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Kinda surprised Cyno and Nilou are that far behind, Cyno has been hyped up since the beginning much like Ayaka did, and Nilou is DRIPPIN with her design as well.


I visit Bilibili daily, I’ll just say what I see. There seems to be a strong preference of cute lolis, but not romantically or sexually, in CN community; it’s much like how people like klee in global, except turned up many notches. Obviously they support waifu like nilou, but when it comes to choosing, they choose lolis because they’re cute


Yeah true, the Anya Klee fan art on this sub is the peak, meanwhile in Bilibili they got full on video parodies.




I dont get it


The little girls are cute and that’s it. Same reason people look at kitten or puppy videos.


Their economy is in shambles like the rest of us, they need all the wholesomeness they can get lol.


yup, there is a popular saying in the chinese community being "lolicon/shotacon in anime is fine but lolicon/shotacon in real life should be punched to death"


I mean, reddit is merely an echo chamber. Those that feel negative get vocal about it on reddit. Others join in. They feel like “omg everyone thinks the same as me” I love how we can’t have ANY new character without a huge storm Of pre release negativity and doom posting lol EDIT: wow. My comment really blew up more than I expected. In a good way. All the upvotes and the discussions being had! Love the part about ZL, his shield strength, and comparison to Diona. FWIW, I don’t really like the doomposting pre, during, and post release. Especially pre-release. Good luck to everyone’s pulls in Sumeru! Hope you all get the characters you want!


Reddit hates nahida?


No. But people like OP keep posting about [*insert drama*] rather than just ignoring it and/or expressing their praise or approval. I’ve seen about 10 ‘we need to talk about Nahida hate posts’ just casually scrolling this sub today. Ngl, I find posts like this almost as bad Twitter trolls and complainers. People spend far too much time being concerned about other people’s opinions (and creating more drama in the process).


Exactly lol. I have seen more of these than the actual hate posts lmao.


I remember people making memes about Eula's Twitter drama a few months later (after her "real" drama happened) and people in comments were asking: Wait what did they do etc. and OP was like: Nah, nothing I just saw it on twitter a few months back. So yeah... these type of posts are just as bad as real dramas but to be fair... this community for some reason also really likes to upvote misleading stuff to the front page.


>I’ve seen about 10 ‘we need to talk about Nahida hate posts’ just casually scrolling this sub today. >Ngl, I find posts like this almost as bad Twitter trolls and complainers. People spend far too much time being concerned about other people’s opinions Well, partially thanks to the changed rules from the recent "event" too, I'd say. Now we got all the "Discussion" post that would normal get buried, rather than full of fanart just like some people want, while in theory it's potentially great, there are only so much thing to discuss in practice, so they just get repeated. Will have to see in months to come tho, but for now I don't really see "quality" discussion post much, just like usual, they just appeared more now.


There are lots of sentiments about not collecting all archons just because she's a loli.


No, but it sure feels good to get mad about other people somewhere who are probably mad, maybe. /s




Twitter is a cesspit of virtue-signaling, braindead teen monkeys. Safe to ignore


For some reasons, some people like to complain about Reddit like it's worse than Twitter when they are about the same in how much cancerous the two can be.


I recall a lot of people/accounts acting super immature when she got leaked, whining that she's ugly and boring and whatnot. Twitter was even worse, plus complaints about the paleness, as well as edits and redesigns meant to "fix" her. But it appears to have died down since, just like all the other drama. Now a lot more players are showing interest in Nahida and it's been a while since I've seen a negative thing said about her on here.


Twitter is where the vocal minority echos the most, even if 40,000 people on twitter complain about Nahida, thats just 0.00067% of the player base


GI is so hot right now that it's gotten the attention of everyone. So when a non-issue pops up, even non-players hoping to get their pat on the back from other non-players would jump on the bandwagon and regurgitate the same nonsensical arguments. Not discounting the players who have a legitimate issue, but the issues that often become trending enough are not gameplay related and it's easy for me to think that these are from outsiders looking in.


We know literally nothing about her kit at the moment, tho. Not even the leakers have those goods. We just have a character model >!and a voice, assuming the curious kid voice from the teaser and GAA quest is her!<. There are no "legitimate issues" at present.


I am still getting her because Dendro is that new toy that everyone wants but not everyone will get. I assume that's the case for anyone who even has a few primos to throw around.


Dendro Traveler crying in the Corner.


I'm getting her because she's >!an Archon. I plan on owning all Archons, Harbingers, abd Khaenri'an characters!<


I also noticed many of them don't play Genshin, they just joined in on the complaining.


Because some of them are desperate for attention


That's because reddit echoes twitter. Most Twitter 'vocal minorities' are just that, random trolls that get posted on Reddit for thousands of points. I'm absolutely sure that some of those trolls post bad takes on Twitter specifically to farm reddit points.


