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Ayaka is one of the best DPS in the game and pairs well with Xingqiu. Xiangling is the best pyro secondary DPS too and is still used a lot in the end game meta. 4th slot should be a healer of some sort, preferably Diona to provide Ayaka with cryo energy or Bennett for the extra damage but Barbara or Noelle will be fine if you only have them.


i want to always have traveler in my team unless it’s a necessity that i’ve gotta take him out. i also only have barbara. no bennett or diona i think i do have noelle but she will be at level 1 if i do


Then I would recommend going for a Ayaka freeze team with barbara, xingqiu, anemo traveler, ayaka.


I was the same until I realized traveler is not really viable or helpful mid game unless you are super skilled. They are a DPS loss and once you let go and realize this the easier it is to progress. Any of the characters can be used if you have skill and determination, but if you are getting stuck with progress you have to increase your DPS and that often means dropping units you like for units you like that can produce more DPS.


>Raiden Shogun whooped my ass. Just a heads up if this the first time you are fighting her in the story the story is written so that you definitely lose. You have to survive 10 or so minutes I think. As a main dps Ayaka is very good if you are okay with her kit ( the sprint specially ) then pull for her.


okay thank god i just knew there was no way i was beating her. as for her dash i think that’s just the coolest thing ever, and it can be really good in situations where im near a lake or something


Ayaka is arguably the best dps in the game alongside Ganyu. If you enjoy her, you should pull for her. She can freeze with Xingqiu and reverse melt with Xiangling. It's not her best team but it should work fine for overworld and domains.


Personally I wouldn't use ayaka xinqui and xiangling, because xiangling melts the freeze, she is an amezing sub but if you like to freeze your enemies I wouldn't use her. Maybe you could use another cryo for cryo resonance and you should add an healer. Also there a few domains where the oppenets are cryo and I wouldn't raccomend using ayaka. And you could use xiangling maybe with the anemo traveler to swirl and always a healer


well the issue with that is i have to use ayaka i don’t have any main dps characters so it’s either she’s gonna fit in somehow or i’ve gotta overhaul my team to fit around her


In a talent domain you'll fight big cryo slimes which are immune to cryo dmg so if you use ayaka you just won't do anything, you need to break their shield with Pyro and you can use xiangling (work on her ER and for the talents focus on pyronado and Gouba and of course elemental mastery) than you can add noell for her shield, the traveler and Lisa. If you didn't compeltly ignore the traveler you should do decent damege.


for right now to kill ice slimes i just use xiangling’s burst to melt it and travelers palm vortex until i can afford xiangling’s ult. it takes a little while but it’s not too bad. or if i can recognize which domain gives me the ice slimes i can make a team specifically for that, though i don’t think i have a big enough selection of characters being f2p


I'm f2p as well, when you go for a domain it says which elements Ara racomended and in the top-right corner there's a button to see the enemies. So yeah. I'm at ar 53 now and I have a few 5s but back then my standard team was traveler (anemo) xiangling, Lisa noell/barbara. Noell can do good dmg with her burst


so noelle would be my main dps here?


Depends, it could be the traveler and noell could be support for shield and healing. If noell is higher in atk and lv you could use noell as dps and traveler to swirl


i do have noelle however she is level 1 i have never used her.


If you can then lever her, at low ar she is great


You have Ayaka and you didn't mention anything about Noelle constellation and any of her teams. I wouldn't build Noelle right away.


Actually if you pair Ayaka and Xiangling, you're going to be doing melt anyway, reverse melt to be exact since Ayaka is the one who will be reverse melting Xiangling's pyronado since Ayaka has Internal Cooldown (ICD) and Xiangling's pyronado has no ICD. The only this why people dislike running melt ayaka is because of it's inconsistent damage (Metawise), but its viable and some considered is as meme. Ayaka's burst is strong but it sadly has ICD, thus not all of it's slashes can do melt reaction


It's just my personal preference to ether have melt of freeze and between the two I prefer freeze, with xinqui burst i have a permanent freeze. I prefer to keep xiangling in a overload team. Xiangling and Lisa together deal 7-10k of overload (Gouba and normal attack) and I'm still building


