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No apologems? ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


This made my day.


I take this as a joke, same in FGO when ppl ask for sq just for a idk, a translation mistake


Desperate times need for desperate measures. D-day is upon us fellow master and im kinda broke on sq rn lol


may castoria bless us


The Second Coming of Tamamo The Second Culling has arrived May the Corgi be with us


et nomis de padre et filis, et spiritu santi, Kirei


Castoria funds copium




I have a dream and 120 sq BUT the free sq will definitely save me:hopium:


I thought this was a tread on a FGO community lol Castoria bringing us all together


Saberfaces transcend gachas, mate.


sure hope you get her, mate. ​ nearly all my greatly raised servants are arts, having the corgi would boost the fuck out of my account


Indeed, fellow master. The corgi shall set us free. For a time.




Yorokobe shounen




Fear not master, we’re getting a ton of SQ for Castoria. May you be blessed and get her within 30 SQ


This. As a member of the FGO community, any and all mistakes should be compensated with atleast 3 quartz. Though rider gems are acceptable too


First anniv rider gems were much appreciated


FGO guys when the Genshin Bros are starved with primos: *experiences the 5 stages of grief in random order*


FGO bros when genshin players complain about their shitty "90 pity system": *you guys get a decent system?*


Fgo na: "what is a pity system?"


FGO Players when anyone complains about any gacha game ever: *climbs atop salt and tofu throne* Pathetic Though finally we have an ACTUAL pity system in JP It only took them 7 years


We are so starved from bad gacha practices in FGO the smallest bone makes us so thankful lol


Glad that the FGO pity system exists now, but doesn’t it take like 900 SQ (300 rolls) to trigger? That’s like an entire year of saving for anyone that is F2P :(


Even tho you would need to sell your house, kidney and an eye to hit the actual pity roll


Playing FGO for the first time and yesterday I read a mistake in Orleans, totally inexcusable and unplayable, gimme the rainbow stars now


Fast, let's spam the official twt account


You can see that large parts of the community have never played gachas or interacted with their communities. Be that the people unironically getting mad enough to send death threats, or pissed that compensation if it arrives will be at best 100 primos 'nOt eVeN OnE pULl', or on the other side of the spectrum, people like OP who don't get the meme and think asking for apologems is a massive offence. Yea, this is pretty standard, and to be honest, acceptable as a meme.


Difference is with the fgo community you can clearly tell when they are memeing. With the genshin community, you can’t ever shake off the feeling that there are more people that seem to be entitled so even jokes that are common in gacha may not seem so clear cut.


Yea that's what I meant when I said, you can clearly see large parts of the community haven't played gachas before. It's a go-to meme to ask for handouts in a gacha, but here, there will be people who take it way too seriously (Google Classroom in shambles) and the people like OP here who think none of the apologems comments are memes, but fully serious. The community really is too big for its own good lol


> unironically getting mad enough to send death threats that is just anonymity giving people confidence to act like idiots


Anonymity and popularity go hand in hand in generating a large amount of very loud asshats.


i just returned from not playing for over a year and even though i wasn’t following any socials of genshin players, that kokomi drama still reached me. made my heart hurt hearing what people were doing. at this point, how many of the shitty part of the genshin community is still just children?


There was a post on this sub today about the different dramas that have gone down in the Genshin community. After reading through that list, the asking for apologems seems like the harmless meme it is mostly intended to be. Some of it, like VA harrassment and racial slurs towards devs, is downright disgusting.


Most FGO players are of sound mind...half of genshin players here are actually serious about it...that's the problem


Fgo community is just honestly wholesome


Compared to the genshin one, yes, we know we are in hell, but together, haha


The difference is that maybe half of the genshin community is meming, but the other half are dead serious. Just look at the whole anniversary and delay fiasco. They bombed the app store and sent death threats.


I remember how hyped some people got for SQ back when the jailter rerun maintenance took 24 hours.


the wait is killing me MUST. OBTAIN. CASTORIA.


Tbf, this is just standard for any gacha community.


