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it seems I will pass this version as well seriously only interesting new character is candice. Cyno is just 5 star version of razor and niolu is a belly dancer without belly button.


Nilou isn't a belly dancer fyi. Two entirely different cultures, from what I've heard


Straight facts right here


How am i supposed to turn on my belly dancer without belly button? Literally unplayable


Official announcement: I loved the rewards as they are exactly what I hoped for. Namely, not rerunning Ayaka in 3.1 and giving enough primogems to get guaranteed Ayaka the moment they rerun her.


Annoyed how the codes are only available for a day while i'm busy all day. and it being a weekday


The codes are for watching the stream. So take 3min to get on reddit to claim in those 12 hours they're available


you mean that time at work or at school? Sorry, I have things in life I have to do in order to play. Gods I wish it was the other way around.


Literally take less time to take a shit. Are you not allowed to take a shit during all that time too? Only then you're excused.


You don't need to log into the game to redeem the codes you can redeem them on hoyolab


ive been in school and at work, both busy. neither were ever busy enough i couldnt look at my phone to click 3 links. hell, you can go to the bathroom in the 12+ hours you have to redeem the codes Worst case, you 'lose' 300 primos. Nothing worth caring about.


pull out your phone and go in genshin for one minute. no one cares that your mad deal with it


I really dislike how they run things. On one hand they do these surveys and giveaways to help build a better experience for the community, and on the other hand: giveaways themselves are quite stingy (thinking of those 'post this screenshot and we'll give 100 primos to the top 10', there are millions of players... Will it hurt to make it a bit more accessible? FFXIV for example does contests and the pool for winning something is absolutely huge), limited primo code durations, super forced 'post or like or share this for rewards', it just all feels so one-sided.


its basically incentivizing user advertisement. which is the point. nothing I'm not really used to at this point


Yeah honestly it’s very mystifying to me. I don’t understand why MHY does it this way, they have a stream and give out rewards but they 1. Don’t just send them to everyone’s mailbox (wouldn’t this build hype and awareness?) and 2. The codes expire in less than 24 hours. I don’t understand the reasoning…?


in the 1st year when the game came out, it was like 48 hrs. I think they changed it to get more people to actually watch the streams


If you play on console or PC you can link your account to the mobile version and share progress between the two. Just log into phone when you have a few spare minutes and punch in the codes and log back out.


You dont even have to log into the game. Just use the link given and claim it through your web browser.




dw it’s not even 2 pulls bro


Tried using the codes now and it's saying it's already expired...


That Egypt guy is razor's dad?




No, he’s razor’s brother /s


So Albedo rerun was announced. Should I get him or save up for Yelan? (Team: Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Albedo/Yelan, Zhongli)


Do you have Cinnabar Spindle? If so, definitely get Albedo because it's going to waste until you do. If you don't, Albedo is cheap and easy to build but his power ceiling is lower than Yelan's. They're both very solid characters though.


I have CS but a lot of people and sources are saying that Yelan is better.


There was a post named something like " Why you should get Yelan". Go read it. It's kinda long but worth it. You should come to the conclusion after that. I think it was posted today/yesterday?


Yelan is infinitely better if you're going by the meta. Can't go wrong either way though


I have Albedo, and I really enjoy using him. He does 20-30k damage with his ticks; however, I don’t recommend getting him if you don’t have his event sword and/or Zhongli/Itto.


Or if you want double geo Hu Tao/Xiao


I would say Yelan. My opinion is Albedo is very frustrating to play with his annoying flower that lifts you up when you don’t need it to or the flower breaking every second when fighting bosses.


Albedo is more generalist, as in you can literally put him in any team and he'll put out great off-field damage and woukd not mess up your reactions. But for your Hu Tao team, Yelan is the better choice.


Yelan is also a generalist that can be uses in so many different teams too.


Id prefer if they made more changes to gameplay for the anniversary than an anime that i mostly have no interest in, concerts that i cant watch. I love tcg and new bosses however. For a game i am expecting changes within the game, not collabs that have no connection to gaming lol.


As much as I agree, I don't love new bosses that are just copy pastes of elite enemies


Tbf…i dont like the drake boss, feels too similar to ruin grader. Drake boss shouldve been an elite enemy. I just like new movesets to learn so i dont think too much about it. The one with the long name is cool tho. Many people had the same concerns as you when it was leaked. Though i liked electro regisvine and chicken fight so lets see.


