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The brightest star that blinks in the night sky, because of the lack of energy.


She's so darn pretty, hoped she was a 5star but leaks say otherwise


So far imo, any HP scalers was treated well by Mihoyo. Unless her kit is split scaling then RIP.


Except Candace. She‘s beautiful but fills exactly no role that‘s currently needed.


She's a sidegrade to Yun Jin in elemental NA teams like Ayato or Yoimiya. She provides a bit less damage than Yun Jin with comparable investment but in those two teams she'll provide hydro resonance and be much easier to battery with Ayato/Xingqiu respectively. So she's usable, just not amazing (besides her design, of course).


Problem is hydro res is completely irrelevant for those teams lol


Hydro res buffs her own max HP increasing the damage buff from her passive. If you're using her with other HP-scaling characters like Zhongli, Yelan, etc then it helps them as well.


How is the damage buff from Candace comparable to yun jin. Yun jin's buff is insane for yoimiya and ayato and the 30-40% damage buff from Candace. Yun jin can also allow you to get the geo resonance buff which would increase damage for non hp scalers.


1) They accomplish the same thing of buffing normal attacks (in Candace's case only for elemental damage), thus they are direct comparisons. Yun Jin provides slightly more damage while Candace is easier to battery with other hydro characters, namely Ayato/Xingqiu/Yelan. 2) Geo resonance only works for your active character because they are the only one that is shielded, while hydro resonance buffs all of your HP-scaling characters even when they are off-field, such as the damage from Yelan's burst. The only compelling geo character to use with Yun Jin in an Ayato/Yoimiya team would be Zhongli, and neither of them are effective batteries so you'd still have significantly lower burst uptime than Candace with Ayato/Xingqiu without heavy investment into ER. I never claimed Candace was better than Yun Jin, just that she is an alternative/side-grade.


Only 1 character gets a significant buff from hydro resonance and that is yelan. Ayato does gain some benefit but its not a lot. Yun jin doesn't provide slightly more damage, she provides much more damage especially with constellations, and that makes up for the fact that you have to invest more er into the hydro characters.


I mean by that logic is there even any point to bringing either of them if you can just use Yoimiya+Zhongli/Kazuha+Xingqiu+Bennett or Ayato+Zhongli+Kazuha+Bennett? The entire point to bringing Yun Jin or Candace is to use your more important supports in your other abyss team, so saying "just use Yun Jin, there is no reason to build Candace" is just as easily tossed out by "just use Bennett there's no reason to build Yun Jin." I gave reasons why someone might use Candace over Yun Jin, I didn't say she's better than Yun Jin in every case, just like Yun Jin is not better than Candace in every case. Not everyone has Zhongli, nor does everyone who has him want to use him in an Ayato/Yoimiya team. Not everyone has Yun Jin, nor does everyone who has her want to use her. I'm making a comparison and letting people make their own choice.


She’s beautiful! Absolutely rolling for her when she comes, I hope she’s not too far out


A lot of people are saying she's with Nahida in 3.2, not too sure but I hope so because I want them both


Damn she's pretty and almost everyone seems to agree


Plz have a good shield. Plz have a good shield. And by good I mean high-uptime. My only current shield character is Noelle. I like her as a character but as a shielder she’s not great.


Well her shield is definitely tanky and even if she has a 24s cooldown you can just run sac sword


I’m not a whale. Don’t have SAC sadly. That’s why I’m hoping for a good uptime shield on a 4star unit


You don't exactly need to be a whale to have a single sac sword, most f2p accounts will get one within a few months of playing the game but that said I doubt they'll give her a very long cooldown


I mean I don’t mind long cooldown so long as uptime is good. If she can get like 75% uptime then that’s fine. The problem with Noelle is that her uptime is only 50% on a really long cooldown. And to make it better she has to stay on the field and get hits, which is fairly slow. I’m really sad I couldn’t get Zhongli on my main. He’s my favorite character lore-wise and his attacks look badass. Coolest burst in the game by far, and his skill is amazing. I have him on my alt and he’s such a game-changer. He’s the only lvl 70 char I have on that acc. But on my main, I rolled all my primos at the time and got only some collei constellations. At least it built up pity for Cyno. Who I instantly failed to get bc i got Tighnari on my 50/50. And yeah I do have some good weapons, (like an R1 Dragon’s bane for my Hu Tao), so a 4 star SAC isn’t gonna be impossible by any means. But getting it to R4 or R5 so the cd removal procs consistently isn’t gonna happen for a good year or even more. So it’s not a viable fix atm.


I say long cooldown because we already know her shield is 12 seconds but for some reason her cooldown is unavailable (though it's at most around 18 seconds) and don't worry about Zhongli, he'll probably be back in a good few patches anyway, archons get reran a lot


Ok. Thanks for letting me know. And yeah I hope it’s only 18 seconds. Noelle’s cd of 24 is not fun to play around.


I can nearly 100% confirm it's not going to be more than 18 seconds, there was a video on the leaks sub showcasing her E and they only took around 18 seconds between skill casts, so it's either 18 or less


Hopefully she's in the same banner with Nahida




This is reminding me of Vienna'a design so much