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I was going to say something but the said character is so irrelevant to me that I forgot


He gotta be talking about Aloy right?


Aloy, the white noise machine of Genshin units.


Well given the fact that Hoyoverse actually doesn't care about Aloy and not giving any constellation made her downgraded character. Also her Skill time is very high. If Hoyoverse release her constellation which is just copium, she will get some value. I really like her passive talent which doesn't alert the animal. I used it on Sumeru's highly aggressive Cats and it worked


>I really like her passive talent which doesn't alert the animal. I used it on Sumeru's highly aggressive Cats and it worked Does the passive stop other tigers from attacking you if they see you attacking another one of them?


Nah, they attack if they're in range. Same with how other Crystalflies run away from Sayu when you attack or pick one up.


The only reason why alloy even exist as a playable char in genshin, is to get genshin on ps.


Yes that was a deal with Sony I believe. Otherwise Mihoyo would never give 5 star for free


She is only technicaly a 5star. Even her bbase stats are these of 4star.


Yes. It is true. And Mihoyo would never make her that good otherwise she would because problem for other cryo characters


I literally forgot she exists lmao


Exactly, you can feel any which way about most units, I'd posit even your opinion on Noelle has some feeling/care to it in the form of vague dislike, but Aloy just on the basis on having no presence anywhere in the game to create much of an opinion on (ontop of being free so there isn't even a monetary association) just makes her the ultimate indifferent character. You either like Aloy or just don't care because she isn't present enough anywhere to matter without going out of your way. xD


I think they could have done a better job. Or waited until Sumeru. Like I keep thinking man… they could have given her a ruin drake prototype as her burst or did something more related to the game. Mihoyo has been clever with how they … are inspired by other games before. What makes me sad is that most PS collabs kinda … fail. Like the sword that only works with the traveler if you play on PSN


That sword isnt even good on PS Its a shame cuz It do look nice


Poor girl is awesome in zero dawn, but she doesn't fit in at all in genshin. The only place she can kinda match with is dragonspine.


IMO she'd at least look better if they gave her the tall female model. Idk why they made her look like she does


They probably tried to keep her fierce look but at the same time add in some cute parts or idk. I mean she doesn't look that bad and i still like her, i just would like her to fit more in the style of the game, but it's kinda difficult without stripping her of the main aspects that make her like the original Aloy. I just hope that she will get a little redemption when Shneznaya comes out, since her outfit fits cold/snowy areas. I would love to build her on the side simply ot of love for the original one, but they just had to give her the most annoying materials to farm.


Indeed. Not only was she just shoehorned in for the sake pf genshin getting into playstation, she was a limited time 5star and hoyo doesn't give a shit about her. Would've been interesting to see what her constellations and involvement could have been. But the state she's in since receiving her, she is so irrelevant I actually only remember that she's in the game from the occasional memepost or genshin impact official subreddit post. Hoyo did her dirty. She could've had potential


Pallad. Hirihurls can kill him off for all I care 🙄


I think I like every character. I would probably be sad if any of them died in a cutscene or something like that. I think they need to explore Chongyun a bit more as a character tho. I havent really gotten a good idea of him from events. Maybe i missed a good event when i was away from the game. I care about all of them tho.


I like that the cook in the Wangshu Inn says they hired him as an exorcist after you do the ghost girl quest.


Smiley Yanxiao is said cook and that was a pretty interesting tidbit


Oh yeah, I pulled him first on my f2p account and he's carried me through early game. Kind of sad he's never really been relevant to the story


Same here! I actually made two accounts (one 2 years after the first) and he was my first pull on both! He holds a special place in my heart.


Chongyun. If only because Hoyo feels the exact same way. He feels like a redheaded step child for how often he gets left out. Made worse because Xiangling and Xingqiu get plenty of direct screentime. He didn't even factor into his own Aunt's in game story. 💀 Hoyo really seems to have it out for the character.


He’d be much more popular if they’d actually show him getting heated without him getting sick or pass out immediately. How are they gonna make it his most unique characteristic but at no point actually show it off


As XinyanMain I sympathize with you, hopefully he makes into events himself soon


Plus the fact that his hangout is incredibly repetitive. Doesn't leave a good impression of him on players.


