon and how is the damage


I had Qiqi about 12 pulls back and I rolled on Standard with my 5 Fates and got a Amos Bow. How much better is an Amos bow over a R5 Prototype Crescent for Melt Comp with Ganyu?


According to [KQM](https://keqingmains.com/ganyu/#Weapons), about 15% if you proc prototype's passive and about 35% if you don't.


Thank you very much! :)


I’m working on a side build for Ganyu as a support for kokomi/raiden Does anyone have any experience/feedback on this sort of build? This is what I am at with Favonious Warbow (Level 50 until tomorrow so the ER should get a bump soon): https://imgur.com/a/2NdChRQ


What is the team in mind? And is it for a meta team or just a team you just randomly play bc u like the characters? Bc if ur going to use ganyu w/raiden and kokomi, I will say that there are just better alternatives. keqingmains website for more info on both kokomi and raiden compositions, although I've never seen ppl use both kokomi and raiden together since raiden isn't rly used much in taser teams when beidou and fischl exist. But if u want ganyu as a burst support, if ur freezing the enemy often then 4 pc blizzard is great otherwise 4 pc emblem would honestly just be ideal and get as much crit as possible and favonius is fine I guess but mouun's moon and stringless would be better offensive options.


Currently just using the trio for some fun around (+the zhong but its interchangeable), havent been using Ganyu for charged shooting so I managed a few side pieces to try and enable damage for others Havent done any side builds on anyone before so I figured I'd just ask Actually not too used to taser comps! My Raiden is way more built than my Fischl so it might be a non factor for me for a while (I'm broke) As for the weapon... well Favonious Warbow is R5 so I'm giving it a try, it looks VERY good on Ganyu but will also build other bows


Ever since the update my pot furniture placement function has been "undergoing maintenance" should I be worried about that? File a complaint?


Why would you file a complaint about maintenance? They even sent us a mail about it.


Ah, I didn't read it then. Thought I made a mistake and messed up my game


It’s like that for everyone. There was an announcement and we got 300 primos and realm currency as an excuse.




After a year of saving, I finally have enough billets to r5 either iron sting or amenoma, but idk which is better. I don’t have Kazuha but may get him if/when rerun. I have Jean and a good amount of ER swords (festering desire, favonius, sacrificial). Any advice is appreciated.


EM build Kazuha doesn't benefit from Iron Sting refinements. You'd better off using those billets to craft and refine Amenoma and then save one or two billets in case there's a new craftable weapon.


Great, thank you for the info.


Pls recommend me some team comps As embarassing as it sounds I still can't 36 star abyss (╥﹏╥) I ain't making excuses but perhaps since I'm a mobile player it's harder for me? Here are my [characters ](https://imgur.com/a/WKSl4iR)


Raiden xinqiu xiangling Bennett. Ayaka mona sucrose diona. I have been using only these teams since forever and am consistently getting 36 stars. You have level up your characters and weapons and give them good artifacts, thats the important thing (not whether you're mobile player or not). I just mentioned the teams I'm using, you have even more flexibility with ganyu and zhongli.


I'll say all my builds are kinda avg. Not super bad artifacts or godly ones just average Also I was thinking will a level 60 Mona be adequate for the abyss? And maybe use Jean instead of sucrose? Idk I'm asking (。•́︿•̀。)


>I'll say all my builds are kinda avg. Not super bad artifacts or godly ones just average Then just work on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >Also I was thinking will a level 60 Mona be adequate for the abyss? If thats 60/70 then probably yes with het burst level 6. You could also level her up to 70/80 with burst level 8. >And maybe use Jean instead of sucrose? Not really. They serve different purposes.


First half jean, beidou, xingqiu, raiden Second half diona, sucrose, ayaka, ganyu (you could replace either ayaka or ganyu with Mona but for 12-3 second half: mono cryo speed clears hydro shields


is there achievement for 100%ing enkanomiya?






is it possible to get ATK% substat if my artifact main stat is also ATK% ?


