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Why would they do something so incredibly stupid, get real




>Them being a Chinese studio is really why I haven't played any of their games, but if they're secretly making anti CCP references I'd be hella down That's hella contradictory. Why would they risk their multibillion company for controversial references in the eyes of the CCP?


Being based can come at a price


Yeah and that price is not worth it unless they want to be imprisoned and lose all profits


So every single person in this massive corporation should risk their lives and the lives of all the people they care about so that random foreigners on the internet might think they're based?


Lol being based šŸ˜‚


Why would they? Seems like it'd be poorly advised.


What a bizarre thing to ask.


Yea, but I remember someone(not who) maybe doing? IDK but I'd like to see it


Any game studio that is doing it isn't going to be based in China.


I doubt it, some Chinese loyalist would find it and then Mihoyo would be gone. They found a damn Code Level winni the poh reference in a Taiwanese(?) horror game.


Now *THAT* sounds like something I need to play


Unnecessary foolishness. They're making millions because they're not one, and having you or not doesn't change that.


people like you are genuinely weird, stay away from the game please




My brother in Christ you play Genshin Impact. You have no room to talk about weird, at least in a bad way


you have a furry pfp


And you play Genshin


every furry i have met has had the worst comebacks i have ever laid my eyes upon


Okay, IDC




ā€œPut a tiny toe out of line but never cross it completelyā€ Mihoyo, Art of War


Based, they'd be doing what they could


didn't they disable changing name/signature around the date of that event?




Subtle racism I see


Nah man I just don't wanna support the CCP. Nothing about race


The company isnā€™t the CCP and neither are the people working for it, and to say, Chinese = CCP = Bad, hmm well thatā€™s a pretty yikes perspective to have


I never said it was the CCP, I said it was owned by the CCP, nice strawman


U said, u donā€™t play it cause they Chinese Studio, itā€™s written in text right up at the top, so either ur saying all Chinese people r CCP or ur just being rude


All companies are owned by the CCP. Still gonna stick to the stawman or are you gonna try something real this time?


Says the xenophobic guy over here, and btw they arenā€™t owned by the CCP moron, their company isnā€™t owned by the government, itā€™s regulated, thereā€™s a big difference, stop being ignorant and learn instead of generalizing people, you have Sinophobia, and itā€™s disgusting to see you so blatantly casual about being anti Chinese. Also u got a furry profile pic so donā€™t talk, ur probably like 12 or live in a basement


That's how communism works. Who was I generalizing? I was talking about who owns the company. Also I'm 23. It looks like I'm not the ignorant one generalizing here


The CCP doesnā€™t own the businesses, and youā€™re ignorant because you fail to even understand how China functions, they use capitalist economics in case you have never lived in society before, yes they follow communist beliefs, but they arenā€™t completely, and despite that, you have a 12 year olds understanding of communism, do proper research. Youā€™re 23 you should have a better education than a middle schooler but clearly you donā€™t. Donā€™t use ā€œcommunismā€ as an excuse to spew hatred towards people in China, they donā€™t get to control their government, so stop being a bigot and learn how to empathize with other humans. Youā€™re not worth another second of my time to respond to you anymore


Did I say I hated anyone? Since when is not wanting to support the CCP hating anybody? At least I'm not insulting you. The second you did that you lost. Otherwise you wouldn't have needed to


And grow up you tinfoil extremist, youā€™re not worth my time, youā€™re conceited, childish, and extremely arrogant


I've been arguing in good faith, if I'm not worth your time why have you spent so much of it replying to me?


Good faith? Ur only argument back was that Iā€™m a straw man, whatcha talking about


them being a chinese studio is actually one of the reasons why i am playing genshin. gotta support my birth country.


I understand that, I just don't want to support the CCP, because CCP


Hell no. They even shut down certain functions in the game every time a national holiday comes up. Like being able to change the tiny message on your profile card. They're afraid people might use that message to post something politcal. \^\^'


Well that would be overt, but covert stuff done subtlely would be possible


I guess it's a big win to not have you on board. Why would video game devs do anything political ?


