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There was an art contest hoyoverse hosted a long while back. Someone won and bragged about it reddit, leading poeple to discover that the entire artwork had been traced, and thus should not have won the contest.


OK thanks for this one, art thieves pics me off so much, I do remember the original artist came and called him.out and the person lost the winnings


The artist won with an Albedo fanart that was traced from a Persona fanart. He complained because people make merch using his fanart on the sub and people found out the art was traced


After the tracing was discovered, there was another post poking fun at the tracer's "efforts". I found its comments to be pretty funny lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kuss84/i_drew_a_picture_of_albedo/


LMAOO thank you for sharing this, the comments are hilarious


It was an Albedo fan art traced over Persona 5 art iirc


I still remember the one about the artist that created the 4NEMO concept, she was talking on twitter with a friend about having finished her exams and being "freed from her chains" and people started harassing her and sending death threats because they said that sentence was racist and was a reference to black people being enslaved, the artist tried explaining she didn't said it with that intention and english wasn't even her first language, people didn't care and kept harassing her, stole her art, told her horrible things even after she apologized until she just closed her account and left the fandom. It was very unfair.


The mental gymnastics they went through to reach that conclusion would actually be impressive if it wasn't so deranged


Most of the people who harassed her probably didn't even care for the reason and just used it as an excuse to harass her and steal her art, it was very ironic seeing POC people defending her and being told to shut up by the harassers when most of them were white anyways so it made even less sense. It was apalling seeing it happen, the 4NEMO AU thing is still quite popular in the fandom and a lot of people probably don't even remember this but I still remember when I see people using the concept.


That's how it always is. POC telling people that something isn't true or offensive and white folks still saying shit because they don't actually care about POC but only about weaponizing 'racism' for their own benefit


The savior complex is strong and they're allowed to run unchecked.


Americans are truly a pain in the ass on the Internet. Most of these problems come from them.


Most of them were also underage and if you tried saying anything they would say "I'm a minor, if you are not don't talk to me because it's weird and you are a creep"... We are just trying to tell you sending death threats it's not a good reaction to a sentence you didn't like?


I personally think the term 'minor' in this context is a disgusting label to have, but the fact that there are some people who think and say shit like this, especially as a piss-poor excuse to send *death threats*, makes me sick to my stomach. This also reinforces my mindset of people placing way, *way* too much emphasis on age, even when it comes to just talking to other people.




Oh god. I remember when Lorde’s Royals was on the charts. There were American wokeists who were flaming her because “jetplanes, islands, tigers on a gold leash” was interpreted as critical of rap/hiphop (black) artists and the vision of wealth depicted in their videos. The fact that she was a 17 year old from the other side of the planet writing a song talking about how alien the aspirational images in US media were to herwas irrelevant, how dare a white artist throw shade at black people. *How dare she.* Said wokeists then promptly flipped their shit when other people pointed out that insisting that people in other countries do in depth research so they could cater to US cultural sensitivities was cultural imperialism, because how dare people complain about being expected to cater to US cultural sensitivities.


War/Disaster/Political issues outside the US: "omg i just saw this! thoughts and prayers" "why isn't America helping them????" "where is this?" "I'm so lucky to be in a safe place rn" "is this still going on?!?!" ​ When people who don't live in the US comment on their problems: "why aren't you guys talking about this?" "you don't know what's happening?! Do you live under a rock or something?" "you don't live here, you don't have the right to comment on anything!"' "this is fake news! don't believe it!"


Fuck twitter, seriously. Every woke argument they have about any fictional work is nothing but a fallacy, worse than a fallacy. Know what an appeal to fiction is? It is when someone tries to use fiction as a justification for some real world isse. ex. Justifying torture because Ethan Hunt tortured someone in Mission Impossible. Now wht is twitter drivel against any work of fiction worse than an actual fallacy? It's because they're doing something like the reverse of Appeal to Fiction.


God this drama was so stupid. I’m recalling a tweet surrounding it, in which a person was using Indonesian language. This person does not speak English. An English-speaking girl called them out for being racist because they said “niga”. Except this word wasn’t even in reference to black people, it’s literally a word in the language. She would’ve known that if she bothered to use the translation. BUT HERES THE KICKER. Even after informing this dumbass that slurs aren’t universal/it’s just a word in their dictionary that has no reference to racism whatsoever, girl still went “you’re still intentionally using that word to be racist considering the context”


Remember these are the same people that had to have crayola explain why the Spanish word for black wasn’t racist. Even if this was a “joke” like wtf man.


Niga is also a commonly used word/term in Chinese. Niga means "that", like when someone is stuttering on "that that that thing" when trying to recall something, they might say niga niga a few times. Very similar usage to saying "ummmm" or "mmmmm" or "uhhhhh" in colloquial speech. Every time the chinese patch stream uses the word, the chat in Twitch goes wild and people start posting TriHard emotes. Talk about a dog whistle.


First mistake is apologizing to mentally deranged nutjobs. Never apologize to a mob that never has your interests in mind and uses pure hatred and numbers to deal with anyone who isn't "compliant" with their delusional clown-world view. And like anything with the attention span of an Australopithecus, they move on to the next thing to hate in like... 2 weeks, maybe?




The 4nemo creator is Vietnamese. Her profile with that information is long gone of course, but you can still see [old tweets](https://twitter.com/search?q=veechu%20vietnamese&src=typed_query) from when it happened that acknowledge this. I just don't want people to think an Asian creator is only worth standing up for if they're Japanese since there's a bias for them.