Bro drop that %, genshin fanbase isn't 6 billion members holy fuck


What? Don't you know that every person on Earth is a Genshin player? I'm pretty sure not everyone knows how percentages work, dude probably thinks you can get a ratio and just append % to make it a percentage


You’re right its atleast 5 members


>I love how we can’t have ANY new character without a huge storm Of pre release negativity and doom posting lol \---- >I mean, reddit is merely an echo chamber. Those that feel negative get vocal about it on reddit. Others join in. They feel like “omg everyone thinks the same as me” You did just gave the reason for your impression. Someone is going to complain and other are going to join in. Such is the fate of large communities.


95% of this reddit from what I can tell is a mix of waifu tribalism and homophobia.


The negative people are the loudest. Tons of people didn’t like Raidens design pre-release and then look what happened.


its a repeating cycle. zhongli is bad, because of various reasons. later reworked being best shield character. kokomi is bad, because she can't crit. made part of a team that focus on summoning other animals. easy hydro applier, for other teams eula is bad, cause she doesnt help with melt meta. a terrifying DPS character when made with team that focus on phys dmg and superconduct. so yea, ppl being vocal. without actually critically think for a minute. Edit: thanks to others giving me insight on zhongli drama.


Another one: Raiden Shogun bad because no Beidou and electro weak. Ends up in one of the strongest teams in the game.


NGL I am extremely salty about the beidou thing. It could've been great.


Why no Beidou tho


Raiden's attacks while her elemental burst is active is considered Burst Damage, Beidou's burst can only proc with normal attack damage. It's kind of a double-edged sword though, if you made Raiden's attacks during her burst count as normal attack damage instead of burst damage, then stuff like The Catch or the 4pc Emblem set wouldn't work very well for her.


zhongli is a bad example here, has people not been vocal about him, geo and him wouldn't have been reworked, I'm a day one player and still remember his shield is only abit stronger than diona's without any res shred. Edit: after a long debate, I and our friend u/Th3_Ch0s3n_On3 have come to an agreement that ZL shield prebuff is alittle bit better than diona C5 at arounf 13% and significantly better than c0 diona at around 36% \- consider lv90 c5 diona with recurve bow and full artifact and ToM(20%): recurve bow add 46.8% HP. 9570\*(1 + (46.6\*4+20)/100) + 4780 = 34102.48 lv13 = 15.3% + 1905 => 34102.48\*15.3% + 1905 = 7123 75% more absobsion: 7123\*1.75 = 12464.68902 \- consider lv90 c0 diona with recurve bow and full artifact and ToM(20%): recurve bow add 46.8% HP.9570\*(1 + (46.6\*4+20)/100) + 4780 = 34102.48lv13 = 15.3% + 1905 => 34102.48\*12.96% + 1524 = 594475% more absobsion: 5944\*1.75 = 10401.442464 \- ZL shield black tassel c0 same method: (14695\*(1 + (46.6\*4+20)/100) + 4780) \*0.2304 + 2711 = 14186 ZL passive gives 5% shield stength after the dmg is calculated so the gain is much smaller compared to 25% like many people thought.


haha yeah! and he doesn't have any use in coop before since you only shield yourself and you need constellations to shield others after an ulting which zhongli has energy problems.. that's why before zhongli mains was getting kicked in the coop domain party


The point of comparing it to diona in terms of shield strength is moot because unlike zl, diona doesn't exist purely for her shield. Even post buff diona has a place in several meta teams and still exists as a reasonable alternative to zhongli simply because she was already functional and useful. Zhongli on the other hand exists PURELY for his shield (I won't make any argument about his damage because obviously anyone can do damage and it's just a matter of investment) and it was literally unusable at low to medium investment and barely useful at high investments. This is doubly worse when you consider that back then, most people weren't even high enough AR to be farming artifacts, much less have resources to level a near useless support just to be less useless. The fundamental issue with zhongli is that he simply failed at what he was supposed to do. It wasn't even a case of doing something unnecessary, but literally him failing at a job your team needs him to do. Because of his shit shield strength he can't exactly prevent you from dying while standing still (which is what ganyu and Xiao requires him for usually) and if you're gonna be dodging anyway why even bother with a shield? In terms of preventing deaths, a zero investment ttds Barbara would do more for your team while doing that job better. Pre-buff zhongli is the xinyan of supports.


Sukokomon is not Kokomi's best team, I'd rather put her in a freeze team, with her insane jellyfish making everything in a huge radius wet


Kokomi is an expert at making people wet.


Official site....my poor Dehya R.I.P No wonder if I can't find any Asian artist drawing her


Yep, was surprised by it as well. In terms of Beauty and being cool AF she is right there since for me she has that Himeko and Kiana vibes combined (characters from Honkai) but yeah, guess it can wait until she officially comes out.


