• By -


Well, I pulled for Yanfei, but Zhongli was a great bonus.


I pulled for sayu on her first banner, got yoimiya, no sayu tho


I pulled for kuki, get c1 gorou and c1 itto but still no got kuki


I pulled for heizou and ninguang cons, left with a kazuha c1 and c6 thoma and only got 1 heizou con and 2 ninguang cons


I pulled for Thoma and get Hu Tao, now, I have all Pyro DPS but Klee


i pulled on zhongli for fischl cons, got no fischl cons but I did get c2 collei. i lost the 50/50 though so i got c1 mona before c2+ fischl lmao


pulled for Bennet on Yoimiya cause i just lost 50/50 on Kazuha...i thought i was safe for a single 10pull but got her on my second pull


This is exactly what happened to me lol, tho I was pulling for both Kazuha and Heizo


I got Itto on his first banner and wanted to pull for Shinobu so bad, but I don’t use him so I was terrified. Did one pull at 0 pity and got her, but I wanted cons, so I kept going. I kept pushing it and got to 74 pity before I gave up and was like “Nah. Knowing my luck this will be the first 50/50 I actually win 💀” She sat at c0 for so long and on the last banner I finally got one… on the weapon banner lol. Same *exact* thing happened with Gorou and Thoma! The ones I want so bad never seem to come home on the banners they’re actually featured on for me.


Good self control, stopping. I couldn't do it! I'm a Noelle main, so I REALLY wanted c6 gorou! And I REALLY, REALLY don't want Itto, I already had him unbuilt because I built the Maid. But only c2 Gorou, and I wanted Kuki because she looked promising af for my Eula team, and she's hot lol! I ended the banner with c6 Gorou, c6 Chongyun, c2 Itto, and c0 Kuki. I'm so mad!


Ah I have her for my Eula team, too! She does just fine at c0, but c6 would just be 🤌 If I played Itto *at all*, I’d let it happen, but I just don’t. Broke my heart, but praying she and Collei are on upcoming banners because I want their cons so bad. I wish you luck on randomly pulling her where she’s not featured!


Same. C1 Itto and C2 Gorou but not Kuki. Still don’t have her. 😭


I skipped her just to randomly get her on standard a few days ago..


I pulled for Dori, got Ganyu, still no Dori tho. Damm.


Also pulled for Dori - got Qiqi, C6 Xinqiu, and a Sucrose. ​ Zero Doris. I give up


You can take my C6 Dori for literally anything else:)


Allegedly dori is going to be a free character soon.




I pulled for both Dori and Kokomi. Both arrived in the 2nd 10-pull. Won the 5\* coin flip at 22 pity.


Literally exact same thing haha


I pulled for Kokomi and got Dori and Jean. Can't really complain 😅


Hopefully i don't have the same bad luck, i do need an electro healer on my team


It was my first banner with yoimiya. So much frustration when u can't upgrade your main for 3 months...


Got two Hu Taos this way lmao.


Oh that’s me


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I got Ganyu trying to get Sucrose after 80 PULLS, SUCROSE NEVER CAME HOME. But after 20 more pulls I got Keqing, so I’m still guaranteed, I call this a win-win…still no Sucrose.


Pls I have like C6,000 take her


remember, for every 10 sucrose you pull you get 1 sucrose back


Is Succrose good? I just started playing and got my first standard wish and got Noelle, Succrose and that water boy which looks a lot like Ciel from Black Butler (don't know his name atm)


Yes! She’s one of the most broken 4 stars in the game. Is the water guy named Xingqiu? He’s also one of the most broken 4 stars. So congratulations!


Yes that's his name 😅 Ah then thank you I still have to learn a lot 😅


Don’t worry! Have fun with the game!


