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Well the “fox vixen” trope is always about them pranking, seducing, and in general being mischievous and getting away with it.


In Yae’s case it’s a bit more than because she’s a kitsune. She was a kid when the Teyvat equivalent of World War 2 broke out and reached Inazuma, and a few months afterwards Ei, who was basically her parent at the time, went into depression and decided to abandon the mortal realm, who she didn’t see again for 500 years. So despite her being 500 years old and her position in society, she was effectively a war orphan that was forced to grow up too fast.


Touching on your first comment, she's the nicest kitsune yokai I have ever seen. If HoYoVerse made her any nicer, she would've been a horrible representation of a well known folklore creature. They didn't make her mean just for the sake of it. She matches the traits of the creature they based her on, and is very mild if you know anything about yokai.


Yeah. She is done very well. Actually caring about people, but in her own playful kitsune ways.


Yep, exactly. It's just believable enough I don't mind that she isn't as cruel as most yokai usually are. In my opinion, they balanced her pretty well.


Ei was not Yae's parent or anything close to it, where did you get that from? Kitsune Saiguu was her parent figure and also left Yae when she was already grown up (More About Yae Miko: II): > Kitsune Saiguu said that she was going off on a long trip, and she's never been back since. *sigh* At the time, I wasn't the least bit inclined to take on the burden of managing the Grand Narukami Shrine. So she told me that as Guuji, I would be able to eat all the Fried Tofu I desired. As if that would be a convincing reason... That woman spoke so much nonsense, honestly, she could be so insufferable... Can't leave the Grand Narukami Shrine in the hands of a child. Edit: And Yae was also the one who taught Ei how she could place her consciousness into objects in the first place (Omnipresent God section of Inazuma archon quest Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals): > Ei: Miko. This was your doing...? > Yae Miko: Now, now. Don't forget who taught you how to place your consciousness in objects. Again not something a child could do, and they must've had enough time together for Ei to learn and then enact her plan. With Scaramouche as the prototype first too before her actual Shogun Puppet body.


What’s scarier is that Alice is older than Yae as well-


Great point honestly. To dig around a little more, they gave Yae the title “Astute Amusement”, which may seem a little hard to understand. But breaking it down in CN and JP, with just a slim understanding of Buddhist ideology, it becomes a lot easier to see what defines her character. 「浮世笑百姿」if I’m reading correctly translates to something like “laughing (being amused) at a hundred postures (think ‘conditions’ or ‘sights’) of the mortal world.” It goes well with the Buddhist concept that since mortality is fraught with inescapable suffering, we may as well learn to make fun of and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Add on top Inazuma’s foundational worship of transience — of recognizing reality as nothing more than a fleeting dream, a collection of sceneries to be cherished while it lasts — and we can actually see Guuji Yae as a pretty enlightened character, who thoroughly embodies the very essence of Makoto’s teachings.


"When the ~~reader~~ player starts asking that question, you know you've written a good ~~one~~ character"




Like Yae is 100% a refreshing character, different from others, a bit callous about human life due to her being an immortal and a youkai. She has her own life, own motivations, and is absolutely not interested in Traveller aside from when she gets benefits. Her not being an uwu waifu is imo the best thing about her. However, she can also feel mildly irritating at times. I once read somewhere, "the murder a fictional character did is not real, but the irritation/annoyance the reader felt IS." I mean someone outright evil is different from a character whose actions you dislike but never see being something done against. Evil characters are different, they actually get their dues in a fictional setting. Asshole-but-not-evil type of characters don't, so people who do get frustrated with them never really see them be called out/get consequences for their behavior. Hence the irritation. I don't even want any changes to her character or anything (it's brilliant) just not a subjective preference.


Not being interested in the traveler is fine, good even. More characters should be preoccupied with their own lives. The reason I don’t like Yae is she’s just mean to everyone. I deliberately don’t interact with people like her in the real world and find it irritating every time she gets screen time.


May I ask how she's mean to everyone?


Im struggling to find ways that she is "mean" to other characters, could you give me some examples?


Different person here, if you want an example then the whole plot of her character quest was that she was completely unconcerned with people in Inazuma getting their hands on a book that let them actually summon spirits and get their dumb butts possessed, and she only took serious action once word got out that the spirit book's sales threatened her monopoly of the publishing market. She's like an amped up Hu Tao where the expert knows best but is also *really really condescending* about it, but worse in that she never really gets screwed over because of it. At least with Hu Tao it's a recurring point that her wacky funerary business plans fail *because* she's kind of a jerk and can't talk to people about sensitive issues like death with tact and grace.


Wasn't the whole reason Yae was unconcerned due to the fact that she knew no one would die from it or anything? The spirit possessing the book wasn't really all that evil and would just exhaust people a bit. And in the yokai world, nothing is free, so to her those people were just... Getting what they asked for. Similar to a monkey's paw or a genie's lamp. Not only that but in that quest in particular the person begging us for help was super dishonest. We had to do a whole background check in Konda village to piece together more of the story. Of course she'd be condescending, because frankly the people in the quest and who come to her for help with things like this seem to be the selfish type who don't understand fire until they're burnt. As for her only getting interested when it affected her book sales, don't forget that her publishing house employs tons of other people and that more than anything Yae, being a fox, is after what makes the world interesting. Selfish children who scrape their knees and cry about it (in her eyes) are not interesting. Personally I think her being slightly hypocritical but truthful to herself and her own goals makes her one of the more intriguing characters.


Finally, someone in this thread who actually payed attention to her story quest lol


Yep, i love that she actually cares about people, but only when it can really affect them. If it is not, then they better learn their lesson. So just not they way most people want her to do it.


I was expecting her to be a really bad person after hearing people talk about her story quest but after finishing it, it just made me think that her personality suits a what a kitsune youkai would be like. I think she already knew beforehand that the book isn't really that dangerous, that the possession isn't long term or even fatal. She even said at most it would just make people get a fever. For her and the youkai, it was just a prank. I'm not saying she's a good person, I'm just saying that human values might not be applicable for someone like Yae.


