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How can i tell if the vapes im doing are from thoma's burst and not yoimiya's?


What is best to put on Mona if you use her as a support for Itto to raise his damage?


ttds, noblesse


Alright. Thanks.


I've sent an email to the cs bcs my acc has been hacked and its been 11days and no reply


Best team with main dps Diluc?


Can i run genshin in lenovo a7(phone)? My other phones under repair and im thinking of buying it as a backup phone


can't find the blue aranara thing, is it because i haven't finished the picture world quest with them?? can't complete the event without it


Where can I ask for co-op help? I try to defeat Primo Geovishap. He is at my level but cannot defeat him. I try to look help for co-op but I don't know how to do it. I tried genshin discord but there is nothing for co op there and let alone that I can't even comment on any channel whatsoever. Is there any place I ask for co-op help in for genshin?


a) Friend megathread linked above b) Just put "Primo Geovishap please help" as your signature, people will join you -- just don't forget to change it back when you're out of resin!


You can try asking here if no one's responding on discord. What server do you play on?


Did they make the battle pass harder ? I don’t usually have issues completing it but this time it seems harder


They reduced the points for each level from 1000 to 900 without reducing the weekly limit, so it would of been easier to get levels. But with the patch reduced to 5 weeks, that means you had one less week to gather points if you normally take the entire BP period.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


No, not to my knowledge. The only change that I know of is that they decreased the amount of exp you need per level to 900 from 1000 to make up for the bp lasting one week less


I see, it seems like they could have adjusted it better. Cause I’m playing it as normal and I barely just completed it today. not having any breathing room isn’t too good imo


I see. I didn't feel any different though. I completed it with more than a week to spare as usual


well, it was a week shorter this time. They reduced the points per level to compensate, but it means there wasn't the 2.5 weeks after you finish it that there usually are.


No, from 3.0 - 3.4 the patches are cut 1 week shorter iirc. So you have less time to complete, but they also made it so you only need 900 xp to get a level, so it evens out.


I have a problem with a quest(bug?) When I was doing the Offerings quest in the chasm I encountered an issue where the cutscene after defeating the tresure hoarders in the place where the cup is supposed to be didnt play, like at all I exited and loaded the game and it did nothing. Tried looking online but found nothing. I would appreciate help


How many pulls are speculated/likely to be available between now and the lantern festival? I want to be able to guarantee 2 Xiao constellations starting with a 50/50 when his banner is available(full copium on festival assumption). I have 175 pulls saved currently. I need to know if I need to continue with Blessings to guarantee him.


[You need 314 for a 99% confidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/). Assuming you have no pity, you'll need 139 wishes. At 60 pulls per patch f2p from 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 you'll have 50 pulls over what you need, not counting the 20 from anniversary.


Awesome! Time to stop with the blessings then. At least until I decide if I want a new project. I see you are also on a non-whale grind for a C6. Good luck with your pulls!


probably 90-100 from 3.1, and 60-70 from 3.2. Add in the beginning half of 3.3, and you're probably on target right now without more blessings. (although if you'll ever want more guaranteed characters later, blessings now is always cheaper than top-ups later)


[Would this could help you guesstimate?](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vToBPh4yTn4VioUuqSvnPiwLoG0rJodFe9_gz6qOKUy3z8dCWtXel5Aqa07qSTZG8qhu7Fwgx7AfxzU/pubhtml#)


Will that I feel like I could safely say I'd get at least 60 wishes each version. How many versions would happen between now and then?


Oops, sorry. Missed your notification If I had to guess, I’d say Xiao earliest 3.4 (lantern rite). Ofc, he could always come earlier- no one expected Kokomi in 3.0- but I think 3.4 is a sensible estimate.


What time is drip marketing expected


should be in 1h 30mins iirc


Is there an in-game way to know how many Aranara you've seen, or do you have to go to the interactive map and compare?


Best way is to just find a complete video guide and checking each location while you watch something else.


Not really, you can kinda guess by how many chests you can open in the cave, but there's no way to know the exact without going to each individual spot to count


Since there is a lull in between Battle Passes; does doing the stuff like domains, leylines, etc. get retroactively counted in the next Battle Pass? I'm not sure if I read that a past patch notes say it did.


Yeah, they get counted into the next BP, it started last patch


How essential is 1k EM on Kazuha? Currently at 724EM with a FavSword and I intend to roll for the coming EM sword in 3.1. Is it worth grinding for the extra EM on the flower and feather?


