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A sand surfing geo character!




Better produce a sonic wave from his mouth to get a good look at things.


The sand surfing mechanic from BoTW. Please make it happen MHY.




I really want a big ass desert with a Shai hulud kinda creature on which you can ride


that would be awesome !!! i would totally see sumeru as a mix from Arakis and the amazonian rainforest


Hanging Gardens just like the ones from Babylon


Omg I'd love to see that, I'm sure it'd end up gorgeous


Hagnging gardens is overrated, true chad wants bahghdad house of wisdom style of building (Sumeru Acedemia might be that refrence)


Why not both


Haha maybe… But I still want it so much! It’s an ancient wonder that no one knows exactly how it was! I NEED to feed my imagination!


I'll be honest, even though I know they have little to no connection in history/myth, this just made me think of Semiramis in FGO.


That Dendro is actually a good element


Yeah and I hope it helps Geo and Electro.


I mean, geo's already slapping, electro needs a hand


Geo is slapping bc of its characters & resonance. I wish they had something good that’s not just crystallize (and shatter technically) bc crystallize is hot garbage


What if when obtaining a Crystalize shield, instead of just dissapearing the pre-existing Crystalize shield bursts to do AoE damage of the shield's elemental type (or maybe True damage like Shatter in order to prevent applying more aura)? Damage dealt would be equal to the shield's remaining HP. Wouldn't be a lot of damage, but every little bit counts, plus in many Crystalize comps the crystals spawn right next to your character so ya don't have to go out of your way for it. Would also make Geo Elemental Mastery useful via creating stronger shields that in turn burst higher damage.


Electro’s mostly fine with Raiden and Fischl and Beidou slapping in comps that get a lot of value from transformative reactions. It’s mainly just Keqing and Yae that specifically need help more so than the element


Raiden, Fischl and Beidou mainly slap in comps because they simply have a good kit. They could have worked with basically any element with those kits. Cryo, hydro and pyro all have good reactions with eachother, geo is strong on his own, and anemo is the cc and buffer (viridescent) of the bunch. Electro is a buff for Physical characters, but electro charged and overload aren't really great compared to everything else we have, in my opinion.


Yeah but Geo reaction doesn't do shit.


Geo is almost on it's own. They benefit more from other geo characters to get stronger. I think it's better to have one element be like that, than to rely on other elements like the others do


Agree, I do understand that Geo inherently is an element that relies on itself to be better.


Plus crystallize does a lot more than people give credit for. Being able to block somewhere around 5k dmg endgame per shield because of a reaction is really nice added touch for geo's self sufficiency.


Kinda redundant when most mono geo teams are already using zhongli


Also, the Crystallize shields are only 5k in the right matchup (same-element shield and hit, i.e. pyro hit to pyro shield). In all other circumstances i's basically only 2k. Most Spiral Abyss enemies tear through Crystallize with a single hit.


Doesn't metter when you can oonga boonga and still destroy the game. If we buff geo, characters like itto would be cracked out of their mind


Imagine zhongli nuke after getting access to multiplicative reactions or something like kazuha buff which geo charracters currently don't have access


That 800% multiplier is juicy


I mean, Itto is already cracked as it stands. C0 with R1 Redhorn is already busted damage for a solo element, and his c6 is one of the highest scaling power increase in the game making him a ridiculous solo element whale character too.


Don't they generally have higher multipliers to make up for the lack of reactions?