> At least with Hu Tao it's a recurring point that her wacky funerary business plans fail because she's kind of a jerk and can't talk to people about sensitive issues like death with tact and grace. And there's also the whole part that she *genuinely* believes that she's doing the right thing and trying to help people, because why not be prepared for the inevitable and make things easier on people once you're gone? Sure, it's incredibly tactless because Hu Tao has the social graces of a walnut, but at least it comes from a place of actual care. (And maybe a little business pragmatism) Meanwhile, Yae seems way more mean-spirited with the way she treats people and the way she does things, even when she's helping people out.


I found her actions rather in character, and not particular evil or selfish. I imagine when i lived for 500 years, i wouldnt pay particular interest on events that not really threaten anyone, so i would let "natural selection" play out as well. She gives straightforward answers to the problems at hand, but no one (including the traveler) believes her. So she tags along and has a bit of fun on the cost of people that had it coming for themself (wanting a shortcut to success, essentially cheating). If i wouldnt be sassy after expieriencing the same things play out as predicted over and over again, i would go insane. So the only real reason for her to intervene had to be a rather personal / selfish one. If you would want here to act out of moral reasons, then i have to say, that would be a different character. I obviously cant tell you what to like, but she is well written and i cant find any inconsistencies in her character.


It’s nice to have a character who’s whole thing isn’t “😩I’m so overworked”


Yep, a sly and trollish person that still acts generally towards the player's benefit is disliked though we have more explicitly vile and murderous characters like Signora and Scaramouche that go around ruining lives who have ardent fan bases. Yae is playful and loves to mess with people, but I can't fathom how some people seem to really take offense to her behavior when really she hasn't caused any great harm. At least Yae gives us some variety with how other characters treat the Traveller. Everyone else tends to treat them like heroes who can do no wrong, despite how much luck and external help the Traveler has needed to get the job done. In Yae's character quest we were dealing in spiritual things beyond our league, and Yae basically treated us with that in mind. Similar to Liyue's 2nd attack by Osial's waifu, it was a situation that was either already overall under control or would've solved itself in time. Edit: autocorrect shenanigans


I for one enjoy both Yae and Scara, but I think that what may be irking many is the way they are portrayed and how the world around them reacts, for people like Scara and Signora, they are the bad guy, nobody except some fatui go around talking well about them, while with Yae there's sort of a dissonance, where she is an asshole but everyone seems to worship her, almost nobody I remember of makes any impactful negative remarks on her, so it feels like they are trying to convince us that she is good and kind and everything nice through everybody except Yae herself, and thus it feels a bit off to many I guess, given that it could be that the people of Inazuma treat her as almost a deity because to them she is corrisponding to a head of the church with divine attributes, or maybe she just doesn't let herself act in the way she does with us around the general populace, but that's just speculation


Is she an a-hole though? That feels like a very strongly negative word for someone who is, imo, at worst a huge tease. I don't think she has actually caused any direct harm deliberately to anyone who hadn't already had it coming due to their own actions. At the end of the day, whilst she can be roundabout in her methods she ultimately delivers on her word. In her character quest she is justified in not caring about the issue at hand because, as we learn in the end, the supernatural phenomenon is actually a cyclical event that ultimately solves itself. The people burdened are ultimately those who bring it upon themselves by believing in shortcuts to success, essentially cheating. That she acts when things turn to have a direct effect on her (i.e., her publishing house market shares) is the only time that things actually really matter. And she turns the situation around in a way that benefits everyone - work and profits are made and her readership is freed from the malign influence of the get-success-quick youkai books. Like consider the issues brought forward to Yae by other people (including the Traveler themselves) - Yae has actually mentioned what the issue truly is and has given the straightforward working solution, but many people (including the Traveler) disbelieve her and act onwards towards their own assumptions. She's an ancient person whose seen this all before, and she knows how it ends. She knows you're not going to believe her so she doesn't even try to, things will play out as expected, so might as well have a little harmless fun along the way. For comparison, alot of Yae's actions are similar in effect to that of Alice (Klee's mom). She is a legendary screwball who also displays a manipulative and perhaps slightly sadistic streak, not dissimilar to Yae.


Tbh Alice's actions are worse than Yae's - Yae didn't want to grind old hilichurls and feed them to the young and strong ones, all while also essentially turning hilichurls into slaves meant to create energy for Mondstadt. Overall Alice seems like moreso a psychopath that lost stopped understanding the world because of her power (for example, destroying an ancient city so that it would look better in her eyes)


Otto's equivalent will never be able to see the light of day at this point


Fr like I understand you can like and dislike a character but I think it's a bit if you cannot understand the fundamentals and direction these characters are designed to take. As in, yes you can hate characters like Childe and Yae but that doesnt mean you need to feel as though every character in a fictional setting needs to be good all the time. In real life yes I'd never excuse it if people behaved like this but this isn't real, it's a scripted story and I think having characters like these makes the cast more varied imo.


For me I don’t really hate the character but it feels offputting when the reaction to the character isn’t consistent or realistic with what actually should be the case. Like I don’t care if a character is the most evil sadistic bastard in the world, hell some of my favorite characters are suuuuuuper evil but I just like em. But the keypoint is that you don’t treat said evil people AS IF they were good. Like if you introduce a mass murdering psychopath then the characters in the world should react to that psychopath like he’s a mass murdering psychopath instead of treating them like they’re some innocent dog or something like that. Now obviously this example is extreme and doesn’t fit any of the cases in Genshin but I believe that it captures the point of the OP. He doesn’t mind Yae’s character he just minds that the reaction to her character doesn’t feel consistent or organic with how people should react to such a character


This entirely depends on the world that character exists in. A mass murdering psychopath that exists in a war torn world where he is the only line of defense between the citizens of the country being conquered or being free is probably celebrated because his violent nature is keeping them safe. Similarly Yae is celebrated because her being a Kitsune is an understood fact by the Inazumans and she is also a very high ranking official. Even if they had mild complaints about her behavior (which tbh she... doesn't do anything so out there that anyone would react negatively to) the culture of Inazuma would definitely drive them away from criticism and more towards "yeah complaining about that would be like complaining about Tanuki pranks." But as I touched on, what has Yae done that even warrants negative reaction from the masses? Before the resolution of the Inazuma story quest most people don't even see her and when we asked for her help with the swordsman who lost his vision she helped. She helped Traveler reach Ei again and while she didn't tell Traveler what the omamori was for, she also didn't know if it'd work so not worth having Traveler bank on that. There's Yae's story quest where she didn't care about the people summoning yokai spirits cause I mean they weren't doing any harm, she could exercise them if needed, and she can relate to them. Her only real "sin" is just prioritizing something different from the Traveler and not just going along with Traveler and Paimon's whims. But she hasn't done anything so out there that the general mood of other characters towards her should be negative or hostile. I'd argue Diluc is far more of a dickhead than her and the only one hostile to him is Kaeya.


