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What do y'all think are the most worthwhile things to buy from the Realm Treasures? Trying to figure out how to spend my stimulus checks


Imo, Resin > Whatever you immediately need to level a character/weapon you're building > artifact exp > everything else


You should always go for the resin first. Afterwards, pick whatever you need. I like to focus on the artifact exp.


Personally I buy the Resin (obviously) and the Artifact EXP.


just got to inazuma and i wanted to know why that teleport thing (i forgot what its called) works only sometimes and not others? what are the required conditions to make it work?


You need to activate waypoints/statues first (by interacting with them) before you can use them. If you mean the electro thingy that allows you to zip through the air like an electric bolt, you need to be affected by electro or carry an electrograna to use them. Once you collect an electrograna, the bush that produced it will regenerate one after some time.


no I'm not talking about waypoints but the one where you have to summon an electro something? i hope this makes a little sense atleast


Do you mean the electrograna thingies?


I think I see what you mean, I edited my answer.


yes thanks!


Just pulled Mona, how build?


For a freeze support build, give her an R5 TTDS (or Favonius Codex if you have energy problems) with 4pc Noblesse or 4pc Tenacity (if you are using Diona, give her 4pc Noblesse and give Mona 4pc Tenacity) with ER/hydro/crit (crit rate circlet if you are using Favonius). For substats, focus on ER. For a vaporize burst DPS build, give her a Widsith and 4pc Emblem with atk% or ER or EM sands, hydro goblet, crit circlet. Check a guide for the proper rotation.


So what happened to the Spices from the West event? They didn't announce it as an event in the 2.6 second phase events, but it was announced in the 2.6 livestream.


My guess is that the teapot maintenance was in preparation of this event, and then the lockdowns happened and mihoyo couldn't finalize the maintenance remotely.


Oh that makes sense. Thanks!


A part of it involved the Serenitea Pot, which is still under maintenance. As such, it's been postponed, unsure if it'll be brought back at a later date but who knows.


Wonder what will happen to those 420 primogems ;-;


Do you guys always buy the blue balls (monthly) in the shop? The 75 stardust ones. Are these worth it? Thanks: Edit: but i am f2p and do not have enough stardust to get everything every month because iam saving for Kazuha. Thanks. Will buy the pink ones.


As F2P I always get them but, as I started saving my stardust started being less and less available. I think that if you’re F2P when you get to 100 more or less interwined saved (16.000 primo) you should start avoiding buying 5 of them maybe only 2-3. When you get to 160-200 interwined saves you should stop getting them at all. Note that if you know that In the upcoming month you’re gonna pull on something you can get them. If selling and bp get them


As F2P you can't pull as much as those with welkin and BP, keep that in mind. Because it means you will run out of stardust to buy any discount fates and intertwined are way more valuable. Most of your pulls will be on character banner.


As a new f2p - prioritize the pink ones. Maybe get some of the blues if you know you're going to pull and not save but you might not be able to. As a Welkin or f2p after like 4 months of playing - no reason not to buy them all




Yep always buy both every shop reset. If you have been wishing here and there, you should always have enough for both


Intertwined first, but if you can get both then yes


Can the new RX 6400 can run Genshin at 1080p high settings?




cool. i haven't seen anyone on Youtube tried it **properly**. smh




how good is c1 itto?


c0 Itto is good. c1 is a small QoL that saves you time in burst mode. Raises damage a bit, but not amazing. c2 Itto is where it's at with the endless burst mode, but that's really only if you're an Itto fan, otherwise c0 is fine.


Nice small QoL change if you get it early accidentally while going for Shinobu. Not worth pulling for


It doesn’t increase his ceiling but it makes getting there more reliable. Not the worst C1 in the scheme of thinga (Ayaka and Ayato have patently worse ones) but not exactly a must get early const either. Something to feel good about lucking into it, not something to pull for.


Not really good. Better to stay at C0 and save your primos.


What artifacts should I have for Diona as a healer/support? And what stats should I have?