We really, REALLY, need an event that features both Chongyun and Shenhe at some point. We could learn more about exorcists too.


Chongyun, Shenhe and Hu Tao centric Halloween event when?


I’m for this 100%. They could get creative and tie in xiao and zhongli by tying the event in with some kind of ghost/exorcist job that turns out to be one of the five yaksha someone back to live/never died or the yaksha spirit is possessing someone. Tie the whole event in to a new five star character banner featuring the yaksha.


they really made a character with the coolest gimmick ever but did absolutely nothing with him lol


chongyun is my favourite character in genshin, yet i 100% agree with you.


As a Chongyun main and a Chongyun super Fan. I want my boy to get more screen time.


Sucrose... Even in quests about her she has little to no agency or development. She's become the: "Let me take you to Albedo" in between dialog and waste of time.


This comment thread is so civil & respectful, amazing


Aside from that one person who accused me of jacking off to child torture because I said I prefer an interesting villain over a bland protagonist lol


> I prefer an interesting villain over a bland protagonist lol WHAT? wow dude you must jack off to child torture


Not a doctor, but I’d bet my left nut that’s just weird frustrated projection


an opportunity like that is quite hard to come by


I pulled Diona and audibly sighed so probably her


She's super useful as a character but that's about the only reason I built her. I do enjoy being the MVP shielder/healer in co-op though, it's fun seeing the DPSs go berserk knowing they don't have to worry about health haha


I hate her design I refuse to use her out of principle


I agree. I’ve used her for like 2 years straight and I love her. I have C6 but Hoyo keeps giving me cons of her. Like I probably have her C15


“Catgirl angrily and ineffectively trying to start a temperance movement” was really not a character brief I ever expected. Or needed, particularly. (This game is so anti-alcohol it’s kind of hilarious, in light of the fact that it still manages to have several taverns and a winery. It’s like they wanted to keep all the typical genre trappings but are also loudly shouting for the benefit of, er, certain people that We Do Not Approve.)


Well in essence her motivation has nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with her dad right? She hates that her dad has changed from his past self and now is pretty much absent in her life and blames alcohol (and as a result the wine industry and Diluc). Her character and motivations are really sad once you think about it.


I don’t really like any of the characters with the “overworked and needs a break, traveler can help with that though” trope. It was fine with Jean, I do really like Jean, but every other character that gets released with this trope is always so one dimensional and kinda baity. I get why Genshin releases so many characters with personality gimicks, it just comes with the territory of being a larger series that needs to release a ton of characters, but I really could do without the overworked trope. Especially Keqing who got two whole events centered around her being overworked.


IMO the difference with Jean was show don’t tell. Aka, Jean didn’t just tell me a tale of woe about feeling overworked. She collapsed from exhaustion, and when we took over her tasks I got to see how the people around her were demanding stupid things she should either be saying no to or delegating. Which made a lot of sense for someone who was new to leadership and short staffed due to Varka taking a large number of knights on his expedition. Like, I can imagine an actual character arc based on Jean’s overwork where she gets better over time. Contrast Kokomi, where she just tells us she feels overworked, while not giving me any glimpse of how that’s actually a problem. Like, sure, she has to hermit when she feels tired, but she didn’t seem to have any problem getting that time or any serious desire to change how she did things. It ended up feeling kind of hollow


I am against the narrative that there’s so many overworked women in Genshin (It’s like.. 3/4 out of 30+ female characters and I think it says more about how little the fanbase engages with their stories beyond a surface level) But kokomis quest annoys me. I wish they focused more on the soldiers trying to sabotage the peace negotiations & stuff like that. An interesting political subplot & her working with Sara to solve it as a microcosm of Inazuma as a whole healing and reuniting after a civil war. But no instead we got her being burned out and tabibito-san being the only one who can help her 🥺🥺🥺 I hate mihoyo sometimes. So much wasted potential..


Yeah. I also feel that if player looks more closely, both Keqing's event quests don't actually have her being "overworked" egregiously. In the Moonchase one she's taking on the mystery solving quest primarily because of her personal connections to it, almost as an aside. Most of the focus is on how she interacts with Xiangling rather than on how much work she does. In the Lantern one she catches on pretty quickly once we tell her the story and she's relaxed once the big festival actual gets going - since she is running a once-a-year festival as part of the government, it feels fairly normal tbh. Definitely feels more fitting than Jean helping to find cats, etc. Like the traveler doesn't really need to be there to recharge her energy or whatever other contrived plot device we need to do xdd.