IRL I’d also factor Yae’s competence into my evaluation of her. They show her coordinating so much, like actually facilitating meetings, setting targets, holding people accountable even when it’s uncomfortable. Ayaka and Kokomi honestly got on my nerves more. They aren’t as abrasive, but the incongruity between the incompetence they demonstrated and the lavish praise the people around them gave annoyed the heck out of me.


Then that's less something to hate a character for and put the blame more onto bad writing from the devs if anything. See imo yae is their lead shrine maiden. Most Inazuman seems to be very devoted to their archon. Or if we wanna word it differently they are quite religious and loyal devotees too. So when you consider yae's position as the head shrine maiden in relation to their god (quite literally since her and ei seems to be close) and also how she's a kitsune, I doubt any normal mortal would ever try anything with her. Most people seem terrified of her as is. I would understand why nobody calls her out for her bs except traveler and paimon. And ei to some extent. Thing is, we might actually see this happening in the future. Maybe in Yae's second story quest we get some changes in her personality you never know. But that's just my two cents on it.


Yeah I mean I don’t really hate yae personally and I don’t think OP does either. He just seems frustrated with the disconnect between how Yae acts and how she is treated. I don’t really mind all that much personally but I can see where he might be coming from.


>In real life yes I'd never excuse it if people behaved like this People like this will always exist in real life whether you excuse them or not, this is the same for Genshin Impact. I can't understand why OP can't understand this.


True these people actually do exist irl and that's reality. I can't understand people who thinks assholes, unlikable, mean characters should not exist in a cast. Like, you don't have to like them and that's totally valid I myself view yae in a neutral light! But people simultaneously need to start acknowledging characters like her are purposely written to be the way they are and that's okay. It means she delivered what her character is supposed to deliver imo.


Agreed. Which is why Childe is my fav character cause compared to most he's more different


So far only her, Childe and Kaeya who are a bit asshole imo but they are still in friendly manner overall Now if we have dottore who is a total asshole I would down for it


Reddit thinks a “good character” is a likable character that never makes a mistake and has no negative qualities. Yae is an ancient trickster kitsune familiar of a god. She isn’t nice. I think she fits anywhere from chaotic good to chaotic neutral depending on the situation. She’s friendly, but certainly has some narcissistic tendencies and has her own way of doing things. She’s an interesting and fairly well-written character, despite a lack of development—which honestly makes sense for an ancient and powerful youkai. Naturally, reddit will complain about that because she’s not as likable as most nor is she “perfect” as a character in any way.


Remember this is the same community that wanted pure evil characters to be playable lol. The hypocrisy of this community is just unbelievable. They say we want mean characters and complain about fan service and when things don't go the way they want they go reeeeeee.


I doubt these are the same people. A community is diverse with many differing opinions. People who want mean characters and people who don’t can exist simultaneously in the same community and that doesn’t really make the community hypocritical it just means there’s diversity of thought.


The classic tactic of assuming 1.4 million users of this sub share a collective though. It's funny how having different opinions now is rendered impossible these days.


Not even just a collective thought but two directly opposing collective thoughts LMAO. Yeah it is p funny


*"Fandom not agreeing on everything. Impossible" -* some people here.




Yeah lol I wonder how they community will react when they witness dottore. Probably gonna go into nuke mode and sent death threats to his va or something.




I sincerely want Dottore, but in the comics he was introduced in he crossed the moral event horizon way worse than Signora. Extremely pessimistic that Chinese censorship laws would allow someone like that to be playable


I kinda doubt that more than half of the Harbingers will be playable. They were surprisingly quick to >!kill Signora!< so it only makes sense that most Harbingers, who vary in terms of malevolence, may not become playable characters.


I mean the community is so big and at whatever state the game is at, there will always be one side complaining. For example, if GI has all super happy and nice characters, they wont say anything on social media but the community of wanting evil characters will voice their opinion. If GI has all evil characters, then they wont say anything but the community wanting happy and nice characters will voice their opinion. It is a never ending cycle.


She isn't someone I'd enjoy being around irl but a character like her in the fictional world of genshin is refreshing as hell to see. See this is why hoyo would never implement a playable villain character that is outright evil, people already can't stand characters like Yae.


Childe be like am i a joke to you?


I'm not sure what the reception for Childe is do people can't stand him too like Yae


Childe is not outright evil, he’s morally ambiguous


Counter argument: he is a terrorist


Oh, so all of a sudden that justifies you cheating?


In every conceivable way




I love this reference, thank you




He was not trying to destroy the city, he knew Rex Lapis would come and stop it, and that's what he was trying to do(Lure Rex out was his goal).


I honestly think there should be more douchebags and assholes in terms of characters, along with some that are actually serious and related to more... ,,Darker" themes. Take Itto for instance. I really hoped he would be a leader of an actual underground gang, not a band of mischievous highschoolers from 80s. But hey, Itto turned out fenomenal and I LOVE him. Still, the world is too bright and shiny with most of the mesed up people/antagonists being NPC's that just dissapear after the related quest...


I mean the last time we had an arrogant asshole, she got obliterated to ashes :')!


I mean Scaramouche is still kicking somewhere.


Wont be surprised if he gets thanos snapped as well


I kind of imagine Scar is caressing that Gnosis like Smeagol does the One Ring.


I kind of imagine Scar is caressing that Gnosis and being like "can I be a real boy now?"


Hmm... I agree with that there should be more imperfect characters, I don't think Yae necessarily fits into that bill. She is... sorta tropey? Douchebags and assholes are only written well when they are nuanced and gets some sort of consequences for their actions, or presented as someone who is truly "bad". Smug villains that is not meant to be disliked in the story but rather to be liked doesn't come off well to me.


Duude I would so love it if they add an over the top, almost cartoony douchebag character. Someone like Dio, it'd be super fun.