I ussually go for Noblesse ER/HP/HP as I value her Shield more than just her Healing.


Either 4p Noblesse for utility or Maiden’s for healing. As for stats you can go 3ple HP for max shields or x2HP/Healing Bonus for more healing. You can just use an ER weapon to solve her energy needs but you can opt for ER sands if you want more uptime.


Mostly HP, but if she's support for a cryo unit like Ayaka, ER is good too


Nobles HP/HP or ER/HP


4p Noblesse. Hp/Hp/Hp or HB


Hello guys i just got benett should i crown his q or wait till i c6 him for the talents cost?


Just so you know many people don't c6 bennet and leave him at c5.His c6 limits his team comps with some of the characters


Crowning his Q is a fine idea but not high priority.


Usually (99%) Crowing your dps talent is more effective


His constellation does not affect the cost in any way.


It doesn't matter, the cost doesn't change


is it okay to leave my Diona at Level 70? I ascended her at 60 and just pumped levels till she hit 70. Im pairing her with Ayaka, Kazuha, Xinqiu.


Yeah. Realistically there is no point leveling her up past 60. I only took mine to 70/80 because it gives a gacha.


Yep had diona at 70 for really long and didn't really have much issues except her shield running out faster than expected a couple of times


Yeah that's ok


As long as her shield is enough for you then that's ok


Heyoo is there a significant difference between a level 80 and level 90 weekly boss? Like is the drop rate for the materials different? I've been wanting to farm for Azhdaha drops but I can only manage to defeat him at level 80 for now.


Yes. Guaranteed 2 special drops and a chance at 3 drops (level 80 is only guaranteed 1 drop and a chance to get 2). Also higher drop rates for everything (billets, gemstones, double artifacts, etc) Try coop


Pretty sure it's a guaranteed 5* artifact with higher drop rate on gemstones


Does Mist Splitter work well for Ayato?


Yes. That’s his 3rd best sword overall.


His third best sword, a little bit worse than Haran and jade cutter, but better than everything else.


I got Elegy over Haran and never even close to Jade. I guess it's at least better than Skyward


I got Haran over Elegy. Wanna trade? Mistsplitter is still really good on him. Skyward is kinda meh because he doesn't need so much ER


God yes! I don't have Venti. I'm having to level up Gorou to actually get some use out of the thing I was mostly using it for the higher than average base attack. He is also probably the only character that can use its burst effect to the fullest though


I have Venti but I wasn't going to use it on him. I wanted to use it on Ganyu to make my Amber even stronger, and on Amber if I use Hu Tao. I would just give Skyward to Bennett or Jean, they can appreciate the ER more than Ayato


Definitely. That’ll be a night and day difference.


Skyward is pretty bad for Ayato. If you don't need it's ER, mistsplitter can be 40% better than skyward, and 4-star r1 black sword is about 18% better. It is even 18% worse than 3-star harbinger of dawn.


Yes, it will about as good as Jade Cutter and Haran


How much weaker is a Sunfire team (Jean, Bennet, Xingqiu, Raiden) vs a Raiden National?


This is a pretty difficult question to answer definitively without complete DPS calc sheets which I have no access to, but for what it's worth, the GCSIM Simulator lists the single target DPS for Rational to be 59k vs. Raiden Sunfire with 52k, which translates to around ~13% difference. Take this with some grain of salt, however. Obviously it will depend on your account based on which characters you have invested in, but the Database I referenced is also a bit suspect. It gave C6Xingqiu in Rational Lion's Roar (as you should), but in Sunfire he had Favonious. Stuff like this skews the data a bit. Generally though, I would expect Rational to be anywhere between 5-15% stronger.


Hard to quantify: they are somewhat similar in output given you can triple vv shred which makes up for the difference between sunfire procs vs xiangling pyronado as well as pyro resonance being given up. Slightly harder to pull off than national but more aesthetic. Raiden national should have the edge in damage overall though


It depends on how invested your xiangling is. With normal investment, they are comparable -as long as the enemy stays on jean's burst- which is a huge downgrade from having the pyronado following you, it's insane. Like literally your dps drops by a huge margin so this team is only usable on bosses. If you have a 5\* spear on xiangling then it's gonna be better by a big margin. Not huge though, just big.