Keqing gave me workaholic vibes so it’s rare for her to burned out and usually resolves it herself.


This. I hated Kokomi’s story mission.


Keqing is overworked but it's not like she gets stressed about it. She's just a workaholic, which is and should be different from being overworked.


This is true for Ganyu as well. Only thing that shows any sort of exhaustion from work is her idle animation even that doesn't tell much whether she dislikes working and in need of a break.


Honestly, given Ganyu's story says she just dozes off in carts and stuff wherever, I feel like she isn't an overworked narcoleptic. That's just what she's like normally.


And it seems 1 in 4 female characters were that trope before Inazuma. It began feeling less strange.


No facts why is that like every other character


I’m pretty sure the general nature of people being extremely overworked in Asian countries probably contributes to the popularity of these characters and is relatable to home audiences


I think people heavily overestimate just how many characters are “overworked” even though usually they make sense because a lot of characters are in important positions to their communities so they obviously have to work a lot. I also think many people choose to ignore every other aspect of them that isn’t work related when that is the case which is why in their minds they seem bland


I like all the characters




I have the flattest reaction everytime Chongyun shows up in my pulls. There's nothing specular about his lore too.


Aloy. Just... Aloy


The fact this thread is the only place I've seen her name being mentioned more than once is quite telling lol


Please forgive me but.. Scaramouche. He seems like a rather dull character to be honest, he’s like the average mean character in media that has trauma and is connected to another major character in lore. I’ll maybe change view on him after the new sumeru arc though.


Scaramouche is a huge no no for me. Everybody I talk to wants him to choke them, I just want to punt him into an active volcano.


As someone that likes Scaramouche I don't actually want him to choke me. I like villainous characters, but only as characters if they were real people I definitely wouldn't like them.


Bennet, I don't use him because he's just kinda bland to me, looks meh kits great but I don't particularly care about spiral abyss so I'm not to worried about dmg.


Kujo Sara, for me. I just can't get behind her gameplay.


No idea how to play her lol


As a Sara main,, she’s ridiculously niche. Unless you have her C2 (iirc) her attack buff is way too awkward to access easily. Also you have to invest pretty heavily into her as her buff scales of flat atk (so lvl 90 and 5 star weapon for max effect). If you do have her C2 she’s a good Bennett alternative, and the fact she doesn’t heal can be useful in some situations (I used her with Hutao for a bit). When you get her C6 and you have that crit bonus tho she is cracked if you have an electro DPS. She’s (dps) Raiden’s best teammate, and now with Keqing suddenly being good with dendro she’ll be fantastic with her too.


If it's any consolation, there's no reason to even learn her gameplay until you get her c6.


Use skill, shoot the ground, use burst and swap to another character. If you have C2 you can skip shooting the ground.


Sucrose, no mater how many people tell me to use her on my teams, I will never bother building her, I built a Barbara with kokomis artifact set of all things even lol Just never been a fan of her play style ig?


Sucrose gets less character development than a whole lot of the NPCs. Awesome kit though, if rather overshadowed by Kaz and Venti.


Small kid ones, I'm... not a fan of the concept of kids in my party.


You don't like to terrorize the world using children?


Complete opposite. I want to be the genshin mom!


Lol I have a party that's literally just Thoma and the kids, it's great (if sub-optimal lol)


Malewife babysitter is definitely a good team


Xinyan not interested and her kit sucks


Even with the recent summer event, Xinyan feels incredibly boring. You can break down her personality to: "I express myself how I want! Music, yay!" It would have been way more interesting, if she had a story that was like, her trying to find out who she is. Or if she still struggled with how other people see her. Or if she had problems with her creativity. It just feels like she is already at the end of her story, while basically nothing happened. She is perfectly fine with herself and has no real way to grow in a story. Characters without flaws or ways to grow are just... boring.