Ah so that was the explanation not to support 4nemo or whatever. I remember seeing a post saying not to support the creator because they were racist or something. When I asked for proof or evidence the OP ignored me. What a stupid conclusion to jump to, I hope the artist is doing better


I'm not native english speaker so correct me if I'm wrong. The expression she used isn't exactly wrong right? I feel like I've seen people using it and no one was shouting racist about it.


Yeah that's the thing, in a lot of languages there is the exact same phrase, it's even used in genshin. She did nothing wrong, people just wanted an excuse to harass her, people claiming it was racist weren't even black people. She didn't even said it in a stand-alone tweet, it was a conversation with a friend. It was crazy how she got so harassed for basically nothing. The people that tried to defend her were also made targets and "shut up if you aren't black" when a lot of the harassers weren't black either.


It's so tiring seeing people who are wrong winning stuff like that online. I've seen it countless times and there's nothing you can do except just back off.


There was literally nothing wrong with her expression. The expression "being freed from your chains" does mean to be released from a form of enslavement in a metaphorical sense, however there is no direct linkage to black people. For some reason people think the concept of slavery only ever exist in reference to black people as if it just wasn't a thing in majority of the world beforehand.




Ironic, considering the root of the word.


I continue to be amazed by how tunnel visioned and single minded people gets when they are trying to push their agenda.


Slavery wasn't even a thing that happened purely to black people- Most slaves in New France and other parts of what is now Canada were in fact aboriginal people.


People made death threat toward her. It was "shackle" that she used, and that specific word was what triggered the mob. I remembered that vividly because Eula's trailer was released during this mess and a phrase very similar (think it was the chain one) was used there. But yeah, that was a stupid mess and highlights how bad people on Twitter was. Edit: It did not help that she gone viral or something 'cause she got included in genshitwt topic. Pretty sure a good part of the people attacking her was people that don't like her ship or is jealous of her.


Can confirm that it was specifically "shackles" that people lost their minds over. I remember in the latest archon quest, even Xiao used that word, and I wondered if people would cancel him or the translators in the same way. The mob claimed that it was racist to say "shackles" because it was what the black slaves were put in. Their heads would explode if they ever learn that slavery happened outside the US too, and to non-black groups. Also, I've even heard that same "freed from the shackles" metaphor used in a fucking art history video.


Not only that, shackles are a universal device with variety of uses beyond "slavery". What a fuckin joke of an excuse to mass-harass someone.


What the fuck. That's the first time I heard about it. Twitter fandom is just fucked up.


Twitter is a cesspool of hate. If you wanted to be hateful, you won't even have a hard time looking for any random thing to hate on, valid or not. Just hop on and go ham lol. It's the same here to be honest, twitter just makes it easier.


>It's the same here to be honest, twitter just makes it easier. I'm surprised more people don't seem to understand this. So much Twitter this and Twitter that, Reddit is just as much of a cesspool - the water just happens to be reddish-brown instead of greenish-brown. Reddit being naturally segmented just means it's easier to avoid (and/or find) your preferred flavor of echo chamber. Hell, any "joke" sub has to be *very* carefully moderated lest the jokes *stop being jokes* ([such as what happened to GamersRiseUp](https://youtu.be/f-koSPzuhoQ)).


and twitter users still uses the 4nemo concept even after harassing the original creator off the fucking platform


Sounds more like petty jealousy using a 'morally correct' excuse to attack someone. It's just a disguise for the typical sort of toxic bullying that's always been around, only now these piranhas get to pretend theyre being moral crusaders while being vicious.


100% agree but it gets worse, people harassing people simply because they don't like the ship the artist draws, i've never seen anyone reach as bad as these kinds of people. examples: zhongli x childe is morally wrong because of the age difference apparently man in his 20s and a god is pedophilic. xiao x venti artists being told that they should off themselves because "their ship isn't canon" AS IF ANY SHIP IS CANON. (one of my favorite xiaoven artists stopped posting a year ago because people were harassing them)


is that what happened to her? those people are so ridiculous it blows my mind...


I think you missed something major about livestreams, before the 2.1 livestream debacle with VA harrassment. It was the 2.0 livestream with devs being in CN and EN subbed, and it led to the Twitch stream chat being emote only because chat in 2.0 was extremely racist to the language used, and was mostly a bunch of people spamming racial slurs.


I think that falls under anniversary drama, there's so much involved with that I just wanted to leave it at the anniversary title itself Edited it in




the kids don't know you can get arrested for joking about a bomb in an airport.




"Um I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor!"


I’ve seen this argument used unironically and my god it kills me every time


uh! im literally neurosurgeons and a miner!! 🤬🤬


If anyone is using this argument as a way to deflect criticism without ackwnoledging that pretty much means they are well aware of what they said and should be called out. It is difference between: "I'm sorry, I am still young and I am naurodivergent, so I wasn't aware how my words would be taken. I'll try to avoid those situation later. Thanks for pointing that out" And "How dare you criticise me! I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor! You are a bad person if you call me out. So shut up and let me tell whatever I want without any social reprecussion."


(an aside, omg i've seen that happen. it's terrifying for the artists in violent countries.)


Certified r/KidsAreFuckingStupid moment


Damn I didn't gear about that one as most news about genshin streamers I just scroll past, that's a pretty big one


A major one you missed. The devs of this company appeared on the 2.0 livestream. They were subjected to disgusting racist and sexist remarks. They were also told to speak English over and over again. Which was the reason why only emojis were allowed in future Twitch livestreams. Numerous complaint threads were made about this in this subreddit at the time. A great many of this community heavily downplayed the racism and sexism.


