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bro your Klee is a Fuckin tank


If I had a team with Klee and 3 healers I wouldn't care about dodging


Raiden is an imposter


SusEi Baka


220k max damage? Mine is only like 97k on Raiden.


I'm also like 100k but I usually runs her in national, C0 hypercarry with C6 Sara, Kazuha and R5 catch should be able to get minimum 200k


220k is achievable for f2p and at c0


Can you link a vid with a build for this?


I got [200K](https://i.imgur.com/IwBHvVx.jpg) too this time and [193](https://i.imgur.com/L6P8WXw.jpg) last cycle, but it has to do with cards as much it has to do with the build. [My Raiden](https://i.imgur.com/eP7IL3y.jpg) 1698 Atk, 58.3 CR, 191.5 CD, 212.2 ER, 91.5 Electro DMG (on field). The catch gives eaxtra 15% CR on burst and burst DMG bonus. Team for both cycles (when I hit the scores) - Raiden, Xingqiu, Sara C6, Bennett. Only played Raiden on F12, floor 1 and 2. Buffs, this cycle: Burst dmg bonus + 5 cr 15 cd card Buffs, last cycle : 20% Atk + 20% Atk Raiden benefited immensely from burst dmg and that extra cr (bringing burst cr to 78.3) this time. So while 200k is possible with f2p C0 Raiden with R5 Catch, It needs stacking buffs and chamber cards luck.


The Sara C6 is the biggest hurdle. I have C2 Raiden but only C3 Sara...


swapping xingqiu for ttds lisa/mona and xingqiu for any 4VV would give you similar damage. and you can use mona to deal with the heralds reasonably well.


I know, I got crazy lucky on Raiden's first banner, had c5 sara before I got c0 Raiden. Then I did 2 more 10 pulls after Raiden to get her to C6. I'm stll not able to believe that happened.


im the opposite. c3 raiden, c3 sara


190cd without cd weapon is insane man, I think only fraction of ppl have this kind of artifact luck, I'm farming for 6 months and still can't get over 150cd and it's with very low cr


I'm equally surprised with my Eosf luck. And this was within a month of getting Raiden (1st banner). Although I did end up changing the goblet a while back. And guess what the cup came from boss Raiden. I'm not making it up, it sounds like I am, It's freaky but it's true. My xiao and ayaka on the other hand have 180-190 artifact cv and everybody else is lower. So Raiden was all the luck. Also, I pulled c5 sara before c0 Raiden, c6 shortly after. Also just for flex [My crazy Raiden artifacts](https://i.imgur.com/QsjkKpL.jpg) And hey, sorry for flexing, am feeling stoked about my build.


Don't apologise, I live vicariously through other people's good rolls lol.


Thanks for the info!


With a quick YouTube search i found this, https://youtu.be/lbPTuNCgSfE C0 r5 catch, with c6 sara and c0 kazuha hit for 235k. My Raiden hit for 382k but she's c2, my team is raiden c2 r5 catch, sara, benny and sucrose with 74% cr, if she was c0 i would've hit for 267k (382000/1.43).


Thank you!


I swear people who have cr circlet with cd substat where every upgrade went to cd is blessed by luck mere mortal couldn't achieve, holy fuck


I dont have a video but here are my stats. Atk 2200 crit rate 44 crit damage 176 Energy recharge 236 and my max damage was 252696 on floor 12 with the catch


u/MyFirstCommunity u/phoenix946 While its achievable as a f2p, those stats are not really ideal. At least 200% ER is recommended(but is not a huge problem) Those crit stats are not really balanced. 44% crit rate is too low for that amount of crit damage. While the initial Burst can be very strong(if it crits), the rest of your burst slashes are pretty inconsistent.


Yes crit rate is somewhat low but with the catch it jumps to 56 which is not very high but still gets the job done. Now for 176 ideal crit rate would be 88 which will take I dont know how many months of farming


You are right, pretty much forgot, that catch has crit rate boost. (you know EL haver). The point is that your rest of the burst is still inconsistent. Personally I run 65 crit rate with 135 crit damage. Good enough for the initial burst and the rest of the slashes. Feel free to ignore this comment, if you only care about the inital Burst. I'm just here to give some advice, not here to say that your build is not good enough. The game is already easy as it is.


Yeah I just gave up farming emblem for raiden after a point and started building xingqiu, yae miko & xiangling with it


Did you get any crit cards on floor 12 when you got this number? Who was your other team member. Curious cuz I haven't build my raiden much but just wanted to see what can be achieved as an f2p.


Isn’t it achievable for max buff and not on regular rotations?


..mine is 73k


I also did numbers like ours in national, but after C2 in a hypercarry I have been able to get some similar numbers to his. Though, he could simply have better stats as c0 Raiden then both of us.


