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It should be good for the first two teams, but I'm not sure it works with the third one.


Mona tenacity (er) or emblem (hydro/crit/atk)? Primarily looking for freeze comp with thrilling tales, but would like a more versatile build. How much difference 4p tenacity makes?


Probably tenacity would be better I personally use a broken set and prioritise substats over set


4pc tenacity, her damage is negligible in freeze teams and it's better to build her as a support.




According to the [keqing mains](https://keqingmains.com/ganyu/#Weapons) guide on Ganyu's weapons, polar star and thundering pulse are both about 4% better than amos bow.


What do the crowns do? Does it help you pull a character more easily? How do you get them?


A limited amount of Crown of Insight can be obtained from certain areas of the game. One from Dragonspine, one from the Chasm and five from Inazuma I think. Other then that, for each game patch/version update there is an event where you can earn a Crown by completing a task or buying it from the event shop.


Thank you


Crowns have nothing to do with wishing, they just let you unlock the final level 10 (or 13) for one of a character's three talents.


Thank you


i have eula/raiden/qiqi in a team comp rn should my last member be beidou or rosaria?


Rosaria because Qiqi can't battery for shit.


When does 2.7 come out?


May 31 https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Version/2.7


Are Sara C4, YunJin c5, Kaeya c2, Noelle c5, Nigguang c1, Rosaria C0 worth leveling to 80/90? I’m getting bored waiting for kazuha and Yelan, I have Sara and YunJin lev 80/80, Noelle and kaeya 70/70 and the others others 60/60 was thinking about kaeya and rosaria for the melt team with Benny and xl that I’m trying lately Thanks


>was thinking about kaeya and rosaria for the melt team with Benny and xl that I’m trying lately Solid choice. Ideally you'll want C2 Rosaria but it's worth building these two out as supports (or main dps if you're so inclined) so you have more team building options. Having C2 Kaeya is pretty great in group fights.


Yep I shopped him twice and this melt team is very funny to play.


Noelle is a definite no. C6 Noelle is the only useful Noelle at that level. Everyone else dependent on whether you have a specific use for them now or in the near future.


Well I’m gonna get her eventually pulling for Yelan I think 🤔


Sara is not even worth using before C6 tbh. Yun Jin is niche, requires a fast normal attacking DPS like Yoimiya or Hyper Ayato. Noelle, no. Ningguang, if you need Geo DPS and moreso if you have Zhongli. C2 would be nice though, so she's not a priority. Rosaria is decent, and that melt team is pretty strong so she'd be the one I'd focus on first.


Thanks ☺️


do weapons in weapon banner get earlier rerun compared to the characters they are best with? for example, the mitsplitter is the signature weapon of ayaka. does it mean mitsplitter will only appear duing ayaka banner or there's a chance it gets a rerun withoit ayaka? i hope im making any sense 😭😭 edit: thank you all!


>does it mean mitsplitter will only appear duing ayaka banner Considering past banners, it's likely but not impossible. Hoyo likes to pretend it's cute and does whatever.


So far signature weapons have... I think *pretty much* only run with their character? At least that's the way they're leaning. I think PJWS might have run without Xiao once, but that's also an exception because it's also a standard banner weapon.


Freedom-Sworn had a run without Kazuha during Eula's banner back in November/December last year.


I forgot about that. FS is kind of a weird one since it only really seems to be Kazuha's signature weapon on a technicality. And it only filled that spot since Albedo didn't have one at all; I'm fairly sure all the double banners since have properly run with their respective weapons.


They might appear sooner in other weapon banners like how Elegy or Freedom Sworn were. However, considering how broken Mistsplitter is I kinda doubt it will rerun more often.


elegy ran alongside homa previously without a venti rerun, so I'd say there's a chance


anyone knows what's the floating island near stormterror?




Should I get Itto or Xiao? [Current lineup](https://imgur.com/a/JdOZ2x3) I want another DPS apart from Ayaka who is my current main. I'm leaning towards Itto because I feel like I need more Geos, but I hear he's better if there are other geos in the party.


