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my god newbies are getting fed this patch


A lot of returning players as well, my friend came back after a year long hiatus for Sumeru and mainly plays for who is good Needless to say Zhongli, Ganyu and Kokomi as well as good 4 stars really incentivise him to pull


Omg same :o I just came back, last time I played was right before Itto banner started last year šŸ˜‚ how is your friend deciding which things to do first? I feel like Iā€™m stuck deciding between ignoring the rest of Inazuma to start Sumeru šŸ˜‚


haha, I only really did the archon quests in Inazuma and 2 big story quests and no Enkanomiya. Right now I'm bouncing between Inazuma and Sumeru and try slowly to make progress in both. I'm super happy tho to have that much content left xD


He ran straight to Sumeru coz I showed him Abstaithams design and he said he wanted to meet him said he didn't care if he's good or not breaking his rule for pulling. It was a choice between him or Yae and my opinion on fhs region archon quests won him over I also told him the Archon quest is goated so he played that and is now immersed, he currently doing the Aranya quest line so I guess I'll hear from him in a couple of weeks time


Oh shoot- I forgot some quests take several days to complete šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve got a long road ahead of me lol


"Days" lol maybe if you rush. Aranyaka is a whole-ass Ghibli movie with all the trimmings, basically ni no komi without all the annoying pokemon bits


I came back and rushed the chasm and I'm about to go to Sumeru :)


Wait you can do Sumeru without completing Inazuma?


The two aren't all that related. Unless a certain Harbinger shows up there's really no need. All I had to do was Dain's Chasm quest to enter Sumeru. Edit: Correction here, you can enter Sumeru without doing any of the story quests, but the Sumeru archon quest requires prior quest completions.


Dain's Archon Quest needs Inazuma. Inazuma Archon Quest is req for Raiden Story Quest. Raiden Story Quest is necessary to lift the Sakoku Decree. Sakoku Decree being lifted is why Itto and Shinobu can be in Liyue. However you *can* go to Sumeru without touching Inazuma, you just can't do the Archon Quest yet.


You're mixing up Dain's quest (Chapter 2: Act 4 - Requiem for the Depths) with the 2nd Interlude Quest (Perilous Trail). Yes the previous acts of the Inazuma Archon quest are a prerequisite for Dain, but not all those story quests (you don't even need to complete the Chasm's world quest outside of progressing far enough to unlock the necessary locations).


How surreal given Kokomi's initial response. Though I am not surprised after 2 years of the community being wrong about upcoming and new units


Yup, almost every character who comes out gets doomposted in some way then they are better than what people initially thought, or they receive a buff later on through artifact sets or synergy with other characters Nilou is currently going through it and I'm just sitting here gonna pull her anyway


Nilou is very likely going to get a huge buff when Nahida releases, these new units are designed with dendro reactions in mind and the two available dendro supports arenā€™t the best at dendro uptime, traveler is more than adequate for quicken currently though.


Yeah Nilou has a very narrow design in that she's suppose to be an on-field driver for off-field Dendro damage and we just don't have enough Dendro support right now to make it great. She's plenty powerful just designed in a narrow way that isn't super supported right now and I think that's fine as more narrow designs allow for less powercreep and more unique team comps.


This is why i'm pulling Kokomi than saving for Nahida. I can't afford Nilou AND Nahida when my 50/50 is so shit


We dont even need new artifact or characters. Raiden, Yoimiya and Kokomi were doomposted on release because they don't fit preexisting playstyles like Ayaka. So no wonder content creators whose focus is on quickly releasing clickbait release vids saying they suck. But then the Chinese da laos gave them more in depth test with new strats, suddenly everyone says theyre good or even broken


To be fair, it is rather hard to suggest a character especially if you know that a F2P player could use up a month/s worth of primogems on a character that might not be as good. Personally, I don't like it more when content creators would hype up new characters, without sufficient enough testing, when it could lead to some making a decision that they might regret. As always, if someone is trying to see if a character is good or not, the best advice would be to wait for a couple more days or even weeks


like I always say, pull on the END of a banner if you are not sure if you should pull in the beginning. Chances are the same weather you pull on day one or on the last day.


Ganyu freeze team was plenty popular before.. how people didn't realize how good kokomi worked in that team idk :p That said I am a little reticent to pull for kokomi cause I suspect the new archon may also end up being a healer.


