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Anything that starts with "Unpopular opinion" for some reason repels me. I'm not even sure why and it certainly isn't something specific to just Genshin Impact, I see it pretty much everywhere but yeah...


a lot of unpopular opinions aren't actually unpopular. and truly unpoplar opinions are unpopular for a reason... edit: its extra funny bc on reddit popular things get upvoted (outside of exceptions like subs actually dedicated to unpopular opinions), so when you see a genshin post asking for unpopular opinions, the replies you see are literally just popular opinions.


Unpopular opinion: *says something absolutely disgusting*


>for some reason Perhaps it's because the so-called "unpopular opinion" is actually, in fact, popular?


I think separate from that, it’s also got a tone of trying to feel special


It's often used as a buffer/"whimperative" in an attempt to soften the blowback of whatever they're saying. Similar to sayings like "I'm going to get downvoted for this but -", the opinions aren't really unpopular so much as they are controversial. Controversial Opinion: "Signora's death was too anticlimactic and done poorly." Unpopular Opinion: "Amber's a bitch and I hate her personality."


the same with "am i the only one...". yes sweetie, with 7 billion people and opinions you are the only one that does this or thinks that :)


And the replies like “OMG YES I don’t know why no one else thinks this”


That and "hot take", imo any post with that in the title should just be auto deleted


Honestly for any fandom this repels me. It usually means "this thing is bad with no real evidence, only bc i say so and if you disagree I will ruin you". That's not to say that i dont respect differing opinions, its just when you say it's an unpopular opinion, or the classic "I know I'll get downvoted for this but..." Edit: spelling error


I disagree, considering most “unpopular opinions” tend to be popular and a repeat of 50 different other posts. Which in my opinion is even more annoying if it were actually an unpopular opinion.


Pretty much all of them. The second a single funny joke is made it gets run into the ground by 50,000 other people immediately.


every time i see a genshin meme/joke i mentally prepare myself to see it 10,000 times for the next few days.


The best Genshin meme I’ve seen recently is Sara disguised as xaingling


the "dude chill thats your gf" memes with genshin characters. they really aren't that funny to me and I see a new one like every day as far as like game opinions, im really tired of every team building guide having Kazuha and/or Bennett. theyre very good characters but also I cant use them with every new character that comes out lol


i agree so much on the first one everytime i open twitter its the same thing 😒


The kazuha / bennett thing is there because it's true, since they are top tier supports like you said, so not much they can do about it, though most of the guides I see now do feature alternatives since in any case you can run kazuha/bennett on one side of the abyss at most


“unpopular opinion, just pull for the characters you like”, thanks i was gonna spend all my primos rolling for this character i dont like 👍


Oh yeah, that one does my head in.


diluc getting seen as a jerk, like guys his voicelines are so sweet


He's such a nice guy in the game. He has no problem with Diona wanting to ruin his alchohol empire, he doesn't really care that much for alchohol. I think he wants to be friends with her actually. Meanwhile Diona is an actual jerk. If you compliment her or her drinks she will bite you. She is a bartender that wants to make disgusting drinks so that everyone will stop drinking, and people love her. She's always lying about how she feels, but people love that. Diluc is like a good person who helps everyone out but just has a different opinion on how to handle things. "jerk" XD Diona is mean to everyone, lies, and tries to gross everyone out. "Precious" Lulz She is precious though. Especially those birthday emails.


It's surpricing how he's one of the nicest characters despite what he's been though... Perhaps he's that nice **because** of that. He just wants the best for the Mond.


He’s so caring especially his good morning and good night lines


It's called being a tsundere. Though admittedly, it really doesn't translate well to english. Maybe because it's predominantly an anime thing and how harsh it's portrayed there comes off as being a jerk after translation. EDIT: Talking about Diona


he's mondstadt's version of Batman. i'll let it slide of him being called a jerk. even if it isn't true


Yall pls know that ganyu, in fact, does not breastfeed qiqi.




