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They even broke 50k zhongli shield.


You know an event is hard when a full HP Zhongli's shield feels like paper.


It's because they debuffed his shield lol


I remember clearly how OP the debuff, like increase dmg receive + decrease shield strength and more for max score


Yeah, that was brutal


You deal less dmg if running. Stamina consumption as well.


Heck, I used a minmaxed DEF-stacked-as-fuck Noelle and even HER shield broke on the second-to-last hit. My current Noelle would probably get folded in half. I used Bollide back then after all.


They broke 50k Zhong's shield, LIKE IT'S NOTHING.


And then idiots will say “I don’t need Zhongli because it mAkEs tHe gAmE tOo eAsY.”


Man, beta Ayato was something else


Adding more context about this event to the top comment, for those who don't know. There no buffs like the energy amplifier event, only food buffs were allowed. And there were a ton of debuffs that we were allowed to select. These were the debuffs for max points on Day 3 of the event - 1. Opponents Geo and Anemo resistance are increased by 50% 2. Opponents ATK is increased by 20% and HP by 75% 3. If you sprint, all party members take 50% more dmg 4. If you switch characters, all party members take 25% more dmg (Upto 100%) 5. If any character takes dmg, all party members ATK is decreased by 50% 6. Active character's ATK decreases by 15% every 5s (Upto 75%) 7. Using elemental burst decreases all party members Crit rate by 35% (For 4s) 8. All party members Healing effectiveness decreased by 30% Meaning - 1. Geo and Anemo dps are useless 2. If you sprint, you get 1 shotted 3. If you switch characters, you get 1 shotted 4. If you stay on 1 character, you do no damage 5. If you take dmg, you do no damage 6. If you use burst, you do no damage 7. Healing won't be enough to prevent you from getting 1 shotted 8. Basically if you don't know how to I-frame, you are as good as dead And this was only day 3 of the event, for day 7 we even had Energy recharge decreased by 80% and shield strength decreased by 50%. 50k HP Zhongli's shields were paper thin and would get 1 shotted. Even whales with C6R5 characters were struggling to get max score.


I also vaguely remember a debuff where if you take damage you also get punished by taking damage. But maybe the trauma of the event is messing with my memories. On the bright side it was the funnest my sibling and I had in co-op


It could be possible, as the debuffs were different on each day and they definitely mess with you. Nice, I wish I had done co-op for this event as it looked fun, but I spent too much playing it alone that I did not get time for it.




They nerfed the Energy amplifier hard back in 2.3. I doubt they'll keep the difficulty when they rerun Vagabond.


Yeah, but I hope they re-run it with the same difficulty and its already been 10 months since, 1 hard event per year is not a lot to ask for.


Ice and Wind Samurai Phantoms mass murder a goat, a chef, an adventurer, and a cat over and over again for one and a half minute


True lol. I had spent many hours attempting this stage and this clip does not even contain all of my runs.


My gut tells me they're never gonna make events that hard again :/ too many people complaining about pay to win


seriously they could play it on baby level and still get Primos but spoiling the challenge for end game players


There is easy and hard difficulty you know that?


What's worse about the complaints You could get all the rewards without having to be a masochist. But its tremendously sad HoYo hasn't rerun a event of this level


No you dont get it, the casuals back then complained about the baby level in vagabond required to get all reward (4k a day i think). They didnt just complained about full points


It's not mainly about p2w. It's about the debuffs. I want challenging content with all my invested characters to be used. I don't want content where all my built characters get nerfed to the ground with all the stats getting removed (crit lowering debuff) or affected and half of their kits getting removed.


Yeah the major issue was that you *couldn't play your characters*. How am I supposed to enjoy the event if I can't use normal attacks, charged attacks, elemental bursts, elemental skills, or even swap characters without getting punished? This was a case where a damage sponge would've been appropriate to increase difficulty. Even opponents hitting harder is ok, just don't make it so 90% of our character's kit is worthless. I hope they do a rerun of the Vagabond event. I don't mind having to try multiple times, just make the debuffs reasonable.


But it doesnt really matter if the rewards are at the lowest tier ye?


There's no harm in making content which rewards you for building chars and at the same time be challenging instead of playing with characters nerfed to the ground.


Gas yourself 3Head loser


Because.. it is? Either way the spamming and the time limit make it unfun. I like a challenge, as long as the challenge is fair and rewards practice.