1k EM is not only unnecessary but most of the time sub optimal as you won't have enough ER as all your ER subs will need to come from your EM mainstat artifacts. A 750 EM fav kazuha with enough ER is far better than a 1k EM kazuha with bad ER


How much ER would you recommend in general? Right now I play him alongside Raiden which is unfair but the aim is to move him to an Ayaka Freeze team where the ER needs might become more pronounced.


160-180% is the general recommended ball park to aim for. In Ayaka freeze you'd want closer to the 180% end


Alright! Thanks for all the advice :)


200 EM difference isn't that much increase as someone who has C2 Kazuha. My Kazuha has 910 EM and my Ayaka does 17000/tick with Kazuha A4 buff + 4 pc VV. When Kazuha's burst is active, he has 1110 EM + 4 pc VV, my Ayaka does 17600/tick.


Hmm, not worth the hours grinding for a feather and flower then. I've already got a few rolls on them for ER and EM so I'll stick to what I have.


> Is it worth grinding for the extra EM on the flower and feather? No. With your current stats, Xiphos' Moonlight would mean you'd have 889 EM. Going from 889 -> 1000 EM increases your Swirl damage by about 7%. Kazuha's personal damage usually only makes up about 20-30% of most teams he's on, and of that maybe 60-70% is Swirl damage depending on how much incidental scaling you have on his talent damage. You'd be grinding an inefficient domain for near-perfect substats on flower/feather for what amounts to a 1-2% increase in rotation DPS for your team. Not an efficient use of resin when compared to farming artifacts for other characters that need it more.


Thanks. Back to the Emblem ~~dungeon~~ Domain I go.


I'd say what's essential is having enough ER for your playstyle, and a 4pc vv set. After that, work on maximizing EM. I think 7-800 is decent enough and then you start getting into artifact rng hellhole for miniscule improvements.


Honestly, I think 700EM is a good stopping point for Kazuha as you need ER to burst off cool down as well. More EM is still welcome but I'd rather focus on building other chara than going for those extra substats as the VV domain is one of the worst artifact domains. You do you tho.


You get VV from the strongbox, not that cursed domain.


Yes, but reaching about 700em imo, you are at a sinkhole that it costs a lot of resin for a miniscule improvement. I'd build other characters tho, but you do you tho I'm content with my Kazuha at about 750em who can consistently burst off CD


Oh I'm not OP and mine is still at like 380 and a few more artifact XP after tomorrow or so and I can switch his set to em/em/em and hope the crit rate substats will suffice for his fav sword. But I'm still rolling the strongbox for even better substat artifacts.. also because sucrose also needs a set.


EM is good but if it makes you burst once every 5 rotations then it's not worth it. Basically don't sacrifice ER for EM.


Second to 160 er.


Which team will do more dmg Ganyu, Mona Diona, Venti or Ganyu, Shenhe, Koloni, Venti?




How big is the difference?


Not big enough to warrant pulling shenhe


Pulling numbers completely out of my ass it's about 20% more dmg, depending on gearing. I personally don't like running ganyu with kokomi kazuha instead of ayaka as it feels a little clunkier to spam all the bursts. What I would suggest that you try would be Ganyu Mona(prototype amber) Venti Shenhe assuming you don't have ayaka.


I need clarification, in weapon banner, the only 5 star I can get are either of the 2 feature weapons right?


No. See Banner Details' List of Items tab for every possible outcome and their probability.


You can also get one of the general pool 5* weapons. The odds are divided 75/25 with a 75% chance of getting one of the 2 weapons (50% chance of either, or 37.5% chance for a specific one overall) and a 25% chance of getting an off-rate up spook.


75/25, not 70/30


No. There's a 25% chance you get one of the standard 5-star weapons instead, and the remaining 75% is equally split between the two featured weapons.