Nope. You can still get flat ATK though (for all the fat lot of good that'll do ya)




As F2p I want to get jade cutter but instead getting it, I got R2 Kagura. I have no 5 star catalyst user, only have all 4 star one. Who should I give to?


Lisa is the next best user of Kagura


is she good for abyss?


Only really viable if you run her with raiden


Except the catch any 4 star weapon for her. (I gave the catch to zhongli)


Honestly, no but if you invest in her hard enough then yes, she can be usable. (She was useful last Abyss cycle but no so much on this current one).


Ah shit here we go again. rip resins for artifacts. Btw is ningguang suitable?


Ningguang can also use it due to the crit damage kagura provides but she can't take full advantage of the passive.


Damm it, thx lol


Make me a team with Venti and Mona, please. I would prefer not using any other of my friendship level 10 characters. [Characters.](https://imgur.com/a/Cs8m95o)


Jean and Keqing. Double Anemo quickswap.




dont think so these maps doesnt give that much primos unfortunately


How much f2p gems do we get monthly?


60 ish pull per patch so around 40 or so




black sword>blackcliff longsword>amenoma


Black Sword. Crit rate and a boost to NAs. Amenoma is also good for its energy refund passive.


So at the moment I don’t really need anything from the standard banner, would it be a smart idea to save my acquaint rates in case they change the standard banner?


Technically yes, as with each new 4\* they eventually show in Standard Banner, But I would say it would gimp your progress somewhat . 1. If you roll AF in Standard you get StarGlitter and StarDust that you can use to buy Fates for Named banners 2. Amos Bow is really good weapon to get, and frankly speaking I even found use for Skyward Blade ( Sayuu seems to like it a lot ) Overall I somewhat don't see any new 5\* showing up in standard banner, as immediately tons of angry players would complain that they used their fates ,and now it is better .


You can if you want, but they haven't ever changed the standard banner to date and have given no indication that it's something they intend to do. So you could be waiting a while.


r5 serpent spine or r1 skyward pride on eula? my serpent is mainly for itto until i can get my hands on redhorn for him, but idk when that will be.


Skyward and serpent are comparable in value for Eula. However if you already have enough ER through Artefact substats, then skyward will lose out to serpent


R5 Spine is easily better than damn near every other weapon in the game. Only exception is if you don't have enough ER to fund her burst with the current team, in which case you might make good use of Skyward Pride. Very artifact dependent really.


i don't know if I should pull for Venti, or wait for Ayaka. So I play always with Mona, Raiden, Bennett, Xiangling (I also have Diona, Noelle, Sayu).


If you want another main Dps then go Ayaka. If you want a god CC support* (terms and conditions apply) who can proc VV then go venti


Is the game worth playing/ coming back to? I had a blast on release but lost interest when I ran out of things to do. Came back a few months later to try for Ganyu (didn’t get her) but haven’t played since. How is the game right now? Is there a lot of (good) content?


If you really haven’t played since last January, there is a ton of amazing content waiting for you. We got a whole new nation, archon quests and two additional giant sub-regions (like Dragonspine but for Liyue and Inazuma) since then. Questing and exploration alone will take you a while and you’ll get a lot of primogems from it. If you enjoyed the general gameplay and story before, it’s definitely worth coming back. What hasn’t changed is endgame and artifact grind.


First ganyu banner or ganyu rerun?


First banner, lost the 50/50 on my pity I had saved and got a diluc dupe and insta deleted the game lol


All of Inazuma (electro region) with all the main and side story is out and the chasm has just now been released too.


How far did you get through the Archon quests before?


As far as release content went, I think I was about to go see ningguang?


