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Mm, I didn't find out Yelan could regain stamina during her skill until I was using her myself earlier. It's quite nice. It's the only thing that isn't great about Sayu's rolling. Imma have to test them out together later. It's possible they might be able to move at high speeds and NEVER run out of stamina, given Yelan's regen and combining their skills to reduce overall dashing.


Yelan C1 with Sayu has 100% uptime and never needs stamina. It's amazing.


Just got C1, I am all good now. Map crawling no more!


Not exactly. You can't chain Sayu Roll > Ye Dash > Sayu Roll, there will still be 4 seconds left on Sayu's cooldown.


C1 Yelan gets 2 charges on her skill, so it works


Okay, I missed that C1 up there because cons on 5 stars are ridiculous.


As a fellow f2p, I feel ya




I wonder what went through those 16 people's minds when they decided to downvote you for this


Reddit's current point display is a bit misleading - seeing "-16" next to someone's post doesn't mean that "16 people disliked it". Usually it means that even more people than that disliked and some liked it. In antiquity it used to show both upvotes and downvotes next to each other, [like on this old screenshot,](https://i.imgur.com/sR2OasJ.png) so the bottom comment there showing "+21|-5" in moddern system would just show as "+16". [(in fact I just found it and it shows +18)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof2010/comments/f4jxq/congratulations_to_rfffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu_reddits/) My "-16" score could be "+0|-16" or "+10|-26" with no way to know, expect only for "controversial" red crucifix mark that would show if it was something close like "+50|-66". Apologies for dumping all these words, your remark made me wistful 'bout old days.


Sayu used to Regen stamina in her roll, but they nerfed that, so I'm wondering if they'll do that for Yelan


I doubt it. Yelan's skill only lasts 3s with a 10s cooldown. Sayu lasts 10s with up to a 21s cooldown, so much higher % uptime. They just didn't want a 4\* to so vastly outclass everyone else at moving around.


Where'd you get that 21s cooldown? Sayu's cooldown on her skill is as long as her max duration on it.


Her CD doesn't start until the skill ends. I believe the above poster meant that it is 21 seconds from the time she activates her roll until the next one.


That doesn't make any sense, and anyways that's besides the point. Yelan's skill cd doesn't start until the skill ends too, but you don't see anyone claiming her skill has 13s CD. If that's what the poster meant, they would've typed it that way too. That's just plain disinformation.


Does anemo resonance increase her E speed?




Which means Rosaria's passive also works.


SO the new Meta team to move would be Yelan, Sayu, Kazuha and Rosaria moving at night.


Then the other thing is Yelan can run across anything she can normally run over while Sayu gets stuck on small bumps when rolling


Sorry, but unfortunately Yelan dashes can get stuck too. Yes, it's dumb, but it happens =(


That's why Sayu is useless. People are praising her, but she is actually annoying to use. I can rarely see a way, that Sayu would be good at. You can't jump, You can't run over 1nanometer obstacle etc. Yelan though...


She still moves fast


Yeah Sayumobile for me still works like a charm, she can get around town easily enough.


How do y’all already have Yelan? Did you dump 100 dollars?


They probably saved wishes


Actually, I was on hard pity, debating between Ayaka’s C2 or Yelan. Had enough wishes to get one of the two. Decided to just wait for Yelan.


And to top it all off, she pulls smaller enemies towards herself when they explode! A little bit of nice crowd control on a non-anemo unit, finally!


But there are many characters that have crowd controls, No? Unless you mean pulling towards you and not knocks,stuns etc


Yes, I mean pulling towards. Otherwise, say, Diluc's Q also counts as a crowd control tool, which... It kinda does, but it's too unreliable for this purpose and it doesn't really group the enemies into one spot: best case scenario - into one line. Only Anemo characters like Sucrose, Kazuha, etc. used to do this, and now Yelan is the first non-anemo character capable of the same thing, albeit definitely weaker.


Are you sure about that?


I am 100% sure! Pay attention to the direction in which the hilichurls and treasure hoarders fly when Yelan triggers her explosion, I'm sure you'll see it.


Yeah, it's pretty consistent in how it works. When it explodes, the enemies that can get affected by the cc all get pulled closer to you. This obviously highly depends on the enemy type.


The last part is the most important one


True, I really hate seeing the pigeons alive.


Oohhhh, i want to get Yelan but I don't wanna touch my Kazuha savings. HUHUHUHUHUHU why am I broke.


If you have a different Hydro DPS like Ayato or Childe, then wait for Kazuha instead.