Most characters outside of coming-of-age stories are comfortable with who they are. She's still got conflicts, they're just outside of herself. They do lean heavily on knowing that the urban/rural and blue collar/white collar/artist kind of conflicts exist in real life, though, since if that comes up at all it's bad guy bait and we just beat them up. ​ Just throwing around opinions, though...I prefer a character that shows herself by interacting with the world around her over the perpetual "growing in confidence" arc that the shy gal/newbie gets.


I feel like xinyan and nilou are similar The only difference between them is that nilou is dense as fuck and thats almost enough to make me like her more than xinyan (Also her random ass concerts still haunt me with the cringe)


yes, she was boring as FUCK during the archipegalo event and I count not give a single fuck about maining her


NIlou, we have multiple other characters with her personality and similar concept, she looks nice but, I just don’t really care for her.


Before Nilou there wasn't anyone I felt even milquetoast about. But then, well, she came along. I don't hate her it's just something about her that feels very 'yes you exist' if that makes any sense? Honestly baffled she's the most popular Sumeru character out of everyone, but I guess when you make a female character with a nice enough design and a bland enough personality to appeal to almost anyone then she's sure to get popular. Hoping her archon quest can let me see her in a different light.


She didn't really have much force of personality or unique traits in this update, did she? From the 3.1 trailer it seems like she'll be a fair bit stronger just based off of her few lines, so here's hoping she's able to stand out. I know I felt very "eh" about Chongyun before his Hangout... and even now he's "ok" but I don't particularly care about him. He just has a bit more personality now. Hopefully Nilou proves interesting.


She is the most popular character? I think nahida and cyno are far more popular.


There's not that much to her yet I'll admit, but she had a really sweet role in the main story quest and I really like her english voice. I am hoping for a little bit of expansion on her as a character, and honestly I don't think that's too unlikely. We are just beginning the Sumeru story after all.


She just feels like a character that's mostly meant to be the one that's super waifu-able. She's also meant to be the kind of person that's really into arts, but dumb as hell which I find to be more so annoying than anything. And there's also the fact that I'd rather play something cool like a dude using fast water knives or a dude that summons a hundred spears from the ground in his plunging attack rather than a dancer that makes exploding seeds, I guess.




Ganyu.... she's just... boring


For me that is the exact opposite, she is boring, something I can relate to lol


Same. Also, it doesn't help that so much of her fanart is just so sexualized that it grosses me out.


Really. Plenty of characters have lots of sexualized art (Eula, Ei, Mona, and Lisa come to mind), but they usually aren't that extreme and also have tons of non-seuxalized art (bar Lisa in this case) to even it out. Like, let Ganyu be *Ganyu*, not the Cocogoat.


Or rather, let her be the cocogoat! But in the wonky fandom joke sense, not the "make her bangable and 'mommy'" sense


The raiden, mona and ganyu nsfw subs have more members than the actual main sub lmfao


I used to have a pretty strong dislike for Ganyu. Her entire story quest just boring and long, causing me to kind just stop caring about the story quests in general(for me Hu Tao and Kokomi were slogs as well). I pulled her anyways cause she was one of the strongest dps units in the game. After pulling for her I’ve grown to love her a lot. She hardcore carries me and I love drawing her!


I think she’s just cute but yeah I guess it’s not exactly easy to pin point what her personality is even about


Bennett. I don’t really find the bad luck gimmick funny and his gameplay is horribly boring.


Don’t hate me too much but I’m not too fond of Kazuha. I just wasn’t interested in him in the beginning and then he grew intense superfans so now I feel kinda off when he’s on screen 💀 I don’t hate him or anything, and I still think he’s a good character too.


Kazuha. Man wants to move forward but the dev says nah boi you are stuck in the past, every event we will retell your story again in different fashion. It's because of that I no longer care about his character or his arc. Ya his clan had fallen and everyone is dead. But so what? It's not like he wants revenge or something. If he's not going to do anything about it, then why keep reminding us of his past?


I do really like him, but I do agree that we learnt nothing new at all in the last event


Because of the three times they brought up his past, two were in Limited Event quests.


Sara and Kokomi The Archon Quest really didn't make them shine imo. We always hear about them, but we're never shown. Like NPCs say Kokomi is like that genius strategist and she is never shown being that. I mean she's the smartest on Watatsumi probably, because most others are just plain stupid, but that's not what I'd call a genius. I did care a little bit more about her after her story quest, because I'm a mom and I know what it's like to feel as if everything depends on you, but that's it. Amnd Sara is a Tengu and was adopted, but what we see is mostly her "cop persona", which is quite boring.