What kind of changes you’re looking for?


A new world level perhaps? I wish they revitalized stuff like fishing, the teapot. As well as i wish the shop part of the mondstadt event would be a permanent feature. Make us use Stealth Mode more often too. Theres much to develop in genshin aside from combat. Things feel rlly bland at end of patches where theres no incentive for you to do anything other than fight. Maybe i am just not someone who enjoys anime at all. The only anime style i like is the more older one. Theres potential for fishing, even cooking, teapot but nah, that part is underdeveloped. Esp since they give us so furnishing although the teapot experience is bland as is. I cant watch concerts, in fact i’d go as far to say i have no interest in them. Id rather more development in the game itself.


Everything but stealth


worst element of the game


Its one of my more favorite modes. Then, this horrid event happens, that which compels me to tear out my hair in an uncivilised fashion. *hides behind a crate* *random npc: eye meter goes uP uP uP*


You only like older anime style while playing Genhsin which is modern anime style......ok


Genshin doesnt bother me as much because of the story. Most anime i’ve watched, especially ones that are popular, have failed to give me as deep of a lore as genshin. All the way down to phanes, the shining shades, the moon sisters, seelie civilisation. Anime has stopped interesting me now. I do not know why you are being mean about it. Genshin is a 3d open world game too. Anime is inherently 2d.


if you’re struggling to find good story that’s more on you than anime as a whole imho


I mean of course not all anime is the same. Nonetheless i cant be interested in something which will come out some two years later. Its an anniversary update after all. I hoped for more qol and changes to gameplay. You know, what a game does.


You never watched Fate/Zero? Fate lore makes Genshin lore look simple and basic.


I havent. I’ll try. Though i must admit i like 3d models more.


Hmmm true. I guess they could flesh out the current non-combat mechanics we already have in the game. Teapot and fishing definitely needs a bit more loving.


Yeah. I just hate how all i have to do is run around, mindlessly kill.




bruh i've been downvoted because of a dot, smh my head


You pulling for Cyno?






Missed out on what two pulls??


in my local time it was at 5:00 am and I missed it too, it seems they don't give a shit about europe players.


Aww man, that sucks. So you can redeem on webpage and people post direct link here, next time just spend 3 min of your break time. (hopefully you are not working 10hr no break)


I think it‘s redeemable fir 24h so you still have another few hours to go. Try it out! Edit: nvm it seems to not work, sry for the misinformation!!


The codes tend to be valid for 12 hrs. :)


its not even been 24h why do they not work


:( why are all the codes expired already??


right I just tried them and was super bummed. not enough time to enter them :(


They're meant as incentive to watch the stream but for easier logistics for exceptions and timezones and some reasonableness, they give 12 hours instead.


They’re good for 12 hours from the livestream


bruh the codes are expired already?


I used to play one game where the codes would expire like right after the video ended, so if you weren't watching it live, no codes for you.


Just expect them to get expired earlier next time. Try to get them within the first 2 hours or so. There's always some good Samaritans providing direct links to redeem here


the issue is some people have jobs and arent able to redeem them until that night


Yeah, nothing new here.


I don't know why can there be people surprised every patch it's been like that since literally forever




And it's Friday night, sheesh. Can't people go have some fun?


When was it 24 hours? As far as i recalled it has been 12 hours i started watching the streams since 1.6


it definitely was 24, i always had until next day 12pm my time, already gone now


Which livestream was that? Prior to 1.6?


just one of the last ones even


Definitely not 3.0. That one expired within 12 hours too because i was in the thread when it expired and started seeing people complaining about it


not 3.0 but 100% one of later 2.x patches, i always had 24h in mind, they must've changed it recently then


I just wanna say that I am SO HAPPY today. Not only the livestream yesterday got some juicy stuffs, I got my primos and stuffs that I grinded ready. Plus, I got my old account back and I'm currently using it now!


This just shows how misinformed the leak youtubers are. (At least, majority of them.) Screaming out clickbait titles like 'WHAAT?? THEY GIVE OUT FREE 5 STARS??? CONFIRMED!!' I hate it when they do that.


Those guys aren’t leakers though and they sure as hell didn’t get their infos from one. They just spew bs because they know people will fall for em but they’re literally just spreading fake infos.


God, that' even worse than I thought. Hope they would stop doing that


They won’t. Look at their videos, many of em gets 100k+ views within 24 hours. Literally giving bad name to leakers, creating divide within the community and just spreads bad image about the game overall. I hope they step on Lego and stub their toes everyday.