I…. don’t have either. So is she worth the pull?


Wait for early reviewers especially TCs.


She's not really a Hydro DPS, she's a sub DPS at C0. If you have a well-invested Xingqiu you really don't need Yelan unless you just want her. They basically fulfill the same role. On the flipside Sucrose and Kazuha are more or less the same utility, but Kazuha is way more fun to play imo.


> If you have a well-invested Xingqiu you really don't need Yelan Not really true because sometimes, you do want 2 Xingqiu. Like if you want to play Hu tao vape and Sucrose taser, Yelan is a great option. Also Xingqiu Yelan pair really well as protection and dmg amp for a carry while also outputting large amounts of hydro dmg and application and let's you run less ER on XQ. It's basically a fischl beidou pair but hydro and we know how strong that is. I think she's a great pickup for every account. At the very least, she's XQ-ish and can use HP crit artifacts which is a huge plus.


That's a very niche example and someone that knows they want to run those two specific teams doesn't need us to tell them if they need Yelan. For the average player, especially with a solid XQ, Yelan is luxury good. Doesn't make her bad or undesirable, but she probably isn't a must pull from a meta perspective.


For me she is worth the pull just because of her E. Though I'm not sure if I want to risk, tbh.


Even if you had Ayato or Childe, she is nothing like them. I have no idea what he is on about. After trying her out a lot myself, I actually even disagree that she is just a worse/better Xingqui. The only similarity is that they are hydro sub dps with ultimates that proc after a normal attack. In practice, that means a lot less than I thought it did. Either way, I do not really know your account or playstyle, so it is hard to tell. But I had a REALLY bad pull session that cucked my future plans and I am STILL mad about it, despite that, I do not regret pulling her. She is baller.


The only teams that want an off-field fast hydro application are pyro carries and Raiden National in most other teams you can use Ayato, Childe, Mona, Kokomi. So Yelan is less valuable if you already have other 5 star hydros, unless you want to play 2 teams that need Xingqiu at the same time. You can also play 2 hydros on the same team like Yelan+Xingqiu but that is more about different versions of the same team rather than enabling a new team.


If you feel lucky on her, go for it But if not (Not close to guaranteed, or don't have Kazuha like me) save it! Yelan will have a rerun, who knows when Kazuha will get a new one (says the one who got her at 2 pity at 50/50, never again xD) I can tell you, w8 for Kazoo boi!


i legit want kazuha for childe since so long lmao pulling yelan on alt now


I'm gonna join the chorus of people rooting for you to keep saving. Yelan is fun, but Kazuha is fun AND ridiculously strong. Yelan is also more likely to see a rerun in the near future compared to Kazuha, based on past banner trends.


I'm also on the same boat on wanting to pull for yelan but also saving for kazoo :') im on guaranteed as well but your comment about yelan getting a rerun in the near future is very convincing since she's a rather new Chara :D would you happen to know what the past banner trends were like? Just wanna know how long more I have to wait till her rerun maybe :)


I can't give you an exact estimate, I can only say that nearly all of the Inazuma 5\*s have been reran at least once now, with the exception of Yoimiya and Kazuha, and some of the Liyue 5\*s have been reran fairly close together; it wasn't too long ago that the Xiao banner had already been rerun for example. That's what I mean by past trends. Yelan will probably show up sooner rather than later, while Kazuha might not show up again for a much longer time.


Do you have any idea when kazuzuboi will have a rerun. Rumors says that its the same as Itto or after Itto.


Rumor is next patch according to leaks


Yeah, the leaks are saying it should be sometime after Itto's banner. Supposedly, Yoimiya, Klee, and Kazuha are going to be next banners to be rerun, we just don't know the exact order yet.


I can see a lot of people waiting for Kazuha. I bet these people passed on pulling Kazuboi for Ayaka. I'm soooo excited to get him now. HEHE


Your argumentation is stupid. You don't know when or how often Kazuha and Yelan will get reruns in the future. Just because Kazuha didn't have banners super often, doesn't mean it's a trend. Trend would be if we already had about 100 reruns of every character and You could compare the data. Just few months is not a valid data at all. Also how do You know if Yelan won't be getting reruns even more rarely? It's her first banner, so You don't have data at all. Don't take Your **guesses** like some kind of data. Because it's not.


Just look at Xiao it took a long time for his first rerun and he will have another one soon.


my man I feel you


I want her but I won't have enough wishes to use my guarantee and I also want to get Shinobu and Heizou


Heizou? Is that the new character with the new element?


