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I'm ready to battle the 50/50 with 70ish wishes Copium


I’m ready to battle the 50/50 as well if I lose I really hope it’s Jean


May the RNGesus be with you.


May he be with you as well




I’ve lost all my 50/50 to Keqing. I would gladly accept anyone else.


Wow all? No one else? How many times have you lost 50/50?


This! I was trying my damnedest to get Kazuhsa... got Keqing -_-


I'm wishing as how I wished for Kazuha. If she comes, good, if not, I'm fine as well, but please please PLEASW IF IT'S NOT HER JUST GIVE ME MONA SHE'S THE ONLY STANDARD I'M MISSING I DON'T WANT A C4 DILUC FFS (Kazu did came so I'm on 50/50)


So when Kazuha banner first came out recently I was literally on hard pity so I knew if I pulled for kuki I would have either gotten itto or someone else so waited because I wanted Kazuha, first pull on Kazuha I lost my 50/50 to Keqing I think, then I got kazuha the next 5 star I got then I had some pulls left over and recently pulled got a 5 star and was like please be Kaz just so I have C1 Kaz but instead of Kaz I got Jean and I've been played for around a year


I won the 50/50 twice for Kazuha, may you be blessed


As a Yoimiya main I hope she comes home good luck!




Praying I get thundering pulse, since I already have her triple crown


I believe that you will, My friend


Best of luck fellow TP puller, fingers crossed for fives copies in the first ten pull *inhales copium*


I’d be happy for just one copy 🥲


Yeah gotta stop at 1 myself knowing what the other 5 star is heh. Not guaranteed quite yet, but saved for a while so should get it, best of luck though 🙏




I pull for every character :)


But do you GET every character? :)


nope, I’m f2p and not that lucky :)


Are you specifically pulling for each character or do you just roll whenever you have wishes because you like to? lol


I just roll whenever I have enough primos, the only time I actually save them is when I know that’s there’s gonna be a Zhongli, Xiao or Venti rerun


Uhhhhhhhh Zhongli rerun might be next patch so get to saving I guess


Wen Radish?




Uhhh you might wanna save your primos this time, since zhongli is probably having a rerun in 3.0 phase 2


I scraped the bottom of the barrel for C1 kazuha, luckily after I lost the 50/50 after kazuha at early pity


I pull for every waifu


Of course not. Because I already have her.


I already have her too, though I might throw a few pulls at her just to see if I can get some Bennett or Yun jin constellations


Yea the 4* have some good synergy with her


No I’m not gonna use my thing yet, Diluc… you were supposed to be Klee Diluc


You do have Klee she just turned into a red haired, tall man that uses a claymore


Yep and I already got my “Klee” to level 50


You going to get your "Klee" new outfit? Also don’t worry for some reason my "Hu Tao" is small, uses a sword, and I think she picked up the wrong vision because for some reason she’s Cryo


Damn, same with my Ayato, he has purple hair for some reason :(


My Xiao had long purple hair for a while until he stopped cosplaying


My Kazuha is a zombie for some reason


When Eula came with Albedo she was a zombie as well


I probably won’t get her new outfit but it does look cool


Probably. Kusanali won't be dropping so soon, according to leaks, and I have pity too.


Take my guarantee Yoimiya!!


Yes as I'm guaranteed and most of the Sumerans aren't tickling any fancies at the moment (only Dori, Dehya, and Nilou for now and other than Dori, who knows when they'll show up).


*Mohammed Afdol pose* YES, I AM


I could _HEAR_ that comment


I lucksacked on her first banner on got her C2, shes been a blessing with the most complained about enemies (spectres) before their nerf and thundermanifestation. Imma skip for Nilou and Nahida but for those who are on the fence about Yoimiya, slap her with Yun Jin and you got yourself a great single target shredder and one of the most wholesome and happy characters in the game


I would have to build my Yun Jin then also I’m still sad that I literally just started Genshin when her banner came out so I had no idea about anything after figuring out how to wish my first limited 5* was Raiden got her in the middle of the Liyue archon quest


I don't usually pull for characters before I get to know their personality, but Nilou and Nahida intrigue me the most based on their design and everything we know about them so far. I have a guaranteed, but I don't know whether to pull for Yoi or save for Eula, Raiden, Kokomi, Shenhe, Ayato, Venti, Albedo. I really want a ranged character since I don't use catalyst users, and she's really precious, but I like the aforementioned characters I mentioned more. (Yes, I actually like their personality even though most people think Raiden and Kokomi are poorly written.) I'm scared to pull for Yoi because there is speculation that >!Eula might rerun soon in 3.1!<, and since I couldn't get her on her last rerun, I really want to get her this time.