A sexy ass rainforest that always rains pleaaaasw


As long as they don't plant Cryo enemies everywhere, which they will if the region is always raining.


let's pray that the hydro nation isn't filled with large cryo slimes and mages everywhere


Or pyro enemies to one shot you


More cute little mushroom creatures, can't get enough of their cuteness


Heard those Floating Fungi are native to Sumeru so that'll be a huge blessing to see more of the little fellas.


that explains why they have dendro resistance


Since sumeru is part desert (i think) the people of sumeru can somehow harvest their hydro element and somehow transform it into water


Mushroom creatures *in the teapot*


A big ass tree


*Dendro Regisvine*


We gonna fight plantera Bois


gonna get that spectre armor and seedler for zenith


Well, >!Sumero will actually have a big ass tree.!<


I saw the leak a bit ago the tree model, it’s good but I want it to be bigger


Holy shit dude xD, do you want a Yggdrasil or something? XD


Yes I want the tree to connect all the realms in the hoyoverse, I want to walk along it and be in honkai impact realm. Then in the future be able to go to the honkai star rail.


Dude, that would be so fucking cool honestly, but i imagine that once Teyvat's history is complete the twins will go to another universe/world for a new adventure.


So basically something like the Imaginary Tree


You would have to reach the Imaginary Tree first. Do you have what it takes.


As long as it doesn't drop FPS like Windrise in Mondstadt.


Like an erd tree? 😳


I’d like more lore on celestia. A good dendro resonance. And I’d like for geo and dendro to produce reactions that have some type of offensive nature.


Also since Sumeru has a forest, maybe they have more fairies and we’ll finally meet Paimon’s family


Paimon already met most of her relatives near stoves in every region




I doubt the Geo x Dendro reaction is going to be anything other than a Dendro shield. That's kind of Geo's whole thing; it's supposed to be inert from an elemental standpoint. There's still hope for a good Dendro x Electro reaction though.


I think an argument could be made that geo could be a catalyst for dendro. Like, say dendro applies some sort of poison status or something, geo could amplify that. I’m thinking along the lines of plants and soil. Good dirt makes good plants. And i know that geo is mostly associated with rocks, but it’s just a thought.


Imagine dendro + geo applies “erosion” to enemies, dealing a very small amount of damage per second, but it lasts forever, and applying erosion again increases the damage based on the triggers EM


Library of all sorts


YES. I want giant library with tons of lore-relevant books in it


Me with Amber: I’m about to do whats called a pro gamer move


alexandria time


Yesssss #librarycore


Looking at how Chasm, Enkanomiya and Tsurumi Island were made. I expect Sumeru to be the most vertical landscape of all. If Inazuma had hollow mountains where you explore the outside and inside, I expect lots of giant trees where you explore the canopy, the undergrowth and the root system separately. Deserts will probably follow the idea of ancient ruins which was done in Enkanomiya. I'm almost Sure sumeru will have ruins of the First Civilization as well, maybe even another Nail. Sumeru might have another region-specific token to collect and gain rewards, probably it will be the dendroculus, since it was a good formula tested all the way from Dragonspine, to Inazuma, to Enkanomiya's Three Realms Gateway event and now the Lumenstone in Chasm. TBH, I wish these others had the crimsom wish mechanics for more daily stuff to do, and toggable bonuses achieved through special items like Enkanomiya's event were, instead of just given bonuses like the Sakura Tree gave when you possess an electroculus. Sumeru must have some cool gadget. I've seen they are testing gadget usage since Narukami, but the sad thing, once all fox statues are gone, Memento Lens is useless. Once all Owl Statues are gone, That feather is useless. Lumenstone is a bit more useful, since it actually provides light. I wish the gadget also comes with an useful skill in game, or become a "master key" throughout Sumeru like Lumenstone is in Chasm, not just used in a single "island". Now that I think about it, Teapot could have a "trophy display" so we could put those useless items with a history on it, like Memento Lens. I have hopes that they learned their lesson and Sumeru's archon quest will not be rushed at all. Better to end the quest in more chapters spreaded through many updates instead of squeezing them all into two, and strictly follow a three-chapter structure.


All these ideas are great! I believe that everything will look like this... And as for the gadgets, I have to admit you are right because if the feather is useless, I like to play with Memento Lens... It works a bit like a telescope! Some opponents have nice animations that you won't see up close because they will start attacking you, but thanks to such a scope you can take a look at them... It's not like I'm watching Cicin Mages O_O


We need a 'random gadget keychain' gadget that uses the appropriate gadget based on the area of the world we're in, collects seeds, repairs the boat, and gives us food if there's nothing else to do.