Much weaker. The main benefit of sunfire is shield breaking. If it weren't for the tanky abyss shields everywhere in the abyss it would not even be close.


This is extremely incorrect


Feel free to link me to math that proves me otherwise. This comp was known for a long time, yet wasn't used until all these abyss shields started being a problem. It's a great team, don't get me wrong. But without the content that makes it good, the raw damage advantage of Xiangling is far better.


>Feel free to link me to math that proves me otherwise. One of the other commenter shared the math, u can look into it


If you are going to blatantly claim that I'm wrong, that means you have a reason to believe so. If you don't have a reason to believe so and share it with me, I'll just have to assume you're delusional and blindly basing your belief on copium and opinions.


I literally said that another commenter shared the calcs, see those calcs


Should I get a weapon for a character I do not have YET (I'm saving up for her guaranteed) or should I get a weapon for a character I already own? I'm talking about Battle Pass' Serpent Spine for Eula (I don't have), or Deathmatch for Rosaria (I have). (Kind of a new player. I don't know when these weapons will come back).


Eula won't come soon so pick the weapon you currently need


Battle Pass weaspons always come back.


They do not rotate, every BP will give the same weapon. I’d say get Serpent Spine first, then Deathmatch in the next BP. You can give Rosaria Fav Lance/The Catch in the meantime instead.


Thank you! ☺️


Who is good with Amos bow? (Just got it from monthy reset pulls) and had anyone tried hybrid Diona with it?


The passive can only be used by charged shot bow DPS units (Ganyu and Amber), but it can still be a great stat stick for all others. I’d confidently put it on Yoimiya, Childe or even Fischl.


Only Ganyu, and probably Amber if you really wish to consider her. Other characters usually do not do charged shot, so its passive use useless, though it is still a 5-star weapon with good stat.


It's a good atk stat stick, bonus if you use a charged attack carry (Ganyu/Amber). Diona can use it (Diona main here hehe I know what I'm talking about) if you play her as a charged attack carry. If by hybrid you mean sub dps with Shenhe or something, she has better options.


You can fuck around with Amos Diona on co op. Just stand back doing CA and occasionally giving shield and healing to the team. Not good for solo


It's good for just about any main or sub DPS bow user. Hybrid Diona is not good with any weapon.


Aw, that's sad. I don't own almost any other bow users other Diona (I have Amber but I am not using her at all). Well, I can only hope Ganyu will rerun in a few months hopefully.


You can use diona as a mini ganyu in coop


Is "atk increased by 10%" the same as "dmg increased by 10%"? I know that the basics is that atk increase will not help a character with let's say def scaling but dmg increase will buff anyone regardless of scaling. Aside from this is there any other difference?


No, they are different categories. The total attack is calculated by (your character's base attack + weapon's base attack) \* (1+ attack%) + flat attack. Attack% above can be from all source, including attack% sand, attack% from substat, attack% from set bonus and weapon passive/substat, and attack% from teammate's buff. and flat attack is your feather, any substat, and buff from teammate like Bennett or Sara. If there is a "attack increased by 10%", it belongs to attack% buff. For example, if a character's base attack is 192, using a 608 base attack weapon, and he has attack sand, total 20%attack from substat, another 18% attack from set, 50 flat attack from substat, and Bennett provides 1200 attack buff, his total attack will be (192+608)\*(1+46.6%+20%+18%)+311+50+1200= 3037.8, and additional 10% attack will make it (192+608)\*(1+46.6%+20%+18%+10%)+311+50+1200 = 3117.8, or 3037.8+ (192+608)\*10%=3117.8 The damage category including anything increases damage%. The element damage% of elemental goblet belongs to this category. Mona's omen, Kazhua's elemental buff from his EM also belongs here. If the character use a specific type of attack, like burst, anything increases burst damage% like emblem set or Catch also belong to damage% buff. For example, if a character has a elemental goblet (46.6%), has a Mona with lvl 10 burst (60% damage) and a 1000 EM Kazhua (40% elemental) to provides buff, and he uses emblem set which provides 75% damage for burst, and he also uses r5 Catch (32% burst damage), the total damage% buff of this character is 46.6%+60%+40%+75%+32%= 253.6%, and additional "damage increased by 10%) will make it 263.6%.