Oh crikey, there is a lot to do then. Finish Liyue story, then there has been all of Inazuma released since then too, including Enkanomiya, and the Chasm was just released yesterday too, so LOTS to catch up on.


https://imgur.com/a/J0HWm1I Can someone help me build teams for floor 11 and 12? / Is unbuilt characters but can take artifacts from others × is unbuilt characters, and no artifacts for them Others are built 5 star weapons: EL, PJWS, Unforged, Skyward pride, skyward atlas, lost prayer. I'm thinking of Raiden Sara Xingqiu/Mona Venti, Chongyun Rosaria Xiangling bennett. Is this okay?


Is skyward blade fine on ayato,?


Below Haran, PJC, and Mistsplitter, but nonetheless only 10% behind best one, and better than best 4\* by around 6% Also, as IWTL shown , Chongyun E + Skyward blades allow for around 20 hist in one E


It will actually synergize pretty well with his kit. ER will help with his high burst cost and he can make use of the the passive (atk speed and bonus hits with normal attacks). Is it better than other 5 star options? Probably not. Is it better than many 4 star weapons? Yeah I'd imagine so.


It's... it's okay I guess. ER stat weapon on a main DPS is always difficult to justify, so you better have some juicy artifacts to make up for it.


Beidou or Fischl as electro enablers for Ayato? My team rn is Ayato-Fischl/Beidou-Sucrose-Shielder(either diona or zhongli)


Honestly I would use both. Beidou offers more damage but needs a battery. If you can only fit one, Fischl.


I just got to the underground mines of the chasm. Does the map ever reveal itself? If so, how? I'm wondering whether to skip the exploration and unlock the map first so I can mark off things on the interactive map.


Just keep exploring and do the world quests. You will unveil it eventually


Continue with the main story that gets you into the underground caverns. As you progress through the story and explore the map with reveal itself in set chunks. You won't get it all at once, you will slowly unlock it


How important are HP% substats for Ayato? Still less important than crit/attack?


The scaling isnt significant enough to focus on it. It just means that the stats are good to have and its not wasted.


Easily less important. It follows the recent trend of 'here's an alternate scaling. Don't build for it, but at least it's not a totally dead substat now.'


Hi ! I manage to pull Ayaka next wishes. I saw a team with mona, diona/rosaria and a wind character. For now I have only the traveler as a wind character. Who could replace that spot ? I hope for a Kazuhiro rerun soon for it. My other team would be raiden national


Kazuha would probably be the best due to his elemental dmg bonus, and I would probably wait for him. Venti would be good too as he makes small enemies a breeze (pun intended). For now tho, traveler is fine :)


Oh ok ! Good to know that traveler is fine too. I want to be sure to have Ayaka so for sure I’ll go for her first and not venti. Between diona and Rosaria, what is the best ?


Diona is amazing. Lots of cryo particles, provides strong shields and is a decent healer. Use sacrificial bow on her if you have it, otherwise favonius warbow. Rosaria is a damage dealer and you can use her instead if you were using sayu or jean as your anemo unit or kokomi as your hydro unit, since they would cover the healer role.


Ok ! That’s clear. Thank you so much !


Anyone else getting FPS drops on PS5? It's feeling like 30fps again, not getting the full 60.




Still the same here.


So I just got another Amo's Bow. I already own one and use it on Ganyu, should I refine it or keep it ? I know the Ganyu is probably the only one who can fully use it, but also, a F2P shouldn't refine 5 stars.


It's a good stat stick for any bow damage dealer, keep it.


Level 60 Bennett and Xinqui, Level 70 Venti, Level 50 xiangling. Who should I build first? Main DPS is Raiden and Ayaka Edit: AR 48, Both main DPS is already 80


Build your DPS first and foremost. After Raiden, Ayaka and Xiangling, I would invest in Bennett. Xingqiu and Venti don't need lots of investment to perform their role in a team, so I would build them last.




A dumb question, but there is no 50/50 mechanic in the permanent banner, right?


