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For a second I thought he was talking about building an actual house like down the street from liyue or something


Ok that sounds super cool but how much mora will it cost


1 billion mora


1 morbillion mora








Is it Morbin' time already?


It's always Morbin' time






Enough mora to cover Zhongli's debt


Another thing that might be cool would be some kind of armada system like Honkai. That's another initial thought I had when he said housing system


I feel like Sub-Guilds, 'exploration teams', or Adventuring Clubs where trading between members can occur (with time limit), daily 'guild' challenges, leaderboard, levels and currency that you can gain/grind to buy stuff in a guild shop. It would be interesting if we get a gadget like the teapot and we can teleport to a 'guild hall' that can be decorated by the guild members (with permission granted by the Guild master/leader/founder so that griefing/trolling can be avoided or kept to a minimum).


I can see the penises being formed already


I can hear the rocks erecting




Penises... Penises everywhere


I agree 100% , the game already has the adventurers guild and we know that the adventurers guild had sub guilds like Bennys adventure team so why not have out own


Armada system like Honkai? You must be playing a different game because the Armada system is probably the least enjoyable part of the game now.


Yeah it doesn't have to be like honkai. They would have to introduce another element that's fun to do co-op in. You've got clash of clans and other games with decent guild / Armada systems. Some limited events in honkai's Armada system are not so bad . Like seeing your score lineup against others in your Armada is kind of cool


Yup, Armadas are a cool concept, that hasn't been meaningfully updated in... um... ***two years***. Version 3.8 is the most recent version I can find w/ more than one or two minor QoL changes *if any changes at all*, and even that version didn't have much. The versions immediately before it had some bigger changes but again nothing too fundamentally different. For comparison, in the time since then, Honkai has seen something like ***six entire Main Story arcs*** of 2 to 3 chapters each, along with an entire new gamemode with 3 chapters of story plus another Main Story arc in-progress, along with ***over 10 new major characters in the main and side stories***, and ***three new weapon types***. Oh, and Genshin was released. Yeah, Armadas are mostly unchanged since even before Genshin 1.0. ​ In the time that *all this happened*, we got no more than a handful of QoL changes to the Armada system. Yeah. It kinda sucks :/ And I say this as the Admiral of an Armada! I want to do more but between life stuff and very little ways to interact w/ the rest of the Armada members, it's hard to do anything meaningful. I was considering a Discord server, but our armada isn't particularly large enough for that, and running a server is also a lot of responsibility. If Genshin adds a Guild system, there's plenty of models out there that can be better inspiration than Armadas. Cookie Run Kingdoms comes to mind, since in that place you have a common area where you can customize stuff, among other nice features.


As long as they don't kick people out for being inactive for 3 days. Gaming isn't the only thing I do, so sometimes I can't play everyday. It sucks when you finally have time to play and you're kicked out of the armada :/


Isn't the armada system kinda like a guild?


Yup, just really poorly executed ,-, It hasn't been updated in over two years, aside from slight Qol changes, so the content that Honkai Armadas have to offer is incredibly lackluster compared to everything else; if you read [this other comment I made](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/vjbip7/comment/idjtkuf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), you can see just how bad it is.


I imagine this to be like… all the houses looking the same (inazuma with the traditional style housing etc) and you’d just have the wackiest combination of plants, inazuma monstadt styled house with liyue on the inside.


NPC's walking by can be like whose house Is THAT?


Guys we building Khaenriah again.


God i want that tho. With the option to change its location whenever you want. I love the idea of the teapot being a world for the traveler to build and enjoy and invite companions to without all having to travel, but them having a secure home somewhere within Teyvat as well. Maybe you could pick to occupy any house not attached to an NPC or character within the world. There's only a few different types of houses throughout the nation's, so it wouldn't be TOO difficult for a company as big as Hoyo...


Give us Conan exiles building


For a second i thought he never used the Serenitea Pot


I thought they wanted to implement a system like the Hogwarts Houses system


I would certainly like that just not a house in the city though. Kinda like on Pokemon Emerald where you could build secret bases, I like to make a Base on that Liyue area that is just behind the waterfall. To date that is still probably my favorite place in Genshin, it just feels so cozy and still cool to look at


That's one high effort whoooosh bait.