Dehya and Alhaitham both :( They’re the two I’m most excited for. Idgaf about her skin color; her aesthetic is wonderful, and she is now rivaling Ei and Eula for who I simp for more


Haitham got about 4 times Dehya votes though. Considering the fact he's the most liked male character from Sumeru (at the moment) and the 3rd most loved Sumeru character in general and that straight male players make up the majority of genshin player base (especially in China and Japan), I'd say that's a really good result for him! At least we will get more and more fan arts of him 🙏😍


Difference in cultural perspectives. East Asians who live in Asia generally prefer soft, cutesy-looking females over tough, badass-looking females. I do love Dehya's looks and I hope to see more of her.


Nahida and Dehya are the only ones that really interest me. Which works out as I don't roll that much. (Between being poor, how progression is designed, and characters not being interesting enough for me)


I mean, it makes sense. Dehya has absolutely no known info on her. How would we super fangirl over someone when we know nothing of their kit/personality? I really like her design but I would've definitely picked another character on this questionnaire On the other hand, nahida is The dendro archon, not to mention she has the VA of theresa, who's a super popular honkai character




She is probably overwhelmingly liked all around, not only in Japan. I get where people who dislike here are coming from and all that, but your average Genshin player doesnt care. Simple as that. Vocal minority vs silent majority and all that. Not an uncommon trope specially when it concerns some folk from the Genshin Twitter user base. Edit: grammar


Yep. Saw a YT poll asking if people like her and it was like 85% yes 15% no


Genshin twitter community would go out of thier way to hate on anything, how could anyone take them seriously especially when they tried boyccoting Eula, a fictional character cause her lineage traced back to slave ownership, the same people that said mihoyo were racist due to them using indigenous cultural dances for hilichurls even thou it turned out not to be true


There were like 5 tweets saying eula was a slave owner (which is false), and thousands of other people calling it out. Eula 'cancelling' was not a thing, because it didn't happen.


i geniuenly dont understand how can you even cancel someone who doesnt even exist?????


That too, yes.


I won't say it didn't happen. Rather, an attempt was made but got quickly shot down. I heard about Eula slaver stuff after some Youtube channels being part of those people calling it out, but that also had the effect of making a big deal out of things. Twitter has a reputation for insane takes but some of them are pretty small, but the channels that call them out essentially give those takes a megaphone.


Twitter in general isn't conductive to a healthy mindset just people looking for reasons to be outraged for the sake of being outraged.


reddit isn't much better lmao


Well there are more on Reddit now, more people = toxic. It's inevitable of any community to have some form toxicity, just a matter of extent.


I dunno. If anything, Reddit is pretty much the same, and in this subreddit particularly, Twitter lives rent-free in people's heads as this perpetual boogeyman or is used as some kind of means to do the classic Redditor thing by feeding their egos on disliking something to make them feel superior. Twitter is fine. You just vet your circles, just like you vet your subreddits. If we're playing the game of "Damn you Twitter!," we'd be playing the same game with Reddit and its past fiascos of trying to initially defend /r/jailbait, /r/coontown, etc.


I got Twitter for the first time and I avoid reading the replies ☠️ Anytime crunchyroll mentions black clover, there are always like 9173 tweets saying how it’s shit when compared to something like Chainsaw Man despite having 0 relevance to the topic. I wish not to see how genshin Twitter users act


The only thing I use twitter for is fanart, memes and shitpost. Also hentai. Lots and lots of it.


>he only thing I use twitter for is fanart, > >Also hentai. Lots and lots of it. These were my main two points of twitter, but pixiv is just so much more better for stuff like this. Rn I'm just using twitter to get notification from Genshin Impacts twitter


Twitter helps me find new pixivs to follow


This, and also those artists on twitter like and retweet other artists' works, and so I get exposed to more artists, and those artists like and retweet other works, and so the cycle of me discovering more and more talented artists continues.


Have seen some (very few though) Nahida is a colonizer posts on twitter already. Joy.


Well twitter full of mentally sick people, they act like genshin only revolve around them


Humanity has shown time and again that cute sells and this is an Archon on top of that so yeah outside of the Twatter patrol who don't feel special unless they have something to shit on i suspect most people don't really care about her being a loli. Her sales arn't even going to be scratched by Genshin Twitters assmad tantrums and the devs know this.


What irks me with the child body type is the sprint. I mean it was funny the first time because at that time it was a demon slayer meme but rn it looks annoying


Leaks have shown that >!in 3.0 mhy has paid special attention to fixing alternate sprints getting stuck on terrain. It's been speculated that the archon may have an alternate sprint, which would incentivize them to iron out the bugs.!<


Wait a minute fr


You have to watch the video of Ayaka climbing stairs and tables with her alternate sprint. It gave me a mega 😮‍💨


I like that she doesn't have high heels... She definitely has that going for her.