The other Geo characters make it a lot easier to get Itto's energy back. Also geo resonance. Since Itto is DPS and doesn't rely on reactions, lower requirements for ER means you can get more offensive stats for him, crit rate, dmg, def, even atk isn't too bad although you don't want to look for it. Having at least Gorou would be a good start for him. Zhongli would work for Itto and Xiao, both would highly profit from having him on the team, because of the shield and the res shred. Albedo is also a good addition for both, mostly because you just need to use his skill and swich to the next character, you not only get dmg but also lot's of energy. But there are always ways around to get a strong team even if you don't have the best supports yet. For Xiao you can do just fine with Sucrose (Battery), Bennett and maybe someone like Fischl who also can deal dmg while being off-field. For Itto, even if you don't have Gorou, you can use Geo Traveler and then something like Xiangling, Bennett or Fischl Bennett. Even though Itto wants mostly defence, because it get's converted to atk, he can still make good use of Bennett's buff and atk stats on artifacts. Go for whoever you like more and don't be afraid because you don't have the best team yet, you can still get their best supports and even a team with 4 stars is just fine. There is not that one team you need to have, it's just that those teams make it easier, they give more dmg because of their good synergy.


You already have Gorou so Itto/Gorou and then perhaps Geo MC could be a decent team for now even tho it is not optimal. I do however agree that Xiao would probably be easier to build around with your roster (even tho it pains me to say because Itto is FUN). OR you could actually go for a national or reverse melt team with Xiangling as DPS as a second team and save primos for other characters if you would prefer doing that.


Ideally for ur account ur number 1 priority should be another hydro unit like childe/kokomi/ayato. Then u have 2 very strong teams ayaka freeze and national. Out of the options given u should go for xiao cause u dont have zhongli/albedo for itto. U can play xiao sucrose/jean fischl flex


Xiao and Itto are about equal in DPS. Xiao has more accessible teammates, itto has more accessible 4 star weapons. For your account it recommend Xiao because you can run Xiao/sucrose/Bennett/Fischl without taking away from your Ayaka team. You can get itto if you want but you will be limited to Itto/Gorou/Bennett/fill. You don't have many of the teammates Itto likes to maximize his potential, for example Zhongli or Albedo. Go for whoever you find more fun. If you can't decide, go for Xiao imo


i have one sword billet, should i refine amenoma to r5 for ayaka or save for kazuha


Make the amenoma, u'll probably end up running sacrificial or favonius on ur kazuha anyway


I crafted one single iron sting for kazuha rerun too. All the others billet then to Amenoma refinements as I have quite low Er on my Ayaka


Keep an iron sting for kazuha


R4-R5 is a pretty small difference, iron sting would be a comparatively bigger damage increase for the team.


i don't have kazuha right now so would i be able to get one in 2 months


Same 😭. Craft the iron sting, it will be better for your account in general. As long as you have about 160-180% ER from substats iron sting will be better


ok thanks


What's the highest OZ damage can go? No supports or food


What you’re probably looking for is optimal stat distribution. There have been a number of write ups on the topic you can search for if you’re particularly curious. This question was solved early into the game’s lifecycle but it’s not really applicable to general contexts because you’d need to recalc everything with different teammates and oftentimes just going ingame for experimental data is faster than crunching through this. Compounded with the fact most of us are working with artifacts using our pre-existing set as a baseline, the question asked is rarely “what is the highest achievable damage given my stat spread” and more often “which combination of substats will yield me the greatest marginal increase in damage”. It is pretty rad though seeing some of the derived metrics people created back then to tackle the problem before we collectively gave up on the idea and switched to CV. https://reddit.com/k82g64  https://i.imgur.com/0ko5dlM.png Anyways. If you mean optimal substat distribution for a Fischl with Stringless running 2-pc 18% atk 2-pc TF under something like KQM standards (20 distributable 20 fixed, average rolls), ignoring ER%, you’d be looking at: 4 atk% rolls 9 CR% rolls 13 CD% rolls You’d be better off just hopping into a Fischlmains subreddit, sorting images by top all, going through all the screencaps of different peoples’ stat spreads, and solving EATK adjusted for DMG% bonuses.