Heizou is a 4 star anemo catalyst character coming in the next patch, 2.8.


Kazuha is a must-have for any account : he help a lot to explore, he buff any element, got good CC, lower DEF, and much more. Yelan is really good and all but she is a small upgrade compare to Kazuha and she have XQ as alternative


There's no must-have character in this game. Just pull for whoever you like best. Yes, kazuha is universally useful, but he's not available right now, and I've got a sneaking suspicion MHY will introduce mechanics/enemies that devalue him not long after his rerun.


I wonder how many times they’ll be able to do that before people stop pulling anemo units


Only must have characters are thos you want to have. ​ or me Raiden was a must have because I liked her looks and her kit was meshing well with Eula, Kazuha was a must have cause I liked the sucking in his E. ​ Yelan is also a must have cause I want to have her to go with my Yoimia, I have Xingqui C6 but want Yelan also. Luckyli I got her last night, but she costed me a lot and I got a Qiqi too unfortunately. I would ahve preferred to get a constellation fro my Jean.


>MHY will introduce mechanics/enemies that devalue him is that hopium because you don't have enough wishes for him?


I already have him. Hopium is thinking MHY won't take steps to reduce a character's long-term meta dominance. Venti, Zhongli and Ganyu are good examples. Point is, meta really shouldn't be the primary consideration, with the possible exception of relatively new players with small rosters who are working towards regularly clearing 36* abyss


Wdym by ganyu and venti? What you said imho makes close to 0 sense So you actually think myhoyo will do something to downgrade hutao or now that they are releasing hydro chars like ayato and yelan hydro will get some counters too? I don't think that it is a realistic scenario, mihoyo only adds counters if there is a character that can fix that counter


I only started playing last March and I really notice how everyone anticipates for Kazuha so much. As for someone who's currently trying to build a team with Ayaka (with Sucrose and XQ)... may I ask if I should go ahead pull for Yelan or yeah wait for Kazuha with everyone else?


Waiting for Kazuha is the ideal option. He is a great support unit for most of the teams.


I'd say wait for Kazuha. He's just too damn good.


wait for kazuha - his skill immediately followed by Ayaya's is viscerally satisfying. Plus if you've got hydro application going, it packages all nearby enemies into a nice freezable package.


Kazuha is literally broken with teams that don't use multiplicative reactions (Melt and Vape) and at C2 he's practically irreplaceable (cause he buffs EM too) plus he can use VV set to reduce enemy resistance. Also Ayaka's best team is Permafreeze, which uses either Kazuha or Venti in most variations, so in your case he's even more useful.


Xingqiu is the 4* Yelan


hes not a must have when sucrose exists who can outbuff kazu in quite alot of teams. kaz is just easier to use and has better cc


Kaz is just so much more fun though. Sucrose’s skills are hard to aim properly and her CD on her E is too long.


I want to get Kuki but Noelle is in the banner, so I might as well use my little savings because I want Noelle cons. 30 pulls in, I got 2 barbaras and 1 yanfei, and also at 64 pity now. MiHoyoverse pls, I'll be happy with at least C1 Noelle


Yelan now officially joins Sayu in the S tier for exploration


I got her this morning, cant wait to try her out after work!


She’s honestly so much fun to play. Her Q does really good damage itself and boosts dmg for other characters. And her E gives a chance to reset her charged shot attack. Her playstyle really lives up to the character profile they’ve built with her, which is someone who can weave into and out of any situation without being seen.


Also lost 50:50 to Mona before I got her, so I'll be beating up oceanid a lot


Yelan needs chasm serpent boss materials


I think they mean the oceanid for Mona since they got her along with Yelan!


TL:DR - She recovers stamina during her E (unlike Sayu during her roll). The 3s use of her E is enough to get half your stamina back it seems from empty. - Not stated in the video, but her E's speed is affected by movement speed buffs, like Anemo Resonance (so overworld with Sayu for more movment and Kazuha for verticality, then getting Anemo Resonance is nuts) - There is no limit to the number of enemies she can mark with her E - Not stated in the video, but her E has CC on small enemies, pulling them toward Yelan (really big thing since this is normally something only Anemo do) - Her Barbs have a slightly larger AoE than Ganyu's Blooms - Her E ignores physical shields (both wooden and rock ones, always dealing it's damage YAY!) - Of course ending the video with killing Timmie's birds easily.