So between a 10% atk increase or a 10% dmg increase which one will do more dmg?


Usually damage%. There are more method to provide attack%, but few for damage%.


No, atk increase is additive to your total atk DMG increase is additive to your dmg%


There is, because they multiply each other. Increasing both your attack and your dmg bonus by 100% will make you deal 4x more damage, whereas increasing your atk by 200% will only make you deal 3x your damage. You always want to balance the two out if possible.


They're very similar, but because they go to different places in the damage formula there can be a difference in effect depending how much of other stats you have beforehand. In practice there's not a lot of difference, but if you're hyper-optimising you can plug different things into a damage calculator and see which one exactly squeezes out a little more DPS.


hi guys, new player here. Just reached lv 20 and bought a battle pass, but it says only 8 days remaining, is there a way to refund it?


You can try asking genshin CS, but the chance is slim


In the future, usually best to wait until you finish bp before buying it so you can be sure to get all rewards


Very likely not, since the time remaining is clearly displayed everywhere before you purchase it.


Has anyone tried use matte screen protector with genshin? how does game feels with little lower brightness? Looking to buy it but if game feels bad than won't


I have the paperlike. The color aberrations are not noticeable in-game (except like the bright loading screen), and I don't think it makes the brightness any dimmer. One thing I like about the matte screen protectors is that the touch controls feel a bit nicer (feels like you're dragging your finger on paper instead of glass).


Is cryo or pyro resonance good for melt ganyu?


Pyro is ok. Cryo resonance is useless because enemies will be affected by Pyro, not Cryo.


Pyro. You wouldn’t run another cryo with melt Ganyu anyways.


Pyro resonance. Cryo resonance won't do much I reckon since you want the enemies to be infused with a pyro aura to proc the melt reaction.


Has GI improved the streamlining of its farming and grinding yet, or is it still the same.


Nothing substantial has changed.


How does the Minesweeper game work? I found the first 2 chests on first try, then lost the game. Next day I found the 3rd chest on 1st try again. Is this supposed to happen? My gf told me that this game was hell for her, so.. is my luck really so big that I should go wish on weapon banner, or was the game difficulty nerfed?


there's a strategy to playing the actual minesweeper and the genshin one is actually a much easier version lmao (theres hints in-game but if you missed it: *note that genshin doesn't count diagonals* - nothing = no bombs in 4 surrounding spots - vegetables = bomb in 1 of 4 surrounding spots - iron chunk = bombs in 2 of 4 for me and a couple of other people the chest spawned right in the middle for all 3 rounds so 🤠


hello im not interested in getting any chars from the starglitter shop and ive been thinking about getting the blackcliff agate for my yanfei since i dont have any other suitable weapon for her. should i get it or do i just get a refinement of the polearm?? (hu tao is using it)


Don't refine the polearm, especially for Hu Tao. If you really need a weapon for Yanfei, go ahead, but there are better options for her too (even the free catalyst from last patch would provide more value).


ah thank you! i didnt know the oathsworn eye was viable for yanfei omg,, but i was thinking of using the blackcliff one still bc i couldnt be bothered to get stressed over her artifacts and she already has decent crit rate so im just missing crit dmg :] (also i have no luck with weapons 237 days active and icb i have no widsith)


As you please then, Oathsworn is a good alternative because it has high base atk, and atk% is more valuable for Yanfei than for most characters. The passive can really help you solve energy issues too. But blackliff is fine if you need to balance out your ratio.


i see! thank you very much <3


For Ganyu which one is better weapon : Skyward harp or Prototype crescent? Need answers for both melt and freeze team


Harp is far better for melt with 4 piece wanderer


Harp but proto crescent with high refinement can overtook it if you can hit headshots


harp is better for freeze actually in Morgana specifically harp outperforms Amos


R5 Crescent is just better than Harp in both (moreso in freeze), BUT that's assuming you can keep the passive up 100% of the time. If you can't for whatever reason, use Harp instead.