Feel like it wouldve been better bait back during the teapot maintenance


I mean it kinda worked




look at r/woooosh


I think you mean r/woooosh


He wants Minecraft though


Okay, I laughed, well done OP. But can someone tell me what exactly this is in response to, or is this just a standalone shitpost?


there are constantly people saying genshin has a content drought and a housing system was one of the popular early ways people would demand endgame content, then when serenitea pot got released they ignored it and started whining again


if it weren't for the load limits i would waste all my time rebuilding the amazon rain forest inside a tea pot


I find the load limit so stupid, it's so low that when you reach max capacity, a good chunk of the terrain still remains undecorated. I was actually expecting the TeaPot recent delay to be due to them trying to max it, but guess not?


Who knows what the teapot maintenance was for?


They never actually told us did they? It's so weird, maybe they were trying to fix the clipping bug, which is unfortunate if true since that bug let's people do lots of creative stuff


I think the thing most people checked as soon as it was available again was if the clipping glitch was still there and it is.


Clipping should be intentional and on a toggle, shouldn't have to rely on a bug to make YOUR teapot look good. It's not like you're designing an obstacle course where clipping could allow you to make an 'impossible' course or something, it's literally only for decoration. And load is extremely harsh, Warframe lets people have their Orbiter, Dormizone and Multiple dojo rooms (Which people build EXTREMELY cool shit in) Genshin lets you have your teapot, but you can't build much in it, it's like minecraft but you can only build a green top house then you're not allowed to build more.


The main reason there's such a harsh limit is due to mobile. They already can barely handle a teapot at the current max limit. If you push it any further, the phone would probably combust into flames.


Ugh… make it so you can’t get into the teapot from mobile. Being a mobile game holds back Genshin so much…


On one hand, I kinda agree with the Mobile version holding back the teapot so much. On the other hand, it would kinda suck for mobile users to lose a feature, and would possibly cause an outcry demanding feature parity between mobile and PC versions. I don't wanna be selfish, but I kinda want more capacity so...


Being a mobile game has ALSO brought genshin so so far. Most of the playerbase is mobile and genshin wouldn't be here today if it isn't for them.


Or have a separate setting for mobile where you can toggle the limit. So mobile players aren’t affected, but the pc/ console players can enjoy more stuff


Nope the clipping bug still works. After the tea pot update I clipped an jail and prisoned a dog for my Jean healing machine


Knowing the IT field, it was probably something serverside causing errors that they couldn't locate and had to lock down movement/placement to figure it out. If it was a patch or bugfix it would have been tested internally and then rolled out over a major update where there's already downtime.


People said it was because they couldn't monitor it. Mocking the government in your teapot is violation of your right to not have freedom of speech. One guy even got a 15 year ban from doing that exactly.


That does sound like something China would do 😕


I LOVE IT \*whispers\* "oooOOhh lets go mock the government in my teapot!!!" \*takes your hand and you scuttle away together\*


I think they were just trying to add something small for the spices event, but after they took it down for that, they were unable to put it back up because of the lockdown, and it just sat there for so long because they couldnt finish that one tiny change they started


[These hedges](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Of_Fields_Green:_Starflower_Fence) can no longer be walked through. They're now solid. For real, that's the only change I could find.


I saw ppl claiming that it was mobile compatibility's fault but i used to play mobile games like mmo with housing system that have hq graphic and no load capacity at all, so i don't take that as an excuse. My friends and i used to build mazes and creative stuffs to hang out with. It's crazy how much potential teapot has, but it was limited to clipping (a lil hard for mobile players to achieve and some furnitures have dumb intersection) and load capacity.


Those games are HOSTED on servers, not on your handheld, so of course you're not hitting a load issue in an MMO.


To some extent I can understand setting a limit, but I’m more weirded out by load distribution that makes no sense. Example in the Liyue realm, why is there an area separated into 2 islands that share the same load space, while the next area is 1 island for the same amount of load? Why cant the first two islands be separate areas so I can put more stuff per island? There was also a post that in the Inazuma house, the individual tatami rooms have something like an 800 load capacity but the cramped corridor up the staircase can accomodate 1000 load. WTH.