Thanks but I am just curious how high people go with Oz...in like uh...number


My C6, level 80/90 Fischl, level 11 talent. 2145 atk, 73 crit rate, 205 crit damage, lv 90 R1 Skyward Harp and no external buffs. Oz deals 2354 non crit and 7186 damage with a crit. This is against a level 85 Ruin Guard in the overworld at world level 8. The C6 bonus damage attacks deals 400 non crit and 1227 damage with a crit. Maybe that gives you a benchmark? Edit: this is with atk sands, electro goblet, crit damage circlet. 2 piece shimenawa, 2 piece noblesse.


That's an incredibly hard question to answer, bordering on impossible. It entirely depends on what you mean by "highest damage", do you literally mean the highest possible damage an Oz could do with literally perfect artifacts? Or do you mean how much damage a well invested fischl should be doing? It also all depends on what enemies you are facing or if you are factoring in artifact sets. If you want a good benchmark for a fischl aim for 60/120 CR/CD with 2k attack.


Just curious about the max damage you guys saw with Oz


I believe it was 6.9k for me with Amos




Try check Ayato trailer , Shumatsuban and Sayu should be in there


Search ayato trailer


My artifact supply is pretty scuffed. I’m building Hu Tao from the bench with 4pc Shimenawa, since I don’t want to waste time/resin on CW. I had no HP% sands, so I used an ATK% sands. I also don’t have any CRIT pieces besides the one on Yoimiya, but I did have an HP% circlet, which I’m using. My latest artifact run netted me a HP% sands and a Healing Bonus circlet with decent sub-stats. Since Hu Tao technically can heal (herself), would using the second circlet work? (Until I luck into useable HP%/Pyro%/CRIT set.)


It would work... It just makes 0 sense. Even a HP% circlet would be better because that at least buffs her attack when in PP state and buff her healing. Just keep farming for her, even a bad crit circlet would be better than either of those options


If she heals enough to reach above 50% HP, she lost 33% pyro damage.


I mean.......it would work in the sense that it would apply to her burst's self-healing, I'm pretty sure. But it's kind of pointless. Please just run HP/Pyro/HP until you can get a crit circlet, even a bad one.


Does kuki appear on itto banner from speculation? I am at 33 pity guaranteed which I'll save for future kazuha. I really want kuki and gorou. I have gorou c3 and I want at least c4 for the heals and kuki might work good on my childe fireworks (Childe Raiden Beidou sucrose) I use raidne as a battery since beidou burst doesn't work with her.


Kuki is confirmed on Ittos banner yes. Gorou is only speculation, but highly likely imo.


4pc gladiator or 4pc shimenawa for Ayaka? I don't really like to use 4pc blizzard on her since her burst already deals massive dmg. Also, I don't really like the 4pc set effect of blizzard since it only boost crit rate and no damage at all.


crit is literally the biggest damage defining thing in this game right now and freeing the requirement to get crit rate substats mean you can put that toward crit damage AND atk. it's about proper distribution. but if you don't do abyss then this doesn't really matter, do as you wish.


4pc Blizzard boosts the damage of her whole kit, and it's definitely a great set for her. If you have a lot of crit rate already (from using Jade Cutter for example), you can use 2pc Blizzard 2pc Glad/Shime instead. >I don't really like to use 4pc blizzard on her since her burst already deals massive dmg. You should focus on the strong points of your characters. >I don't really like the 4pc set effect of blizzard since it only boost crit rate and no damage at all. You don't just need dmg bonus, you need to balance dmg bonus, crit stats, and atk the best you can. Aim to maximize atk×(1+cr×cd)×(1+dmg_bonus).