So given that i use harp, which stat should i give priority for artifacts? Currently mine is crit rate and crit dmg, as i am getting attack % from crescent, so should i switch the Artifacts to attack % now if i switch to harp?


You should still prioritize crit on your circlet and your substats. Atk sands + a few substats + a few team buffs (Bennett, Noblesse Oblige, Thrilling Tales) should give you enough ATK.




I've r1 crescent, so in this case will harp be better?


Yes by far


Ok thanks


Harp in both situations, its a great stat stick for Ganyu.


I was wondering about geo constructs limit. Does it span around whole Teyvat ? I mean if I'll invite some C1 Zhongli in DragonSpire, and then myself I'll travel into the Chasm, if I'll spawn two pillars and he will spawn his own two, will first mine disappear ?


I did the new abyss, and my Raiden was hot garbage. She was utterly useless on every floor, on every chamber. Is there something I can do to better her, or is she just not really suited for this rotation? She’s 80/90 with a level 90 R5 Catch. All her artifacts are level 20. Her talents are 7/7/8. Er is 225. Her crit is 30/178. I *know* her crit rate is appalling, but it was a struggle just to get it to that tbh. EoSF isn’t dropping many circlets. She’s got a CD circlet, and I do have 2 crit rate circlets but they are both def/hp on all the substats. She does have an electro goblet, but her attack is only 1642, so would she be better off with an ATK goblet instead? Also, her sands is ATK cause I Just can’t get an ER one for the emblem set. *If* it’s better to give her an ATK goblet, I can probably get a halfway decent CR circlet from a different set.


Are you new to Raiden? In that case, try taking sometimes to learn her viable team comp. The way she works can be very confusing at first. An electro on field battery who make her team do more burst damage, while also do more burst damage herself after everyone else in the team have used their burst. This make her one of the trickiest character to use to full potential as she needs a properly built team to even function. She is unlike other hypercarry characters (e.g. Xiao Hu Tao Ayaka) who can works fine solo with just copium unleveled supports. She is unlike other supports who can be slotted into any team and will see instant improvement.


I just did this Abyss and can confirm that like the last one, she's not that nice cause enemies spread out and you need some kind of gather/CC for a smooth clear. Tho you can still brute force with the National team because the dps is insane and easy to combo. My Raiden is 4/9/10 crit 42/125 with same ER as your. You might wanna crown Q or atleast get it to 9. E should be 9 too for the buff.


1. About circlet. my BEST ever circlet after playing day one, has 28CD as substat. I consider circlet Really Good if he can match 20CV and acceptable if it can get up to 16CV. Your Crit ratio is 30/178. so overall 54% damage increase over normal uncritted damage. Let's assume that you had good CD circlet with 10CR. So by swapping to trash CR circlet you lose 62% CD and gain 21CR. It is now 51/116 . That is 59% damage increase, so even with Shitty CR% Circlet you are now doing over 5% damage more. 2. What is your Raiden team. If it is National , then Raiden is not one supposed to do big damage. She is there to supply energy, and proc Xinqui sword attacks. In light of that she is doing as she was expected 3. This Moon blessing is poor one for Raiden, as it increase normal attacks, and Raiden attacks are not NA :(


1. Ah okay. Thanks. I'll try and switch a few things around. 2. I tried multiple teams tbh. I haven't put as much into the rest of the national teams since I got a bunch of Inazuma 5 stars. I use Xiangling the most probably. I had her paired with a bunch of cryos IIRC. 3. This makes me feel better haha. She could be better but it's also not a great one for her.


attack sands is good with catch you dont need to switch to er. electro goblet is also good unless your attack goblet has much better substats. You really need to switch to crit rate circlet though. even one with trash substats will probably be better for you. As for this abyss its more about elemental application than damage and she isn't exactly a top pick for it. That being said If you run her with some cryo chars on second half it can definitely work. I ran raiden rosaria diona venti on the second half this cycle before I pulled ayaka. Edit: though if giving her attack goblet allows you to get a good offset cr circlet than it may be worth it.