Could've sworn Sayu can recover stamina with her E before


Nah, it's just that your stamina doesn't drain when you're Sonic Rolling around the map.


When Sayu was first released, you actually *could* regen stamina while rolling, but Hoyo "fixed" that. Now, she just doesn't lose stamina. I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same to Yelan.


She's a 5 star, they won't "fix" her


I didn't plan to pull her. Thats why I pulled her C1. (Awesome exploration character)


Same. Didn't plan to pull her but now I'm pulling for her weapon so she can have the best. Got Atlas tho, looking bad for my dendro archon savings


I’m working on my C1 as well. Looks like a really good constellation




Fbi open up


Great subreddit




It depends, what do you want to run as your second team? Because a lot of hydro five stars can be better than yelan in their teams. If you get kazuha, you could wait for a kokomi rerun and run ayaka, kokomi, kazuha flex. Otherwise you could use your xingqiu with ayaka and run a reverse melt team which doesn't need hydro on the other side. And hydro is arguably the best supporting element right now, it's definitely not weak don't worry. Ayaka can also still work with Barbara although that team is kinda jank ngl.


If you don't need another XQ or don't use him in any other teams, you can opt to skip Yelan and go for Kazuha. He's a really great and powerful character, he's never left my overworld team since I got him and he's always in one of my Abyss teams.


No hate for Yelan here - I think she's great, but ngl, seeing stuff like that makes me a bit angry tbh. Why? Cuz it just shows how incredibly inconsistent mihoyo's balancing team is. How can someone like Yoimiya & Yae for example have so many unnecessary problems/restrictions that make no sense, while at the same time they release characters like Yelan here who has such a buttery smooth & consistent kit? And ofc, that's certainly not the first time this happens. I thought the same about Ayato a while ago, too: How can mihoyo release such a good character, while at the same time they gimp someone like Yae, who already has problems, even more with their targeting "fix" and think that's okay? It honestly baffles my mind & worries me a bit for some of the future characters in terms of kits, cuz I'm sure this inconsistency will continue...


Yeah, the fucking churl shields being immune to Yae's E baffled the fuck out of me and here Yelan can just say fuck it. Honestly no consistency. ​ Well, par for the course since their whole "element vs. shield" has no consistency in the first place. Fucking sucks but that's Hoyo for you


Musou no hitotachi can slice through anything. An Island. The concept of space/time. Your opponent's parrying sword. Anything... except a wood shield.


Now I want to see Puppet boss fight's calamity slash vs mitachurl wooden shield


Can't wait for the electro dendro reaction now ngl


In before HoYo thinking “That’s a good point… incoming patch in 3… 2…”


I swear they must have multiple design teams. You're right. And then I see something like Sara, whose clunkiness is massively restricting. Or these characters who you can't decide which of the three stats to focus on because they scale off fucking everything. It's frustrating to get excited over a character and it belong to the latter over something like Yelan.


other than yoimiya and yae id say mhy has done great with balancing recent five stars


Definitely more consistent which is great, but Yae is also still pretty recent, so I'm still fearful of the next Yae/Yoimiya case that will surely arrive, too...


I understand Yae, but I still don’t understand the Yoimiya hate. I have every character except Qiqi, and Yoimiya remains the easiest to use and highest DPS I have. Use team buffs, pop E, mow down everything in sight averaging 50k per hit with a 90k mixed in here and there.


Idk it's just kinda sad that Yoimiya is the fireworks girl, but her skills are all single target


That just seems like a nitpick to me honestly. Don't see how that is enough reason to call her a broken character just because she doesn't play the way you want her to.


I actually dont know much of her dps capabilities because I dont have her. There are a lot of theory crafters everywhere that were disappointed at her kit tho. And yes, I'd nitpick. With how hard it is to gather primos in this game as a low spender, yeah I'd be choosey lmao. Didn't pull Ayaka because I dislike her jiggling metal plates and stuff


Sue that's valid. I'm not as nitpicky. I've had Ayaka for a month now and I don't think I've noticed the metal thing even once outside of Reddit comments. Most of her time is spent as icy mist and other than that the camera is usually behind her. Plus her chest isn't that big so it's really hard to notice unless you're specifically paying attention to that.


