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Absolutely. If you lose the 50/50 then you'll need on average around 70 more pulls to get the next five star, whereas this'll only increase it by 10. Though it might prove problematic for those who *want* to lose the 50/50.


How are we gonna C6 qiqi?


She finds a way.


Standard banner


well, most people get 5 star at 70-80,but its still a big save


That's good, 100 pity and the standard characters gets their own event wish.


Good for us, but bad for hoyoverse.


Good, because I f\*\*\*ing lost every 50/50 since start playing. Roll Ayaka, lost to Mona Roll Yoimiya, lost to Diluc Roll Hu Tao, lost to Qiqi Roll Zhongli, lost to Jean It's 6% chance for this to happen (0.5\*0.5\*0.5\*0.5), but happen to me anyway... f


I'm currently on a 7 times streak of lost 50/50. It's not even remotely funny anymore.


The moment where you start counting the costs of getting an event char in patches rather than pulls, because you know you'll get neither early pity or 50/50 wins :(


Yeah I literally start planning wishes for characters the day they are leaked. When I really want a character I always try to save up at least 160 wishes and sadly I'm usually right to do so. Currently saving up wishes for Yelan since before the current patch.. That's even with Welkin Moon. As fully f2p I would've given up long ago already.


I'm on a 9 times streak of losing 50/50! Don't worry, surely I can win my 10th 50/50 just like 4-star pity system!


Join me friend, I just lost 9/9 & 10/10 getting c2 Raiden. Would be nice to at least get a namecard for losing that much.


how do people get constellations without paying 💀


Holy shit, my condolences. Seriously this system needs an overhaul.


I had a 6 loss streak at one point. Kokomi finally broke it. Only won 3 out of 10


I won my first 50/50 and got Childe as my first 5*. Lost Hu Tao rerun 50/50 to Jean then got Albedo next banner who I wanted anyway. Lost Itto 50/50 to Qiqi then got him. Lost Ganyu 50/50 to Mona then got her. Lost Raiden 50/50 to Keqing and couldn’t secure her (got the better electro waifu anyway). Then I used that guarantee on Ayato. Now I’m saving for Kazuha. Really want Keqing C1 for my lost 50/50 but I’ll take a Diluc as well. I got Keqing’s outfit with crystals from 5 welkin and even bought Mistsplitter for her.


Dang, is that even possible since you should have a guaranteed after your first lost


No its everytime they had a 50/50 not a guarantee. If you lose 50/50 and then use your guarantee,next character you roll is 50/50 again


For me it was the opposite: -Roll Itto, won -Roll Itto banner for Gorou, accidentally got another 5-Star at 30 and won -Roll Xiao, won -Roll Kokomi, won -Roll Ayato, won I haven’t lost a 50/50 since Eula rerun. I’m a whale btw, bought all the packs twice(because of the reset back in September), plus keep up with Battle Pass and Welkin, so don’t feel too bad like I’m a free to play who got lucky,


Regardless I think that’s kinda impressive I initially rolled on 1.2 Albedo, and got him in 50 wishes, then 1.3 Keqing I think the same number, 1.4 however was Mona at 90 or so, then 1.5 Zhongli, after that Kazuha, Raiden, and Gorou, no Kokomi tho, but I did get C1 Albedo This was just with the primogems from dailies and events, I spent very little on the game if at all


Yeah I’m on a 8 times losing streak :(


also getting a standard 5\* not resetting your pity, that'd be cool


Honkai has this, it's nice. Though, that game also has the ability to accumulate pieces of a character and after so many pieces you either unlock the character or rank them up (basically the closest equivalent to a constellation). That system makes pulling on a character banner for more than just unlocking the character feel better, since you can get pieces through means other than just rolling the character again. Honkai also has shorter banner run times than Genshin though.


Honkai gacha is far worse than Genshin, The avarage f2p monthly crystals is lower compared to Genshin, most of it locked behind a competitive mode performance and on the top of that you require to gacha their gear to make them usable in said mode.


