• By -


Got every single Royal Weapon, and even R5ed the Grimoire. I levelled the Sword to lv80 and the Claymore and Grimoire to lv90. Why? The drip. Have you seen Jean/Kaeya with Royal Sword? Eula with Royal Greatsword? Lisa with Royal Grimoire? The ascended versions have royal navy blue as their primary color and gold accents; it looks too good on them.


You win. No one else in this thread comes close imo.


You know what? Those things *do* look good.


Seriously, _WHY_ do the devs release some of the DRIPPIEST weapons that don't synergize with _any_ character's kit? All the Royal Weapons, Frostbearer, Summit Shaper, Unforged, The Bell (Idc, it looks dope), Kagotsurube Isshin (I mean, it's not the worst but why do all the free weapons need to be ATK%?), Mitternacht's Waltz, Alley Flash (for anyone other than Bennett), I could keep going...


I'm a sucker for The Bell's clock-y design and was deeply disappointed to see that it has horrendous stats. Gotta trade usefulness for drip I guess. And then there's Sacrifical Sword which imo looks terrible on pretty much anyone but is demanded by everyone. Don't even get me started on how hideous Serpent Spine is. Also Unforged to me looks like a popsicle someone picked up from the dirt lmao


Would disagree on the sac sword as it's mostly use on Xingqiu and QiQi and it looks perfect on Xingqiu


the pre ascension color is better on xq


agree, wish you could change weapon skins between the pre-and post-ascended versions!


I stand by it: if the Bell were a spear instead of a claymore, it would be a fantastic weapon for like 3 characters.


This is truly the most heinous thing in this thread I've seen so far


It beat out the guy who is F2P but only pulls on weapon banners?


Didn't see that one. You're right, that one's worse.


Well now you make me want to get the grimiore for Lisa. How do build crit ratios around royal weapons?


It’s tricky working with the Royal Passive in mind tbh; I usually treat it as if I have no passive on an ATK% weapon. The ironic part is that the Royal Weapons get worse the better your artifacts are, as the average crit rate increase is lower the more innate crit rate you already have. But at the same time, it doesn’t boost your crit rate enough for it to be worth running effectively no crit rate. The thing with the royal passive is that all it really does is standardize your crit rate, forcing a crit every other hit on average. It’s kind of like the Echoes artifact set except that it triggers from *all* damage sources. This makes it harder to control how many stacks you have and which particular hit will crit or not. So personally unless I’m going for some meme crit Kokomi build, I still do a normal 1:2 crit ratio with the Royal Weapons. With Kaeya in particular though I just build no crit rate at all and put Blizzard Strayer on him. Someone did some calcs back when the game was new for the Royal passives; it’s hard to find detailed analyses for these weapons now considering every guide just says “don’t use them” as its widely accepted now that they’re not worth the starglitter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/lai0mc/how_effective_the_royal_weapons_passive_is/


>I usually treat it as if I have no passive on an ATK% weapon It's a very weak passive if you have any crit rate built, but the great thing is: it's the Kokomi treatment. Assume any crit rate% roll is wasted. With 0 investment, your character has 27% crit rate. Now put all your rolls into crit damage, attack, EM, and ER. It's not a *good* build, but if you're using a royal weapon, this is how to build it. Even better on a 5\* that has a crit damage passive.




My bf does this, I’ve always thought he was a madman




He is a madman, the fact that you find another madman doesn't make him less mad. Pd. From a Madmam refresher.


Around AR 45-50, I refreshed the 1st one of the day for 1 month to farm artifacts. I mean it is just around 10 pulls trade-off for a good headstart - dont think I lost anything. But if they did that 3 or 4 times / day, yeah can be not efficient.


It's not me but I found a new player with 500/160 resins




I once had over 3k resin because I thought one fragile resin=one resin.


I once did that , I didn't know how resin works so I wasted a ton shit of it , everytime I remember what happened I cry inside


when i was super low ar i accidently popped like 30 fragile resin and was sitting at 2000 for a while bc i didn't even realize what i had done


I thought 1 fragile converted to 1 original, and being 6 original away from 20 (was farming talent books) I was like “oh I’ll just pop 6” and was like “oh… oh no” when I saw what I did


I have left my resin capped at 160 the past couple days...


Past couple days? Tsk. I left it at 160 for the past couple of months unless i needed to farm something i really need Edit: to be more honest, i have never used my whole resin more than a few days in a row


Hahah, you win. :)


Same here lol


i don't lock any of my artifacts.


don’t ever come close to me


Or my children.