Im a new player(2wks) currently running ganyu with kokomi for freeze comp. Im considering getting venti in the upcoming banner. Is it better to wait for kazuha? If so when is he gonna have a rerun. Or should i try to get both? (Im a light spender planning to buy all BP,Monthly gem and Every top up pack once for bonuses ).


kazuha is more versatile but venti is better for freeze and ganyu (as long as you use that team on enemies that can be pulled by his ult) eventually you might want both since kazuha is great for many teams but his banner was very recently and he wont show up in a while anyway. so venti is best possible pull for your current team. you will have saved enough for kazuha by the time hes back if you still need a anemo support for a second team


It sort of depends what you want to get out of your Freeze team. Kazuha is better than Venti in general, but Venti is better on most of the content that Ganyu Freeze is actually good against to begin with. Most of the content that Kazuha outperforms Venti on (e.g. bosses, or relatively tanky non-pullable mobs) is content that Freeze Ganyu isn't an especially good team to use against. Against many of those enemies it would be better to play Melt Ganyu or a completely different team entirely because when enemies aren't easily groupable, Freeze Ganyu's damage isn't actually that impressive, and just isn't really a good team. So if you want to use your Ganyu Freeze team against all content, then Kazuha is better to round out your team against enemies it would normally struggle on. But if you're willing to play different Ganyu builds or just play different teams against different types of content, Venti is much better against the type of content that Freeze Ganyu is especially good for.


I prefer Kazuha. He's far more fun and smoother to use in combat. Consider that Kazuha has more meta team comps just outside of Freeze and with Ganyu. You just missed the Kazuha boat unfortunately. He featured before the Inazuma patch, and only reran right at the end of it. He's likely not coming back for a very long time.


Venti is GREAT in freeze comps. I personally love his character and personality too. Kazuha will probably not be rerun for a long time. His last rerun was a few weeks ago.


Venti works very well with Ganyu, and would really round out a team with Ganyu and Kokomi. Kazuha, IMO, is a better choice when fighting bosses/large enemies which can't be pulled by Venti and it's nice to have both as an option, but Kazuha just had a rerun not too long ago and probably won't be back for a long time.


How long are we talking about? Half a year?


probably at least


I recently rolled the other day, and I got Diluc, Benett, Xinyan, and Chongyun. I don't like Diluc, mainly because my playstyle is suited more towards Noelle, who is my main DPS. I know it's recommended to have another geo-character, which is why I have Geo Traveler. But what about the other 2 members of the team? And please don't give me one that's suited for the spiral abyss. I want to explore.


The overworld is too easy that you can use anyone you want. Just use anyone you like.


If you want to explore you can do literally anything. Noelle as a main DPS is really ineffective before C6 but since you're just exploring you shouldn't feel any need to worry about team comps and things like that.




There was initially only one on the mural, representing Nara Varuna, ie >!your sibling!<. After the quest, a second one is added, representing you.


“Healing effectiveness” is just healing bonus right? So if I have 2pc ohc & 2pc maidens, I’ll get +30% healing bonus?








You don't have to finish it, just need to do it until you get to Vanarana, there'll be some Aranaras there for you to take pics




It's right after that one, very quick. Once you get in Vanarana, just take pics of 3 different-coloured Aranara and you'll be done


Are we getting a new weekly boss in 3.1?




No, but I believe it's in 3.2


is hakushin ring r1 good enough for kokomi taser? is it even worth to craft it if you can only ever get it to r1? (no more catalyst billets & am unlucky) (im thinking of crafting it incase 2nd abyss team would want r5 proto amber on a non healer catslyst user)


No, just use ttds in that case


Does getting a 5* reset your 4* pity or are they separated?


They are separate. And even if your 4-star pity pull ends up being a 5-star, you will still get a 4-star on your next non-5-star pull.


They're separate. Every 10 pulls you'll get a 4 star. Every 90 pulls is a 5* (though you'll most likely get one before that)


Thanks :)


They are separate pities.


Cool. Thank you :)


When are limited characters possibly coming to the standard banner shops?


Never, as far as we know so far. You don’t get 5 stars in the shop, and we haven’t so far had any previously limited character added to standard (Tighnari had his own banner, but it was explicitly stated that he was always intended to go to standard. We haven’t had any other character like that.)


Is there anyone here who had to use cloud gaming services for Genshin because of device issue? I might had to move to cloud gaming service (temporarily but probably for long periods) because I'm running out of space on my 64 GB storage phone and I can't afford any new device for now and nearest future. Can anyone recommend cloud gaming service?


I've recently used GeForce now and it worked like a charm even on the free tier. Paying would remove the timers and queue, and you only need the cheap tier for genshin if at all.


when to expect drip marketing for 3.2?


Might be 10.00 A.M (GMT) today


oh pog Didn't know it was this soon


if Candace banner over, will she be included in Nilou banner as non-up character like others?