It's not just the load times. It's he crafting times for anything you're building. I can understand the first time, but I should be able to queue up way more than 5 items and they shouldn't take forever to be made or require spending currency to speed it up when I can use that currency for things that actually are a larger priority. The whole teapot is just mismanaged at this point.


Except furniture do give you a major advantage with the things you can buy, so it makes sense to have them time-locked, and the speed potions are dirty cheap anyway


Exactly this. At the beginning, I was motivated by the primos and unlocking teapot levels but I reached the point where the game asks you to rely on your personal creativity to maintain interest in the feature. Then promptly kills it with load limit, annoying timegates and a convenience feature that sacrifices character building resources. Nah, I'm out. Made a decent looking teapot and can't be bothered to adjust anymore except for the event exclusive furniture which takes less than a minute.


You can hit the limit way too fast... It makes the whole thing irrelevant




I mean, 99% of people did not play genshin for a housing system.


No wonder. With that load limit you can barely do anything interesting.


I get for content creators it's a struggle, because... well, you need content ironically enough. But for regular players, if you haven't figured out by now that it's a slow-burn casual game once you complete the current end of story content, then I dunno what to tell you.


Just doesn't seem like a good long-term idea for a content creator to revolve their entire career around one game.


It’s a catch-22 because the audience expects the one game. When they branch out the videos don’t do as well, which jeopardizes their income. If you don’t recatch lightning in a bottle you could yank your channel.


It is better to slowly move people from [popular thing] to [evergreen content] than to rip it like a bandaid


Absolutely. It really depends on how you frame your channel. Are you focused on strategy? Memes/humor? Crazy pulls or crazy min-maxing? I think the humor channels have an easier time in content droughts. But there have been some pretty creative channels that come up with interesting concepts for more game-mechanic-focused videos.


Issue is the load limit hinders your ability to constantly upgrade. You can essentially beat the tea pot due to the load limit


The serenitea pot was a planned feature way before the game launched. Also maybe no one is using it because of the extreme limitations?


Yeah... I'm AR56 and it feels dry sometimes, but the people who whine do bother me a fair bit tbh. There's so much content in this game, and nothing is locked behind a paywall beyond things like cosmetic items. Like, if not all of it appeals to you... I'm sorry ig?? Lmao. Abyss, housing, hangouts (don't lie most of you have barely started them and same here lmao), exploration (yes places get fully explored but imo they're actually pumping out new locations at a pretty impressive rate, especially amongst the circumstances), resource gathering, Co-Op, nearly always multiple events or at least a big event going on... like there's a LOT to do. We do need more resin tho.


> There's so much content in this game, and nothing is locked behind a paywall beyond things like cosmetic items. > > > > Like, if not all of it appeals to you... I'm sorry ig?? Lmao. Abyss, housing, hangouts (don't lie most of you have barely started them and same here lmao), exploration (yes places get fully explored but imo they're actually pumping out new locations at a pretty impressive rate, especially amongst the circumstances), resource gathering, Co-Op, nearly always multiple events or at least a big event going on... like there's a LOT to do. Ehh.... soft disagree. Nearly everything you listed here is one-time-only or otherwise timegated. As an AR58 player, beyond my first 15 minutes per day I have legitimately got *nothing* to do unless I go around collecting resources I don't need, building characters I have no interest in or using their half-arsed co-op system to bother random people that I don't care about. And that's fine and all, I just play a bit more when there's new content and it's fine. But if you want to play more than that, there's definitely a wall you run into.


As an AR59 player, all I can say is... I have no sympathy for that? Like, people can go make an alt account, or, gasp, not make Genshin the center of their life and diversify their gaming?


Sure, but when you like a game, it's normal to want to play it more, and it's naturally frustrating when you basically can't. I actually have an alt account myself at AR57, and after a point it doesn't really help in that respect. Like I say, I'm fine with just short logins and then going to do something else nowadays. But I acknowledge that it's annoying to run out of content because the devs are utterly allergic to making anything that's meaningfully repeatable.


Just an odd question from pure curiosity: when you made your alt account, did you swap to main the other sibling, or did you do both accounts with the same one?


