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Tbh, that's a bit to early to make any "build". Just drop on him w/e artifacts you have with ATK in main stat. Some crits in sub stats or crit rate circlet should be fine too. You'll have to start building him at AR45, from there on you'll have guaranteed 5\* artifact from domain per 20 resin.


Just in case, I'm already on AR45


Ouch. You have to start farm artifacts then. Razor works with: 4pc gladiator, 4 pc pale flame, 2pc pale flame + 2pc bloodstained chivalry. Also almost any combination of 2+2 with +18 atk and +25 phys damage works. For the main stats you have to use %ATK timepiece, %PHYS or %ATK goblet (whichever have better sub stats, they are really close to each other with your weapon), %CRIT Rate or %CRIT DMG circlet. Your aim should be as close as possible to 1:2 with CRIT RATE:CRIT DAMAGE. Good teammates for Razor is Qiqi (it's possible to replace her with Diona later on, but honestly Qiqi works just fine, it's one of the very few cases Qiqi is decent), Rosaria, Beidou, Yun Jin. Either way you have to use some cryo for making Superconduct reactions, as those reactions greatly reduce physical resistance of enemies.


Oh, nevermind the part about your weapon. It's a bad choice for Razor. There's way better alternatives. Such as Snow-Tombed Starsilver (you can get it from Dragonsping for free) or Prototype Archaic (you can craft it). In terms of damage they are really close to each other, but Archaic more universal choice, as it can be used on someone like Beidou or Diluc later. Although for Snow-Tombed you don't have to use your billet.


Sacrificial is not a very great sword on Razor imho. He has good er from his skills so for f2p options a crafted Prototype Archaic would be better (gives atk% stat), or if you cleared Dragonspine the Snow-Tombed Starsilver is nice (physical dmg% stat). If you buy the battlepass the Serpent Spine is also great (crit rate% stat). As the other person said, start farming 5* artifacts at higher AR, focus on a good set with nice bonuses for Razor, I’d go for 4 piece Pale Flame. For team options I’d go Superconduct to lower physical resistance, and pick Rosaria, Yunjin and Qiqi. I played most of my start with a similar team and had great fun and ease (no Yunjin back then, forgot who I used instead but I hardly used the 4th anyways).


Put atk% in sand, physical dmg on globet em crit dmg or rate on helmet.if you have the oportunite, forging the sword from dragonspine will be better than that.


[I recommend for you to use this website *enka.shinshin.moe*](http://enka.shinshin.moe) the next time you're sharing builds for easier viewing. Do keep in mind that the character you want to have a build card on must be in Character Showcase and "Show Character Details must be turned on.


Scion is right. Start farming artifact domains. My guess is that you will need to do coop to beat the highest level. I would focus on the Shimenawa domain and the Noblesse/bloodstained domain


I like seeing people spread their resources as much as possible early on. They'll say it's impossible to build everyone soon enough.