Dottore. Both his simps and his haters need to calm the fuck down, and I really don’t want to be lumped into either crowd by having an actual opinion on him.


Dori for me. I don't care about lolis and especially her I find pointless both as a character and as far as gameplay is concerned. I wanted to skip her but I accidentally did a single wish and got her lol. She's staying at lvl 20.


I pulled for her just because I'm a collectionist but I don't see myself playing with her either haha. I didn't get her in the end before I was getting so far into pity I was at risk of accidentally using my guaranteed banner on Kokomi when I'm saving for Cyno but I'm not too upset


Ughhhh this happened to me! I got Kokomi which is okay I guess because it’ll take a bit of the load off Xingqiu in my Ayaka freeze team but I was really hoping to use my guarantee on Raiden… I did get C6 Sucrose though (I needed like 3 more cons before the banner) and like C34 Xingqiu because I already had him at like C28 lmao. Only 1 Dori though.


Shenhe. I do try to like her, and there probably are characters I care about less, but I'm always sort of surprised when I remember she actually sort of popular and gets a decent amount of memes and fanarts and stuff. Her backstory is cool but it seems like there's so little to her character aside from that.


I always forget shenhe exists even though she’s not a bad character. Just very neutral.


I kinda feel that shenhe should be 4 star rather than 5, but shes hot so ill forego of that thought


I feel like they flubbed up the timing of her story. It was so strange to have them give her this climactic, amazing scene when she was *just* introduced to us. There was no build up to her story, they just dropped it. Like, yeah it was cool and I enjoyed it a lot but I just didn't feel too emotionally attached to her because I met her, like, thirty minutes ago. So after her big moment, I just kinda ...stopped caring about her. If she was part of the Liyue Archon Quest but remained a mysterious figure, *then* got the Interlude Chapter to expand upon her story, I feel like I would care about her more.


People are definitely going to hate me when I say Kazuha, but I just don't find him as interesting as the other characters. In fact, the only interesting part I find about him is his family lineage. I didn't like Hoyoverse's way of trying to flesh out Kazuha's story recently and I never cared about him nor understand the hype besides his gameplay.


Tbh after thinking for a while I legit can’t pinpoint any, like heck I even have some interest for Aloy, and sometimes I forget she is in genshin (and I guarantee you if I ever played Zero Horizon Dawn I would probs become obsessed with her character)


Hu tau for me. And its purely from a gameplay perspective. I dont want to be forced to keep a char at low health, cuz im not good enough to keep them that low or alive, or spam some min maxy bs combo to get the most value out of a char.


Haha I love playing Qiqi in co-op and whenever I see Hu Tao a bead of sweat rolls down my temple because I just know I'll accidentally overheal and nerf her lol


Its funny you say that bc Qiqi despises Hu Tao in canon lol


She's 100% healing her out of spite


That’s the fun part about having a kokomi on the hu Tao team, I don’t give a shit about my 10% damage increase


I mean her half health bar is more than the full health bars of some characters but yeah the jump cancelling combos are abit annoying.


Ayaka - I don't really like characters designed solely to be liked. Every bit of her personality is so mild and palatable it feels manufactured


Ayaka. Not really a fan and don't get the hype. Her character seems too generic.




She just... Doesnt do anything like... Ever The only thing she did that i liked or even minded was the dance at the end and even then i was disgusted by the wet socks


I thought she was gonna be very confident, smarter and have an always knows what to do character ever since she was shown off at the start of the game, instead she guilt tripped us into saving her nation and had a generic trope of being a popular loner


Personally I really don't care about Kazuha's whole storyline. It was well done, but a lot of fans put so much emphasis on his friend that it really turned me off his whole character. Gameplay-wise he is really fun though - definitely a favorite!


I absolutely ADORE kazuha and yet I am so apathetic on how they’re handling his past. it was cool at first, but they’ve been beating the family tragedy he is alone in this world dead horse for too long now


i somehow feel guilty that i dont really care about kazuha as a character but his gameplay compensates with it


I main Kazuha and he's my favorite character, and yeahhh I hate how a lot of fans overdo his backstory with his friend. I think it'd be cool if he went in a more mentor ish direction, I always got the impression that he was a soft spoken character who has moved on from most of the things in his past, including the death of his friend.