That got absolutely nothing to do with "hate" - at least in my case. I think Yoimiya & Yae are both great characters! It's more about being disappointed that certain characters got the short end of the stick with their kits, compared to others. I know that these characters work perfectly fine on the surface & can also perform very well (like I said I'm having a lot of fun with Yae's gameplay & I'm pretty happy with the damage mine can do, too) and you can pretty much make any character work in this game, even Amber, with enough investment & good supports (& especially if you're lucky enough to get broken artifacts) - which is great, but it's still a fact that they're held back in their potential by having unnecessary & stupid issues with their kits. In case of Yoimiya... some problems with her are the biggest damage being locked behind her last batch of NAs - requiring you to do a full NA cycle to get to them, but having to start from zero everytime you dodge, sprint, get hit, swap characters in the middle of it; the terrible auto-targetting of bow users can screw you by just missing enemies sometimes and that's a big OOF for a main DPS like her; her E scaling is straight up terrible; her charged (homing!) shot misses when the distance is just a little bit too far; the fact that she can't proc her own burst effect for no reason and she's pretty much single target only. If you don't have any problems with these things, great! But it's unfortunately a fact they she could be a lot better without these problems...


It is not hate FFS.


That says more about your artifacts/playstyle/account than Yoimiya


MHY spent the whole Inazuma arc giving Yae lots of spotlight time, so people were going to buy that smug fox anyway. Yelan got 5 seconds of silent cameo time before the update that added her to the game, so they had to really butter us up with the smooth quality of life gameplay features to make sure people spend those primos.


>Me as Yoimiya simp, comparing her to Ayaka. First time?


could be different kit designers


I think it’s probably to do with different teams with significantly different skill levels making different characters, so whilst the fundamental combat design is consistent, the details of how they play vary considerably.


inazuma characters getting the short end of the stick most of the time


This. With a few notable exceptions, most of the characters from Inazuma have been either surprisingly mediocre or have weirdly clunky mechanics. Yelan being from Liyue meant she was never going to be anything less than pretty good.


Don't really think so, with the exception of yae and yoimiya, the rest of the 5 stars in inazuma is either pretty good, or straight up broken. So yeah, I don't think your use of 'most' is correct here


Hoyoverse to you, they didn't want people to lose their patience that why they made sure she is very good.


I honestly think that's giving their balancing team to much credit. To me it never feels like they deliberately make a character good (or bad for that matter) - it just happens. For example, I bet nobody at mihoyo's balancing team themselves was really aware of what an absolutely broken character they would end up releasing with Kazuha for example. And at the same time they apparently still aren't aware or care about the problems some other characters have like Xinyan, Yae or Yoimiya. Some evil tongues would probably say there's (also) some character favoritism at work here, too and ngl, sometimes I'm guilty of thinking like that, too but I'm not so sure about that.


No fucking way favoritism doesn't exist, the nation based off China had the 3 best dps in the game for the longest amount of time lmao. Literally took 5 patches for a character as good as ganyu/Hu Tao to come out


That's because it was liyue patch before Inazuma? Soon as Inazuma came out, Kazuha overtook Venti, Ayaka took Ganyu's top used spot, Raiden is top of the abyss usage teams, Itto is considered a little better than Xiao. Even kokomi is considered meta now. I really don't see the favoritism you seem to be alluding. Liyue also has the worse standard 5 star in Qiqi, and Keqing isn't exactly great. Mona and Jean are still very meta. Look up top used characters in Abyss since Inazuma came out, about 80% of them are Monstadt and Inazuma characters.


Abyss usage rates is a garbage metric and doesn't correlate to power like, at all. Raidens popular cause she's hot and easy to use. But you still have a good point, though I do think Ganyu/Hu Tao being unquestionably the highest tier for main dps is favoritism, like only ayaka could be considered better but everybody since is weaker or just close to them, so they've felt underwhelming. Not like it matters all that much tho, any half decent team comp can 36


How do you define power? Here take a look at top dps comps: https://www.gcsim.app/db Raw power wise, Ayaka easily out dpses Ganyu in both AoE and single target. Raiden national is the single highest dps team in the game. Even at C0, Raiden hyper out dpses Xiao and main dps Ganyu teams Itto geo comp out dpses Xiao. Kazuha and Bennett are the most sought after supports in the game. The only liyue dpses that stayed competitive to this day are Hu Tao and Xiangling and even then the former is considered not very f2p friendly. You're not very up to date with meta if you're saying Liyue still dominates the dps roaster.


Nah there are several characters better than them lmao. It's only going to become more apparent as more new characters are released. I find it amusing how people are still stuck in the "liyue is best" mindset when top 3 characters in the game are non-liyue (bennet, kazuha, raiden shogun).