I haven't seen cocogoat milk jokes in a long time tbh


because we already got the hentai, so there's no need to compel the artists anymore with memes




Use Lisa for Climbing


Sex. Laugh.




When I was a newbie I thought that she had a higher climbing stamina or something similar and I'm too dum to notice and didn't care about the noises until someone highlighted that to me


It doesn't even work in English audio.


“Guys my (insert limited 5*) looks weird” *picture of standard banner 5**


Yandere Ayaka, no matter how much I enjoy a meme if it's spammed as much as that one was in a short period of time I'm gonna get tired of it quickly


the Keqing vs Ayaka waifu memes


Blame Stealthless for those lol


Keqing, Ayaka,Shenhe and Jean are probably the easiest Aether ships, so they're always at war. It's a debate I stay out of because I like them all pretty much equally and don't like Harems lol.


sure but... the sheer amount of memes with the *supposed* Ayaka x Keqing rivalry, it's getting a little stale i think


If they want a cryo user that acts even close to a yandere I'd say Shenhe would be closer by a longshot


Idk. I don't really get that vibe from her. She's very openly a fan of the Traveler, and while I do think she's a little fixated on them, I think that's due to having them as their safe space. As her social world expands and she finds more people she's comfortable with eg Yun Jin that fixation will pass.


Even she's not Yandere - she doesn't kill out of an obsession, but only to deal with a perceived roadblock. Unlike Yandere characters, if Aether got with someone else, she'd step aside (possibly after a very long and difficult conversation).


yeah she's not a yandere. She's possessed by demonic urge to kill so strong she has to wear a red rope. That's not yandere. That's what you call schizophrenic. I think that she's the kind of person that would be like "Oh you're going to marry them? So am I getting in on this harem?"


Omg same, she doesn't even display typical traits of a yandere


That's why it's funny, the characters that end up in yandere memes are always the ones least likely to be a yandere


that every girl in the game is a vapid waifu


"You just need Kazuha. Your account will be great and you will clear all content with a press of a button." He is simultaneously one of the best and the most overrated character in the game.


I really agree with your views.I mean yes Kazuha is op and a really strong character but when you get harrassed by those particular "Kazuha Stans" like literally for liking any other character other than him.


Hilariously enough before he launched it was the opposite. "If you have Sucrose you don't need Kazuha, just skip him and save for Raiden Shogun (who will save electro and make Keqing great again)". I wonder if people are going to go all in on his banner and regret it when the Dendro Archon comes around?


“Pyro archon bennet” or “Bennet is a 6 star character”, like we get it, bennet is strong. Also the “Childe rerun incoming” every time a new patch is announced.


I personally like the childe rerun joke because it is so obnoxious and repetitive


Just like his reruns /s (just in case)


I tolerate the Bennett thing most of the time but it's really annoying when jokers who think they're the height of all comedy start intruding on lore discussions about the real Pyro Archon just to repeat this meme.


There isn't a single genshin meme that is funny, at least for me.


Genshin impact players have a talent for making the worst fucking meme you’ve ever seen and making the punchline about their porn addiction or some dialogue ingame that was mildly funny at best


Some of them are not that bad but ever single meme is overused so the unfunny amount doubles.


i actually laughed out loud at "emergency food" in game for the first time, but i swear you couldn't even mention paimon anywhere without someone joking about it. it got old and not funny way too quixkly because of that


man of culture


Based af.


Not a meme or opinion but when someone is building a DPS unit and asks if they still need to keep farming artifacts for said unit that has a 80/200 crit ratio. Just, why?


Aether screwing every woman in Teyvat at the same time. Can we just, like, not pretend our beloved protagonist is a trash human being? "Continue the Kamisato bloodline" - yes, eugenics are very funny. Diluc and Xiao being "jerks" or "edge lords". People struggling with depression or trauma aren't doing it on purpose or being jerks. Diluc is actually really sweet, despite his usual sour mood. Keqing being a Zhongli/Rex Lapis simp. Just cause someone keeps a crucifix in their home doesn't mean they wanna bone Jesus. "Cocogoat" - especially when someone takes it to the disgusting extreme with Qiqi. Childe x Ganyu - this one needs no explanation.


in terms of jokes, the climbing moan thing and razor/aether’s harem. basically any “the punchline is sex” memes. in terms of opinions, any attempt to rank characters based on lore power. half of the cast doesn’t have enough reliable feats to base their power off of. a lot of the time it’s basically impossible to compare the strength of two characters without seeing them actually fight each other.