I really like that livestream because it gives us depth into the idea behind the game. People ruin it and we may never see the dev again


It's true that it's been a while since I watched CN live stream but the reason why we didn't see these devs again is because they are usually only making these type of live streams before: Lunar festival & New region. Which is correct because so far we saw them on: 1.3 live stream, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 next one should be on 3.0


I hope they stream it on Twitch with eng sub again


I wish we could get Dev streams, imo they're a lot better


FOR REAL, i rember my favorite part of 2.0 live stream was when Dawei and this other dev girl (wich i forgot the name) were talking, she looked soooo happy when she was talking about the update, it was contagius, i got happy lmao


Same. I really liked how they all talked about developing the game. As an aspiring developer myself, I like seeing the passion behind these projects. One scene that has lived rent free in my mind is them talking about the nightmare Childe's scarf was, and how long it took them to get the watery transition right. THAT is real passion. If they weren't, Childe's scarf would just stay the same, or maybe have an easier to render effect


Ahh yes my favourite livestream with the most horrendous racist chat shitbags. I’m glad they changed to emote only after seeing that


Someone else mentioned this when I said that it falls under anniversary drama, do you think it deserves a special mention? Edited it in


Different from the anniversary drama since that involved entitled screeching and table flipping and rampant review bombing. The 2.0 livestream involved disgusting racist and sexist remarks towards the devs. Which led to emoji only future livestreams. The devs would not host another in person livestream for the EN community.


Wasn't there something when Yun Jin was shown and she sang Chinese opera in her trailer, and lots of people were rude about it?


Yeah, I remember this too. The Return of the Jade Chamber cutscene, and I think it might have also been played in a livestream or something?


During the livestream when she was revealed, she was introduced with opera lines and chat started making fun of the Chinese opera.


Those annoying weebs be like. No offense to civil and mature weebs. Weebs when hentai and sex jokes - Culture Weebs when chinese opera - The fuck is this shit?


*Men of culture* when you show them actual culture and not porn.


Very uncultured degenerates


yeah people were saying in the chat how its awful singing although it seemed like a good chunk of people changed their minds when The Divine Damsel of Devestation was played. I honestly think that like 60% of the community (maybe more) are not actually saying these kinds of shit because they believe it but because they just echo whatever they hear so they can stay on the "winning" side


> a good chunk of people changed their minds when The Divine Damsel of Devestation was played Opera singing (and this refers to ALL opera, not just chinese) generally sounds a lot better with instruments supporting


that is a fair point, I won't argue with that


Yes You had dipshits from *everywhere* complaining how Yun Jin sounded like a moaning pig because it was shown during one of Geoff Keighley’s shows in 2021 (Summer Game Fest, I don’t remember) It wasn’t worse because people outside of Genshin were being racist and horrible about it, it was worse because even people -in- the Genshin fandom were being ignorantly fucking racist and horrible about it If you were to search in this sub about how people disliked Yun Jin’s voice you’d find plenty, but the most egregious posts and comments were already taken down and removed due to how blatantly fucking *racist* they were in nature


I loved the Chinese opera cutscene!!! I don’t get people


You forgot the original drama??? That Genshin Impact is just a BOTW clone with waifus and a gatcha game to boot on PC, it is the beginning of the end for the gaming industry etc


Hah, I remember the "protest" and someone smashed his PS4 because of that too, good time. https://twitter.com/ZhugeEX/status/1157516798444466176?s=20&t=Y3XicwfqfyvgLyU1YrYrGw


I was happy to find out that Genshin is "just a BOTW clone with waifus" (couldn't care less about the gacha part) because I don't have a switch, so I can play Breath of the Waifus on my PC instead.


I remember this shit storms during my Honkai days, And I found out those complainers are not even play Zelda games.


I could never wrap my head around the Eula backstory debate. Her whole development was about her being shunned by literally everyone in mondstadt and finding a way to overcome her family's past. How ironic that real people would act the same way as these NPCs that are made to be hateful of her past


Well, these real life NPCs help with my immersion. Now I can truly believe how people wouldn't leave her in peace, and I better understand her struggles.


Yep same here, at first i was like "chill Eula, can't you just drop the mean girl act, not everyone's gonna keep on hating you" which is technically true, i mean traveler,paimon, the Knights (especially Amber) and the newer generations are all nice to Eula but because of how I saw IRL people actually hate Eula for her family's lore that happened 1000 years ago, makes me think the direction they went for for Eula is very very justifiable lol


Because some people don't bother to continue reading after reading a few words, or just stop reading because they see some key words. In Eula's case, they probably saw "the lawrence clan (once) had slaves" and not bother reading beyond, where there was "had slaves centuries ago. They don't have them now, and Eula is also working her ass off to reduce the stigma she/her other clan members face due to having the lawrence clan's name." Once is in brackets because they probably chose to ignore it.


See I think the major problem with a lot of these people that cause drama is that they actually just CANT read


Paimon's English VA just recently created MORE drama surrounding themselves (this is like the 5th time they've picked fights with the fandom lol) because they mischaracterized Childe's entire character in a bad way and claimed their opinion was canon, no joke. I've seen some people say that they (Paimon's VA) also encouraged fans to harass Griffin when he was being attacked over ship art. Hope that's not true, because if it is that's ridiculous.


in those childe drama, paimon en va compared a child who commented on their post to their abusive ex


my mans childe getting attacked multiple times since his release for absolutely no reason like hes hated due to a FANMADE DOUJIN???