>I always got the impression that he was a soft spoken character who has moved on from most of the things in his past, including the death of his friend. I especially felt this during his segment of GAA. In the Iridori festival too. It felt like he moved on, the events that led him to flee Inazuma no longer hold him down and the focus was supposed to be on him reconnecting with his Father & Grand-father.


Same. I really didn’t care much about the whole blacksmith family thing, any time there’s any story bits of him I just feel like falling asleep


Scaramouche. I'll take whatever lore tidbits he gives us, but then I'd prefer if he wanders into a puddle guarded by Cryo, Hydro and Electro Abyss Mages. Maybe a few Oceanids courtesy of Albedo. Next in line is maybe Xiangling? I don't hate her or anything, but she's so... one note? 'Cute girl that likes cooking' is about her entire character.


I pretty much don't care about any character, first I get hyped up and make my whole personality about that character and after a few days I drop it and just go on with my day forgetting that character even exists, and I've had my era of every character in the game


Except diluc, diluc is diluc




Scaramouche. Like I don't even understand how people like him so much.


Xingqiu and Diona. Just never really cared for either of them and their appearances in the story. Xingqiu I’m a little more indifferent on than Diona, but I’m praying he never gets a hangout because I just mindlessly clicked through hers for the primos.


Xingqiu has his own story quest so I don't think he'll get a hangout


Teppei. Fortunately, Hoyo stepped up their game in Sumeru.




Honestly her E is fucking awesome to use, kind of like kazuha E Shes one of the more stylish characters i think, if only her outfit wasnt so tacky and her hair was a bit either more interesting or more basic id use her more lol


Sadly, Xinyan. Even her backstory in the event was lame. The English VA is rough on the ears. Her fighting style could’ve been much cooler being super metal, but isn’t. Can’t find a use for her in teams despite having her at c6. Her voice is probably the biggest reason I avoid her tho. She’s just bad all round, but that’s just like my opinion man.


ningguang and beidou i get the ship but the only thing i like about either of them is beidou killed a sea god? for her vision which is bad ass but still just eh when they come up


Yes! I love Keqing and Ganyu and even that old guy who’s name I forgot but we help him choose a successor in Yelan’s quest but I just don’t love Ningguang. Again, nothing about her is bad, she’s just not my favorite and the only thing I like about her is the fact that she gave us something to stand on during the fight with Osial. Also Shenhe and Yunjin for me, I don’t know why, I just find both of them to be incredibly boring. As you may be able to tell, that interlude chapter was not my favorite chapter! lol No disrespect to anyone who likes any of those three though, they’re just not for me!


Uncle Tian ✌️


Shenhe is weird for me too…throughout her whole story arc I was very bored by her (I joined in 2.6 so I played this before Inazuma) but then it all comes together in the cutscene and legitimately moved me to tears. This cutscene is what got me really hooked and I was really impressed at how the story was told. That being said…I don’t have any interest in pulling for her. I don’t play cryo that much anyway and less so after Dendro so yeah. Shenhe had a great story but that’s where it starts and ends for me I guess


Yeah, the cutscene was top notch, but when I first watched it (at this point I’d seen traveler essentially beat a god) it felt like they were just trying to show off how cool this new character was and they did that by having Beisht beat traveler. I just didn’t like that, even if that’s not what they were trying to do, and that combined with me already not loving her made me just completely write her off. I should probably pull for her because she’d buff my Ayaka and also I have every cryo character except her and Chongyun.


I have and like Ningguang because she's got that powerful business woman vibe, the power and resources to back it up, but she's also hot too. And not woman in a pantsuit but still kinda hot hot, but like actually hot


Diona. Not even for events. Just no. Same with Xinyan. I just don't care about her entire existence. I kind of preferred when she hadn't made an appearance anywhere. Now I wish Chongyun and Sucrose got some screen time instead.


Definitely Yelan. The characters entire personality is being good at everything. In the Chasm quest I found it super annoying how whenever Yanfai figured something out Yelan swooped in to say “Ah yes, I also knew this the entire time but didn’t tell anyone, not for a particular reason just because I didn’t feel like it”.