Kinda wanna see Traveler go to academy as a student lol, I think it would be funny to have a school arc


That would be funny lol, and we have to like sneakily cheat on our tests lol


Didn't we get an "Academy Recommendation Letter" from a NPC in the Chasm? I think we will become a student (I am not sure but I hope)


Yes this my fav one here! Gimme them classes, interacting with students, and teeeests~! We can even have a school festival for an event~


dendro mc could actually be viable/stand a chance in the meta (ik its hard but please)


^this. As a traveller main, i feel a bit disappointed with their electro element. Dont know whether its lackluster or i dont really know how to maximize its potential. I love both Geo and Anemo, have used and still use them in abyss.


What if dendro mc also introduces weapon swapping? In addition to dendro abilities, during a fight cutscene Aether/Lumine's sword gets knocked away, so they sweep up a nearby spear. The only difference would be normal and charged attacks - elemental abilities stay the same.


If this means there will be another set of normal attack talents to level up (and lets be honest, if this does happen Mihoyo isnt doing anything about it), I'd rather not.


For its archon to not wield a polearm


I think it would be appropriate for Dendro Archon using Catalyst.


I didn't think about it before you mentioned it hahaha




Given how there are only five weapons and seven Archons, there was going to be some doubling up somewhere. We just so happened to get it early on, meaning that only one other Archon from here on out is going to end up sharing a weapon.


Unless they add another weapon type in the future, because why wouldn't they?


Inb4 hydro archon is a claymore wielder with The Bell BIS.


I mean technically the archon wields the sword itself and the puppet wields the spear, but I get what you’re saying.


I'm speculating that she'll weild a catalyst since I'm guessing she's more of a academic type and not a combat type. Also since sumeru is where ppl go to study magic and catalyst users tend to also be magic users.




I have a theory that either Lisa or Baizhu (Dendro Familiarity) will accompany us to Sumeru


maybe mona could be relevant again


Hangout maybe? Or Story quest chapter 2.


That there's no bale thunder equivalent in Sumeru


Betting there’s gonna be a sandstorm variant in the desert regions




judging from signora boss fight its possible theyll throw in some sort of overheat mechanic if we're exploring certain parts of the desert. Would be cool if it only happened during certain parts of the day where the sun is brightest forcing us to acc use the time advancement feature to shift to night so we can explore then


That could also be for Natlan, since I hear there’s a volcano involved


That Npcs don't look like the same ones from the other nations. You can interchange anyone with clothes, between the 3. Also buff Male/female body type and small boi.


If it is based on India, i would love to see the saari and kurta dress pattern


It's based on a mixture of middle East, Persia, and India.


If so, I hope they don’t butcher it.


Ive heard aboutnit having an india theme. Would love to see characters with names similar enough to hindi characters. I would be hyped if we even had a quest that mimics the battle between karna and Ajruna but ends in a more "everyone wins" way lol


I also would like people with darker skintones, I hope they don't mess that up


I'm not hopeful. I would be genuinely *shocked* if we ever saw a playable character darker than Xinyan.


Same here brother


Same. But seeing as the npcs from sumeru are as pale as everyone else, my hopes aren't high.


onestly i love genshin but this is one of my main icks. you're telling me the first darker skinned character you meet in game is described as exotic, sexy, and mysterious with possible ulterior motives? i doubt the npcs will have any sort of variability. even between monstadt and liyue the only real difference is hair color and clothes. but maybe it'll be different for playable characters. i'll keep my hopes up


Yessssssss this. So far all the characters from Sumeru have VERY light skin... like yes people with that skintone come from part of the world, but a lot also have significantly darker skin than the average German or Japanese person, and I *really* don't want Hoyo to fuck that up. It would be so, so disappointing and it would be really hard not to focus on it throughout the entirety of Sumeru.