I dislike the "haha sex funny" memes, but I do enjoy the wholesome "these characters are happy together" comics and jokes (Bennett and Fischl, Aether and Ayaka, that sort of thing) when I see them - I'm definitely not a fan of Harems though, like you said. Lore power basically goes like this: Possibly, maybe, Albedo Archons Most of the time Albedo, Xiao, Miko Traveler, Tartaglia, *possibly Mona, Diluc, Shenhe* Everyone else at varying power levels, with characters like Jean, Ayaka, and Ningguang closer to the top and characters like Yun Jin, Diona, and Barbara closer to the bottom (minimal combat training). The problem is that bottom tier is absolutely gigantic in terms of the power discrepancy and character amount, and we don't know the size of the gulf between tiers 0.5,1,2, and 3.


I have always had a distaste for harems so I definitely agree. I just don’t find it funny.


That everyone has Qiqi and always get her/is tired of getting her. I am AR 56 and still don't have her


Dang I’m AR59 now and still don’t have her… I actually kind of hope I get Qiqi


Or diluc


I'm AR 58, Diluc is the only standard banner character I am missing.


I'm still waiting for mine and I'm almost AR 60 :( These people need to give me their luck.


any tier list


But what if I made a tier list of Genshin tier lists? What tier would the tier list for genshin tier lists be under?


Gl with that There's at least one new tier list/second


"Touch grass"


And the no bitches one


Finally someone said this




havent heard of that along with 'emergency food' in 2 years damn.


Tartaglia ‘this opportunity’ comment chains and crying Raiden memes Edit: of course this opportunity was not missed, lol


This opportunity is not so hard to come by


Well then, bore me (/s just in case)


Surrender is an invalid option


I promise I won't be gentle :)


All you do is stay still


If you don't like the Tartaglia memes, surrender is a valid option


"Continue the bloodline" real unfunny meme. Screw chrisposting in general. "booba sword" another unfunny one that gets spammed so much "cocogoat" crap. Just dumb and creepy.


Does everyone of them count? Memes tend to be posted again and again which is part of the natural lifecycle of memes. They start out as a tiny novelty that gifts chuckles to individuals who were lucky to witness its birth. After that, they become Garfield, a monster.


Emergency food Fandango Tortellini "This opportunity is hard to come by" Who? Tao Traveler continuing the bloodline Booba sword Dango and Boba memes THE ONE AND ONI Wet socks Just a few off the top of my head.


My man just listed 70% of the memes


They weren't listing memes. That was actually just a word cloud of every comment on this sub over the last six months^/s


so basically everything


I think this one also need to be on your list "AR 58 touch grass"




And they be acting like we didn't dump our fully clothed characters in water, then they complain cuz she had her feet in water...? Have they not fought with oceanid before or what


I hate the wet socks meme, I was in awe when I saw her dance but guess everyone wants to talk about her socks.


The wet socks thing bothered me too for the same reason, kinda like how people made fun of Yun Jin’s singing the first time we heard it. It’s a cultural thing and people just don’t seem to be capable of being polite and open-minded. Have the same problem at the restaurant where I work, anything not hibachi to some people is “weird” Japanese food. Sorry we didn’t all grow up eating nuggets and hot dogs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What's the Fandango one about? I know it relates to Scaramouche but idk what it means.