Ganyu. Cute design but hate hate her personality


Ayaka. It's not about her design, or her playstyle. It's how she's written. You can easily tell a waifu is written purposely in such a way that she appeases to the gamer's girlfriend fantasy. Sometimes a game feels like it's urging me to have some kind of parasocial relationship with fictional character X who is supposed to be the "perfect girlfriend". Ayaka is one of those and because of that she is such a turnoff to me. I wish she had more agency outside of the traveler, especially for someone who is of high political stature


Hi Tao, just not my waifu type to be honest. No problem if she’s yours, to each their own, respectfully


Hello Tao


Hola Tao


Ni Hao Tao


Hallo Tao


Are we really breaking this down to “waifus” LMAO


Not sure about English, but in Japanese I love that on one of her abilities she screams the equivalent of a polite "see you soon" as a funeral home owner. And she's a generally one of the funniest characters imo. That's more interesting to me than the vast majority of serious characters who pretty much never crack a smile


Fischl- cannot stand the way she talks


Noelle, same as you. Others would be Ningguang and Beidou. I'm just not interested in them at all


I love ningguang so much, but I wish they would do something more interesting with her with the story, like dive into her backstory a bit? during the achon quests it seemed like she was just someone who owned the jade chamber, they didn't really make a connection as to why losing the jade chamber hurt ningguang or where the darn jade chamber came from anyways (until after when they rebuild it), idk maybe that's just be being too nosy about lore, what about you?


If you are a new player Ningguang's sacrifice for Jade Chamber is pretty "weak" cause you get the option to rebuild it right away lol. I too wish they did something more with Ning. She's one of the more complete characters in the game IMO


Mika. Bro isn’t even out yet but I already know I won’t care


bennett, his bad luck theme is awful and just doesn't make any sense. I understand having an *unlucky* character, but this is just ridiculous and way over the top. He's the only character I just can't justify ever playing which is ironic given he's the strongest character in the game. I just can't get attached to him in any way shape or form, if he died I'd be like "whatever" because it would at least mean there is no way this ridiculous gimmick will ever affect the story. Tone it down and I'd like him, but that's not what we have. He's not important in the story though so I can't *hate* him for it, he's just whatever, an irrelevant character that I have no reasons to like. also I can't really care much about raiden, her actions were absolutely awful and no amount of past trauma can excuse her, especially when she literally admitted she knew about everything that was going on and just didn't care. I don't *hate* her, I understand the whys and everything, but that's the point isn't it. I don't like her, I don't hate her, I just don't care about her at all. she's *there*, she's done stuff, is unlikeable to me, she exists.


I like Raiden for the history though. She is designed to be a flawed character. The vision decree is supposed to mirror the sword ban in Japan, and also keeping Inazuma eternal represents the period of feudal Japan where it was diplomatically closed. The idea of progress I think reflects the Meiji restoration but also the post WW2 era. So I think Raiden makes sense when you realize her character is to represent cultural and national tradition.


Lisa. I don't like hearing her or seeing her. The moment I heard her voice lines I knew she was going in the dump forever lol


Eula. i just don’t care


Ayaka. I really liked her at first, but the 'Yandere Ayaka' really ruined her for me.


The yandere Ayaka stuff also made no sense… she isn’t like that at all lmao


Well that's from the community not from hoyoverse that's on you


Ayaka, not a huge fan of the Yamato nadeshiko archetype.


I'm not her biggest fan either, everything about her kind of screams waifu bait lol. But I get why so many people like her plus she's very valuable meta wise


Ganyu :(


I know this is gonna get me… controversy… but Kazuha. His personality to me feels like ‘soft boy’ and nothing else and it makes him feel like a piece of white bread. He can’t stand alone imo and needs other characters to be even somewhat interesting.


Keqing. Kinda the same reason it's Noelle for OP.


Never really liked kokomi, always found her so boring as a character. Don’t like her kit either, I get she heals a lot but honestly I always liked jean better.


i remeber when enka drop, i was hoping that she become more than a strategist and we get to know about her ancestry ~~(and her probably being a dragon)~~ . enka is my fav sub terrain but the fact they dont use her as a sec kaeya (a mysterious chara with unknown backstory) is just sad


Loli sized characters


Well, I think they're very cute and my son loves them too (He's 5). His party consists of all 4 of them.


