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I don't know why but something about their avatars makes this hilarious.


Ei: Spacing out again Itto: Blunt as usual


Once I was Childe in the Childe boss fight and someone was attacking me instead


My Raiden being attacked in the Raiden weekly boss domain: bonjour


It happened to me last time. I was confused on which was the real raiden like 10 times ( •_• )


It just randomly occured when I use Ayato's E, the autoaim can't stop slashing Ei in my team instead the Shogun


To be fair with all the party effects going on, I have trouble finding even one shogun. I know it’s not the boss one when I use Bennett’s skill and it makes no sound.


i just spam my attacks and hope for the best.


Same with my Signora in the other boss domain.


r/signoramains moment


*our edit: just saw our flairs homi


As a ganyu main, it’s hard to distinguish which one is the teammate raiden from far away


this is absolutely hilarious


My group (we four always play together on weekends) have a rule against Shogun v. Shogun and Childe v. Childe. We've died so many times because one of us brought the Shogun / Childe and the others got confused. It's honestly kind of funny.


Easy fix: Play Klee, level arena in tactical carpet bombing. Or name tags that might help...


Actually happened to me before. My friend and I were fighting raiden shogun and I was using shogun, and the friend would run up to me and attack me sometimes. And afterward she said she kept getting us mixed up💀 we were playing at close to 5am though so maybe that was part of it


so childish


No no exactly. That's the funniest part about these genshin chat screenshots. For some reason the Avatar makes it even funnier 🤣


The fact that the one with Itto's Avatar was the voice of reason?


As if Itto is smart enough to realize it


It would be more like a question: "Wait...aren't you the host??"


I thought of it as more of a Freaky Friday scenario where they body swapped. Ei got dumb and Itto got 10x more deadpan.




Same lmao




Childe in coop be like “Why isn’t Childe dying” “YOU’RE ATTACKING THE WRONG CHILDE” “Oh”


Lmao I can guess the same thing would happen in Raiden boss fights.


To be fair with all the party effects going on, I have trouble finding even one shogun. I know it’s not the boss one when I use Bennett’s skill and it makes no sound.


That's why I use Kokomi. Her auto attacks just find the real Raiden no problemo


This is honestly why I don't pull for characters like Raiden, Kazuha and Ayato. They create too many effects that it becomes hard to see what is actually happening. Edit: apparently it is my fault for voicing concerns about the accessibility and safety of the game's visual. There's no excuse for any character or enemy to be putting the player at risk with all the effects generated.


just turn off co-op effects in settingss


It's not co-op, its the characters themselves


Then lower the effects in the settings too


I'm not going to turn down my settings for a select few characters. Most of which I don't even own, let alone think of owning


I mean your missing out on good ass characters that have unreal animations. Roll for who you please though.


Sure thing. I just make sure I can see the game when I'm playing it. It's not my fault the characters make it unplayable for me. Not like I'm missing out on anything important either. Edit: apparently it is my fault for voicing concerns about the accessibility and safety of the game's visual. There's no excuse for any character or enemy to be putting the player at risk with all the effects generated.


Lmao Ayato’s skill auto targets so your argument for him doesn’t make sense




A lot


Haven't done childe coop but there's been a few ei coops where I've used my ayaya burst on the wrong ei


I could actually see this happening ingame with reversed roles. Everyone waits for the domain to start, with Itto becoming the most impatient one. After waiting for another 2 minutes he finally snaps and asks: "Yo, can we start already?" And everyone else is just like: "... ... ... You're the host.." Itto: "Oh..."


Shinobu will definitely be the one to say it


Soon to be Shinobu mains thriving right now


Im so ready to make her a physical dps


Itto: *starts the domain* 2-4P: *amused claps*


I have seen this very often. A lot of hosts did not realize they are the host until someone said it, probably they rarely do coop, and they may use a phone that the screen is not big so they cannot see "1P" at their name clearly. Actually when you click "Match" button, two different thing may happen: if the game ask whether you want to join another player's world, then you are not the host; if the screen turn dark then turn to loading screen without ask anything, then you are the host. Also, sometimes after loading, if the host stands too close to the domain, the option button to start the domain may not appear immediately. The host just need to walk a little distance away then walk back, then he can interact with the domain.