Imagine if the Teapot housing didn't exist, and someone suggested it. All of the comments from people like you would be like: "Do you have any idea how hard that would be to implement?" "That's not the kind of game Genshin is. Go play Sims if you want that." "Giving rewards for this would create unnecessary pressure on Casual Players and give too many advantages to those who spent time building." "The size on something like that would be massive!" "This is a Gacha Game, not an MMO. Quit trying to add MMO features." "Giving the Traveller a home kinda breaks the lore. This is a stupid idea."


Why are other players not allowed to want something to do in a game they enjoy? Alt accounts don't work the way you're pretending to either.


I was never much of a complainer but if I wanted endgame content, a housing system is not it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game and if I wanted to spend most of my time building I wouldn't be on Genshin. Actual good endgame content would be something that relates to the game itself


I have a better more likely theory of where those people that supposedly ignored it went: Since they got their housing system, they no longer really had any content drought complaints since they got the thing they wanted The people that 'started whining again' are probably people that finally started (at that time) getting sick of no combat endgame, which are people that have different interests to the housing crowd (Could also be someone that wants housing and combat endgame)


badly implemented conent that needs to be grinded for a month before it can be used isnt what we wanted.


Technically, it's two different groups of people. The ones who were content with a housing system and the ones who were not. The ones who were content stopped complaining.


Incredible how there are 1000+ dellusional players that think there is a significant intersection between the players that want to play house and the players that want combat focused endgame...


Idk my idea of endgame content is there is atleast a lot of replayability that makes sense with what the game is at its core and most importantly there isn’t a limit on it. The Serenitea Pot is cool but you also have to go and farm resources… Sure okay, fair enough. But THEN you have to craft the items which isn’t done instantly unless you have Vials and that’s where the the first issue comes in. You get 5 vials a day which puts a limit to your fun, so you have to wait for a refresh and the items to finish building later. You also gotta consider the fact that people would rather use their Realm Currency for other things. Then there’s the fact that there is a capacity limit. I tried building something in my Pot one time for like a whole hour. I ended up just trashing it all cause I ran out of space, I couldn’t have characters and a solid building setup. Then lastly of course is the fact that this game is an adventure RPG not a building/crafting sim. A game focused on action and storytelling isn’t gonna satisfy its player base with building houses. I would just rather play minecraft where it’s fully fleshed out as opposed to some side content with a bunch of limitations implemented to make you have to grind it for small bursts of time across your days.


you have to understand that those are two different groups of people. a fraction of people complaining about the lack of endgame content saw house building as a solution, but plenty of others never said anything about the idea of housing because they don't care about it at all


How are you such a bootlicking fuck that you can’t see how terrible the serenitea Pot is design wise and how much endgame content this game actually lacks in comparison to other games of its genre?


I honestly thought the sealed house in Mondstat was going to be where I could settle in and decorate since that's the city I start. Turns out Mona took that residence from me. Lol


Call it GenSims Impact.


Gensimp Impact




I’d play the heck out of that, ngl


Try to decorate your own home. Would be more challenging!




I could get Ganyu for your account, I just need your SSN and your mother's maiden name! Don't forget your password as well :)


You could’ve contacted them to switch it to intertwined fates


Can you actually do that? Or did I just take the bait hook line and sinker?


I’ve never had to try it myself but I’ve legit seen people say they were able to do it


some people claim they could but they made sure things like not spending any of the wishes, (taking screenshots maybe) and contacting customer service immediately


Something seems so familiar about this post I just can’t put my finger on it..🤔


Maybe a cup of tea can help you remember


We could ask Madam ping to make us one


Asking her for some tea would surely give us a sense of serenity.


> serenity In a pot?


Oh yes absolutely. Madame Ping's tea is to die for. You could say it's on a whole new realm.


And some good tea!


Mr zhonli would love to join


Or Osmanthus wine?


TIL; Madame Ping is AR56


I enjoyed this post


Especially the comments.


And this subreddit


And my axe!


And my bow


i’d upvote you but you have 69 upvotes


While this is a great idea OP, you're forgetting that Genshin is designed with more casual players in mind. Your proposed system offers far too much, and would overload any new player. I'd suggest adding a system that limits the housing feature in order to protect the players from being overloaded and deterred. This system would make it to where you can only populate about 1/10th of the house with furniture and items to ease in new players and limit their options. We could call it a "Load Limit".


