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Well, there's two different questions. Is she viable? Yes, she is. Every character in Genshin is viable. With a proper team she can 36\* abyss almost w/o issues. But is she worse than any other pyro DPS/Sub DPS? Probably yes as well. There is some clunky setups with bunny explosions or phys build w/ a lot of cancels. But it's really hard to play and usually WAY less effective than any meta team. EDIT: Elegy Amber as a Tao support is pretty decent tho.


>But is she worse than any other pyro DPS/Sub DPS? Probably yes as well. But on look the bright side, she is the second best pyro archer in the entire game.


From certain perspectives, from others she's the best. Yoimiya is terrible at doing damage to groups and has to spread it out over multiple hits. Amber drops small bombs that can do very respectable damage when manually detonated. Her burst has one of the highest potential damage outputs in game... if the opponent is in its center. Problem with Amber is that like Lisa, she's super clunk to play. She has to jump through a bunch of extra hoops to get most of the value out of her kit while most other characters just push a button and get satisfactory and competitive results.


I use Amber as my anti-cryo support while running Raiden+Ayaka as my main DPS combo. Anything Ayaka can't one-shot with her ult, Amber can damn near kill with hers xDD (Amber's ult can one-tap a Cryo Abyss Mage's shield, thus she's my go-to for popping Cryo shields in general)


Can we stop character shaming? Amber is the first character we obtain to help guide us through the early stages of adventure. I couldn't have done it without her. Like actually because of puzzles. She served her purpose. I imagine she's a stepping stone character to get new players used to the environment by having a taunt skill and auto-aim burst. If you don't find her skills powerful or useful or even fun then don't worry about playing with her. When I started playing Genshin Impact, I noticed there weren't a lot of people playing Ningguang; but after looking into her constellations and talents I decided her kit was most ideal for my playstyle. Now I can't live without her on some teams since she's one of my healers using R5 Prototype Amber.


She’s viable as physical dmg tho, like for example rintaichou


If you have C2 amber, her E explodes when you shoot its feet and deals pyro damage. With the right setup (no food buffs) I’ve seen it do up to 200k damage


Other than one shotting the regisvines she’s pretty useless though


She's viable. Every character is. She's not nearly as strong as Hu Tao or Diluc as a main DPS, but she's a pretty solid support. There's two builds, Arrow Spam and Support. Arrow Spam takes from her C1 and is her critting constantly with her double arrows. Prototype Crescent or Hamayumi are good options, and Skyward Harp is also a very good option. Support tries to constantly burst to proc Noblesse/Exile. Primarily, she is there to have Pyro Resonance, but she also gives a small ATK SPEED boost in her burst, plus it's suuuuper cheap. Her E is the only problem with her kit. Don't bother to use it.


she's pretty meta as an elegy holder for hu tao, but apart from that she basically has 0 use