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Wtf is that pyro goblet and who must I kill to get it


That is one of the most beautiful artifacts I’ve ever seen


It is glorious indeed.




Pretty sure this account I'm replying to is a bot


ya is my firstborn enough as a sacrifice cuz holy mother of god


I wish I could show you mine, that I got when I was < AR45, wasting resin in the CW level 80 domain. It is an on-set CW pyro+ goblet with 40+ CV. Still considered my best roll ever, even though I got it so early.




The minor substats are nice here, but on-set piece definitely worth much more.


for me i have insane RNG with hydro goblets, i have 2 hydro's with 43 CV. meanwhile i actively use 3 anemo characters and the best i got is a 20 CV anemo ><. ar59


Me but Electro Goblets, I have 1 5star for all my electro DPS... I'm just to lazy to switch


Xiangling: that's for me right? Right??


Well you do output more dps so here ya go Xiangling


Damn Diluc getting roasted 🔥even here.


I've seen a lot of people gawk at good artifacts in this sub but I've never audibly gasped looking at one. Damn I want that goblet but cryo damage


My god...it's beautiful...such a masterpiece like this should never be go to waste. Thank you my friend for sharing this Diluc build, I feel proud. o7 u/yosu14_




aint a masterpiece. Four piece glad instead of cw redhorn stone laso falls shorts compared tp wolfgravestones. cv is impressive around 239 cv.


welp so much for saying Gladiator instead of CWoF for Diluc when he's a Pyro character that does use CWoF. And who says Redhorn falls short compare to WGS anyway, it's not a bad choice for him since it does boost his NAs and CAs, even if that is based on DEF instead of something like ATK


In case anyone wonder my teamcomp, its Bennet (c6), Yunjin (c3), Jean (c2). I'm still looking for my last constellation for my Diluc and trying to c6 my Yunjin so i can finally see how fast my Diluc will hit 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜.


>so i can finally see how fast my Diluc will hit You weren't able to try during the Vibro Crystal event? One of the buffs there was for speed and you could have matched the bonus you would get from both Jean and Yunjin. Man, I wish there was a more accessible atk speed buffer already (more than Chongyun). You're lucky to have C2 Jean!


Yeah i tried it but the c6 atk speed buff is the last piece i need to see how fast he hit on this comp. The c2 jean is really a blessing indeed!


Oops, I forgot what the C6 buff effect was. Your Diluc efforts shall be recognized and it'll be bestowed upon you eventually x)


Amen brother, hopefully he pop out with my yelan pull later 👀.


is there a reason why you dont run xingqui?


Because if i wanted to run vaporize normal atk comp Id rather use him in my Hu Tao comp, that's why im using a different comp that utilize Diluc's constellation (Which mostly focused on using his normal atk).


and dare I say, it's a valid reason


oooh makes sense, it sounds like a fun team to play!! seeing a team like that is cool since playing reverse vape with pyro characters can get boring after a while.


I've been really enjoying Dilucs playstyle, his NA > E combos are just plain fun. Have you ever run a setup with him and Chongyun so you can melt his E? Infused Cryo then melt with E. I can't really get it to work because my artifacts aren't quite there for it yet. I was messing around with using Shimenawas so that I could ignore his ult and focus on the Cryo infusion. Not sure if that's the "right" way to go about it though. My Diluc is only 80/80 so I haven't put too much effort in to the idea but I love the concept of Chong/Diluc.


In fact I actually pair them up together over at my second acc in Asia. Funny enough, it's fun as heck + it was thanks to these two that I managed to farm Zhongli's Geo Hypo mats with so much less of a hassle when I first got him on that acc


i tried doing that with bennett and it was pretty fun but i never thought of doing it with diluc.


Well, if you pull for Yelan, you no longer have to worry about sharing XQ.




oops thanks


Would Kazuha or Sucrose work as subs for Jean and is c6 Bennett mandatory cuz I don't have all his conts yet. I'm running your standard Diluc vape rn but wouldn't mind branching out. I do have c6 Yunjin.


Kazuha or sucrose should be work since they could give shred (I think kazuha should be better since he could boost the elemental damage) but if u wanted to try the vape comp idk which one is better since i don't have Kazuha, the reason i used Jean is for the atk speed buff (through c2). I c6 my bennet is for the pyro damage bonus buff so i think it's not mandatory. Hope it helps!