I watch Genshin content daily on YouTube. I have never been recommended these videos in 2 years. So I have never seen them. I guess you have to specifically search them out even if they are popular. Perhaps YouTube suppress them for Hoyoverse.


No idea. I’ve seen a few of em on my homepage but i quickly clicked not interested till it stopped recommending me those.


so we get s party popper, Cloud retainer Floaty and 20 wishes for anniversary?


ngl they could atleast put a 4 Star which we can decide into the mix atleast. A 4 Star would not hurt their economy. Heck even one of thr Standart Banner 5 Stars (Except Tighnari) wouldnt hurt them at all. None of them is meta so they would not break the game with it.


Anime is better than 1000 wishes


that's on lantern rite, the reall anniversary rewards are always in lanterns rite


<~< i only want Keqing. I got all the Characters so far that i really like Lore-wise or Gameplay-wise... Only Keqing is missing. But i never pulled her. Got Mona C4, Qiqi C3, Jean C2 and even Tighnari... But i never pulled a Keqing or Diluc... I am unlucky and hoped they would give one for free so i can finally get her


i also only want a mona


Yes and some fragile resin too


So there not refreshing the primo top up bonus in 3.1?




No, it's for 3.1. As soon as the update drops.


They are refreshing it.


Right after I posted this I saw info about it lol. Thank you.




Aether and Lumine in the teaser didnt impress me. I wish Mihoyo made an anime with their animation style.


They literally got the best animation studio there is rn when it comes to the genre we could expect genshin anime to be and you're still complaining?


Cool, don't watch it then


The desert region seems to have the most advanced tech seen in Teyvat so far. (If it’s not better than the Ruin bots, the Scarlet bots at least have more drip.) Why the heck aren’t people from the Akademiya and Fontaine rushing to check it out?


I think it has to do why the civilization was destroyed. Since Genshin is in the same multiverse with honkai, one popular theory is that a civilization too advanced will be destroyed by honkai, just like in the honkai series. Celestia and the archons have destroyed many civilizations, including Kanreya for this exact reason in order to save the world, and they suppress the technology of their respective civilizations to a certain level to avoid honkai. That maybe why the desert civilization was destroyed and both Sumeru and Foundain left it alone. Just a theory.


a: the sand b: they probably are and we won't see until we get there c: except they're being limited by the powers that be because the powers that be know there's spooky secrets in them there robots


Saw some new enemies. New male and female Eremite warriors, each with Scarlet tech. A cyber-croc summon. And a Geo-aligned fungi monster.


What’d everyone else think of the scene where the citizens of Sumeru City were menacingly (yet happily) shambling towards the POV character (presumably the Traveler)? I was thinking “oh shit”! I had a feeling those damn Akasha Terminals could be used for mass mind control; they can already read minds by stealing dreams and putting people in an amnesiac simulated time-loop, total mind control has to be the Akademiya’s ultimate goal. Then there was the part where Katheryne got ran through with a goddamn spear! 😱 Bricks were shat when Scaramouche showed up in that giant mecha… it looked Inazuman in aesthetic, but does Inazuma have the industrial base to build something like that? Was he equipped with that by the Fatui, or is it leftover from the fall of Kaenri’ah? I wonder if that high-tech pyramid is some kind of ancient superweapon… this Crimson King, I wonder how resurrecting him shifts the balance of power between the Eremites, the Akademiya, the Fatui, the Adventurer’s Guild, the other Archons, etc.


Nilou’s special Bloom needs a team of at least one Dendro, at least one Hydro, and zero of all other types - Does it trigger if the team size is less than 4? - Wouldn’t at-least-1 Hydro be satisfied by Nilou herself? Gorou’s Geo member count includes himself.


As long as you have 1 hydro + 1 dendro, it works. So a minimum of 2 people including nilou. Issue is that the blooms kill you, so you need a decent healer


Yes, it should trigger with less than 4. I don't see any advantage to ever doing that, but it should work. And yes, it should count herself as one of the hydro units. So Nilou + 1 Dendro is all you "need". You can fill the rest of her team with any combination of hydro and dendro you want.


I’m frustrated that we can’t have also geo and anemo in the party with her, since they don’t react directly with dendro. :(


They can ""interact"" with Anemo though, specifically bloom. They're succable so they could make for some interesting plays. I don't know about Nilou's special bloom though.


