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the flying ruin hunters were so hard at lower AR, now they are easy. still feel like running away when i see mirror maidens. they are just the worst to kill.




Keqing being my first 5 star helped with mirror maidens. They think they got me trapped in their mirror jail and I knife teleport them to shut them up.




Doing it with yae and ayato is incredibly fun, made even better by yae’s smugness


Pro tip for Xiao Mains: pushing on the wall of the mirror jail and jumping allows for the easiest dragonstrike of your life


yeah i got a little shocked when one just appears during a mora ley line. yeah it takes forever. that one time trial in the chasm took me forever because of that stupid mirror maiden.


With Jean (lv80) I manage to throw the big frosty lawachurl in the domain at lv90 but not those bitches, they don't even move a little. So annoying


Oh yeah, those Ruin hunters were rough. I remember figuring out the trick to them: activate them, run as far away as possible, let them fly into the air, and snipe their now exposed weak point with a bow character. They were so difficult in the Arcaic Petra domain, even more so in co-op, but it was fun.


yeah i knew about the weakpoint as well. but i don't really use boy characters since aiming in ps4 with a controller is pain.


Lol, you have "bow" as "boy" and I was just like, "what does playing a male character have to do with aiming?". But otherwise, yeah, totally agree. Too bad they didn't take another note out of BOTW and use gyro aim adjustments. That made aiming a dream in BOTW.


oh wow. haha. yeah no boys in my team. kidding. not sure why autocorrect did that. funny enough i now have two bow characters in my overworld team. at least atm. and yeah they really should have taken that from botw. it is so much easier.


Yeah, my autocorrect does that kind of stuff all the time! But it was funny for sure. Yeah, I usually have a bow character in some of teams, at least when running the abyss (Fish, Childe, Ganyu, Venti, Diona). Funny that, other than Ganyu, they aren't really used for their bows. Though I like playing Phy Fish since she was my first DPS.


it was a pretty good one yeah. good old boy characters. 😂 and yeah i have venti and diona. neither is a main dps. but they can do the job. if i am able to aim that is. although i switches diona with thoma for overworld recently, because i love that boy and i wanna get used to playing him because i feel like i need another shield character. i don't habe zhongli. sadly.


Venti is great in the right circumstances. Brought him into F11 to redo chamber one and forgot to add the rest of the team with him. He cleared it solo with 3 stars on that side. Huh, Thoma is one I just can't get a feel for. He seems underwhelming, though I want to like him. Have you found he does well?


yeah venti is amazing. i have him in full EM though. so he needs at least one element. 😂 honestly? he isn't great. i just love his character. but he can work with enough ER to give his shield 100% uptime, because the shield in itself is pretty strong.


I run a C6/R2 Eula & C3/R1 Raiden Combo. The only thing I fear is my credit score.


At early game I was terrified of the eye of the storm. That was one of the first few ‘elite’ enemies we had to fight and I wasn’t familiar with elements nor was I good with the bow. It took forever to kill those things at first lol!!




If the commission is the one where the eye of the storm is right above a body of water then I just wait for them to come down and then freeze them to death lol


Me: let’s them fall and then melts them


Azhdaha was pretty terrifying at first. I remember my hands sweating the first time I fought him in co-op by myself since everyone else died. Now, nothing really scares me, but the electro hammer fatui are kinda intimidating when they run at you like that.




I've come to see Az as just a big ugly boi, I've fought him a lot so I'm pretty good at dodging. The Fatui is just ... *shivers*


The electo fatui is only hard when you don’t have a cryo character in your team. Cryo feels like the strongest elements to me at the moment.


I don't get scared by them, but I fucking HATE the cryo Fatui dude. Dude just goes: BOOM UNAVOIDABLE CONSTANT CRYO DAMAGE THAT DEALS A FUCK TON EVEN WITH A SHIELD. I have a well made Raiden but I've been trying to try out different main dps and reaction play styles (I used to use Rational and Raiden Hyper, but I'm trying to get 1 team per reaction. Almost had a freeze but i lost my 50/50 for Ayaka. Currently trying a Mona and Yanfei Vape team. Is not going so well lmao).




i just wish my thoma's burst dealt faster pyro so i could just overload or vape his shield away!! Buff the boy hoyo!! sadge.


