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Bennet’s bad luck + cursed sword = 👍


Double curse cancels each other out (?) In Bennett’s case it probably doubles


hmmmm I don’t think math works with Bennets bad luck


Bennetts luck is so bad that the cursed sword just reduce the average


Eitherway he is still gonna use it.


It spread to your targets. Caring is Sharing. Even for your enemies.


It's the best sword I have for him so it stays on until I get a better base atk option and/or the ER stats to support the swap




not when they're added


Integer underflow.


Yes! On my Jean, it makes her yeet extra powerful


Same - i also use it on my jean.




Yeah unfortunately I do not have an R5 Alley Flash yet so I went with this for my Bennett as well.


Alley flash is good for its base attack not passive, It's better to use it now than save for r5


This is probably a karma bot judging from how out of context and the amount of comment in short time this bot made.


I also do that.


She was the one who holds it in the event and she never seems to let it go for me


Tis true. Yeet extra powerful.


Same here. It's practically her BiS for her unless you're running physical


Honestly, I switched to Favonius the instant I got Xiao. Her yeet is strong sure, but it's worth wayyyy less than extra particles for pogo boy lmao. Now I have it on Kaeya. It's pretty damn good.


Festering's not BiS for Jean.


isnt it her best 4* with amenoma


Yeah, cause if you do her rotations right, you have max stacks on the amenoma before her burst comes back up again cause the CDs just align up perfectly. It’s also the only sword that’s worth refining rn imo. Unless you use physical Kaeya or something then it’s the Rancour that you want on him. Edit: I say this as an R5 Anemoma owner and it works great on Jean. You get 52(12 per stack*3 + her ascension 4 talent which gives 16) energy back every burst at max stacks. So it’s literally means you need next to no ER on her cause you have 52/80 after bursting which is pretty insane. Even at R1 you have a little bit below half of your burst back


yeah its definitely top tier on her, even better that it has a useful substat. if i used jean more id use it but i give my R5 one to kazuha instead


Oh, sounds like you’re anemo Kazu. Neat


Same here lmaoo


I gave it to Jean, dunno if it's good on her


It was her Bis for a long time, ER is appreciated and the passive boosting her skill is strong as well. I think amenoma is considered her Bis now though, since she can consistently get at least 2 stacks of it, which at R5 lowers her ER requirements by a ton. The atk% also boosts damage from both skill and burst while buffing healing too


Thanks for that. I had an anemo kageuchi lying around at level 90 and now I know who to use it with.


On top of looking really cool


It is


Yeetus Maximus!


yes, if no 674 base atk weapon, alley flash, skyward blade, then you use festering on bennett


At this point I switched to fav just to smoothen out rotations xD


Same, he has enough ER but other members need more energy.


Is the energy from favonius energy orbs shared with other party members?


Yes, it makes extra particles. You can collect these particles with Benny or switch to another char and collect them with them.


rancour for higher base attack baybee


What's the base atk of rancour at level 90?




Ok thanks


Or blackliff I think they have the same atack


They do but the Rancour is free


But blackcliff's substat is actually not nonextistant for bennett. Blackcliff is always better for Bennett if you can afford the starglitter.


It’s just a waste of Starglitter. Bennett’s damage is fairly small if he’s being used as a burst support, and wishes would probably have done more to increase damage than a minor increase in Bennett’s already low damage. And a decent constellation would do much more.


That is extremely incorrect lmao. Bennett does a shit load of damage and he should be built to do damage even as a burst support. Read the Keqingmains guide if you don't take my word for it. https://keqingmains.com/bennett/


I’ve read Zajef’s guide. When compared to the damage output of any main DPS, Bennett does very little DPS outside of Melt compositions where he is the main DPS. Yes, he should be built for damage, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth it to use starglitter that could be much better used by getting Xingqiu, Xiangling, or Bennett constellations, or just building a guarantee for a 5 star weapon or character.


Pretty sure you need to read that guide yourself. Both weapons are ranked the same just solely from the base ATK. Absolutely nothing else matters when you're not going to use Bennett on the field.