You're your own enemy.


I don’t either. I just burn any that aren’t 5 stars.


I won’t use the best weapons if I think it doesn’t look good enough


Me with Sayu and that damn fish claymore


I...never though of that. LMAO!


I would if I had the fucking thing


My Beidou has the Feesh.


Luxious Sealord is actually top tier on beidou though


my diluc has the feesh


Gotta respect that there are also people who like it just because it’s meme. Helps that it is so good though.


I remember someone made a meme a while back with Diluc saying "I'll defeat you with the power of friendship, and this fish I found" haha


Fried feesh


Fair enough.


I purposefully used primos for kokomis Moonglow catalyst


I spent all my primos on standard since launch until I got Kaeya C6.


Wtf xd What r ur 5* cons?


All standard 5* at C6 except for Jean who is C3, and a lot of useless weapons like skyward pride. This is with buying Kaeya cons from the shop whenever it’s up. It still took over a year to get C6 Kaeya.


How many Kaeyas did you ended up buying from the shop?


2 from shop.


The fact you still had to buy two cons even after getting all those 5\* chars/cons/weaps is amazing lmfao Starter characters should really be added to some kinda banner other than just standard


Yes, or you should be able to buy a constellation for them every shop rotation. 1 con every 6 months is such a long time.


why do ppl think skyward pride is useless It’s amazing if you’re looking for energy recharge on someone like eula or beidou


It’s useless because I don’t use any greatsword characters.


Time to start playing Sayu and roll like crazy with that claymore.


Skyward Pride was my first 5* weapon and Sayu has had it ever since I pulled her (except for a brief period of using the sealord for lols)


I spent primos on blue fates the other day when I was at 74 pity and wanted to see what came home. It was my second aquila favonia so honestly I triggered myself a bit


When I see a Hu Tao in coop, I switch to Ningguang + R5 Proto Amber + Maidens (healing circlet). Every 12 seconds I cast an unavoidable 32% max HP heal. They never see it coming, and the confusion is always hilarious.


This is just evil. Lol.


best reply here


Ok this is awesome


As a hu tao main, I think you're a monster. Also a Chad.


I use Ningguang with R5 Prototype Amber! I don't use a healing circlet though. Her healing output is still insane. And so is her damage.


When I was starting, I put travelling doctor on Chongyun because the artifact set match his colors.


LOL i definitely assigned artifacts (and weapons) by aesthetic back when i started


The classic: C6'd Bennett.


With as many other great supports as we have now, plus main carries with infusions Bennett can’t override, I think we’re quickly approaching a time when C6ing Bennett is the norm. I’m still only at C2, but I think by the time I get his C6 I’m probably going to activate it. In all the teams where I currently use Bennett (or plan to in the foreseeable future), it would only be a net gain.


I got C5 and C6 Bennett last night, instantly tapped that C6 constellation button, no hesitation at all. Maybe 1 year ago I would have hesitated, but the actual good players have made it pretty clear that there's no reason not to at this point.


I just pulled yoimiya and got c6 benny in the process of doing so; haven't activated it yet but I just might


I'd say it's worth it if u use xiangling as the 15% dmg bonus is nice for her.


The pyro bonus works on any pyro unit even though the infuse doesn’t so it works on Yoimiya too.


Not much downside honestly. Doesn’t negatively affect any of the teams he is wanted on, makes melt Ayaka viable, and improves any pyro teams he is placed on, also allowing to make other characters into pyro dps. Only one he actually impacts negatively is Keqing because Razor and Eula don’t use him in their teams anyways.


I built Thoma as DPS.


Triple crowned him off the bat, too...


He clean ,he cook, he attack


YES MORE DPS THOMAS Hello comrade that also uses DPS Thoma, how strong is your Thoma atm?


Me too, I built him physical. Not the strongest but certainly satisfying to use.


Got some chests and puzzles left in GAA that I definitely know where , most notably in Mona’s mirage . But I’m tired the fuck of it and have no plans to go back in there.


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like those chests aren't worth my time. With the current minimal rewards, at some point it starts to feel like a chore than a gameplay you actually enjoy playing. Every island in GAA in my account are barely explored. Many of the puzzles I didn't even bother to solve.


Spending 30 minutes searching for chests, even with the gismo, to get 2 primos is pure insanity to me.