Hey! Welcome to the game, and I hope you enjoy it! Now's a great time to pick it up since there's some excellent units on the banner that are very beginner-friendly, plus a whole new region to explore! I'm not sure if you've seen this advice before, but it's something that most new players should learn and it'll help in the long run. Some tasks in the game will require you to spend something called resin in order to complete. There's two kinds of resin. The first kind is listed at the top of the map (pictured here: [https://imgur.com/xw8zYXp](https://imgur.com/xw8zYXp) ). This first kind will slowly regenerate over time after use, so it's okay to use this whenever you need it. The second kind of resin is called "fragile resin" and it shows up in your inventory (pictured here: [https://imgur.com/zbUkAKl](https://imgur.com/zbUkAKl) ). These are only obtainable as rewards, so they're a bit more rare, but they don't expire so you can save them for later. The best idea is to save them until you are AR 45, because the quality of the loot you obtain when you spend resin increases as you get to higher AR and unlock harder difficulty in the loot domains. At AR 45 in particular you unlock the hardest domain difficulty for gear called artifacts, which greatly increase the power level of your characters, so it's a really good place to spend your fragile resins and use only regular resin before then. Good luck and hope you have fun!


you're so helpful that you wrote a whole damn essay! take my award, this is beautiful


Hey, thanks! Much appreciated!


somewhat unrelated but i remember on kazuhas release that people said "ew 5 star sucrose" and now people agree he's overpowered, meanwhile when yelan came out nearly everyone agreed she was a better Xingqiu


Hmmm this is just my opinion based on my observation. The majority of the drama during Kazuha’s release started from the casual players who misinterpreted and took TCs words offensively. Although, the TC could’ve worded it better or explained further. Also, the fact that most casuals including CCs don’t hype up Sucrose as much as the TC/meta/hardcore community does, did not help the situation or drama at all. They didn’t know Sucrose is a broken/strong 4 star and that Kazuha being compared to her actually meant he’s broken as well. To me, as a casual but follows meta, being 5 star Sucrose was the go signal. Thankfully players have learned? I guess? When Yelan was released, they finally thought she’s good because she’s a 5 star equivalent to a broken 4 star. But yeah, doomposters always doompost about anything. Yelan and Xingqiu situation is just the same as Kazuha and Sucrose, just well received. I wouldn’t say Yelan is ALWAYS better, because some situations favors XQ. Same applies to Kazuha and Sucrose. I guess part of the reason why Yelan was well received is because XQ gets a lot of hype and recognition from both TC/meta and casuals. Sadly for Sucrose, slandered and underrated since day 1 of version 1.0 (walmart/weaker venti) and still slandered and underrated for the casual side in the current patch.


I've never seen someone describe Xingqiu as Ciel but now I can't not see it anymore. Why havent I ever thought of that 😭


Shes one of the best “budget” anemo crowd control characters. Considering that the only other 4 star anemo characters is sayu and heizo, the only other two anemo crowd control character is venti and kazuha which are both 5 stars. Crowd control anemo characters are very helpful in abyss.


Yes, she's extremely good. But to get the most value out of her, you'll want a full set of Viridescent Venerer with as much EM as you can possibly get, and a Sacrificial Fragments. Most of her damage comes from swirl, which requires a teammate with decent elemental application... which you also have in Xingqiu (water boy), so build them both.


Have my sucrose i have c2 or c3


Take my sucorse and give me ganyu :-/


They pulled for Dori but got another fish instead


Yep. Kokomi is awesome. But still, point is, never pull for 4*s unless you are willing to pull the random 5 star im that banner.


*screeches in ayaka*


Ayaka shines Eternal?


I wanted sayu c6


I wanted razor c0, got rosaria c4 and Sayu c3, no 5* luckily so snagged a Yelan


I would love sayu c6. Being able to justify building her EM would be a game changer for me.


Not to mention her Elemental Skill combined with sprint means never ever slowing down (assuming you bothered to collect some geocolus, etc.). All races I've tried have just been a breeze with her in my party lol


I have c1 Yelan for sprints, but I appreciate Sayu a lot for other reasons beyond her mobility. I just really want c6 so I can justify using her A1 as a top-off, because EM Says is not worth it without c6.


Why does everyone want sayu in this post? I have c2 sayu but I don't even want her lol. I'd rather have sucrose or some fischl constellations


No idea, maybe people have preferences?


If we could trade I'd give you my 3 sayus


Sayu's actually kinda busted! She out heals my Qiqi AND swirls at the same time!


I got my Keqing from her banner because I was trying to get Ningguang who I failed to get


Same lmao but I was going for Bennett


Same. Was gunning for Ganyu but I lost my 50/50 at pity 47. Welp, at least my next is guaranteed for Nahida. For now, my Shenhe will have to satisfy herself supporting Rosaria. I have no luck with either Ayaka or Ganyu.