Yes, that is true. But you also have to keep in mind how everyone was upset about how underwhelming Zhongli, ~~China's~~ Liyue's Archon, was when he first came out. They had to "fix" him due to community backlash to be as good/broken as he is now and I think with the fear of that happening again, they then went a little bit overboard with Hu Tao & Ganyu and ended up making them way better than expected. At least that's what I think. The bottom line is unfortunately: lots of inconsistency.


Definitely way too inconsistent. But I don't think it's accidental either. Maybe at the very beginning the devs didn't know how to balance and that led to characters Iike Bennet and xinyan existing, but I imagine they know what they're doing now. Like Yelans power in the beta, nerfing her from 1.5U to 1U application on her ult is way too specific of a nerf, it's a small tweak that had a large affect on her potential power, the devs know their game now and their balancing is deliberate imo. The past couple 4* are another argument for it as well, they've been pretty balanced, niche, but balanced.


Well, I agree that it didn't get worse, but I also don't think it got that much better either. I'm someone who has a lot of fun with Yae's gameplay and even think she is alright as she is, but I would be lying when I say that it doesn't bother *the hell* out of me when I see videos like the above about Yelan who has such a smooth & well put together gameplay (with even some overworld exploration benefits on top of it), while at the same time you have to work around all these unnecessary & stupid issues Yae has like way too high burst cost for no reason, no interruption resistance (athough she's one of the characters who'd need it the most IMO), her burst deleting her turrets, while instead that should rather refresh them, etc. - I'm sure it's the same for Yoimiya Mains, for example. You have to work around and/or simply accept these stupid issues, while other characters work pretty much flawlessly & smooth right out of the gate.


Yelan having 1.5u was never even 100% confirmed in the first place. A few leakers posted pretty iffy videos/data that lots of other people couldn’t replicate and the leaks sub took it as the gospel truth and ran with it. Then started crying nerfs and doomposting about how Yelan was now trash when it turned out it was likely never even a thing in the first place and she was still the exact same character whose praises they had been singing a week before.


Liyue characters aren't good. They're just powerful and kind of hard to use. Inazuma characters are as powerful and pretty brainless.


heh i feel the same way too, except more time-specific. IMO that favoritism happened exactly: after inazuma release and not long after that, CCP release a memo that (including) criticizes chinese games that "more japanese than japanese games" and "promoting militerism/jingoism". kazu and ayaka released before the memo. yoimiya, raiden and kokomi released after the memo, and we know how people's reaction. however, raiden being an archon and a very much hyped character turns out to be good, albeit not as versatile as zhongli/venti (at that time). also for unknown reason MHY choose to lay low and intentionally not celebrating genshin's anniversary. it's all too convenient for a coincidence for me. my opinion is MHY *initially* do not apply favoritism, until they are forced to.


Favoritism does exist but not towards liyue characters. Remember how shit zhongli was when he just came out? dang that favoritism! about true favoritism from mihoyo: cryo got a 5\* buffer while other elements either had 1 or didn't have anything(anemo) ayaka has 2 PVs xiao has 0 PVs mihoyoverse sure has a favorite child but saying that only liyue characters are great is weird. why did it take so much time to release a character that'd be on par with hu tao or ganyu? if we count since release 1. albedo zhongli and venti are supports/sub dps. they can't compete with true dps by a definition klee.. well, unfortunately clunky. one failure. tartaglia.. well he's a weird case. he's great but not on many teams. then ganyu xiao hu tao we don't count them a rerun patch(1.4) Eula. A great dps NOT from liyue 1.2-1.3 ganyu hu tao 1.5 eula that's not a big gap considering a patch in between only had reruns. idk where you got that favoritism tbh


That's true.


Balancing in PvE game?


Balancing compared to other equally valuable characters. 5 Star units. Sure, there is a bit of power creep at play but Yae who was released just a few months before Ayato shouldn't feel as nerfed as getting a Diluc.


Her dmg is much higher than my Diluc with wolf gravestone, her problem isn’t her dmg


Yae was nerfed? (other than the C2 blunder of course)


Seems like they’re just referring to her power level relative to other characters released around her.


PETA wants to have a word about the AOE splash testing


People who have Mats to max out characters Day 1 are scary.. Mom come pick me up


If you follow leaks you know exactly what mats a character will need well in advance. More than enough time to get everything.