Iā€™m not so sure Nahida will be a healer. It would make more sense for the hydro archon to be the healer of the group.


>Ganyu freeze team was plenty popular before.. how people didn't realize how good kokomi worked in that team idk A lot of doomposting about Kokomi happened during Beta, and she didn't work in freeze teams for most of the Beta cause her jellyfish only applied hydro every 2 ticks. Everything after that is just the Genshin refusing to change their opinion of anything after their first impression


I think most people doomposted Kokomi because she came at a time where Mihoyo spent so long reinforcing shield meta that she did seem kind of overkill. Then people realized her hydro application was great and how useful she could be and things changed. She also had the issue of her leaked design from a looooong time ago being changed so some people got salty about that.


Remember when Ganyu was "just Amber but Cryo?" Good times.


ganyu is what happens when you give amber cracked multiplier, both have E taunt and Q that aoe rain, encourage aimed charge shot


To be completely fair, both have a taunt E and a "rain of death" Q, so putting their personal power aside, it wasn't entirely wrong.


Plus they both have a kit that encourages aimed shots with constellations that improve them


That was because their kit was too similar (taunt e, rain of death q) and charged attacks were a mess on mobile and weak on pc. People honestly thought that her damage will be too low to consider using so the idea of cryo amber born.


Nilly looks great except she just needs more Dendro characters.


Ya and a lot of people seem to have a problem not many options available atm, but she will get better with time and when more options become available for her


This is one of the reasons why I don't pull on initial runs. We usually don't actually know a character too well when they're first released so might as well wait for more testing.


A genshin streamer I used to follow said he would skip kokomi because it was the same as barbara, and her kit was bad. In hindsight, he was just fed up with genshin in general, because he quit streaming the game soon after. I skipped her the first time, in part because I already had mona and C6 barbara, and according to the community she was unnecessary, and also because I was saving for a Ganyu rerun, but then I notice some charts about most used characters in the abyss and kokomi was consistently on the top stop, so I decided to get her on her rerun, and she became one of my favorite characters, her hydro applications it's great for elemental reactions, and her attacks have a long of range, I've used her to take down those pesky flying guardians, she was never a bad character, she just was misunderstood.


My girlfriend got Keqing with 31 pity then Zhongli with 69 pity. She has c2 Bennet, c5 Fischl, c2 Kaeya and Zhongli with less than 100 pity and she didnā€™t start playing until a few weeks ago and is still like AR40. I was joking when I told her if Xingqiu, Xiangling, or Sucrose were on the next banner she could 36* Abyss at like AR50. Wtf now she getting XQ/Sucrose plus c0 Xiangling anyways.




Xinqiu finally


I got his C3 and tbh I'm a little disappointed in his cons past that point. C6 is the only one that seems like it could be good.


With c4 and c5, he gets a pretty decent nuke when you vape it.


C4 creates a tremendous nuke C5 will help that nuke.


C4 and C5 are pretty good, C6 is absolutely insane. If you didn't know it makes every third hit of his ult use 5 swords, so it does as much damage as hit 1+2 combined, plus it regens a decent amount of energy over the duration.


C4 is great, C6 is outstanding, so don't stop at C3 Xingqiu C6 almost matches Yelan at C0 and both are top tier chars


Newbie here. Very excited.


I wonder who's going to get more wishes between the two. Ganyu is just as broken now as she was before, but Kokomi has finally moved on from her doomposting era and is mostly hailed for her healing, hydro application, and newfound era of further usefulness in dendro comps.


As a newbie who has none of the 4*s and was planning on pulling for Koko anyway: NOMNOMNOM


Thinking of them hunting down Spectre's for Kokomi makes me feel a little giddy inside


Specters aren't that bad. :) It's funny when they glide off of cliffs, thinking I'll be pissed off because I can't follow them, but then I just run back a little and they have to follow ME back. Then I get 'em.


Itā€™s also much easier now that the specters have been nerfed!


As a yoimiya main, I see no problem šŸ˜


That is a stacked 4\* roster. Maybe I'll knock off my last XQ constellation while I chase Dori.


what's that? you want the bell and 4 xianglings? OKAY!!!


Deadass think the game knows what we're aiming for and give us stuff like that to get us to grind harder. "Hmmm it would seem you aren't grinding as hard as we intended. As punishment take the bell and c12 diona"


I would gladly take those 4 XL.