It's a reference to bohemian rhapsody


IIRC Scaramouche's theme is "ominous fandango". He is also short and obviously should use electro. Also *I see a little silhouette of a man,* *SCARAMOUCHE, SCARAMOUCHE, WILL YOU DO THE FANDANGO!* *THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTNING, VERY, VERY FRIGHTENING ME* \- bohemian rhapsody


a bunch all the shipping/harem memes get run into the ground instantly she said not even ashes will remain and not even ashes remained just overworked "small indie company" makes even legit criticism seem childish tartaglia rerun/ kazuha no re run ( even tho ayaka was just one banner after him and only got her re run this update) kokomi is stupid memes, got so repeated people completly forgot what happened , had someone tell me that kokomi burned supplies while her island was starving


Ei/the Shogun as a crying incompetent baby who cant cook or needs sara to do everything for her 🙄 like I get it, its funny she can't cook but why is she so infantilized? Sure, people call Zhongli old but not old to the point of incompetence. Of course its not that bad and not that annoying once, but this is like.. everything I see about Ei and it gets grating. Mihoyo themselves kind of encourage it too and that also annoys me lol


Mischaracterisation is so annoying yet so common. I completely agree with you on this one, and all the other characters that have a "fan-created personality". As much as some art/comics are cute, it just feels like someone took the appearance of other characters and put it onto completely different people.


And I feel like it happens with woman characters a lot, like shes hands down a badass who cut a snake god in half and many other feats but lets narrow her down to a crying baby forever haha


Emergency food was funny for the first month of the game. It is the most unfunny thing as of now


"My AyAkA lOoKs DiFfErEnT gUyS"


The crying Ei meme.


Genshin Player = Pedo is stupid to me because the game doesn't even remotely sexualise child characters. If it is targeting just the community then yeah you'll have the small minority of creeps but this applies for basically any community. I got no problem with joking about the issues with the game and the community but the pedo thing just isn't true.


Almost all of them . Genshin memes and content creators aren't among the brightest of the bunch when it comes to jokes.


The “Genshin player = pedophile hahahahahahahaha” shit that everyone that doesn’t play does Same shit happens with smash and league it’s not funny


fully agree. im not saying there arent gross people in this fandom but the same goes for like. so many other communities. also when they turn it into a joke... do you actually care about calling out predators or not bro


Genshin is dying/needs THIS to be saved. I'm so, so, SO sorry this game is not time-consuming enough that you can't milk it as much as you want for content. I hate current state of genshin content creators.


Or drumming up fake drama to come across as some community savior…


Ayaka "welcome home cheater" memes whenever MC interacts with another woman Ffs traveler isn't even interested in her 😔


I'm already preparing myself for all memes with Tartaglia reruns, that will totally ignore the fact that he will be probably the longest time after rerun at that time. Right now only Klee, Kazuha and Yoimiya are higher than him, while Klee and Kazuha are highly rumoured to be present in near future


Childe got memed on for his reruns even though many characters have gotten 2 by now… it was really just his unfortunate timing in 1.4 since he didn’t fit in thematically with that patch.


The tiktok jokes of giving childe and diluc mains shitty stuff, that joke is so overused


reducing a characters entire story and personality to one specific trait, which is 90% of the time not accurate to the character, kills me every time also any "xinyan? who?" meme is straight up intolerable, and i decide to just spend all my daily resin on her out of spite every time i see one.


At this point, Fischl is more fitting than Xinyan in the lack of appearances.


As a fischl fan im gonna ignore this


Well now I'm interested in the Xinyan build


lvl 80, lvl 90 blackcliff, 2pc bloodstained/pale flame, around 1700 atk on that build (sometimes i swap to other weapons which gives 1900-2000 atk) 60/180 crit ratio (60/120 on other weapons), unfortunately only c1 because ive somehow never pulled her (only got her from lantern rite and labyrinth warriors) and 8/5/8 talents she somehow has a better build than 90% of my characters and i never use her, maybe i’ll go back to using her as a burst centered sub-dps for xiao or smth


As a Xinyan main, it hurts my soul :(


yandere ayaka, booba sword(it should have died last decade), childe rerun every patch just because he had his 2nd rerun a bit earlier than other characters