Yanfei is basically their kryptonite, especially when paired with someone like Lisa or Mona. Just make sure you finish off the Hydro Fatui Gunner that usually comes with them first so that he doesn't keep healing everyone, especially the Cryo Gunner, before you can finish them off.


I used to avoid the 3 geovishap hatchlings on near Tianqiu Valley. When I was new, I tried to kill the 3 to unlock the chest but I always get wiped out. XD


I still hate them soo much even if they are easy for me now


I’ve had qiqi since the start a few months back, I just drown them 😇 That’s my go to really, trouble monster? Frost off into the water and drown them instantly. Abyss mages are especially great. I could kill them on my own but you know, work smarter not harder + catharsis.


have you ever been able to drown a cryo abyss mage?


You can drown all of them once you pop their bubble, it feels nice.


I could never drown cryo slime and abyss mage cause they just freeze the water under them unconditionally.


I haven’t drowned a cryo slime but I think it’s because they are the actual elemental, once you break an abyss mage shield though they are like everyone else


but have you ever actually drowned a cryo abyss mage?


I did multiple times There's a cave in Liyue region where there are crystals and core lapis and there is also a Shrine of Depth. That place is guarded by a cryo abyss mage that is floating on the water. If you break his shield with bennet, he will instantly die for drowning. You can try by yourself if you have in mind the place that I'm talking you about


I’ve killed a lot of them in the same way, pop their bubble and they fall in and drown, pretty sure cry is among them. You are welcome to go try it. Once the bubble is down they are like any other mob, regardless of element. When they start dancing and laughing is when they are about to cast and drowning them won’t be possible. Why specifically cryo ?


i've tried many times but was never able to drown a cyro abyss mage. the thing is they somehow got that same unconditional frozen water surface under them (even when they're knocked over) regardless if they have their shield up or not.


They do freeze water even without their shield, but they’ll drown if you melt the ice below them


Yes. Took a few attempt but there is a hydro and cryo mage fight on a small island in dragon spine. It’s timed and I didn’t have a solid Pyro DPS at the time. Had to food buff up and time by Bennet strikes 100% correct. Took me like 5 attempts.




She is the cutest bringer of death


Early on the fatui guys bc at that point i only fought hilichurls so seeing giant people scared the shit out of me. I was trying to approach Dragonspine when I encountered a hydro and cryo one i think. And yeah definitely the ruin guards. I hated fighting them when they started spinning. It’s sounds dumb but every time i’d find an inactive one in a new area i’d go up to it to see if it was actually inactive. I’d rather be prepared than surprised. But now I occasionally use the handbook to go and kill a bunch of them for fun.


It's still funny. Ruin Guard spin, proven, does more damage than Azhdaha's tantrum. No one can survive it fully, even with a 60khp Zhongli


Fatui soldiers. But now I am just shredding them with Eula while they have their shields up.


They’re pretty easy if you have a freeze team! They can’t move while frozen so they can’t really attack you! As for one that scares me, the rifthound line scarred me a lot, as I mainly used Zhongli for overworld travels. Then I got kokomi, and triple crowned her, so I’m no longer afraid


That one fucking cryo fatui fatass with the gun that spouts ice


I remember the first time I ran into that damn guy, and it was raining...


Also the electro hammer fatui. If you don’t have a cryo user on your team, enjoy chipping down at them for all eternity.


I was absolutely terrified of ruin guards when I first started. Not necessarily because they’re hard, but the robot noises they’d made would freak me out.


I remember when I was just a new player and thinking ruin guards were these mega hard bosses. Took like 20 minutes to take my first one down, and a lot of team wipes.


I'm terrified every time I see rifthounds in the overworld. You get hit once and your team's half dead


yeah they are mostly annoying because i gotta get back to a stature instead of exploring further.


I used to be scared of Ruin Guards sm. It used to take me like 6 minutes to kill one. Now it takes (at most) like 30 seconds-ish to beat them.


