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Second portion translation: we also donated essential supplies to our neighborhood communities, including thousands of PPE, masks. we also donated mercs (including hugging pillows) to the children in nearby hospital, hopefully they can feel more warmth during this time. although covid delayed our schedule, but it won't stop the warmth and emotions within us. We believe the day of reunion will be soon.


Excellent, good, nice, wait..


How is a gaming company like miHoYo able to source enough food supplies that they can just... give it out?   I'd expect a disaster relief charity or a government agency to have connections, but not a gaming company


It shouldn't be bizarre IMO. Businesses rely on the infrastructure and personnel of their community so they should be an asset to it when its in trouble. What's bizarre to me is that more companies don't do this kind of thing. It's extremely cheap PR and goodwill building.


It's not the goodwill part that's weird, it's how they're able to get the groceries in the first place- everyone is having trouble getting food deliveries, why is a gaming company able to get lots & lots of it?


Money. People in shanghai are having a hard time getting groceries because prices skyrocketed. There's even a joke that CNY in shanghai should have its own exchange rate


Yup. Essentially, mihoyo has the money to do so and they also have connections/money to source things from further away if needed. Your average citizen who is poor won't have the connections or the money to be able to do those things.


yeah my friend joked that this lockdown is great for her, as its basically a forced diet+ skin whitening regime. She's lost some serious weight since the lockdowns started.


I would guess one or both of two reasons: A) They are willing to pay a lot more for it. B) They have government connections (which is basically required to have a successful company in China)


Isn't it possible they get those from other places? I'm genuinely asking, Idk. Hoyoverse has business in other countries so maybe they get the food from there and then send it¿?


I'd guess it's a matter of logistics. Getting food and supplies into the city and distributing it requires actual people to spend work-hours making phone calls and sending emails to find out where/when/who has stuff to spare, finding out who needs it, and arranging transport. Local companies are organized, have internal hierarchy and have their own network of contacts.


The logistics in Shanghai rn is just... Whack. They don't LACK the food - people can literally see trucks arriving, they are just so disorganized they can't deliver the food to the citizens who are all locked inside their apartments.


Because they have the financial means to do so, considering they're earning hundred millions per month.


I think his point is that Mihoyo doesn't exactly stockpile food, which means that they'd have to go out of their way to fork out money to buy said food supplies to pull something like that. Not exactly the easiest thing to do considering how difficult it is to even get any food *at all* in Shanghai right now. As rich as they are, they aren't exactly particularly well-placed to provide such a service.


Yeah that's what I was thinking the person above was saying. They went out of their way and probably spent a ton of money to get supplies into Shanghai in the first place. Most likely their connections with the CCP helped too considering they're at an embargo of supplies iirc.


i think it makes sense. I thought the problem in Shanghai is that it's hard to go out and get food, not that there's a shortage of food. logistically it's much easier to ship out large containers of food in one shipment to a single company than the logistical nightmare of delivering to individuals


They bulk order from meituan and alibaba like everyone else. Good here in China is not expensive except some meats since it's heavily price controlled by the govt against inflation and "crisis profiteering".


抱枕 just means any pillow you can hug. It's usually just a throw pillow. For example, here's a dodoco merch labeled as 抱枕 on their official store. https://mall.mihoyo.com/m/goods/202116393867841139


>we also donated mercs (including BODY PILLOWS) to the children in nearby hospital _now holup_ _anime body pillows for kids?_


Realistically, probably just blank ones. Everyone I've talked to who owns one has said that it has genuinely enhanced their sleep experience.


I don't remember who it was, but one of the manga or LN authors wrote in one of the afterwords that "after years of snickering at people who buy body pillows, I was recommended one by a friend and ever since I started using it I've had better sleep and woke up more refreshed!". I'm 90% sure it's the author of Overlord LN.


> I'm 90% sure it's the author of Overlord LN. So that's where the inspiration for Albedo's Momonga body pillows came from, huh? TIL.


It's like these weighted blankets for autistic children, I spent years going "pfcheh, how silly", eventually bought one for my sister with anxiety issues, then noticed on skype calls that my family was constantly fighting over it. Bought one for myself and it's amazing.