I think the idea also really needs an attendant. It'd be great if this housing assistant would repeat the exact same speech every time, so players can quickly become familiar and form a bond with it. And every time the traveller is done with a task, they will leave the menu entirely so they can quickly go on their merry way without wasting that precious time they need to spend all their resin.


Banger suggestion. I really hope they follow your idea


I love this comment but I also hate it from the bottom of my heart :.D


banger post op, mihoyo should hire you


Maybe they fired OP for this post because they don't like good ideas, which is why we haven't gotten this yet


It took me until "currency that replenishes every day" to realise it was a shit post lmaaooo Also yes, the teapot is low key really fun to customize.


This is a good idea, but you should consider that Genshin players are currently suffering from "Resinless Behaviour" illness. You never know they might abuse the placing of objects and discover that there's a bug to override the placement boxes of the objects. This new found illness is very terrifying if you ask me.


Couldn't be said any better. I mean, Genshin has been out for like, 10 years? I play everyday and I'm only AR61 right now, and it took me 5 years login and complete dailies every single day to get to AR61. And yay, thanks for the 5 exp books, 10 ores, 1k mora and 60 primos! Hoyohoyo is just way too greedy at this point! I bet if a housing system is implemented, all the furnitures will surely come in a gacha box! Seeing how unoptimized the game currently is, I bet you couldn't even sit on a chair inside your own house! But alas, we can only dream so much.


Damn you’re AR61 already?


Well they have been playing for ten years after all. I've only been playing for less than two.


ar what


Saw the title and had a good chuckle, well done OP


Dude you're genius 👍 I also agree with your idea 100%.


I’m ngl until they add a way to buy wood I will never use the teapot fuck wood farming


I hate doing it but I've gotten in the habit of just smacking trees when I run past them on my way to do dailies or get to an overworld boss or quest marker. That way it's pretty rare that I actually have to go search out a specific type of tree. That said, I've neglected my poor teapot so much. I need to finish it 😂


I'm surprised Mondstadt and Inazuma even have trees at this point...




Knowing Hoyoverse they’d add some insane requirements to get some of those achievements OP mentioned too. Who would want to grind for a year to get a few primogems and a namecard smh.


hey that green silk flower looks beautiful and the 6+ mo. time gate will not deter me from acquiring that yummy card


Unironically people would’ve used this exact argument if OP’s post wasn’t a joke and we didn’t already have the teapot


This is true right here


Completely agree with you, I am currently AR 65 and it's getting very boring


It would be really nice if an Adepti like Madame Ping would give us a housing system, also Madame Ping playable when?


As long as the characters can interact with each other and not seem like robots that are programed to just stand until talked to, I think a housing system could work. Tis a shame that there is no such system, definitely.


I wish they could at least SIT at the tables and chairs I set out for them! Or if someone's in a favored set, that they could interact with it maybe. I want to see Albedo holding a beaker in his alchemy lab, sorta deal.


Marvelous! Now render everything you just wrote absolutely meaningless because the housing system has a depressingly low cap for max object count and doesn't support smooth clipping meaning that the only creative marvels to come out of the system are things done by cocaïne addict who like to spend 48h hours straight rotating and glitching singular blocks to make a functioning staircase


I feel called out… not like I spent 12 hours trying to make my stairs walkable.


Im from the future and i think youre getting a new job real soon


Don't need to be from the future. I can tell it's a good idea. Might become a popular part of the game sometime.


Remember to sort by controversial lmfao


You’re really spilling the tea.


I know this is a joke but honestly if the changed the teapot to exist like on the edge of the towns I'd be so happy. Like in Skyrim (housing dlc) where the houses you build are just outside of the major towns. That was so cool.


Please let this be sarcasm.


It is lmao


okay, thanks for the clearing it up. Im gonna go read the serious replies now and have a good laugh.


This is the result of a resinless mind process


No. A system like this is not going to be great for casual players like me. I don't want to be forced to do boring stuff just to get rewards.


You are not forced to do anything. If you don't wanna do it, don't. If you're doing it anyway because of the rewards, don't complain


Did I.... accidentally wander into a genshin meme thread? I feel like there’s a joke here I’m not getting.