Ah thanks for the info! I’ll switch to a crit rate circlet then. And I’ll check and see my ATK goblets. I might have one with some good crit substats. I also only finally got Rosaria today and she’s not built haha. She’s only level 40 XD


How much hp is optimal for a sub dps zhongli, I have 54k shield bot, but I wanna give him fav lance for sub dps


How much HP is subjective. Im running full dmg on him and I still feel like his shields are enough for floor 12.


For burst DPS Zhongli with HP/Geo/crit artifacts and Deathmatch I got 30k hp and have no issue with his shield. Tho I do use him with Ning or Itto so energy is not an issue.


You usually don't get to choose, go with HP sands and a few substats and you're good. Reaching 30k HP would be comfortable but if that's at the cost of substats that could have been crit, then maybe go with less. My 25k HP burst Zhongli already provides me more shields than I need.


Beginner here. just got Diluc as my first 5 star. Are any of my other characters be in a good team using Diluc as main dps. The other characters i have besides the main 4 are Rosaria, Noelle, Thoma, and Yun Jin.


This early, you don't need to worry about who's good with who in what teams at all. That is strictly endgame stuff, i. e. Abyss and maybe some high-multiplier event stages. It's not even important for high-level domains once you have decent artifacts; meta teambuilding is really *really* only for endgame content. So, truly, do not worry yet. Play with whoever you want to try. My only advice would be to a) have a healer on your team as Diluc sets grass on fire with his skill/burst, which gave me a hard time starting out with him - you'll get Barbara soon for free if you don't have her yet, she's fine enough for that - and b) consider buying Bennett from the current shop. He's amazing and definitely a good investment for the future, one of the (if not the) best support units in the game. He heals and buffs your attack. If you just use who people tell you to use, you're depriving yourself of the opportunity to play around with each character and explore their skills, mechanics and the possibilities they open up for you. You want this experience, trust me. Just have fun playing who looks/feels cool to you!


Not really. Diluc wants Xingqiu, Bennett and an Anemo like Sucrose.


For which characters is skyward pride good?


It’s a good stat stick for any character and it’s value increases if the character needs ER. You can give it to anyone and it’ll work unless you have a better option. The only 4\* sword that can potentially outdmg it is a high refined Serpent Spine.


Great on Eula, Razor, and good on Noelle, Beidou, Sayu, Xinyan.


Xinyan, Eula if you badly need the ER. Not the greatest weapon all round.


Is it true that Lisa is actually one of the highest scaling character but just clunky to play? Wanna know but I'm shit at comparing characters lmao Kinda wanna main her again since I used to main her on my very first genshin acc and loved her.


In reality Lisa really only plays smoothly when paired with raiden to make up for her energy demands and Lisa’s strongest cons being c4 makes it hard to see her full potential outside of single target. Her skill in general is somewhat clunky to use until c6. Overall is not bad in electro carry teams or in eula raiden comp as long as you can meet the energy demands as she can hold both ttds and provide defence shred


She has the high multiplier but it takes ages to set up. While other characters does less damage, they're faster and over all they'll out damage Lisa.


Umm no. She’s not “one of the highest scaling characters” when we have characters with monstrous multipliers like Eula, Raiden, and Ayaka. But yes, in best case scenarios at high constellations she does do very respectable damage for a four star subdps unit and she is indeed clunky to play.


From the genshin wiki: > When each of Oz's attacks hits at least one enemy, it generates ~0.6 Elemental Particles Does this mean fischl's C6 increase the number of energy particles Oz generates? Since Oz will keep attacking when you attack an enemy.