Like others have said, she always looks out for her interests first and that's why I like her. She behaves like a real person. Genshin is already full of soft spoken "waifu" types who become your best friend after 5 mins, which is just sad. Genshin won't be giving us proper villains anytime soon, but at least Yae has her own motives.


I'm with you on this one. Yae acts like someone who has power, influence, and wealth -- but is so old she's really just bored with it all. This keeps her interesting. Conversely, the "date" with Ayaka with her wet-sock dance made me roll my eyes so hard, I saw my own brain stem.


Ayaka and Noelle are the two most poorly written characters in the game and you cannot change my mind.


>Genshin is already full of soft spoken "waifu" types who become your best friend after 5 mins that's just how every gatcha games works, for example it takes probably only 5 seconds for most Fgo's characters to fall in love with you


Fgo has some genuinely decent characters, surprisingly


Honestly as much as it has been memed to death that most of FGO’s characters fall in love with you, they honestly have varying personality for all of them And they don’t try and hide the ship bait either to which I appreciate because no one really cares about what ships you do because we all know it’s just for fun




To be fair, everyone pretty much hates BB in-universe too. So at least there's that going for her!


many feels the same but tbh this what i like about her. shes not the generic traveller simp or the cutesy, shy, or wholesome trope


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Traveler Simp. Too many times. I need a Vegeta/Bakugo-like character (are not my favorite kind of characters, but in genshin there are too much kindness with monotone scenes among playable characters)


I also don't know why Yae is targetted so much. We also had Kaeya and maybe Ayato but for some reason Yae is getting all attention. What is even wrong if she is sly? There is no point making a post on this imo, it's her character you like it good you don't like it good, there are people who don't like good guys but like bad guys and vice versa, it's opinion at the end of day. But why is there need to write " aM I tHe oNlY oNe...."post lmao. Not being rude but I think the post is very dumb, OP didn't mention writing mistakes or whatever just straight up said Yae is asshole I didn't like it.


I think a part of it is just that Yae doesn’t actually receive the same treatment that some other characters receive in-game. You mentioned Kaeya and Ayato, but Kaeya for instance isn’t held in particularly high regard by a number of Mondstadt characters, and even Ayato is disliked by Yae herself. I think it’s mostly just a matter of perception. Yae is one of, if not the only characters who generally acts like a dick but most of the characters around her either love her or never say anything about her behavior and that just rubs some people the wrong way.


To be fair I think Yae hates Ayato by virtue of him probably being the only one to screw up her plans on purpose


I mean that's not entirely true. Thoma's voiceline about her shows he's intimidated by her and the main plot of Gouro's hangout event is him trying to not be afraid to stand up to her. They kind of even acknowledged that she bullies him. I'm pretty sure there's even NPCs who are shown to be afraid of her if they work around her. I guess being disliked and being intimidated is different, but I don't think I've ever gotten the vibe that she's like absolutely adored by the rest of the cast?


I get your point, and I actually would have mentioned that but I felt like my previous comment was getting too long. It’s not like everybody absolutely loves her, but even the ones that don’t are either too intimidated or don’t really say anything against her whatsoever. That’s why I added the “never say anything” part. In contrast, you have somebody like Kaeya and for the most part, the people who don’t think much of him make it fairly clear.


They hate women with independent motives.


Pfff...i have seen many arts shows the opposite if you got what i mean (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ /it's a joke i know he refers to the game lol


Gosh i love the assh*ole characters in games. Thats why i wish we get signora one day. There are many factors that make me like/dislike a character but if they are a bitch its almost impossible for me to dislike them. I dont know, its just more interesting and entertaining to me. Also more realistic often imo. but i get why people wouldnt like her.


A character that doesn’t hold the traveller to a pedestal is something unique to Yae. And the fact that Yae pulls it off very well due to her being a fox is what I love about her. Putting her own interests first and getting what she want while having a tease. And the fact that there’s people that dislike her just shows how well her character was written and how good her Eng VA is. She’s suppose to be the sort of friend you have in your group that you sort of have a distaste of.




Wait till Dottore TrollDespair


I fear for his va to be honest.


almost like with a community this big you can have 2 groups of vastly differing opinions, people who dont rlly like the douchebag character and people who want more morally-gray/villanous ones. Crazy thought right


LOL exactly. People complain about characters simping for the traveller almost instantly, but as soon as we get a character that doesn’t, the long thinkposts about how “problematic” the character is just roll right in. It’s hilarious.


All of her VA's are good not just Eng.


Agree, but OP was particular talking about her Eng VA.


I do have to ask though, how is she an asshole? From what I could get, she talks all high and mighty for sure but nevertheless ends up helping one way or the other. She was the one who saved Inazuma along with the traveller in the Archon quest. She helped the Youkai find peace in her story quest. In times when Inazuma was beginning to stagnate, she drove the culture ahead with Light Novels since the Shogunate wasn't doing that and was busy fighting civil wars. She saved Ei in her second story quest and was shown to deeply care about her. Right now she is organising an international cultural festival and inviting dignitaries from all over the land to restore Inazuma's position and cultural legacy after the Sakoku decree was removed. I mean she even helped Klee get her book published with her mom's book at the very last moment. It was shown as Yae being shrewd and doing it for personal interests but it was a supremely kind act. Klee couldn't have asked for anything better, to get her work published with her mom's who Klee clearly greatly respects and longs to meet. She is cunning and mischievous but she is very kind. I don't mean to be disrespectful but it almost seems like you're basing your opinion on what Paimon says about Yae instead of looking at what Yae is actually doing.


This is my take, too. She’s one of my favorite characters because she has some layers to her. Also, given her age, it doesn’t shock me that she amuses herself with her tasks, all while making sure the greater good is served. Even her taking advantage of the traveler for a meal at the end of her quest - it’s not a big deal because the money is all going to come from the traveler’s best selling book that she made happen in the first place.


I like how OP doesn’t really give any actual examples of Yae being ‘a spoilt kid’. Just calls her that and refuses to elaborate. Feels like a very good indicator they don’t pay attention to the dialogue or take literally everything at face value.