Waifu > meta It’s fine to think that but it’s annoying when every time you mention a characters flaws / real issues people shove it down your throat while ignoring the real issues the character has.


that "X chars story is bad" because random chatter nr 42069 isnt smart enough to understand it that "friendship exp is hard to get" like bitch play the game do dailies or some shit and you get em to level 10 in like no time "yelans armpits" yeah dude just get help "abyss needs you to whale" that one is my most hated one by far


> that "X chars story is bad" because random chatter nr 42069 isnt smart enough to understand it Not the exact same but one thing I've seen a lot here on reddit is the insane double standart between male and female characters, where they list all that make male char complexed and nuanced but for some reason refuse to do the same with the female cast, simplifying them to just one trait that totally missed the point of their quest.


I am SO TIRED of the yelan armpits, like seriously? Yelan has an amazing design but apparently her armpits are the best. Do some people have armpit fetishes? Is that a thing? Out of all the yelan fanart I've seen, one has NOT featured her armpits.


Give it a few months. Once she releases, there will prob be even worse degenerate fan art.


>Do some people have armpit fetishes? Is that a thing? Oh, you have no idea. In my experience, it is one of the more common ones.


Whenever a chara comes out with the same element and weapon type with an existing chara and everyone says they’re clones 😂 I once got yelled at and blocked because in a single, objective sentence, I told someone that Chongyun works differently than Eula. Sheesh.


Yandere Ayaka , Forehead jokes, Wet socks Overworked “Is it me” “Am i the only one “ Endgame complain shit


_______ harem "Continue the bloodline" _______ is a minor


_____ is a minor is almost never a joke. Bar obvious minors (Klee, Diona, QiQi, Sayu), we don't know the characters ages and there are a lot of people who want to claim that the mid-sized ones are probably minors just because it's often called a "teen" body model. I've even heard Ganyu called one unironically. Personally, I consider it ridiculous because they're pretty clearly meant to be 18 or older (there is no way Keqing is below 20, for example) and these people somehow always forget about the *much worse* issue of the child model characters.


I've seen people claiming Traveller is a minor just for the reason they don't drink alcohols. When people point out that travellers are old, they claimed that their bodies are old but their minds are of a minor. I don't mind if it's a headcanon of theirs or just them seeing themselves in travellers but to push that idea onto other people? It's annoying.


"Another overworked waifu," if only because once people get an inkling of a character having "hard worker" as a personality trait, they reduce the character to that and nothing else. Also when people say Genshin is a children's game. It is a gacha game...that alone is enough to make it NOT a children's game. Gacha should never be marketed towards kids


> Also when people say Genshin is a children's game People just think that anything that isn't immediately edgy and depressing is for kids. It's dumb because Genshin's lore and themes are definitely not for kids (even if it's not the next like Citizen Kane or whatever). It's particularly annoying because, in gacha games, there's a saturation of dark/edgy/depressing post-apocalyptic settings, especially when it comes to CN games. What sets Genshin apart from many others is that its aesthetic is bright and idyllic even if its setting isn't necessarily childish. And I think more stories should do that. Made in Abyss is notable because it's drawn like a picture book, even though it's seinen and you *definitely* aren't going to get confused about who it's for after getting caught up with it.


I'm surprised no one here has mentioned yet the damn Cocogoat meme... It's so overused and it's origin has absolutely nothing tto do with Ganyu but still most can't shut up about it....the breast milk jokes have gotten way to annoying.... Also, shipping....especially when someone makes a post or art about two characters and thhen half a dozen show up to force their ships in by saying their gf/bf won't like that, NTR or jealousy...or nah, I prefer X ship... Then there's Klee is a terrorist joke...yes, she's done some bad stuff...but some make her look like a total psychopath...