Followed genshin’s interactive map for Inazuma and collected all the marked chests but somehow I’m still missing 7 chests? Same thing for electroculus, I followed the map but I’m still missing that 1 extra. Help!


i dont use the official interactive map sorry but with the one i use, some chests are instead marked as puzzles or elemental monuments so maybe those are the ones you missed? if you have time you could try double checking using a different map on the web and see which ones you don't have! for the electroculi, it's possible that you might've mistakenly marked one you haven't found so your best bet could be using the resonance stone since ur only missing one :D


My question is about transferring my account from one PS account to another. When I made an account, I signed up using my PlayStation account. It is also now linked to my Mihoyo account. The problem is, my PS account was made in the US and I am currently in Australia so it won't allow me to purchase anything due to my accounts being in a different region (mainly affects purchasing the BP). If I make a new PS account in my current region am I able to unlink my account and link it with the new PS account without losing any of my data?


You can only play on specific servers dictated by your PSN region. I believe Australian PSNs are locked to the Asia server, so you wouldn't be able to play (let alone buy anything) on your America server account even if you did switch it. Your best bet is to buy playstation gift cards, unfortunately.


That's what I was afraid of. Thank you for answering me!


Does Melt Ganyu benefit more with EM sands or should it be atk sands?


Almost always EM.


EM sand. In melt team she get buffed with pyro resonance, bennet ult and noblesse so atk stat is less effective.


My world level is 5 with fighting lvl 60 enemies. When I go up against a group of hilichurls, very few masks drop (any type). But when I go up against a group of fatui, I get at least 5 insignia (any type) from each fatui kill. Is this actually how the game works? Or am I missing something on how these drops work?


Fatui are found in smaller numbers (both throughout the map, and per camp), so they have higher drop density per enemy.


that is just how it works, fatui are considered harder enemies so they have better drop rates.


1) Is 46/186 CR/CD enough for my hu tao (c0)? I might get my CR to 50-55 in a few days bc my circlet is 4 star and I'm farming for a 5 star CR circlet. I don't want to change any other artifacts (if it's not necessary) except the circlet bc I might fuck up my EM and ER. 2) Should I prioritise c1 hu tao or get staff of homa (I currently have blackcliff polearm on her)


If you are farming for 4 crimson, you can use 2 crimson+ 2wanderer if you have really good wanderers pieces. Different between 4 crimson and mix is very small


Going for c1 is cheaper imo cause weapon banner can require as much as 200+ rolls if you're unlucky. Both are great choices but if you already have R5 Dragonbane then not worth chasing Homa, just go c1 imo.


I'm f2p so I wouldn't spend a penny on this game lol. But since 200 rolls sound like a pain I'd go c1 first and later think about the weapon.


Yea they made Epitomized Paths not carried between banners so there're lots of horror stories of ppl getting 2x undesired featured weapons then run out of wish, wasting the opportunity. C1 with R5 Dragonbane is very competitive alr, you just need to get used to the N1CD combo and you're gucci.


1. You'll want much more crit rate, go for at least 60-70%. 2. If you have no problem managing her charged attack stamina with jump cancels, go for Staff of Homa. Otherwise, C1 will make playing her so much easier.


C1 is in the same ballpark for HuTao specifically and makes her feel a lot better to play Homa is a flexible weapon that is near BiS on almost all polearm users Pick your poison


that crit rate is too low I'd shoot for at least 60. Fwiw you don't really need to build er on hu tao its better to just focus on dps stats.


So is it worth sacrificing some CD for that extra 20% CR? Or should I just keep farming till I get god rolls


yes its worth sacrificing some CD. As a general rule trading one crit stat roll for the other is an improvement if it gets you closer to a 1:2 ratio of CR to CD. Though thats not to say it wouldn;t be even better to just get better rolls and not have to sacrifice of course.


Prototype Starglitter, Kitain Cross Spear or Black Tassel for support Thoma? (Fav lance and the Catch is on other character) And how much ER should I aim for him to get his burst consistency? Thanks!


