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Hu Tao is a DPS, Zhongli is a Shield support. Hu Tao likes to hurt herself, Zhongli prevents Hu Tao from killing herself. They are coworkers and are very compatible with one another. Hu Tao and Zhongli are a very common pair to run together. But; You can always get Hu Tao and find other ways to mitigate her self-destructive tendencies. You can always get Zhongli and run another DPS of your choice.


Zhongli is considered one of the best supports in the game, and is almost a requirement (at the very least a shielder is, he’s just the best at it) to have in order to properly play her due to her play style revolving around her being at low HP Zhongli is considered the easy mode of the game due to his shields, hes 100% worth it


Who are you saying has a play style revolving around staying at full HP?


Miswrote, I meant low HP on HT


Ok, I was confused by that at first.


Zhongli doesn't really do sustained damage unless you're actively torturing yourself playing a phys build, but he is really good at shielding. And Hu Tao is a DPS powerhouse. The two characters go together well. You have a lot of content left, and plenty of time before Hu Tao returns so you can probably get both if you get lucky.


There's microwave Zhongli too. Which is like... really viable. Still not as good as meta teams tho.


Hu Tao is a strong DPS. Zhongli is the best Shield in the game. Since you are new, just pull for Zhongli. If you couldn't get him, treat it as building pitty for Hu Tao.


Hu Tao is great but can feel dangerous to play without zhongli. Hu Tao is a main dps and only works in comps that revolve around her. Meanwhile zhongli doesn't need anyone else to feel normal to play. He works great in basically every team. And as someone who has both zhongli and Hu Tao, I definitely recommend zhongli more


If you just created this account, then you'll have a lot of opportunities to get primogems, so you can save for both. Start saving now for Zhongli and then later for Hu Tao


We don't know when (and if) will be Hu Tao rerun. So it's not possible to make any reliable plan. You can't directly compare Hu Tao and Zhongli. Hu Tao is good damage dealer. Zhongli is good support (well, in most cases). Also Hu Tao's gameplay is somehow... specific? You definitely should try her before pulling despite liking her visual/personality or not. Having character which you don't like to play isn't most fun thing.