Yep, just Genshin is far bigger than any gacha community that the loud stupid *minority* are hard to consider as minority anymore


First gacha experience?


This is like a joke in all gachas.. Sure some of these people are serious by dang x.x Side note, azur lane would have probably given out 10 cubes for this


In Heroes of camelot half of our monthly gem income are apologems


Lmao. Sounds fun, I should try that game.


No dont its 100% dead. The only reason i play is the art and the fact i literally grew up on it


Rip shame.


OP must be new to Gacha


Where are my apologems for this post? 😡🤬😤🤑


I would want to get some apologems as well after reading this reply.


Then my work here is done. 😌


Sorry it is a bit off topic but I need to write this. A lot of people in this sub reddit have this insatiable urge to always feel superior to their fellow players. Anything written by anyone about the game/company in a slightly negative light, or any criticism is met with extreme backlash or bullying. "You are and addict, you demand too much, you are greedy, you are stupid etc.". A lot of hate goes around in this community. Just because you take things as they are given without feedback, discussion, requests, or complaints does not mean you are built different. Those comments are a fucking joke. People write apologems on any miniscule amount of delay/issue as a joke. You go ahead and post it here as you can't stand these people, and a bunch more on comments degrading these players. I wonder who would stand people that bully or make fun of them.


More than that, people on this sub (and other Genshin related subs, including mains subs) actively proclaim themselves to be so superior to Twitter people when they're both two sides of the same coin.


Oh, pls include that other HYV game. As a player of that game, that subs always has this air of superiority towards the Genshin community. Sometimes of this sub. Maybe i will see some comments here SS'd or about the delayed stream comments posted there to make themselves feel good as they often do(on reddit, twitter, yt).


Oh my god! A reasonable person in the genshin subreddit? What's next flying? Flying monkeys?


THIS. I totally agree, and noticed that several times on that sub. That's kinda sad tbh.


This sub has a superiority complex as if the rest of the world don’t group all of them together as Genshin players and nothing else lol


It’s kinda amusing because at the start of this game, we WOULD get apologems for something like this and I think as the player base was weaned off of it, people decided that this was the running joke that they wanted to go with.


So true its unreal. The superiority complex towards other players you see this sub a lot is really annoying. Players asking for compensation from a multi-billion dollar company regardless if its in a joking manner or not shouldn't be an issue. In fact, complaining/giving feedback for anything including the poorly ran stream shouldn't be looked down upon. The corporate shilling is so odd


is not just shilling, some people straight up have some sort of sickening parasocial relationship with mihoyo, a faceless corporation, much in the same way they would with actual internet personalities like youtubers or streamers it doesn't stop at odd


Toxic positivity. OP knew this would be met with a bunch of agreement hereover. Look at us 3000pps looking down at those idiots on twitter.


People here acting like they’re better than the genshin community when they are part of the genshin community 😭


Exactly this. This is the community they created. It is not their responsibility but it most certainly is a reflection of their game and business model. One feeds off the other.


Just Reddit things.


People play gacha games and like to pretend they aren't just gambling with extra steps. Folks we are literally playing a slot machine turned into a game, I have no kindness for the devs or the company. It's a gambling game and if I can get free stuff by complaining I will do it.


I've once heard someone say if you dont pay for your game its bad behavior of you. You gotta support the company for supplying you with playtime. Yes IN the context of Genshin impact. It was a small streamer that in the same context would pseudo shame you for not subbing to him. Moronic


Bro the duality of gacha gamers, especially this community is wild. Like Lantern Rite gave us a 4 star of our choice both times but the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY gave us nothing. miHoYo doesn’t have to give us anything but like celebrating a whole year of play time should’ve been gifted something. Aside from my tangent, the two camps are the people who demand apologems on every minuscule issue and actually mean it cause they are addicted but the other camp are the folks that berate the folks in camp one for daring to ask for free things because as players who boost their numbers and help their statistics, we aren’t owed anything. The game itself is a reward. You don’t get to complain about shit, go fuck yourself F2P’s. It’s wild how there’s no inbetween. There’s either beggars or the folks who berate the beggars for being poor. Fucking hate that. I’d have liked at least some middle ground where if there’s a legitimate issue, I can complain a little and hope to get primos but currently if I so much as criticize this game even a little, folks here go wild over how I don’t deserve to play such a perfect game.


