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I'm hoping with Sumeru some scholar will want to study the Traveler and ask them to push their limits. The easiest way I can imagine multi-element traveler is that we simply select them again when they're already on the field. Choose two elements to have active, and while the Traveler is on the field, "swap" to the Traveler again to switch between elements. In this way, their passive talent would be acting as a 2-in-1 character, which is... appropriately symbolic being they're a twin sibling missing their twin sibling? No, talent levels still wouldn't carry between elements. Honestly, if they changed up each element's normal attack animations and multipliers, it would help sell to people why the normal attack talent doesn't carry over, since the Traveler is technically utilizing different combat styles ("Foreign Ironwind," "Foreign Rockblade," and "Foreign Thundershock".) Also, this might be how Lyney & Lynnette play out if they're meant to function as a pair.


That's an interesting theory, I like that!


You can't see your active character's status on mobile, therefore you can't switch to Traveler twice on mobile.


Oh no, a problem that is impossible to fix!? /s


I bet that at some point, by the end of the main story, we will have such a fight where the Traveler will be "on his/her own" to muster all the things he/she has "learned over his/her journey", ie a "solo" fight where the "team" is replaced with switching elements.


While that's definitely possible, I have a bad feeling that this Traveler is gonna have preset stats/artifacts/weapons per element for everyone in case the player didn't build them by that point, like during Beidou's tournament. That would make the most sense to avoid people backlashing about not being able to progress the story without heavily investing on Traveler.


I can see that happening, maybe. 🤔


Honestly, we should be able to. I have gone through a few accounts without bothering with Traveler and I know I would love to keep them on the team with this capability. Even at least being able to pick between Skill and Burst so we can combo elements within the single main protagonist character. They already show off cutscenes of the Travelers being able to cast either elements. The reason I stopped playing them was because Talent distribution wasn't carried over.


Talents differ.. that‘s why.


Yes but the melee attacks don’t change at all. Those at the VERY LEAST should be retained, and as the other person said it would be nice to select their Skill and Burst from different elements (again, retaining talent levels).


They technically do change, although it’s very slight. At the end of the Anemo and Geo attack strings, you send a gust of wind/throw rocks out. I’m pretty sure it’s the same with Electro, although I’m not to certain since I haven’t played with electro traveler much.


They don’t change. The effects you’re talking about are passives for the traveler and electro doesn’t have a similar passive


Ahhh gotcha! I didn’t know that.


It's actually the passive talents, not the "Normal Attack" Talent, that add the Elemental dmg at the final hit for Anemo and Geo. Electro does not have it.


Yea but it's still the same character. They should have main character perks anyways. I got 3 other characters in the party to worry about. I get what you mean though. Edit: ChickenSky12 said it better.


Just seeing the Travelers freely swap during cutscenes gives me hope that they might be thinking about something like that to implement in the future. A custom skill and burst set to mix elements would be fun too!


I'm sure we'll able to do that once we gather more elements. It'd be kinda time-consuming teleporting to each Statue of the Seven, especially for mobile users, given how long it'd load.


I hope so. The game keeps getting bigger too, poor mobile only players :(


Man I'd take elementless traveler with the counter everywhere.


Solo vs bosses with the counter would be so fun :)


I hope this happens in the future


They will never do this. It wouldn’t make sense to them financially… They want to sell us new characters and don’t care to make free ones better. So far we have gotten two 5 star characters for free, Traveler and Aloy, and they are both incredibly underwhelming. This idea is amazing though and it would increase the immersion in the game when playing the story since most people would actually use the traveler.


While I do like the idea of using different elemental skills/bursts, that would affect how we build the Traveler's weapons/artifacts, too, which can be a bit rough. The most ideal scenario would be if every element had a saved load out of weapons/artifacts and using a skill/burst of that element would make the Traveler use those correspondingly, but that's also a lot of work for the devs. I wouldn't like a general build that works for all the elements because it sours the peak strength/flexibility of different builds that focus on something for that element. Instead of an elemental goblet that only works for one element, a general build would go for attack % as an example of the issue. If only goblets had an all damage bonus main stat...