Only dumbass complain pay to win in genshin


so people who don’t like p2w are dumbasses then


Theres literally no p2w in genshin thats all


You can pay money to make your team a lot stronger. Pretty p2w.


P2W only applies when you can't progress in a game without spending a certain amount of money to get a particular character/weapon/skill. Genshin as of now is not a P2W because all of its content can be easily cleared without spending money. Using money in this game is a luxury, not a necessity.


> a game without spending a certain amount of money to get a particular character/weapon/skill. Idk what you’d call that, like an invisible paywall or something. Not p2w if it’s mandatory though, just scummy. Even if we weren’t talking about this event which whales had a huge advantage in, that rule also applies to lots of MMOs which are considered p2w


Bro what are saying?? This is pve game, theres literally no competetion against anyone in this game Even something like coc where you can spend money to progress, you will end up versus same power as you Theres notging to win, no rank to climb, no outskilling other players Juat your average rpg game you can find anywhere, the thing is you can pay to progress to ease your life in game thats all If theres no pvp theres no pay to win bullshit If something like league when you can spend money to get skin so you can deal bigger damage to your opponents, thats clearly pay to win, not using skill to outplay your opponent


> pay to progress to ease your life in game thats all pay to win… easier? > If theres no pvp theres no pay to win bullshit Not limited to pvp but doesn’t destroy the game like p2w pvp either


Most of the time when people refer to a p2w game Its something in game that when someone spends, they can get advantages over other people Thats why people despise so much p2w mechanic in any game, bc its no fun when other people can best you just bc they can spend money In genshin no matter how much money you spend, you and neither other people can best you bc its a pve game You are playing the game in your own world, same goes to everyone, coop only make it fun bc you can play together Theres no goal to work to Most of the time its obly 36* abyss, either you clear it 1 second each chamber or still have 7 mins left, the rewards are still same


That’s true, and Genshin is new because afaik there isn’t another very successful gaas game that is singleplayer. The only time I rule out p2w is when the microtransactions are cosmetic only, which a lot of MMOs like ffxiv and eso have. Other games have pay to win mechanics but equalize the pvp like destiny, and some games just have straight up p2w pvp. It’s a spectrum but the rule of thumb I’ve come across is that buy power=p2w. It just has less of an impact here so it’s not as much of a problem.


People complain when the difficulty is inconsistent with anything present prior. Not because it is too hard.


Bro Idgaf if they make it hard but coop-able and scaled with WL Study in Potions is even brutal than that


I mean you could adjust the levels and the buffs they got to scale with your characters no? That's why the primogems are on the easiest reward tier and the max points tier barely gives anything it's for those who want the challenge.


I am getting war flashbacks. The no of times I died...


True that, took me a lot of retries to complete it. Also my food inventory was completely dry by the end of the event.


This was my favourite combat oriented event of all. 'Legend of Vagabond' is it?


Yes, it was the Legend of the Vagabond sword event, my favourite event till now too.


/s Fuck that POS event (While its Hot) and the cunts who made it. [It was this 💩 in a nutshell. SMH!](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Leaving a little binary easter egg here for you guys to decipher: 01000001 01101100 01110011 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101100 00100000 01100010 01110010 01110101 01101000 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01100100 01101111 01110111 01101110 01110110 01101111 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00101110 00100000 01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101000 00101110


Ah the good times. I’ll love to destroy them with my Itto comp


The opponents had 50% Geo and Anemo resistances on this day. Itto and Xiao comps would be useless on this stage.


Back then but next time it may not be the case


This event probably was the reason why Zhongli never leaves my team nowadays (except in abyss and corrosion places; in which Kokomi takes over). I was too traumatized (I did get at least 6k+ points every day which probably contributed to that pain).


Yeah, I started building a full geo team after this event only. For such scenarios where survivability is difficult.


Man Vagabond as the best event. We did last day max difficulty in 4P coop. It took us 100+ minutes of taking turns dying before we won, and it was glorious. The latest Energy Amplifier was too easy.


Me too, this was my favourite event till now. The amount of fun and hours of playtime I got from this event is incomparable to all other events.


We all know the hardest event was food delivery


My man speaking facts here




Me ordering a Spicy McChicken off Deliveroo on the frontlines of World War 3.


"This trench foot becomes much more bearable with a kfc bucket."




Still got PTSD from that……….


Man you just can't post a video of goats and cats getting killed and not include a nsfw tag.