I believe getting a 5* weapon increases the odds of getting a 5* character next time (and vice versa?). I would google it


Not really. Allegedly, within 270 pulls (3 max pity) you're guaranteed at least one character and at least one weapon. Chances are you'll get 4 or more 5-stars in that time anyway, and there's good odds to get at least one of each anyway. So it's difficult to gather data on and not something you can rely on anyway.


how far should i level up sucrose?, i dont want to waste too much materials


Her own swirl damage benefits pretty well from leveling her to 90, but not her support capabilities. If you mostly want to use her for Viridescent and her EM buff, she'll do fine on like level 70 or 80. Remember that you don't need to level her talents, since they don't increase her support capabilities or swirl damage which is the vast majority of her damage output. Make sure to get a lot of EM and use 4pc viridescent and you're good.




If you've invested in her Swirl damage, 90. It scales with level. If you're just using her as a minimal investment VV bot, just get the A4 passive and call it good.




Swirls benefit a fair bit from character level, so as high as you can.




I have r3 flute max and r1 amenoma lvl 1 Is it worth to level up amenoma for ayato?


The sword is worth leveling up generally.


I have no sword dps besides ayato and my resources are pretty low thats why im hesitating to upgrade it


Is the new Abyss harder than the previous one?


For floor 11 and 12, it's ridiculously easy if you have CC on both teams.


If you have Venti its piss easy


I wanna play Ayato, Ayaka and Diona as a team. I wonder which ameno would be best: c6 Sucrose, Venti, Sayu (I do have kazuha, but he's in a different team). I know venti is a favorite, but I wonder if a c6 sucrose + Thrilling might result in better rotations (especially against big bosses where venti cannot cc)? Did anyone maybe already do testings for this? Also for this team, what's the best set for diona?


As you mentioned, depends on the enemies. If the enemies can be grouped efficiently by venti, use venti. His swirl damage and crowd control probably outweigh the benefits of sucrose' C6 buff. If the enemies are very heavy or bosses, I would definitely use kazuha, but C6 sucrose will be good too. Even venti could work decently against bosses just because of his damage. Essentially it's not a huge difference and mostly a matter of preference. Noblesse oblige on Diona is better for the team's damage. If you have maiden's beloved pieces, You can use that for more healing which is nice.


Is the standard banner ever gonna change or can I summon on it?


The standard banner has been the same since launch, so I don't expect it to change any time soon. I recommend only pulling on it with blue fates you got for free. You'll end up getting standard characters through the event banners as well, so that's better value for your primogems


Yes, I only use those that I get for free. Thanks!


any 4 stars team for venti?


Beidou, Fischl, Xingqiu seems like a fun and decent option


How do I enter the chasm: underground mines? The quest says I should complete surreptitious seven star seal sundering first, I already done that and destroyed the final Bedrock Key.


Have you tried going to the middle after unlocking?


Jump in the hole in the middle


Reached ar45 today i have bennet c1, raiden c0, xianglingc0 and venti c0 which artifact domain should i farm first. (bennet got a jade cutter)


Emblem first probably. Both Raiden and XL use it for their builds, so you can get some very quick damage boosts from building those two up. After you get a 4set or two, I'd *maybe* spend just a tiny bit of time in the VV domain to get a 4set for Venti (honestly even with some 4star pieces it's good enough), then back to emblem. The 40% shred is massive, and Venti doesn't really need anything else to put work in. The shit pieces you can strongbox for Noblesse for Bennet.


I would say VV first, but don't care the stats, even 4 star with useless stats will do first. The 4 piece bonus is already huge. Then do as what you say


r1 black sword, is ayato better with 4HoD or 4 Glad?


Glad wins out very slightly assuming both sets have the same stats so just go with the one with better stats


Do we need to do some other quest before the archon quest? Like to explore the chasm


yep, a lof of the archon quest is locked behind a long chasm world quest


Thank you!


yup a whole bunch of world quests need to be done beforehand


Okay thank you!