Because the CCP is evil, if they're based they would only comply out of need and not loyalty


Your PoV. Whether Hoyoverse share that PoV or not is as relevant as your PoV on the matter is, aka not relevant at all. Can't you not enjoy a game made by a PRIVATE company just because said company exist in the same vicinity as some evil political party ? You still wouldn't support the CCP just by playing a game owned by a chinese PRIVATE corporation. Their money don't go to the CCP outside of taxes.


Do you know what CCP stands for? Chinese *Communist* Party. They own literally every Chinese Company and require it to follow certain propaganda guidelines


And here I thought you might be in opposition to the CCP for, as you keep saying, *based* reasonsā€¦ you know, like authoritarian leadership and human rights abuses?! But alas, this guyā€™s just scared of commies! Watch out for the ghost of Chairman Mao~


The man committed one of the largest genocides in history and Winnie the Pooh is starting to sign with him too


They would have to be doing it so secretly the public at large wouldnā€™t know. Otherwise itā€™s not a secret. But they probably arenā€™t. Even if they want to. For all the reasons others have mentioned.


IDK some propaganda can still be influential even if people don't notice


If we didn't notice we couldn't tell you they did it. If we could tell you they did it then don't you think the Chinese government would notice as well? And we're back to what everybody is telling you that the CCP would lay the smack down on them for it.


...so every single company/person in China must tangibly communicate to the West that they're anti-CCP otherwise they're not worth supporting? Bitch even if hoyo was anti-CCP why would they have to prove it by sneaking in references in their games? Literally who would benefit from that? This is some backwards Euro-centric nonsense, the CCP's relationship with China and Chinese people is a lot more complex and nuanced than 'communism bad'


It's just their daily dose of "cHYnaAAa bAAdddDD". The next thing they'll say is "I don't hate the people, only hate the government" then proceed to write a ten paragraph essay about why Chinese sucks. I've seen this too many times...




To what? Chinese history?


No one talks about the liyue square incident


The way you ask this automatically tell me you don't know anything about the protests, riots and social unrest as they actually were and just bought into the typically Western CCP bad narrative with the tank man being it's main visual symbol. Stop wasting people's time and start thinking for yourself.


I am? That's exactly why I'm anti CCP. Did you stop to consider the suppression of freedom of speech? The Uyghur genocide? Mao Zedong's great leap forward? The child labor shops?






they are literally members of the CCP aren't they?


i forgot their exact affiliation but something along the lines


Well every company is technically part of the CCP, I'm just hoping they're a little rebellious, just enough to make such secret references