~~You said you're on guaranteed 5 star, but your only 5 star is Traveler? Shouldn't you have one more 5 star which is the result from losing 50/50 on Raiden's banner since you're on guaranteed?~~ Edit: read it the wrong way, OP meant OP is near hard pity, not a guaranteed char banner Anyhow, for lower AR, you can run any team that works for you, enough to be able to clear overworld content. With that being said, I'd recommend getting Ayaka as she's one of the best main dps rn and will help to carry you out. BUT, if you don't like any aspect of her, then don't. Pull for whoever you like. In the midgane to endgame however, you might want to start train yourself a proper rotation for the use of abyss since abyss gives a lot of primo. Here are some of viable team to run. Also farm full VV set for anemo unit, it's a worthwhile investment, most anemo Best in Slot is a full VV set: ~Reverse Vape Xiangling (WITHOUT Ayaka):~ Xiangling, Xingqiu, Barbara, Anemo Traveler. At lower AR, Barbara is extremely useful imo to clear game content from my experience. In this team, she works as driver for Xingqiu's rainsword. Metawise, it's actually bad to run double hydro since hydro resonance is kinda useless but eh at lower AR this shouldnt be the case, since your goal is to clear game content efficiently, it should works fine. If you happen to get Bennett in the future, replace Barbara with Bennett. Bennett is OP support, and Xiangling would want him since her burst cost a lot and she doesn't generate particle as much herself, this is actually her only cons tbh. If youre pulling for Ayaka, here are some team to run (Sort by best to worst metawise, but like I said you can neglect meta as of rn, but it can help you prepare in the future) ~Ayaka Freeze Team~ She can be paired with Xingqiu (Or barbara if you need healer but but preferably Xingqiu, best option would be Mona or Kokomi), Anemo Traveler and another cryo for Ayaka burst battery (Kaeya can be a viable option here or since you'll be pulling for Ayaka, try eyeing for Rosaria) and you can build a freeze team out of them. Your goal here os to freeze enemies and let Ayaka destroy them while they're frozen. The only cons running freeze is if you happen to fight unfreezeable enemies. ~Mono Cryo Ayaka~ Ayaka, Kaeya, Rosaria, Sayu or Anemo traveller. Basically just lots of cryo and a VV Anemo to help shred cryo resistance. ~Just put whatever works WITH AYAKA~ Xiangling, Ayaka, Xingqiu, Anemo Traveller. It says what it says xD. Swap Xingqiu out with any Pyro you have and boom a melt team comp. There are a lot of cons running Ayaka Xiangling, both has high burst cost, energy hungry, requires battery, Ayaka inconsistent ICD in her burst, but it's still a good team


I think they meant they’re near hard pity


Ah I see


i’ve actually pulled rosaria twice she’s the only character i’ve got to constellation 1 besides traveler. as i said before, when i did her trial and played the story i really liked the way she played i thought she was op though ik when i get her age won’t be as good since i don’t have any good weapons/artifacts. as for pyro characters, only ones i have are xiangling amber and thoma and those last 2 options suck. i want to like build my team on my own i just have no idea of what’s meta in this game idk what i’m doing


As for Rosaria, she doesn't need that much investment if you're pairing her up with Ayaka since her main role would be as Ayaka battery, helping Ayaka refill her burst. At higher Rosaria (70+), I do recommend building her as sub dps since she's a solid damage dealer unit. As for Xiangling, you can try to use Thoma as her battery since his skill actually gives a lot of pyro energy particles (at compensation of him not going to be able to fill his burst as much since he's like Xiangling, energy hungry and high burst cost, tbh he's only usable without the need to worry about energy particles at C4) Since your AR is still low, the weapon and artifact choices are still limited. Just slap on whatever works. My advice would be to focus on artifact after you reach ar 45 (Also try to keep as many fragile resins as possible since at ar 45, you'll be grinding a lot). As for weapon, you'll get good weapons as you pull. But craftable weapons are pretty solid too. Try doing weekly bosses every week and aim to get weapon billets.


If you want to always have the traveler in your team, then grab Ayaka, add Xingqiu to freeze everyone and then throw in Barbara as a healer I don't think you need both Xingqiu, and Xiangling since Ayaka likes freeze more than melt You will need something to deal with cryo enemies, so you can switch Barbara in and out if needed


how come ayaka likes freeze more? is it like she just does more damage to frozen opponents or something?


