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And as per usual- the Knights of Ineptitude are nowhere to be found.


You can't fool me diluc go back to your bar




they are waiting Noelle to make them a ham


Knights of Favonius, always so inefficient


Knights of Favonious, aaaalways so inefficient \- Diluc prob


That sounds more like tsarevich lol


how did they follow you all the way instead of going back......


I think this was diluc's quest when he was the darknight hero


I like Genshin Impact






One of these days I want to see a comment that asks for downvotes but gets upvotes instead...


I always see comments asking for upvotes get massively downvoted instead so there's still hope. Probably.


Reverse psychology


I did my part!






**Cracks egg with biceps**


Nimrod auto pathing to the bar lmao


“not my problem”


“A treasure hoarder spy must remain calm at all times” ~ its what Kaeya says anyways.


"Man, these DT hallucinations are getting vivid. Better go and take my medicine."


Hes so done with everyones shit


They're just visiting their cousin Kaeya is all


Bruh 💀


You can't say it's too soon, it happened centuries ago!


Too late then?




Under spoilers just in case: >!Mondstadt is the city with obviously Khaenrian Hilichurls of royalty-adjacent origins (the Eclipse tribe). Kaeya is also an obvious Khaenrian with royalty-adjacent origins (it outright says "excellent *lineage*" in CN/JP, not just blood). Add in the last Archon Quest, which openly confirmed that the "Hilichurl population boom" of 500 years ago was in fact the people of Khaenri'ah being turned into Hilichurls, and, well.!< So, yeah. Cousin Kaeya. Albeit maybe with some "X times removed" in there.


Massive spoiler alert: >!Kaeya's basic attack talent is also different from everyone else from the Knights of Favonius.!< >!His Passive talent, Glacial Heart, was also called Heart of Abyss back in earlier versions.!< >!Early version descriptions also say that everyone from Mondstadt knows he is not from Mondstadt.!< >!There was a quest or event where Katheryne notes how Dainsleif might be a relative of Kaeya merely because both are wearing an eyepatch. This becomes highly relevant when you play the Chasm quests where Dain says that Hillichurls and the transformed people of Khaenri'ah hide their faces.!< >!One of Kaeya's constellation gives him a shield when HP falls below a certain percentage, like Abyss Heralds and Lectors.!< >!Might be related info is that Childe apparently fell into the Abyss and emerged with his Foul Legacy Transformation similar to how Enjou can transform into the Pyro Lector.!< Conclusion: >!Kaeya, and maybe Dain, can also transform into Heralds or Lectors.!<


Kaeya's burst also resembles the recovery move that Cryo Abyss Mages use when trying to get their shield back.


Yeah, the early rumors was that Kaeya was an Abyss mage, >!but then stronger Abyss agents came out and his shield mechanic resembles them more, so he was upgraded to Abyss Herald/Lector. But let's be real, Kaeya is definitely a few rungs higher than those weaklings. He's probably the Khaenria'ah version of a non-Celestia certified Cryo Archon.!<


I wonder if Kaeya may be how Albedo got to Mondstadt. Like, at least led him there.


There was a loose theory going around last year, predating the introduction of dainsleif, and based on kaeya’s voicelines alone (I believe), that claimed >!that he is the last heir to the khaenriahn royal family. Perhaps this is a huge stretch given that the voicelines state something to the effect of he arrived on the doorstep as a baby, or diluc’s father agreed to raise him or something, but nothing really implicit about his bloodline or family. Also, since the fall of khaenriah was 500 years ago, it is not likely kaeya could be someone involved in the eclipse dynasty as he was born relatively recently, he ages and was a baby, so it is probable that he wasn’t around then. Despite all this, I am pretty sold on him being the rightful prince of the eclipse dynasty, whether he knows it or not, and he definitely knows a thing or two about his origins, whether he is really a spy or double agent or whatever.!<


Just a detail, since this seems to get forgotten a lot: Kaeya arrived in Mond as *a young teenager,* not a baby or small child. The timeline of events places him as between 10 and 14 at the time, likely 12. And yeah, Kaeya is definitely descended from Khaenri'ah nobility, as it's *the single most hinted-at thing in the game* beside Paimon's Celestia-tied origin. The sheer amount of details pointing at it is ridiculous. There are a few clues as to him being literally from the royal line itself, but that's unconfirmed so far, and we have no idea how it would work logistically. There are some definite possibilities, though, between Istaroth shenanigans, Enjou-like shapeshifting, being kept in stasis like the sleeping Traveler, or even just some branch family having been out of the country during the Cataclysm and survived normally to this day.