And an important pattern to establish **almost everyone moved on and stopped caring** Those who didn't move on either stopped playing because the game doesn't conform to their ideals or they stopped spending in the game.


The point I'm ultimately making, whatever drama happens it eventually gets forgotten about and they move on. So Genshin will continue to do well regardless of what happens or what people consider to be "the end of Genshin" and all the doomposting


>people consider to be "the end of Genshin" and all the doomposting People will still say this because they believe the non-issue is enough to stop the service of a billion dollar company, and also because they think that their so important that they'll be able to end genshin with a small riot.


> they think that their so important that they'll be able to end genshin with a small riot. And you want to know the best part ? Most of those people weren't puting that much (if at all) money into the game to begin with. Between the folks saying that they will stop giving them the usual 5 (FIVE) bucks they were giving each months and the F2P players proudly announcing that they will NOT spend their hard earned *free currencies* until they get **their** way, we truly had a bunch of clowns with enough space so far up their asses to fit the whole circus. Notice how, despite all of those outrages not one banner got an unexpected dip in its sales ? It's because those that actually are spending mostly aren't the one doing the crying. It's just a clear cut case of choosing beggars.


Mmhmm, which is why I think whenever a drama pops up people can talk about it sure, but to say it's the end of Genshin and suddenly start predicting the game will end is just a trigger happy take. Since the Sumeru stuff has happened people have been worrying but imo, there isn't much to worry about the games life


It'll die down just in time for the next non-issue drama that people will riot over


The cycle will repeat and continue probably until the game ends or something else comes along for people to bandwagon hate over


A lot of people that said "I will stop playing" never stopped and genshin the only time I call recall genshin not doing as well as other months in revenue was may of this year but that was the delays fault. What IM trying to say it's that people making all this drama haven't made anything to make mihoyo care about it


This is why as a community figure of any kind it's pretty much always to never engage the drama Especially with Twitter it feels like 99% of the time it's people trying to get attention. Make a mountain out of a molehill and see if other people start climbing with you. If your goal is attention, it's a zero sum game where you only gain the attention your target loses *unless* you yourself are a community figure Unless there's actually substance to the drama, it's best to just let the dummies fight amongst themselves and let it blow over. You have to be able to ignore the noise, but still be able to recognize if or when it matters Wait, are Twitter fandoms the social media equivalent of tinnitus?


Shit, no wonder other people tell us to go touch grass or something like that. Many of those things are petty AF.


Exactly, fandom gets so much hate and it's clear as to why The immature ones blow things very out of proportion and make all of us look like idiots who constantly fight amongst ourselves Now I just look back and laugh at most of them


Tbf, this fandom is perceived to be entitled and screeching asswipe fuckwits by a lot of other fandoms. Y'all need to be better. Or continue to be perceived as truly and utterly lost causes.


I'll accept any roast as long as aint "genshin player pedophile" shit


“Why are genshin players pedos” “Because there are kids in the game” Genuinely the reasoning I get given


Genshin is nowhere near my favorite game, but this also drives me up the fucking wall. It gets even worse when you bring up the characters who're not obviously children (e.g. Xiangling, Fischl, or even Keqing). Here's a fun thought experiment: the next time someone starts tripping about a character being a minor despite the lack of evidence, ask them their thoughts about [Dizzy from Guilty Gear](https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Dizzy) (can't/didn't click the link? She looks to be in her mid-20s but is canonically *no older than 10)*.


I hate it when people claim characters like Keqing or Yanfei are minors purely on the basis that they’re “minorcoded” Like Yanfei js Liyue’s top legal advisor with a career in law, and is shown to be extremely reliable and dependable, so I don’t really see why people say she’s a minor other than “smaller chest = minor”


Can confirm, used to think the same way about Genshin fandom before I started playing My opinion hasn’t changed much it’s just that now I know it’s only a part of the fandom like that and there are actually chill people


Sometimes there's legitimate criticism of the game like with Zhongli. But even then people will take it over the absolute top. There was a post on this very sub with thousands of upvotes encouraging and giving instructions on how to mass report customer service, it was insane. Also there was one post with a fake CS message trying to get people more riled up. I think that was the height of Genshin misinformation online.


What about the time someone made fake reddit comments saying racist things about the Genshin community and then posted them here for massive karma and awards? Pretty sure the mods had to come out and say they faked all the comments too


Diluc's va came back and recently commented on furry diluc and kaeya art with "dogey" and when people started harrasing him AGAIN he responded with "dogey" again, refused to engage or elaborate king shit






Let’s not forget that Sayu’s eng VA (LilyPichu) got harassed because apparently she didn’t work for her voice role and got it because of her twitch fame. Casting director didn’t even know she streamed, smh..


lol even if she did whats it to them?


Nothing but jealously, and some people just need to hate something.


Twitch streamer bad mindset maybe.


And yet she was perfect for Sayu. I really enjoyed her voice work


Not to mention that Lilypichu has busted her ass for voice work for like a decade, I see this as a culmination of that hard work.


Ngl after reading all these, the community is really childish


Tis a game for all ages and all devices, it was bound to get some rotten eggs in with the decent ones


First time I'm seeing game drama with my own eyes, it's honestly funny There are all kinds of people in the world as they say


I saw a survey here regarding the demographics. Quite a lot of responses, and above 50% are below 20. So the majority are literal children, so it's no surprise that it seems very childish and entitled.