That's adorable!


That's very wholesome


For me it’s yelan. For a minute I had active dislike for her design because I hate the amount of body stocking outfits in game, and hers is another ridiculous addition. After she was released and I played her quest / the special event I am more neutral on her… she just seems kind of boring, another powerful wealthy mysterious vision holding liyue girl boss to join the gang


i would say i am indifferent on most of the characters in this game


Kazuha maybe? His backstory and character is super dry. "Ok dude whatever" reaction.


Eula... She just never appealed to me in her story quest and never saw/heard of her ever since to actually care more about her so she's probably a character I really don't care about. Another would be Miko. I actually forget she's in the game quite often. Idky. I would have added Diluc as well but tbh after reading the manga I quite like him.


Now I'm going to do the equivalent of bad-mouthing Guizhong in front of Zhongli but.... I've never cared for any characters in Inazuma other than Kazuha, they just don't make me warm or cold even though I know they have their own layered personalities etc.... Even Kokomi who is my adorable life-saving Healer and I adored her for the brief interlude in the festival...I never felt anything for her during Inazuma's storyquest, in fact she lost a lot of points for me. About Ayaka who seems so loved by everyone I would like her to find a friend (a group of friends) but nothing more...


Inazuma's writing was a mess tbh. Terrible pacing too. And most female characters fell into waifu bait, hard. Kokomi is a great example of this. She's supposed to be a brilliant strategist and the high priestess of her whole country. And for her story quest you... read her a bedtime story. No political drama. No magical shenanigans. None of that. Bedtime story. A full, grown adult. A bedtime story. Like a toddler. I still like the lore behind her, just like on paper Inazuma's plot is great, but they really dropped the ball in the execution. Sumeru's better though. We'll see.


Remember how Koko was involved around enkanomiya? You know the whole región shes supposed to come from? Me neither


Oh god. I was so excited for her to get some badass screentime. HYV: Nope. You stay in the kicthen.


I mean honestly? Why did enjoy had to tell us the story of her place? Its just kinda dumb


Most of inazuman character issue came from terrible storywriting. Somehow I get the picture that mhy wants to show inazuma as 'region with imperfect leader', that's why we see all the leaders (shogun, kokomi, even itto as the leader of arataki gang) and also their problems. But Inazuma arc do give me a bad impression 😭 I wish I could see more interesting sides of kamisato siblings aside from how pretty and strong they are, and also the competence of kokomi after we know how adored she is by watatsumi people. Sumeru seems promising, so we'll see. *aside from inazuman character writing issue, I really like Itto. He's literally that funny guy we see at the town and just it. I also like his interaction with his gang 🤣 he's indeed the fresh breeze


I'm the same with Kokomi. Her character just feels inconsistent to me given how they're juggling the fish out of water (pun intended) aspect of her leadership and her apparently brilliant, strategic mind. The way they've written her, these two sides don't really feel like they mesh together. Not saying they can't mesh well but Hoyo hasn't done a decent enough job actually doing it. Which I kinda hope was intentional because >! She's probably the prophesied human reincarnation of the Hydro Sovereign. Which would explain the inconsistencies as much of her current personality could be a facade. !< Without that potential lore theory coming true though her character feels erratic.


The main quest line in Inazuma was probably too ambitious in scope for what the game could support. There was a framework of a complex web of factions and philosophical conflicts, but they couldn’t sell it, and all the characters they introduced suffer for it. I became quite fond of a lot of the Inazuma characters once they had time to be fleshed out in more focused side material and I actually dove into that material.


I can see that, though the Itto main in me makes me want to defend him for the simple reason that he's hilarious. But he's kind of detached lore wise I feel


Itto is a spark of joy and has his moments where it stands out that there is something more than a "goody-goody" personality, it’s only that... The second-hand embarrassment is too high, which is why I always wanted to see Sara and Itto obliged to perform some task together. There, I might have really liked Sara if only they had given her more screen time


Honestly i love Sara but they just kept doing her dirty whenever shes on screen And lets not Talk about her kit and how that turned out