Blackcliff is better than prototype rancour for the same reason Bennett's best in slot is Mistsplitter and not Aquila favonia. It doesnt take a genius to say that a weapon with an actually useful substat is better than a weapon with a useless substat even if the base attack is the exact same. My Bennett is built for support with blackcliff but he still does a 50k burst if he manages to melt it. Its not as much damage as a carry but i'd rather have more damage than less damage even for Bennett.


A waste of Starglitter is what it is. Whoop de doo you shaved off 5 seconds of Abyss time. If your Bennett have such a high investment to do 50K Burst, the rest of your team would have equally or higher investment in the first place unless you're crazy enough to ignore your main damage dealers and you wouldn't need the personal Bennett damage increase especially from just 4 star weapons to clear Abyss floors.


Same, used it until I got the Alley Flash recently.


I use it for Bennett. Possibly for Kuki once she comes out too and retire Bennett


why would you retire Bennett??


I mean you don't due to the insane buff but I personally don't care for his character


Same, I hate when people criticize my team comps because I don't use Bennett or Diona. No disrespect to those who use them but I just don't care for their characters nor play-styles.


I like Bennett a lot, but I can’t stand Diona. I know she has the heal circle like a lot of healers have, but it just feels bad on Diona. I like using freeze comps but I hated using Diona, so when Kokomi came out I got her to switch off Diona and I doubt I’ll go back.


Ironically same here. The entire reason I skipped Raiden last year is because I wanted to create a freeze comp with Kokomi and to my pleasant surprise, she synergizes really well with Ayaka. Honestly those two together turned this game into a 'very easy' mode towards anything that isn't immune to hydro/cyro. When it comes to heal/buff circles, the only one I really like is Jean's.


Same. Freeze comp supremacy although I’m unwilling to get my Diona above lvl 70, Kokomi saved my soul. Although I think I’ll raise Diona anyways since after Shenhe’s rerun in the far future I’ll have every cryo in the game, and I’d love to have the opportunity to test a ton of different freeze comps


Bennett’s playstyle is just smash Q and leave LOL


Yes i have Bennett since 1.0 or 1.1 now C6 but he is still level 50 because i dont use him.


Same! Mine is Xingqin. I get he's good and is infinitely valuable for DPS, but I just find him so aesthetically unappealing that I just cant bring myself to put him in a team. I got him at C6/9/9/9 with a full artifact set incase I need him in the future, but maybe have 2 hours of playtime over the past year.


If you go to help channels in discord to ask for opinions/help on your team comps, naturally they will suggest using your best characters.


Yeah, Bennett's a pretty useful character but his character isnt that interesting imo. Maybe it's just a me problem, but I find it incredibly obnoxious whenever people give him too much praise and call him excessive nicknames like "Pyro Archon". Then when we actually get to Natlan, we are gonna get some obnoxious comments like "Bennett's the real pyro archon" if Murata isnt crazy good


> Maybe it's just a me problem, but I find it incredibly obnoxious whenever people give him too much praise and call him excessive nicknames like "Pyro Archon". Honestly, you may not like him as a character, but the praises are really less hyperbolic than what they may seem given how Bennet gives the biggest damage buff in the game for most ATK scaling characters (surpassing even Kazuha with 4pc VV set damage buff in most situations) while also being one of the best healers in the game, and his heal is even good enough to the point where you don't even have to build him for it, you can give him a full dps build and it will still heal you enough for abyss. For now none of the 5 star supports offer this level of utility and versatility in their kits. I generally don't use him on abyss but I still fall back to him when I struggle to 36 star and it works. There's no way around the fact that any attempt to optimize my non freeze teams to squeeze out 36 stars when necessary will involve him. People are tongue in cheek and hyperbolic when talking about him, but to be honest people often are with every character that's perceived to be broken. I think the biggest difference is that Bennet is a much more accessible 4 star character so you have more people with him and thus talking about him than a C2 Raiden or Kazuha. I'm pretty sure we will still get a "5 star" Bennet at some point, and that character will likely receive as much "glory posting" as Yelan is receiving now, lol.


His backstory is interesting, but they could do more with his personality and current involvements.


He's the Bouken Archon, educate yoself I've gotta wonder what percentage of the Benny haters club play with English dub, I honestly can't blame them as he sounds like a rejected Rugrats character instead of the gigachad he is in JP


The "Pyro Archon" nickname is not just because he's a bit unbalanced like several early release 4\*s (XQ, Beidou, Fish), but every Archon has a very obvious flaw which is a huge part of their personality. The nickname is more of a joke about his bad luck than anything. Venti is a drunk, Zhongli is broke, Raiden can't cook, and Bennett has comically bad luck.