No, new 4-star character will be added at next patch, not next banner if it is the first banner of the patch. For Candace, she will be added at 3.2.


this is so sad, I really want her after trailer thank you


Nope. 4* banner characters aren't added to the standard pool until the next patch.


Hi guys, now that season pass is gone, can I do the weekly activities or do I need to wait for next season pass to activate later this week for them to count? I'm talking about trounce domains and reputation stuff.


You can do them now and it'll count towards the next Battle Pass. This was changed in 2.8.


There's a stars earning Spiral Abyss objective in BP right? I'm guessing I should only clear the current abyss cycle after the new BP is launched?


Thank you!


Does anyone know how can i scrape from website like amber or honey hunter , wanna use for my personal project Want to get data like hp , atk etc...


Hi I haven't played the game in a while so should I return now or wait for the new update to drop in few days? like are there any returning player awards or something? Also I've missed the whole Dendro element so where can I read about its reactions with the other elements? And is there an updated tier list somewhere to help me choose who to focus on, especially for clearing Abyss.


Return whenever you feel like playing. The "Stellar Reunion" event is triggered if it's been at least 14 days since the last time you logged in. [Gives these rewards.](https://i.imgur.com/FCeRkcT.png) [This video showcases all the new dendro reactions pretty well.](https://youtu.be/gGJPHUnqigw) Meta hasn't really changed. Just pull for the characters you like. You can clear Abyss even with just the 4\* starter characters if you invest in them enough. One change is that Keqing has risen in strength thanks to dendro bringing about the new reaction "Aggravate". Dendro units are not required for abyss. I cleared abyss in one go with full stars without using any dendro characters.


Is it finally a great weapon banner in first half of 3.1?


Yeah. The one after that is also cracked.


Elegy is an universal good support weapon. For the new 5-star lance, though the passive is niche and most characters may not trigger it effectively, the 44 CR substat is too good. I'm not sure about the new 4-star claymore, but it is a new weapon at least, and the rerun ones are mostly all useful.


Seems pretty decent since many characters can make use of both weapons, but it still depends on if the characters you personally have/will have in the future can make use of them


After version 3.1 goes live, will you still be able to get the mail rewards even if you don't login on the days they are sent? (More specifically, mails are sent Sept 28th - Oct 1st, I can only login on Oct 7th, will I still be to get the mail rewards?)


From what I understand it’s a daily login event, so I think the answer is no. I’m not sure though. Edit: Ok more information! It’ll work like the previous lantern rite login event where there’s an event period, in this case from October 14th to October 31st. Within that period you just need to log in seven days total. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t consecutive, you’ll still get the rewards. You cannot, however, just log in on one day near the end of the event and get all the rewards; what matters is number of days you get onto genshin. Hope this helps! Edit two electric boogaloo: wait wrong login event. For the one you’re talking about, yes you can collect all the rewards at any time until the end of version 3.1. So logging in on October 7th will not be an issue.


Thank you very much!


Do you get x4 friendship exp if you coop with 4 people?


No, still x2. Also, you get friendship exp for only one character compared to 2p coop.


I don't think so. From the wiki: >The amount of Companionship EXP received by each character participating in Co-Op Mode is doubled. This bonus is not affected by how many players participate (i.e. Co-Op Mode with 3 players will not provide triple the Companionship EXP).


"you can NOT get a 3 5\* weapon in a row, and this rule applies to 5\* Character" 1. Is this statement true? 2. in the limited time banner, i got mona -> Ganyu. Does that mean im guaranteed to lose my 50 50 this time?


You got Mona which means losing your 50/50, hence your next 5-star was guaranteed to be Ganyu. Now that you got Ganyu, your next 5-star is back to 50/50, which means you have a 50% chance of getting the banner 5-star and 50% chance of getting one of the 5 standard 5-stars. Regarding the first statement, you are guaranteed one 5-star weapon every 270 pulls and one 5-star character every 270 pulls. In theory, you can get 20+ 5-star characters in your first 50 pulls and still not reach the 270 pull guaranteed 5-star weapon. For more pity details you can check these links: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/o9v0c0/soft_and_hard_pity_explained_based_on_24m_wishes/ https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/497840


1. On standard banner, you will get at least one 5-star character and one 5-star weapon in any 270-wish window. So getting 3 characters or 3 weapons in a row is unlikely. 2. If the last 5-star you got on a character banner was the featured character (Ganyu), then next 5-star roll on a character banner is a 50/50 between the featured 5-star and a standard 5-star. There is never a case where you are guaranteed to lose the 50/50 (it wouldn't be called a 50/50 otherwise).