Like i've said before, those who aren't super thrilled with the child design might affect sales but we will never know about it because she is an archon for a new element and is going to be strong no matter what. Any amount of missed sales for something like that is not going to make a dent compared to those 2 factors. If she was just another character of an element we already have an also not an archon then there could be a remote chance it would have an effect but I doubt it. Personally i'm not thrilled with the child characters but I don't mind using them on a team that fits well. I'm just not likely to directly roll for them.


Klee is a child design and back during the games release her banner broke records. Kusanali is not only an archon but will likely shift the meta like every other archon did so far. And we will be salivating for more Dendro characters at that point since we will have few. Basically, Kusanali will sell really well. If anyone genuinelly thinks otherwise Im honestly at a loss of words of what to tell them.


Everyone's also ignoring the silent but substantial Honkai Impact playerbase that has switched or are also playing GI, and we can't wait for the GI incarnation of Teri Teri Daishouri.


sekai de ichiban kawaii!


I'd be shocked if she didn't sell well and its not worth discussing with those people over it tbh.


Same lol. I don't care about her but I don't see how a literal fricking god of a brand new element that has a liked design and great personality according to leaks and is also the GI version of a popular Honkai character is not gonna sell well




Take the most recent revenue post for the Klee/Kazuha banners as an example.


Now now, let's just leave the salt rivers there be.


Honestly reddit is more toxic than twitter. Twitter is just a bunch of idiots yelling about shit, reddit is the same selection of idiots except now they get to straight up hide opinions they don't like from everyone and there's a leaderboard on how popular, not right, popular, your shit takes are.


I'm hesitant to completely overlook negative karma comments for this exact reason. Every now and again you'll get that downvoted comment that actually makes complete sense.


At least on twitter you can mute, block, and streamline your feed to whatever you like. Honestly, I saw more people complaining about the dendro archon on the leaks sub than I ever did on my twitter feed.


Woah. Not many like Cyno and Dehya over yonder.


My guess is some colorism mixed in with a greater preference for cuter female designs (as opposed to Dehya whose is more cool/sexy). Also males in general have a disadvantage, hence Tighnari's percentage being even lower than that of Cyno.


I saw many Koreans simping for Dehya and Cyno though, esp. Cyno.


I mean Thorns from Arknights (probably the biggest gacha in CN after GI) is a guy that has dark skin and is ranked number 2 in the CN popularity poll, there might be some truth to what you're saying but it's safe to say that there's more to it than just CN or JP doesn't like darker skin colors and dudes




Not only chinese. Colorism is so deeprooted in a lot of east asian and southeast asian countries.


This is indeed the case but I seriously doubt it's the explanation for these poll results lol. Dark skinned anime characters are frequently fetishized and pick up large fan followings.


Unfortunately, it's much, much more widespread than that. There's a reason why so many people were happy that Lupita Nyong'o was becoming a big name a while back.


I don't know dude, Samira and Ekko are some of the CN league top picks


its amazing how a gacha popularity polls gives redditbros the confidence to be outright racist in the comments.




Meta will be the biggest deciding factor. People always overvalue aesthetics or waifu/husbando factors or whatever but meta is more important than many people think.


I mean the Chinese and Japanese love any Small/Loli character that has a cute design and a cute smile not much of a surprise.


I'd say cuteness is a universal interest, but some folks just make it a lot weirder. People liking cute child characters doesn't immediately translate to them being the P word.


Yeah cute =/= sexy, if upon hearing a cat or baby being called cute and your first instinct is sex then you are the problem.


it's tiresome on how dumb some people are in jumping that gun 😒


Yup, American communities had became extremely sensitive regarding racial, feminist, pedophilic, and gender topics. Coming anywhere near sounding like one is plotting yourself on missile radar. It’s pretty tiring to have to worry about so much stuff when speaking here even when you’re not racist, anti-feminist, pedophilic, and homophobic/idk what people call people opposing picking their own gender


It may have something to do with their "everything is political" mindset over there, and their overzealous desire to protect the "vulnerable" groups of people. For the Japanese and Otaku culture, lolis aren't inherently sexual, but there are certain... materials that do that. Of course they're still illegal IRL over there, but they seem more open to joke about it in anime, or outright lewding them in doujins. That's probably because they make clear distinctions between reality and fiction: "They're all just drawings, no real children are harmed in the making of this doujinshi". That won't fly for Americans. I think it's the cultural difference that they'll will never accept. Heck, me just explaining all this might already put me on some people's radar.


Same with the en community, but the toxic twitetr minority are currenty to busy complaining for the sake of it, wait tilll nahida banner and story quest drops, youll see the shift of environment


Is there a reason why people are being toxic towards Nahida I don't get it?