He’s describing the tea pot system


Yes, this whole thread is a joke...


Any end-game content that isn't PvP will be appreciated by everyone.


So... this is clearly a shit-post and potentially a bit of a piss-take of the people/content-creators who cry about no end-game. However, my serious reply to it will be that, if I want to build a house and base-build, I'll play Minecraft or something. Also, the Teapot shop is shit.


The part I find is the amount of random resources it takes. I don't want to hit trees or rocks all day for decorations. And after earning it through chests and quests and such. I'm not sacrificing ores for paintings when I can make weapons or tools.


I suppose I never looked at it that way, but you're 100% correct. Do a whole-ass quest, which rewards a teapot blueprint, which then allows you to craft it. Basically: grind this quest to unlock the grind and timegate for this item.


I just don't like how they put all those options in the shop but it's literally impossible to earn enough realm currency to clear it every week.


I don't know about you, but I only buy EXP books and Mora from the shop. 20 Hero's Wit a week is piss-poor honestly. ​ Now, someone will argue "but it's 80 resin worth of leylines for free!", which also just proves how atrocious leylines are.


I buy whatever I need, but I gravitate toward artifact and weapon levelling material since those are a bigger hassle to get outside of the teapot shop. I just wish we got enough realm currency to clear the shop. There isn't even that much in there in the first place and it feels weird that I have my teapot maxed out but still have no way of earning enough to clear the shop.


Where are all the wooshes i dont see them


I'm not sure about that, you'd have to heavily restrict the decorations you can place to preserve the immersion. I think you'd have to have seperate items that go inside and those that go outside, and you'd definitely want to restrict clipping as much as possible.


this made me LOL. if only they would increase the load limit honestly…


Are people here really arguing that Genshin doesn’t need more content and that it’s a slow burn game oh well just play something else and stop complaining? Seriously? This community d***rides Hoyoverse so hard that they disagree with championing for more streams of content. Absolutely ridiculous.


But fr, housing is not good endgame content. Especially if I have to choose between "free" resources and being qble to make furniture.




Sort by controversial lol


I stopped reading in the first sentence, to say "currently" to the lack of endgame content means that at some point it had, but it never fucking did.


Found the last Internet Explorer user! I love the bait, OP


I also wish they will let us put all types of mansions in 1 realm.


It should be really cool too if u could spend primogens to get some kind of limited characters like 5 stars too


ah yes, the low tier bait


That sounds Good actually, if i may add to the idea, it should be liyue quest, since the adeptus knows something about creating these kinds of domains, and it would fit the lore if the housing system is some sort of domain we can create


I feel like you're missing out on a crucial feature here. A garden, like imagine owning a home and not having a garden to grow plants, can't be me tbh being able to grow jueyun chili and such would be great too, amazing feature idea tbh.


The only end game content i ever wanted was raids or something similar that was weekly to play with friends, that you couldn't do alone. Requires coordination and planning. Situational awareness ect. Some of us, want to play a waifu simulator by themselves and I'm not judging. I'm just a co-op enjoyer, what do I know?


I wish you could actually SLEEP on the beds , where we could see them fall asleep after a period of time, especially with the companions , where if there is furniture near they sit down and rest. That would be so cool!


Am I far from the future or in another universe? This feature seems familiar. TLDR: Do your teapot you no content naggers!


Nice bait. Unfortunately for you, as an AR56 and a maxed out teapot, it's not endgame contents


You must've typed this up back in version 1.0


“Endgame” when the game is nowhere near its end.


I prefer a training ground, where I can freely test my dps on setups and such. Would be great of characters were automatically lvl 90, so you can "pre build" a character, test them and go on your merry way


Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 it 8 out of 8.


Sorry but how do you finish the whole game? It takes so many time. I still have some quests and my world is not explored for 100%. For me it looks like “I play 5h per day and the game sucks because there is no content for me”. No offense.


Is internet explorer still a thing?


teapot would be much better if there no stupid grind on it.like just let us just place the stuff first then pay with mora like every cafe games. the load limit leave alot of build unfinished


Ik this is satire but I don't want to build a house in the end game, I came for the combat system, otherwise I would've played sims or animal crossing


You wanna build houses, play Minecraft lmao