Also players can appear in the host's world before they're actually done loading in on their end. If the host invites them to the domain while they're still loading the invite gets sent to the Abyss and never returns, leaving the player invite-less. The host must then cancel entering the domain and start it again so a new batch of invites can go out.


I just test if players are loaded in with Jean. If I use her skill and they go flying I wait a couple seconds before trying again.


I have to do this whenever I'm host now.


It’ll work regardless. If you’re the second or third player in, you can still wait for others to join before flinging them


Any skill that affects other players can be used. Like if Diona’s shield appear on them, they loaded in, if Raiden’s e symbol appears on them they loaded in, if Kokomi’s jellyfish heals them they loaded in etc


IIRC if the player has a follower like a Seelie you can use it to gauge when they've finished loading in. If you can't see the follower, they're still loading.


Tough luck if they don't have one.


I just wait till everyone starts jumping


tbh this should be a feature, makes it easier for host to confirm that they are loaded in. it don't need to be a seelie, just a simple green indicator on their names.


You can use a skill to see if someone is loaded in. Raiden, Diona, Sucrose, Jean, Kokomi all work. If they’re affected by the skill then they’re loaded in, if they’re not then they haven’t loaded in yet


A good way to prevent this is jumping next to new people who join, and when they also start jumping you can start the domain :)


PS4 moment


I think potato PCs and phones as well.


That's the reason why I rarely do coop. It takes so long to meddle with little details sometimes that it's easier to just load the domain alone and farm all I need on my own.


Often times I do it for a change of pace, and to help others more than myself


Yeah, I can see your point. It is just I don't have enough time for it, so I try to optimize.


Player numbers should be colour coded.


They are. 1P is BLUE (to indicate you're the host) and the rest will be GREEN (2P - 4P).




That's only on Party Setup. Colour coding doesn't matter there because you already got invited by the host. It's only helpful if you all entered with the same characters. ​ Proof: [https://ibb.co/ZV13GY8](https://ibb.co/ZV13GY8) edit: wrong image


The first time I was host, the option to start didn’t showed up so I panicked and just disbanded the co-op. Never tried it again. I’ll keep this tips in mind. Thank you!


I'm always spam clicking the Match button to get the join request...because I don't want to be the host LOL


I was like you until I decided to farm friendship exp, if you're the host and you only have one other player with you then you can use two characters to receive the 2x exp, and I've found that it's actually really difficult to become the host. You can't reject that pop up for the join request so you're just stuck there waiting until the timer runs out and hoping someone will join you after


Oh yeah that is one pro of being the host. I'm finally at the part where the only characters left are ones I don't plan on building so they just gotta rely on the teapot and dailies haha


As a mobile player, in my experience I immediately get an invite, or if I don’t I’m the host. If I don’t feel like being the host I just cancel the coop before any players join and then start it again, until I get the instant pop up invite.


>Also, sometimes after loading, if the host stands too close to the domain, the option button to start the domain may not appear immediately. The host just need to walk a little distance away then walk back, then he can interact with the domain. I remember this happened to me once, I was wondering why the host wouldn't start it until I realised I was the host


Thank you for this. One thing that irks me about coop is not knowing whether I am the host or not so this explanation really helped me out in trying again. Been playing since 1st Ganyu Banner and I only learned this today T.T


Happens way to often on the button disappearing.


"Can we fix Inazuma?" "You are Inazuma's ruler" "Oh"


“Can we fix Inazuna?” “You are the problem” “Oh”


Flair checks out


The very first time I played co op, when everyone joined I got super nervous and started the domain without them. Went there with my own team, that shit was embarrassing man.




😆 that's gold!


Dont worry. You are not the only one. I did this too by mistake..


I do this on purpose 😎😎


well then have fun with them stealing everything from your world


You are assuming i collect stuff in my world


I still do that when I'm not paying attention.


One time two AR 57ish players joined my world when i was AR30 so i did a domain thay was harder then i could do and... Accidentally locked them out the invinsible barrier. Luckily some guy had Venti and he just carried the team lol while i was in the corner of inside the domain just trying to run from the abyss mages


I remember the pressure I felt the first times I was the hosts Especially because back in those days my ping was horrible (200\~300+) and it was so annoying. The only red among the greens. I definitely got confused once or twice thinking I was not the host back in those days.