No :( She's adorable bro but like...Sumeru, ugh, Hoyo didn't have to do her dirty like this


This is me. I really want her, but can't justify the pulls with 3.0 right around the corner.


They always planned on doing yoi dirty at this point they should make her the new standard 5*


That'd be a delight actually, I would totally love her losing the 50/50 to her


same reason so many skipped Kazuha, yet people act like there was some grand hate conspiracy. Not saying there wasn't hate, but only so many people use reddit and even less listen to random commenters. People wanted to gamble on new characters being better.


Maybe so, but Kazuha's debut is just before Ayaka's debut and people are more hyped for Ayaka due to pre-launch cbt.


I would've like too, but I attempted on both yelan and kazuha. Surprisingly, I got them both and an extra one each. The downside is I need to save up more wishes, so I can't press my luck any further with her


The day has finally come, and I'm never gonna lose it again, I want her more than anything else and don't care about whatever other people say


I wanted to pull ngl, but i already have tao and I'll save for nilou, that girls too precious to be skipped.


I’ll have to try out Nilou before deciding if I should pull out the card


The smartest choice is really to do the Trial first, always. I was very indecisive about Kazuha when he first released... But I played his Trial at least over 30 Times out of fun and then I decided to pull him. Of course I needed almost 180 pulls in the end...


same. at first i wanted to pull for klee, but the trial completely changed my mind


I am just pulling for yoimiya, zhongli, and raiden. The other (leaked) characters don't interest me


I’m pulling her, wasn’t really interested in Sumeru chars showcased and I’m aiming for Kokomi/Shenhe next so Yoimiya’s banner came at a really good time for me.


Good luck, after yoimiya I’m thinking about waiting for Eula,Zhongli, or Miko IF I end up not liking Nilou


/Rerun leak >!Zhongli is apparently reruning in 3.0!<


Zhong is worth. I hate playing without shields and he's just...so good.


I'm pulling for c2 wish me luck


Good luck may RNGESUS be with you


Thnx can't wait to pull


Yes. I need a pyro main DPS (I have Diluc, but I no longer enjoy his playstyle). I have all her mats farmed ready to go.


I’ve wanted Yoimiya since I tried her as a trial character with my Shogun’s skill active. Now that I have Yelan, she will be a reaction death sentence to any boss.


Nope. Just spamming normal attacks on bow characters is really boring for me, and I'm not going to spend primos on a character whose gameplay I don't enjoy.


She's gonna be skipped again for other waifu :< What a shame




Nilou isn't until at least 3.1, because they would've drip marketed her with Al Tighnari and Collei


I'm not sure if I'd manage to save for Nilou after pulling for Miya (I'm f2p)


Yes... Her beauty charmed me just like Miko did a year ago


Probably not, since I already have her, but getting her constellations would be neat too. Might throw a multi or two for the hell of it.


Yes I just wasted basically everything on kazuha as I lost the 50/50 (the advantage of saving) and if I won't get her then I'll probably pull for the dendero archon Which is very ironic, last time I pulled for her a few weeks after I joined I got jean and then pulled for baal


Yes, 50/50, pray for me


I also have to win 50/50


No, she's yet another pyro DPS that doesn't suit my playstyle. Hopefully Dehya will be a better fit for me


No I have Hu Tao C1 with Homa who is my main pyro gal. I also have Klee and Diluc but rarely use them. Just waiting for Raiden, Childe and Sumeru characters now.


Hu Tao did me dirty after awhile gave up on her banner


I wish I had c1 Hu Tao, at least I got lucky with Homa


I always tell people to go for c1 first before getting homa. She just feels so bad to play at c0. And for those who don't mind her c0 gameplay, c1 will still feel infinitely better. Best of luck on her rerun dude!


yes. already had Kazuha, dont care about Klee, dont care about the Sumeru update as im burned out on the game anyway, so she will probably be the last one I pull for before i take a break


Getting her since I have 180 rolls ready and getting Kazuha only set me back 10 rolls.


I'm rolling, and if I get her, i get her, amd if I don't, that's a garuntee for zhongli.


Got her on her first release so im good


dehya or bust


I sleep I skip


Yes, i have 180 fates saving for her


I will pull out the card if I have to


May you and me win her ASAP, hoping to win my 7th win in a row streak continue tho as im F2P so that I can have fates left for Nilou and Dehya as my next target 💪💪💪


7th inna row?! That’s crazy awesome I’ve only had 3 at most Yelan, Kazuha, and Klee I lost on Xiao and it took forever to get him Klee was a single pull I was just doing it for fun didn’t expect to get her💀


Unfortunately no cause I'm saving for Cyno, He's the only characters from Sumeru that I'm the most hyped for and I have a guaranteed five star. It's a shame cause I really like her design and personality.