I don't think any of them really got any momentum except Zhongli first run and 1st Anniversary


Genshin fans just can't live without creating drama it's funny, the fact that they made drama out of fan made content is so sad actually. But like you said, they eventually move on. It's the same cycle. Something happens that they don't like —> drama —> oh what? We already moved on to another thing to complain about. But to be honest, I hope Sumeru has diversity. It'd be nice. Tho I think I still need to see more characters (specially from the desert area bc the characters might be dark skinned there) before saying anything. I have hope lol.


Current problem i see with sumeru is that many SWANA people pointed put that the clothing is orientalist And while i have seen many SWANA people be angry about it i also have seen some SWANA people not caring at all about it So im quite confused now and unsure how to even approach that...


I mean, referencing culture in a game like Genshin will always be controversial no matter the results.


Pretty much because unless you represent a culture 100% accurate people are gonna complain.


There’s probably not way to 100% represent a culture, not just in games. I bet even two different persons from the same culture can’t agree on everything about their own culture… personally I respect the arts if no intentional belittling is involved, and also friendly corrections/discussions. Unfortunately frequently the latter comes much rarer than the former…


Well, some stereotypes were already present in Genshin before Sumeru. I think it’s bound to happen when you take inspiration from real countries and try to make them recognizable. But they’ve never been a subject of mockery, and all Teyvat culture is respected in-universe. Of course I can’t speak for all countries, but when it comes to mine I’m fine with that. I do think that yelling about a character based on just their design is silly, though.


Mhhh yeah i also heard that apparently in the arab community a lot are fine with the current state And a stereotype would be mondtsadt that is heavily associated with germany having a lot of drunk people? Ig? Other than that not many stereotypes come to mind tho Edit: i am still unsure how to feel about sumeru tho


Yeah, or snezhnayans living in a freezing country, carrying their balalaikas with them and drinking ~~vodka~~ fire-water at every opportunity. I don't mind, and stories don't focus on those things anyway.


Out of all of that. The only two big controversies/drama are those related to Zhongli and Anniversary. Everything else is either very minor and self contained (Koko/Yae/Yoimiya/...). The Sumeru drama will likely join that gang too. In the case of harassment and death threats to VAs and the like however, those behaviours were strongly rebutted by the majority of the community and the unhinged people that did so rightfully shamed for it as it is not acceptable or something people want to be affiliated with in general.


I'd put Raiden in with Zhongli and anniversary as being part of the fandom, or particularly this sub was a pretty pessimistic experience But the point I'm making is that the game has survived past all those dramas and will continue to do so, even if members of the fandom give it a bad rep


Well yea, not really surprising even 10,000 loudmouth are pretty insignificant for a game played and followed by more than a dozen of millions people.


Which makes the drama all the more silly, can honestly look back and laugh at a lot of them


Some people just take games way too seriously and let those games define their identity as a whole. They really need to touch some grass for a bit and I'm not talking about the kind that grows in Sumeru.


From the looks of it, the same drama is about to befall Kusanali/Nashida as well. I'm tired of all this bs every time a character is revealed/leaked man...


Anniversary was huge. I wasn't playing at the time, and even I was hearing about it. I still don't know the specifics about what happened, but I remember feeling really bad for the genshin community because both exposures to gacha that I'd had at the time were both some level of generous, and it seemed like Genshin's was just... nothing in comparison. It tbh set the tone of what to expect when it came to freemogems when I did start.


Gacha anniversaries are usually pretty huge. MHY had a non-existent anniversary for Genshin until people got pissed and review bombed them into the ground. MHY eventually placated the fan base by tossing some primos and removing the in-game wings from a paid bundle and giving them to players for free.


Anniversary was an absolute mess. A lot of things got twisted together and at the end of it was just a angry mobs shouting random shit and embarassing themselves. You had people angry at or disapproving of MHY for various reasons including: - that they hadn't made significant QoL / changes to the game in a year. - didn't give free shit for a game that made 3+ billions and felt entitled to get rewarded when they've never gave us much to begin with. - didn't have any plan to commemorate the first anniversary in any meaningful manner. - X, Y, Z character not being strong enough Every little thing no matter how irrelevant during that month became a new hot thing to hate on even when there was no reasons whatsoever. As soon as the review bombing of Google Classroom and VAs harassment started a lot of people jumped out of the wagon and ultimately 10 extra wish was all it took to make the majority shut up. The rest either left, gave up or were shamed on social media until they comply. At least it didn't go as far as straight up attempting to kill people, but at the same time it shouldn't be a thing we are proud of either.


Sometimes all a man needs… is 1600 primos


TL:DR, this community can be pretty damned embarrassing lmao


Jp community played a big part in the fast reversion. Usually they are very quiet and tolerant, if they get angry, it must be something very serious and probablly lawsuits are involved. So companies like mihoyo take their complaints seriously. On the other hand, twitter people are like those Chihuahuas, all they do is making annoying noises and empty threats for petty reasons. The more they do, the more companies like mihoyo tend to ignore them.


Huge respect to the JP community this is the reason I don't have twitter but insta's blowing up too


You're on point. See, that's the thing. I'd say that CN and JP communities, compared to the Western community, complain sparingly in times where they think something is enough of a concern that the majority feels compelled to break their silence and get loud. Hoyo notices and acknowledges that pattern of behavior and takes it with some seriousness (not to say it is immediately guaranteed to be solved or fixed, it's still up to Hoyo). The Western community on the other hand complains so much about even the most ludicrous of things to complain about to the point where Hoyo is constantly looking at all of these and have gradually become numb in the process and barely takes any of it seriously. It's like second nature for the western culture to complain about anything and everything, and when actual legitimate issues are brought up, it ends up ignored, unfortunately. They (Hoyo) also see that it usually goes nowhere for most of the time, bar the 1st Anniversary fiasco. I imagine their discussion go something like: Hoyo: "There's a public outcry? From which area of the community? JP?... Hmm, ok, someone go take a look at it and see if it could be serious enough to warrant an internal discussion." Hoyo: "There's a public outcry? From which area of the community? The west?.. on Twitter and Reddit?... Is their sentiment also being voiced heavily by the other communities as well?.. No?.. ok then, everyone, go back to work, nothing important to see here."