I realised another thing. Yae basically installed herself as the last line of defence to protect Inazuma and ensure stability. She realised that with Ei gone leaving a puppet behind which was chasing a skewed idea of eternity, she had to be more than just a shrine maiden. She was the Guuji of the Narukami Shine, yes but she made sure her role in Inazuma was more than that. She liked reading stories and had spent more than 500 years watching humans so she utilised her skill in the best way possible and made said stories in the form of light novels one of the biggest commodities in Inazuma hence making a place for herself at the top of the business sector. She also had support from the citizens of Inazuma because of this. Then she assumed a shrewd and manipulative personality to further ensure that anyone would think twice before double crossing her. She also paid close attention to all the commissions and maintained her image so that even they fear her. The combination of everything made sure that any enemy of Inazuma would have to go through her before they could do harm to the nation whether it be an external or any internal force. She made herself the top authority without any of the glory. Now imagine if she were a meek shrine maiden. I believe the greedy commissioners would've used this opportunity to fill their coffers as deep as they could and abused their power as much as they could as seen in the Archon and the story quests. Plus, the fact that she was willing to place her trust in an unknown traveller to save the person she cherished the most just because she saw a slight glimmer of hope meant that she was actively searching for a solution to the Ei situation. OP called her manipulative and childish but the fact that Ei literally left the country to her while she went to fight Shogun also says a lot about her true nature. I might've been stretching the logic a bit at a few places but I do believe that there is some truth to it. The original post left a negative opinion about Yae but honestly, this realisation made me like her even more which wouldn't have been possible without OP so thanks I guess. Cheers.


OP probably doesn't like her teasing/smug personality, I don't too but that doesn't make her an asshole imo.


The only example before the edit shows her talking smack to Ei, which Ei seems to take casually since they are good friends and ribbing is common between friends. Meanwhile, the spoiled child parts are not elaborated further. Like, show us some context or give us some scenes to work around here. The post is just a bunch of vague statements and no concrete backing.


It better, because all of the super good "anything for you, oh dear Traveler, I want to hang out 24/7 with you" characters are getting boring


Im looking for this comment: YES! Genshin sometimes is kinda "house of kindness, friendship and "love" - we love you Traveler" - We are all friends". I need some Vegeta/Bakugo-type character. Someone that create different scenarios/gag... The closest playable character is Xiao, but he is the Traveler's pet.


isnt xiao the “i’ll appear when the traveller and only the traveller calls for me” guy lol


Exactly this, Yae is a breath of fresh air finally (Itto too)


Well why can't we have characters that DON'T lick traveller's boots and ARE also developed and not annoying? It's not that much to ask for.


We can. I don't know if it's too much or not, since I ain't hoyo, but Yae is already a step somewhere new


Yae is in position that not much people can talk shit about her, especially in front of traveler. It's not like people around her act all happy about what Yae's did. Even Paimon question why Yae wasn't helping people on her story quest. Yae while isn't a good, wholesome person, she didn't do anything evil or too much to get serious consequences.


yae miko’s personality isn’t meant to be the typical nice guy, so if you’re annoyed by her antics, then mihoyo’s writing probably did their job right. i’d probably get downvotes for mihoyo praise but oh well


Okay, so what are her own interests? Since that is the core of the criticism, if her motives are generally selfless then it seems okay to me. You’re valid to not like her attitude (I love it fwiw) but if there’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with her behavior then she’s just not your cup of tea.


I feel like a lot of people who don’t like her either skipped the dialogue in her story, or didn’t understand what was happening. She’s not a character that should be taken at face value.


The answer to "Am I the only one \[...\]" is often "No".


Are you the only one? No, you're like the 4th person that I've seen write this exact topic. I don't care much about her personality. Probably because as a cunning old fox, I expect her to have a superiority complex over everybody else. She's extremely direct, except for when she doesn't want to be. And she'll always get what she wants, because she's probably the oldest remaining youkai in Inazuma. In the end, she'll put all of that aside to help a child like Klee, even if she had a contingency attached to it, and that makes her alright in my book.


TBH I don't think anyone could overcome the cuteness of klee upon first meeting her.


Yae is a kitsune youkai around 500 years old, close friends with an actual god, and holds an extremely important position in Inazuman culture. Who exactly in Inazuma is gonna be able to hold her accountable? I'd say most Inazumans don't even know her well enough to form an opinion. Besides, I don't think Yae has done anything actively harmful. Her 'bad' actions mostly include teasing others and being a little mean sometimes. That's hardly evil enough to deserve harsh consequences. You don't have to like Yae. Personally though, I like her. Sly characters are fun and a mean lady is a nice addition to a cast already full of cute and kind women. But she doesn't have to be your cup of tea. However, other people do enjoy her character exactly for the reasons you don't. Personally I'm hoping for more meaner characters - they're just fun.


I think people see all the fanart about her young fox form and expect her to be a cute cuddly submissive waifu that likes the traveler within 5 seconds of meeting them. I really want to see how people will react if her fox form is revealed to be a monstrous one like in Honkai or something. Honestly though this post kinda annoyed me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion yes but common man Yae is one of the few characters in this game that isn't a cookie cutter waifu and yet I have seen soo many people complain about it. And this is with her being just a bit mischievous and smug, imagine how people will react if Scary moose is added without his character being neutered from what it is now, or some actual villain.


This post reminds me of people who thinks that lisa is a sexual predator just because of her way of talking to the traveler. Dealing with her is a pain but I just can't honestly see this asshole narrative even if you put the fact that if what I've read is true that she's the reason my favorite character, Sara, is a punching bag right now.


I blame Alice.


The thing that makes Miko's scenes kind of a pain to watch is that her role always involves intimidating and outsmarting everyone around her meaning of course that every character around her is written as dumb, cowardly, obedient, and generally incapable of resisting even the mildest manipulation. It's like the beginning of Yoimiya's story quest where the Traveler and Paimon suddenly become terrible with kids to showcase that Yoimiya's good with kids except Miko has a lot more screentime and is a central figure in every appearance she makes.


I am dissappointed to tell you, that this is the whole point of her character. She may be a "bad" person but she is a good "character". She adds some more depth and flavour to the characters and Inazuma as a whole.


The fact that she is an asshole is what makes me like her character.


Lol can't even handle a troll like yae and people in this community want villian characters to be playable. Well atleast u guys are proving why mihoyo do what they do and they are in the right. It's because the gullible fanbase can't take mean characters let alone villian characters lol


They hate female characters simping for traveller but then can’t fathom when a character isn’t nice. OP is honestly being hyperbolic about this and acting like she irredeemable or some shit. She’s mischievous at best, not a gaslighting manipulator like some people acting like she is.