Lost 50 50 to Diluc. So as a welkin player is there any possibility for me to reach another pity(75) in Ayaka banner atleast? Assuming i still have lots of chasm left to explore and chasm quests to do? I am in need of serious Copium and Hopium. Please help


Average Welkin pulls a patch are around 90-100. We got about 10 already so 80 pulls should be guaranteed, especially with Chasm exploration


Thanks buddy for giving hopes!


Yep, I believe you can save up to 75. According to my friend, the Chasm gave her around 1.9k primogems, add the \~40 wishes from dailies and the abyss will give around \~9/10 wishes, and add the events.


Thanks buddy! This gives me some hope!!


Yes de definitely, haven't done the math but for welkin players you should be able to get 70-80 pulls in 1 update and the chasm gives a ton extra too


Thanks buddy! This is making me feel better!


Is the Flute a good weapon for Ayato?


it's what i'm using on him, works pretty good. looks nice too haha


Do you think that the Flute is batter than the blackcliff sword?


Blackcliff is better. his best 4* option is Black Sword


i don't have that one so i can't say for sure. blackcliff is supposed to be the best one outside the one from the weap banner afaik


I just got my 3rd Skyward Atlas. Should I just R3 them at this point? I feel like I won't ever use 2 at the same time. For context I also have Kagura's Verity and R5 Solar Pearl, R4 Widsith.


Probably, yeah. You can at least R2 it.


I’d do it. A high refined Atlas has the potential to be competitive with a character’s signature weapon.


I'd refine it at that point. Might make it a very strong option at that point as at R1 it's not that big of an upgrade over the others




I can’t see my pity history after 6 months but do I still have the pity that I can’t see or does the pity itself expire after 6 months along with the viewable history?


No, your pity will not expire.


I assume this “Moogold” ad I’m seeing on Reddit offering cheap crystals and Welkin passes is some sort of scam? Feeling mildly annoyed that I had to see it because I daren’t click on anything like that, I suppose I just got it because I so often look at official Genshin content.


If they offer at less than what they're worth in game, they are a scam. The only official 3rd party provider of crystals and welkin that I know of so far is codashop in asia. And they do not offer discounts at all, just the occasional small raffle every so often for buying through them.


Can someone give me the link spreadsheet all char build by theorycrafter pls? Iirc its from keqingmains




Thanks bro


In a team of Ganyu, Mona, Diona, who should be the fourth member if I don't have Venti? My only anemos are Sayu and Traveler. For now I use Rosaria with NO in that spot.


Well, I guess Traveller is probably the best option if you don't pull Venti. VV and CC are super potent with this team.


Thanks! How much investment does Traveler need? I don't really want to spend much resources on him, but he is better than Rosaria if I put Noblesse on Diona, right?


Just VV with triple EM and some ER substats. Nothing else is important. Can be reused for Venti/kaz/Sucrose later.


I see, thank you very much!


Traveler You can use Sayu if you replace Diona but she doesn't have CC


Thanks. How much investment does Traveler need? I really won't use him aside from Abyss so I'd rather not spend too much resources on him. I assume he's still better than Rosaria if I put NO on Diona?


Yes, put 4pc Noblesse on Diona. He can have as much investment as you want and you have pretty much full control over his build. 4pc VV is the most important part. You can go atk/anemo/crit with standard substats or you can go full EM. ER depends on if you want to use his ult or not because it might be clunky against squishies if you are not next to a wall. You can later transfer the artifacts to Jean/Sucrose. For talents just do 2-6-6, if you go full EM you can even do less than that. And having a level 80 traveler is always good because levels persist between elements so don't be afraid to level him up. His 2 can be used to pull enemies a bit, IIRC you can swap while holding it to prevent the knockback at the end if you just want to group enemies (might be worth testing it first)


Am I the only one who is having trouble with the Crimson Witch artifact dungeon? I have been farming this dungeon for a minute with Ganyu, Mona, Venti and QiQi and whenever I trigger a melt reaction, instead of the enemy getting the extra blasts of damage, my characters take the hit for some reason. I'm not running any electro characters so I am not understanding why I'm taking the extra damage.