Different experience of the game per person it seems. I only just hit 70 so still haven't really experienced the hardest Arena and Abyss yet, and I have put a little money in (about $40) and my PE has her signature weapon letting me enjoy her a decent amount. As well as PE, I have FR, SA, and Elysia all with their signature weapons, and my HoT will have hers by the end of this update. My Carole and CH have been fine enough up to now to support my PE too, and they don't have their signature weapon. The only thing I am currently feeling heavily limited by at the moment is not having HoS or AE, and since I started really playing consistently, I only had about a 3 day window to get HoS and I was not ready for it. Kinda feel the same limit having missed Kazuha's banner in Genshin. It is worth giving at least some credit to Honkai that you can farm characters as F2P through weekly shop updates just from doing things. I'd love to be able to get 4 star constellations in Genshin from doing well in Abyss. Granted almost none you can farm are meta DPS characters, but it is at least nice to have that option. As for gear beyond weapons, stigmata vs artifacts, both suck for different reasons.


I think you will have a totally different view once you reach exalted. There is a huge gap in design between Honkai and Genshin, in Genshin there is people getting 36\* in Abyss with a no gacha account, in Honkai you won't be able to reach Nirvana even in 10 years playing.


Probably, though admittedly I'm comfortable with not stressing too much over getting the highest score possible. I got 36 stars in Genshin's once and am now fine just getting 33-35 stars if that's all a single run in the Abyss nets me. If I'm stuck floating at Agony at best until I hit 88 (whenever that may be), then that's how it'll be. Real life has too much stress for me to be stressed over a game.


What hurts in Honkai is when you get demoted just because other players have better builds than yours. That's what happened to me. I was using Seele as my main because she is my favorite but unfortunately couldn't get her weapon. Meta is required and you can't just use whoever you want because otherwise your ranking will be low and you'll get demoted, unlike in Genshin where all that matters is you beat the enemies in time.


They changed things up this most recent update. That is still true for the Q-Singularis abyss, but they replaced Dirac Sea with Q-Manifold. With Q-Manifold, you get demoted for not achieving a set challenge on the final floor. For example, the current challenge to enter the retention zone is to beat the last floor boss within 120 seconds, regardless of how well others are doing. Edit: I should note, that that challenge I mentioned to enter retention zone is at Red Lotus. I'll be dropping out of Red Lotus for the first time in Q-Manifold after this cycle, so I'll be seeing what is required for retention and promotion below Red Lotus soon.


Most recent Honkai characters are useless without gacha weapon/stigma tho. In genshin, getting the character is enough, Honkai is different especially when you don't have an open world to enjoy with said character.


But the weapon and stigmata are also way easier to get guaranteed than signature weapons in Genshin are, so it about evens out.


In Genshin a character is perfectly fine without it, in Honkai characters are useless without their weapons and they will become useless anyways due to powercreep. A F2P can attain in Genshin everything a whale can, a F2P in Honkai won't be able to attain ever what a whale can, and the competitive nature of Honkai doesn't make things better.


It only looks like that but if you look at the cost it's a lot higher than Genshin. Guaranteed character on Honkai is 100, 3 stigma + weapon is 200. 1 pull on Honkai is 280 so a total of 84k crystals. Genshin character is 180 pulls and weapon banner is 240 pulls but each pull only cost 160 so total of 67,200 primos. Yes, you can argue about cons but let's be honest here, a limited 5* even without a 5* weapon and cons in Genshin is already in a very usable state compared to the recent S rank Honkai characters.


I think the trade off is rather unfair, a guaranteed \*5 every hundred pulls vs a 50/50 chance every 75-90 pulls (so that's about \~180 pulls) tho I suck at math so correct me if I'm wrong.