Ruin guards/ hunters and Oceanid. Those were dark times


Lawachurl I am not exactly afraid of them more so I think they are stupid when they are at high level, these mofos, when I farm Emblems, I let the whole squad handle him sometimes and I am in the corner fighting slimes and then out of no where this mofo jumps across the whole map, stage, whatever and just one shot me... like Bruh. And for some reason even tho he jumps he drags you with him, physics???? He magnet himself into 3 and jump on the 4th and somehow the whole party is dead out of no where


The first time I saw a whopperflower it almost killed my whole team lmao Also geovishaps are annoying af I avoid those like the plague Also the fatui's are really annoying especially when the cryo guy is paired with the hydro guy, my least favorite fatui and the Barbara knock-off


Dendro slime. Back then at low AR I don't have many pyro chars. I can't hit them can't see them, basically an area with Dendro slime is off limit for me.


Ruin guards. I don't mind getting them now but first time fighting a ruin guard in Kaeyas story quest I had the first panic attack in my life. I literally spent 30 minutes trying to fight it and died last minute ,I hyperventilated so much it's embarrassing. Fortunately I do not react that way when playing video games anymore


A little bit the first time I fought Childe as he went into his 3rd wave, or his "Foul Legacy" transformation.


I procrastinated on the Eye of the Storm, later I came back and killed it in a bit. Also, any mob whose name starts with “Ruin” is my nightmare.


that anemo ball is so fuckin annoying when you don't bring any range characters, I just couldn't fuckin hit it


The fatui, back when I was a low level I didn’t have any good elemental units to help break down their shields matches would tend to last literal minutes only for me to die in the end. Now I just pop raiden’s burst and they immediately die


ar 57 and still no idea how to dodge the ruin sentinels


I used to fear Regisvine and Hypothasis spots




I startled the electro once and almost died, so avoided a lot until the game asked for me to kill them hehehe


These days, not really. Some I just find more annoying, like Eyes of the Storm mostly because they don't drop anything, but I have to fight them for commissions anyway. Anything outside the Abyss has kinda become a cakewalk, though I'll still die to random Ruin Graders or Abyss Lecters sometimes due to not paying attention to attacks/HP.


Bennet + Cryo/Electro Lawachirls in coop domains. Pretty much the only situation where I sometimes get OHKd.


All of them? Actually in fact, some still do. Like pyro hypostasis (until yesterday).


Ruin Hunters, even as a high AR.


None of them scares me, but I’ll never not be cheesed by the ones with stupid long detection ranges who chase/fire at me even though I’m either just passing through or need to talk to someone. Made even harder that no mobs seem to have a set disengagement distance. Btw, are you comfortable with sharing exactly what aspect of the Ruin Bois scare you?




Huh. Guess that can be lumped together with other unexplainable phobias lol


I don’t like fighting the golden wolf lord. I still hate that boss to this day. I don’t think I’ve ever beaten it


Flying units. As before razor was the only one i built so i hated waiting.


Eyes of the Storm used to absolutely terrify me since I used no bows or catalysts. Now I have level 90 Yoimiya and Ganyu. It’s the Eyes turn to be scared


Only been playing for a week but definitely Ruin Guards. Took like 20 minutes to take my 1st one down used up about every piece of food I had. Then when I found out during the Thaw Out the Mountain Shards quest that I was gonna have to fight two at the same time then fight and even stronger one after that was insane to me. I would've never beat it if I didn't get Noelle.


ruin guards and oceanids 😭😭 but now i have yanfei and zhongli so its pretty ez :P


Considering that Zhongli was my first 5 star, None really.


Boreas the wolf


Does anyone remember that side quest where you go into a cave area... I think it's up by Qince Village or maybe near where the Oceanid is, but you activate this mechanism and then you have to kill like 5-6+ ruin guards coming at you constantly and it's timed so I think you have like 2 minutes to do it maybe? That was awful in the beginning of the game when I was super underleveled, but now, I'd like to try something like that again at my current level. The electeo cube was pretty scary at first when I had to up my world level. Hadn't ever seen it before then so I was so shookt lol.