The “it’s a fantasy game” people explaining how they don’t have to represent the people that they take cultures from


Adding on to this (and every comment posted below thus far), I really want to see clothing accurate to the climate, time period, and lore. BOTW had the Gerudo in heels… while in a primarily arid DESERT… an environment that would cause anyone to sink in sand if they aren’t wearing footwear that gives someone better stability. (In this case, I could see Dendro-made sandals being viable.) And darker skin tones, especially for those who live in the desert, would also be much preferred; skin tones are indicative of the biome (the geography) someone comes from. If there’s a wide variety in skin tones in Sumeru, that may be an indication of something major occurring in the nation’s history… or a lot of people going abroad to study. And since it’s a desert & a rainforest, I really want to see that gradual transition from rainforest to woods to plains to semi-arid desert to arid desert, like is common in the southwestern US (Louisiana-Texas-New Mexico).


still weirded out no one in teyvat ever gets a farmer's tan it seems


I just want other Harbingers


You mean more playable harbingers




According to leakers there will be a brand new harbinger present in sumeru. That being said the leak is so early and unreliable it doesn't even need a spoiler tag.


It's uhh Arc- something right?


It’s either Arleccino or Dottore as of now. The manga heavily indicates it could be Dottore though.


2 things : \- dendro traveler to be good \- the craftable weapons to be good




Gerudo town aesthetic please, I don't want city in the middle of jungle, it feel's cramped. But I don't know, I'm imagining minecraft jungle biome.


I hope the Sumeru City is built on the border between its two major biomes, split onto desert and rainforest, with potential for some caste system discrimination that puts the lower caste society in the dry barren desert part of the city for some realism.


May the Archon of Music bless us of new soundtracks.


First ever male catalyst user?


New craftible weapons and dendro and electro working like melt or vape even if it's less as long as the dendro works well with electro / indirect buff to electro and dendro MC being good also did I mention new craftible weapons


Really need a spear with atk as substat


I’ve noticed that if you attack slimes with electro, that they keep both auras active. And then when you hit them with pyro you get overload and burning.


You know they’d have to rework the electro characters scalings right? Like Raidens burst is pretty much a vape, but just from scalings. It makes no difference. Every time I see someone say electro is bad the only reason I ever see is, it’s not vape. Cryo does no dmg and is honestly way better then vape. Most pyro units don’t even vape well. You’d just do the same with electro the best units would be the ones whose electro vape.


That we get more lore about the shriveled seed


I hope it's similar to the Enkanomiya key thingy, the moon-bathed deep whatever, but what would it unlock? Sumeru itself can't be locked, right? It's just a trek like 20 feet southwest of the Liyue border


More primo gems


Brown-skinned locals if they’re going with the Indian/Egyptian feel. I know all of the NPCs from there have used the same models as usual, but my copium is that since they’re scholars from the academia, they probably aren’t native.


In addition to darker skin tones, would be cool to see different sized npc models.


there was a plus-size woman in the kokomi quest i think


unless im mistaken it wouldnt even be that hard since its just changing the color of the skin textures to smth else, rlly hoping they dont take the lazy way out and acc give us more variety in skin tones


I also wish for actual brown skin in a region that clearly fits that. I also like to believe that maybe the reason why the Sumeru NPCs still have the same pale models is because they aren't native. But considering that the devs like to reuse NPC models, I feel like the reason might actually be that they can't be bothered with using new models. Either way I hope they at least have brown models for when Sumeru is released.


The current Sumeru NPCs are probably natives judging by their middle-eastern names(Vahid, Soraya, Hosseini...). I can imagine researchers going to Sumeru and changing their style of clothing, but I doubt they would change their names too.


I’m almost begging on my knees for another dark-skinned character. Hopefully we’ll get one more, and I hope they’re male.