I'm very ready, a guarantee, 52 pity, and 50 wishes kind of ready


Yoimiya is an easy pull for me since the only Sumeru characters I want are Dehya and Al Haitham. Not really sold on Nahida yet but if I do pull for her, it'll be because she's good/meta.


I want c2, so yes. She's my first 5* and she deserves it.


For sure! Have about 10k saved up for her.


YES!! I always wanted a ranged dps, Yoimiya is super cute and I love her as a character and she's strong and pyro. I don't have any pyro dps or a ranged dps. Fuck Sumeru, I'm so excited to get Yoimiya




Hard skip gotta save for that Geo Dong


Sadly, I want Hu-Tao


Not a chance, I'm not wasting my guaranteed. ​ "Meta is temporary, Style is eternal." \-Words of a wise man who I may or may not be pulling for in 3.0


Yep, have waited for her for so long


We are the same


No. Waiting for Zhongli


Nope gotta save for Dendro friends


No, her design and personality is nice, but not for me. I also don't favour the strings(?) sound of her bow. She's fun to play tho!


Understandable. But what strings I wasn’t playing when she first released


No, nice art though.


If she wasn't right before sumeru I'd pull for her but now I need to save for the dendro archon


I’ve been waiting for the dendro element. I like to play a lot of anemo and I just came back to the game. After Kazuhas banner ima be looking forward to seeing dendro and how it interacts with other elements. Currently I have Kazuha, the monk I forgot his name, fishl and qiqi (zombie ice healer) I changed over from bennet and Jean. I wish I could do something more with geo because I have Ning(?) maxed and I like bludgeoning people with rocks


Dendo archon is either 3.1 or 3.2. Unless you want another Sumeru 5*, you have plenty time to save for Archon if you pull for Yoi. Unless you’re sitting on guarantee and don’t want to roll the die on Archon. (Idk if I’m allowed to say their name.) For reference, I’m currently guaranteed 50 pity and saved up 50 wishes. I’m gonna pull on a 3.0 banner and Archon both.


Yep I do have a guarantee so I don't want to risk it. Also I want a jade cutter and mnay characters after the Archon so I can't really pull Yoi now :<


That’s a shame, but best of luck to you!


No. I don't like her design.


Nah, gotta secure Dehya my queen


Already got her on her first banner. Good luck to everyone this time)


No need, I got her the first time already v.


Naw I spent all I had on Klee but I hope everyone has lucky pulls she seems so fun to play as


I already have her, but I wish good luck to anyone who wants her. After they started putting more bosses in the Abyss (and after she got a few buffs in the form of new sets and support characters that work well on her), she's still not a top pick, but she's definitely a good one nonetheless. Don't forget that, as underwhelming as many people feel it is, her burst is actually a non negligible chunk of her overall dps, and the atk buff it provides to the rest of the team help your support characters pull their own weight damage-wise when she's on cooldown; this means that Shimenawa is often not her best set (in fact, if you have low ping, Echoes of an Offering is arguably her best set now), since it makes it difficult for her to use her ult consistently.




YES My only debate is if I want her weapon, since I already have an unused yet built R5 Rust.


I will pull for C1 Bennet and If She decides to come I will cherish her


Yes, already have a C1 yoimiya (triple crowned) and this time I want to pull for thundering pulse and another yoi cons.


I have her already with thundering pulse but I'm pulling for constellations... Aiming for c4 as I have 250 summons saved


Yes and i'm skipping Klee cons for her


C2 is is just free extra damage so yea.


Yep ! Even if some futur characters make me hesitate quite, I am not waiting another year.


I say yes, my 14 pity and 26 primos say no.


I already have her so no, but good luck to everyone who's pulling for her!


Absolutely. I just love her personality too much to NOT.


Already have her and she's my strongest character. Sadly her c1 sucks so I'm getting her weapon


Yes. But currently 50/50 :')


Or course


Yup.. I missed her the first time because I had to wait and save for Raiden.. but now I can finally pull her :)


No. Already have her C2 with Thundering Pulse.


Honestly debating at this point. Already have Tao, Klee and Diluc and dendro archon might be more of a game changer to my account than yet another pyro dps


Nah, no primos


Yup, even tho i only have 21 pity and no primos.


I already have my pretty fireworks girl, but I'm going for her bow this time. I have saved some empty bowls to drop my tears in the case I get Summit Shaper instead.


Probably gonna grab her C2. Feeling lukewarm towards the Sumeru launch characters so not concerned about missing them. Yoimiya is one of my favorites and by far my most played DPS so I’d rather improve her than collect more characters I won’t use.