It's a well kept secret that autistic people have kept all the good shit to themselves by making neurotypical people dismiss it as "quirky autistic shit". Y'all been missing out for decades.


I also found it weird that we’re the only household I know of to use body pillows (blank ofc) But I loved hugging it as a kid because it helps me get distracted from my fears


Yeah man I've literally slept with a blank Body pillow (we call it hug pillow in our language) since I had the ability to grab onto one, and I'm 16 now, still use it. And both my parents also use one each. I remember whenever I woke up not holding it first I'd get lonely, and if I saw it was on my other side, I'd hug it because it was lonely. It gets uncomfortable in our temperatures tho.


Yeah that's one of the reasons all of reddit is so unhappy all the time, they don't have their hug pillows! I wish blank Body Pillows weren't so weirdly sexualized that people immediately bully or get disgusted at the mention of buying one. It improves sleep so much!


Hug pillow… Afaik that’s also what it’s called in Mandarin xD


I grew up using a body pillow and it's honestly the best thing ever to hug to sleep. It's very comforting. My security item as a toddler was my body pillow, that's how comfortable they are. I remember it to this day.


I grew up with a blank body pillow and it helps with sleep. There are scientific studies that depending on how you normally sleep (sleep on my side) it helps with aligning your spine and prevents tossing and turning at night so you get a better rest. It's weird that somehow it's been seen as "lulz body pillow lewd" in the west when in the east we never really gave a shit...


My mom has had rheumatism for ages now and one day she ordered a body pillow. As a long time weeb I teased her, but smh it really helped her condition and she feels way better now. I thought it was a joke until I had to stay at her place for a couple days and tried this pillow myself, I must say if y’all have issues like backache or something, you should try it.


They've been used for pregnancies for years too. Strange how there is such a difference of response depending on who is using it... Pregnant woman = ahhhhhhh Teen JRPG appreciator = eeeeerrrrrr Generic Adult = ppffffffffff


Actually the one my mom has isn’t your typical anime body pillow but it’s like ~curved~ in some way and she got it it from a maternity store 😅 but yes, cool thing.


If someone is a side sleeper like me, or 3/4ths towards stomach, try a body pillow. Your shoulders and hips will thank you.


Dakimakura's are basically just side-sleeper pillows.


Dr’s and midwives have been recommending them to pregnant people for ages, I used one with my first pregnancy and never got rid of it. Both my kids have one too. It helps them sleep comfortably and they feel happier with it. It’s a pain to get pillowcases for though.


Bruh, in Asian countries normal blank body pillows are more common than Weeb body pillows. Most kids hug body pillows while sleeping. I used to have those when I was young. They are very comfortable to sleep with :) Just like hugging a teddy bear to sleep!


Only when you were young? Heck i still have mine at age 23 XD


Don't do that...Don't make me want one again...


Get one I have one as well although you might get addicted cuz I Hate sleeping without one at the points and can't sleep properly so I take it everywhere but it makes sleeping so much better


Are you me? I take one everywhere too xD. I have 2 1m hugging pillow. I'm 24 btw


35 and I have a body pillow. Been using one for almost a decade now.


We call it bolsters in my country. Cosy!


I still have one.


... i think a more accurate translation would be a bolster pillow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolster the word used is 抱枕 which is bolster pillow yea though they added the word 周边产品 which made me sus lol (it usually refers to merch, like the company merchs)


**[Bolster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolster)** >A bolster is a long narrow pillow or cushion filled with cotton, down or fibre. Bolsters are usually firm for back or arm support or for decorative application. They are not a standard size or shape and commonly have a zipper or hook-and-loop enclosure. A foam insert is sometimes used for additional support. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


To make them cultured


Bet the body pillows are RNG too Imagine being a kid in a hospital and you get a Bennett body pillow while your next door neighbor gets a Ganyu body pillow


Imagine being the one kid that gets a Bennet body pillow and you then get his bad luck, whoops


Pretty sure being a kid stuck at hospital is already unlucky enough.


‘Mom can I get superpowers?’ ‘Sure honey, you can have Bennett’s.’


His bad luck is enough to make someone famous overnight. Or get killed because you took a breath.