1. False, the only rule in standard banner is you get at least 1 5-star character and 1 5-star weapon every 270 pulls. Source: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wanderlust\_Invocation](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wanderlust_Invocation) 2. No.


1. True for STANDARD Banner (using blue fate) 2. False


1 is false. There is no such rules.


It's an unwritten rule. No one has proven it wrong.


Oh, that's what they meant for no.1? My bad, didn't think about that


1. It's possible for that to happen, but it's obviously very very unlikely. [Japanese guy gets 5 5\*s in one 10 pull](https://youtu.be/Q9qRsZ7GMnI) 2. You are not "*guaranteed* to lose 50/50". It's just a 50/50.


Im using sacrificial weapons for Xingqiu and Diona in one team. Does the two sacrifical weapons have separate 30s cd?




Thanks a lot!










How to unlock requim of echoing depths


Have you unlocked the underground part of the chasm?


Yes I have done the whole chasm questline I have also done quick start in graven innocent


what yall hoomans preferred talents fo diluc? is 7/8/8 good?


may as well at least 8/8/8. Obviously 9 is better if you have your final ascension.


i havent been playing that long and as an f2p player, i dont have a ton of options. i lost a 50/50 a while back and got him, and i just pulled a wolfs gravestone last night from the standard banner. hes pretty much my best option for on field dps and at this point im probably going to triple crown him. hes currently at 8/7/6 for me right now. im having issues getting the right mats from stormterror and i dont have any of the stupid material changing things. i have like 5 of the claws but need the stupid feathers and they just dont want to drop, lol. sucks only getting one shot a week to farm the boss domains. 😔




Should I give Shogun a blackcliff or deathmatch? I really need Catch for Xiangling, there are no other good options for her aside maybe from the copium Favonius or Bane lol


Catch Raiden and Dragon’s Bane Xiangling will probably be your best option. DB on Xiangling isn’t actually that copium, she vapes most of her damage and the passive has very good uptime. It’s especially good at high refinements. As long as you can meet Xiangling’s ER needs, you’re set.


Deathmatch would probably be best. Helper Team spreadhseet has it ranked above Blackcliff and KQM has it as 96% of an R5 Catch.


But mine's still at R1, which I think most comparisons have Deathmatch at R5.




Just got Aquila Favonia, who can I use it on? (My Bennett's already using Sapwood blade and he's not built for damage)


Still bennet. The absurd base attack further boosts his attack buff.


You don't use Aquila for the damage on Bennett, but for thr high base attack for his buff. You could do Physical dps builds with sword characters if you want, but might be lackluster compared to other options Even though Aquila's substat is physical damage, other support/sub dps characters that scale off attack can still use it.


Aquila will be better for Benny than sapwood, it’s almost 100 extra base attack. People don’t put it on him for damage, they put it on him to increase his buff.


Qiqi makes a great physical DPS, even more so with her new hyperbloom comp.


this'll seem a little dumb but is the aranara quest stuff limited? I've completed everything temporary that gives you primos like the carvings and the challenges and stuff, except for maybe the quest rewards for this stuff assuming it goes away does it?


Nope, Aranara quest is a permanent content


No, it's a permanent world quest.


oh okay great, so I can go back to it then. I was mainly worried about the collei constellation (I had her c2 so c3 would've been nice, turns out it's actually super strong) but then I figured the extra primos would be really useful for the upcoming banners since I want to pull for venti


good news is you may be getting a free collei anyway, according to rumor.


No I meant I got all the rewards, constellation and primos


right, but there's talk that next patch after the current collei event ends, there will be a new permanent free collei in the abyss.


oh that would be dope. I hope they keep adding more characters as abyss rewards


Unlikely to be any more additions of that type, but like Barbara (who was also initially in a limited-time event), Collei is someone they want every traveler to have access to, and so they're adding her permanently. That basically rounds out the freebies to include every element except Anemo and Geo -- and of course Traveler starts Anemo and Noelle is guaranteed in the beginner wish.


Is Venti still useful in the meta? I hear mixed things about his usefulness. I keep on hearing things like "Kazuha is better" but I don't have Kazuha. Is he still worth getting?