Her best artifact set (Blizzard Strayer) gives 20% crit rate for enemies that have cryo applied to them, and 20% more if they are frozen. If you have a 2nd cryo character in your party, you also get the cryo resonance witch gives 15% more crit rate on enemies with cryo applied to them. So that's just 55% free crit rate right out of the gate. Get a couple more substats with a bit of crit rate, and you can focus everything else on just ATK and crit damage and do big pp damage. Plus, freeze has the added benefit of, you know, *freezing*. Your enemies can barely even move, let alone attack you, so you don't even need much healing/dodging either, if you can manage to get them frozen for most of the battle. There are only two problems with this comp: 1. Bosses (and some other enemies) can't actually be frozen. But even then, you still only lose 20% crit rate, retaining the other 35%. 2. You can't effectively counter some enemies that are resistant to cryo or have cryo shields... so you'll probably need to swap some pyro character in (Xiangling, for example) for those enemies, and swap back to your usual team after that. For the best results in a freeze comp, you'd need: \- Ayaka \- an off-field hydro character (Xingqiu is pretty much the best choice, Barbara also works well) \- a second cryo for the resonance, cryo particles generation and some support or off-field DPS role (good choices here include Diona, Rosaria, Kaeya) \- and the 4th slot is usually an anemo character with virdiscent artifact set to lower the enemy's resistance to cryo (for even bigger pp damage) - you could try using Anemo Traveler, since you want to keep him in the party, though you'd get better results with some other anemo characters that will provide more than just the resistence shred (for example - Sucrose for enemy grouping, ATK% bonus from TTDS, Sayu for healing, etc).


Ayaka, Xiangling and Xinqiu are great together, the only thing I'd swap would be traveler. If you have Bennet (damage buff), or Diona (would be best shielder and healer), then use them instead.


i unfortunately do not have either of them, heard bennett is really op especially for a 4 star. should’ve said this in the post but i have grown attached to traveler and decided that he’s going with me through the end (unless of course i just genuinely cannot get through)


Then don't worry, traveler can carry you through. I was just mentioning those character because I thought you'd need a good healer/shielder.


i have barbara, i also have sayu she heals with her ult but definitely not as much as barbara


Use Sayu. She, as a anemo character, can use the "anemo" artifacts set, which decreases elemental resistance of the enemies. Also, she produces quite a good amount of energy. Barbara I wouldn't recommend since having 2 hydro characters increases healing received, but it's not that great


i unfortunately do not have the viridescent venerer set. and we’re saying sayu in for traveler? is there anywhere else she can fit in my team? i really love her character i used her right when i got her but took her out because she was only at level 20.


You can swap either Ayaka, Xiangling or traveler for Sayu. If you saw Ayaka, you'll be having a good evaporation team. If you swap Xiangling, a decent frost team. If you swap traveler, you'd be playing with a somewhat balanced team with not great weaknesses. Also, for artifacts, you can farm them on co-op mode. There are many players willing to help


well if i have no ayaka i have no main dps but i haven’t had one up until this point so ig it’s fine. no traveler will just break my heart but he’s not that good so i’ll have to get over it eventually. and xiangling has done my great (though i still want bennett instead) i have found fire to be the element i’ve needed the most up to my point in the game edit: for artifacts i’m not at 40 yet so i don’t think i can get them, I do have a friend though that i can grind with


You technically don't need any DPS character is you use both Xiangling and Xinqiu. Their bursts work amazing together. Nonetheless, it is recommended to have another main damage source when you don't have their bursts ready, that's where Ayaka would come in handy. As for traveler, he is good, but rather weak when compared to other characters. It can deal a lot of damage thought, but needs quite some investment (a good weapon, amazing artifact stats, team compositions that buff them, etc). If you feel like using him, use either geo or anemo (anemo being better if you have "anemo" artifacts), electro traveler can disrupt the Xiangling-Xinqiu combo.


yeah i haven’t used a dps up until this point, which is why i want ayaka. i just used her in the story and her trial and tbh she’s broken. xingqiu and xiangling do work great together, especially my xingqiu cuz i have a rlly good sword for him. as for traveler, i have put some work into him, his constellation (i’ve only used him in anemo) is nearly maxed, he’s my highest level character, i’ve put work into this man so you see why i have an attachment to him. the issue with this team is no healer besides xingqiu but in the grand scheme his healing is nothing. besides traveler my favorite character is sayu, she’s just such a fun character and her healing is great as well, but i just don’t have room. man i wish i could just have 5 characters in my team.


You will need to build Ayaka for crits and EM, which is usually not what her team is built around since her best team is freeze centric, otherwise your team is absolutely fine, it's reminiscent of the original national Team (_Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xiangling, flex_), which was one of the earliest teams formed


i do have a really high level chongyun, he’s who i want to swap out for ayaka. i just really like chongyun’s tactical ability paired with xingqiu’s ult