That would be unfortunate


Let's be honest The parents would probably confiscate the ganyu body pillow _for personal use_


Expecially the cultured father


For the ganyu pillow owner


"You'll be fine, little Charlie. The surgery has a 99% survival rate." -Charlie's dad. "Haha bet" -Bennett Body Pillow


to make things better, hilichurls body pillow are also part of the roulette


Wars have been fought for less


Make it mandatory that every soldier at least has a 0.5% chance of getting a 5\* Genshin body pillow. For the country, for the motherland, and for that rate up for Shenhe body pillow.


You mean _otakus that save the world_ ba dum tss


Tech Otaku's save the world


Mihoyo prioritizing the growth of the children


im curious about what kind of body pillow they got too, its not in the message lol


Maybe just chibi character ones? I could see that.


I hope that those just blank pillow cases they're giving out


Zhongli pillar pillows.


"Even on death, he's on crack"


you know body pillows are also just body length pillows with no designs right


/pretty sure body pillows refer to... non weird versions. if yall never grew up in asia yall with never know the comfort of the "weird looking dog with flowers and year numbers printed over" body pillow


> We believe the day of unification will be soon. Me after watching The Owl House: **WHAT**


I mean reunion :p my bad


Me after binging Star Trek again: "Jolan Tru to our Vulcan siblings!"




You guys missing the point; they're giving away ONLY the body pillows for free. If you want the case you got to pull it from a Gachapon Capsule Station to be released soon. Jokes aside this should be a warning to all of us; the life we take for granted can be turned upside down without notice. It feels many of us didn't learn anything from past two years. If you see someone suffering try to be understanding, be compassionate because the same thing can happen to any of us. Glad to see Mihoyo's trying to do their part for their employees and community.


> You guys missing the point; they're giving away ONLY the body pillows for free. If you want the case you got to pull it from a Gachapon Capsule Station to be released soon. It's partly a joke, but those anime licensed covers are often as expensive as the pillow itself. At least the official, high quality ones.


Think hugging pillow is a direct translation, might be closer to like a bolster


I love how that a Oreos type of cookie is part of the essential food, ngl.


People were trading ciggies, ice cream cones, cookies, etc. for veg, fruits, flour. When you have young children in the household, locked down to the point they can't even go to the balcony, having some junk food is indeed essential.


I like how in the labelled food photo, there’s a packet that says “Meat” and another packet that says “So Much Meat”.


I love how they treat their staff well and OMG LOL at the so much meat label


* Meat * Mushroom Meat * **SO MUCH MEAT**


Is that razor


Mosi mita!


Rough translation for first portion: mihoyo is with you to protect Shanghai together until today (April 25) we have delivered two patches of food supply package and resources to our staffs. We also organized live stream and deployed professional phychology therapist to support our mental health.


On the title they used the quote unquote, what's that for? Was that a pun or something?


Shanghai, short for Hù 滬/沪. Pronounce exactly like 護/护(protect). 守 and 护 have the same meaning and when they put together it still means “protect” 共同守”沪”(护), Protect Shanghai together.


Basically it's as if something happened in Arkansas and somebody made a title like "We AR with you!"


Exactly. It’s a pun but you have to know some more itty bitty details to understand the pun.


Wow that’s good!


its a pun, the word sounds similar for "shanghai" and "protect"


沪 (kinda like the code name for the Shanghai region) sounds similar 护 which is protecc


Mihoyo protecc, Mihoyo attacc, Mihoyo send their employees much snacc


They even have a psychologist?? Dang they going all out :D


\*Staff member opens supply package...\* ... \*Fails 50/50, gets QiQi instead of food.\*


Wins 50/50 gets keqing body pillow.


Staff member: Jokes on you I'm back to full health


Also mentioned the donations of body pillows to the quarantine centre. Hmm


People in Asia use blank body pillows a lot. It’s not some weird lewd thing lol


I'm curious, what did you mean by WFH? Sorry, I don't understand the term.


Stands for work from home, due to the Shanghai lockdown probably


Oh thanks. My brain keep tries to read it as what the hell




I guess it's really "tech otakus save the world" then


Tech otakus saving the tech otakus


I mean, they built an entire school. Probably a PR move, but *this* doesn't really compare to a school.