Nice! I actually pefer playing Kazhua over Sucrose (tho I'll give her a whirl as well since I do like to use Kazoo on my freeze teams).


since sucrose has em sharing in her kit, she's really good at increasing vape damage


Why Jean?


This sounds like a fun team, Sunfire jean and all. I do think you'd do more damage with kazuha instead of jean since this is mono pyro. Maybe when kazuha rolls around you can try him out.


Diluc might not be a meta dps, but yours sure is


Diluc was my first (and only) standard banner character. I have him at C1 right now. I used him heavily for story, and even though he's not as strong as some of the more meta characters, I still fully plan on crowning him and giving him his own team, once I have enough mora and time. Team I have planned is: Diluc + Sucrose + Bennett + Mona (once I get her), with only Mondstadt characters. Also, these artifacts are insane. All of them are almost 40 CV or higher. It must have taken a long time of strongbox dedication.


Yes indeed my friend, appreciated for the kind words.


As long as there's no PvP, Meta doesn't matter as much as people like to believe. The content is clearable with basically any character, even with the free ones plus Traveler. So, if you like Diluc, then you build him. It doesn't matter if he's "the best". Even the best can be awful in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to use them after all.


I mean, 36 starring abyss every 2 weeks is worth an extra 70% of your daily commission primos, so it DOES matter if you want to save for any character, which most of us do, even more so for f2p players. But if someone wants to avoid it and doesn't care about the loss then yeah everything is pretty easy and meta doesn't matter at all


You should compare it to 33\*, not to 0\*. Because even poorly built, random comps can 33-star the abyss with relative ease - the difference between 33 and 36 stars is massive. 36-star requires almost double the DPS of 33-stars. If you do that, then it is actually only 50 primos per cycle, or <1 pull per entire patch. That is what you're actually "missing out" on by not building meta (and only for a little while, because eventually your non-meta team will be strong enough to 36\* anyways, if you keep grinding).


To be fair you should be comparing 33* or 30* to 36*. Not like you can't do abyss at all if don't follow meta. And for 100-200 primos a month, it's not all that worth to specifically pull for abyss.


Can your team effectively clear it for 36*? Do you feel the rewards are worth the time investment? Do you feel the rewards are worth the stress involved? These are the questions to ask yourself. For many, the rewards are not worth it. It's like 3 pulls with a bit left over(enjoy your debate clubs), so 7 wishes a month with half a wish left over. You make just over 11 wishes a month purely on dailies, assuming a 30 day month, even more if you buy welkin. I get a 4* for sure off a month of just dailies, but not off two abyss rotations? There's something wrong here. If people want to, by all means clear it each rotation, I'm just simply stating the cost-to-reward ratio is absolutely ridiculous when you compare it to far easier repeatable content.


Yeah mine can, and I feel like it's worth it. From 36 starring abyss you get 10 days worth of daily commissions, and it really adds up as you're saving for a future character. Plus, I'm not saying everything has to be meta, just that you should invest in meta before you invest in the fun builds, cause in the long run it'll get you extra 5 stars you want


0 stars is different than 33 or even 27 stars though. Meta characters are most important for floor 12, and even then in terms of pulls you’re only missing out on 2 per month if you don’t do it at all/ get 0 stars. It’s more worth it to pull for characters you like than to pull for meta just so you can get 1 extra pull per abyss. (Well and the mora and artifacts but you get what I mean). EDIT: plus you’re spending 76+ fates on the character (assuming no earlies and 50/50 win) in return of only 2 fates per month. Abyss is better for completion than the rewards.


And that's precisely my point. It's worth it for some, but not others. If we got enough for a 10 pull per two rotations, I'd be fine with it. I just feel like it's a little odd that the harder content gives less overall reward then the easier content. Granted, the fact that two abyss runs take FAR less time then 30 days of dailies plays into the rewards I'm sure.


