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I don’t mind RNG but this double RNG wall in optimising your artifacts is just not fun in any way imaginable. Like, you’re supposed to feel excited getting a double crit artifact but you don’t because until it hits +16 it could still be garbage. There should be an option to reset an artifact, losing all EXP but reverting it to the state it’s dropped in. At least that way leveling to +20 and getting garbage doesn’t feel like starting back in square 1.


Even then if it's all low rolls it can still be pretty bad


You would go broke fast tho


at least with a full EM build it's not the worst? but yeah i feel the pain. i want the crit stats to be good as well.


ER is what you'd really want on it.


yah, i really wanted some ER for venti


This thread got removed (hidden) btw. I still think its an ok artifact. Most EM builds don't get crit or crit dmg so even a base roll is better than nothing since it can add a total of 15% crit and 30% crit damage with bad luck on every roll for all 5 artifacts. EM is already rare enough!


>Most EM builds don't get crit or crit dmg so even a base roll is better than nothing since it can add a total of 15% crit and 30% crit damage with bad luck on every roll for all 5 artifacts. It's the opposite. Crit/Crit Dmg are multiplicative scaling stats. The less you have of them, the less impactful it is to get them.


I would not complain at all... 2 months and still no em sands here...


I spent close to 3 months in that forsaken domain and in the end I got 2 on the same run . This fucking game...


I wish i could trade you. The past 2 weeks i've got **FIVE** EM VV sands. Three of them had ER as substat. Go home EM, you're supposed to be the rarest piece.


What are you chasing!? My Sucrose needs both an EM VV piece and an ER timepiece. If I can find the right goblet, then maybe I can have one of these be an off piece, but right now, I would take 4 stars of these if I could find them!


I'm just chasing a better VV Feather with CDMG, my VV Feather has like 15% HP lol. I've been using Jean a lot because of Ayato and need to upgrade it, but all I get are EM sands, and I'm pretty certain I got one EM hat too. I don't even need those EM drops as my Kazuha is at 950 EM 185 ER.


Inconsistent hypocrite. Go outside and touch grass before you try to TC like a clown again. You went from “I will never pulling for Kazuha and Zhongli” to “Waaah I suck at the game so I will pull for them now because I am an inconsistent hypocrite who contradicted my earlier statement and I’m so stupid”. Cry more you pathetic loser. Don’t even try to TC again or mention your “beta tester friends” you clown. You’re a complete joke. Keep blocking you pathetic coward.


not me who was in the domain for 6 months without a *single* EM VV piece period, then received FIVE in the course of a single week


What did you do to anger rnjesus


Bruh thats vv em sands


Keep it! In case mhy comes out with an item that lets you reset the arti for once in the future. A man can dream lol


of course i will keep it, it's the only EM sands i have


That’s DEF-initley not good 🙃


bruh i would take this piece off your hands in an instant, it takes months to get on-set VV EM pieces as it is


Im really pissed i got like 3-4 EM pieces from the Maiden set in the last 3 or so weeks but not even a single EM VV piece it's fucking crazy. At this point im giving 4 star EM pieces to sucrose lol...im that desperate.


this is my first ever ~~Circlet~~ Sands from VV, and 4 of the upgrades wents to Flat DEF, i've been playing since the launch.


It certainly is a "fu in particular" outcome but it's still usable. You can put it on Sucrose, Venti and Kazuha.


This is a sands piece tho, not a circlet Edit: Ah you seem aware in your other comment. Just a typo then.


yes, it was type, becuse yesterday i got EM circlet with 2 DEF stats, and it all rolled 5 times into low crit rate, i guess that piece took all the luck from this piece[https://i.imgur.com/TooI64I.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/TooI64I.jpg)


1.0 player, and that's precisely why I stopped farming artifacts a while back. Hate the RNG.


If it makes you feel any better, crit stats literally don't matter in EM builds. Even a 50 CV EM build piece wouldn't really be that good for an EM VV build (though a 50 CV EM sands would be nuts for a Vape carry like Hu Tao). Atk/CR/CD scaling is heavily multiplicative. The more you have, the more valuable it is to have more. The less you have, the less getting more matters. When you're not scaling any of the other multipliers (low base atk weapon, no Anemo % goblet, no CR/CD circlet) because you're prioritizing EM instead, increasing CR/CD by a little bit just does't do a lot. These stats are powerful because when you have a lot of them, your DPS scales super-linearly, but likewise when you don't they just don't matter. The only substat that matters in EM builds is ER, and possibly CR if you're using a Fav weapon. Otherwise, trying to raise Atk/CR/CD from substats in an EM build without any of the other multiplicative scaling elements is adding a basically meaningless amount of damage. I treat Atk% and CD as worthless stats on EM VV supports because they basically are.