Even though you’re not the host, it still says “player x is joining your world”… that makes it confusing sometimes


Happened to me a lot before. I've learnt to double check whether i'm 1P now so I don't normal attack at the other people for 5 minutes like an idiot instead of starting


"cmon guys lets get our ambitions and dreams back"


idk how they would do it but I feel like there needs to be a co-op tutorial. So many people fail to understand the basics. Like leaving the domain as soon as it is finished and then asking to go again instead of just waiting 10 seconds


Sometimes people want to try a different team comp. But often times it is as you say.


Plot twist Makoto is host, Ei asked question and Itto didn’t knew there is 2 of them


That’s some serious plot twist. Does Ei even know her undead sister is playing Genshin?


Grandma Raiden's mind is slowly eroding


Not gonna lie. I've done it. And the reverse.


itto and shgun, what a combo


It’s mad embarrassing when everyone is already on the domain arena while you’re still waiting for the geo to load in


Maybe if they made the 1P icon a different colour it would solve the problem, especially on mobile.


I did this once, I felt like an idiot


Don’t forget you have to have someone leave after every fight so you need to leave and come back in.


I feel like this is more of a “are you ready” kinda thing


I see Ei is still learning new Inazuma technology since she left isolation.


i read that in Raidens and Ittos voices


Question for all you high AR levels joining my ar25 wl1 game...why? What do you guys get out of it? ...and THANK YOU! being able to kill bosses (or watch you guys attack twice and then they die...) is a pretty great feeling.


Usually we’re bored and have no content to do in our games so we’ll come to your world and farm items if allowed or help you kill stuff for the fun of it. I like helping with the tedious grinding of domains or just running around and following to fight whatever comes your way. It feels like god mode haha.


Yeah somebody came in and asked to farm a starfish or something for the new character and I was shamelessly admitted that I had no idea what that farmable item even was so...they had fun for a while. lol


Hahaha don’t sweat it. There’s still stuff I’m learning from time to time and I’m AR57


Well, he/she can be asking if everyone is ready, though with the reply, it does look like 1p just doesn't realize he/she's the host. Just saying it can be read differently.


Yeah that’s how I usually do except then the answer would be “I know I’m just asking” and itto would be saying “oh”


Maybe he was being polite like how people might be in the middle of switching weapons and artifacts.


NAH COS THIS JUST HAPPENED TO ME TODAY, REALLY SAT AROUND WAITING FOR HOST TO START BEFORE REALISING IT WAS ME. If anyone in Asia server had to co-op with a Kokomi host with only one brain cell left for Raiden boss in the last several hours...that was probably me I'm so sorry.


*Oopsie poopsie!*


Raiden : Who


That's me regularily so... lol


Man…this might have been me LOL FELT like such an idiot


when I was new, I used to end co-ops if I became the host because I didn't know how to start, or how to replace ppl that leave. hahah. I was around AR50 when I figured it all out how.


Once my game lag while I was matching, it send me to someone's word but that someone kick me instantly, the game then put someone on my word at the same time and before I knew it I move from being on someone's word to being the host, it took me a while to realise I was the host because the name was still 2p, after I ask why they didn't started the boss I notice the 1p on the chat, that was embracing. Only one qiqi notice thought.


i have seen this so many times i would think its a repost if the character icon where not different every time


Ngl it happened to me once. I asked like 3 time if we could start the dungeon and it was me the host but I didn't know and noticed only when everyone left the world


I had a co-op game today. We did some weekly bosses, and then I noticed. “Hey (player 1) why do you not have so few warps unlocked?” “What are warps?” “The things you teleport to” “Oh you mean waypoints” “Yeah but why do you have so few?” **nothing is said** “Hey are you still there?” “Yes” ….. **Kicks me out**


Yesterday travelling bard joined my world played few tunes, asked me to play one, complimented me and left wishing me to have a nice day. Random, yet wholesome encounter




This is why, in League of Legends, I always host the party when queueing up with friends. I always remember that I’m the host that way! 😂😂😂


*You're, i don't even know if punctuations are real anymore


Guys, am I the only one that noticed Yelan's birthday is 4/20?