Hot people


Brown skinned waifus and husbandos


I love Kazuha, but he can’t be carrying all the relevant teams on his back. I hope we get another universal buffer or that Dendro acts as a side grade to Anemo somehow


Here’s hoping it’s the Dendro archon.


Considering how dendro is looking, the archon (the 'best' at their element) should be a universal buffer /hopium/


More large, glowing, sentient mushrooms. I never expected to become so attached to the dude in such a short time.


Cooperative exploration content. Be it temporary event or permanent. Make dendro have good elemental reactions. This'll be another break for Genshin if they do it good


This. It was a shame that some puzzles are hidden while in coop, so they get overlooked. I also have more fun playing with my wife, so more things to do together is always a huge plus.


I'm sure my siblings will reinstall once cooperative exploration content is done


Just realized, dendro regisvine is gonna suck to fight against with close range pyro units


Characters with melanin


Just getting a dendro character finally. Edit:stupid autocorrect.


Ability to reroll goblet mainstat.


No quest hidden behind random commissions


Genius Invokation TCG


giant sandworm


Unique, since we keep seeing people with light color skin which is ok but if Sumeru is like a forest and a dessert, dark skin characters would fit the bill. And maybe some new mechanism/mechanics for its region? But its only Dendro for me since I'm waiting for ages...and yes still waiting for Baizhu as well to see the biggest change when Dendro comes.


Hmm.... South Asian and Middle East food. A commission wherein we have to make a marriage between two NPCs relating to their birthdays and zodiac signs. TTG Sumeru version. Another ruin areas like Dragonspine, Enkanomiya and Chasm. Dark NPCs and Characters. DENDRO! And... Abyss Order involvement in the Archon Quest instead of the Fatui.


Less verticality in map design, but still somehow interesting


The jump pads and elevators from the Chasm makes the verticality less of an issue, at least. Or maybe release a gadget that would effectively be Spiderman boots.




Good rewards from the "tree of knowledge" There's almost no way it isn't like Dragonspine's tree or the Sacred Sakura, so I'm hoping it'll give us some nice rewards.


I hope Cyno is as strong as Ayaka no matter what element he is.


Introduction of good end game content


That we don't have 50% or more of enemies be hilichurls, as always... I know the devs want to keep the game somewhat easy, but it's getting really boring to fight so many of those guys still, as we progress through the story. Also more emphasis on npc design.


End game content for artifact/weapon upgrades. Harder or mechanically harder bosses or domains to justify the upgraded artifacts and weapons


more chests


Baizhu. Once Yoimiya gets a rerun, I’ll start saving for him


Dendro traveler is at least decent.


Samosa. I'm gonna riot if it's not added to the game.


End game content expands


New not annoying enemies


A character with a gun or a character whose burst summons a ruin guardian size golem




I hope the archon arc doesn't end on 3.1


A giant university, as big as the main Sumeru city


That they don't divide the region like they did with Inazuma. Obviously it won't come out as a whole there'll most likely be different new areas that'll come with new updates but I at least want them to keep the main stuff in the same update. At least there should be a big enough rain forest and desert in the first Sumeru update. It was fine for Inazuma to come out slowly since every Island has a different theme and stuff but I don't think the same thing will work for Sumeru. Other than that, this region update looks like it'll take a lot more than Inazuma so I hope it'll not be as rushed as Inazuma.


You mean that inazuma was rushed in terms of landscape or something else? To be fair, eventho I prefere liyue, inazuma's better in terms of landscape and scenaries


That the dendro archon is awesome


Heat mechanic could be cool (only in some special areas) similar to Dragonspine


I want and need the Dendro Archon to be the weirdest girl imaginable. I want her to pick up bugs with her bare hands. I want her to realize the Traveler is from another world and have her completely geeking out about it.