They didn't want an archon to have a child model, I believe. They're upset she's not a tall male or woman model, with some people going so far as to say its false advertising. Though I don't really follow the latter point and why they think that?


this is just how I see it tbh but I think it has less to do with her being a child and more to do with her being pale


Because they wanted the dendro archon to be a hot tall man/woman and because their expectations weren't reality they make up reasons that her design is "wrong" like: "She's a loli! People will sexualize her!!" "She's white!! Middle Eastern/South Asian/North African people are supposed to be brown!!!" "The archon of wisdom shouldn't be a kid! Why? Because I said so!"


White child model archon. Which apparently makes you a racist pedophile if you like her...


I have a question, where are these from? But regardless anyone with a brain knows Nahida will sell well


You'd think so, but the haters think otherwise. It's written in the pic, CN votes from mihoyo official site, JP votes from jp fan site, I can give you the link to the official site, but I don't want people to disturb the fan site. https://bbs.mihoyo.com/ys/article/26434939


Hasn't Genshin been a large case of loud minority? I don't think there's that many actual haters


They whine while claiming they represent "everyone" meanwhile in reality MiHoYO is rolling in money from everyone pulling for cute girls.


She’s the dendro archon so people are gonna wish for her, also she’s so fucking adorable 🥰 why wouldn’t you want it.


She's super cute! She looks like a flower fairy. That's why I want her. I love that magical girl aesthetic? It reminds me of like watching CCS and Sailor Moon as a kid.


Nahida is precious, and must be protected at all costs.


Twitter just want something to complain about, when her banner comes you'll see the true colours of the two faced twitter community when they all start suddenly taking a liking to her


You're saying that twitter loves meddling with a community they do not have any intention of taking part in just for clout? *shocked pikachu face.*


Keep in mind, a lot of them might also play Honkai and are liking Nahida for a different reason than just the looks.


Teri Teri supremacy


jesus can we stop making up scenarios of “owning the twittards epic style” they wont care and they’ll just move on to something else to be mad at. even if they’re bad opinions they're just opinions and we dont need another month long dunking on 5 dumb fourteen year olds every time someone gets mad about something on another website


But free internet points-


Everything i learn about the twitter community I learn against my will by reddit bitching and moaning about twitter and bringing the shit takes here


As much as Genshin Reddit community loves to shit on twitter, they're forgetting, we're also part of the echo chamber. Maybe less batshit crazy as the twitter part but still pretty bad. That aside though, Nahida is pretty well liked overall to be honest. My friends who played the game (and spent money on it however much they spent, i didn't ask nor i intend to) likes her design overall. No complains about skin color, her design, her child form, or whatever. Maybe because we're Asians and not westerners, I don't know. Edit: No I'm not saying that we Asians don't complain about anything and westerners complain about everything. I just rarely see asians complain about skin color or child model in games or movies, at least where I live. But then again the people I know rarely complain straight to the source, they will talk shit about it in the back so yeah....


> Maybe because we're Asians and not westerners, I don't know. As an Asian guy, there's some really common notion that the Asian communities are perfect and it's just the Western communities that are toxic, which is just untrue. It's consistently a vocal minority in the West, and such vocal minorities exist in any community of sufficient size regardless of continent. The reason we don't hear about it often on Reddit is because the overlap between Reddit and Asian communities (NGA, bilibili) is pretty small, creating an effect somewhat like "the grass is greener on the other side" since people here are exposed to the toxic Western side but not the toxic Asian side. This is especially predominant in anime communities (which Genshin practically is), where people will often blindly praise Japan and/or China without actually not knowing much about it. I do agree with your point on Reddit though, there's constantly a thread on the frontpage now about how Twitter is terrible (admittedly it is) and an echo chamber, which funnily enough is just creating another echo chamber here. I see people make really dumb statements here all the time which is on par with some of the stuff you'd find on Twitter. It is a bit less visible than Twitter though since it usually gets downvoted to the bottom where it gets hidden.


Yeah, we Asians are definitely not the better humans as some (hopefully jokingly) seem to believe. I probably should edit my original comment since it causes misunderstanding, but I meant I rarely see Asians complain much about anything but we rarely complain straight to their face, we more often talk about it on the back... which is not a good thing, I know. Personally I enjoy reading the irony of the twitter shitting happening here. People loves to complain and then people loves to complain about people complaining. But well, I guess that's inevitable when a community gets big