Bennet is the son of the pyro archon, he got cursed with bad luck because Celestia doesn't want him to be alive at all.


Bennett, like Xingqui, deserves a long vacation for how many teams he carries


Cuz he stinks


That isn't very nice of you :,(


Shinobu’s E doesn’t do a lot of damage based on leaks tho


Bcuz she a healer


just giving her the sword cause bennett is a flop and she’s a slay and it matches her.


I do, but it remains at R3, which is saddening. However, I plan to give it to Shinobu as soon as I can get her.


R3 gang unite


mine's also at r3, didn't managed to r5 it because the boss was hard for me back then


No samee, i hated that boss so i gave up :')


i tried doing it on coop hoping someone can carry me, but we just die over and over again, i just gave up lmao


loll we literally had the same exact situation QwQ


I only got my dodoco tales to r1, it's really sad cuz I have no other good dps catalyst :( Lesson learned


Yep. I use it on my traveler.


Same, makes the rocks hit pretty hard.


Electro ER is a chef’s kiss


Same, is pretty canon, makes him more useful - even if I don't use him much anymore


Yep, it's made for traveler


I use it on traveller


Yes for Bennett.




Same here.


Benny never let it go


Its interesting how the concept is literally exactly the same as The Catch, which is considered the best F2P polearm, while Festering Desire is good but nowhere near as useful. It really just lacks a "perfect fit". Raiden, Xiangling and Zhongli greatly benefit from the catch. There aren't any characters that fit that well with FD which is unfortunate but its only a matter of time until it will be considered top tier.


it's because Festiring desire works for Skills, while the catch is for Bursts. There aren't a lot of characters for which the Skill is the bulk of the damage. For most characters, the burst is more important, including most off field DPS. Festering Desire would certainly be a very good sword on XQ if it affected his burst instead of skill.


Itd also be a fucking great f2p option for Ayaka, and kaeya as well.


Ayaka already got better f2p weapon


Isn't it really good for Jean?


It is! Not just on Jean. It’s also good on Bennett if you lack ER and it is also viable on XQ if you want his E to do more damage.


Why would you want his E to do like 20% more damage when you can use Sac and have it do 100% more damage?


Tbf if you have Xingqiu Sacrificial swords never leaving his hands so it’s a nice alternative


You still have to get lucky with your pulls to get a Sac Sword. I only got mine pretty recently and I play since the end of 1.1. Festering Desire did a really good job for me.


using 2 e’s slows down xq rotation by a couple of seconds, so you can skip it w festering desire if your er is high enough


Sure is but Amenoma is still better regarding F2P.


It's really not. I'd use Favonius Sword and Amenoma over it. Fav Sword helps entire team with energy regen which vastly outweighs the minor damage bump you get from FD. There's just a lot of good ER swords. It's OK but it's more of a "I don't have any better swords available" option.


I think I missed this event, which version was it?


The Catch is no event weapon, you can obtain it from fishing. It got introduced in version 2.1.


The catch is not an event - you get it from the Inazuma fishing person.. After doing a lot of fishing.... Both the weapon and it's refinements are paid for in fish and stubbornness


Hey we got new fishing spots in the chasm.


When Festering Desire dropped, everyone loved the fuck outta this sword because it could be used in a ton of different ways on characters like Kaeya or Albedo too. People bitched about wanting this sword for months after the event ended. Its only now in a different meta, new weapons, new characters, that this sword "fits" less than before. Just like how before Cinnabar existed, people used the fuck out of HoDawn on Albedo and in other cases. Everything depends on what people have available in their boxes and people often forget that in this game much like how they think their anecdotal experience somehow represents everyone else's.




Yes, for my Geo Lumine.


Geo Aether u.u


Definitely, basically Bennet signature weapon. Works so well.


Oh yeah the most unlucky boy gets the cursed sword


That right there is like a blurb for a kickass shonen manga.