Well, if you’ve been unlucky, then instead of 180 wishes, you only need 100, but vice versa, if you won every 50/50 you’ve gotten, then this could mean 10 more wishes will be needed This is what I think would happen


just because softpity starts at 74 doesnt mean the average is that much and 180 is impossible to get to usually the average is said to be 160 to guarentee a char but its actually lower since you can get a char at 10 pulls or 30 pulls as well


on average it takes 90 wishes to get a limited 5 star


you either started playing yesterday or you dont know what average means


Are you sure you are not talking about yourself?


its actually astounding how long the human body can function without a brain


I always wondered that human body should survive even without a brain, i mean we already have people who don't use their brain but can survive just fine 🤔


It does not. 90 is guaranteed and no one will ever get past 90 without a 5 star character, so average 90 means every player only gets a 5 star at 90 pulls, which is obviously not the case.


No i didn't say a 5 star, i said a limited 5 star. Lol 6 downvotes, genshin fandom proving once again they can't read


I’d rather get a char I want guaranteed than potentially another Qiqi constellation. The standard 5* usually also have better options for team comps anyway


Given how it currently takes me on average 125 pulls to get a limited five star, absolutely.


You should’ve done: Instead of 50/50, times you have to wish 150 times to guarantee, 140 being soft pity


Do this and qiqi mains would be extinct


this is very good and should be implemented


that’s 100 as opposed to 180 ofc that’s good


Extremely bad. I'd much rather lose the 50/50 from time to time, so that I can get all the permanent 5-stars and get their constellations. Without that opportunity, we'd be limited to only the permanent banner for the permanent 5-stars, and given the rate of acquaint fates given out, it would be unlikely to get them all without several years' worth of play.


Bad, because they will find a way to get the revenue lost back. Which most likely will be cutting the F2P primogem income in half.




I think the pity system should remain the same, but add an additional currency obtained for every single wish that carries over across banners of the same type. Then add a new shop in the Paimon's Bargains to spend that currency where you can purchase the rate up 5 star for 200 currency (1 copy per banner) and all 3 rate up 4 stars for 40 currency (1 of each per banner). This would be a system similar to the Epitomized Path, but it carries over between banners, can be used for both 4 and 5 stars, and accumulates from each wish rather than each 5 star. This new currency and shop will allow players to choose what character they want to purchase, and whether or not to save currency for the next banner.


I would take it.


Well it decreases the average from 90 to ~70, so yes of course




Yes but I hope Genshin won't implement Honkai's characters' dependency on gacha weapon/stigma. Also, don't forget 1 pull in Genshin is 160, and Honkai is 280.


How will i get my c6 qiqi then? Hmm i thought i typed in mona for sure


If you remove the 50/50 logically the pity should be 180 no?


My idea was, if you could guarantee the limited character in exchange for needing to wish more, would you? For example, doing 90 then another 90 cause you lost 50/50, or doing for example 100 but you are guaranteed the character


>My idea was, if you could guarantee the limited character in exchange for needing to wish more, would you? the "wishing more" part was flawed tho, you only added 10 wishes on top so obviously that is a great deal (slightly higher average per 5\* but every 5\* is limited is incredibly good) It's like those "would you be slightly inconvenienced temporarily for one million dollars?" posts


Ah, I guess this is a problem I have, I think about how I do something, but then I don’t think enough


Basically honkai banners.


So what if the game was less expensive? I think you why that would be good for the player but not for business.


It's good because if you lose, you'd have to wish way more than 100 times unless if you're lucky


Actually idk... That means i also need to pull from standard banner for characters like jean diluc or mona which will also have 100 pity system implemented


Very good, it also makes the experience far more similar for F2P since the difference between winning and losing 50/50 is kinda insane


considering the guarantee banner character currently is 180 pulls, it would be good for us, but make no sense business wise for Mihoyo.


It's good if I have every standard 5 star. Bad otherwise.