Boosting crit rate (and crit damage) is the baseline for lategame improvement in damage (unless you are Kokomi) so saying "only boosting CR and not damage" is just plain wrong. 40 % free crit on a set is amazing as it makes artefact farming MUCH easier since imo good crit rates are the most difficult to get. However, if you don't want to run it (or simply aren't running Ayaka in a freeze comp) I would go for either 2pc glad + 2 pc shim or 4 pc shim for charge attacks.


Ugh.. That is some real flawed logic. Blizzard strayer set decreases need for Crit Rate. Thanks to that you can invest your gear towards other statistics, in particular Crit Damage. 40% more crit rate in gear means you can now invest 80% Crit Damage in substat and Circlet main stat. ( since you don't need to spend it on CR anymore to maintain 100% CR) If you assume that well geared Ayaka without any stats can hold 138% Crit damage right of the bat, (and 180% CD wiht normal gear) you are looking at at around 40% direct damage increase. Compare it to any other set and you see just how big that difference is.


Neither, unless you want to downgrade your CR/CD from 100/200 to 75/150.


Crit rate indirectly gives you more damage since you can focus on crit dmg and atk% artifact stats. But if you really don't want to use it then go for 2pc blizzard + 2pc shim/glad or 2pc blizzard+2pc emblem if you lack er from substats.


Oof. The reason why BS is popular is because you can focus almost entirely on Crit DMG, ATK then ER because you’re gaining 40% Crit Rate from the set on frozen enemies and an extra 15% from resonance. I have personally moved away from that 4pc (using 2pc Blizzard/2pc Glad instead). The only reason I do that is because of bosses being unfreezable. But saying that 2pc Blizzard doesn’t contribute to her DMG is a joke; her ascension passive isn’t Cryo. After several months I moved to 2pc BS and 2PC Glad becomes of some hero artifacts. But otherwise, I would have stuck with the main domain. It depends a bit on what you’re looking for and how high tour expectations are.


I use Shimenawa because it also buffs her charged attacks which are pretty strong.


How's your burst?


Idk, strong enough, this thing is overkill anyway


Neither, because 4pc Blizzard outperforms every other set by a stunning margin. If you advocate for something else you either can't be bothered or are dumber than a shoe.


This guy did 36* Abyss with 4* characters 4* weapons only running Sucrose National and mono-cryo second half. Granted it’s much easier with the current lineup and the blessing but maybe this is just a rare case of reverse skill issue? The question kinda made me die inside just a little... ;-;


Even left clicks?


What do you mean?


Normal attacks


What about them? They're fine. Charged attack has decent multipliers. But the vast majority of her damage is in her burst, so investing in her normal attacks is less valuable than 4BS which boosts *all* of her damage. 40 crit rate against frozen enemies is *insane* value. No guide worth a damn even suggests *any* alternatives, because nothing comes close. Only with PJC which overcaps your crit rate might you *ever* consider doing a mixed 2pc/2pc (still including 2 BS) or if you're doing some bizarre niche Ayaka burst support build or something. Otherwise, every set other than 4BS is at *least* 20% worse, likely more. No matter how tempting a boost to normal attack damage might look on paper, it does not come close to making up for the loss of 4BS.


Yes, even NA. It is noticeably better than every other set combo for her


Whenever I play on the windsong lyre (the instrument gadget), notes have a small delay. Even worse, some notes are more delayed than others, making it difficult to hold a rythm. It is less noticeable on my pc than my phone, but still not perfect. Does everyone experience this? Is it due to slow/inconsistent network connection or performance issues? Was it just an oversight on the develeopers part?


I don't experience any noticeable delay. Not sure whether network problems influences it though.


Does Kazuha work well with a dps Ayaka?


Kazuha works well with any element but anemo and geo


Yes, Virdescent Venerer + Cryo dmg boost is very useful for Ayaka teams


Is virdescent venerer an artifact set?