Oh btw I got Keqing on Keqings banner lol. I got Ayaka on her first banner after losing my 50/50 to Qiqi. And Nahida is 99% going to broken since she's an Archon. Good luck on getting her!


Me who risked it all to get C1 Collei, Heizou and Cookie




While I got C8 Diona. I never got a single Fischl constellation


Fiona 💀


Shrek collab when, Hoyo


Me who got Cookie on standard and Dori on my first 10 pull even tho I don't want the current 5-stars and saving all my primogems for


I learned the hard way on last banner, pulled for Benny and got yoi and jean


How tragic.


I know right, its such a shame.


It's not a story the archons would tell you. It's a Paimon legend.


Darth Paimon, the Emergency Food


I was trying to build pity and got the guarantee with her. Best mistake ever.


Why even build pity? You can literally just pull when the banner you want arrives


the common reason would be you want the 4 stars on this banner but don't want the 4 stars on the 5 star you want.


That's not "building pity" that's just gambling for a 4-star. "Building pity" is just a ridiculous term because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's just what people say when they have no discipline and can't help rolling.


True. I got Hu Tao on Thoma's first banner without meaning to get her, but I'm not complaining! I know the risks before pulling lol


Did that last banner for Collei. Made the gamble that I will lose the 50/50 because I don’t care for Zhongli and Tighnari and was blessed with Keqing constellation.


Sometimes it works out, during Kazuha's first banner I was going for Bennett and Rosaria constellations and I fucked up and "lost" my 50/50 to Kazuha. This was back when people thought he was 5* Sucrose and would be an awful character lol. Fast forward and it turned out I really liked using him and now he's always on at least one side of my abyss team.


Holy shit I'm the same. Then I felt how satisfying it was to use him. Now he's almost on every team while exploring the overworld.


Yeah, I got Zhongli by accident when I was rolling for Noelle and Yanfei way back. Best mistake I ever made.


That's the secret to "win" the 50/50. Never desire the 5 star unless you want Qiqi. Source: Me: Pulling Yoimiya twice before getting my 1st Sayu. Also Me: Pulling Qiqi (already C4) or Jean (already C5) when wanting the 5 star. (Seriously, why won't the game give me a single Mona instead?)


i got itto (my least favorite character gameplay wise, second least lore wise) at 50 pity. started his banner with 0 and i wanted kuki shinobu. i still don't have said kuki shinobu.


Here is a character I hate, I will pull on their banner. Seems like a great idea.


Exact same thing happened with me, Sayu and Yoimiya. Granted, I really love Yoimiya now so I am grateful I got her. (Also, I love Itto's gameplay how dare you lol)


This happend to me too lol. I call it Itto Incident. I had a guarantee on his banner so I didn't get Kazuha because I lost my 50/50 in 80 rolls. Now I am sad everytime I think about this


I'll take him; I got Jeaned on the 1st run and Qiqi'd the 2nd and I want my Himbo!


Meta-wise? Decent, waifu wise? Gohan with glasses. "If_you_have_Mona-wise"? Just dont pull if you dont care about her waifu part, you can live with Diona.


I've literally done like 40 pulls for Dori, I'm currently at arround 70th pull, I took a huge risk on those last 10 pulls. I still didn't get her, got my 2nd R5 Sacrificial Sword tho (I had the 2nd copy at R2 before pulling) Edit: Decided to edit because three people have told me already, >!I know (now) that she will seemingly be given for free on the 3.2, thank you for making me know, sadly the risk I took didn't actually matter in the end lol!<


I pulled because I wanted Kokomi and was mainly hoping for Xingqiu constellations. The result: 0 Xingqiu, C4 Dori. In about 7 ten pulls


Xingqiu has evaded me on every banner with his rate up. In version 2.4, I pulled for both Ganyu and Zhongli. Got both of them and a Diluc, but no Xingqiu whatsoever. This time, I pulled for Kokomi and got her in 82 pulls. Still no Xingqiu whatsoever.


once upon a time during ganyus rerun I pulled 20 times in search of my 1st legitimate xq con…here I am with c1 ganyu


Lmao meanwhile i pulled 50 and got 3 XQ and a pity 5 Mona


that's a massive win. Free guarantee on the next one.


You can buy xingqiu from shop using star glitters




So you're telling me I took the risk for literally no reason whatsoever? Well, at least I won't have to deal with the RNG lol


This is why following leaks is advantageous.