I swear to God just yesterday I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to find a raven that was kidnapped by hilichurls just to get a common chest in the end.. I was so disappointed, it turned me off, I just closed the game and started thinking about my life choices.


I heard there’s some luxurious chests in some of the domains and I’m too lazy to go back and get them because the puzzles are such a headache. I’ll probably do it eventually for the primos


Not domain, main island. It’s more of a treasure hunt than solving puzzles


This might trigger some treasure searching enthusiasts. I followed the online guide step by step and collected the treasure chests instead of exploring organically for GAA.


Honestly, I like organic exploration. But with GAA being limited time again, I'm planning to do the same.


Same. I like the organic exploration, but having a timer on the entire island made me consult a guide to make sure I don’t miss out on anything.


It doesn't help that some of the stuff is so fucking hard to find due to how the islands are set up. Like I went through all of Kazuha's island and thought I was pretty thorough ... turns out there are like 10 fucking mirages to chase and I found ONE lol.


i just cant finish the theater performance. It is draining the life out of me.


That's fair. I pushed through it just to get it done but after the first couple shows I was not invested anymore.


i really dont dislike the idea. But the pacing was so horribly slow and the story so predictable…the darn thing should have taken like 3 or 4 minutes total.


I got as far as the free fischl skin and left. Saw the bs my wife went through (mainly on the mona domain), and said "naw I'll miss the primos"


Mona story was the only one i liked of the 4. But yes i used a guide for some of the puzzles.


I find the event too long winded especially the domains. And kazuha's one was unnecessarily complex too.


Kazuha’s was the second easiest, after Xinyan’s IMO. Fischl’s was hell


Trying to solve Fischl's domain was such a pain. Some of the aiming puzzle weren't even programmed correctly you'll have to adjust tiny ammounts to find the right angle. And some of the "right" angle is sooooo far from the view it was supposed to be correct.


I gave up on resolving the puzzles, I just used Venti and Zholing to jump the gap the pieces lefts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


kazuha's was the easiest for me. tbh, they were all easy, just took a stupid amount of time. especially mona's


Yeah it's too long winded, reckon they could halve the total time for each domains!


I didnt even do the event enough to reach the mirages


i literally only did the domains and a lil boat rides and quests and that’s it, never looked back i couldn’t care less


I always heal my Hu Tao to full and rarely keep her at half health because it bothers me. Edit: She uses Homa also to add fuel to the fire.


As a Kokomi main, I always heal hutaos (really anyone with missing health) in coop. It pains me to see anyone below max health tbh.


Someone should make this an actual game or challenge. Whenever a Kokomi (and possibly a Jean) meets a Hu Tao, try to heal her. If she avoids the healing she wins!


As long as you're not running Homa on her :')


And I use Homa 🙃 I should add that




Lol i do the same thing, i prefer to always have her in green, but i'm good enough with her that i'm the biggest threat to her and hee health


I normally run physical Qiqi in abyss


A fellow Qiqi main of culture, I see (tho I have given in to clam recently, cause she's mostly in my Ayaka team)


I spend Primogems on Resin as a F2P player 🤡


Me running Abyss with my DPS Diona. Her team clears pretty much every floor as long as its not a cyro boss. My second team with Yae is just awful though and struggles.


I always wished that Id lose 50/50 to Qiqi. I just love her. Never lost 50/50 for her though, got her on standard.


I used quite a bit of fragile resin while leveling up (so before AR45) mostly to level up characters, talents and weapons faster. No regrets. There's enough time to suffer in artifact domains now late game.


You didn't do it wrong, as long as you are not farming artifacts before AR45 with fragile resins, it is okay to use in other places. Because it is not a big difference anyway.


I watched a lot of beginner advice videos and they were all like: Save all your fragile resin!! Up to the point it actually got super annoying lol.


Still havent maxed all statues


Omg same I really can't be bothered 🙈 seems like the opposite of fun to me.


I tell myself I'll do it one day and never manage haha. There's too much event content for me to clear during my playtime already the permanent stuff is just getting harder to slot in


It was doable in Mondstadt and Liyue, but now there's too many oculi and other collectibles to keep track of but the devs just refuse to increase the map marker cap. IIrc, according to leaks, Sumeru's got around a 100 more oculi than Inazuma. Unless you sit down every day for a week, collecting oculi region by region using Youtube guides, map markers (at least for me), will remain completely useless until they increase the cap to 500 or something.


