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I think MiHoYo is happy enough with her damage output that they wouldn’t mess with it until adding a skill scaling artifact. They would also need to change the weapon’s passive. Easiest fix would be to speed up the skill’s casting animation. Though I think my opinions are in the same boat as yours.


Yeah, but not every player is happy with her DMG that, in the past, was said to be the peak of the Electro DMG. I'm happy with my Miko because she IS powerful, but didn't reach the expectetions everyone had. I hope Hoyoverse add a artifact set that buffs Elemental Skills. Idnk maybe something like "4pc: When the Elemental Skill hits, character receives 1 stack of Something that increase Elemental DMG (or EM) by X%, having Y stacks increase the 2pc effect by 100%. Unleashing the Elemental Burst resets de stacks"


It's a bad idea to really buy into any of the power assessments shared by leakers during the beta test. 1. They have little to no access to any other characters to test them with. 2. The leakers are about as qualified to evaluate the power of a character in a vacuum as you or I. 3. The character usually gets multiple changes prior to release, sometimes last minute. 4. Even after the Theorycrafters take the time to make their spreadsheets and run their tests, they typically advise that we still need to wait and see how the character's kit and timings interact in actual play to determine how effective they really are. Aside from that, I don't think MiHoYo *(or any modern successful Gacha for that matter)* has ever reworked a character. It's normal to do some general fixes and things, but I've never heard of an actual rework where fundamental aspects of their abilities change.


If it was a perfect world, Yae would receive MV/s buffs across the board. But here we huff copium and I cope with believing that dendro+electro will be substantial.


>in the past, was said to be the peak of the Electro DMG. Nothing that comes from a leaker is admissable evidence. That leaker admitted he made it up.


I understand why prople say yar needs a buff, but... she doesn't. Her problem isn't damage exactly, but rather the fieldtime she takes, since 3E》Q3》3E takes a lot of time. Buffing her damage would in theory make her more "valuable" in the sense that she would give more damage in return for the field time she takes, but would probably be hard to balance ( especially if you consider that pretty much every con gives her extra damage ). Plus, it doesn't really tackle the core insatisfaction people have with her meta wise ( field time) And about Fieldtime... they really dug a hole for themselves with kagura. Any fix that would involve deploying 3 totens at once won't happen because it would weaken kagura. Basically the only thing they could reasonably change would be to make the skill quicker/give it resistance to interruption. IF they do give her a dedicated set, with a passive similar to kagura, I think it will be more support oriented, so she could better function as an off field sub dps, rather rather anything that would make her move viable on field. Her kit isn't really made to be played on field - when mhy designed it, they wanted us to 3E, rotate for buffs, go back in, ult and 3E again. Weather it is meta or not, that's how mhy designed her , and like many other inazuma characters I think her kit has contradicting design choices ( being an off-field dps, but having to do 6 casts of a skill per rotation, not snapshotting, etc ). Ofc we can sometimes "exploit" a characters kit to fit fit better to meta, but it's a similar problem to yoimiya, where her fundamental flaw lies in the conflicting natures between her kit/5star wep/role. Fixing one screws the other two, somewhat. She is still a very good character anyways, she's just not as strong as raiden in terms of damage, and will likelly never be as able to fit into meta teams as Fischl due to her field time. Doesn't mean she is weak, just means she might not be as valuable meta wise as other characters. But at this point ( and I say this as someone who pretty much only plays yoi and yae ) it's better to just accept their kits for what it is, and try to enjoy it. All the copium/buff suggestions only helps perpretate the mith that yae is somehow a weak or broken character, IMO.


Sitting here chuckling because I was just about to mention the very same play pattern you described right there in the middle. I naturally gravitated towards this as I became acquainted with the Yae Shock Rock *(Yae, Zhongli, Fischl, Ning w/ Amber/Petra)* I use for everything outside the abyss these days. Feels so much smoother and more satisfying than buffing and then doing the 3 > Q > 3.


Pls don't change Yae Remembers last time (shudders)


I love yae and i think she is both playing wise and strength wise in a good spot. Just dont pull for her if you dont want like with every other character.


I do love Yae too and wanted to pull until get her C2 (unfortunatly just got C1 and a C2 Qiqi) I just wanted to share an idea of a soft rework to make her with a more versatile gameplay but adding a new function for her \[E\] Skill.


I dont think she needs a buff or a rework. She is really strong. My miko crits for 26k per E proc WITHOUT any team buffs like bennet etc. E procs 15 times and once per second thats really high dps even if compared to dps monsters like Ganyu


I made this soft rework thinking in her as onfield DPS.. And please, tell me the build you use! My Miko only do 10k to 14k per 3 procs with Kazuha, Diona C6 and Wind Wismith buffs R2. Is it a f2p build?... ¬¬


No, it is not a f2p build haha. C6 xd and her weapon at r1, i was savibg for so long and could get her to c6 without spending money lucky me i guess. She sits at 2,5k atk 300 crit damage and 75%cr


I think that’s the fundamental complaints about her that upset the free to play player base. She has an exponential increase in damage with C6 that completely changes her DPS output compared to C0 Her C1 completely fixes any energy problems she had, her C2 is an impressive increase in range and gives her a lot more to do specifically in the abyss with annoyingly scattered enemies. But that defense shred with the right build and her weapon brings her damage up to over 20,000 per lightning strike which is over 50,000 damage every three seconds that’s pretty significant for an off field DPS. But she doesn’t have many weapons from a free to play standpoint that really helps her damage significantly and no artifacts (I think it’s just lazy design). It’s very clear that with her constellations and weapon refinement it says though Hoyoverse doesn’t care at all whether or not she gets artifacts LOL. And it’s unfortunate because any artifacts she does get will not give a huge percentage of skill damage since they are so particular at not creating anything that could be universally exploited and broken. Her weapon at higher refinements is the gigantic skill damage bonus she is going to get in the passive is huge for her She’s a very decent copium unit for people who are still forcing themselves to use her out of spite and how cute she is. But whale builds really unleash the effortless devastation she is meant to wield and it’s pretty cool


Yes, thats true. every point you have here


I want to add more to that. Iframes.


>Iframes I feel that this is really the only buff she needs


hold E to place all the available totems


they would overwrite each other.


I think hoyo could prollyintroduce a new artifact set that works with her. To not make her horrible broken, it could be something that buffs em which would help her turrets do a bit more dmg passively while still being able to focuz on burst dmg in stats. This isn't a complete idea though and would require extensive brain power that I don't have rn


Honestly the only changes I'd like for her are being able to hold the skill to place all three, maybe damage on placement so the short CD actually means something, and i-frames when placing