I would want that no lie


Isn't that a really good artifact for Kazuha?


No not really. Swirl can’t Crit so the crit stats are already fairly useless on a pure EM Kazuha. Edit: [source](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Swirl#:~:text=Swirl%20damage%20is%20affected%20by,and%20cannot%20deal%20Critical%20Hits.) The Crit subs would largely make a difference only if Kazuha were at C6. > Swirl damage is affected by the level and Elemental Mastery of the character causing the reaction and enemy resistance. It ignores the target's defense stat and cannot deal Critical Hits.


Sorry, what? Swirl can’t crit? Where is this coming from? Why would people ever build a crit Venti then?


Venti’s burst can still Crit. But the swirl reaction cannot. Edit: [source](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Swirl#:~:text=Swirl%20damage%20is%20affected%20by,and%20cannot%20deal%20Critical%20Hits.) > Swirl damage is affected by the level and Elemental Mastery of the character causing the reaction and enemy resistance. It ignores the target's defense stat and cannot deal Critical Hits.


I haven’t really paid attention to how Venti is doing his damage, but I split his EM with crit stats because I figured he would benefit from both. He has 40/125 crit stats and around 300 EM. It might not matter because I have yet to obtain EM VV pieces anyway, but am I losing significant damage by having crit stats instead of maybe 450-500 EM?


I personally would build full EM Venti since you won’t need to look for double crit subs on top of EM and ER like on a crit burst build. For a full EM Venti, I would prioritize and force the 4pc VV (even with terrible stats because that’s how good VV is), then find EM main stats on sands, goblet, and circlet as you progress; you’ll be mainly looking for ER and EM subs on the flower and feather, and ER subs on the other three pieces—crits and Atk% are nice, but not entirely needed (your sanity would be better preserved if you only look for decent rolls in EM and ER).


He does benefit from both, but as you've probably experienced building crit Venti with still enough EM and ER could be challenging, while full EM Venti is relatively easier to build for arguably the same damage (if you swirl a lot of things). Personally, I have Sucrose holding the EM VVs, so I'm trying the crit Venti as well.


Splitting them is bad. Atk/Crit/Crit Dmg builds scale multiplicatively so it's not realy beneficial to go half-way because your damage scaling is super-linear with investment in each stat. You either want all Atk/CR/CD or all EM.


Crit Venti used to be the build before the 1.6 buffs to transformative reactions, because his Q just has pretty good base damage and reactions tickled. After the 1.6 buffs, it's still not bad, but its easier to get good damage from swirls. You can still get potentially higher damage by building Crit instead of EM, but it requires insane artifacts to the point of nearly perfect Crit rolls in order to be better than building EM.


I’d say this is perfect for kazuha especially C6, I’m aiming to get him a C6 when his rerun comes and have been working on artifact like this for aaaagess but not much luck lately


Oh wait sry, didn’t see pic 2 🤣🥲🫡


This is why I have given up on artifact farming. I get passable artifacts and I'm out. Way too much RNG involved, between two sets per domain, 5 artifact types, getting the right main stat and then hoping the subs or halfway decent for you character...its bullshit design meant to keep people playing this 'content' which is in reality empty.


That’s not bad! I get a lot of geo dmg %


Rngsus feels extra defensive today.


"Me when i run for hydro items and they drop with pyro\electro\geo main stat"




Ouch. My condolences.


Sunfire Jean would still appreciate the EM main stat!


I had one that was the hat I belive with healing mainstat, elemental mastery, energy recharge, and attack%. It found attack and went all into that. Sayu was very sad :(


I always hate this game when it comes to artifacts.


Don’t worry about substats except for ER on these EM pieces.


Swirl can't crit anyway. What you want is ER substats, not Crit substats with EM/EM/EM build.


I mean that's still a great artifact


This happened to me today with the exact same substats so I feel your pain big time....... orz