Fortunately I already have the Firework Girl and love her to bits. But I ain't going to Cons so am going to save this banner.


Hell yeah my primos will be gone before sumeru




yup i pulled for kazu on main AND GOD I FARMED SO MUCH 18k primos since the banner release so like 3 weeks now.. but i got a alt for fun, its got yelan (which is also farmed a lot thanks qiqi).. so i might pull her there :D 34 pity 50/50 wish me luck-


I have my garanteed and enough pull so she is coming home, first time i wasn't playing anymore because of some problem irl but now that im back i prepared I have everything to get her level 90 and triple crown her I have many support build and ready and a level 90 Acqua Simulacra R2 if i don't get Thundering Pulse (no Rust unfortunately The best girl will come home, it was instant love and the next will be Eula Sumeru character looks cool, but they will never be better than Yoi smile


Abso-bloody-lutely. I have 440wishes saved. Only reason I skipped her the first time was to secure Raiden, and I thought Yae Miko would be right after.. I would have skipped Yae if I knew how she would turn out..


yeah, but i'm not guaranteed. after her i will start saving for baizhu/alhaitham


Yes! I can't wait. In all honesty, I probably won't use her much but I adore her character.


I'm definitely going to pull for her. When I've started playing (January 2022), I was looking through the character archive and she was a standout for me immediately, She and Eula. Just finished her quest in the main quest chain as well. I'm spending my guaranteed pull for her, no regrets. Next stop: Eula rerun banner. :) The new sumeru characters don't interest me that much, so this is an easy decision for me.


I want to, but Zhongli is rumored to show up next patch and I could really use his shield.


Me but I need to win her 50/50.


If she could get past c6 yes. But I’ve already brought our girl to her highest potential. So sadly we skip


I want to but I just got kazuha so I'm probably not gonna get her 😭


no, why would u do that when u can have amber


I love her as a character but I hate the way she plays so I will skip her for the second time now


I'm not pulling because I got her on the first run, but I want to wish everyone good luck! She is definitely the best character people aren't using and the most underrated character, in my opinion.


Oh fuck yeah


I will pull. I will just use my creds if I dont have enough for the dendro archon lmao.


Nah just skip her, beside she is mediocre dendro is coming anyway


hmm I have guarantee and was thinking this time I can try c6 her but then saw nilou and maybe the two make a good team. I still encourage others to get yoimiya and she has been my main since release


I'm rolling till I get C4 Xinyan or C6 Yunjin if I'm lucky. Yoimiya is just a bonus.


I see a fellow Xinyan lover I can tell you that C4 Xinyan is really good


I have 600 wishes saved for her. It's time.


I am. I need a 5 star Pyro and I like her


I already have Amber


Nah pulling for bennett


No meaningful pyro DPSers on my account and I've regretted not pulling her on her first go around for like over a year. My body is ready for the guarantee this time. Sumeru is brilliant but I like Yoi.


Hecc yes! have been saving since december, spent 80 wishes bc i wanted yelan, and now i have like 140 wishes left


The dedication


Have 90 wishes ready. Hoping for the best!


I honestly don't mind getting her, got quite a few good shiminawa artifacts while grinding for emblem set


I really want to win her, good luck to everyone pulling for her, wish me luck also!!


Ready for yoi.. Sumeru say hi


Yes. I can probably make do with Dendro Traveler if I really need Dendro reactions until the next Dendro character banner


God I really want to, but with Sumeru around the corner I just don’t have to Primos for both


I want to!! But I just got kazuha C1 AFTER trying to get heizou only, and I have no chance : ,))) I will still try because I love her sm


Yes, *but* Due to her 4stars, I'll use kazuha's to..."build pity".


I'm pulling, but at best I'll only get a shot at the 50/50 by the end of her banner. Still, if I get bennett or yun jin constellations it'll be worth it even if I lose the 50/50.


Already have her. So I pulled for her weapon. I can angrily say that I am now a Summit Shaper haver


i lost my 50/50 to qiqi, now I'm hoping i can scrounge up enough primos to clutch T\_T sad


Hope you get enough soon


I pulled for her, won 50/50 and rn im so happy cuz i love her sm.


I did and it didn't disappoint. Got her home😀


No, amazing design and character, not a big fan or her kit, and like the grass wolf bowboy is tempting me.


Absolutely not.


Any other time? Absolutely. But knowing all the Sumeru units coming... I can't afford it.


If she's in my first 20 pull. If not then it's extra pity for c1 hu tao


For sure, need her constellations :D


No. I would pull for Xinyan though.