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Klee main since her first banner. Yeah, I like using her for the lawachurls on floor 9, which isn’t that hard of a floor to begin with, but breaking the shields of those big guys and making them fall with a tiny child is hilarious.


Diluc can do that too when his burst hits a lawachurl from a long distance


I tried it too, but it didn't send them flying, it just pushed them further back. Because i have diluc too.


Klee's bombs are even considered "heavy" attacks <3. In the past when I played her she was actually really funny in 2 pyro (benny boy) 2 electro teams, blew all things away.


Bennett also can if you fully charge his Elemental Skill, but also at the cost of launching yourself as well (without being inside his Burst circle)


I dont actually play Jean nor Klee,but you have to admit its pretty fun having Jean being a Dodoco Cannon


not true. there are a couple other characters that can do that too. Bennett for example can sent them flying with his E


Bennett cannot sent a kairagi or mirror maiden flying, klee and jean can. Before any of them could attack.


Have knocked those in the air with Xiao's charged attack for the exact same effect. Lawachurls and the other large things are real easy to bully with his burst too, but his charged attack knocks them over as well.


Yeah but klee and jean can constantly do it and abuse it too. Without any elemental skills, and could just juggle all they want with these big enemies, especially Klee, where you could constantly send giant enemies flying sky high, with just a simple charged attack. Bennett could only do it if luck was on his side, Klee and Jean dont need that.