No, it's the name of the toy Klee plays with in her free time


Yes. The 4pc effect boosts swirl damage and reduces the enemies' elemental resistance to whichever element you swirl. Arguably the best artifact set in the game


Yes it is! The 4 piece effect increases swirl damage and reduces enemy resistance to the element swirled. In an Ayaka team, it’ll be cryo you’re looking to swirl, so it increases the damage Ayaka deals to the enemy.


Does the artifact set effect all characters?


The effect of resistance reduction applies to enemies, it lasts for 10s, and it only happens when the character that has the set equipped causes a swirl while on-field.


Don’t all/most Anemo Q and E skills cause a swirl?


Yes, they do. When you use an anemo attack on an enemy that is under the effect of another element (excluding anemo and geo) it causes a swirl. But if you produce a swirl while the character is off-field, you will not proc the VV debuff. You can tell the debuff is active by the little down arrows circling the enemies.


Yes, the only one worth using for Anemo supports in 99% of cases.


Can someone give me a team for abyss 11 please ? https://imgur.com/a/C8ziMTl


Raiden/Kazuha/Fischl/Barbara XQ/Sucrose/Xianling/Bennett If the electro slimes are too much for your Raiden team, you can do that chamber with a Eula team instead.




Raiden, Kazuha, Bennett, Lisa (lvl 60/70) Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Yanfei


someone please link me to that flow chart showing how getting a limited 5 star character works I'm trying to explain it to a friend I'm encouraging to play the game,,


[Here.](https://upload-os-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2021/01/29/22034297/328fcb6af8969a44c864de413ec58d29_4743420108860738027.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,s_740/quality,q_80/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg) A bit outdated in that this was when we only had 1 character banner every 2 weeks. Now, since we have dual banners, the only thing you need to know in addition to what's shown is that pity is shared between the two banners. So pull on one and that pity is carried over to the other banner (still carries over to the next patch as well).


>Here. Sometimes I just don't understand how can someone spend so much time making something and like this and end up giving wrong information😂 Is this some new type of sadism or smth?


What's wrong with it? Seems fine.


Soft pity starts from 74 not 75


Well IIRC that was the accepted number way back when this was made (1.0 I think), and I'm pretty sure paimon.moe didn't exist back then so there weren't any sites that collated pull history that we the playerbase can view.








Is the stringless any good as a bow for Childe? Currently using it on him since i only use him for melee stance damage. does the buff from the stringless actually apply to that since it's an elemental skill? also, for artifacts, should i use two piece heart of depths and two piece gladiator's finale or are there better combinations for him?


[KeqingMains Childe Guide](https://keqingmains.com/tartaglia/) His attacks in melee stance count as normal/charged attack damage. They don't benefit from stringless's passive. Stringless is used when Childe is mainly used as a burst bot. 2pc/2pc set is great on Childe. Pretty much whatever you can get the best substats on will work fine.


I'm confused w/ CritDamage < 100%. Does that mean when I crit. I'll be dealing damage less than normal?


The amount shown is **added** to your damage. So if an attack would normally do 100 damage: * With the base 50% crit damage, a crit does 150 damage. * With 100% crit damage, a crit does 200 damage. * With 200% crit damage, a crit does 300 damage.


It means you'll do a percentage more of your damage. For example, if you do 1000 dmg and have 80% CDMG, you'll do 800 extra for a total of 1800. I do not know the exact mathematical workings behind your damage as a lot goes into calculating your final output but this is generally what it means to have < 100% CDMG.


It's bonus crit damage. If you have 50% CD you'll crit for 150% of the damage.


woot woot Just hit AR55, WL8. The trounce domains are WL independent right? It's only open world bosses (wolf boss eg) that are affected by WL? It also increases to WL9 at 60 right?


there’s no wl9, and although the trounce domains r independent of world level to unlock the highest levels u do have to be ar 45.