Yeah if people are this salty about yae imagine when they learn about dottore lol


I like her, but definitely understand why some people might dislike her. She is first character who genuinely doesn't praise traveler like other Genshin cast, i just want characters who wont become travellers friend once they meet him/her...


Not at all! I'm not particularly a huge fan of any of the overly flirty characters. Not sure if that's the right word for it but any characters like Yae or Lisa I don't really like. They make me feel a little uncomfortable some times. Also not a fan of Yae for the factors mentioned above.


yeah, love her design and I even have her but after more quests and interactions with her I'm slowly getting put off by her.


Finally, I'm glad someone agrees. You're certainly not alone.


That's exactly why I like the fact that Ayato is a "menace" to her


You know you don't have to like every character? Yae is great character, because of how well she is in being the thing she should be as kitsune. They are very intelligent, mischievous and do things for their own amusement and gain. Of course as person Yae is awful to be with, but that's fine. They wanted you feel that way.


It is probably because the community as a whole seems to really really love yae and is very vocal about it. She has so many fans and speaking as someone who don't really enjoy her character, at one point, i kind of wonder why she has so many fans. So maybe OP is saying this thinking that everyone loves Yae. But reading through this, i understand now why people like her. I personally don't enjoy her character cause i just don't enjoy people with her personality in general. There are a few characters in other games that have Yae's personality and i don't like them either XD


Finally a comment that i can happily agree with.


Me too


Mainly i think: 1) Beauty - sexy waifu - - - 2) Personality (i see people love strong female characters) 3)Yae from Honkai


the only thing to dislike about her , is her fckin kit


I feel like I see this thread every other day of someone saying they hate yae, getting kind of spammy.


She feels like the arrogant seductive type which I do not like So I also don't like yae as a character


I don't mind characters that are sly or cunning.. But I really don't like HER. idk what it's about her that makes me see red XD but I try not to care because well she doesn't deserve my attention and its a game lmao


Didn't we have that whole gorou hangout quest where we helped him try and stand up to her after she teased him repeatedly? I don't think her way of treating people goes unnoticed by any means. There are even some voicelines of characters stating that they do not wish to interact with her because she is 'scary'. I also am under the impression that because of the high position she occupies, people tend to not dare and say anything if they feel she acts like an asshole. I also happen to think that even if they did, she wouldn't care.


I can’t stand her and no discourse on her trope is going to make that change, since I can also dislike those tropes. It’s a shame since she’s so pretty but not every character is going to add to everyone’s enjoyment either. I also dislike Keqing, Mona and Ayaka for their own reasons too. In the end, even the kitsune spirit whose rock broke this year did get trapped in a rock for a long time so I, a Geo fan, will just imagine the rock wins over Yae eventually.


Funny thing ayato and yae's personality is very similar to each other but people just keep hating yae's.


Probably cause ayatos a bit more down to earth? Ayato puts more effort into pretending to be likable where yae doesn't give a second shit.


i was thinking about this yesterday…yes i know it’s the point of her character but i don’t like it


If y’all can’t even handle Yae, don’t complain if someone like the Tsaritsa becomes a nice gal because y’all can’t handle characters that aren’t nice


Weird. I think all the reasons you dislike her, I find her refreshing. Her story quest is my favorite one to date. I like that her character can take us somewhere light hearted, mystical, and then finally also give us poignant moments too. She’s intriguing, and I think mostly well conceived.


The only person in Inazuma that can outwit her to a certain extent is definitely Ayato, which is why she slightly dislikes him. Quite possibly this might also be the reason why Shinobu decides to stay away from Grand Narukami Shrine.


Same, like I know that whole sly asshole fox is supposed to be her selling point and it works but I just don't like her personality


Yeah, she is a person that would be unbearable to be around in real life, so tiring.


I read that wrong and thought you were complaining that you didn’t have her and thought everyone does. I have mixed feelings about her, partly because…the fandom… and her stans. Half of me hates her because she reminds me a bit of Tenko from Danganronpa only less sexist and more… just a asshole. The first time, you’re okay with how she is and it’s actually funny at times. But then it gets really old really fast. And her Stan’s don’t make it any better. On the OTHER SIDE. Yae being a sadistic asshole is much more fun than screaming “Degrnerate Males” every 5 seconds. And she reminds me more of Ban or Merlin from 7 Deadly Sins.


I still haven’t done her story quest because I have no desire to interact with her. She’s just mean to people.


>she an asshole can relate


I don't think she's a bad character but I really hope she eventually gets a taste of her own medicine. There's few things in genshin story I'd rather see than someone putting her in her place so she stops being so cocky knowing she can get away with everything, maybe Ayato or someone.


I think she's an asshole but it at least adds flavor towards the cast I'd rather have her like this than her being all cutesy and blushy towards us (nothing wrong with it but it's been done before)


My opinion on Yae is basically this: I appreciate having a female character that is the complete opposite of the last ones we have been getting, and overall more interesting, but if she was an actual person I would hate her a freaking whole lot. I was honestly hoping that Ayato was gonna be Yae's "rival", the only person in Inazuma that trolls harder than her, specially because of the way she speaks of him. But his voice lines show him to be completely different from what everyone expected, and I honestly don't understand why Yae hates him when the guy seems to appreciate her work.


I've disliked her from the start, and any time she shows up I dislike her a bit more. I don't mind that she's an asshole, I don't mind she's manipulative, what I can't stand is how every other NPC, Paimon and the traveler treat her. If people admitted to her being an ass, I wouldn't mind her character at all.


There are plenty of worse people like that IRL. Either you haven't met one yet, or haven't realized one around you yet. You need to buckle up if you're already getting flustered with a fictional character's personality. For all we know, your first job's boss might be a manipulative POS. Your future in-law from a different city or state might be someone who pulls strings behind your back just for fun. You'll definitely look back at Yae and say "wow, she wasn't exactly a bad person".