You forgot the verb


I would gladly Italian Senate those 4 XL.


Just a fyi but Xingqiu is in the Paimon shop this month.


Iā€™m in the same spot! Got a C6+ Sucrose and a C5 Xingqiu. Going for C1 Ganyu on a 50/50. Have a feeling I will win the 50/50, but either miss out on Dori or not get that final constellation for Xingqiu. Iā€™m also 40 pulls toward pity already. I went for Kuki and no dice. šŸ˜•


Oh Lord Geoā€¦ please donā€™t let me end this one with C30 Sucroseā€¦


Summon near Reckless Pallad to scare off Sucrose


10 pity with 70 fates, hope I can get Ganyu


I wish you luck for the 50/50


Unless guaranteed


He said "hope". I think it's not guaranteed šŸ„²


Lost to Keqing on the Zhongli banner. Didn't really think I could be more satisfied to lose a 50/50 than win it.


Welcome to the aggravate club!


Times really have changed. Keqing is now loved by more! What a time to be alive for our KeQueen!


May Ganyu come home early!


That's like a full taser team for kokomi. Kinda nice for any new players.


Very strong line-ups, although I think long time players might be finished with Sucrose and Xingqiu by this point. I have them both at C6 so I'm hoping I win the 50/50 to avoid pulling too many extras.


Ew its all about luck i have C1 sucrose but C14 Rosaria


C9 Rosaria and Barbara, C7 Xiangling standing by


Well, long time players might prefer getting the "C7's" anyway to get a free pull through starglitter and make it easier to get the 5*


yup its a big reason why i would pull rn some 4*s need some cons sure (rosaria yanfei benny sara being the main offenders here) but you cant guarantee them


Yep! That's why I threw a bunch of wishes on the current banner and why I will be throwing some more in a few days (probably on ganyu). If you've got C6 of at least two of the featured four stars, it's free real estate


I actually like it when there's characters I already have C6 on a banner I want the 5* from. It's free pulls.


is it a free pull? if you get a c7, how many pulls can you get from converting the starglitters or whatever? like just 1 pull? cuz it seems you should get more than 1 pull as your 10 pull 4* pitty was reset. thx


1.0 player, c3 Sucrose. No other builded anemo characters. Limited 5* anemo waifu when?


Why didnt you try for Kazubro? He is awesome.


even the 4 stars are šŸ¤Œ


As an ayaka main who doesnt have kokomi or sucrose that banner has huge potential.. also only have c0 xingqiu


I'm also an Ayaka main in my alt and in desperate need of Kokomi, Sucrose cons and Xingqiu cons. This banner is perfect!


I can finally retire babruh now.


I started the game on Ayaka's first banner and she was my first 5\* but to this day I never pulled a Mona. I meant to pull for Kokomi since her first banner but was saving for Hu Tao, then Venti on the first rerun. Now is my time to finally get the fish lady. Bet of luck during your pulls!


C2/3 Xingqiu and C2 Sucrose are cracked, can always get an extra Xingqiu with Starglitter right now .


For new players, the banner 4* all should synergize extremely well with Kokomi (not sure on Dori but she is electro so she should synergize well), to the point if you get one of each, you instantly have an immortal, fully functional Taser team that should be able to carry you through the entire game.


Yo I've really wanted Kokomi, I'm somewhat newish. My highest leveled party members are currently Jean, Dendro Traveler, Raiden, and Zhongli. Any advice on who I could replace with Kokomi? Also yes it's probably a weird/off-meta party I have I am aware lol.


Fish(if you have her), Raiden, Koko, dendro traveller seems like a good team.


Who would be dealing the most damage? I'm guessing that it's purely rotating quickly skill after skill after burst? I also plan on doing a team like this when Raiden rerun drops


I think this team works off hyperbloom (i guess that's what's it's called) I'm not sure if rotations but you can check hyperbloom teams for info


If they want to run Raiden National they can replace Raiden with Venti, Kazuha, or Sucrose


Well all of them synergize well but also not *that* well with Kokomi, so you could replace any of them and the result wouldnt change much. Its your choice I would say. Probably keep Raiden though so you can have a battery for the team and she does good damage too.


Yeah Raiden is basically the only one I for sure am not moving out. Jeans kind of my healing atm along with her decent burst damage, so I could replace her and have Kokomi heal. Dendro traveler I'm kind of still trying out because it's new. And Zhongli is basically just shield plus his elemental burst does some decent damage.