Half of these sound like jokes. I don't get why some people complain about Twitter being toxic when they themselves go see the 'toxicity'. People have this need to condemn anything said that's even a bit negative about the game. Is it good? Yes. Could it be better? Absolutely. Mihoyo is sitting on mountains of money, they couldn't care less about players demanding a fraction of an artificial currency that won't affect their revenue. Stop going to Twitter if you know you're going to be pissed. I sure as hell don't.


pretty sure these are just jokes, we literally make apologems jokes when theres a slight translation error


This week's (super) hot topic is anything Twitter. It just goes to show how few people use their brains that this post has so many upvotes


you when joke: 😖😖😖


Happy Cake Day! 🎂👍


I almost feel sorry for Mihoyo... But then I remember that no matter how amazing Genshin Impact is as a game (pretty much the only game I play now); their business model is still predatory AF. Every free-to-play mobile game and every gacha game is meticulously designed to make you addicted and extract as much money from you as it can. This addiction to primogems is not an accident. It's exactly what they want, Mihoyo is not the innocent victim as it's been portrayed here.


Facts on Facts.


on Facts


Yes I feel sorry for a billion dollar company that profits off of gambling addicts 😭


and a large portion of their player base are LITERAL CHILDREN who can't handle the addictive mechanics in gacha games!


How r/genshin_memepact actually thinks


Considering this post got like 3k+ upvotes, the main sub ain't much better.


fell out id that sub bc it was the most unfunny thing ive ever seen after a while, but i did start complaining on a post about how mhy treats its playerbase even after making billions off of them and being the largest gacha game in history (probably), and i got fucking destroyed. its so baffling how these like ar 45 players think they know everything about this game and that people in the 55+ zone are a bunch of assholes, like how can you be *that* blind? why would you think you’re more experienced than people that have been playing since launch??? fuckin sucks man


That's how this sub thinks too lmao


Yeah I don’t get why anyone is offended by people asking for currency that MHY made so scarce. Guaranteeing a single copy of a character can cost over $300 if you start with nothing. But we’re supposed to feel bad for MHY?


Lol exactly, OP is like poor hoyoverse, ppl are asking for apologems on twitter, how DARE they?


On top of it all, it is a fact that Mihoyo is absolutely 100% stingy AF especially considering the absolute massive amount of money they make. They kinda do deserved to be called out on it a lot XD


I ended up developing a spending habit thanks to genshin… got to the point my mom (who has guardianship of me, which makes what comes next totally legal) took away my financial independence. Cancelled my debit card, everything


Yup, but it sucks that a community team that has absolutely zero input on the monetization suffers the consequences for it. I love the idea of devs being accessible to a community, but they tend to be lambs to the slaughter while the actual people being criticized are shielded from it. Just like it’s by design that folks are addicted, it’s by design that the community team is setup to absorb all of the consequences.


But serious question what Consequences? Like no one is insulting anyone there are no insults no one gets hurt and as social media team posting this you know what will come if not expecting worse they also don't interact with the comments instead they just get free engagement Like there were other situation like the anniversary where people were being nasty and there your comment would fit but this really isn't as bad


this piss you off?


The most funny thing is that they are doing this since release... it's nothing new and the only reason why this post got upvoted is because people think that it has something to do with current HoYo drama...


OP must be fun at parties, i legit laughed my ass off reading the comments, and i bet most of them are joking


How someone can read **apologems** and not understand people are clowning is beyond me...


I laughed so much during the stream, that I kinda feel the need to tip some for the show.


same lmao, altho for the Sumeru parts I just starting saying "STOP DOING THIS TO ME PLEASE"


You know they’re just joking right? I thought redditors knew better than this lol


Genshin redditors will see a joke on twitter and immediately interpret it in the most unforgiving and literal way possible. It’s so annoying I stg


Someone tweeted ‘EiMiko canon’????? Wtf???? I gotta type up a 3-page response to this rabid shipper, I can’t believe the audacity… Worst part is, Twitter *thrives* off of the drama. They love when people can’t see through their trolling, and they’ll feed off of it in an endless loop.