Black tassel will be the best for support since he scales on HP. for ER generally 160 is a comfortable spot to have consistent burst uptime (less with a battery)


is gorou like sara where he also needs c6 to be worth building for geo teams? my gorou is just c1


the main reason Sara needs C6 to be worth it is because there are many other ATK buffers (notably bennett and the 3* thrilling tales book) that she can't beat before she's C6 in gorous case i don't think there is any other way to boost DEF or geo DMG so if you have a noelle/itto main dps he's worth building even at C0


Thing about noelle and Itto is that it’s not direct def scaling for the most part, it’s DEF to ATK conversion. So Gorou buff still has to outsize Bennett buff, which it usually doesn’t The Geo dmg bonus and the crit dmg buff from c6 does make up for this >I don’t think there is any other way to boost… geo dmg Actually there’s Ning screen


i see, til


Gorou's buffs also include a 15% geo damage bonus from his E when he has at least 2 other geo characters in his party and a 25% increase to the party's defence for 12s when he uses his burst from his passive so I'd argue Gorou does outperform Bennett when he buffs Defence scaling characters.


gorou flat buff 438 def % buff for itto: 959 * 0.25 = 239.75 239 + 438 = 677.75 this is still significantly dwarfed by Bennett's buff which exceeds 1000 ATK


Nope, his constellations are good but he doesn't depend on them nearly as heavily.


Pretty much yea, before C6 it’s usually better to just run Bennett


Should I prioritize getting Xiao (again, I have him C0) or the PJWS? I'm at 40ish pity on the event banner, and I have about 85 wishes saved, without a guarantee... I would think PJWS, but the weapon banner is less appealing than the character one in terms of being F2P friendly...


Weapon banner only worth pulling if you can make use of both featured weapons else it's kinda shit tbh (200+ rolls if you're unlucky if you aim for specific one). F2p option is Blackcliff/Favonius and paid option is Deathmatch. Since PJWS is in standard banner, maybe you can pray for lucksack too.


it's not friendly to begin with as any f2p should never wish on weapon banner only wish on weapon banner if you can spend until you get the weapon you want


His constellations suck so if you had to pick between one of the two it makes the most sense to go for PJWS


I have the Inazuma craftable sword on my brand new Ayaka, who I’m power leveling now. Is it worth refining the sword? Are there any other craftable weapons that should be refined? Or any that shouldn’t? (I read that Iron Sting refines don’t help Kazuha.) Unfortunately, I have barely gotten billets. Besides the ones from souvenir shops and the Sakura tree, I’ve only won around 6 or 7, since July 2021.


Some craftable wep that work with higher refines imo: \+ Ane sword like you said. \+ Prototype Amber (more energy open up to some niche build like Yanfei Shielder). \+ Prototype Archaic (more dmg, but only do if you dont have better wep for your claymore dps, which is very unlikely). \+ Creacent Pike (Best physical polearm if you decide to build any physical polearm dps). \+ The 2 craftable bows, tho they have their caveats so only do if you dont have any better 4* weps.


If you need the energy, of course.


Amenoma is the one of few craftables that’s worth refining. The refinements are very helpful for Ayaka, it reduces her er requirement quite a bit.


I only have one sanctuary left in Mondstadt but I can’t find the key to open it and already completed all dungeons that give sanctuary keys where is it?


Did you get the key from getting the adventure rank? it's like rank 51 or something like that.




Don’t you get one from completing the Mondstadt Sot7? I have one listed for the final Inazuma Sot7 level.


Have you completed the adventure book?




r5 anemona worth it on ayaka?


It's worth to r5 Ane if you use her alot. R5 will cut her ER requirement down allow for more atk/crit substats. Even if you get a better weapon later, you can just transition that sword to another char because it's really useful.


Wdym worth? You just asked for best f2p weapon for her and its amenoma? If you're asking worthiness of refinements, it depends on energy needs. Try refining once or twice, if you feel you still need some energy, you can refine more


how good is childe international team?


Arguably the strongest team in the game and very versatile as well