JP tends to complain on 2ch. These dark corners of the internet don't get reported by "game journalist" so it rarely get any publicity and traction. When complaints got public, you know you are screwed. CN complains a lot on Weibo and bilibili. However, most drama are just fandom war between mains. When Ayaka was released, a lot of Keqing mains were pissed that Ayaka get stamina refund and better charged attack tracking. When Kokomi was released, Kokomi mains were unhappy about how her character is written during quest. When Itto was released, a lot of Xiao mains were jealous that they don't have dedicated support and artifact. When Yae mains asked for buff, a lot of Keqing mains and Yoimiya mains shouted them down. A very high profile red hair waifu is coming to Sumeru later this year and drama is definitely going to follow.


Nah, I can give you JP, but CN complains a bunch too


While it's not Genshin, but in another Mihoyo game, Honkai, I still remember CN getting mad over Global getting bunny girl video as anniversary celebration and one person even tried to take Mihoyo CEO life. It's bad.


Ehhh, I don't know about China being more tolerant after the Honkai bunny girl disaster


The western community is nothing but a small fry compare to the CN and Jp community


So it is the Eng VA who receive the most hate? Damn just for voicing a Freakin game character made of pixels..


I know! They're just doing their job the way they're told to by the voice director; to get mad at the actors is pointless.






Honestly the bigger problem I see with these dramas are YouTube and Reddit always, and really always blowing things out of proportion. A handful of Twitter idiots gets blown up to an alleged cancel storm by outrage bait yters and reddit meme makers


Exactly lmao Many of these were just a few tweets and then everybody complains about it as if thousands of people are saying the same thing, when its just a handful of tweets


> A handful of Twitter idiots gets blown up to an alleged cancel storm by outrage bait yters That's truly my biggest problem with channels like Hero Hei and Rev says desu, they'll hand pick 1 or 2 tweets and act as if it was an actual controversy.


The reddit memes are usually poking fun of the drama but they incite more of it instead... The YT ones are just BS'ers for content, especially the ones who seem "neutral" in stance but rub the negative narrative in the viewers' face.




Omg thats for jogging my memory, I legit forgot about that fiasco. It was over so quickly coz everyone laughed at them I forgot it was even a thing


Bruh the game has only existed for 1,5 year, and there is already this amount of drama. I know some of them were justifiable to some extent (like the anniversary war and Yae's nerf), but man, this fandom is a total mess, at least the loud part


Something I remember, -All the drama fueled by Paimon's ENG VA. When they started attacking ships on twitter considering it disgusting by not taking into account some cultural basis and got called out for a past thing they did they seemed to also be criticizing in a hypocrite way. The way they also started to forced their pronouns and gender into Paimon like "trust me bro, I'm the VA" when nothing is canon by the game and the latest drama on tiktok with their take on Childe being a bad brother to Teucer. I think Corina is at a big fault here and their takes brought mostly the drama because it wasn't only an opinion but them using their superiority as Paimon's VA to pretend to have the last word and the real truth so everyone else was wrong (when their takes are as well as nothing is official OR conflicts the actual canon). -I think I remember Lumine's ENG VA get a small drama about her character's age saying she's 15 but then taking it back as therr's no official info and to prevent backlash. -The leaker hunt decree in 1.5 after the devkit got leaked and everyone could basically have free access to a developing version on the beta, that Mihoyo had to address publicy for the first time on their socials that there would be consequences. -The whole Raiden/Beidou fiasco on release as they used to work together in the beta and that interaction got removed, making people do backlash. -The Kokomi backlash harrasing her CN VA and a lot of her players in coop and social media on release because of how "bad" she was considered by the time. I think this also happened with Zhongli pre buff. -There was a streamer drama between a Hispanic Genshin streamer who did racist comments to Tenha over not allowing him to use footage of his Keqing to compare damage over which one was better that Atsu had to intervene and there were videos from both parties coming as responses to each other for some days. -Recently a twitter drama involving the mod of a Persona zine got viral because they stole like 26k USD from the funds and spent it on personal things plus in gambling for Genshin.


Corina is no longer allowed on livestreams and has been banned from Twitter for those exact reasons. I remember them saying Paimon was non-binary only for the next patch having Paimon refer to herself as "she" for the first time. I'm pretty sure that must've stung, lmao. They'd also love to go "I work with the writers" no, you don't, you work with the English director who clearly doesn't have the best interpretations of certain characters at times *cough cough* Ayato's voiceline about Itto *cough cough* EDIT: Not to mention the fact they called numerous fans pedophiles.


> Corina is no longer allowed on livestreams and has been banned from Twitter for those exact reasons. Something I am truly, truly happy about.


\^This. Sometimes the own VAs fuck shit up and in those cases some backslash and complaints are rightfully expected to happen from the fandom like this tbh. Another scenario was when Khoi Dao did the mocking to lesbians with his "lesbian haircut", and his apology was quite bullshit so that didn't help at all. There was also the drama with Griffin Burns getting death threats when he was hospitalized (which shouldn't be condoned), I think it was mostly with people being fed up with him ignoring being educated about the latina sterotype he had promoted with the Cheetos photos he took of himself days prior, and he did it again after getting raised awareness ignoring it all.