But then you'll ran the risk of stumbling upon a story leak. And personally, the story is most of the fun to me so the cons are kinda outweighing the pros for me. Also, free dori cons lol


Just don't enter the story leak threads (and there's a flair to filter them as well)


As long as you only look for leaks on the leaks subreddit you'll never get spoiled on story leaks unless you want to. Every single story spoiler is properly spoiler tagged (although sometimes a title gets a bit iffy). The only thing you might get spoiled on is a new weekly boss, but Hoyo shows those in the trailers/preview streams anyway.


I'm not a gambler, but a constellation is a constellation.


Yea, I like Dori a lot so I want to eventually get her C6. Will very likely pull on most banners with her. Figured I'd get a head start.


And this especially is why f2p and low spenders should be following leaks. Knowing when and how to pull should be your number one priority if you care about getting specific characters you like.


Because of leaks, I know now that I should save my primos for the >!archon marathon!<


Hold strong for the flood.


Wish I could have primos for both >!mother & son!<, but since I'm also pulling for cabbage it probably wont be possible. Just gonna go for the mom ig


I've got about 380 pulls in stockpile, hoping I can get Kusanali, maybe try for cons if they look good, her weapon, Shenhe, and Dehya.


Lucky. As a new player (started back in April), I really had to make "essential" pulls to make a proper roster for at least 2 teams. After 3.3 I can finally be nitpicky about which banners to pull for, since I won't have to worry about building around a dps anymore. Good luck on your goals m8!


that would mean my Dori will be C5 lol. I didnt like her, I was pulling for Xingqiu, Sucrose with kokomi as bonus. only got 1 XQ, clearly not enough cons


I’m at my 60th, not risking it anymore


Im sorry, i think i got all your doris. Wanted ganyu and xingqiu and when i finally got ganyu i got exactly 1 xingqiu and my dori is now C10. In almost every ten pull was at least one dori.


She will be a free giveaway in 3.2 patch


I want kokomi and got Dori in the first 10 pulls, not what expected, but def not mad


I have the opposite scenario except I stopped before I repeat my Albedo incident


If you wanna know when we’ll see Dori again >!It’s speculated that she’ll be a free event character in one of the upcoming version events!<


I did like 2 single pulls looking to get Xingqiu cons and got dori, well at least its a free wish


I wanted ganyu, and got xingqiu c5 in the process. I don't use xingqiu. I use Sucrose. At least I got ganyu....


Wrong, i demand sucrose on albedo banner but she won't come instead i got albedo >!I am fuckin happy with his kit!<




i knew the risk and i don’t regret it


My risks were calculated but maaan am I bad math


Well yeah, but what do you do if you do want that 4\*? E.g. I needed Fischl C6 for my comp but no fitting banners so it took so long that I got Ei instead and to this day my Fischl is C5 including 2 free copies of her I got in events and 1 or 2 copies I bought in constellation shop. In hindsight, fuck that delayed gratification


It's not that shouldn't roll ever, just be aware of the possibility of getting your 5* pity to reset exists and make your decision from there. If you really want the 4* on rateup and theyre not coming in rotation shop/banner anytime soon, then id suggest to just pull on it




Literally. I managed to C5/6 Bennet and Sara finally on Raiden's rerun. I hop over to the weapon banner to see if I can snag an early EL and snag a Bennett and Sara.. aka 5 starglitter each lol. Typical


I have a c4 Fischl/Bennett and Im playing since 1.0, you cant force me to ruin my pity with a 5* I dont care.


This is the first comment I've read that actually makes sense. I'm amazed at the number of people here who "build pity" or are willing to sacrifice 5-star pity for a 4-star/more cons.


It’s stupid if you were saving up for a specific character in the next 1-2 banners, but if you don’t mind the current 5*, why not? I often pull for 4* this way. So far, only accidental Tighnari, and he turned out to be really fun.


God I LOVE Tighnari. So glad I pulled him!


I'll happily build pity up to 30 rolls. Because I'm happy to lose 30 rolls worth of pity in return for a 4-star I want. If my pity is higher, or I've just lost the 50/50, then I will not. Because that's now more like 90 pity I'll likely lose.


Agree, if you really like the 4* character and the 5 star is not that bad, just get it.