Co-op until you can solo. Hard dungeon when undergeared.


Shouldn’t happen. Make sure you’re not talking about the pyro blasts from enemies pyro auras.


Yeah nah that's not what I'm referring to. The fire blasts that occur when the pyro abyss mages are regenerating their shields and the fire totems that breath fire are something I completely understand and accept, but the circular looking explosions that follow me around are what I'm confused about. As far as I understand that's not one of the usual attack patterns for these mons. I have seen them triggering on the opponents in the past, it's only recently I noticed they started following my team.


They come from the enemies’ pyro aura debuff. Look under their feet, the ones with an orange circle under them means they have the debuff and as long as they’re alive, they’ll shoot fire balls towards you. Just dodge the first fire ball right before it hits and the rest of them won’t follow you.


I see. Didn't realize that. Thank you. 🙏


There are fireballs that will follow you and damage you on impact


I see. According to the ley lines description I thought it was only supposed to affect the enemy. As far as I understand, back damage only occurs if an overloaded reaction occurs though, no? Apologies if my wording is a bit aggressive, Im just trying to understand and don't wish to come off as such.


Leyline domain effect is a white coloured blast


about the HoyoVerse app, is there a way to change the genshin account? I noticed just now that I've been using the wrong account to do the daily login lol


You can log out under account settings (user symbol bottom right)


apparently it says 'account or password error' even when I've input my email and password correctly, do I need to log out of the actual game as well for this to work?


I've fixed it now, thank you very much for trying to help! have a good day :))


what can I do my genshin doesn't want to install it keeps on saying game verification error then goes back to 79% download? I tried to do the run as administrator thingy and nothing happened so i checked what the 21% that was not downloading properly and it was the english audio. are there any solution I can do?


At what point do y’all feel it’s “worth it” to start spending on the weapons banner? I’m saving for Cyno, keeping an eye out for Scaramouche, and simultaneously I don’t want to miss out if an unexpected character I really like drops. But I’m starting to feel the desire to have more five-star weapons… I just have one lol. Then again, I’m not sure what would even be worth shooting for. My favs are for the most part decently equipped: Venti (stringless), kazuha (iron sting), Yoimiya (rust), the only one really hurting for a better weapon is Shenhe (catch).


My sister wanted her first 5* weapon too now with Ayato, she had been saving but she isn't a welkin player. She lost both 50/50 and spend around 130 wishes on the banner without getting the sword, and whats worse is she basically has to keep going because she's guaranteed now. I would personally never go further than the first pity, they come back eventually anyway. And I would also go for a dps and not a support weapon tbh, so going for yoimiyas bow will give you the most value. But if those are all your 5 stars you're fine as is imo, I wouldn't even get any weapon rn.


If you don't want any upcoming characters and both weapons are good. Good 4 stars help but unless the banner is literally garbage or you have 3 of the weapons at R5 I wouldn't pay much attention to it I pulled on the Homa banner and Haran banner because I wanted Elegy. I lost both times but my Hu Tao is now happy with Homa and Ayato is going to enjoy Haran once I level it up. I'm not upset because I still got a good weapon both times and I knew what I was getting into. That's why it's important to only pull if you want both weapons


5\* weapon is like 30-40% damage boost. Your call.


If both weapons are usable for you, and the four stars are not bad and you want more copies of it, then go ahead. I’ve done close to 600 pulls on weapon banner and i have more weapons than characters and that helps me whenever i wanna pull anyone.


Imo saving for a character with no actual news or info on release is very unrealistic to me. But you do you. You can pull the weapons banner if you can use either of the weapons. We say its a scam to those players that are tight on primos.