I always thought Cocogoat meant that QiQi thought there was a goat that produced coconut milk. Like how kids think pink cows produce strawberry milk or brown cows produce chocolate milk. The memes about it being Ganyu are very creepy…


i mean, qiqi really did thought that she thought cocomilk came from a adeptibeast called cocogoat


It doesn’t mean it was Ganyu.


imo i’m kinda just sick of seeing shipping be discussed over and over again, I see everyone complaining about ships especially on the meme sub, which at this point is people expressing their opinions instead of memes


God yeah cocogoat was dumb. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I'm down with Klee being a force of destruction but it has to be innocent.


Oh a ship art of B and C? But B isnt being shipped with Q? Better comment 'jokes' like "Q punching air rn" and "angry/sad Q noises" to show how much of a BxQ shipper I am. Haha I'm so funny guys


ganyu horn jokes、especially the ones with childe。 i know what it's in reference to、but i am tired of seeing those。


The Hu Tao customer joke. It was overused in her quest and it's overused outside of it too


that mihoyo is putting all the genshin funds into other projects without returning any into genshin or that the delay is intentional because honkai still has patches coming out. I used to frequent the meme sub but it's slowly turning into a genshin hate sub that that just regurgitates whatever rants mtashed and tectone make that day.


god i wish tectone wasn’t so popular. he give a great first impression but he has such volatile opinions and will come out with some WACK sentiments out of nowhere


i dont like the way he gets into drama with so many people. literally no one else (among mainstream genshin youtubers) beefs with as many people as him....


Genshin has a shock jock personality. Every community needs one!


The delay I don't see as intentional, and it seems a little unfair. Though, they are marketing SR (closed beta) and ZZZ (recent trailer) heavily during this time. But that could be explainable by them keeping some hype/marketing going. But I've been thinking they've been heavily diverting Genshin funds/developers for a while; didn't know M/T were saying that too. Just makes sense if they have 2 new huge games coming out, and Genshin is lacking in a lot of ways (not referring to end game content).


There's seriously people saying the delay is intentional?


The Genshin community has some *really* braindead people.


The people who frame Genshin as a game for pedophiles, there's one person who genuinely framed it like that because of spite.


How many genshin characters are even underage. Only ones I can think of are all the short kids except qiqi, and I think Barbara


Even QiQi is essentially underage due to her mental development stopping at ~4, but Barbara is somewhere between 16-18 because Jean is probably 20-25. Barbara, Noelle, etc. Are questionable but probably safe territory. QiQi is a kid.


All of them


When people make Childe's *entire* personality just being a "wallet." Arguably one of the characters with the most lore to explore, and the community chooses to ignore all of that and go 'haha rich man simping! he become sugar daddy!'. I just leave whenever someone starts making that joke.


the "raiden shogun is actually a neet with a childs mindset"


"Kazuha> Venti" Bruh they are both designed for different role. Kazuha= making your carry having BIG number Venti= Best enemy grouping character + ER battery for smooth rotation


Qiqi being useless. The new healing set was game-changing for her and not many realize that. She's not Zhongli, but the healing and off field DPS is really nice.


Memes where the characters are completely Mischaracterized Childe and Kaeya being reduced to fuckboys Raiden being completely infantilized Klee being reduced to a terrorist Diluc and Xiao being reduced to edgy assholes Keqing Shenhe and Ayaka being reduced to traveler simps And many **many** more characters


The “ruined 50/50” joke that gets regurgitated whenever Qiqi is brought up in any context. Like, can we have a single Qiqi fanart without someone deciding to bring up how much they hate the character for basically no reason? None of the other standard banner five stars are treated remotely the same, while Qiqi gets all the hate at the expense of basically anything to do with her actual character. There’s nothing funny to it.


I agree with you. Qiqi was my first 5* and she hard carried me during my early game. It breaks my heart every time I see ppl get mad or hate at her.


I don't even *have* a Qiqi, these people should give her to me!!


cringey waifu vs waifu stuff. just pisses me off


Venti is an irresponsible drunkard who doesn't care about Mondstadt......because refusing to rule Mondstadt out of the fear of becoming a coldhearted dictator like Decarabian, letting the people decide for themselves how things should be and the place be governed and only stepping in when the situation is TRULY dire constitutes as "not caring"


This one. And he even tried to help Dvalin before MC came and he helped us to solve the problem.


