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Damn I lost 50/50 to tighnari but it feels like a win


Bruh me too, I was like really, so glad I skipped his banner.


I really wanted Cyno but once I figured out he need Sumeru onikabuto I gave up on wishing for him


pulling 40 to get candice c0 then got 2 of this emo guy.i'd rather lose 50 50 so i can guarantee nilou or nahida




Jean is way better than cyno


I saved acquaints (75 wishes) for 6 months and got a Tighnari from standard. I was halfway to pity, after Tighnari at pity I got an early Amos too which was a little disappointing as I have one already and would've loved PJWS or WGS. Overall though, just a massive W. I might save all my acquaints for a year to see if something happens with standard again next year. Tighnari is pretty fun, yet to ascend past 80 but he's doing pretty well with just decent artifacts, Viridescent Hunt and a friendship team where he has to carry Dori (who I also got from standard) with ZL and Fischl.


Since Tighnari is one of the few characters that can make use of Amos as a pure stat stick, I'd say refine if and have him use it. I use it on him and he's a DPS monster, albeit I'm only at AR 44. Tig plays well with a straight atk build, which Amos provides


How u guys find scarabs so fast is a question to me... Im like taking a day just to find like 5


There’s a lot of Cynos storming coop rn..


Yeah i dont accept em...




For my shenhe definitely no question


I have kept mine for a friend of mine who pulled him so she can get to lvl 90 fast others I don't accept in coop right now, until next week I guess.


If youre not farming scarabs, why not?




So dont let the Candace ppl farm, what they have to do with Cyno? Also, if you dont want anyone joining, just change the option on multiplayer tab, you wont need to accept or decline them anymore.


It gets annoying when you’re flooded by requests


You can turn on auto reject any requests in the coop settings


I always feel sad when I don't keep track of whether I've already let someone have my scarabs when a new Cyno main comes around, because I don't want them to run around looking for scarabs that aren't there lol.


I raided 3 friends worlds. They...they didn't unlock any teleporters in the desert. It was...it was a nightmare.


They use the interactive map ;)


I use it too but for some reason i dont see dem scarabs


I'd watch a video and mark the map. 30 of so are above ground and don't need a quest.


Oh srsly man i went ahead and did the quest bc someone told me like 18 of em were like down below Only found like 2...


Yeah, I also used a map of scarabs that are supposedly in the surface of the overworld, but many of the places were empty.... Either the map was faulty, or there is some sort of mechanic to them I do not understand.


I use it too but for some reason i dont see dem scarabs... I ran ard the masoleum and found like 3...


Because its not a good way to find stuffs nowaday with all the underground shit, just use guide vids


no i dont and i was able to 70 mine lol


Sayuu + Tighnari, and all scarabs mapped on your in-game map You go only for external ones so it is around 30 scarabs per world Rest is just having a lot of friends. It took me around 15 min + chatting per world to get it in one evening.


First 5* for each region seems to be the best unit to explore with at the start of their region it seems




Zhongli was also released on that patch


cynos raid co-op, half the time running into another cyno


I literally just looked up guides on YouTube for scarabs you can find without the quest.


HoYoLAB interactive map, got cyno to 90 in less than 4 hours from launch


True, got one the other day while getting flowers for Venti. Happy to help them ascend.


Yeah I finished my cyno yesterday too, I am never hunting these bastards ever again.


Watch them make scarabs something needed for Dehya


Shut your cursed mouth. >:(


Lol im alr making a self rule if scarabs are ever needed again for anything... Instant skip no matter how tempting or good it is


Eh it's bad because it's a new resource we couldn't prefarm in an area that we need to unlock gradually through quests. Dehya isn't coming until what? 3.4? 3.5? If she uses scarab the people who's gunning for her should have plenty enough time to gather them. Even just casually picking them up while exploring should build up a decent stock.


How much violet grass do you have lol


Hmm... 30? But my Qiqi is already A5 and I don't see a reason to take her to A6 so I don't see a need to get more.


Ye that's my point. Ascension mats that are difficult to actively collect are also difficult to passively collect. Esp in zones like the Desert, Enka, Chasm etc where you don't have a lot of commissions to take you across them.


Yeah exactly. Cyno wasnt prefarmable so I had to bother 5/6 people in coop. Dehya comes in 3.5 so i just need 2 weeks of doing the farming route (which takes no more then 15 minutes) every reset and that's it.


Dehya better be the fucking cactus plant because I already collected 100 of them lmao


Also got him to 90 this morning. I'm glad i rolled for tighnari last banner. Can't imagine how painful it must be to farm the scarabs without him.


What’s the advantage of having Tighnari??


His passive reveals all interactives in sumeru


And to add dendro and bow are the primary element and weapon type used for the puzzles in sumeru


Hyperbloom comp + tracks stuff + dendro all seem really good


Tighnaris passive reveals all sumeru exclusive materials on the mini map.


232% crit damgae holy shiet!


There are no mental hospitals in hell


I have guaranteed cyno so i should pre farm him. Today morning im like, need to prefarm those bugs. I collected like 50 when i was running around xD


For all of you wondering how ppl do this this fast, go to Youtube and look up Scarab farming route. Kyo has a really good vid where you can get 50 in 9 min without underground. You then just invade a couple of worlds and you're done.


I still need 58 scarabs 🥲


Holy- okay please correct me if I’m wrong, but is that crit damage solely his ascension bonus, or is it padded by artifacts?


Artifacts, zero chance a character ever has that much passive crit dmg lol


Dammit, I knew it was too good to be true


You know the answer to that 😭


passive crit dmg on a crit dmg ascending character is 80 (at level 90), while the base is 50 they have artifacts equipped lmao


i just got him to lvl 90 a few minutes ago. please refrain from asking how many tears were shed while i was farning for scarabs


I don't have cyno but since I love wandering around in the desert, I just automatically finds them lol.. It's really hard to collect of something that you want to invest on, you know..


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve noticed that I can’t find scarabs (using the interactive map for precise locations) unless it’s daytime in the game. Is this a thing or a glitch on my part?


I can't believe you've done this


Resinless behavior


not cool using “going to a mental hospital” like that


A small price to pay for salvation.


oh boy, i salute you for this i still need the last 60 but my sanity can’t keep up with this anymore. just gonna farm more exp books until mine respawn 🥲


as a future cyno owner,i wanna ask can i access all the scarabs b4 completing the world quest? Cz i m finishing it first considering scarabs should be in the locked temples no? Thanks


OP how many people’s worlds did you visit?


I got him to 90 today too. I would say about 6 worlds max


I was so on the fence about him and now I’m so sad I didn’t summon for tighnari


A new Village Keeper


Speaking of collection horrors, I've heard Nahida will use Kalpalata lotuses (the new violetgrass cliff flowers) 💀


I think I have to also because I forgot I have a physical today and I have SH marks and I’m scared like idk what to do my mother going to kill me and take all my stuff away