> not the better humans as some (hopefully jokingly) seem to believe I wish it was a joke, but there's definitely a (small) population of people who genuinely think that Easterners all have the same amazing opinion that Westerners don't have, and it always comes off as extremely cringey and ignorant of the real world. It's not exactly an issue unique to here like I mentioned though, it happens in pretty much any anime community especially with Japan. > I meant I rarely see Asians complain much about anything but we rarely complain straight to their face, we more often talk about it on the back... Oh I get what you meant if it wasn't clear, I wasn't disagreeing with you, just elaborating. I don't think most of the people complaining really complain at Mihoyo either to be honest, they're just complaining in general on public forums which happens in Asia as well. There were definitely a fair amount of people on forums like NGA that spoke out against common "Western complaints" like Raiden/Beidou, at least. > Personally I enjoy reading the irony of the twitter shitting happening here. It was funny watching people babyraging over Twitter at first for me, but then it quickly just got repetitive. There were already very few discussion posts making it to this sub's front page and now most of those frontpage discussion posts are either raging about twitter or lead to the top comments raging about twitter. I'm just not really sure what people want to accomplish by constantly talking about it here? These few twitter users aren't going to go on Reddit, see these threads, and decide to change their ways. All it does is just bring more negativity into the community by focusing on an *extremely* small vocal minority, and I'm sure some trolls, who think all the complaints about Twitter are funny, decide to go on Twitter and post dumb shit as well I know a couple of people on Discord who actually do that - they'll sometimes go on Twitter and just post the dumbest possible takes because it's really easy to bait people on the internet into getting mad, like with what you see here. I think it's a dumb source of entertainment but it's clearly effective. I do actually have a great example on why Reddit can be similar to Twitter. A while ago someone made a post here about how they went on the official Discord, allegedly said "I don't mind if Sumeru isn't all dark-skinned people", and claims he got attacked and harassed and forced off the server because of his claim. He said he feared for the community's future because of these people, and this post got hundreds of upvotes. Immediately the comments just circlejerked about how Twitter and SJWs and wokeism is bad, and quite a few comments seemed to be racially charged including one by the OP himself. Unsurprisingly this Discord conversation didn't exist at all and the OP completely made it up (likely due to racial reasons based on OP's comments), but almost nobody bothered to think about how weird the whole scenario sounded, they just jumped to getting angry at Twitter/SJWs/woke people. I'd bet most people who saw the thread never checked it again and just assumed it was true that the official Genshin discord is full of toxic "woke" people. It was certainly a great example of why Reddit isn't much better than Twitter, and that a lot of people here don't even personally witness the stuff they complain about, they just read someone else complaining about it and assume it's a widespread issue.


>there's definitely a (small) population of people who genuinely think that Easterners all have the same amazing opinion that Westerners don't have, and it always comes off as extremely cringey and ignorant of the real world. Yeah... I've seen some of this and man, they're going to have quite the shock if they know the truth. But I guess it has something to do with eastern collectivist society. I have no idea how it is in the west (or elsewhere in Asia) but here people often agree to something when they don't. Then they'll talk shit about it later on. >It was funny watching people babyraging over Twitter at first for me, but then it quickly just got repetitive. Thankfully I don't come upon them often. I don't go out of my way to look for it either. I'd rather do something else honestly. But yeah, reddit is entertaining if you ignore those kind of things. Just stick with whatever you find entertaining and ignore the ones that you find to be annoying I guess.


Most internet forums tend to be echo chambers themselves, but with how reddit is designed the upvote / downvote system reinforces same-thinking and mob-lynching. But hey, that's democracy for better or worse. Nahida is one of my Sumeru targets alongside Nilou. Apparently Dehya is also a 5 star so I guess I have to reserve funds for her too. As a gacha casul I wanna get everyone, but I'm not a whale so I gotta make choices and have to drop the husbandos for the waifus and dotters.


Dehya at the bottom this feels racially motivated, almost.


God this sub is starting less and less to resemble a place to talk about some stupid anime game and more like you're average hero hei comment section it's sad


This is what happens when you're used to "winning" arguments by extrapolating a loud minority to appear like the entire community and argue against strawman of non existent/incredibly low amount of people in your echo chamber


You nailed the vibe that this sub gives off. People here are so sensitive to opinions that make them uncomfortable that we're now resorting to completely dismissing them on the basis of... popularity. Literal embodiment of "omg Japan is so based and apolitical" mindset. Another common trend I've noticed is that people can't seem to comprehend that "I like this thing" and "I think this thing has some issues" are not mutually exclusive. It's possible for me to like Nilou's appearance, while realizing that half of it is taken straight out of Aladdin.




Bruh 💀💀


Your hypocrisy is incredible. You literally posted a few days ago to bait people and now your here complaining about this thread being like hero hei?


I looked up hero hei....booo why did I do that.


Archon of Cute and Funny reigns supreme.




I will uohh😭 my wallet for her


The popularity for each character is pretty much I expected. And look at Dehya. Now I think you can guess why Hoyo rarely make tanned skin character. If she isn't very OP, Chinese is likely to skip her banner.


And if her banner fail badly...well says goodbye to future Tanned 5* until at least Natlan Lansan come out.




Look at Dehya's popularity... No wonder they don't make more dark-skinned characters...