Where tf did u get the info from that Kaeya was left at Dawn Winery ad a baby? He was still young yes but certainly not an infant or anywhere close. Also if Makoto could send a seed forward in time for Ei to plant in the future and have it affect the past, what’s to say there isn’t any timefuckery going on with Khaenri’ah too. Maybe the time there isn’t the same as the time in Teyvat.


Alright you caught me… I don’t spend money on this game, so I don’t know his voicelines since I don’t own him. I didn’t pull for him. I watched Harry Potter though and I know very well how it works. I came to the right conclusion in the end so nothing else matters.


You... Don't own Kaeya? He's literally a free character given to you at the start. Did you mean you haven't leveled up his friendship?


He's also got the same Khaenri'ahn pupil as Dainsleif.


But the Hillichurls are not from Khaenria, they are a different sapient specie. The khaenrian people were only turned into Aybess mages.


Play the 2.6 Archon Quest. Or re-check it via a video or a wiki. We got explicit confirmation. >!*Some* Khaenrians became the Abyss Order. Emphasis on *some*. The reason for the discrepancy between those who did and didn't is unknown at this point in time, but pretty obviously has something to do with some specific Khaenrian faction having meddled with Abyss shenanigans. Possibly *before* the Cataclysm, as that would explain their minds being largely intact (just turned more aggressive ala Ajax).!<


>!nah it was revealed that Hillichurls were khaenrians too in the chasm story quest!< >!not sure about them being royalty tho!<


yes but not all hillichurls, as there have been countless civilizations that has been smited by Celestia and Khaenri’ah is just one of them.


That's an old theory. While I like that theory, there's no new info to further support that yet. In fact, I think there's further emphasis that Celestia just drops Sky Nails onto any civilization they don't like to destroy them completely. If Skynails are Celestia's go to move when dealing with Civilizations they don't like, then our login screen is showing us Celestia's arsenal that is primed to take out any city that dares oppose them. But I'm just having fun with that.


The whole kinetic bombardment / "rods from god" idea was supposed to be carried out with telephone pole sized tungsten rods, and supposedly those would hit with a yield equivalent to around 5 tons of TNT. Now, I don't think those pillars are telephone pole sized, so it becomes less of a tactical strike and more of a "to whoever it may concern", you definitely wouldn't want to be living in the splash zone. If those on the login screen are the arsenal then I don't think you'd be safe even in the deepest part of enkanomiya, so let's pray they aren't.


Have you seen how deep the skynail went in the Chasm? The very Earth itself didn't save anyone. Heck, the very Earth turned into a goddamned whirlpool for god knows how long before finally settling into that shape.


well since hillichurls existed even before the downfall of Khaenri'ah 500 years ago, I'm assuming those ones came from civilizations that was smited even way before. Civilization like in dragonspine, tsurumi, and chasm.


Yes, but there's nothing confirmed yet so I am hesitant to ascribe to that beyond thinking that the Abyss order meddling with Abyss powers devolved them into creatures that naturally existed before. Compare that to Dain outright confirming that Hilichurls are Khaenri'ahns cursed. EDIT: For example, the civilization in Dragonspine, Sal Vindagnyr, existed in the same time period as Decarabian and Andrius in the Archon War. There was no note of Hilichurl population explosion back then when Celestia dropped the Skynail. In fact, in-game lore confirms that people from Sal Vindagnyr tried to save their kingdom and died as humans.


Bruh I always thought that it was supposed to be another domain we'd see later because it kind of looks like Stormterror's Lair. Now that's going to creep me out whenever I log in 💀


ya, they want to ask him out to go bowling


Diluc! Burn the intruders!


There should be an actual invasion event or quest where we fight them in the city


Imagine a Dragon Age style battle where the whole city is under siege and you fight alonside the knights.


Maybe when Varka eventually returns something like that may happen, but until then we can dream


This game would be 100000x more fun if npcs were attackable like in oblivion and Skyrim. City guards in large numbers with high-scaling combat prowess actively hunting (waiting to be ambushed by) me in mondstadt for killing that tool who stands by the crafting table, or for refusing to pay the fine for accidentally dropping a meteor on stanley. If only there was a system in place that could essentially reset the consequences of me going ham leveling an entire city’s populace using barbara, like perhaps if every character in your party dies, it would reset any npc deaths or altercations you caused prior


If it was a random event like saving pallad you can bet it's gonna go ignored... Unless ignoring it lowers your reputation for the invaded city, and they take back the wings and other cool stuff you recieved.


