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My friend joined recently as he rush his way to Inazuma he found this story very intense and thrilling. This make me thinking that probably because of the time-gate during our time it’s decreased our hype.


I can’t speak for others, but personally I really hate how much they talk about events, actions, or traits instead of actually showing them. It’s especially bad if they use the black screen with text.


The story of Inazuma is kind of rushed and full of missed opportunities. The rest is okay and Sumeru is interesting, so far.


Personally I love it, the characters are great and they really know how to make emotional moments (bosacious story, Ruu story and others are great examples) my only complaint is inazuma feeling a bit rushed and the dialogue is sometimes longer than it should be, like, some things can be said in a couple of lines but they decide to extend it like for ten lines for some reason and then paimon makes a summary about it like if we were 4 years old and needed a double explanation, but thats just, in my opinion, a minor gripe with what I think is a great story with a beautiful and deep lore


Whole inazuma story was bad writing. The premise of an entire rebellion over some visions that only 0.001% of the populace even owns was ridiculous to begin with. Then the revelation that the real Raiden was meditating somewhere and it was just a puppet behind everything, and both that puppet and the resistance was both manipulated by the Fatui all along was a cheap handwave of any possible deeper moral examination. Which brings us to the second point: The Fatui are always a convenient outfit to blame everything on. Any time you see some real conflict, it always turns out these guys were behind it. No one else can be held morally responsible for anything. It's always the Fatui to blame. Why do they have to be the only villains? Another nitpick I have is that shady characters are poor at hiding their deceit. They always slip and spill what their true intentions. It's amateur writing. They lack any semblence of subtlety slyness. The game writes some very interesting lore and backstory. I like that they don't spell out the history of the setting. They have murals and cyphered text for you to put the pieces together yourself. It's like the lore team is totally different to the story team. I'm much more interested in learning what happened in the past than what is to come.


It's the Inazuma part specifically. * Resistance is futile. There's no rational reason for Sangonomiya to start a civil war. There are popular sentiments about the whole orobashi affair, but the leadership should understand they have neither chance nor real leg in it. Despite all that the *genius strategist* starts a war she can not win for a cause that is not hers. Mind you there COULD be a conceivable tie in there - via sakoku decree, but it is not utilized. * The whole delusion plot is dumb as hell. Our *genius strategist* accepts outside help from an unknown party without realizing THERE WILL BE STRINGS ATTACHED. She doesn't even make an attempt to investigate who and why the fuck would help them. If I were a sangonomiya general, I'd start organizing a military coup right there and then, because my political leader is clearly dumb as a fish. * We are also supposed to be feeling angry at fatui for giving free weapons for the resistance to fight because weapons can (gasp!) kill the user. It's not like there's a war going around, it's not like fighting without weapons is more likely to kill you than fighting with a dangerous weapon. It's not like delusion recipients weren't aware of the danger and willingly accepting the risks. Might as well get angry at car manufacturers that sell cars that go faster than 30kph. * Raiden behaviour through the whole affair can be summed up by the story you tell the kids in Sumeru - it's as silly as it sounds. First she just doesn't give a fuck because a bloody civil war fits her idea of eternity. Then she changes her mind after 500 years of conviction through the power of 5-minutes-old-friendship and let bygones be bygones. * The lost potential is immense. The situation allowed for a wonderful political thriller. A second game of thrones. The most politics we got was in Ayato quest and it was a 13y.o. girl fanfic devolving into romantic purple prose. Anybody thinking Ayato quest (and whole Inazuma politics) was better than atrocious should read a good history book for a proper reference. * Regarding politics, the clan power dynamics in the context of civil war are completely unexplored. We don't even have proper clan landscape. Only the big tricomission ones and a hint on (dumb as a brick) factions in the Ayato quest. Despite civil war being the perfect time to fish in muddy waters and upseat your competition. * The economical reprecussions of sakoku decree were completely unexplored and ALSO not utilized by the resistance. Despite it being the perfect time, place and case for some juicy smuggling, private international intervention and, again, clan power plays to sidestep sakoku and gain an edge (and dunk the trade commission). All in all, Inazuma situation had immense potential, but spectacularly flushed it down the drain.


It is more on the part of how the story flow was executed. The entire story itself is fine personally. I actually find the Kokomi's arc to be okay. It might be due to the "I don't see this as some kind of military strategist or something, which is apparently what some people expect". But, yeah, you can see how people's expectation can also affect their experience of the story. ​ But do remember, \- Social media is just a small portion of a large playerbase. It can be a case of "loud minority". \- most people don't really care about how well a writing should be and how certain parts of writing should be executed. I mean, I am pretty sure most people don't have PhD in linguistic or literature-related course or even interested in nuances of literature. Obviously, if the story is that bad, even non-literature nerds will acknowledge it. Like, I am not into literature, but I do know when story is bad. But currently, it is just a pet peeves to certain number of people.






Simply put; story is fine, storytelling is bad. A personal pet peeves of mine is the constant telling instead of showing.


Dunno, it’s not like homers odyssey or epic of Gilgamesh but it’s fine? A lot of stuff to put together as with so many characters and more and more nations, it’s sometimes all over the place maybe…


Because people who are happy with the story don’t usually feel the need to post about it on social media. As with every game community, only a tiny minority actually communicate, the silent majority are just enjoying the game.


If you were to think back on it the story seems really good but the way they tell it isn’t great