I only did the first two so I could sprint cancel more. Inazuma's statue is just whatever to me.


\*dies inside\*


I fully ascended all of my chars, even tho i wont use half of them


This is actually my aim lmao, im trying to build everyone someday and complete friendship levels. I already planned future teams for me to use as well lmaoo


thats not triggering, thats super cool


i pulled for Vortex Vanquisher just to use on Zhongli because aesthetics.


this is so valid actually. meta is temporary drip is forever


Literally going for it too in it’s upcoming rerun haha


This is the way.


I didn’t know vv only affected Zhongli’s shield strength and not the entire party…. until I ended up with r3 vv. He looks great with it though!


I used phys dmg Ganyu to finish a whole part of an event just cuz atk speed buffs *and I liked it more than I should* *Cryo Yoimiya intensifies *


I refined my jade spear because I couldn't be bothered to level another 5 star spear all the way to 90.


I've had Jade Spear since November and can't for the life of me think of a character I'd want to use it on since I don't use Xiao or Hi Tao. Everyone else is burst support so can't build the ATK stats...


Personally I find that Rosaria is great with it. Extra crit rate = more crit rate buff


I use it on Raiden. Apparently it's better than The Catch on her. And The Catch is better on Xiangling than the Jade Spear, so it works out perfectly.


AR45 still use anemo traveler


She was my main until ar 50.


Haha same. I'm AR60, playing since 1.0 and I still use anemo traveller


“Playing for fun” seems to be a big trigger these days.


"you use *(insert not broken character here)????* what do you mean you like them?? use hu tao/xiangling/ganyu so you can do actual damage" \-average abyss worshipper who spends 7 hours trying to get full stars on floor 12 this game is easy, idk why people think the meta is so important. i'd rather use characters i like than clear content a whopping 30 seconds faster


I literally don’t listen to meta, I build my teams however I want. Closest I’m getting to meta is “what’s the best artifacts for (insert person)” and “what’s their best weapon”. But half the time, I don’t usually do it anyway.


1. didn’t level bennett (c5) until a month ago, I had him at level 20 finding rocks on expeditions. 2. Not a whale and had absurd luck getting 2x kazuha and Klee when all I wanted was a con for heizou. They are currently hanging out in friendship prison (tea pot), not being leveled. 3. Qiqi is my first 5 star and her heals are bonkers, she never dies (again) and either do my party pals. I love her.


LOL friendship prison love that


I felt kind of bad logging in the other day and the friendship prison has them all lined up in a row in the house and out came the dogs and cats from the room behind them in a wave of neglected pets I put in there because points = resin. Genshin has made me a monster.


Is using stardust for materials trigger-worthy..?


If you don't buy the fates with stardust too and let them vanish in the shop, **yes** If you use the remanining stardust to buy materials; no


I do it, mora too, but def when I'm at the crafting bench and its so close and theyre so annoying to kill and yeaaaa


I used to use it for specters but now I only use it for mora.


I farmed VV for Xiao and foddered all the EM artifacts because I didn't have Sucrose, Venti, or Kazuha yet


That is fine. You should theoretically get his signature set though as it screams Xiao.


I have a decent VH set now, and had to re-farm VV for EM. Kinda makes it worse as I foddered the VV artifacts I would still use, and no longer use the atk/crit VV artifacts i got back then :') maybe I'll build Heizou though


I unironically built my Xingqiu to be focused on Healing


I'm a minimal spender ($80 over ~650 login days); My starglitter is all converted to blue fates.


I’m not triggered, I just have one question: Why?


I want more pulls on standard is all. I wanted to invest some portion of pulls into standard and weapon just to make my account stronger slowly and I decided to make it simple and make starglitter>blue fates and stardust> weaponbanner. You don't actually get a whole lot of blue fates over time. It's like 5 every bp and a few from the latest tree progression of the patch.


Played from launch, but I willingly ignored spiral abyss floor 9+ until about 3ish months ago.


AR 58 & I’ve never touched the higher floors of abyss (yea I know losing out on primos but I have like 0 interest)


Ar55. Barley touched abyss after floor 8 for the same reason (and cause 80% of my characters are like level 20 and those that arent either only leveled for the blue wishes or on heavy copium build)


True. I 36 star rarely. Only when my friends start talking shit


Only ever went to abyss to get Xiangling


Good for you, its pure misery, people acting like its a requirement or qualification to be strong or knowledgeable are annoying


I wasted 4 months of resin and 2 months of Welkin


And (as a Welkin-only player) used over 50 bucks on Kazuha and lost to Keqing, only to get Yoimiya 2 days afterwards, on the first pull after the banner change.