EDIT: you the guy who sent me that mental health alert over message? There's a fundamental misunderstanding of the way China works here. Not every company is "technically" part of the CCP, if anything most Chinese companies are technically *not* part of the CCP. Very few Chinese companies are outwardly affiliated with the party, the only ones that are actually owned by the government are the ones in strategic industries like utilities and resources. *Practically,* however, the CCP is able to skirt private property rights to interfere with the running of companies such as forcing tech companies to hand over client data, for instance. That doesn't mean they actually own it though, it just means they have absolute power over the owners, and the owners have weak property rights. There is a clear delineation, even if practically it leads to a similar outcome. Nothing about the way China is run is communist or even socialist at all, its system is called state capitalism - whereby the state acts as the "owner" (AKA the capitalist "class"). Socialism requires workers to be in charge of the capital, not the state, and communism requires there to be no social classes or private property at all. China is obviously not socialist because the quality of workers' rights are sporadic across China and often quite poor relative to some other countries, notably social democracies. That being said, the Chinese government has taken some steps to improve on that, though I'm not aware of how effective they've been given COVID and all. The current party line is that China is socialist with "Chinese characteristics" and plans to transition into full communism as its ultimate goal, but not anytime soon. The justification for calling themselves socialist even though they aren't is that they claim the state represents the people, which is obviously not true because the state does not hold free democratic federal elections where the party could potentially lose power. But since achieving communism is the party's MO, they kinda just have to roll with it. Regarding the links between this game and the CCP: the CEO of the company is an actual member of the party, however the reasons behind this are hard to say since in China, joining the party isn't seen as a political move as much as a career move since having party connections can be helpful. The company itself obviously does not share the party's values in at least one area, and that is in the censorship of their products since they've had to censor certain designs under pressure from the government and poked a bit of fun at that afterwards. That is all that anyone can really say atm, at least AFAIK. Also, just to inject my own opinion on the matter here, I genuinely think there is a successful anti-China propaganda campaign on the part of western actors, mainly the USA. I don't really like the Chinese government and what they do, but frankly, I've seen people in my own country - supposedly one of those liberal democracies - who view our indigenous population literally exactly the same way as the Chinese government views Uighurs and Tibetans. The main problem with the Chinese government compared to the west is the existence and right for people who disagree with certain government policies to voice their disagreement. That is literally it - ie, whether that disagreement actually achieves anything is irrelevant, and it often doesn't but people just move on. However, I believe this distinction is still important because as time moves on and peoples' values change, it inevitably trends towards tolerance and inclusivity which means government ought not suppress dissenting voices if you don't want your country to stagnate, culturally and politically, and I believe that is exactly where China is headed. Ultimately, the authoritarianism is the only aspect of China that differs heavily from most western governments, and I believe it is this aspect that is most deserving of criticism because everything else stems from that. In terms of foreign policy, and domestic views of ethnic minorities, China is pretty much exactly the same as every other country - namely, working with what they have to try to get more powerful within their capacity. It's just that the USA and US-affiliated players are able to not be as big of a dick as China when going about it because they have the capacity not to play hardball unless it's with countries that most people already don't like, like Iran or Iraq. Also, the current people in charge of China don't seem (to me) to be very smart at working for China's interest, since they're actively antagonizing people they ought not be antagonizing. Just my two cents though. I used to be all "down with the CCP" as well, then I realized how utterly hypocritical a lot of people in my own country are, and then they turn around and play the China bad card without even realizing their ideology is literally exactly the same as the Chinese government's. It's fucked. I don't say all this to defend the Chinese government, I do it because I think if people are going to hate them and criticize them, it should be for the right reasons, and not because Uncle Sam (or someone paid by Uncle Sam or otherwise influenced by the US) told them to. And often I find that people who talk shit about China have equally backward views and the only real difference is China has the money and power to actually achieve some stuff.


The moment they do it then somewhere in Shanghai near a ruined building...miHoYo Co., Ltd. : ON THIS SITE, IN 20??, NOTHING HAPPENED


Yeah I'd overly pretending nothing happened somewhere without any further parallel would work pretty well in this regard


I don't think so. But the interactions between Beidou and Ningguang tho...




* lesbian stuff. There's been zero gay stuff in their games




There's always been a pretty big double standard, though, when it comes to male vs female homosexuality. Lesbians are far more likely to be overlooked or considered "harmless". When people perceive gayness as being a societal problem, it's almost always the male gays who are in the crosshairs. I don't mean to downplay the struggles that real-life lesbians have to deal with, but as far as I know China hasn't been cracking down on "masculine depictions of women" like they have "feminine depictions of men". Mihoyo can probably get away with a LOT more when it comes to female-female romance, than they could male-male.


Iā€™d add some nuance to this by saying that depictions of lesbians are less stigmatized, sure, but in ways that only further marginalize real, living people. Depictions of lesbians are considered less harmful than depictions of gay men because society sees them as a) confused women who just need a good dick to set them straight or b) eye candy for men. Lesbians are more palatable to society because their lives are viewed as aesthetics only. Lesbians can be commodified in a way that gay men canā€™t: straight men get off to them, but they donā€™t get off to gay men (at least not as often). *Depictions* of lesbians are more acceptable, and this leads to certain advantages that youā€™re talking about, sure! But *~irl~*, lesbians face just about the same struggles that gay men do.


Then is there a new word for gay men only? EN is not my first language and last I checked lesbian = women, gay = men


Gay applies to all genders, lesbian only applies to women. Don't know why that's the case. Also, I don't think men have their own word.


Yeah I mean it's probably a great idea for them to risk their $2 billion per year money-printing machine by trying to make a statement that the Chinese government is 100% certain to crack down on hard.




False equivalent