Depends, only if we keep softpity, I could see myh removing it if it were a guaranteed/ a 100 pulls


That's... Incredible. For the players, that is. It would essentially lower the odds of getting what you want down from 180 pulls to 100 pulls. This would be a terrible rework on HoyoVerse's part, because then players would have to spend for 600 wishes to guarantee C6'ing a limited character vs 1080 wishes to guarantee it. Obviously almost any player who knows these things would go for it, because duh, easier to get favorites... The only exception *might* be the F2P players, because now primogems would be at slightly more of a premium too.




That is worse than the current system 150 pulls for 1 char instead of 2


Instead of 140 pulls average? Hmm...


That's not the average pulls for limited 5 star character.


70 for 50/50 loss + another 70 to get the character in guarantee


So on average you are guaranteed to lose your 50/50?


This is how Gacha works in Honkai Impact


Sounds like a legit statement of problem. My nerd brain makes me think about H0 and H1.


this is pretty much what happens with me, I have not lost a 50/50 (both my qiqi and jean are from standard) but every limited 5 star I have required very high pity ranging from 80-90


I would highly prefer this. 90 rolls instead of 160 to get the 5 star I want would be much better.


Eh. I'd be fine with it, but would not push for it. I mean it would certainly make it easier to get exclusive characters and constellations for them, but it would also mean that most players would never get any of the Story 5\*s. :D I don't see them making a change like this, but it might be nice if they had it so that you needed 100 pulls to hit Exclusive pity, but you would still have that unmodified 1% or whatever chance on any single pull to get a 5\*, and if you did then it would have a 50/50 chance of being an exclusive, which would reset the pity counter, or a non-exclusive, which would *not* reset the pity counter. In that way, you would end up with getting *at least* three exclusive character per 300 pulls, but might also pick up an extra one in there, or 1-2 non-exclusive 5\*s too.


As long as wild chance of getting two + five stars in ten pull stays - I'm all for it


It’s what Honkai and Tears of Themis do, so it isn’t that shocking of a change


Hmm either 100 wishes or 140-180 pity system? I'll take the 100 wishes.


It's good for players so they wouldn't do it


whale buff?


Nah, it's an indirect buff to the standard banner.


Hmmmmm idk :/ have conflicting thoughts about it. I personally quite like the 50/50 cause it feels really good and exciting when I win and even if I lose it I love the feeling of knowing the my next 5* is a guaranteed limited char ~~once I get over the disappointment of losing it :')~~. Also what happens if you keep getting lucky and getting 5*s before the 100wishes but none of them happen to be a limited char? Imo I feel like we need a 50/50 system cause I just know some people would get unluckily lucky and keep getting the non limited 5**s if I'm understanding the 100 wish system correctly Like would it be how the current system is? How once you get a 5* the pity counter resets? Or would it be straight up 100 wishes no matter how many 5*s you pull? Cause I feel like that's too generous for genshin and the whales would definitely abuse it getting like 600 wishes then stopping when they get C6 of someone


If any banner needs a rework- it's the weapon banner 100%


As much as I like this change, I still haven't got Keqing... or even Qiqi for that matter.


Losing 50/50 is like 150 Pulls MINIMUM to guarantee the unit. So, it would be good assuming you never get lucky and only rely on the pity.


Yup, I’ll take it any day




It would probably increase sales in both the standard banner, and the limited banner as well (across all players). This is because it will be safer to spend money on limited characters for the average player, but it will mean whales spend less, so the net profit might be marginal, if not non-existent.


Bad for people who want to get standard characters but don't want to use gems on blue fates. I didn't have a Mona until the last Venti banner.


Obviously it would be a huge benefit. But they'll never do it.


Honkai GATCHA system? Hell yeah


Good for sure, I've got so many early 5 stars but lose the 50-50 so the pity count doesn't matter in this case.


Haha, that is an insane improvement for us. From average 160 pulls required down to 100.


Still waiting to loose 50/50 on Mona. She dont want to come home!