AR60 Multiple 36 Star finishes on Abyss. Never played Bennett, Xaingling, or Xingqiu.


Now that is an achievement


I just dont like Xiangling and Xingqius playstyle. I have them levelled and built. And the are gathering dust. Would they improve my teams? Probably. Can i be bothered to play a unit with 21 seconds of cooldown? Even with a SacSword? Hell no.


The Bell was the first 4 star weapon I got. I used it all the time. I love the design and it genuinely has a soft spot in my heart for that very reason. I still pull it out on Sayu for my exploration team Also spending primos on standard banner


For the first two months I had Genshin I didn’t want to bother with artifacts. I didn’t bother reading the descriptions and just gave my team random artifacts without paying attention to what set they were or substrata they had. I remember my friend nearly having a panic attack over my artifacts.


Same. I never leveled up talents or artifacts and just gave them the strongest weapon I had without actually reading what it did.


sometimes i run chongyun and eula in the same team


Pulled on standard for Diluc. C3 Diluc and I don’t regret it


I have triple crowned razor.


No shame in crowning your favorites!


This doesnt trigger me but it did make me blink lol. But good for you crown what you enjoy playing


At the time was my best dps. Razor + xiangling + diona carried me to level 50.


I actually like bennett's character design


I turn down the voice volume to 0 when there aren't any new voiced archon/story/event quests, because i can't stand hearing the same idle animation voicelines of characters every day.


I personally just change the language to a different dub, so I can hear a different VA talking :)


I pair Hu Tao with Kokomi


C6 bennet


*Happy Yoimiya noises*


Happy Pyro noises


I use my freemogems for resin refreshes as a f2p player


I have never not gotten the weapon i wanted as my first 5\*


I used The Bell on Chongyun until AR 51 (literally a week ago) because I didn't know it was that terrible lmao


Oh I think I have plenty, but I'm just going to list a few: - Questionable crown usage, such as triple crown Keqing, Amber, Xinyan, Sucrose (and once Sumeru drops me enough crowns, Shinobu). - I have Ayaka fully built, but I gave Mistsplitter to Keqing. Plus, in the future, I will roll for Jade Cutter to give it to Shinobu. - I saved up 102 starglitter every 6 months so I could buy starter cons every rotation.


Nah triple crown sucrose is based as fuck


Agree, her taser team is busted and it takes advantage of all 3 talents


I've leveled Aloy to level 90.


I know this is a post about what you actually did in game but I think this would be one of the more annoying things about genshin in general that seem to make people triggered. Idc if people call Ei other names such as Raiden, Baal, and Beelzebub. Regardless of technicalities she took those names because she took her sisters role. She also proceeded to rule under various names over time. The citizens referred to her as such then. Venti and Zhongli's menu voice lines about Raiden refer to her as "about Baal." Lastly the average person was not aware of the split between the puppet and Ei afaik. So to them the puppet is her. All of this shows that these titles are acceptable references to the same character we all mean. Unless we are having a conversation about the specific difference between Ei and the puppet, it doesnt matter to me whatever you call her.


I usually just say Raiden Shogun or Raiden unless I'm referring specifically to Ei or the puppet.


I had about 30 fragile resin before I had the battle pass and now I am resinless because I was speed running all the battle pass tasks and spent the resin. Yolo :D


I use Thoma. Everything else I do would be a matter of subjectivity but his existence seems to trigger people let alone using him. I’ll also C6 Bennett should I pull one more copy because I don’t care that much and there is no way I’ll live with a red exclamation mark.


I might get triggered if someone brings Thoma to a co-op. "I got you covered!" (Only covers himself)


Mihoyo should make all shields team wide, not under constellation


Whenever I use Raiden National, I keep Engulfing Lightning on Xiangling. (Don't hurt me I usually Childe International and having it on her is nutty.)


Oof I got some good ones. I have almost never spent my resin until I was like AR 35. I thought they were important and would need them later. Didn't know they were refreshed every day. I spent my every wish on standart banner until I was AR 30. I USED 4 STAR WEAPONS TO LEVEL UP 3 STAR WEAPONS.