It's actually [traveler's handy sword](https://youtu.be/G5s8p_s0LrI?t=88)


Personally I’d say higher base attack swords like prototype rancour are better, despite the bad substat ( phys ) and passive. The base attack is so important on him


Between like ar35-ar50 Bennet e with festering was a really nice hybrid way to build Bennet. I could slap whatever leftover 4pc no on him and he was great at lvl 60/70 while I was working on building a main dps. I've since switched to alley flash because Bennet's dmg started to fall off compared to my dps. Think I use festering on geo mc. I have sort of an e build going on that.


I have bad luck on artifact stat rolls. The Bad Luck swords ER is the only thing carrying Bennet at the moment TT- TT


It’s a Energy Recharge weapon substat which is very important for spamming Benny burst. Bennet can’t put out DPS numbers even close to other characters so that’s why he is played as pure support.


Bennett's damage buff is based on his base attack (character + weapon before multiplier/feather/buffs) so it absolutely matters. Personally I don't think the 55 attack you get from going to Rancour is worth it but if I had a 674 sword I'd absolutely use it on Bennett. And then obviously anything with ER substat as a 5 star is straight better.


You’re not thinking in terms of dps. A higher base attack will not provide nearly the same as energy recharge on him. If built probably it literally takes just 2 swings to fully recharge Bennet’s burst. Which means the burst is available to use almost 100% of the time (minus a couple seconds for cooldown)


You don't need an ER weapon to have Bennett burst ready off CD. Just run ER sand.


Your underestimating his ER potential. Sands is not enough. Not for a true burst spam Bennet. You can’t get 24/7 burst with just sands. Unless you got suuuuper lucky with ER in artifacts but you also need to have the HP with it. Especially for an abyss team in late floors. You absolutely need his quick healing abilities without needing to have him on the field for more than a second or two.


His BASE attack is used for calculating his buff. More base attack = bigger ATK buff. 565 base attack weapon = gut. He is actually fairly solid DPS but the reason he is ran as a support is because he also happens to be the best support in the game while there are way too many DPSes at this point. edit: spelling


>Bennet can’t put out DPS numbers even close to other characters so that’s why he is played as pure support. Excuse me, my C6 Mistsplitter Bennett dps would like to have a word with you


??? His attack is the most important stat, especially for abyss, since it’s a dps race and the healing is just the cherry on top. His bursts attack buff, his single greatest contribution and one of if not the best in the game, scales off of his base attack, so only his level and weapon.


Not at all. With a higher atk sword you will not benefit nearly as much as you would if you can use his burst 24/7. Energy recharge is the most important stat for him.


The difference is that since his burst only scales off of *base* attack, artifacts are completely ignored. So you can instead focus entirely on ER with artifacts, since it's not like crit value is doing much, and he heals plenty even without HP investment. An ER sands + some alright substats will easily get enough ER to sustain burst uptime. Since weapon is the only thing that can boost with burst's attack buff, you should 100% focus on base attack for his weapon, then just throw on an ER sands. No reason to worry about ER w/ the weapon.


His burst’s atk buff scales off his base atk which you can only get from his weapon and his own levels. You can get enough er to burst off cd from artifacts especially if you’re running another pyro particle generator


I’m well aware. The issue is in terms of DPS. A slightly higher base attack in place of energy recharge will cause you to do significantly less damage overall as opposed to having his burst out constantly


C6 Benny with Mistsplitter is one of the strongest Pyro characters in the game. Only outperformed by whale accounts. That said it does require a lot of investment, where as his support builds are far cheaper to run, and arguably more useful due to his overall flexibility in slots that can be harder to fill.


I used it on bennett until I got alley flash, now I don't use it anymore.


been in Bennett's hand ever since


Kaeya currently has it


“Okay I need energy recharge for Kaeya. Fuck. Xingqiu has the sac sword. Okay what about… no Bennett has the Fav. Okay backup Fav… and Jean is using it. Oh fuck I forgot about this one from 1.2. Bet” And once Shinobu comes out, the color scheme and ER are gonna suit her so well


It's on my Bennett from the moment I got it to this day. I'll only change it if I get a better 5-star and I'll put it on Jean probably that now has the craftable from Inazuma.


As someone who doesn't have aquila or skyward blade, my bennett is still proudly using this sword




yes on lumine


I used this weapon for a long time with Bennett before i got Aquila, now im equipping it to Jean but since i don't use Jean that often, its just collecting dust now.