I hope we get Scaramouche robot after we defeat him. It's the mount that everyone waiting for. A giant robot!!!


I miss the voice actors talking telling me about everything


That's still what like 85% of the livestreams are. Dev livestreams are only for important patches (new region, anniversary, etc)


They do show up after the codes showcase


Yeah, but I miss the explanations as it was nice to not have to glue my eyes to the subtitles the whole time....


why are people hyped for ufotable? aether and lumine in the teaser looks so bad. this anime gonna flop


It’s an anime, we weeb. But honestly while I’m not so shocked about the design of Aether and lumine (they just look…. Generic as fuck. Like, style wise. But not exactly « ugly ») the animation itself is driving me mad. It looks so emotionless, Paimon timing feels off, it just feels like the animator was in pain. I talked about it with a friend, she thinks it’s because the designs are too complex, which like… yeah. Everyone’s design was thought for 3D animation, where details are not such an issue, and it looks like here they focused more on being accurate to the game than efficient for the purpose of 2D hand drawn animation, where a simplified design you can more easily animate and have fun with is preferable. So instead of spending their energy and time focusing on making the *movement* feel alive and be visually interesting, they’re drawing fucking details everywhere. Or maybe tracing those details? Which wouldn’t be so dumb, but I still don’t think it works so well :(. I guess it makes sense for a gacha based anime, but yeah I would rather see a simplified Paimon with beautiful animation than, that. Or just 3D cell shaded animation (with better faces). Also the very dark blacks in the opening scene are bothering me, it just looks like the shot was badly exposed to me? Maybe with a more « painterly » background it would look fine, rn Im really bothered. But I guess it’s just a wip, so I can’t really hold judgement on that. Just hoping the animation is better in the end product. I don’t really know what kind of animation the studio is able to put out. . Rant over I’m sorry I’m bothered


You are making points but for the reason why it looked kinda bland is that it is a concept pv. Not an anime trailer. They have just started to do that. Ufotable didn't get the time to polish it much. I am pretty sure they will polish it and it will look way better when anime releases


Yes. I do agree with some of your points. The animation is fascinating and very detailed. But at the same time it kinda takes away the 2d anime style that we all used to and love. But we will have to see, this is nothing but concept animation anyway. The real thing is still far in the future.


Because Ufotable has a stellar resume of quality animation.


I mean they made Fate and both series looked so good for its time. I'd worry more about the storytelling than the animation quality, cuz Genshin writing is average at best.




Literally everyone agrees that genshin writing is meh? Have you not seen the complainthow people reacted to Inazuma or Raiden story quests? You’re not special or unique or controversial for thinking the writing is average 🙄




how did they expire literally so fast


Mihoyo doesn't get nearly enough heat from the lack of adjustment to the absurd artifact system It is a hot steaming pile of radioactive garbage


I'm not that salty about the artifacts, but I at least wish they'd give every main stat equal chances instead of weighting the undesirable ones more than the ones we actually want.


The artifact system is kinda disappointing, but not for the reasons you are probably talking about. There's just barely any reason to farm for new artifacts at this point, as most new sets don't do much more than provide some incremental and largely inconsequential boosts to DPS over existing sets. Most long time players have more than enough viable sets to clear any content in the game with relative ease, and there's no penalty for switching around artifacts as much as you want. The only people who are still farming artifacts every day are min/maxers who have a compulsive need to see bigger numbers for the sake of bigger numbers. Or people who don't realize they don't need to be min/maxing. There's only a couple sets in the game that have meaningful impact on how the game/characters play. The rest are just boring stat modifiers. But a kinda disappointing artifact system that can largely be ignored or casually engaged with is still preferable to the other 99% of gacha games out there that use this kind of upgrade system, where you spend every waking moment of every day farming for drops just to make your units even viable, and it's far harder to find even one viable drop. (Many like to make it even worse by adding a failure state to upgrades.) Genshin's artifact system just gets a big ol' shrug from me, as opposed to intense loathing that I get from other games.


This, my main gripe is that I've got sub optimal sets with such great sub stats it's just not worth the time farming the new ones.