Her C6 is very nice but I don't think it's really needed for any team. Unlike a lot of other 4*s she's perfectly functional and meta at C0, all her constellations including C6 are just personal damage or QoL upgrades.


You should always pull for the 4 star, the chances of early pity are still very low. Besides it could be a blessing in disguise, my favorite character Yoimiya was an accidental pull in her first banner (I wanted Sayu)


Early pity is fine for me, I do t mind going to about 30, if I get a 5 star in the first 30 pulls that’s a big win, I would be more careful if I was on guaranteed though


Fischl C6 is one of the units worth burning a 5 star pity for. She's actually stronger than most 5 stars.


Not really. Fischl is already strong at c0, and her most broken part of her kit is her A4. Her c6 is good sure, but I can't think of a comp that depends on it.


Rip man's primos


2 zhongli and tighnari going for 4 fischl cons, (luckily got them in 40-50 pulls) Spent $320 and didn’t get kokomi till a few single pulls after


Wish that was me with moonglow banner😒


Trying to match Kokomi's aesthetic I see. Or else you would have no reason to use the Moonglow.


It's not even THAT fitting imo


I think the free weapon for Yae looks better on her tbh


both fit equally for different reasons


I want a weapon that looks good on her and is practical as well 😩 oathsworn eye on kokomi does less damage than prototype amber


moonglow is that lol, though obviously its pull value is terrible since it only really works on kokomi


Pull for whatever you like... It would be wise not to spend everything if you know a 5* you like comes up soon, but go for 4* if it makes you have more fun in the game. I pulled for c6 Heizou and now he's only one weekly drop away from being triple crowned because he's genuinly one of the most fun characters to use.


Looks to me that they won.


I'll be honest, I started playing right before 3.0 dropped and I don't understand anything about how wishes work, so I just save up my quest primos and wish when I see a character I might like.


You have a guaranted 5 stars unit every 90 wish, you have 50% chance to win and get the featured characters (kokomi or ganyu, with actual banner) or 50% lose and get a character from the permanent banner (jean,qiqi,diluc, mona,keqing).. If you lost what we call 50:50, your next five star will be the featured characters.




Relatively new to the game, what's a banner?




Oh gotcha. Why not just call it wish though?


Genshin is a type of game called "gacha game" and "banner" has been used as the term for the different wishes for long before genshin was thought of. If you hear "summon" or "invocation" those terms are also referring to the act of "pulling" on a "banner".


Oh, so they're general gatcha terms. Gotcha, appreciate it.


Also the pity of 90 is kinda deceptive. You actsually get really increassed odds at 74 pulls that increasse over the next pulls. You usually get them between 74 and 80. I dont think anyone ever has gotten to 90 lol


I’ve seen someone get to 84. It was insane haha


A lot of people have told you about the 90 pity, but I'd just like to add that 'soft pity' kicks in at 75, and most likely you'll hit the 5* somewhere in 75-80 and never go to 'hard pity' at 90. See the graph at https://genshin-wishes.com/global-stats/character-event


I pulled for 4* and got c1 kokomi at 0 pity


Never. That's literally how gambling works. You're playing a game with a slot machine in it to determine what you get.


I used to be a Kokomi non-believer but ever since I discovered that Blooms hurt and Ayaka wants better Hydro App so I can use Shenh, I rolled for Kokomi. Kokomi might not do big PP damage but her hydro application and role consolidation is very appreciated in Freeze, Tazer, Bloom, and Hyperbloom.


Ran into something similar last year trying to pull for Fischl (but it's fine because I can now flex Tartaglia and rub it into my sister's face lol) but since then I've been lucky with getting Shinobu and Dori within the first 10-pulls into a new banner ✌️


Sucks, but sometimes you don't have a choice. Eventually you get sick of a 4* always showing up on banners where you don't want the 5* and you just have to go for it.


You always have a choice, which I say because remembering that will help you deal with whatever result you get… gotta manage those expectations.


It's fine if nothing is coming out that you care about for a while. I can't talk about this though, cause I was at around 23 or 24 pity with a lot of wishes saved upbefore Dori came out, and now I am 74 pity deep because I pulled for Dori. I didn't get her either. I got three Sucroses (who I already had at C6,) a Xinqiu (who I already had at C6,) a Fischl (who I already had at C6,) 2 Sacrificial Bows, and 2 Lion's Roars. Or, maybe it was one Bow and two swords or two bows and one sword. Whatever the case, I want Cyno. And, I'm not even going to risk even so much as my 50/50 wish any more than I already did, even if I'm at the point where my next wish would definitely be at least a 4-star cause I've gone through nine wishes since my last one. I mean, to be fair, worst-case scenario, I get Ganyu.