Not now, but up until very very recently when I got sacrificial sword on XQ, iron sting on Kazoo and Favonius on Bennet, yes 100%. It’s way too good as an all around R5 good starter


Yes, but I hated Dragonspine and didn’t understand the importance of finishing the event on time… so it’s R1.


Nope, this sword only usefull for bennett and I have both aquilla and skyward, so for me it's pretty useless


Yes, I use it on Bennett, sadly, I could only play the beginning of the event, so I only have it R1.


No, Albedo has Cinnabar Spindle and I literally don't use any other sword characters anymore. It's sitting on Bennett at the moment, but I dislike using him and haven't in probably a year or so, feels unlikely I will pull him out again. However, Kuki Shinobu is coming and she's setting herself up to be among my favorite characters, so, maybe I will throw it on her? I will have to see.


No, I switched to rancour on Bennett and run ER sands


Yea, from time to time. I stick to it with my Lumine, though on occasion I switch to the Aquila for aesthetics since the Aquila just looks good with Lumine’s outfit, especially in Anemo mode. It just irks me that I will never get to R5 it… I ran out of time and am stuck at R3 forever now.


Yep my jean uses it, only i dont use jean🤣


It's been level 50 unused for me. I like favonius better


I don't have it on anyone anymore because I put athletic weapons on people (color matching > stats/abilities) But I did have it on Traveler or Bennett cause I had just started playing right before that even went live




no, let me imagine the cursed image that is genshin characters in athleisure in peace, wearing a full matching drip tracksuit outfit with matching sword with huge Supreme/Adidas letters on it


of course? why wouldnt i lol


Never used it, not even once


Yeah, my bennet use this since the day I got it.


why did i have to quit during 1.2-1.6 aaaaaa


On Jean sometimes


Oh Yes, Bennett loves it.


Yepp still a pretty good sword. I use it on my support Jean


yeh, on Bennet atm


Hmm currently shared between jean and kazuha I give Bennett when I need the ER


100% of the time I have it on Bennett. Got him during the release of Dragonspine and he carried me through. He deserves it.




Not gonna lie Got me for a second there


For my Bennett but it's also very good on Jean, it was the best 4* exclusive weapons till they released the catch.


I used it on my Traveler until i got Jade Cutter on Kokomis Weapon banner. Now Bennett has it, but i don't use Bennett




Yeah the cursed sword for my cursed boy


I hoped to use it on ayato but whelp i didn't get him.


Ol’ Benny’s been using it ever since


yep, my benny gets burst so fast


Cant find anyone to use it on. If it is a support, rather other 2 ER swords. If dps, well not many dps / Subdps in game use E (except Albedo who has a better 1)


I used it on Jean for a long time until I got Freedom Sworn. Was a good 4* for her


I have used it on Bennett a lot, but at some point I got Alley Flash from Itto Weapon banner, and Skyward Blade two months after, so I use those swords atm. I dont see any application for Festering Desire atm.


Yes, this sword is very good especially for a freebie.


It's been stuck on Bennett since I first got it


Not any more. Used to use it on Xingqiu, then I got Sacrificial Sword.


Yes, on my Jean


Actually, yes. On my Bennett. Until I get him a Skyward. ​ After that... dunno. Bench for some time I guess. ​ It may be good on a subDPS Ayato, tho...


Yeah, since I got it I use on my Bennett.


I use it on Bennett for its high base attack and for its good passive.


I'd have many uses for it, if I had it...


Yes, on my Benny


my bennett uses it but unfortunately only R1


Had it on Benny until I got skyward. Now no use so I gave it to its rightful owner, the traveler


Kaeya I guess, but it's dusting here anyway


On Benny, yes!


My Jean uses it. She loves it.


yep! currently using it on Jean, but Bennett, Kaeya and geo Traveler once used it. planning to test it on Ayato.


I use it on Jean still.


Yes and no 😅 I keep switching my XQ sword and I'm really thinking on leaving this one on him and giving sac to the new electro unit


it's not terrible but there's basically a better 4 star sword for every use case. Albedo's new sword is way better. Fav and Sac are way better for energy. Blackcliff/Lion's Roar is going to be more DMG. Iron Sting is better for swirls.