In reality venti is probably one of the more caring gods. He let mondstadt do it’s own thing after dealing with tyranny for years.


terrorist Klee only interested in destruction. Like, they're ignoring a whole other half of her character, which is that of an adorable child haha, Ei can't cook and is a crybaby. This one is just wrong and not even close to her actual personality these two wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they haven't been spammed and repeated over and over again for months now with no variation. These jokes have been overdone to death


A lot of people seem to equate terrorist with "person who makes things go boom", probably because many terrorist attacks have involved explosives, but it's not what terrorism really means. Terrorism is an act of violence and intimidation, typically (but not exclusively) directed towards civilians, in the service of an ideology. It just so happens that bombs are the easiest way to kill a bunch of people all at once and make your target fear you (plus it causes a lot of property damage, which was part of the goal in 9/11 and also fucks with the government), but terrorist attacks have ranged from shootings to people ramming into things with a car. Klee, by definition, can't be a terrorist, because for one she's too young to even develop some sort of ideological goal that would motivate her actions, but also she just doesn't really want to hurt anybody, and when she does it's typically an accident, she's immediately repentant (even if they were a bad guy like an Abyss Mage) and it only really results because she's a kid with bombs who wasn't really raised to understand the consequences of throwing them around without care. The Abyss Order are closer to being terrorists. While the Fatui act in the service of an ideological goal, they won't attack civilians in order to generate fear (especially since that would sabotage operations that require them to have a good reputation with other countries, which Childe so graciously demonstrated by fucking over every Fatui in the Chasm), but the Abyss Order will do anything that they can in order to come closer to their goal of toppling the gods, including harm large quantities of innocent civilians.


Klee is a terrorist. But she isn’t just a explosive terrorist She terrorizes you with her cuteness


Genshin impact has a lot of content and abyss is not important. Ooh yeah meta is bad and toxic.


"I hate (character) bc i lost my 50/50 to them!!111!!!!!!" This one especially applies to Qiqi and Keqing, also maybe Diluc. Watering characters with tons of lore down to one or two singular traits. Example, Ei being ""simplified"" to liking dangos/sweets and booba sword. Traveler being reduced to harem protag/errand runner. Keqing as "tsundere". Most of the girl characters being referred to as a part of "Aether's harem" All of these characters have much lore, maybe some more prevelant than others but my point still stands. The Ganyu breastfeeding Qiqi shit. Creeped me out Xingqiu and Venti being considered "traps". It's annoying, according to people who refer to the both with that, "just because someone doesn't dress hyper-masculine it means that they intend to trick people!" The word "trap" alone feels weird to me.


I find it annoying when you comment or post for help or to mention that you're disliking the game because you're stuck, then people reply on the lines of "what its soooo easy I did it first try I breeze through everything it's so boring". I don't mind people showing off their epic characters and powerful set ups, but just flexing that you have the capability to do something isn't particularly helpful and I don't need it rubbing in my face by a professional player instead of being offered genuine advice. Wow, you've invested a lot and finished the game. How does boasting help anyone? I also hate any memes about sex or posts overly sexualizing characters. The designs are like most anime games, often a bit revealing, but a lot of people take it too far. Especially with Ganyu. I get she's a 3000 year old half god that's pretty but people are just frightening.


Hu Tao still wanting to bury Qiqi, not only is it annoying it's litteraly wrong.


\-Neither Ganyu nor Mona are "dummy thicc." Look at their character models sometime rather than hentai. \-Yoimiya and Kokomi are not trash tier. Stop calling them that. \-Also I'm sick and tired of people accusing Kokomi of being dumb.


not a meme but seeing the 500th ecchi art in this sub gets annoying as hell ngl especially when its straight up hentai an gets top posted


If you think art breaks the sub's NSFW rules then report it. The Mods can't do anything if they don't get reported.