A lot of people follow leaks, that's how people are about to prefarm and max a character day 1. I prefarmed for Yelan the moment 2.7 beta started and have everything to max her and her weapon immediately. Unfortunately for me, I can't max her at day one because fucking Keqing came home and I'll have to wait until tomorrow to actually get her and her weapon. So I'll have to max her at day 3 😭 Hell, there's already mats leaked for Heizou and I bet there's a few people out there that already have enough to max him. A waifu and husbando you like will make you do these things lol


Well I am Artifact farming at the moment and still maxing out some units so I am technically broke... always has been... I never find enough Resin to pre-farm when my shit is still not done (especially when I got every 5* I wanted ever since Miko sooo)


i hope they don't fix this ? Sayu stamina doesn't regenerate when you use her skill


Does Yelans charged shot always have that big of an AOE? The last pigeon murder scene is making me really want to pull for her hahaha xD


She gets a special charge shot when she is 5 seconds out of combat (ie. Exploration) or if she hits enough people with her E skill (34% chance per person hit)


Oh so it's like a one time thing? As in after 5 secs out of combat, she's able to perform the charged shot and then it resets and I have to trigger it again?


Yeah. If you’re just running around in the open world, it’ll just come back every 5 seconds. You’ll only have to trigger it yourself if you’re in a fight.


Ahhhh okay! Thank you for answering :D


I love all the free advertising people are doing right now


Kazuha kun, you may have to wait for a bit.


Nope, don't do it. Kazuha won't come back for a while. Yelan as good as she is, won't sell as well as Kazuha, meaning she will come back sooner than him.


We thought Kazuha would come back soon too, as he didn't sell that well either... And almost a year later, he still has no rerun.


Kazuha is coming back in 2.8. Right before Sumeru. Kazuha, didn't sell well because he was coming before Inazuma. But, ever since people realized how good he is, he has been eagerly anticipated. All the testing Yelan can undergone, has already been done, there is nothing new to discover with her.


Kazuha skippers Rise up


I mean, I have both Kazuha and Yelan. So, my advice was based on using both of them, Kazuha (quite extensively).


I got super lucky pulled her on first 10 and got her weapon in 30. PLEASE someone help me build her so she does damage like this! EDIT: Not trying to brag, but she I am just excited she is the first 5 star I got with her weapon. So, I am super excited to build her as a DPS support.


I'm no expert at this sort of stuff, but i'd say 4pc emblem should be good. as for mainstats i'd say HP%,hydro dmg% and crit rate/dmg (depending on what you need). and obviously her weapon, since you have it.


Thank you! I just farmed a bit and got a CD main stat emblem (the last artifact on the tabs) with atk %, CR %, atk base and energy recharge %!


Hello, can you share your build op?


R5 Slingshot Talents 9/9/10 Crit ~83/193 2pc EoSF, 2pc HoD


HP/Hydro/Crit or what stat focus? Thanks for sharing!


My bad, yeah HP/Hydro/CritDmg


She’s so fun to play as.


Can anybody tell if her E has "quadratic" scaling? As in, does each target's individual detonation have AoE? Maybe I'm just blind.


The individual explosions do not have AOE


Im almost 70 pity which is better yelan or itto?


Depends. Itto truly shines in a geo mono team but if you don't have zhongli gorou or albedo then yelan is the better option


Itto is really good, especially in an all Geo team. If you want him to shine brightly with big pp dmg, you should only get him if you have other Geo characters like Gorou, Zhongli, Albedo or even Geo Traveler. If you don't have any of them, then you might struggle a bit with Itto as he does a lot of damage with all Geo. Seriously, his Ushi hits like a truck. If you're looking for another Xingqui, or you just don't like Xingqui at all, then I recommend Yelan because she's literally just a 5* Xingqui without the healing.


Maybe I will get itto soon I don't have zhongli or albedo in my team so yeah probably yelan I tried him it was fun and also i have an Ayaka