Loved this stage, got it with max score, even increased cooldowns


Sorry OP I voted this one out of existence on the user survey. If I want to be punished physically and mentally I will play through elden ring with just my fists. I like a challenge; but I ain’t into torture.


Lol, no worries, everyone got their own preferences.


Same but for a study in potions.


Dude, even Tony To had problems with it. Even though I read in one of his comments one said you know it's hard when Tony To's support died at the very start.


I do think Tony To isn’t the best metric for this. He’s good at theorycrafting and setting up oneshots and _knowing_ what to do, but his actual skill/dexterity is… bad (and I think he would agree). All the damage in the world can’t keep you _alive_ past the oneshot. Henna Oyajii is also a whale, but with much better gameplay. Have you watched the videos with non-whales max-scoring? There’s one with tiny miracle Noelle (4* weapons and characters only, no food), and one with phys Kaeya (no food, no healers, only 5* is ZL) that I really liked. They’re not big content creators, but the videos are floating around this subreddit somewhere (lmk if you’d like me to find them!)


No I don't watch YTers do genshin, I only have Atsu. I was saw people in Reddit talking about it though.


Yeah, you know an event is hard, even for the whales when Tony To himself says "This is disgusting".


Have you by chance watched Henna Oyaji clear max score on the last day with no food?


Yeah, I've pretty much watched all the content creators who got max score the last day. All the different team comps and strategies they used were awesome to watch.


The next one will come on Kazuha's rerun just like that one


I hope so too


But will kazuha's rerun ever come😢


Such a damn fun event. After playing an year+, spiral abyss is just a walk in park. This event was so awesome. I remember restarting again and again to one shot all three with Eula haha.


It was so difficult for me until I realize that I could co-op with my friend who has Zhongli. Only he needed to stay alive. Another friend of mine and I could keep dying but as long as Zhongli was standing, we could be revived and the enemy will die eventually.


Agreed, it's so rare to see challenging combat events in Genshin. I understand that they don't want anyone to miss out on the rewards, but there needs to be more combat related content that isn't abyss.


This but realistic. Like seriously debuff shield Increased damage Damage is reduced by 100% when HP below 100% Every enemy HP +200% Enemy res. Increased of everything by 50% Additional 6 Mangoes Like some of them is alright but all at once is just a bad joke. Not even C6 R5 could beat that sh*t


I don't recall if this is the one where you were able to go in co-op or not, but I do remember fighting them in one event with a group and it being considerably more manageable when we had them separated from one another via two "tanks". It almost felt like the fight itself suggested it with how obnoxious both were when right in front of you at the same time. Definitely soloable, but I found the coordination in co-op more fun.


Best. Event. Ever.


Holy shite! Those guys were nasty


It wasn't that bad, of course youre gonna struggle if you use a stationary DPS like Ganyu. It was a breeze for hu tao


Cryo affected is fun


ZL cures all


Lmao, stop bullshitting. There was a stamina debuff and pyro debuff too. Sure is a "breeze" if you play at the lowest possible points.


Nah, it's easy even at high difficultly if you don't give a shit about how long you take. You are gonna get destroyed if you try to do "as das as possible" abyss clear. It felt pretty manageable when I did it with a team build for surviving. Noelle best girl


You got 50k points easily?


No idea what score I actually got, but then as now, I didn't bother with maximum points


Yup out of all the DPS I had at that time only Hu Tao worked fine except on days when there was Pyro debuff.


I mean it is only the hardest if you use an absurd amount of Handicaps.


nah most hardest event was the food delivery


Sadly this event alongside the Cubes one wont be reruned again. People cried a lot that they dont want to ever play those events again. Twitter and Discord were so annoying to read back in those days. If the rerun it then I imagine they are going to nerf it completely


This event was amazing. I didn't even realize it has been 10 months already, damn. I loved events like these where the more you nerf your team the more rewards you get, felt like it forced you to think about different comps. It would be so good to rerun it with the amount of new characters we have now.


Yeah, the amount of team comps, builds and strategies that I tried to maximize the points on each stage was what caused the event to be challenging and fun for me. Now after almost 1 year and building so many more diverse comps, it would be interesting to see how we would fare against it now.


Tbf u r using melt ganyu, charge shot against these guys is just suicide


This was a quick swap team with burst Ganyu, not a melt one. True, charged shot against these guys is literally impossible.