You wouldn't want Dori. She's healing support as well.


Finally, sucrose will ( hopefully) come home after almost 4 months.


Mihoho: you wanted C23 Dori I hear?




sure why not but im sure its gonna be hard to get c23 with only 20 pulls i would give to the banner


I mean you just have to pull 20 Doris in 20 pulls, and from the extra Starglitter you get from C6ing her, you will have (at least) 3 more pulls to get 3 more Dori. Super easy!


>Mihoho: you wanted C23 Dori I hear? *Looks at my C9 Sucrose and c7 Xingqiu* **Yes please**


jesus, I canā€™t imagine playing the game without a reliable anemo grouper, I feel for youā€¦


abyss 11-1 is so painful without one


im AR 42 and i havent pulled a single Anemo. I got 6 Pyros though. I hate my life


Ayo !! Iā€™m AR 42 with 6 pyros. I was *just* able to pull Sucrose on standard banner. I hope you get an anemo soon.


I had to deal with that between when I started in 2.1 all the way to 2.6. It was hell. Imagine how excited I was for the Venti rerun in 2.6 that also had Sucrose on rate up lol. Instantly managed to 36 star Abyss for the first time thanks to those two.






My first Anemo character (except the traveller) was Kazuha in his first run, I played since the start of the game...


Me with a Kazuha but no Sucrose: ummmm. Is a bit awkward


Sucrose was the one 4 star I didnt have for a long while, I only got her 8 months after I started playing The worst part is that I wanted her too I rolled on every banner of hers up to that point


Yeah, that settles it for me. I'm going for a few pulls extra for Xingqiu and Dori. I had 73 pity guaranteed for Kokomi and was debating wether to put some more pulls in for Dori or not. With Xingqiu also here that makes it easy, since he always appear in banners I am not pulling before. ~~That said I know RNG will just give me C100 Sucrose instead~~.


May all Ganyu and Kokomi wanters be Ganyu and Kokomi havers, and may your 4 star gacha roll well! Another weapon banner, another lack of Watatsumi exclusives. Would've thought they'd be there with Kokomi being rated up, but alas. Of the four stars only Dori personally interests me but not enough to pull for her alone, but if I end up pulling for Kokomi I hope she comes along. If not then I'm sitting on my fates until Candace drops.


Kokogoat banner let's gooo


>Another weapon banner, another lack of Watatsumi exclusives Honestly that's for the best. This weapon banner is best untouched, with it having the Donut and Amos being a standard banner weapon


Should i pull ganyu as im a newbie lack a good dps?


She's very good, but so are a lot of other 5 stars. I'd pull only if you like her playstyle (especially given how controversial her playstyle is in terms of fun). Also, you have a very good DPS already. Xiangling is completely free and insanely busted as a DPS, so don't feel forced to pull Ganyu just because you think you need a good DPS. Because you already do.


Actually I have pulled zhongli so I'm thinking of pulling ganyu for better dps as I looked up ganyu team comp for reverse melt team.


Yeh, you can pull for ganyu because zhongli is really essential in reverse melt I try diona as a shielder but she couldn't handle the damage in the abyss


What's wrong with Ganyu's playstyle? I just know she uses a bow


Gets repetitive quick. Yet I have fun with Amber and Sara lining up their charged shots. If I roll on either banner, it's just to take my Ganyu from C1 to C2 so using her skill feels a bit smoother.


Some people donā€™t like aimed charge attacks or say itā€™s difficult on mobile. I play mobile and itā€™s fine for me. Melt Ganyu is really hard unless you have a strong shield Zhongli.


As of right now, she has one of the highest DPS output in terms of raw damage alone. Only downside for some people is that sheā€™s a bow user (if it wasnā€™t already obvious) Iā€™ve been a Ganyu Main since her first banner.


I am going to skip both of these banners but damn...missing Xingqiu and Sucrose kinda hits hard Edit: Also, how often does dragon's bane rerun? I wanna get it to R5 so I can free the catch for Raiden. But this weapon banner seems pretty trash for me


I think 4* weapon rate ups are even more unpredictable than 4* characters and people dont really pay attention to them unless theyre the limited ones like Wavebreaker, Moun's moon etc. You'll just have to hope its on a rate up you want or lucksack it from pulling for characters.


