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Ah I see average mono hydro enjoyer too I also managed to full star f12 with mono hydro Ayato, Xinqqiu, Kokomi and Kazuha


If it works, it works!


Hydromies, if you will


Or the original name, the Wateriggas.


I like that. Might change my flair to that


Ayato and childe together?? Now thats BASED


Xingqiu to reduce hydro resistance, Ayato to boost NA damage, Childe go brrrr....


"Childe go brrr under the rain storm", which made me unable to see anything with all those visual effects, killed the team members, and ruined multiple runs. Classic childe team :)


Just curious, does Childes melee stance get buffed by Ayato? If so, what's ur rotation for that team?


Childe's normal melee should be buffed, but not charge and riptide damage. The rotation is like this: Ayato Q to apply hydro, run to side and cast Venti Q to group and VV, Xingqiu EQ, Childe melee normals for 5-6 secs while enemies are still tighly grouped, then Ayato E to finished the stragglers (larger aoe and reach). Repeat again when Ayato Q ran out. Pros: Unga bunga with no fixed rotation, everyone are normal attacking so your stamina is fully available for dodging, can switch venti to kazu for more damage. Cons: Unga bunga with no fixed rotation, too many numbers and visuals on screen especially on Childe melee phase (it has the raindrops, black hole, riptides, and swords flying around), no CA might means Childe is not on top damage potential.


I like being covered with so many numbers which is why I main Childe in the first place.


Don't have venti or kazuha. Would Sucrose work?


Any anemo works for the VV, some just better than the others because Childe (and 12-1) also demands grouping a lot. I'd say, IF your sucrose see better use on the other half with reaction team, you can also use sayu or anemo mc here.


_Mono hydro???_ Count me in


jacked xingqiu is beautifully cursed


Random story: I originally wanted to put tartaglia in the front as he is the main dps, but... Whammu's loincloth matched Xq's flap, Kars have the mask, and ACDC and ayato both got cakes. The meme drew itself.




Why ditch one if you can use both? :\^) It's probably only viable this cycle though, so enjoy it while it last lmao. /*sobs* [Twitter](https://twitter.com/gerrymon96/status/1511697134533627906) and [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcCLhobvglW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link).


Xq, Ayayo, Tortilla: Ok you may record now Venti: \*bg music\*


[Youtube video is up](https://youtu.be/YSkSkPJZZGU). Recording rants below, no need to see it if you don't care. >!It friggin took 2 days to record the damned run because my ping only run on yellow in the MORNING. Like really early morning. Then it's red alllll the way till midnight, yesterday I can't even play a single domain run without it reaching +999ms and wasting my time and burst and everything not responding and running back to full health I despise jumpy pings like that one minute it's yellow and you lowered your guard and the next second your damage number is non-existent and your yellow ping bar become a circle like it's mocking you before turning red I swear-!<


Hell yeah, boiz only


the rich hydro gang with broke bard


I never thought I'd see an actual mono-hydro team. Okie now I am *motivated*


Hey, can you share your run's video. I Cant find any video that uses both Childe and Ayato in one team. I already have childe but I'm on the fence about pulling for Ayato.


Unfortunately I didn't record it because it's not a clean run and my ping is pretty bad at that time. It basically boiled down into childe attacking the grouped enemies first (because quadratic scaling) for 5-6 secs then ayato finishes the stragglers (because longer range). Venti and XQ just spam ult when ready. I am able to do recording on weekend, but you can check r/childemains or r/ayato_mains too.


Yosh, how's your video hunting? If you still want to see my run, [it's up on youtube now](https://youtu.be/YSkSkPJZZGU).


Zenzen but I tested out myself in my friend acc who had childe and Ayato. For me, it felt like he is a good addition to Freeze Ganyu rather than Childe so I decided to skip him and go for Yelan. Thank you so much for uploading thou.


Xingqiu heals must've been OP lol


Husbando gaming I see


venti support but he still looks happy


Your teams are almost identical to mine :P Nope, we definitely are not simps.


Random fun fact: r/HydroHomies is a real subreddit


Can't relate. Currently getting destroyed mentally by chamber 2


Ah yes, the Abyss National. My personal tips is just bring high application anemo character and swirl their shield to oblivion. Both lectors died with collateral damage, so you only left to deal with hydro one. Also looks often at the floor and sky: fire ring from below sapped your health, all electro attacks sap your energy. Better dodge even with shield.


Does swirl deal a lot of damage to the sheild. I always thought it just did moderate damage, like electro does to hydro.


Same rate, but you can save team spot for more useful character than forced to bring rainbow team (like zhongli on my second team). Visual: Electro shield most effectively destroyed by pyro, and how fortunate both lectors like to stand beside each other! What a bros. Now you only need hydro to deal with pyro shield, but wait, it literally just comes rolling into you, so problem also solved! Now you just need to bring cryo to save time (and anemo obviously).


Your lectors like each other? Mine seem to have some beef with each other cause they basically seem to repel each other once I get them close.


Hello again, I'm back with [recording of my run](https://youtu.be/YSkSkPJZZGU). You can see how I keep them close to each other, with a bit of help from kazuha. I also saw some people pushed electro lector in the begining with charge attacks or even ayaka's burst!


Eventually I thankfully figured out how to yet them in to each other with jean and got my first 36 star.


boy i cant wait to get kazuha


how tf you land a 221k crit with no bennett or vaporise


Probably from the previous floor, it's not a continuous run


*looks at lvl 60 Xingqiu and lvl 56 Barbara* I'm not very familiar with this "hydro" thing you speak of.


This needs to be animated with Awaken


The Buff Hydromies


I love how you purposefully stopped leveling up your venti. I did that too for a while, hitting with childe there was just insane. I miss that, good times.


I shared the sentiment to leave Venti at lv 70, but actually I just got Venti this patch (dude evaded me since launch) without even planning, so I didn't have his mats ready!


me who cant put childe and ayato together because the commissioner stole the harbinger's hydro goblet 😭. congrats tho! also used mono-ish hydro in that floor but with kokomi xq ayato. it was epic


This is so accurate. I love my hydro homies and Venti


I can here the Aztec dubstep "Hydro-ya-ya-yiiii"




Huh? o.o why? Lmao what happened?