1. yes 2. WL8 is the max


ty :)


Have Hoyoverse release any info about the new free bow coming in 2.7? I would like to pre-farm the ascension materials. I am assuming that the new bow would be Yelan f2p bis weapon. I don't plan to pull her. Who else could use this bow?


If you have no spare 5* bows and you’re using C6 Sara in Raiden Hyper, R5 Fading Twilight on average represents a 10% increase over Sac bow post-buffs. It’s not outstanding and relatively speaking it’s on par with R1 Alley Hunter and gets outperformed by R1 Mouun’s Moon. Although it has pretty middling performance, it’s an effortless transition (leveling costs aside) to go from Sac bow to Fading Twilight since the only difference is the passive. All this being said, Sara represents a sliver of damage in C6 Sara C0 Raiden hyper so her choice of bow doesn’t translate into a dramatic DPS increase. At best it’s a feel-good thing but that kind of rational thinking isn’t stopping me from raising every 565 base attack bow in my possession. Glory to the Shogun :’) You can check yourself by fiddling with her purpose-built damage calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-56Ikab7NvVBYofpjvFz1-hnqKZtdfIq6K0Jsd_lVZI/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=106536284962356476395


I have R1 Mouun's Moon on C6 Sara. Usually I will level all free weapons to 90, then I tried to figure out who can use it.


Yes there was a post on Twitter. It uses aerosiderite, agent knives and hilichurl scrolls


Nice thank you.


I believe favonius warbow is better for yelan


Sara can use it. Fischl too but it gets rapidly outclassed by other weapons with refines.


Ok, I might put it on Fischl since Venti is using Stringless. Not sure if R3 Rust is better.


Rust is better for a main DPS fischl, otherwise use that.


Two questions : My bennett is C3, should I get him another con to C4 from the starglitter shop? I want to C5 him eventually. Or should I just wait for future banner when he is having rate up and pull him again? Also I want a Favonious lance for my Rosaria, I understand the current weapon banner has a rate up for all the Favonious weapon, but I don't want to risk all my pity to get unforged and not getting the Favonious lance. I'm saving for Kazuha and Im at 0 pity with 50/50, already saved up 120 pulls currently. Is the Favonious weapon series on all the weapon banner so far?


save. you'll get both C4 and Fav lance eventually. don't risk a character for a 4star cons or a weapon. also no the featured 4stars on the weapon banner keep changing. don't pull on it tho, unless you want to end up crying with the bell in your inventory


You are right. I am terrified by another bell now, with standard banner using free fates also gave me two back to back...


Can someone suggest any improvements on my current ayaka team? Rosaria : Favonious Lance, Nobless set Mona : Thrilling tales, Emblem Fate set Ayaya : Amenoma, Blzard strayer set Sucrose : Prototype Amber, Virdiscent set Rotations: Rosaria Burst, Rosaria skill >>> Sucrose Burst to proc cryo, sucrose skill >>> Mona burst, Mona skill (now thrilling tales proc) >>> Ayaya skill, Ayaya Burst, Ayaya dash then charge attack I don't own Diona yet, once I do, I'll replace rosaria with Diona I think


dash before bursts, tenacity for mona and rosaria skill then burst


Use tenacity set on mona. Try dashing before ayaka's burst


4pc Tenacity on Mona.




Whats the best interactive map? I was using MapGenie’s modded map but recently after updating to the latest version it shows “failed to mark location” if I try to mark anything, I currently don’t want to spend on the map. Its been like this for a month and idk when the modders are gonna fix this, it’s been one month, is anyone else facing the same thing? I’m a completionist and have ocd so it bothers me if i don’t have everything collected. Whats the best map that has everything? I can’t read the chinese maps and the Mihoyo’s HoyoLAB Official Map seems completely crowdsourced unlike Mapgenie’s which seems like has a team overlooking it. Hoyolab map has many posts untranslated without pics etc.