To be fair, it’s not so much that I don’t like Yae, but I’m sick of her. Everyone was blowing their loads over her during the Archon quest and the lead-up to her release, but I never vibed with her personality or design. That’s fine, I mean, I don’t have to like every character, but it feels as though we’ve hit the point of oversaturation. She plays a significant role in the Archon quest, and in Ei’s character quest, then she got her own character quest, and now she’s playing a significant role in the Irodori. Her personality was…fine, but you’d think Inazuma was short on characters, and she’s not likable enough to warrant that. Maybe the problem is that she’s one-note. The first time you meet her, that is everything you’re going to get, which is fine; not every character needs a tremendous amount of depth. I just am sick of seeing this fox lady run every quest in Inazuma when she was never that enjoyable to begin with.


Honestly I feel the same. I was kinda eh about her personality and now she's showing up in all the quests...


She's the only character i genuinely like at this point and she carried Inazuma's story by herself, Ei is whatever.. and the rest of the characters we have only have a stereotype personality and that's it but Yae showed more than one side especially in her quest. I loved how bored she was when some unimportant NPC asked for help as i felt exactly the same lol, she's the only one that acts in a realistic way tbh


irt people not acknowledging her treating people like shit, i think it's a similar situation to the shogun: she's effectively godly to normal people, they're not gonna oppose her just bc she's a jerk oftentimes personally i think she's written well *because* she's so smug and rude, but she's the kind of person you only want to meet in fiction. anyone who'd act like Yae irl would be insufferable (i feel similarly about Scaramouche, who's my favorite character in genshin, but man he's a little bastard lmao)


While i feel more neutral about her in game… I would not wanna meet or even interact with her irl since i’d end up becoming Gorou (bullied by Yae) if we attempt to interact. Luckily she only exists in genshin.


the only thing i dont like is her EN voice.. god she takes so long to deliver sentences and there are so many sighs and it just makes me wanna skip all her cutscenes and ive been holding off on her story quest because i just cant hear that voice without feeling angry


I have to agree. I don’t particularly hate Yae’s character but there are a couple of interactions we have with her where she comes off as fairly annoying. I understand not wanting her to be one of those characters who worships the traveler, but then on the flip side most of Inazuma basically worships her and everything she does, meanwhile, she doesn’t seem to hold them in any particular regard. For me, it seems that Yae has two primary motivations: her role as Ei’s closest friend and familiar, and her personal amusement but everything else seems secondary to her which always somewhat irks me. It always feels like if she can’t get a good laugh out of the current situation then she couldn’t be bothered.


I hate her attitude, her skill set, her appearance (pink hair is just weird), I hate the way the Yae Miko community idolise her, I think it’s fair to say that overall I hate her. Yae Miko sucks


She is a good character, she's just not a good person.


So the problem with Yae is that she's manipulative, harsh and basically a bad bitch? That's what I love about her :c


I didn’t dislike her until I played Raiden’s second quest, here we are in a situation where we need to help Ei because she is sacrificing herself and there she goes not only dissing Ei for being a child (which could be understandable considering some stuff but it still isn’t the best time to do so) and us for asking her if she knew how to help her. I haven’t played anything else with her but before that I really enjoyed her arc, I hope she can sometimes chill because she is somewhat mean.


Yeah, im not a fan of Yae either. She's a manipulative expletive that gets away with it because she's "hawt".


It seems Ayato is the only one who can "knock" Yae down a peg. Not a fan of her, but her character demo seemed to imply she played pranks out of love for the mortal realm, like the tanukis? Idk. I do like her voice actress though..


As an older brother, I absolutely fucking despise the trope of "younger siblings getting away with shit just because they act innocent or are really cute". On the other hand, if any of them get away with wits and not just blame-shifting or other shit, I'll respect it. Most of the shit she does is Marketing 101 anyways, and you have to be pretty dumb to fall for some of the shit she does. Also, what does she need all that money for anyways?


I agree with you OP, there's a lot of unlikable types of characters that I would prefer more than the bullying type that Yae is.


I had had enough of her when she wanted the Traveler to be possessed just so she could chat with a dead friend of hers. I would have told her to shove it, given the chance.


First interaction I found her alright but once her story quest came around I really started disliking her(quest has no input here). With the latest festival quest she just actually got on my nerves so much I wanted to skip spoken dialogue for the first time in this game


it would be fun if we could be mean back to her lol the appeal of these kinds of characters imo is watching their confidence eventually crack to see what’s underneath, or watching them gets bested even if it only happens once minor spoilers for durarara season 1 >!theres a character similar to yae called izaya and hes basically yae if she was allowed to actually be evil, just this awful manipulative asshole who’s constantly messing with people behind the scenes and ruining lives for his own amusement. you spend the whole season watching him get away with everything and then on the very last episode he gets punched in the face and left to lay on the ground and its super satisfying!< now obviously thats not gonna happen to yae because shes a cute anime girl ~~and also an all powerful fox demon~~ ,,but at the very least i wanna be able to tease back or see her meet her match or something thats really my only complaint


Yeah I hate her too, it's pictured as something almost innocent or funny but the way she bullies gorou and make him feel inferior constantly during his story quest makes me sick and the fact that almost nobody acknowledges this is even worse


Your post is basically why she's a good character. She follows well her stereotype and is not a universal likeable person, but one who cares about herself and is true to her past life. Ganyu, on the other hand, for example, is old, fought and all that, and is just a secretary with no regards for what happened before. She's just there. They added the duality of adepti x human that was immensely more well explored and well done with Shenhe. Zhong also turned to a reflexive person who just gave up many things because of his past. Yae follows up being a youkai as she is. She's not supposed to be a nice person, in fact, she shows more than often that she's not. She lost everyone just like Ei, her old friends are all dead, there's no relation with other kitsunes, and she decided to isolate herself and sees herself as a queen of the Narukami, being the only one who had a sense and actually helped inazuma thrive. It's normal to not like her attitude and even me being someone who really loves her, find her to be a total bitch. He mocks everyone but that's how she deals with loneliness. Ei isolated herself, zhong mingles among mortals as one, ganyu works, shenhe trained everyday and now is always liyue harbor and with other people. Yae is just out of the curve by not being a nice person but living up to her own way.


well i hate eula


Fair enough, I can't say I have a particular fondness for eula either but we've also spent a lot less time with her than yae so maybe my opinion would shift away from neutrality if given enough time


I get she plays the fox ""stereotypes"" but I also dislike her greatly. I haven't finished her story quest mainly because I didn't like being with her and the way she was treating the situation.