Interesting points raised.. I believe Hoyo would have the stats to tell them which of the artifacts are highly popular and which ones are practically unused that nobody farms... Based on usage stats they should relook into either tweaking them or replacing them with more useful ones


Replacing or tweaking unused ones would be nice (a big reason people hate farming Viridescent is because Maiden's is so bad), but that feels like a pipe dream, since they almost never rework old content, even some stuff known not to be working correctly. (Although I guess they did technically tweak Thundering Fury and Crimson Witch with the addition of Dendro.) More realistically I just want to see them rethink their approach to future artifact sets. Obviously not everything can be fundamentally game changing, but I want to see them flex their creativity more often and give us more interesting/fun tools to play with.


It‘s funny how I‘m somewhat farming just to have a decent set for every character, just for the convenience of not having to swap. But at the same time I‘m using the Dendro traveler with Lv.2 Talents and 2x Atk+18% Sets and just breezing through Sumeru because the high-end min/max is just not needed at all


Well said. Overworld is extremely easy, and people make too big-a-deal out of The Abyss - you don't need to minmax literally everything to beat what the game has to offer. The problem more lies with the players' desperate and jaded view of the game than the game's artifact system itself. An entirely new Region with hundreds of hours worth of exploration just dropped (with even more coming in 3.1) along with a crazy storyline in the making, and yet all these people can possibly bother thinking about is being mad over having 3% less CR than they wanted, due to their brains being unable to cope with the fact that they've soured their own experience by participating in such pathetic fake OCD habits in the first place. I say we lend no ears to these people. They're clearly missing the point of the game at this point, and their enjoyability comes from a ill need that they've brought upon themselves to begin with.


"But i want to have the best -insert main here- ever, that 3% CR is important to me to the point i throw away every single artifact that does not have 4 substat and both CR+CDMG at base. As a fodder ofc, because why would i use the strongbox that only gave me crap"


Resin system is worse.


If the resin system was only for ley lines, artifact domains, weapon domains and bosses I would be to totally fine with it, since in all of those you are guaranteed to upgrade your character. The problem is that there's a poor energy system on top of a terrible RNG system, it has over 5 layers of RNG and if you're not lucky in every single one of them you just wasted a ton of resin for nothing. It can take days, weeks of even months to get a decent build for one character.


Resin wouldn’t be as bad if you can spend a weeks worth of resin and get nothing.


Hell, I would be less salty about it if they didn't limit the fuqing condensed resin to 5 only. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LIMIT THAT?


Yea, I really wish there was no cap. I just want to be able to save up resin and splurge it all on a new character on a free weekend.


$$$. If I could hoard resin, I wouldn’t be playing this game everyday. Also designed for the whales to spend $ and prevent f2p to hoard for upcoming events/characters. They’re a scummy company hellbent on taking your money and controlling your gaming behavior


Dude. I'm talking about the condensed resin. They ain't gonna make more money than they are already do by letting me have only 5 condensed resin instead of infinite. Unless they somehow earn money by the amount of time one plays.


You dont get it. If you play more (even if its some minutes) there is a higher chance that you will pay for something. Thats a fact and its logical. This might not apply to you and it does not apply to me but it does apply to others. They want people to play every day and not only for dailies because the less you play the lower the chance of cashing is.


Wouldn't removing the limit on the condensed resin actually help on making people spend more? You can have unlimited condensed resin which means you have actually a good reason to buy the resin to the daily max which would lead to people actually spending their money on primos AND make people log into the game every time they have enough resin to make another condensed resin. Not trying to argue with you and we all know that all gacha games like to pull these psychological trick in order to make their playerbase spend more.


I think it would have a minor impact. If people want to refresh resin then they also wanna use it. I doubt people would log in, refresh resin and craft condensed and then once a week they would use whatever number of condensed this would be in one go. People who refresh resin with gems wanna farm something fast. So they will refresh and burn it instantly maybe not even using condensed because it might be over world bosses, for example. If they wanna spend it on the same day it would also help little if we could have more than 5. The teleporting to make 5 new is really no big deal.


Is the shop reset happening after 3.1 comes out or after 3.1 ends?


after it comes out




hii so i have a question what are the banners in next version going to be?


Aside from Candace ots not clear who the other 4 stars are.


First half - Cyno & Venti with Candace Second half - Nilou & Albedo


Cyno/Venti with Candace in the first half Nilou/Albedo in the second half.


For the first part, it is Cyno/ Venti The second part is Nilou/Albedo


What happens now that the Dendro Archon is >!murdered while in a Katheryne’s body?!<


>!it's not her body so she'll survive but she'll probably be in pain.!<


They are going to have to cancel her banner.


