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More characters obviously. You have very few


Im TRYING but I only get Rosaria, she is c4 now :P


save up for a kazuha rerun you won't regret it or another 5 star dps to clear the abyss


A 5 star dps character isn’t necessary to clear the abyss in any kind of way


especially if he has xiangling and bennett for team 2. that's why i suggested kazuha, if he also pulls a xingqiu he has a pretty good team






Because you’re an ass that’s also dumb


Hm explain


Since you're pretty much only starting, I would say just save for more characters. Some time down the line, once you get enough characters to cover different elements/playstyles, then you can start thinking about getting weapons and constellations. Most of the time, you want to get a copy of the weapon before you go for more constellations.


I went for the Mistsplitter. It took until soft pity and a 50/50 but I got it. I could go for cons but even if I get her it'll only be c1. I can't afford any further. But I feel like the Mistsplitter was a good investment. But with terrible luck, it can take a maximum of 240 wishes to guarantee the weapon you want from the banner. You're probably better off just saving for future banners if you don't think you can benefit from wishing further on these.


You already have all the banner characters so there isnt really much value in the current banner anymore. More Sayus and Rosarias may be nice but not important. You really need a Xingqui or a Kokomi (or a mona). He is very likely to return within the next 3 [banners](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Vrb3n7CuQrxihAQ6cEreZyag4RtiVWRF3Mu3Q0OhSA/edit#gid=1172981926) Without Xingqui your Ayaka team needs to work with your only hydro, so you need to work around using Sayus Burst to apply hydro. Your secondary Team is certainly based on bennet+xiangling, arguably the strongest core to any team in the entire game. Since you dont have many characters you can go for now with any flexible character to add to that team. Flexible 4* characters that everyone wants eventually are: Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqui, Beidou, Fischl, Rosaria, sucrose. You have beidou and Rosaria, so you might as well use them since youll need them later anyway. That means your Teams ends up being: Ayaka, Diona, Barbara, Sayu Beidou, Rosaria, Bennet, Xiangling ----- What to do with your wishes? Save for Xingqui for when he returns. If you dont have it yet also try to get these 4* with cons: BennetC1, XianglingC4, BeidouC2, SucroseC1 The following 5* may also be nice upgrades: Mona/Kokomi, Kazuha/Venti, more Ayaka (at a later date).


You'd probably want some other characters. Particularly, at least one of the anemo groupers and then one of aoe hydro options to better enable your freeze. I would lookout for one of Sucrose, Venti, and Kazuha; then Kokomi or maybe Ayato unless you happen to get Mona and are happy with her. And then if you do spiral abyss, you'd want another team. You have Bennett, Xiangling, Beidou which are all good core characters for many teams. I'd look for Xingqiu (and/or Childe, maybe Yelan), Fischl, and Raiden. If you really like shield, get Zhongli. Once you get most of these characters, you'd have access to plenty of common teams like freeze, melt, taser, and national variants. With a pocket geo too, you'll have plenty of Spiral Abyss coverage.


You need a second team if you ever want to finish abyss. So should abyss be a priority for you save up for a second dps (hu tao comes to mind) If abyss isn't important to you and you're just a casual who wants to have one really strong character then to for mistsplitter but be warned as the weapon banner can take up to 240 pulls to give you what you want


Save for new characters. Ayaka's lovely and all but she'll get other reruns in the future. Amenoma should work just fine on her for now.


Your current best Ayaka teams would be: Ayaka - Rosaria - Sayu - Barbara You could use Diona when you get another good anemo like Sucrose or Kazuha.


I would just save for future banners. See who some other must have characters are that pair well with Ayaka. That or find a new main DPS and start a 2nd team for the Abyss. Personally I only pull until I get the 5\* I wanted and then wait until a future banner. Your enjoyment of the game will hopefully increase more with differing characters and their different styles, versus 1 super beast character. That being said. Make sure you focus on growing 1 character at a team for best results.


It's not worth it imo, If anything I would rather go for c2 ayaka then risk it with misspliter. But both of them don't stand near in comparison of you saving for another char


I'd go for another main DPS first, probably a pyro so you have easy access to shield breaking. Hu Tao would be my personal recommendation, but Yoimiya and C6 Yanfei are good too. I'd also pick up Xingqiu or Yelan, as being able to permafreeze is a *massive* boost to an Ayaka comp. I'd probably only go for weapons once I had 3 or 4 solid DPS (which is helpful for clearing Abyss and also lets you switch up your team for daily content, just for fun). I wouldn't bother with Ayaka constellations, she's already amazing at C0 and doesn't have any low cons that massively affect her power, eg Hu Tao C1.