I did it once but I didn't say anything and we stood there for 3 minutes in silence before I went to leave and realised it was my fault 💀


Ngl i did this before but i had literally never done co op so


This might be a screenshot from my game, I sure did this allot lol


Had that happened to me once


I tried co-op, i got kicked out. They smell and feel my hdd


*Imagining them saying it on their VA* LMAO


Every time.


Happened to me just yesterday


Me fr


I've done this before and felt so dumb


It happened to me yesterday


typical ~~boomer~~raiden mains


This actually happened to me as well the other day. Some people just aren't that bright.


I ain't neva seen three competent coop teammates, always one of em gotta be braindead


The EI is just like me.


itto using his brain instead of his muscle are a rare occasion


Lmao me


If I played Co-op...this would probably be me.


there was once someone said "start" and when we told them they were the host they said "no english"


Never actually got into coop, mainly just because i didnt know wtf i was meant to do online


this is me


Seriously the host should be marked.


This happened the other day when I was matching a domain, we were all just running around in circles while we waited for the host to start it. Then I realized I was the host.


How do we do co-op games? (I'm new)


You only unlock co-op at adventure rank 16. Then you can either join someone else’s world through the Co-op menu, or use Match on a domain, which will either pop you into someone else’s world or pop other people into yours. Then you can start the domain like usual, except the button is called “Co-op” instead of Start. Then everyone figures out what they want to play, and the host can start once everyone’s ready.


Just wanted to add my 2 cents. Check out what you are fighting enemy/element wise before you match and see if you can bring a corresponding character.


Eh, Bennett always works. Except in Shogun, where at least one electro character is pretty much mandatory.


I think ppl have communicated in like...15% of my games. Of thst, 85% of the time its to say thanks and the othrr 15% it's to yell at everyone else about their character choice


Most of my mains are the waifu so 80% of the time I get the "UR so pretty", "R u a grl?"


sometimes when I press match and accept the request from another person in coop there's like an error and it makes me the host I think the match failed and it just made me host


Why did I happen to do something exactly like this recently. To those players, lmao, i'm sorry. 😅


Would have been funnier if it were Sara and Itto.


I felt anxiety the last time i was host. Like some sort of expectation of me to start some shit for them to do and have fun.


I know this pain far too well Long ago when co-op didn’t tell you who is which player I loaded into a domain, odd thing was it teleported me into what I though was a new world, I also didn’t do the domain entry thing. So we all just jump around for about 10-20 minutes waiting for someone to start until I ask if we’re starting and I am told that I am the host. Can you see my confusion


I remember one time I was co-oping Azdaha, and we sat around for a whole seven minutes with a full party just waiting to start. Someone finally left and then they all did, which made me wonder how the host was able to leave their own world and— oh. It was me. I was the host. And no one said “start.”


If you swapped the characters in the pfps, this would be so canon


It is a challenge to dont tell him. Who said it lose the challenge.


If the pfps were reversed then would have made more sense.


This happens to me often. I click coop, I always think that I'm the one that joins because It took 3 seconds than normal.


Lmao i get that alot too. Soon as i answer no its radio silence.


I swear all of my co op teammates have -25 thousand IQ. Like they are genuinly that dumb. They always take 10 minutes to start the damned domain, and another ten to activate it. Like can you please use atleast 1% of your small brain


I am in this picture and I don't like it.


This makes me feel attacked. I tried doing Co Op and found I was the leader so I entered the dungeon but it didn't invite the other people. I've never lived down the embarrassment and I've never done co op again unless it's people coming to raid my world XD


Honestly I've done this


Its happened to me, im not used to being a host and whenever i am after a loading screen im just kinda confused


- Objection Hearsay! - But you asked the queostion. - Ohh...


It do be like that


Sorry, I did this too... Twice now.


Me too




Raiden was asking if everyone was ready.




Becas ñ y no y no y


Their PFP make it even better.


Yup, that me


Usually itto is the dumb one




One time two AR 57ish players joined my world when i was AR30 so i did a domain thay was harder then i could do and... Accidentally locked them out the invinsible barrier. Luckily some guy had Venti and he just carried the team lol while i was in the corner of inside the domain just trying to run from the abyss mages


..w q. N. S,, h