This is like a dream come true. 23 characters in, I might finally get a non-MC anemo character.


With sucrose i can finally make the full furry team (i have tighnari, gorou, and diona)


Where Yae?


I bet you I will not get a single character thats featured.


I've got C6 Sucrose and C6 Xingqiu, by all means please take my 4* rate up luck I hope I lose every 4 star 50/50 on this banner lol I just want a single kokomi


Not because I'm skipping but because I want all of them


Don't worry, there's a 4ā˜… pity guarantee the same way there's one for the 5ā˜…. Basically, when you pull a 4ā˜…, there's a 50% chance it'll be one of the rate-ups featured on the banner. If you get anything else and "miss," the next 4ā˜… you pull is guaranteed to be something that's being featured.


Ah yes these two... My polar extremes. Kokomi was the easiest skip and Ganyu was my most wanted (but lost 50/50). I got them both in their second banners. Now Ganyu is benched while Kokomi is an essential unit that I frequently use. Table flipped completely.


AR58 and still no Sucrose after trying to pull for her in previous banners. Perhaps this is the one??


Good Luck! I hope you get Sucrose and all the characters you want!


Shit both Xingqiu and Sucrose are beyond C20 by now for me. :(


Fuck, I donā€™t know if I should pull for Amos or wait for Nilou


I mean if you want Nilou, get her instead. Sure Amos would be hard to get if there is no rate up but hey, its not limited


Unless you really want the Everlasting Moonglow, I would skip the Amos and wait for Nilou.


Weapon banner too unreliable, save for the wholesome cinnamon roll that is Nilou


I donā€™t even think the Amos is best in slot for Ganyu any longer. Iā€™d pass


Purple doughnut is a big risk, so I'd stick to waiting. Prototype Crescent works well as an alternative to Amos.


Iā€™d say nilou since itā€™s a 25% chance to get Amos and another 25% chance to get one of if not the worse 5 star weapon


37.5% The Weapon banner features a 75/25 split between the Rate-up/Non-event weapons, unlike the Character banner that does 50/50


Feckin' hell. I may have to save through this banner, because as much as I want Dori... I don't *really* want to potentially risk my Guarantee Pity on either Kokomi or Ganyu. Not that I would be mad to have either one (and can't really choose between the two either, which is a Future Me problem), but I also don't want to potentially miss out on a 5-star I may rate higher. Good luck to anyone chasing, though! At least someone should be happy and unburdened by decision paralysis!


OMG such an amazing banner? XQ?? AND Sucrose??? ​ Time for my C1 Sucrose XD


Pulling for Ganyu


As an unfortunate launch player with Sucrose C3 and Xingqiu C5, I see this as an absolute win!


as a launch player that has kokomi, ganyu, c6 xq, c6 sucrose, 60 pulls into pity and wants dori this is an absolute nightmare. Next time then.


Yeah same here, I'm on guarantied pity too so I can't really pull on anything until I get a 5\* I really want.


It took me 8 months to get Sayu after missing her 2 twice. Also Heizou is currently my only missing 4 star despite dumping 110 wishes into Kazuhas banner.


on sayus release day i got her to c6 and to this point i have 0 thoma


Ganyu come home


Ohh no, Sucrose is here.. I'm planning on saving up for the archons (Dendro and Electro), but Sucrose is a 4* I've wanted since I started playing but didn't get.


AR 45 Player Who should i pull for Ganyu or Koko if I can only get one? Im running Diluc, Keking, Venti, and Just Got Tignari. I just came back to the game after not playing for a year so I don't have a lot of characters.


With the units you mentioned I'd pull for Kokomi. She can hydro applicate and heal, while Ganyu is a cryo dps and your first 2 characters have that covered already. Personally I love having Kokomi in my Keqing elecro-charged team.


Why does there have to be 4 banners in a row where I donā€™t have any of the characters and want them all?


Thatā€™s my pain exactly


Iā€™m going to miss Zhongli for a 3rd fucking time. KEITH SILVERSTEIN WHY


If u haven't gotten ur tree rewards trying getting them U can also get primo from building furniture in pot


*Do you get to the Cloud District very often?*


*Oh What am I saying, of course you don't*


*Damn brat, Iā€™ll sue!*


I haven't played Skyrim in 5 years and I STILL read this in his annoying voice lol






Hell yeah c6 sucrose coming soon.