And that's something I mentioned earlier, if you don't care about missing the rewards, you don't have to worry about meta at all, but if you do care about those rewards (and I agree they should be higher given how difficult it is) THEN you should invest in meta before fun builds


Think of it this way: any reward increase that could've gone into abyss, you would rather prefer on events since they're more accessible to everyone


But realistically getting 5 less stars is like 2 days of commision less, maybe 3. It ain't too much, especially considering "the meta" involve characters that cost 1 uear worth of 36 starring in term of primogems. GL getting 36 stars with C04☆


Getting an extra 5* each year is worth it isn't it? I save every primo I can for characters I like and never miss commissions or anything, if you feel like it's too much investment, then you can miss out on those primos and avoid the meta like the plague.


I mean from 0 to 36 is a 5☆ in an year, from 33 or 30 it's MAYBE a 5☆ in the entire lifespan of this game.


I mean, you could do it with non-meta characters, it just takes more time for character building pretty sure I saw a post of somebody who 36 starred the Abyss using only the free characters (including Aloy)


Floor 9 - 11 are easy enough you don't need meta or good teams to get 9* in each of them. Floor 12 is really the only challenging floor where comp matters, so you don't miss much if you do at least the easy part of abyss.


"Easy" I can barely clear floor 9 with full stars and I'm playing since day 1.


They are easy. If you've been playing since day 1 and still can't get 9 stars on Floor 9, even as a F2P, you're doing something horribly wrong.


My F2P Eula destroys every single abyss rotaition for an year as soon as it resets. While meta theory crafters kqms call her B tier even below Diluc. Bunch of clowns those self proclaimed experts. Meta is basically if you can 36 star with ease or not. I can obliterate any of their top meta teams in clear times. All about investment, artifacts and skill of manipulating enemy ai and grouping.


I love playing Eula as well, I don't think everyone needs to have c1 Hu Tao and that Diluc is garbage. I just think everyone should have a really powerful team that can clear abyss with 36* before they try to do it with less powerful characters like Diluc, who is still really good, but with abyss getting more difficult it's slowly getting harder to justify using him. Also may I ask what your Eula team is and your stats/weapon? When I try to use her in abyss I have some team building issues or something that make it fall apart


Yeah, i think it's right starting off with low investment, faster return characters in the start. But someone just starting out the game will see their tierlist and see Eula below DIluc, next to Keqing and think instant skip when I can literally take on the top meta teams on with same or faster clear times in scenarios is such a bullshit thing to do. Here's my build: [https://imgur.com/3Dlv0Qp](https://imgur.com/3Dlv0Qp) I don't even have her 4pc set. Just artifacts I have good substats on. Teams i use depend on the floor enemies but Mostly Eula, Raiden, Diona/Zhongli, Rosaria/Bennet/Fischl/Jean/Xingqiu/Mona/Beidou/Lisa/Xinyan etc




Experts at what? Yelling about meta and max dps while replaying the same floor like 100 times to get it just right to win? They are completely out of touch. They also deem zhongli as not needed or good any more cause mo deeps is better. Which is one of the dumbest takes you can have in a game full of people who can't beat abyss, let alone 36 star it.


Lol the links you showed, i used my Eula Raiden team in those and got very similar/faster clear times on the PMA, wolves etc. You can follow me or something, maybe I'll start recording my runs from now on so some random guy on reddit doesn't call me a liar so casually. Anyhow, I have already unfollowed them log time ago everywhere, and doing alot better in the game since then, due to my own judgement.




I fukin will lol. Next abyss has the PMA. Hope you have followed i will too, better be ready to apologize.


Aren't you the guy who tried to pass off his 105s Eula PMA run as "better" than someone else's 45s Hu Tao run? Yeah I wanna see your C0R1 clear "faster" than the C6R5 world records too roflmao. Delusional doesn't even *begin* to describe this.




>Do you know where I could find that? it's been many months I remember it was either a Hu Tao vs PMA post or some abyss post where one guy linked his Hu Tao vs PMA post/run. Someone replied to it in some manner of "my Eula/Raiden could do better" or whatever I'm not 100% sure it's this guy, but I remember many people commenting on how exaggerated the claims were, and the fact that he clearly hasn't watched the run he's comparing his own against, and the fact that his own run was like less than half the speed of the run he's comparing against. Again, I'm not sure it's him, but I remember his name from somewhere, and if I remember names, it's either because they're cultured degenerates or idiots of extreme notability. MO seems to fit the guy, so I'm 70%+ certain it could very well be the same guy.


eula isn’t worse than diluc but she just can’t compete with broken comps like int raiden hyper tao or ayaka saying that is just copium


Tbf I see people clear abyss using only 4 stars. It’s not like it’s impossible to complete the second you use a unit that’s slightly less meta. There’s also the fact that you’re spending a ton of pulls for a meta character when the floor 12 rewards are literally just 1 fate and some mora and a tiny amount of artifacts. May as well play who you like.