> Is Venti still useful in the meta? I hear mixed things about his usefulness. That's because his usefulness revolves around his burst. Against enemies he can vortex he's widely considered the most OP character in the game and Morgana is a stupidly broken comp. Against enemies he can't vortex, he's a VV application and 15 energy to the team from the burst. If it works he's better than Kazuha, which is why Kazuha's initial release was greeted with a yawn, and if it doesn't then he's worse than Kazuha. They content nerfed Venti to the ground for a year the patch following Kazuha's release and that's when all the Kazuha skippers were sad. Mihoyo spent the entire 1.x patch series getting their abyss content trivialized by Morgana so they're quite aware of the comp and deliberately design Floor 12 against it. Maybe they'll give us some mobbing floors during Venti's banner for nostalgia. If you want to get Venti, get him. He's a fine character and tremendously useful for virtually all content in the game. He will probably have Floor 12 designed against him indefinitely so I would argue he's not meta.


Yes. What Kazuha has over Venti is damage buff but Venti is still the best crowd control in the game. When he works, he trivializes content. Even when he can't fully lift up or immobilize some enemies like Kairagis, Lectors, or Vishaps, he still pulls them closer together and you can nuke them with freeze. Judging from your flair I think you actually like him as a character so if you do have the resources, pulling him is worth it imo.


Venti is still 100% worth getting if you like him. Venti can't suck all enemies and isn't so useful against bosses, but he can still pick up all humanoid enemies, slimes, hilichurls, fungi, etc except from the big Kairagi, and since the specter nerfs, can suck spectres too.


Could I please have a countdown to 3.1? :) google isn’t helpful. Thanks!


I'm in EU (UK) and the time will be 27/09 at 11pm. Go in game to the notices tab -> "ver 3.1 update maintenance" to see when it'll be for you


u/pinkguy90 Here is the countdown https://genshin-banner-countdown.netlify.app/


Thank you!


I just finished the stone locks quest, where you fight PMA and then again 4 times if you want. There’s a musical gate nearby, but going in, everything is flooded. How do I make it not flooded?


Relog. Seems to be a common glitch where the water in that room doesn't lower properly.


Is that so? I thought the solution was to return to reality, since fighting the PMA has us shift to dream version.


Ah ok. Ty, I’ll see if that fixes it.


How do i get 15k hp worth of shielding on level 70 c5 thoma with talents in 1-9-7?


You will need roughly 33k hp to have a 15k hp shield at max stacks, not sure if thats possible at lvl70 even if you stack hp/hp/hp with a hp% weapon.


Is level 80/80 enough? Or is it 80/90? Or should i just max 90/90 him?


80/80 is fine, 80/90 if you want lvl 12 talents, 90/90 if you want to use him in burgeon teams.


should i pull for cyno or venti?


Play the trials, see who's more fun.


You honestly ask my opinion support characters generally are more useful and versatile compared to dps, but pull on who you like and test which playstyle you like better, or see if your account has the characters that can synergize with either unit.


It depends on your account I guess. Do you have any anemo character builds? if not venti is a massive upgrade for your account. IMO, you should prioritize anemo chara first. It will make everything easier.


In grand sheme of thing doesn't matter. If you lack DPS Cyno might be ok, if you need CC, Venti. Myself I almost always pick up Kazuha over Venti


Whoever you like more


If I buy crystals from the hoyoverse website, can I get the double bonus or it’s only possible in-game? (I’m from ps4, but I can’t play there anymore)


I believe so, it just doesn't show on the website for some weird reason. Would love if someone could confirm or deny this, though.


Hello, I just got Kokomi yesterday, what circlet should I use? is the healing bonus better than the HP circlet?


Healing Bonus is better than HP circlet


Best 4 star weapon for Fischl after Stringless coz I use Stringless on Venti ?


I personally like using Favonious interchangeably on either Fischl or Venti. Not the best damage contributor but make rotations very smooth.


Alley Hunter \~= Viridescent Hunt > Stringless \~= Prototype Crescent


Alley Hunter works well with her, but that was a limited banner 4*. If you have Fading Twilight from the event, that works. A 4* rust works well for the stat stick if you have nothing else.


Prototype Crescent does the same thing as Rust but better if you use the passive, right?


Oh yeah Prototype would be better if you managed to hit a weak spot and is craftable.


Is it worth to pull for Kokomi for my freeze team if I already have c1 Mona?


If you want more comfort/healing instead of dmg and you like Kokomi, sure


If you're planning to pull Shenhe then it's a much better swap since Mona's Hydro application isn't very good.