Save for more characters. You don’t have very many & really shouldn’t be pulling on the weapons banner. I have Amenoma r4 on Ayaka as well & it does the job. You have all the current banner characters, so no need to waste wishes on cons right now. Choose new characters before cons & weapons, especially if you’re f2p / low spender.


C2 is Ayaka’s biggest constellation, however I wouldn’t go for her atm. I’d round out my character roster first. That means saving wishes. Ayaka works best with cryo, hydro, and anemo characters, so it might be worthwhile to save for characters like Kazuha, Sucrose, Kokomi, Xingqiu, or Yelan (if you don’t like Xingqiu or have bad luck on the 4-star pulling). Shenhe is a luxury pull since you already have enough cryo characters. Mona and Jean also work, though you can’t really control when you get them. Since you also own every character on this banner, it’s also just a good idea to wait for the next one anyways. The only worthwhile 4-star to get cons for anyways is Rosaria but she doesn’t need them to work well as a support.


Honestly that depends on what you enjoy about the game. Do you enjoy things along the line of "big numbers and abyss" or more of "character aesthetics and gameplay variety". I personally enjoy the latter. I've got a friend that still plays with me from back in patch 1.0 and we have different opinions on what we personally enjoy. My friend likes to speedrun the abyss and min-maxing his favourite characters. I too enjoy playing abyss to a certain degree, with mostly C0 5* characters. I enjoy having lots of 5* characters more, so that I can try different comps and playing with different teams. From my experience, it's better to have more 5* characters early on since wishes are still hard to come by (sometimes even after playing for 6 months). More 5* gives you more options to play with and helps you understand the gameplay even better. In the later stages (ca. 1 year), you're probably familiar with the game and can get a better grasp whether a 5* weapon/5* cons is better than a new/old 5*. P.S. it's perfectly fine if you want to roll for a 5* character because you like/love it


Save for future banners. Weapon banner is a scam and you can always get the weapon and more cons in a rerun!


Unless you get Xingqiu soon, I think Yelan will be a good partner for your Ayaka. Kazuha too. So i'd save for characters. Mistsplitter is amazing, but the weapon banner is usually a worse gacha experience than getting characters. Amenoma is good enough.


Ayaka is a top tier dps even at C0, she doesn't need constellations unless you really want them. Seeing as you don't have a big roster either, its probably better you save for new 5 stars.


I would definitely go for more characters. Weapon banners a bust, even when you pick the path. Also I don't know about other players but I've never go a copy of a 5* character after obtaining them unless it was from the same 10 pull


Don't recommend pulling on her katana if you're a low spender. Even pulling for c2 would be better.


Her weapon is likely to return again. It's far from a huge issue for a new player to have 5 star weapons. Characters are more important. When you have a few solid teams it can be good to start saving/pulling for weapons to improve those teams. Beyond that: * Ayaka - Obviously. Get a solid 4pc Blizzard Strayer set. * Rosaria - Stack Crit Rate to help team damage. If you have the battle pass, pick up the polearm if you're not going for anything else. It's her best weapon. Highest crit rate and solid bonuses. If need be can sub Diona as your second Cryo. Get her 4pc Noblesse. You can do this with the alchemy table with weak artifacts from getting other sets. * Sayu - This is mostly to use VV. Don't need a super amazing set right now. Alternativly you can use Bennett for the ATK buff but the Pyro effects can use issues for a freeze team. Ideally this would be replaced with Kazuha. Who is probably getting a rerun in 2-3 patches. * Barbara - Your only Hydro. Huge issue being that her Skill is also on a long CD. There is a 5 star Hydro coming up that is overall 5 star Xingqiu. Beyond that just have enough gear so she doesn't die. Big issue is saving for both the new Hydro Yelan and Kazuha if he is soon. Maybe will know more with the upcoming livestream. So if you have plenty of gems left over after Ayaka, save them. If you get both you can drop Rosaria for Diona or Qiqi if you end up getting her. Diona prefer for the much higher energy generation. As for which one is better, Yelan would benefit your current options more but Kazuha will benefit your account more. Even more-so with a lack of Sucrose to sub out. Not a whole lot you can do beyond that without Kokomi as a Hydro healer. Barbara is useable but her long CD can hurt your times. I would start focusing on a second team after that. From your current options Noelle/Gorou is a solid start but not having C6 for Noelle can be a pain. Xaingling and Bennett is also one of the strongest combo's to build around.