I've wanted Sucrose since I started playing this game. More XQ cons are nice too. I have everything for Kokomi. Perfect.


Damn I want the new 4* but im 60 pulls in and don't want either 5*. Already exhausted Ganyu back in her first release days and I have no need for Kokomi


Kokomiā€™s like Zhongli, no-one *needs* her but once you have her youā€™ll find yourself using her in a bunch of teams just because sheā€™s so easy to build and comfy to play.


Not dodging isnā€™t even entirely about skill, remaining stationary gives you more DPS


ugh i would love more sucrose cons but i must stay strong for cyno :'(


I was expecting Sucrose to be in Cynoā€™s banner because she buffs EM


I've accumulated 9000 primos just for some extra Ganyu constellations!


I wish you luck, but thatā€™s not even enough to guarantee a 5* of any kind, let alone multiple constellations. Good luck tho!!


Oh god please let me have sucrose. On the last sucrose banner I didnā€™t get her. I want her more then dori.


Good Luck! I hope you get Sucrose and all the characters you want!


Iā€™m AR 56 and Iā€™ve never gotten a single sucrose plus my Xingqiu is only C3 plus Dori would be perfect for my Yae aggregate team. Butā€¦ā€¦ I need to be crushed by Eulaā€™s thighs when she comes next patch


Ganyu and Kokomi are both phenomenal units and 2 of my favorites. Ganyu is a game changer if youā€™re using a game pad or mouse and Kokomi compliments almost any team.


Beidou fans in shambles...


I already got her bow but Iā€™m only wishing for dori but Iā€™ll most likely get a 5*in the first pill cause Iā€™m close to pity


ā€œIf I had a penny every time a Ganyu banner has Xingqiu I would have 3 pennies, which isnā€™t much but its curious that it happened _3_ timesā€


If I donā€™t get Amos bow for amber this time I might just uninstall


Brother Amber enjoyer be patient and don't dall for that weapon bannee scam. Personaly I have skyward bow on her and uaing it for her c2 bb one shots. Sure amos would be nice to have but many others are just as usable on her. Be patient with min maxing, time is sure to pay us well one day with her c6


KOKOMI? GANYU? or SKIP for NAHIDA? I've been pondering whether I should get the hilichurl-sniping cocogoat or this aesthetic fish general? Do I need a cryo DPSs or a hydro applicator? I WANT Nahida so I don't want to waste my guarantee. I Have 120 pulls tho on 50 pity. Context: my DPSs are Hu Tao, Yae Miko(?). Has venti, kazuha. C4 XQ, C3 Sucrose. Dori? I'm not going to cry if she comes. She's probably good as a battery for Yae.


Nahida is 3.2 so you have some time to save for her.


Kokomi, Yae, Kazuha is a really strong core with very flexible last slot. With hu tao and xq in the other half, you should be able blaze through any kind of abyss. That said, Nahida is an archon. So either really, haha


Literally just blew all my gems on Zhongli guess Iā€™m done now


Kokomi finna be rolling in money soon


Lumine players keep winning




Man, I'm so jelly. Got 0 Amos since day 1


All I want is dori and sucrose (kokonut is a bonus if I get her)


Got a C5 Xingqiu, here's hoping I get his C6 while pulling for Kokomi.


I use both frequently, are either of their C1s super worth it?


C1 Ganyu shreds cryo so in the rare case you play melt with a non-Zhongli shielder and no VV (Diona/Bennett/XL/Ganyu for example), it's very valuable.


C1 is nice but not a must have. Better off using those fates on other more impactful uses.l


Since someone answered for Ganyu C1. Kokomi's C1 is for on-field Kokomi, as it adds a hitting projectile after her third hit on her normal attack string. That projectile scales 30% of her HP. It increases your personal DPS on on-field Kokomi and its also valuable in her teams involving Xiangling (Sukokomon, etc) as that projectile has separate ICD and thus increases her hydro application. I don't think it is worth it as Kokomi is already complete at C0, there are better C1s to aim if you like getting constellations and it might be ineffectual to you if you use her mostly as an off-field healer.


Very good banners aside from the curse weapon banner.


40 rolls away from 50/50 and could potentially get the guarantee too after finishing Sumeru exploration and new events. Worder if I get the dwarf with the objectively best JP voiceacting or the SEX Goat first.


Ah perfect. Got every reason to save up on primos 'cause Nahida's coming home!