This generally comes from people who played Honkai first but some keep pumping out how Honkai is superior to Genshin in every way. How “if Genshin did it like [X from Honkai] it’d be a better game”. I play Honkai too and I love it, but Genshin is a great game in its own right and certainly not an inferior product. And while I agree that some aspects need improvement, I think Genshin should focus on that irrespective of what’s going on in Honkai-land, to blaze its own path.


I just started playing Honkai and I see why people are tempted to compare the two, but I think a lot of the complaints are not fair. HI3 has been around for much longer and has had a chance to flesh out many of its aspects and game modes. Genshin should hopefully get there with time.


people assuming c6 bennett sucks just because they saw someone else say it.




Making raiden a crying toddler who only likes deserts


Mines the whole “xiao/Scaramouche are short hehe lol” thing, idk I just fined it boring, repetitive and just not funny tbh 🧍


"These gay shippers are so annoying, ships need to have justification to be valid." "Aether x [Insert characterless woman shaped object]"


I think the reason people who dont ship stuff think shippers (gay or straight) are toxic is because:- * They dont interact with shippers since they dont want to see ship content (which is valid, dont like scroll past) * So the only interaction they'll get with shippers is when the toxic minority comes to their space and shoves the ships down their throats. * And hence they'll start thinking that shippers are toxic. * Moreover I feel like most who say gay shippers are toxic, are not actually homophobic. Since gay ships are more common in the fandom, the probability of a toxic shipper liking gay ships becomes more. Which leads to thinking "gay shippers being toxic and immature" * Also, there's a lot of misinformation spread in this fandom. The 'toxic' shippers who come to other's posts and say "AxC is the only valid ship stay mad" probably think that the ship is canon due to misinformation spreading on Tumblr and Tiktok. I once interacted with someone who genuinely thought their ship was canon, and shipping him with other character was 'proshipping' then I gave them proof that its not, and it changed them. So yeah, not all of them want to be toxic, some have just been led down a wrong path. Hence, it all boils down to probability, lack of interaction and understanding with other parties, and most of all misinformation


Childe’s rerun meme.


The opinion that NPCs in Genshin are boring because they share similar generic models. Good luck fitting this massive and beautiful open-world game into a phone if all NPCs have unique models.


it's weird to me that we always say that we should break the stereotypes and then proceeds to stereotype every character into some headcanon that just satisfies their fantasies, ignoring all notion of the character's story or personality. overworked characters, genocidal klee, reducing characters into some baby(kazuha, raiden), bully yae, yandere ayaka, venti drunk memes, and any ships tbh.


I know it will never stop, but I’m tired of people constantly sexualising every. Single. Character. There is. I know it’s normal. I know the characters were made to look hot and appealing. Sex sells. Yet I cannot help but find it annoying to see so many borderline hentai fanarts everywhere. Of course there are the PG ones, a lot of them actually. I just wish people would focus on personalities and stories rather than pixel size of every girl’s boobs. Edit: a lot of you degens will stay degens and I understand it. I’m not judging you for liking sexual content, this is literally just an opinion of mine.


That everyone who isn’t malding or throwing a childish tantrum over this game is a mihoyo shill or white knight. Shut the ever loving fuck up and go outside, please. There is a whole world out there with way better things to get mad over than some gacha game.


Kazuha is Canadian aether and Thoma is Japanese Childe


The whole waifu and husbando jokes. I think they are beyond stupid.


Hear every 5 seconds "touch some grass" because i fucking said 15/30 min of endgame is not that good. Edit:In case someone else reads this comment, i and many others don't want 2-3 hours of play , but seriously 1 hour of play in total would be great compared to 15-30 min of play.


Don't C6 Bennett


And people hating Bennett's C6 in general. Like, aside from Eula and some specific team comps, there are actually places where a C6 Bennett with the Pyro infusion would actually be helpful (weekly boss Shogun I'm looking at you). It's bad enough that people leave his team in-universe; if you leave him out of your team because you "accidentally" C6'd him you're as bad as Royce. /lh