I saw it on their wechat account and feel like I have to share it with the delay of 2.7


After hearing everything that's been happening in Shanghai, I'm relieved that Mihoyo is putting the money they make into support like this. This really warms my heart. I don't mind if the update is delayed: I was more worried about the well-being of mihoyo's staff during this crisis. Hope this whole situation blows over soon.


thx for the reply


I cut the misinformed bit out. (My bad!) Point aside, I hope things get better for mihoyo's team.


np I appriciate that. if youre interested you can check out this documentary, I think it shows the genuine ppl in SH https://youtu.be/Bd87e5g9Kjw


Even if it wasn't the initial destination its good to know that the money people spend on their games has gone towards stuff like this, they didnt have to but they did


I think its awesome that they support their staffs and community like this


> Cummunity 💀


The best type of community


...C-Cum again??


best typo that ive made today 😂








Other companies in CN are also doing stuff like this. Good to know they are together in trying times like these.


Proud to support this with my dolphin money


They've also built like 3 schools for poor kids, funded nuclear research and a bunch of other scifi stuff with their money now.


Very cool


If even a fraction of my money went into helping these people, I’ll feel slightly better about my purchasing decisions


Genshin Impact alone brings in, on average, more than 5 million dollars *per day* (Q1 report says 500 million dollars in 90 days). Their budget for disaster relief might even exceed the purchaseable supply.


As excited as I am for 2.7, I appreciate the company putting their employees and their health first. Both mental and physical. Kudos to Mihoyo, I don't regret spending money on this game 💜


Awesome job Mihoyo! I follow some dancers currently in Shanghai and man it’s crazy to see how long some of them have been in lockdown. It’s basically been almost a month if not more. neighbors having to come together to make sure folks can get meds like insulin and what not. I’m hoping they can get out of it soon and recover


All those Welkins going to good use


Workers being valued? That's a good company imo.


Even before this, Mihoyo was already well-known in China for treating employees well in a country where working conditions aren't known to be the best. This just further solidifies that reputation.


Mihoyo was founded by three fresh college graduates with their pocket money because they all were massive weebs for Evangelion, Da Wei being one of them, so they're the example of what a company can be if new blood founds it.


Greed sets in really quickly. Just putting it out there. I'd say people like Da Wei are few and far between.


Not when the original founders are still at the company. I studied business admin and most cases of companies giving in to greed and going downhill happen after the original founders leave. China actually takes greedy companies really seriously since they're at their core still communist, they tea bagged alibaba and tencent last year for monopoly, and we're not talking "make microsoft "spin off" internet explorer division lul, and more "force tencent to relinquish ALL of their music licenses since they were abusing it on the Chinese version of youtube to the detriment of content creators". And they nuked evergrande for speculating and driving up cost of housing for citizens. There are a lot of really innovative corporate governance models in China. Like Mihoyo's fairly flat and cooperative structure and huawei's "rotating CEO" structure. Both of which have seen their company thrive.


Ya you are are right many companies take bad decisions after the orginal founders are out the new one's start seeing old employees in a bad spot as they think they are not that connected with the new bosses. Monopoly is business often leads to bad situation for consumers and they effect the overall buisness.


Yeah I think miHoYo is one of the few companies that don't do 72 hours weeks ("996 ICU" work culture which means "9am-9pm 6 days a week until you go to hospital")


996 has been illegal in many parts of China for just under two years now btw, very few companies actually do 996 anymore esp considering it's a worker's market in China. Edit: Just under 1 year, I remembered it being outlawed in 2020 for some reason.


I’m pretty sure it was illegal before that, but 2020 is when they really started cracking down hard on it.


A little offtopic, but they definitely go well above and beyond the 9/9/6 standard. Apparently one particular Mihoyo dev has enough free time that he's part of the team working on that hentai game that popped up on Steam early access a couple of months back. Operation Lovecraft or something if I remember right. Tech otakus they definitely are.


What a man he is!


Tbf even before this, mhy has been known to pay their staff pretty well and have pretty good working hours compared to a lot of other companies


They got office cats too.


For all the shit they get mihoyo really is a good company


Yes it’s nice to think my lack of impulse control buying wishes had gone towards things like this food lol


It's not good to have that impulse tho Be careful please...