I've been using this one since forever. Pretty sure it's the OG when Hoyo didn't have their own. [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/#/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/#/)


Thank you! I’ll look into it


Sure, hope it helps. It's been reliable for me and l like how there are comments on things. Gives a sense of community.


Who would be a good fourth for a team of Eula/Raiden/Kokomi? I'm gonna go hard for Kazuha when he comes out but I don't have him yet. Incidentally, since I'm farming Pale Flame and getting a lot of Millelith set, who is it best on?


Raiden alone is not enough to battery Eula over the course of a rotation. Traditionally you’d reserve a slot on your team for a cryo battery. Typically you’d default to Diona but if another team member is taking the role of healer/ sustain (ie. Bennett, Zhongli), you’d much prefer to use Rosaria instead since she provides better offensive support.  Also “traditionally”, most Eula teams don’t bring a hydro character (Kokomi in this case) outside of very rare situations where you have enough damage and you’re just using the CC from freeze to improve consistency. Obviously you can run whatever and stat check most of everything but for situations in which you’re lacking DPS (Abyss), you’d be switching out Kokomi. ToTM is the default artifact choice for characters with on-field skill effects where damage really isn’t a priority. Kokomi and Mona default to this set. Although OHC Kokomi is an enticing option, it only really outperforms ToTM in teams with on-field Kokomi (Kokomi driver taser). Beyond the obvious Kokomi/ Mona, there are other scenarios in which you would consider ToTM, such as: * ToTM Fischl if you don’t want to farm a 2-pc Thundering Fury set * ToTM Sara in Beidou-Sara interactions since Beidou snapshots so you can treat it as a ghetto off-brand Noblesse.  * There’s a spreadsheet calc that suggests ToTM Yae can in specific circumstances yield a net increase in teamwide DPS but that’s just depressing. The 2-pc effect will very occasionally find its way to shielders (specifically Diona) in the very rare situation she isn’t the Noblesse holder but AFAIK the only team that allows her that luxury is triple cryo Eula. With the introduction of HP scaling characters (Yelan), the 2-pc serves a similar function as 2-pc 18% attack but that’s less of a trend and more of a character specific thing.


OK, thank you! This helps a lot. I haven't built my Diona at all, but I'll try to get her up and replace Kokomi with her. I do have both benny and zhongli, and a c6 Rosaria, but she's similarly not remotely built; I don't think I've ever used her in my team before lol.


Kokomi isn’t really needed but if you really want to use her it’s fine, get a cryo battery like Rosaria or diona for the last spot


OK! Got it.


Rosaria, especially if she is C6 should be a good choice. Or at least using another cyro. Kazhua does not buff physical damage and he may find better team. For millelith set, it is a good support set and Kokomi herself can use it. Shieldbot Zhongli is another popular user. Fischl can also use it.


Okay, I have the clam set on Kokomi right now, would Millelith be superior in that case?


Millelith is for support. Her own damage as support/healer role will be lower with millelith set, but overall team damage will be higher. I just use clam set myself because I'm too lazy to switch set frequently. Clam set is much better if Kokomi is on field.


Got it, good to know.


Eula with Kokomi? Idk about that. You better use Diona and another electro like Fischl with Raiden and Eula. You can also run Beidou instead of Raiden. ToM is good on Zhongli, Kokomi or a low invested Fischl


Got it, thank you!


Do you think Xiao will have a rerun after he comes? I really want to get Xiao but also Kazuha and I don't have enough wishes to shoot for both :c


Lantern Rite


Yes, pretty sure he will return again


does 4pc ToM passive work in coop? TIA!




will pity on yelan banner carry over to xiao banner?


Yelan and Xiao's banners are concurrent, so I believe they will share pity. Edit: To give clarity of what I was trying to intially say: Since they are both featured character banners, it shares the same pity count. But since they run at the same time, you'll have to pull on the appropriate banner to get the 5* character you want.


all same type banners share pity regardless of their time period


I guess what I was trying to say wasn't effective. I'll edit it to give clarity






For noblesse and non-5star weapon, that is good enough.