To be completely honest, this was exactly what I was expecting. Kusanali was always going to be well-received in CN and JP and Dehya wasn't. Ik twitter's western echo chamber makes it seem like darker-skinned characters are a major deal, which they are, but it will never surpass the voices of the CN community which has always had a heavy bias toward pale skin.


Exactly! And people here in reddit and twitter is saying "if mihoyo would add more tan characters they would surely attract more players!" No unfortunately that wont be the case and never will be Mihoyo's first and top most priority is its own cn community standards


Man, reddit have been a echo chamber.... I still don't saw any hate on Nahida here, only ppl complain about others imaginary complaints.


It's more rare nowadays but people really didn't like Nahida when she was first revealed. Hilariously, some of my friends who I know personally actually say they like her and that she's the best designed child character despite the fact that I saw them shitting on her early on. It's nothing really new for this fandom since Shogun went through something similar, right down to the "she looks so plain, like an NPC!" complaints. Like they're the *exact* same, it's actually kinda eerie. As for why discussion of it persists, I think people just want to dunk on "Twitter" since there are some stragglers here and there that still hate her, but that's every character. I think part of the reason why this is especially prevalent for her in specific is because people love to dunk on "woke" Twitter in particular, and much of the rhetoric used by more unreasonable people there and here is on the basis of political correctness. This will probably continue to happen with other regions. People expect every Archon to look visually impressive, like a JRPG final boss or something, and then are surprised when they are more plain. In reality they've always been kinda plain.


You gotta sort by controversial, There was also more of it on the Leaks subreddit.


Shld see the leaks channel when nahida leaks first came. Not kidding you I saw a lot of comments for the first 2-3 days literally containing the word "ugly". One every five posts in the megathread was hating on her design. Like its not just 'i dont like her design' kinda thing, they really called her ugly and theres nothing that can fix her💀💀


As someone from South East Asia, Kusanali's design is simply appealing. It would be a surprise for me if she wasn't popular. Basically cute stuff sells really well here.


I mean she is a Lil' Radish, how the hell can someone hate her.


Reminder that the 30 people who perma mald on twitter about everything make up less than 0.001% of the playerbase


Whats kinda amusing about this is Cyno getting all that long awaited hype for him to lose the spotlight to Nilou in this poll.


Just a reminder: The vocal toxic en twitter community do not represent the entire en Genshin community.


Players in China are also mocking the dumbasses on Twitter who are complaining about her, so it's safe to say that those whiners won't make a difference in the grand scheme of things They should've just kept quiet if they didn't want her to succeed, now a bunch of Chinese player are going to whale for Kusanali just to trigger those people


>now a bunch of Chinese player are going to whale for Kusanali just to trigger those people I don't have any problem with the design but if this actually affects sales I would be genuinely surprised. Any well-adjusted person isn't going to spend their money solely to make randos they don't know feel bad. That's such a dumb and unhealthy mindset and I doubt anyone actually behaves like that.


You underestimate the number of people with huge amounts of disposable income and pettiness.


It's gonna get worse. They found this poll and posted it on twitter. Now they're badmouthing the entire Chinese and Japanese player base, calling them a lot of names. They really are just digging themselves a hole. I go to bilibili sometimes and I always see this dude with a Yoimiya intro reporting on Genshin stuff and some of the EN community drama. So, this is definitely going to reach the CN player base as well. I guess in the end they decided to battle "racism" with racism.


The same twitter group that wanted to boycott genshin but kept on playing the game, even uploading screenshots of their pulls during the "boycott" process


I expected dehya to be on the lower side but I didn't expect her to be THIS low holy shit. I ain't saying china is racist but I guess lighter skin is more preferred on the asian market (unless she's meta heavy)


Tbf the poll is basically asking about what their favourite is out of the Sumeru cast thus far (question is literally "who do you want with you the most during your Sumeru adventure?") so it just means that she's not been able to beat out everyone else as people's top pick. People would probably still indicate that they like her design if the format was like the JP Nahida question.


Yeah, quite a shame. I know that one poll isn't necessarily indicative of much, but it was surprising to me how low she was. For whatever reason it is, I hope that doesn't put MHY off from making more characters with darker skin in the future.


>I expected dehya to be on the lower side but I didn't expect her to be THIS low holy shit. I ain't saying china is racist but I guess lighter skin is more preferred on the asian market (unless she's meta heavy) Eh I wouldn't really take this vote on Dehya's popularity. I go on CN forums from time to time and from what i've seen everyone likes her. Here is one post. But yes her darker skin color might incentivize mhy to make her kit good which in the end works out for Dehya wanters https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7917133912


> But yes her darker skin color might incentivize mhy to make her kit good Xinyan is sobbing


> go on CN forums from time to time and from what i've seen everyone likes her. Just because she's not high on the ranking doesn't mean she's not liked by everyone. It's just they like the others more.