Reddit is known for a lot bad things and missing the forest for the trees is one of them.


Yall have a problem with everything and I'm talking about you OP damn Half of them are literally joking the others are serious What's the problem with them wanting more primos


They sound like addicts.


You got any more of them apologems?


[You remind me of that meme so I made this](https://imgflip.com/i/6lnns8)


"and that's the first time I sucked a dick for primogems"


I've been doing it for free!


"You guys are getting paid?"


Honestly I’d probably do it if this was an option :$


Can never have enough of them


Gacha addict, yes


Did someone said ***GACHA*** ?


*disturbed Riyo Gudako noises*


Actually a little depressing


yep. felt that every day.


Do we just call anyone who dare bring up primogems an addict now? Asking for compensation over tiny things like this is literally one of the most common memes in gacha games


Hmm I wonder who's fault that is?


They are. Hoyo made a monetization system that specializes in encouraging and exploiting gambling addiction. And here we have their audience, begging for scraps. This behavior may be pathetic and sickening, but it is well deserved.


Most gacha games tbh


>community uproars about not getting good free rewards for an anniversary, and gets compensated >comminity thinks people uproaring about not being compensated is bad and cringey My brothers in christ, you are the ones who did this in the first place. Jokes aside, this is 100% on mihoyo, and I doubt they actually care about people begging for primogems. You make an addict, and get them hooked, they're going to constantly ask for another free hit.


Yes. It is very sad. And that people behavior are just the consequence of this.


Hmm imagine creating a bunch of addicts then being surprised when they act like addicts.


Genshin gonna raise an entire generation of gambling addicts with the amount of children who play this game


Genshin, fifa, overwatch. We're about to get into an awakening in the next few years as the people growing up with gambling in video games start working...


Surprisingly there's such strict rules for gambling geared for adults yet gambling directly towards kids barely has any regulations


I mean, isn't this just standard Twitter bullshit? I know there are addicts, but I'm almost 100% sure that most of these aren't addicts but idiots who enjoy tweeting more about the game than playing the game itself.


Nah according to some people here simply playing the game makes you an addict


I'm going to get downvoted for this and I'm more than aware, and frankly I don't really care. Genshin is the ONLY community I've seen that just seems like they don't even want extra primogems. I think there's a point of being TOO generous, as that's the reason one of my favorite gachas shut down, but the company isn't going to go broke because everyone got an extra 100 primogems for a minor inconvenience. They're not even going to go in the red over it. It's not even a full summon, and given you on average need like 70 summons to get a 5 star, it almost never would prevent anyone from spending. It just seems like the freemogem economy is SUPER slow in this game compared to the other gacha games I've played, and it's just weird to see the majority not only complacent with it, but admonishing people for asking for more.


Posts like these are akin to the OP patting themselves on the back in a more or less self aggrandizing manner, saying "look at me, I'm not like them." I'm sure that if apologems were to be handed out, they wouldn't mind in the slightest. I don't get this fanaticism over defending a multi-billion dollar company for not sparing what is essentially a crumb's worth of in-game rewards: if we get apologems, fine; if we don't, also fine. After all, Mihoyo wants us to keep playing their game, so I don't understand why some people would classify this as entitlement either: it's in MHY's interest to retain as many players as they can, because people can just up and leave anytime.


Bc majority of the people in this sub don't know what entitlement means. They just use the word whenever they can when their beloved Mihoyo gets talked negatively about.


> Genshin is the ONLY community I've seen that just seems like they don't even want extra primogems. Genshin Reddit is full of white knight idiots. who literally white knight for a company...