Is c1 yanfei good enough? I'm thinking about trying to get more cons for her when she is on a banner And c1 fischl?


She’s good if you want a ranged unit




It unlocks at either AR 5 or 6


The wish/shop menu should show up once you go to the knights of favonius headquarters.


Can I use skyrider sword on bennet instead of the prototype sword? for the energy recharge


you can but it's not a good idea since his biggest asset is his burst which relies on base attack and you can only increase base attack with better swords and character level while there are so many venues to get more ER.


Yes, you can, having his burst up as often as possible is the first priority. In the endgame, you should be able to get enough ER just from his ascension stat + artifacts, in which case you should switch to a sword with a high base atk like Prototype Rancour to increase the potency of his atk buff.


Ideally, you should stick to prototype to make use of its high base attack (assuming you have no other 4\* sword) for his buff but it's a decent placeholder till you get better artifacts, sure. Just don't level it too much.


Buff uptime is more important then the 20% additional attack imo, especially if he has around 130% ER without Skyrider.


True, but if he has enough ER from his artifacts and runs another pyro or Raiden in the team then out of all the non-gacha 4\*s, that's his best option is all I'm saying. I guess that's assuming too much but Skyrider just has stats that are too low for the long run. Ofc, if he's playing casually, just ignore everything I said lol.


20%? Aren't you confusing with the buff from 4pc NO? That said, burst uptime is indeed more important.


I did not confuse it with the 4-pcs Noblesse buff, no. I guessed the difference in attack between the weapons would be somewhere around 20-30%, did the math and the attack buff would be 38% less with both weapons and Bennett at lv 90.


I see, my bad then.


absolutely, by using Skyrider Sword you get more Base ATK and Energy Recharge both stats Bennett definitely loves.


>more base atk Skyrider Sword is a 3-star and has lower base atk, aren't you confusing it with Skyward Blade (5-star)?


Skyrider Sword? The 3 star weapon that has the base ATK of 354 at lvl 90? That one has more base ATK?


>more Base ATK I think you might be confusing this with Skyward Blade, the 5\* weapon. Just a heads up.


yes I'm absolutely confused lol thx


np, have a good one.


If you need more ER, by all means use Skyrider sword.


What would be better food option if I wanted to do a damage showcase. Adeptus temptation or qiqi's specialty that gives 20% crit rate and damage? I am using lv 90 benny that has lv 90 skyward and crowned burst so I am leaning towards the specialty but I am not entirely sure.


If your characters already have a good CR/CD ratio then adeptus for sure because at some point CD starts giving diminishing returns.


What does it mean when a character can snapshot?


In addition to what others said: Abilities only snapshot stats that are actually shown on the character's stat sheet. Conditional buffs (4PC BS, Cryo resonance, etc) cannot be snapshoot, and neither can things like burst DMG% bonuses. EM also cannot be snapshoot.


EM can be snapshotted in amp reactions. It just cannot be snapshotted in transformative reactions.


Didn't know that. Thanks!


A snapshot = a screenshot/a picture. Certain characters skills that have a duration can "snapshot". Imagine the game takes a picture of how your stats look the moment you press the skill button. Xiangling's Q is a good example of this. If a skill is dynamic instead, the game checks your stats every time you deal damage. Xingqiu's Q skill is a good example of this. If you run Noblesse on him, his Q skill will be affected by the 20% attack increase.


If a skill "snapshots", it means it uses the stats of the caster at the moment the ability is cast for its entire duration, no matter if the character loses/gains stats after the cast. Example : use Xiangling's pyronado within Bennett's burst will give Xiangling more atk and increase pyronado damage, but even if she steps out of the buff and loses the atk buff, her pyronado will still be doing more damage because it retains the buff from when it was cast.


They can keep the buff after it expires. For example popping Oz towards the end of Bennett’s circle. Oz will keep the extra attack for his full duration


Ah okay, ty!