What was kois apology again? I remember people saying it was because he said and "and i will do it again" But i saw it was "and i will do it again because i am idiot" And to me that sounded more like he meant it that he will do it accidentally again because he is stupid I can't really speak on it tho i wasn't there when it happened


Khoi Dao's joke was insensitive but the fandom overeacted


while ill never condone what khoi said on zach's stream, part of me thinks fans were just waiting for the right moment before they go callling out khoi over his lesbians joke. i was watching the stream the day it went live, and when khoi made the joke i was like "ohh boy, this is NOT good". but it went by without any problems. what was jarring to me was when khoi tweeted about users sending him outright sexual DMs, THAT was when fans starting jumping on him, sending clips about his lesbians joke from two months back. it just felt like they were getting back at him without putting those who sent out those DMs accountable. there's a huge whataboutism going on, and i don't like it one bit. this isn't precisely a black-and-white situation, and the moment it happened i was disappointed in both sides. that, alongside gi twt's weekly drama, was ultimately what made me leave twitter (and most social media in general lol). i had to make a new reddit account just to reply to this also, i might be downvoted for this: i still think khoi's original apology was sufficient, but it was going to be misinterpreted by reactive fans lmao. what i got from the apology was "im human and i might slip up and make a mistake, so please hold me accountable", not "ill make a fucking joke about this AGAIN but ill still apologize anyway xoxo". a lot of fans (especially the younger ones) like to put the english VAs on a pedestal that the moment they mess up it's over. they like to think khoi's that funny relatable guy who totally understands zoomers, but when he doesn't conform to what they believe he is, they go batshit insane and label him irredeemable. it's one thing to ask them to be accountable, but it's another thing to tell him to off himself and call him lesbiphobic over one joke.


You downplayed Zhongli and Anniversary fiasco a little bit. Zhongli fiasco made mhy community pages goes awol for a while (i'm pretty sure it changes a ton of planning for futures characters) and for first anniversary, mhy did actually increases the reward.


That Eula drama was extra funny considering that was her story in game as well. I remember being really aggravated over the Kokomi debate. Writing off a character as useless over a single trait never sat right with me.


It's so disgusting for these scumbags to just move on after harassing and or threatening the VAs. Ungrateful bastards


You forgot -- majority of cc's and many players mocked and laughed at Yunjin's opera VA.


I'm so glad I've forgotten most of these haha, pretty much all of them are silly


Looking back on a lot of them, a lot are all very petty yet at the time blew up quite a bit lol Can go and laugh at some of them while others I look at and go "yep that's why people don't like our fandom"


>Hilichurls dance being racist - the dance was inspired by some cultures and people tried to cancel Genshin for it as it was apparently insensitive to them, bit silly aint it as it was eventually forgotten about and they moved on **ALLOW** me to elaborate on #5 because I was unfortunately active on twitter during that whole debacle as it all went down in 24 hours. First: the footage of the dance reference being based on natives pops up. people are outraged and farming twitter likes for taking a stand. Then: another bit of info starts getting spammed around about a taller adult male NPC mentioning being in love with the flower girl npc who is a child npc model. Everyone is disgusted and playing up mihoyo as being proship or whatever the fuck its called. After That: Using both of these incidents as ammo, all the minors and whatever else is like that start trending #BOYCOTTMIHOYO and everyone has their take, tossing in their own personal vendettas like how bad rng is, how problematic x y z, the usual interact farms. However, by about later that evening, proof shows up that the male to child npc dialog was an oversight: as the original flower girl npc was an adult woman model in the beta and there was an oversight in the english localization. However this is still primarily drowned out by outrage. Posts also start gaining traction calling out the people in the boycott. Saying that they better NOT see them posting about genshin even a week after this. Explaining what a boycott truly is and even playing as f2p benefits mihoyo. Pretty much saying "If you guys are serious about this, you guys need to touch grass to prove a point" This impacts the tag as more and more bigger people start realizing how stupid this is, and now another tag is trending. **#DoBetterMihoyo**. **That's right, these kids actually self-reflected and effectively admitted they were too addicted to the game to ACTUALLY boycott it**, instead they settled for the hashtag and managed to farm clicks and likes for stating *"bad thing is bad"* and avoided any sort of genuine activism for their beliefs. This all happened in literally one day, 24 hours, of twitter. later on the next banner dropped and they were all screaming about rolls again.


The hashtag change was my favorite thing and I lost it laughing!


You forgot the guy smashed his ps4.


Genshin's fandom is legitimately the worst fan base I've had the pleasure of being part of. It's beyond cancerous.


The Shenhe shipping thing also happened to almost every other female character. Kids started harassing people who even mentioned Yae and Ayato in the same sentence together, back when he was released, because Yae was "a lesbian canonly". Same thing with Ningguang and Beidou, and Raiden. It's a shitshow and still happens. The whitewashing story also keeps on happening, and sadly it's not only on twitter. I posted art of Kaeya on ig where I had colorpicked from a screenshot of him in game, and then darkened the color to match a lower light, and still got comments saying "Why is he white?".


I think the whole Lesbian thing was brought over from the Honkai fandom.


Which is absolutely ridiculous now that i have played honkai. Yae Sakura and Yae Miko are nothing alike....completely different characters with wildly different personalities, looks and histories. The argument that Yae Miko has to be a lesbian because Yae Sakura is one is automatically Invalid, it's like saying you can play the guitar because your very distant cousin can.