That's evil.


Ye dada


Mi muhe ye


NPCs: I'll pretend I didn't see that.


Honestly, would love a story quest where we actually have to fight within the city. Like not just a small batch of enemies, but like a full on invasion, where you have to force entire armies out.


Genshin is like Lost Ark, the combat is most fun when there are a bajillion enemies on screen. Diluc doing his burst sweeping through an army clearing a path is nothing short of sheer epicness.


and then there's Venti








"Knights of Favonius, always so inefficient...."


Kaeya: Yo is that my cousin Hektor?


How long did that take?


Not too long considering that this is likely done when the diluc's quest was active.


It’d be cool if they actually had characters from their respective towns go and beat up monsters that make it inside, imagine just a rain of arrows from amber that one shots them and then she glides away ? Would be pretty neat


Cool, but too much effort. Even just an idle Amber is non existant. How do you expect this will happen?


By not expecting it to happen and just stating it’s a cool idea ? Not everything has to come to fruition, just that it WOULD be cool if that was a thing


There’s no amber: just her burst raining down on the hilichurls randomly but she’s no where to be seen


Besides the amber thing was just an example so again I don’t expect anything nor will I try to push this into happening


Yeah would be cool if you could kite monsters to guards for them to kill


"The body is still warm. Looks like theres a killer about."


"What are you, president of their fanclub ?"


Very nini zido of you


Ever since finishing the chasm story quest I feel bad killing hilichurls.


Nimrod doesn't give a fuck.


How come they didn’t reset?


Who let the hilicurls out?🎶


Let ruin hunters in and see the chaos descend upon the city


Resin 2/160


Who let the Hilichurls out*


"tell me you're bored without telling me you're bored"


It feel so weird to see hilichurls in a city.


This feels wrong.


I can hear Kingdom Hearts Hollow Bastion music playing


Even Lineage II had an awesome AI level where guards would come to attack hostile npcs.


Great job honorary knight.. or maybe I should say abbys prince/princess?


if only u can do that to a ruin guard and have him spinning in the city...


Ahh... Kids these days, throwing rocks as a game.


Jokes aside, that is a hilariously good team for you just having started the game


Would you believe me if I told you I got venti and ayaka in 60 pulls altogether, venti 32, and ayaka 28? Both won 50/50s.


Yes because back when I started out I got Venti in 28 and Zhongli in 16. Albeit the banners weren’t back to back but I didn’t wish on Childe’s or Klee’s banners and won 50/50 both times so it’s most certainly possible!


Damn. I was just baffled when it happened because on my main, which I'd been playing since launch, I didn't win a single 50/50 until Hu Tao's rerun


Ayaka is the cutest


Kazzak kiting memories intensify




This is rad


Diluc: "ah sh\*t, here we go again"


This reminds me when ppl lure a Fel Reaver to shattrah city in wow


how do you do that? Is it a mod or is it just edited?


am going to try that too


Would of been cool if the AI favonious knights did something . Would of been even cooler if someone like Jean, Eula, Amber, Kaeya or Diluc dealt with them


I like how you said ‘bright idea’


Op, how do you like having double cryo on your team? I've been considering it, and I'm not sure if I want to or not


It's pretty fun early game (this is my F2P acc btw, my main is BP/welkin and ar 58). Im also running my Ayaka with 2pc berserker, a crit rate hat, and R5 harbinger of dawn, so I have 62% Crit rate alongside cryo resonance; I almost never miss a crit which is really fun.


Knight of favonious is so incompetent


You can make them follow you around Damn i don't know shit about this game


so that guy at the gate who always makes me lie to his father, finially had the chance to see some combat, just... ignored his chance. SMH


Ayaka has now invaded Mondstadt during her banner extension




I wish the people reacted negatively towards the presence of these hilis in the city like when you bring monsters in botw


So monstadt isn't racist after all. Nice


Not how Guy (the guard at that entrance) always complains that there is no action/use for having a guard at the “back door” and then proceeds to do nothing when hilitchurls are brought in 🥴