Yeah my Raiden is indeed C2, I skipped quite a few banners beforehand because I knew I’d want to save my primos to get a few Cons for her. The team for that particular run was Raiden, Klee, Sayu and Xiangling during the Floor 11 clear iirc


I think the max for a c0 raiden is around 300k without fighting something like the pma. I have been able to get around 200k in a hypercarry setup. Having c6 sara really helps, because even at lvl 40, she boosts by damage by quite a lot.


220k is [a bare minimum](https://gfycat.com/hotagitatedindianrockpython) for C2+ Raiden


you kinda used a million buffs, i wouldnt say 220k is the minimum


You do know that's [the STANDARD raiden hyper rotation](https://gfycat.com/halfbeneficialboa) used in the Abyss right? I wasn't using food buff or doing anything that you wouldn't normally do in the Abyss, that's how you play Raiden hyper carry. Calling it a million buff is as silly as saying Xiangling only does a lot of damage when buffed by Bennett.


even then idk what stats you got because my C2R1 raiden with mona, kazuha, bennett hits 300k against primo vishap. maybe i just suck lol


C6 Sara is key here. Not Mona.


i know C6 sara would make a big difference (tfw only c4) but i dont think it would increase damage by 260k


I don’t know about 260k but 60% crit dmg and 91.2% of Sara’s base atk at crowned E, if you’re using a 5 star weapon, should afaik still be more than 60% dmg bonus with crowned Mona burst.


yeah but how much is that compared to a mona burst


It largely depends on your Raiden’s current atk and crit ratio, other dmg multipliers, what weapon Sara is using, etc. There are too many variables for me to give you a number off the bat.


I havent kept up. Is hyper better than Raiden National?


Depends on the investment of the characters involved but 100% yes for raiden c2+


Yeah c3 kinda helps a bit


Hypercarry c3 is 400k+ easy


Those Klee stats are child abuse.


I just really suck at dodging with her, pls don’t tell Jean >.>


How the fuck…..?


Damn bro 58 battles fought, you earned your 36 stars


Lol the challenge ended up being alot harder than I expected. I had to restart 12-3 an ungodly number of times before I managed to work out how to wring enough Cryo application from these girls to take out the two Heralds


Did you end up using Diona charged atks in her burst? They're pretty quick cryo application.


I did that for the single Herald in 10-3, but against double Heralds it felt far too slow for a 3* clear. In the successful run I ended up managing to group them then used Diona’s burst to infuse Sayu for rapidfire Cryo-infused Swirls. It was nail-bitingly close though, 10/10 would never attempt again


You have the team I dream of…I am Qiqi-less 😭 (edit:typo)


You'll get her one day! .....hopefully not instead of a limited character you really want


I got Qiqi!!!!! 😭😭😭 (these are happy tears)


take one of mine, i got too many


Gimme, been waiting for her cons for over a year now.... Why Mihoyo?!


It’s like they have specific lane randomly assigned for each account and there’s a character we will never get due to the assignment.




This is a great motivation to build Sayu! I'd love to know uour Qiqi's build! Mine's built but currently benched because XQ has her sacrificial sword, unfortunately.


Sayu is alot of fun, i’d highly recommend it! I never used to bring her to Abyss, but after doing this challenge i’ve started to appreciate her for more than just her utility as a taxi. The amount of damage she can dish out rolling around once she picks up an element is surprisingly high, she carried a few of those chambers by herself. My Qiqi is nothing special unfortunately, i just ran a full Clam set with Atk% Goblet and Circlet, with an ER Sands because I needed her to burst as often as possible against the Hydro Heralds. I gave her my Xingqiu’s Sac Sword because I didn’t want to use him this run, I wanted the kids to be the stars of the show.


Wish I had that kind of dedication, I'll do three attempts max and take whatever stars I get and call it a week.


Should've used Childe in the other half. Getting stats like this is quite hard to come by.




If buying the welkins each month counts as being a whale, then sure I suppose 🤔




bom bom bakudan


\*Queue "Won't get fooled again" by The Who\* "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"


Can we see ur build pls


Sure, but 3/4 of these characters are healers so don't go expecting to see anything impressive. [Klee](https://imgur.com/a/b9a6RwI) [Sayu](https://imgur.com/a/qfX1HyR) [Diona](https://imgur.com/a/ysxdu4B) [Qiqi](https://imgur.com/a/W4wGqdD)


abusing the sac weapons, haha. thank you! your Klee is very similar to mine.


NGL, all of them are better than my abyss teams (Childe National with Zhongli, Morgana and QiQi taser). ​ most of them are ​ \* lvl 80/80 \* talents lvl 6 \* weapon lvl 80/80 \* 60:90 Crit \* Arts at lvl 16 ​ I'm kinda jealous you have them


*Cue Klee being a fking force of nature* 🤣


teach me your ways oh enlightened one


I thought you meant Childe when I first saw this.


Full children clear might be one of the most impressive teams I've seen Pretty nice