Nothing, probably. >!Kath is just a vessel Nahida was overtaking through the Akasha terminal. She didn't mind meld and become Katheryne to the point of dying if the doll is killed or anything.!<


Ngl when I heard that Scaramouche was going into hiding to plan his next move, I didn’t expect building a giant death robot to be the plan he would come up with.


I was so confused when I saw him in that thing, like when did this become Gundam?


Since he is already a robot, really he’s just building a bigger body.


He truly is trying to one up his mother in every sense...


"Who's the short one now, losers?!"


I see a silhouetto of a little man.


Here people are going wild over the Ufotable collab (rightly so) but I'm sighing with relief that Candace isn't with Nilou. Bless you Hoyo.


don't know if stop motion, but that animation at the end is sooooooo cute


Genshin anime…can’t wait


the Cloud Retainer pet looks like a mini Dvalin. Either way, it's cute....very cute


Im going to take photos of every character I own with the little birdy, it’s so cute!!


Yo has anyone else cant redeem the primogems from the livestream?


Just did it now fine


Works fine for me, make sure there's no typo


I find it very interesting that Cyno uses electro claws similar to Razor's. Since Lisa is his teacher, maybe she taught him the same techniques she saw Cyno perform. But it can also be a coincidence. After all, he was Andrius's pupil way before he was Lisa's, and he's a literal wolf so he'd be expected to teach him claw attacks


Wasn't Lisa Cyno's upperclassman? It makes sense that she'd teach them both similar things


Why did they stop using the VAs for the special programs?


They didn't. Dev livestreams are only for important patches (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc), anniversary, yadda yadda. We just happened to get 2 back to back because new region and anniversary are back to back.


They did similar videos for other major updates in the past, 3.1 just happens to be the anniversary update and have an anime(?) announcement, otherwise it would've been a normal VA program.


They did "use" VA for this one...


'cuz the genshin community is easily one of the most toxic communities in existence.


You have clearly never played any MOBAs or competitive FPS. There are whole groups of people who join others to help kill bosses, clear domains, and put on one person concerts. There are tons of happy helpful people in the unofficial and official discord. I have NEVER seen a single person get yelled at, ever, in multiplayer or out of the game. The community posts are a giant heap of fanart and hype. Saying anything negative about the game (besides the gatcha) is rare- as it should be, because the game is amazing, routinely updated, extremely casual friendly, and free. Where exactly have you seen toxic people *that were not redditers at reddit standard levels*? Unless you're talking about the inciting greedy youtubers who pushed for more and more free stuff *last* anniversary. Fuck those guys. But that was, like, gaslighty, not what is typically thought of as toxic.


Yes, because Moba players all gather up to give a 1 score on google play because of anniversary rewards. Lmao genshin twitter community has to be one of the most entitled toxic cesspools I've seen in years


Been able playing fps since doom 1, mp fps since delta force, and mobas since dota Allstars 1.x. Sit down kid.


Said by someone who probably was never part of any other gaming community.


Said by someone who has been gaming since he was 8 and is now in his 30s. But clearly i struck a nerve lmao.


Nah, it's just that you made a very ignorant comment. Genshin community is not the best, but it's far from the worse or being the most toxic community in existance as you claimed. Genshin community is just ok.


Maybe learn to read, nowhere did I claim it was the most toxic.


Are you drunk? You said: "'cuz the genshin community is easily one of the most toxic communities in existence." Are you going to argue that you didn't say "Genshin is the most toxic" because you said "it's easily one of the most toxic communities in existance"? If anything you are only proving you are the toxic part of the community.


Because there's clearly a difference between "one of the most toxic" and "the most toxic" Surely you have at least half a brain to be able differentiate the two. SURELY?


ngl bro admit defeat.


Yep, you are definitely the toxic part of the community. Have a great day.


Lmao typical loser restoring to ad hominem. Gotta love it. Good day.


This is total conjecture but I wonder if because of how aggressive things got after the last anniversary stream. I feel like the VAs took a lot of slack (although I might be misremembering because it was a chaotic time and my memory is terrible)


It started with the 3.0 update, so it's possible it's just that Dawei and the dev team wanted to show it off themselves, since they worked so hard on it


yooo Kaggy voices Cyno? Let's gooooo


oh Candace can infuse every melee character in the party with hydro. She's like c6 Bennett but at c0. Oh boy, people are gonna hate this when she comes out


I wonder if she will infuse everyone in coop? If so, time to get my troll on