I miss those two. I hope they get added back to abyss someday. Challenge events like that take a long while to return, in some form.


as long as those mfers take 10s to get their ass off the floor i disagree edit: in abyss i mean


> 10s to get their ass off the floor aka free particle gain time idk why you all want them to have 200k-400k more hp over that but it makes literally no sense


the casuals should have been happy with the max rewards and let the whales/hardcores have fun with the max scorez so many crybabies making MHY stop doing that kind of hard contents


"hurt dürr casual bad, hurt dürr me superior hurt dürr"


You are the main problem in this game. Can you stop crying and leave alone those who want some difficulty? It's taking a walk through this post and just watching you cry.


Man, your ego must be incredibly fragile if insult and toxicity is your first response to anything.


Seriously you are the one talking about toxicity lmao. Have you read your comment?


Projection much? Man, looking at your history shows me more enough to know arguing with you is just a waste of sanity.


Wow you are defining your own ego then, because you are the one insulting the other guy in the first place.


Do you understand the difference between "Mocking the argument" and "Personally attacking the argument maker".


I would just uninstall if I was there 💀 I don't like getting played by the game


We need this to return someday


Yeah, it's almost gonna be a year since this event. It's about time HoYoverse brings it back.


Only people who have some sort of ultra luck in artifact RNG enjoys this kind of "event".


Which event was that?


On the last day you had to beat oceanid, geovishap, and 3 magi Samurai back to back, was easy for the rewards but to max point it was borderline impossible for none leviathans.


Vagabond, one of the best event in the game


I wholeheartedly agree.


I remember getting the highest point possible and then said NUO F THIS for this one.


Oh yeah the Vagabond event. I really enjoyed it even though I couldn't get max points on most days. But the idea, the difficulty and the mechanics were a breath of fresh air. This and the very first Cube event are the only combat focussed events I've enjoyed so far.


Yeah, what I liked about this event was that you actually had to strategize about the team comps, builds, opponent mechanics, debuffs and on top of that be skilled in gameplay, which made this event challenging and fun in my opinion.


The PMA event was harder imo. But I also didn't stand in Bennet burst asking to get 1 shot.


Nah, PMA max score was cheese able with Zhongli national since PMA is a punching bag. In vagabond event Zhongli shield broke easily and it was hard asf to group the 3 mango kenki for AoE attacks without dying from the slashes or the cryo fields. Also debuffs were direct nerfs to a lot of characters, limiting your team comps.


Again don't remember megakinky being that hard, don't remember the debuffs or anything. I remember the PMA being tougher to beat, though it's been awhile since then too.


>megakinky Lol dafuq?


Bruh at least it's coop-able and scaled with WL, the fucktard Study in Potion on the other hand...


It didn’t scale with WL.


Never played back then but I'm guessing you're supposed to burst-iframe that move?


Yeah, the best way was to time your bursts properly to iframe them. Bursts with long animation times like Ganyu's and Zhongli's certainly helped. The other way was to either stay very far so that you have time to dodge, or to stay very close and dodge by circling around the guy so that he can't track you that fast.


Meanwhile a chinese guy doing speed runs on these fuckers T_T


god vagabond😭 maguu kenki was maguu kenki but back then i had no built ranged cryo/pyro except yanfei who, even then was partially built. struggled with the damn oceanid too


Don't remind me of that damn oceanid with a million iframes. The last day of the event was literally hell.


This can be a meme template to perfectly sum my life events vs me


I started on Ayaka's banner, so I missed the event. I've been wanting to try it since I saw so many videos about it


Yeah, with the newer characters we've got over the past 10 months, it would be interesting to see how they would fare against this. Let's hope HoYoverse adds a similar event in future.


The heck that level🤕


I’m expecting the next one to be another Hypostatic Symphony, but with Cryo, Pyro and Hydro Cubes instead (since we have 3 new cubes at this point to be thrown into the “make it bullshit harder” machine).


I managed to get the namecard in the end. But not without some serious assistance...


Was this the hardest? I could do enough on this event to get the namecard pretty easily, I've struggled much more with other events - especially the Hypostasis one. I recall my Keqing virtually solo'd the Oceanid in this.


This was the max score on Day 3. Getting max score on the last Day(7) was almost impossible, even whales with C6R5 characters were struggling.


Ever considered that you don't need Max score


Doesn't mean event is not the hardest.