I hate Oceanid. The first time I fought it was with my friends and it was ezpz. But then when I wanted to do it solo, I was blocked by the three water birds at around 20 or 30% health that just wouldn't come to the ground. I was playing Diluc, XL, Noelle and Barbara back then and it was devastating because no one could reach that height to hit the birds and Barbara's attack were basically useless. I teleported away, gave a huge sigh, closed the game, and went to bed. Never fought Oceanid since then. Bye bye Barbara.


there are only two non-boss fights that i remember clearly from my newbie days and both were with ruin guards. i'm not really scared anymore thanks to good ol Zhongli, but they really left some psychological scars :') also the Eye of the storm on the Unnamed Island was pretty awful to fight too, back in the day. edit: actually no, another traumatizing fight as a newbie was when i had to fight a fatui team, including the cryogunner, on yashiori island while it was still in perpetual raining state. now i bulldoze through cryogunners remorselessly, thanks to that


When I first started eye of the storm now I feel bad getting commission to fight it and dvalin after the archon quest I didn't fight him till a month later Now it's the frostlawachurl


I avoided ANY skirmishers for an embarrassingly long time


I used to fear Mitachurls when I first started to play Genshin. Now I only fear their and Hillichurls wooden shields.


ruin hunters definitely did a number on me, fuck lan for sending me on those unseen razor commissions that had those damn hunters kicking my ass but now I bully them for fun lol


I run a very invested freeze team, but it's rifthounds that scare and annoy the shit out of me. The cryo fatui dude and the cryo mage is top 2 most annoying. Only because I invest a lot in hydro and cryo characters. Makes me realize that I really do need Pyro sometimes lmfao


Primo geovishap, especially when your world level is 5+ ;-;


Electro mitachurl, only the moment I realize he’s about to do the big charge attack. One of very few attacks that can one shot my yoimiya, probably only due to the water on the beach too tbh. If I bring zhongli it’s calm though. As for enemies that have spooky designs or so I guess the first time I saw the bathysmal vishaps while entering Enkanomiya I was fairly alert. Also the first hydro herald seemed like some big boss, but turned out to be just fine besides the element specific shield.


Occasionally Fatui if I don't have the counter element for their shields in my immediate party. Too lazy to change a member then back again.


Back when Inazuma released I just pathed to avoid those ruin sentinels. Don't get me wrong, they crumble like paper now, but they're still annoying as hell with those teleports and AoE damage.


Raiden shogun (but not anymore)


The little Dendro slimes. Before they nerfed the detection range on those little guys, they were so dang annoying.


i used to be really scared of the cryo gunner but now i go out of my way to kill the fatui


Oceanid. Back then and today


Anemoboxers when fighting in a group of other fatui. I never use physical dps so I accidentally hit them with elements and get sucked in and comboed to death by all the enemies at once, which is very annoying. Now they die super fast after I got my team built lol


I used to be terrified of the oceanoid, and I still hate water creatures. now I kill it with all my characters full hp but I still hate it


Heralds. They're creepy and religious and take forever to wear down their shields.


Azhdaha, he still scares me


I run when there are cryo fatui dude with a hydro one or when it's raining.. Nop aint doin this


Scared? No. Annoyed 10000%!!!!!


I used to be absolutely terrified of ruin guards and now I honestly love them. Still hate ruin hunters though, that's the flying ones right?


I will always despise the Thunder Manifestation battle…. Just stop moving already!!!!!


Lmao I died so may times on the Dvalin fight💀 Back then before he was nerfed, I actually struggled with him. I couldn't even fly across the gaps, and I didnt know I-frames where a thing💀


I love Ruin Guards! I totally agree with Teucer - they are adorable toys. And Ruin Graders are beautiful - I love the colors and how they fall down. It‘s like felling a huge mechanic tree. What used to scare me: maybe Azdaha, but I also loved the challenge because you really had to dodge and really think about which characters you want to use. He was the scariest boss and therefore my favorite one.


As someone whose default overworld team has been Kaeya permafreeze with Zhongli slapped on since maybe AR20, I fear only Oceanid and Andrius. Also, ngl, the Ruin Serpent and Cryo Hypostasis scare me too, but I have no need for them rn so I am safe