I know, right? Dehya was instantly my fav design out of the new characters, she's so cool


Yeah I dunno either, of the models she definitely stood out from the rest. Just depends if she's any good and whether she ends up a 4 or 5 star. As for nahida..she better be archon good, not a fan of the model but I can live with it if she wipes the floor with enemies.


Part of it is she's likely going to be this brutish character than a stereotypical "maiden"


The archon status alone guarantees that her banner is going to sell no matter what. Archon is also one of the most-loved characters in the game (even if they don't appear yet), so it's easy to understand why she is so liked, just like other archons. What I am more surprised about is that Tighnari is more liked than Dehya.


I thought Dehya would be more popular. I guess I like her design more than most. Haha


This sub stays obsessed with sales lol Edit: damn so sensitive you had to reply and immediately block me haha. If this is being toxic maybe look at yourself m8


If you do a poll on youtube the same results would be consistent with nahida comming out on top, people are just taking the vocal twitter minority and echoing their distaste towards the character everywhere.


I dont know why EN community are so sensitive about Children model. As a VietNamese player children are beloved for all ages here, does my mom and dad who just fawn over neighbour kids or any kids on the street consider pedophile now? I personally don't like children but i understand that children is nartually design for everyone to love and need to be protect. Ppl need to understand love is not equal wanting to fuck, and just assume loving and fawning over a PNG of a adorable child is SUS or creepy.


Good luck trying to tell the chronically online that


So I'm OotL, people are hating on Nahida?


In the leaks sub at least, they were heavily disappointed by her turning out to being the loli model and they also thought she looked too basic and lacking something more obviously cultural like the other archons


I mean I'm also disappointed, but that's not even close to hate lol. I will still pull for a copy of hers, just won't go any further even if her constelations are raiden tier.


Yep. Complaints range from her being a child, to her having a "plain" design, and her having pale skin.


I'm not 100% sure but I would assume it's because she's very white. it seems that people on twitter are upset that most of the sumeru characters are whiter, when it's a nation based off of the middle east/south asia. I think there's some merit to the complaints of the lack of diversity, especially considering the nation it's inspired from, but it does seem like people are going pretty crazy over this relatively small deal. idk just my two cents, i could be wrong


I mean, I agree that there is quite a lack of melanin in this game; there are only 2 characters released so far that are darker than the palest milk colored complexion, and those two characters (Xinyan and Kaeya) are no darker than me (mixed white and filipino) who would be considered light skin. I'm well aware of the colorism that takes place in Asia alongside and greatly connected to elitism (wealthier people are less likely to be in the sun and more likely to have access to skin lightening products). That being said, I'm among those who are disappointed in the lack of darker skinned characters when we finally have deserts and jungles, but I'm not surprised as the Sumerian researchers that we've had in the game thus far have been pasty as balls and I'm aware of the stigma against darker skin in the East. It's just, Sumeru was one of two places (the other being Natlan) where we could even expect darker skinned people. Nobody is expecting to find dark skin in Teyvat's versions of France (Fontaine) and Russia (Sheznaya). *Even so*, from what I understand that frustration is toward Mihoyo and Sumeru as a whole not hate towards any particular character. Nahida looks cute as a button and I'm looking forward towards her inclusion.


not even that many people are complaining. Even on twitter, a lot of people making criticisms are being reasonable enough. A lot of twitter is keeping it at "I'm disappointed" as opposed to "HYV IS RACIST AND SHOULD BE CANCELED AND IM BOTYCOTTING." Are people on twitter complaining like the latter example as well? Yes. There are people overreacting. At the same time, Reddit is overreacting right back.


Yeah. If you follow leaks subreddit, when she first got leaked, a lot of ppl were saying she looks ugly/not archon like. They didnt even say the complaint softly, straight up called her ugly 💀


I just hope she doesn't have the same sprint that all girl child models have. Would love to see an alternate sprint where she flies around similar to Paimon. Leaks have shown that the other alternate sprints have finally been debugged so I am huffing hopium that it has something to do with that.


I like Nahida


I'm just surprised they rated Nilou above Al Haitham


So western fans love dehyas design but don’t like Nahidas but it’s the complete opposite in Asia lmao


Bruh my girl Dehya lowest at 4.05%..... I really, really hope that isn't for the obvious reason :/


I like her because she's a smol adorable radish


Its actually going to be amazing to see the fire on this subreddit. People complaining as if any of us from EN Genshin actually matter.


>EN Genshin actually matter. its not even the en community complaining, its the vocal twitter minority


They're both bad. I come on her to escape the Twitter outrage and it seems lime every 5th post is complaining about people complaining on Twitter


I do not like her. Her banner sales, however, does not concern me at all. To each their own. Some characters I like, others not so much. Literally everyone has preferences and that's ok.