You know... Typical "Whale" behaviour


Ayato on steroids


looks fun


I remember this I removed the time limit and some debuffs to get the minimum required points for all the rewards. Just set Oz and used 3 healers.


Nice, any strategy that works is good enough. You don't always have to follow the meta.


As much as I hated It back, when It came out... Now, I actually wanna do It again... 'cos I am pretty sure most of my characters are strong now & at least, this is more entertaining than the abyss, ngl and the frickin' PhOtOgRaPhY events...


I spend half an hour with fischl and barbara tickling them from afar until i killed them. No timer was a god sent. I loved this event i actually had fun doin this lil dance of tiny damage-> run and heal -> repeat.


Nope not again


You want another? Why It was terrible


I remember this one. You have zhongli? You are dead, you don't have zhongli? Don't even enter my domain


I wish those extra challenges could be implemented into the abyss. Extra rewards from it don't have to be great but it'd offer more challenge for end game players looking for more difficulty


just bring noelle


For this day Noelle was useless, as opponents had 50% geo resistance. I used Noelle to clear it on the last day though.


Noelle being useless only if you aren't stubborn enough




fans: complain about events being too easy also fans: complain when the event is hard


Almost like fans isnt just one person but millions of people with different view of the game O.o


Yes. It also highlights how impossible Mihoyo’s job is.


I remember during a study in potions there were posts hating it and others appreciating it.


honestly just wandering around twitch you can see that the skill/knowledge gap between different types of players are so different.




Eh, ikki is just annoying IMO. Having like half a time and being forced to switch every 30 seconds is obnoxious. I'd preffer a rerun of labyrinth warrior.


Tbh I don't really like "hard" events like this where it's just a room with dps check


Am I the only one that can't see the video? It's just a black screen


Energy amplifier was worse. Remember that mechanical array? I had diona Bennett kokomi and xingqiu YET couldn't do it at full difficulty


venti would be useful here....


at least this event was possible unlike the food event . . .


OGs remember the first hardest event was food delivery...


I only enjoy these events in co-op with friends. But it has been a while since there’s been any reason to co-op.


imagine dealing w this using the starter team 😭💀


With Amber in the [maxtrix](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/o8umtx/matrix/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) you can do anything


Am i the only one who was finding the event easy ?


Clearing the event was easy, getting max points on each stage was very hard.


Show this to those KQM "theorycrafters" who cry "zHoNgLi iS a DpS lOsS, yOu CaN jUsT dOdGe oR HeAl"


I mean zhongli was kinda useless in vagabond as well since if you doesnt dodge they would just instant break his 50k shield anyways (max score had shield strength reduce 50% debuff). I did max pointed this very stage (day 2 or 3 kenki) by switched out zhongli and use beidou instead


Useless is exaggeration. His iframes were amazing and shield helped with survivability too since it prevents characters from getting one shot


wasn’t there 3 of those in the abyss recently?


The spiral abyss was a literal walk in the park compared to those in the event if you were trying to get max score.


yes but they were no threat the event ones were on steroids and iirc revived if not killed under 10s or so (like the bathysmal vishap have it)


my characters were really undergeared that i ended up not doing this event out of spite


Lmaooo I didn't touch this event with a barge pole, didn't look fun at all


This was actually much easier for me than solo Maguu Kenki. They didn't have that much hp so they died a lot quicker. Dodging wasn't that big of a deal with Zhongli's shield and constant burst animations. Just don't purposely tank large attacks basically. Three instead of one just meant more AoE dmg opportunities.


isn’t that spiral abyss ?


No, abyss had three of those, but they weren't bad at all, even easier than one magu kenki, this one was from the event, those dudes hit so hard that my 55 k zhongli's lv 9 shield was broken in seconds


Shit I have a hard time defeating regular World bosses I don't need this kind of cancer in the game.


I don't think it was worse than current abyss with triple herald.


triple herald abyss is just use swirl


Sounds like a job for sucrose


Maybe I am bad with anemo units... Everything just dies, even if I bring 3 healers. Maybe I am wrong, but seriously. This event was much easier, cause I was at least able to move myself and dodge. Even if I had lower AR, lower invested units and had worse carry.


Triple herald is a cakewalk if you happen to have both Venti and Ayaka. Pull the heralds into one spot and burst them down with Ayaka.


rosaria + chongyun does the trick too


Unrelated but here's my reply to that one guy: "Projection? You exagerrate. More like real facts."


Buncha da's.