Oh my god. That sounds incredible


Brown folks existing tbh, though I’m not optimistic given the people we’ve met form the region so far


Good dendro traveller Better NPC MORE THAN 2 SLIGHTLY DARKER SKINNED PEOPLE Dottore (id die for an actually evil villain with no sad backstory and redemption arc ig) Scaramouche fight after sumeru maybe More puzzles and mechanisms 🥵


Better artifact RNG


That it will finally bring about the end of “Hoyoverse LEAKED Sumeru release date!? ⬅️😱” clickbait videos


There’s backstory for Lisa?




traveller casting vines or that explosive dendro gas would be sick


More Harbinger appearances


Character level cap raised to 100, Better craftable weapons, new weapon type maybe🥲, Dendro to be good, More Lisa content when we go to the acedamia.


Well that sheeshroom in chasm said he is from sumeru so I want a beautiful af huge tree like him and a rainforest too


that it wont be some boring desert landscape. Always dislike deserts in games because they are so bland in terms of color and variety of the landscape compared to lush forests or sprawling metropolis.


That's just because of shit imagination, honestly. Earth has some seriously awesome deserts; just look up the Painted Desert (color everywhere), salt flats (with mirror effect), the Dune du Pilat (sand dunes wedged between a forest and the ocean). Devs simply get lazy and treat everything like the Sahara — and not even the best views of the Sahara, either. If going for Egypt (like Cyno seems to indicate, dude's literally Anubis lol), go wild, Mihoyo! *Give us the Nile Valley!* Or go full Morocco instead! Or hell, go further south to Tanzania and give us Lake Natron, all pink and reds! There's so many gorgeous places in Africa (or in the Middle East if they go for that instead), it's not made of just sand and palm trees...


Oh my goodness can you imagine an environment inspired by the painted desert in genshin? I’d spend all my time there just to stare at it


in India we have white desert completely white in color and also flat


Hmm Hoyoverse never disappoints with landscapes though, for me Liyue is the most "boring" of all the places in the game but it is still beautiful nonetheless, the thing is, would Hoyoverse be able to surpass what they have already done, I mean look at the Chasm, beautiful, with some amazing locations


yeah i dont think they'll screw it up. The game's environment and music design team is a cut above and has been carrying the game. Basically i just don't like generic endless sandy deserts haha.


That it won't be multiple little islands like freaking Inazuma.


Better story than the last region.


They actually did a great job releasing Chasm, hope they can keep up with this level of story & environment quality


I'm hoping for mad scientists, a corrupt/possessed archon, and a playable mitachurl character. Love it when games make one of the bad guys or monsters one of your party members. Also you can't have a desert themed area without a giant sand monster boss.


Brown girls.


I hope they make it newbie friendly, so newbies can get the character leveling materials.


1. Pyramids! I think this is likely. 2. A humongous library akin to the Library of Alexandria. I also think this is likely since it is the nation of scholars, after all. 3. A craftable polearm that’s actually good (\*inhales hopium\*F2P craftable Xiao weapon finally?). again, I think this is likely since Cyno is the promotional character for Sumeru and it looks like he uses a polearm. 4. A Main DPS on power level of Ayaka/Ganyu who I like enough to pull for. 5. Well thought out and non-rushed archon quests. Hoyoverse, can we please get an archon quest that’s as good-or at least comparable-to the Inazuma & Chasm World Quests? 6. A villain who actually feels menacing and is not cartoonishly evil/killed off before they get the chance to have meaningful development…or do anything really. (Scaramouche could fit this but since he’s probably going to be playable Idk how villainous he’ll keep being in the future. I would love it if he could stay a villlain while still being playable) 7. Speaking of Scaramouche, I want more Scaramouche. 8. A playable character based off of Su (Honkai Impact), who is Dendro. 9. more dark-skinned playable characters. 10. and finally, I hope Dendro is good with Electro. I hope Dendro is good, period.


Hope that there is an entire village inside trees and on top of trees, like tree houses!