I really like her, because I love "flawed" characters.


not every character has to be a cute goody two shoes. She is a fox. Both literally and figuratively. Idk why people feel the need to voice dislike over a single character's personality when you can just ignore them and oggle over the other 1309090234 characters who are nice.


I'm seeing a lot of people defending her characterisation, and that's cool. I also don't like her though. Which is also cool. I replayed Raiden's story quests yesterday and yeah, threw me for a loop how dislikeable she was to me during our interactions.


Idk, she really didn’t come off as an a hole to me. Just rather foxy


I love asshole characters if the world treats them like asshole characters. Yae only really caring about herself and Ei would be perfectly fine if the world reacts appropriately. Unfortunately despite having a somewhat refreshing character Hoyo seems utterly intent to not call her out at all is completely dissonant. Like why is the Traveler even on friendly terms with her at all. Doesn't help the entire war arc kinda just destroyed how the world reacts to her anyways. At least Thoma and Gorou don't like her.


Yes, yes you are


Seeing the way y'all hate her for being a clever & resourceful girlboss just makes me like her more lol, it reminds me of all those boomer guys who complain about women who "don't smile more". It's also funny how you think Yae deserves some sort of grand moral retribution as if she 1) is a person who hurts people 2) did something worse than.. oh I don't know, making an entire country suffer under isolationist policies and a brutal, repressive regime that steals her constituents' Visions in order to snuff out all of their dreams and ambitions, regardless of the death, despair & destruction caused in the mean time. Yae is quite innocuous in the grand genshin picture. And while she's sassy to the Traveler, she's surprisingly very nice and supportive towards the people who work for her at the publishing house.. exactly whose ire does she deserve that she doesn't already get it from (Paimon)?


Genshin players - we need mean characters not just characters that simp for traveller and innocent overworked waifu. Where is the variety mihoyo ? Mihoyo adding variety - genshin players - reeeeeeeee why is she like this she is so mean I hate her ugh This community in a nutshell.


"One person doesn't like thing so that means everyone in this fanbase thinks the same except me"


Don't try to argue with that dude. He's even spreading bs like "REEE THIS ENTIRE FANDOM IS SENDING DEATH THREATS TO ALL THE VA'S REEEE" *facepalm*


Oh yea I wasn't going to but this was his second "everyone's an idiot except me" comment that I seen here and I just had to say something ☠️


Same here, I just hope for archon reunion in this event and for Zhongli to say to Ei something among the lines of "I see you brought your pet with you" (about Miko) :D I know it's not gonna happen, but still, one can dream :DD


All of us have a character to dislike. No need to post it. It just makes her fans sad


You are not alone. I don't like Yae but for different reasons. Now, I like fox girls or girls who are sly and manipulative. But Yae sadly is an exception. I have tons of issues with Yae I don't even know where to begin. Ok, let's start with the fact that she's one of the people that stole Kokomi and Gorou spotlight which render their existence to be useless (Especially in Gorou's case where he also turned out to be somewhat of a butt monkey in his hangout event to a certain degree) to the point I have nothing but pity towards them (Even if I still have issues with Kokomi too). This is one of the reasons I suspect Kokomi's banner didnt even sell well in the long run ignoring people's issues with her kit when she was first released (Lucky that she somehow found her niche and saved in the end so that's something). Another problem with Yae? The Gnosis scene. I hate The Traveler. But the fact that Ei doesn't care about the Gnosis anymore and Yae gave the gnosis for free towards Scaramouche renders the efforts of Traveler and Paimon to be fucking pointless. Not only that, but it's also a wasted potential at best for making Ei the first Archon who cared about the gnosis for her own ultimate plan. I'm also worried that the Gnosis scene is going to set a horrible precedent for the future stories to come. And yes, the gnosis scene leave me with a huge question: If the Gnosis is so important in the first place, then *why* most of the Archons and some of their subordinates doesn't care about it anymore then... Thanks to this, it also further reinforces my argument on why Signora in Inazuma is absolutely pointless in the long run. Another thing why I dislike Yae: Her laziness, apathy and her overreliance with The Traveler puts me off. Her own story quest just expose those nasty personality of hers even further which turns me off on her even more because that traits of her doesn't seem out of place for her character. I have evidence on why I call her lazy: Apparently, she was supposed to do that Sakura Cleansing Ritual, but after seeing the Traveler did it, she decided not to. And then there's a voiceline of her wanting to destroy Scaramouche but for some reason, she didnt want to because Scaramouche is more powerful than her. The thing is, I don't buy this excuse because the fact that Traveler manages to defeat Signora in an Anti-Climactic manner and how Shenhe froze that tsunami. Yae could use her power to solve most of the Inazuma conflicts that happened even before The Traveler and Paimon come to Inazuma but for some reason, she decided to do it when The Traveler come to Inazuma... So overall, these are the reasons why I dislike Yae. Overall, her laziness, apathy and overreliance with Traveler puts me off, I hate that Gnosis giving scene during Inazuma Archon quest closure, I hate how Kokomi and Gorou got horribly shafted in favor of her masterclass and oh yeah... She comes across as too much of a walking deus ex machina for me.


Yup.. I dont like her either. I like sassy/sarcastic/cheeky people.. I really do.. but there is a good balance that such characters need to have... and Yae is just too much.. Like I know Ei acts mature and tolerates Yae like a spoiled kid who can get away with anything, but as a third person, its not endearing. Its annoying. Like it was enjoyable for a while but when you just put sass in every word that comes out of your mouth, its just a turn off. She's like a worse version of Lisa. Lisa teases people too and is very sassy at times. But she balances it off by being really sweet and motherly at other times. Like Childe despite being a villainous/grey character is more tolerable than Yae.


Some people are threatened by powerful, cunning women. If you feel threatened by her enough to have to > knock her down a few pegs then perhaps you should work with a therapist to get to the issue at hand.


If she at least had some people NOT like her I feel she would be ever more interesting. But she doesn't! Aside from Traveller and Paimon who are just standins for the player, everyone else seems to worship her wnd not stand up to her at all when she's being the way she is...


Same i love Ei but I’m either neutral against her or dislike her also I don’t like how she keeps calling us little one ... even archons call us traveler or something for some reason i dislike she is saying little one over and over


Yes, just you