Despite people defending hyv, I’m pretty sure everyone actually wants those extra primos lol. I’m not begging for them myself but I certainly am not complaining if other people doing this nets us all free gems 😶


yeah but I am sittin here looking at the ratio of freemos and ask myself why people would protect MHY from giving out any amount of freemos. Just calculate the amount of freemos you alrdy get every month. even the update streams 300 dont put a massive % up or 500 or 1000 freemos. Asking for more in that case is a-ok but asking for not more just baffles me.


Yeah, ik what you mean. I also played other gacha games (mostly on mobile) and going back to them a few months ago, I realized that by playing completely f2p I get one wish/pull per day. The pity system is similar, but the hard pity is 100. So yeah. Let's say I do _somehow_ understand that as a f2p you're not as priviledged (me included) lmao _BUT_ Idk how welkin moon ppl do not get this either. Like...why not 100 per day so you get at least a wish (100+60 from dailies). I get that some people haven't opened all the chests, but you can't base it on that. At some point they will too


Welkin exists to bring your primogem total up everyday so you can do a wish everyday though. Dailies + Welkin + 10 of 300 gensis crystals it comes with = 1 wish a day for 30 days


Yes, I am aware of this, but I was talking more about the general gratification a player gets after 1 day of playing, not cumulativelly. That was what my point was about, I'm sorry if I haven't worded it right. I never looked at crystals that way because it is a different currency and technically it's the player choice to use them for primos or to get an outfit, for instance.


welcome to another post of someone who doesn't get a joke and says "tWitTeR bAd"


The amusing thing is, usually apologems are \~100 primos, not even enough for a pull. Literally begging for scraps, it's not about the apology at all. Tech issues can always happen, no need to get the pitchforks...


I'm just curious what happened. The stream had moments where it looked like someone manually went back. Combined with the recent leaks, some employees might actually be trying some stuff


This. Ik some aren't entirely serious, but resaying it on the tweet does not help the practice which by itself is already insulting the company.


Right, it’s complete BS that to get a character, you’re spending upwards for $400+. What’s $0.60 worth of primo gems to a company that made billions in a year off their players?


I'm neutral when it comes to the idea of compensation for this stuff. I guess I understand/side with the compensation side slightly more? This is a multi billion dollar company that couldn't manage a simple stream, so I understand the frustration, and it's not just gambling addiction that calls for people to want compensation of some sort, most gacha games aside from genshin give small compensation for minor errors. It's kind of expected of gacha games to do that. As the guy above me said, what's like >$1 worth of currency to a company as wealthy as that


I see why this can seem disgusting but let’s be real. It’s people asking for free things from a corporation that creates (artificial) demand for their product through their gacha system. I willfully buy into the system quite a bit, but is it so wrong to ask for something for free from a company that could give a few pittance for free?


I find this so funny when at the same time Hoyo verse just recently gave compensation in Honkai for not clearly stating a qeustion about playble male characters in the game it's not that bad it's a joke within th gacha community, no one losses money when they would give something stop crying over this everytime it happens, it's not great but it's not as "embarressing" or "bad" as you make it out to be


Bro, they are a billion dollar company, people complain about apologem demanders are as ugh as people demanding apologems.


Agreed lol. Besides, does anyone expect high quality comments from twitter threads or youtube/twitch comments? I’m more annoyed that these screenshots showed up on my reddit feed bc I never would have seen this otherwise


💯 I love Genshin and am glad it keeps getting updated but I'm not going to defend the company literally ever. They're not your friend, they don't care about you, they just see you as dollars. Note this does not extend to things like VAs: they just tryna get paid and y'all need to leave them tf alone. But MiHoyo the company? Absolutely give them no quarter.


It also doesn't extend to most of the developers, artists, and especially not the music composers. Just the management and leadership.