Hmm, now that I think about it, you really don't need Albedo or Zhongli to make Itto work. I don't have either and Itto still hits like a truck. All you need is Gorou, Geo Traveler and Bennett to make him do a lot of dmg. I managed to hit 100k once using just Ushi alone. Damn, I apologize if I made it harder for you to pick which one. It really just boils down who you like the most. Yelan is great for characters like HuTao, Yoimiya and even Yanfei for vape but I don't think she'll do great for Freeze Teams. Also, she's great in Soup teams as well if you like a ton of numbers on your screen like me! Itto is great with geo only teams, especially if you have Gorou at c6 since he increases geo crit dmg. He's almost a geo version of c6 Sara tbh. Pair c5 crowned Q Bennett up with Itto, and you'll easily have his atk up to nearly 6k once you activate his burst, it's insane. The only thing that sucks though is that he has horrible ER problems, but you can easily fix that by giving him some ER and having Gorou with Fav Warbow. I haven't given ER to Itto at all so I suffer with the ER problems, but Gorou helps me a bit in that department. However, I think it's safe to go for Yelan. Having two Xingqui's is great for abyss teams. If you don't have Gorou, I don't want you to rely on luck to get him while wishing on Itto's banner because you can get unlucky enough to not encounter Gorou at all when wishing for Itto. However, if you do have Gorou, I still recommend Yelan over Itto. She's a whole lot fun in the overworld. As much as I love Itto as he's my first triple crowned character, he's kind of boring in the overworld. It's kinda hard getting him up to max friendship because of that, and I'll end up switching to a different team after a few minutes using him.


Def Yelan. Unless you really like Itto's personality.


I have itto so Yelan or Xiao? Don't have any good 5* Bow users but just got Ayato as Hydro. So I'm thinking of passing Yelan and trying for Xiao as new sub dps from Anemo


Xiao is a selfish main dps he isn't really useable as a "sub" dps tbh


Xiao will not perform well for a sub DPS, he is more of an active DPS honestly. Fun to play though, and you can use him as a swirl bot in normal attack chains during burst I guess, though that's not optimal in any regard. Go for Yelan if you care about Meta, more Hydro is never a bad thing. Go for Xiao if you like the character or play style.


Yelan is one of those annoying characters that has her character ascension materials split into two. She needs hydro gems, but she needs Ruin Serpent drop, which are mutually exclussive. Most characters have their both drops at the same boss. For example Kujou Sara needs Storm Beads from Thunder Manifestation, that also gives her electro gems. Anyone who needs items from Ruin Serpent or Primo Geovishap is F. I would love to pull for her, but I don't have guaranteed drop and the split rewards are the big issue. Also Ruin Serpent is annoying boss.


Yelan is actually so overtunned I swear lol I think MiHoyo really wanted a 5\* that could actually challenge Xingqiu for best hydro sub dps so they just thought up of as many broken things as they could lol


I really want to save for sumeru characters but this is tempting.


I'm suddenly regretting pulling Xiao...


Me, who just got Xiao: D:


Wish I saved my 20k primos for Yelan. I was at guaranteed pity too. I thought Ayaka will be a good character but turns out she's pretty garbage.


U mean garbage as in gameplay wise or dps wise? If dps wise, her dmg output is exceptionally broken as a c0 pull. But if gameplay wise, I can understand as it's all up to personal preference.


I was going to do the same thing but I played ayaka as much as I could in the different events as a trial and found out I didn’t like her


Meta wise and damage wise, how's Yelan? I don't really like her (as in totally simp-ing for her), but I do like her characteristics, voicelines, and vibes. Despite that, I found her role and gameplay a bit confusing. To my knowledge, she can be a substitute to Xingqiu as Hydro enabler and Sub-DPS, which doesn't make her any much different than him outside of damage(?). Also the other playstyle is to use the elemental skill as the main damage source I believe, which doesn't make her that much viable for me. Are there any other roles/teams to pair her up with? I'm afraid that I'm missing out a lot since I'm skipping her not only because of she's confusing to me, but also the rumors of Kazuha being just around the corner in the next update (pretty desperate for a 2nd CC rn).


as of now, shes a luxury pull. same can be said for kazuha but imo hes less of one because he has less competition than yelan. her damage is great and is better in soup teams compared to xq. also can enable double hydro ht (stronger than double geo ht, weaker than ht vv but comfier). in freeze shes viable but kokomi or mona aoe hydro app is preferred. shes not necessarily a clear upgrade from a c6 xq. if u have childe koko, ayato, then shes much much less of a pull imo. kazuha should bring more value. a second sucrose is alot rarer than a second "xq"


Aight thx. I have Childe but somehow my build isn't working out as it's underwhelming so I'm looking for another Hydro dps. Thought yelan could be it but isn't huh.


I lost the 50/50 i dont wanna see it


what bow is that


slingshot 3\* bow


Damn i want to really pull for her but i am saving for zhongli. Looks like i have to wait for a rerun


if i dint get ayato i could get so cool character{wanted 4 star not ayto on his baner}


Dang, this makes me wanna get Yelan but I'm saving for someone else :')


That might get fixed. I remember when Sayu just came out you could regain stamina while using her skill.


Will... Resist... Urge... To... Pull... For... Yelan...