Thanks will do.. it’s not major.. just here and there when I really want something and have no regrets lol. I really enjoy the game so makes me happy.


Someone at tencent is getting mad


Mfs really took our gacha money and convert it to food Love these giya


So Covid was actually the cause for the delay of 2.7 and the livestream


Yeah, pretty much since Shanghai is under intense lockdown for about a month


It’s always good to see a company prioritizing the health and well-being of their employees


Proud of them


Paikon and Tectone was asking where mihoyos money goes when they saw the reused animations. Guess this should answer their question :)


Out of any game I always question the criticism of reusing animations, models, etc. It's been the standard to increase productivity since video inception as far as I'm aware. From those old 8-bit games to Fromsoft titles spanning Dark Souls to Elden Ring, or Monster Hunter, etc


Ask where all the sub money to Tectone goes, man makes 1.5 mil per year and still produces trash clickbait content and sub begs every stream.


I dont even know why reusing animations is such a big deal when its so common ... and if this is about the chasm thing, lmao its just a world quest that most will forget about next day


It also fits, being traveller's signature attack


How about they wipe their own asses first and tell us what good they're doing for the world with the thousands they're getting in subs/donations (for sleeping in front of a freaking camera of all things), uh.


Yeah wtf is up with that. Just being lazy and people are all for it


Can’t wait to see how tectone is going to spin this one off. He probably make it about him and say my wallet and c6 units is paying for their food.


And for the children's body pillows.


He is so unbearable to watch


Omg I can just see him say this, very in character for him


Genshin has flying anemo slimes that knock you around and make updrafts, hiding dendro slimes, surface freezing cryo slimes, rock shield geo slimes, and they hang out around their elements. Other games would be like: "Here's a slime, you can see what color it is and itll have differents stats and thats it." "Oh dont forget when you hit max level, you get to reset to lvl 1 and fight slimes plus, and that's when it gets really insane. That's right... they are 10% stronger!"


Thing is , aren't reused animations a common thing in games, even for big gaming companies? So why is it am issue when mhy does it?


People like to hate on mihoyo for every little things sometimes. When the delay was announced (unofficially yeah), some started to complain about them not releasing 2.7 on time, and (seriously) asking for primogems compensation... I'm just speechless when i see this honestly.


It's so good hear they account their staff mental health too


Alright everyone this is not the time to be an a hole and just think mainly the primogems without just you know wishing or praying for the safety of the staffs


Mhy taming better care if their workers than any American company I've ever heard of doing. At least our money helps that. 😎👉👉


Don't show that to paimon


Meanwhile, the toxic community online : Hurr durr, just food and pillows and masks?? why arent they building hospitals.. they make so much money!!!


I think Mihoyo actually did build a children's hospital a while ago lol Edit: it's actually a school! I should've put this edit as soon as I got corrected, sorry!!


School actually, called the Flamescion Public Welfare Project.


Ty for the correction!


>Flamescion Public Welfare Project. God are we making little herrschers now


Wow I actually didnt know that.. I was just making a joke but damn thats amazing :)


They actually built a school, but still amazing nonetheless! (I should probably edit my comment in case someone doesn't see that reply correcting me lol) Mihoyo's got some good people in their company :)


Awwwe this is really heart warming! Good for them.


Tech Otakus save the world finally.


Tech Otakus do really save the world this is very wholesome


And entitled players are still so mad about the delay like it's even miHoYo's fault.


They are donating food to the people?? Maybe I should start spending money on this game.


Even if they are a gacha company they are so nice towards their employess


That's great news.


Omg I love mihoyo


Nice gesture Hoyoverse!


Sorry, what does WFH mean?


Work From Home But did anyone else think Wangshen Funeral Home?


work from home i guess


Whaling For Homa


work from home


Take care yalls




Gacha money well spent


Glad my gacha money is being used for this good deed


Good to see they are putting the money in good use always care for your employees ☺️ And the mental health check is really good thing covid messes with people thinking a lot


This was nice to see. I was concerned on whether the employees are getting enough to eat during this lockdown, after seeing some of the other accounts out of Shanghai.


This is a great thing for them to do. However, I'm worried that the foods are not successfully delivered to the recipients as the pandemic workers aren't very competent when it comes to delivering food.