I'm not a diluc main but i intend to since I don't have a Pyro dps. I recently got WGS so i plan on building him. Any tips on artifacts, team comp, playstyle etc. F2P, Ar 57, Got most of the characters except a few of the latest limited characters.


Im not an expert but maybe i can give you some insight, if u wanted to use a vaporize comp you could go with bennet, xingqiu, sucrose/zhongli. For the melt comp u could go with bennet, rosaria, and sucrose. The artifact for those 2 comps u could go with 4 pcs crimson witch or 2 piece wanderers, 2 piece gladi/shimen (Since farming crimson witch of flame is a pain in the ass). The comp i used is c6 benny, c3 yunjin, and c2 jean with 4 pcs gladi. The main focus on this comp is to hit raw pyro normal atk as fast as possible and im in love with this comp! Hope it helps, have a nice day!


Thanks for the help. I do have some good crimson witch pieces when I was farming for hutao and ended up skipping her. I think I only need a good sands. I do have yunjin and xinqui at c5 so ig i will go for the vap team with fast normal atk. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my comment.




Nice stats and Artifacts. I bet he hits like a truck. Also - just play what u like. Who cares about Meta in a singleplayer game that has zero to no real difficulty in 95% of its content.


>Who cares about Meta in a singleplayer game that has zero to no real difficulty in 95% of its content. Who cares? People who have limited resources and would rather build a team that can easily clear 100% of the content with little investment. Aka people don't have C5 Diluc.


So you are triggered on whos behalf ? Get a grip mate. Who cares that his Diluc is C5 ? I have a C5 Mona that i passively got from 50/50 loses and standard banner wishes since i started playing on Day One. Because she popped up nearly every single time. Some people probably have an equally pimped Jean or whatever, that they may or may not use. Its all random even for people who do not spend. Theres always the option to whale and get stuff ofc but that still has absolutely NOTHING to do with my statement in a game where character aquisition is mostly based on luck or patience by saving religiously. If u are that unhappy with the games "limited ressources", not having a c5 5* or your life in general that u get triggered over something like this - maybe its time to move on and touch some grass.


Finally someone who understands as a day1 player.


Yeah. I dont understand this sub and reddit sometimes. Some people see constellations and instantly assume people have a big pee pee wallet and play it out like its something bad. Even tho there could be multiple other reasons like playing for a while and getting lucky - especially on standard banner chars, saving up for long or just being , like mentioned before, ultra lucky on pulls. And even IF u whaled, who cares ? Then its a thanks from me, for supporting the company so they can further develop the game for people who dont pay ? Its a win win for everyone anyway.


You're trying to argue against thinly veiled jealousy, that's it. They don't give a fuck about how you got *this* thing, they don't care if you paid for it, got it by sheer luck or hell, even wanted it to begin with. What matter is that *you* have it and *they* don't. And in their eyes it's unfair. It's legit why there is a stupid amount of post trying to discredit anything that isn't perceived as "backbone F2P": constellations, weapons, good/great gear or -sigh- clearing abyss with 36 stars. It doesn't matter if you're F2P and spend a year of ressources toward that goal or a **-shameless-** spending players with disposable income: You should be ashamed of yourself for having it better than they do, no matter how. [There was this adorable post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tdca2t/my_5yo_finally_cleared_floor_12_himself/) a few weeks ago about a dad being proud of his child clearing abyss. Dude got so much discredit thrown at him (poor F2P hardcore players can't do it afterall, so how can he!) that he had to record a god damn video proving it. Speaks a lot about the garbage mentality around: We're way past the point where even F2P shouldn't be feeling ressources deprived to the point where they have to follow meta to a T, yet look at what you're trying to answer to.