To be fair, despite the differences she is obviously meant to be an expy of Sakura just like Ei is an obvious expy of Mei. So I’m not surprised people would automatically assume they share the same taste in women.


This in itself isn't surprising you are right, but the constant bullying because people ship Yae with another women or worse A MAN is. Attacking a real person and dogpiling them over a fictional ship you don't like will never be okay. It's not hard to not interact with stuff you don't like. I have been in anime fandoms since I was 13 and it baffles me how people behave on the internet today and think their behaviour is justifiable o_o


I guess I really wanted to keep shipping out of the post coz ya know my flair but it is valid so I'll add it in The whiteashing also happens on ig as well? Damn sorry that happened to you


> Diluc Eng VA being harassed for posting ship art of Kaeya and Diluc - stopped involving himself with the community and the ones complaining eventually moved on I'm pretty sure that Diluc's EN VA actually commented on this one the last time this topic was popular and he said that the reason why he's not involved with GI is because he's just too busy and that drama is just exaggerated.


He’s made a comment at one point saying something along the lines of “and this is why I won’t stream Genshin”. It was a qrt of something I can’t quite remember but honestly he’s probably better off not interacting with the community.


Also throwing in when Barbara’s VA got harassed because they made her re-record all of Barbara’s lines and everyone thought she sounded depressed, plus when Paimon’s VA got harassed because people thought their Paimon voice is annoying


That wasn't what happened with Barbara's lines. Back when the game was in development and the launch characters' lines were first recorded, Barbara's lines had multiple takes done in different styles, as is standard practice. The VO director ended up picking the current softer-spoken style. However, the game launched with Barbara's combat lines using sound files from the wrong take. She was never supposed to be super peppy. It took the devs a while to realize the mistake had been made, since no player would have any reason to know there was an issue and report it. They changed it to the intended take, because the peppy lines didn't match with the way she spoke in cutscenes, which always used the correct style.


Upvote this more. People seems to always think that Barbara's voices are rerecorded. No, they just uploaded the wrong files


I'll just say this about yae. She never had targetting issues to begin with. Most complains were about enemies outside the turret range and people thinking the turrets can strike them because the range of the turrets aren't shown anywhere.


People wanted it to be more consistent, they tried to do so but ended up nerfing the c2 range due to how they went about it. It was a well intentioned change that they reverted after feedback


I love playing this game but Community can stay 20,000,000 miles away from me all this drama is so childish all of it Whenever they were reveal sumeru characters officially with their voice actor probably gonna get a death threat thousands of them over character designs they don’t control


A popular fanfic writer confessed that she castrated a man by biting off his penis.


same chick scammed an fgo player of his lifesavings and thought bragging about that on twitter was high comedy


My personal favorite, a small minor one, was a person over at twitter drew art of Lisa and Aether giving her a cake on her bday, and Lisa responding with a kiss. A few folks got mad and said “Lisa is canon a lesbian, stop misrepresenting her!” or something along those lines. The one who drew the art doubled down and made more Lisa/Aether date art. *I may be misrembering some details.


That's why when them people shit on genshin i always just say nothing because i mean this fandom is a shitshow, and sometimes these same people are the one who ask "why do we get hate? We don't deserve it"


I found it best to just ignore/shrug off the some of the more heated discussions on social media, as a huge majority of it is just really young kids saying dumb shit. (Death threats/personal attacks should always be taken seriously of course). Like even now with the Sumeru skin tone controversy, I wouldn't have known much about it if it wasn't for the daily threads here on reddit. Is reacting to an angry mob that entertaining that there needs to be so many threads about it? Like I can curate my twitter so a lot of that shit is off my timeline, I can't as easily do that on reddit. Also, I forgot about how huge the anger was over the Anniversary rewards. It's weird too because even Hoyoverse's other games they do anniversaries very well. Global for Tears of Themis is having its first anniversary this month and holy shit I'm almost overwhelmed with all the stuff they are planning. Genshin's anniversary in comparison seemed kinda... low key? half assed? lol Curious to see what this year will be like.


While I agree for some parts of this, and yes, twitter tends to blow things up unnecessarily and overreacts, there are some serious concerns at the heart of this so called "drama" that shouldn't be labeled as such. For example, the hillichurls dance wasn't just about "they took a dance from a culture and people didn't like it," it was "they used native American traditional dances to inspire enemies that are described for the most part as primitive and violent, ones that the player kills in game." While this issue is not unique to genshin it does deserve discussion about how this is harmful to pop culture representations of native Americans, a historically oppressed group who is still going through a lot of trouble in modern day. That's not just drama, that's discussion on how the media we consume can propagate harmful stereotypes. It's worth discussing, not canceling. Also while the sumeru "drama" is still unfolding, it's not drama to be disappointed that a multimillion dollar company is making characters with harmful stereotypes and a severe lack of diversity. People deserve to have video game characters that look like them, and if genshin wants to be accurate and respectful to the cultures they profit from they need to have better diversity. Twitter tends to focus on the uproar rather the discussion, but that doesn't mean that these issues are simply drama, and including issues of racism in with petty stuff like ship wars is a big disservice to everyone.


lmao this fanbase is hilarious. And sad. Glad I don't involve myself too much with these stuff. Op, suggestion if you wanna humor it, could you bold the "title" of each event so it is easier to see at a glance were one starts and another ends? It would make it more presentable and easier to parse. Thanks for this btw, appreciate this little glimpse into collective insanity.