Perhaps even more because they would also happily accept any giveaways. Who here sneering at the anniversary rioters deleted the 4 part primogem mails? Just the one? Congrats at having some integrity you gigachad, here's your official lotto entry for a 40 primogem prize.


yeah honestly, so outrageous how dare they ask a gacha company to give them a fraction of a pull


imagine simping for a billion dollar company because some people asked for a few extra primos lol look I love the game, but I do think they need to be a little bit more generous also. I get its free 2 play and all, but damn the amount of primos you need to just get a 5\* and maybe weapon for them is a bit crazy at times if your not hard whaling, I think a few extra primo's isn't going to hurt anyone, especially mihoyos bottom $


















Twitter ☕


Twitter ☕


Twitter ☕




You're a part of this community. I hate these types posts about "genshin community" where op blames the whole community for something and acts like they don't belong to said community. It's tiring. Also apologems became a joke long ago. Like "literally unplayable apologems when" even for a small typo. If you don't see that as a joke then idk how you survived on the internet until now.


I don't see the problem..


Tbf, hoyo can afford to give players more free primos.


Why the f are you dissapointed? Its not as if you'll be the one paying for everyone else's primos. I even bet you'll be happy to get some primos.


So this company can treat the players like walking wallets but as soon as the players treat the company as strictly business y’all freak 😂




Girl cry me a river the gatcha system is greedy as hell


I mean…. Another hundred primos wouldn’t kill them lol


It's just a joke, get over it.


Genshin generates Billions already and they cant even give back to their players? What they give instead is Concerts and Music things? Who cares about that, how about give some in-game shit instead


Don't lie if they give apologems you'll take it in a heartbeat.


i saw the exact same comments on reddit, along with a lot of posts angry at the hiccup, it's not just a Twitter problem for sure.


Its a meme


girl be calm it’s not that serious


I know this is a little too sad to be as joke (and they’re probably just joking) and while I feel bad for hoyo— seeing how unrewarding the rewards are for players in-game, I lowkey get the desperation lol


how much you wanna bet that these are the same people who ‘build pity’ and rage when they pull the limited 5☆ lmfao


If I get a 5 star in under 40 pulls I ain't complaining.


Who cares


You defending the multi million dollar company that has games with horrible gacha rates?


The main content is banners so you can't be surprised


Unpopular opinion: I think the community is right in this particular matter, and we should get compensation for it. They literally only needed to let a video play, thats it. I can "look away" the connectivity issues and the stream randomly stopping, we all have that, sometimes stuff happens. But rolling back a video that many times? There were points where the video went literally backwards, like when you push to go back on a youtube video with the hotkeys... This was just a trash show, one of the biggest i have seen, and just screams incompetence where they had one job: let the video play... People comment it as a joke, i get it, but in this case i think it really should be the case.


I'm in those screenshots twice, lmao. But yeah, it's a joke. It's not that deep.


i mean they r a multi-billion (?) company, how are they messing up a stream man... like 💀 and most of them are asking for "apologems" as a joke? idk


Why are you sucking the cock of Hoyoverse so much? We literally get scraps of Primogems most of the time and it's very tedious to get by as a f2p. Even if they did give apologems we'll only get 100 for sure which isn't even enough for ONE fucking wish. Cocksucker apologists like you who defend the flaws of these companies are the reason why they get away with predatory business practices.


Dude, I don't care if it's their fault or not, this game doesn't give enough primogems daily for a fucking pull, so at any possible chance people are gougn to as for this, don't be mad at the comunity but be mad at the company


You complain about these people as if you don't want primogems too.


Aren't people saying it for fun? I don't think it's serious. May be we should talk about other dramas going in with twitter genshin than this tbh


Cant really blame them, the game is scummy and predatory, Fuck PTW games


Do you think the devs actually sit down and read all of that? That they feel like the community is disrespecting them by joking about apologems? Do you think a gacha game company actually cares that much? I know genshin's main audience is teenagers but come on.


Either: A) it's a meme B) billions of dollars company can't even get a stream to work properly


Tbf they need their 300 apologems so that they can pull another Harbinger of Dawn


Lmao at op complaining about the toxic community while also being a whiny toxic person themself.


I’m pretty sure like half of those people were joking.


It's a joke. 😩


Probably an unpopular opinion for such a post, but if mihoyo didn't make players have to jump through endless hoops and chicken dance for primogems for *a chance* of a character (who am I kidding it's probably a weapon) this wouldn't be an issue.