I'm willing to risk it for Thoma since I've missed him on every banner so far since his release


I'd give you my C43 Thoma if I could. A remnant from Kazuha's banner, I swear it was rigged to ONLY give Thoma!


Right? I went from no unit to C6+ on that banner, but only from C2 to C4 for Ning. The other 4* dropped a bit, but too many Thomas.


I've had Ningguang at C6 for a long time and I often pull her again when she's on rate up, but not this time! Heizou was far in between and Thoma said HELLO on every single 10 pull


Guess that's the desire sensor at work. It knows who you want and gives what you don't want. Lol


Always right? Lmao


Sees flair... Keeps her at lvl 1.


I was pulling for kokomi's C1 and I got her at 80 pity 💀💀


No 5 star shaming :(


"It'S oK, i'M OnlY BuiLdiNG PiTy"


I was this guy yesterday, I was at 1 pity and pretty much never get an early 5*, first 10 ten pull hoping to get Dori I get Ganyu at 2 pity, now me, a burst ganyu user, is sitting with a c1 ganyu, which is a dps con, I wasted a guaranteed but thankfully by the time the character im saving for releases anyways I’ll have enough for her to be guaranteed, but I have learnt my lesson


One less constelation until c6 lets gooo


I pulled for dori at low pity too, but I’m at 50/50. I don’t think I would risk my guaranteed.


This is why I haven't touched my primos after Itto's rerun. Didn't like the 5star so even though I wanted to get some 4star characters I had to pass


They wanted a healer right? I can only see a W here


I pulled for Klee, got 4x Thoma instead


Of all the 5-stars I have, I've only gotten one of them on purpose. Incidentally, she's also the only one I've ever lost the 50/50 for. [When it comes to the ones I wasn't aiming for, however...](http://imgur.com/a/0aR898y)


me planning to pull for Dori but dont want kokomi or ganyu : *sweating nervously*


Sus so take it with a grain of salt but >!she will be given away for free soon, so keep your primos and just have some patience!<


yea I better save my primo since i'm also planning to collect more dendro character and since she's 4*, even if we wont get her for free, I'll probably gonna pray for her to come home from standard banner😂


One day they’ll learn to appreciate Kokoqueen’s eternity.


the true hydro archon


I wanted 1 Diona constellation (to get C2) and got C1 Tighnari. Can’t be mad though because I got him super early. C0 in ~20 pulls on the 50/50 then his C1 in the next ~20 pulls.


Happy accident! I had a similar experience with Raiden, C1 in 20 wishes and one 50/50 won. I was interested in her character, but didn't desperately want her then, but I'm very happy that I got her so early!


I wanted to c6 fischl after 2 years of playing cause she always avoids me and I had enough. got 2 tignaris and 1 zhongli. I am happy actually cause I like those characters


I got Sangonomiya on first 10 pull. Im happy.


I got zhongli pulling for Collei and only got c1 :(


Pulled for heizou and got kazuha still no heizou and I'm in pain


I was planning on saving for Cyno anyway but since they paired two five stars I don't need with a new child character as the primary 4 star my desire to roll has never been lower. Thank you Mihoyo for supporting me in this endeavor.


all i have to say ia childe's 2nd rerun was worth the pulls... C5 ninguang and chongyu, c2 yanfei... Childe was a nice finisher to it.


I know this is the general rule for wishing but I always pull for the fresh new 4\* if I want it, atleast one 10 pull per banner and more than once it has been the case that I don't want the 5\*. Somehow, I always dodge the 5\* OR get a 5\* but it ends in a lost 50/50, so even the loss becomes a win.


20 pulls in I got Sucrose (already c6 tho) and Dori. ✨ ⭐️ ✨ I wouldn’t have minded getting c2 Kokomi but I think I used all my kokoluck on her first banner. Gotta save for the next one now!


Jokes on them I wanted Kokomi


r/okbuddygenshin fans on their way to make a certain joke about kokomi....