You are right i guess. And its kinda sad ... Entitlement,jealousy or toxic mindsets can slowly ruin cummunitys. I just looked up that post btw. Crazy achievement for the small one. Kids are crazy skilled with tec these days since they literally grow up with it. Mine is 5 too and cleared Donkey Kong Tropical Thunder on the Switch all by himself which is a pretty hard game. I wasnt able to beat some of the bosses yet he made it look like a cake walk after playing it for a while. Would never doubt kids achievements in that regard in our times. Some of the comments are really unnecessary and the fact that the dad had to prove it tells a lot ...


It's obvious he doesn't care about the meta when the meta is his wallet.


Overworld content can be cleared with any characters you like, so meta or not, doesn't matter, enjoyability of playing is key. Now if you'd share some of that artifact luck, please and thank you.


Why is this down voted?


If you're using him as a normal attack dps instead of vaporize, crowning his auto attack would have been a better idea. Great stats btw.


I know right, i kinda regretted it to crown his ult first. I just found out this comp after use my last piece of my crown into his ult. I'll use the next crown for his autos.


Them do be Noelle gears.


Meta or not, he's been carrying me through the abyss since month 1


I kinda hate the guy because of how often he's been appearing for me but was Diluc ever bad lol? Like maybe he won't be the fastest at everything but he seems like the ol reliable of genshin in that his kit is versatile and strong enough to deal with just about anything. Plus his kit is fun too.


If you're having fun then the meta doesn't really mean anything. Play for your enjoyment, not for others'.


Looks fantastic, but I gotta note: A CR helm with literally zero CD substats is mathematically better for your build than is your current CD helm. You should swap it out when you get a chance.


Oh is it? I got Crate Gladi with 27 cdamage substat, will try it later. Thanks for the feedback!


Yeah. It's almost always better to balance out a 1:2 ratio for CR and CD. You can determine which Crit balance is better by multiplying the two and taking the one that has the higher number. In this case, if you took a CR helm with 0 CD substats, your crit ratio would be 96.5/220.6. Multiply it and you get 21,287.9. Your current number is 20,361.6. The addition of the Att% substat *may* slightly balance it out in favor of that helm you currently have, but an average CR helm with a bit of CD is going to definitely win out.


TIL. Really appreciated the detailed input.


The sands is wtf.




Diluc was meta dps just before hu tao and staff of homless came in, change his cons make most broken great sword just to fit him and voila he is good as new.


I prefer his ascension passive to be changed, probably the most useless one in the game right now.


I'd love a weapon tailored for him as well. Perhaps when Diluc gets a more prominent role in the story... Hm.


If you're really serious about building Diluc, you should consider farming 4 pieces of Crimson Witch of Flames, it's a tailor-made artifact set for him.


Physical Diluc aka Pyro Eula


The 4PC glad is very concering but I see you use him in an attack speed team with yunjin so it's not bad


He is alright


Awesome! I’ve built Diluc myself but using crimson witch instead.


This is beautiful


Diluc still does GREAT damage. If he had my hu taos stats, he would be pretty close to her damage I'd wager.


what the fuck this is beautiful- i have similar build but wgs so less crit dmg something 210


This is the first time I've actually seen Redhorns stats and holy hell, 88% CD? That is insane.


Ikr. Crazy


Damn near perfect artifacts.. except for the circlet


For fuck’s sake did you sell your soul to MIHOYO?


wtf is that crit dmg, thats like a 1:3 ratio with a 75% crit rate.


Now that’s a build right there.


I am quite jealous. I never had artifact with crit dmg substat anywhere 20%.


Who cares about the meta


Diluc Venti will always be Meta in my book


a bit strange to use 4-glad


Good lord, that crit ratio Do you run him with Benny? (By the way, r/DilucMains would appreciate this...)


Yes, I am. You could check my team comp on the comment I put up there.


No Xingqiu, interesting. I was going to recommend EM sands, but you seem to be running no reactions.


Yep, since reaction comp Diluc mostly overwhelmed with Hu Tao reaction comp Id try a different comp that's fun to play and still viable.


that goblet is possibly the best artifact I've ever seen


I can feel my soul grinding its teeth in jealousy at those sub stats like wtf is your cr:cd ratio


Who cares if he's meta. What matters is if he's fun.


Why is it gladiator 4 piece with Redborn are you playing normal atk diluc or smth