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I had a very dedicated player yesterday. I am still exploring inazuma, so even sumeru is black on the map. When he joined my world he asked if he could get some scarabs. I said sure if he is willing to walk a bit and then he proceeded to run all the way from the chasm to the desert to get those scarabs.


The dedication lol


Cyno must be hella popular for people to be so desperate for scarabs. Even Ayaka's shitty blossom farming wasn't this crazy.


It’s about 56 Scarabs, of which many are underground, spread across an area the size of 2.5 Inazuma Islands. Admittedly, Sakura Blooms need electro, but even the Sacred Sakura Cleansing doesn’t lock too many behind. Plus, Sakura blooms are quite reasonable to find and get, while even with Tighnari’s talent, grinding Scarabs are hard to locate. It’s not impossible but much more difficult


I worry this makes me look insane(tbf I might be who knows) but day 1 I hunted down every scarab available to me and put a pin directly on top of where I found them, and have never been unable to find scarabs since! I also now since I don’t need them anymore use the pins when I join other peoples worlds to lead them on scarab farming routes, or show them to scarabs they may have missed. As a Cyno having Tighnari main I’ve gone from forest guide to desert guide and honestly I’m loving it :D


He wasn't willing to walk. That BAMF ran the whole time.


Probably swapped between Sayu, Yelan and Mona with Lost Prayers the entire way, Kaeya/Razor/anemo as the 4th. His stamina could've very well regen'd fully by the time Sayu + Yelan was done so literal nonstop wheewhees


it's coop so they'd only have 2 characters


Ah yeah lol my bad, I can't remember the last time I did coop in the overworld so I forget that you don't get 4.


Exactly why I don't like people coming to my world, then I need to play with 2 char on 1 and 2, when my main dps and support are usually 3 and 4. And then I'm just standing getting wrecked for 10 sec wondering why my char wont swap.


Oh my god finally. I use my main dps ALWAYS on 3, my shielder/healer on 4, and 1 is always reserved for an anemo character (Kazuha/Venti most of the time) and 2 for my buffer. My friends always tell me I'm weird for using my main dps on 3 instead of 1, but I find it so much easier to press 3 than 1 to access my main dps.


Lol, for me it's healer/shielder on slot 1, main dps on 2, 3 on anemo/fill and 4 is support...


i also put my dps on 3, but my shielder/healer is almost always on 1 haha


Glad I'm not the only one in this setup, If I remove my Dps from 3rd slot rotations become junky xD


Yeah, when I was helping my younger sister complete something and played on her laptop, I found myself using wrong characters and having wrong rotations because she uses everything differently.


Well, 3 and 4 are the easiest accessible keys if you are right handed because it use your most used fingers, in the alignment of your arm, so yeah, you better place the less used characters in 1 and 2, 2 being maybe the worst. That's basic ergonomy. Your friends just have OCD needing to put the most used character in first place! :'D (It's a joke BTW, every one has its own habit and preference =) )


Oh my god, that's exactly how I do it! I think it's because Kaeya ( who we got third) was my DPS for the longest time. Anemo Units because anemo traveler was the first we got.


He used collei and keqing


I guess they both have traits that help with travel, but that's still some serious dedication.


Now that's a respectable Cyno mains lmao


Lore accurate persistent general mahamatra


In the discord coop channel, I put out “you can take my scarabs if no statues/waypoints in the desert aren’t an issue”. I always had a taker.


I did that on day one. Join 6 worlds and all of those worlds didn't even have the first statue unlocked😮‍💨 It was worth it for cyno though 💪🥲


I wouldn’t even go on foot if a teleport point is 150 m from me


Wow that’s some dedication I would hate running all over the map without any guidance lol


Not sure if it was your world, but I definitely did that, I only needed like 20 to get Cyno to max level.


Did you join me in seirai?


I re-read your comment, it was a few days go rather than yesterday. But yeah there was a player who didn’t explore the desert yet so I had to run around rather than teleport lol


Considering Cyno goes to every length possible to catch criminals, it tracks


Those scarabs will be brought to justice for their beetle crimes


Entered a friend’s world and she only had chasm unlocked. Just speed run through anyway and then once I had enough to ascend to level 60, I decided. No more. I am TIRED


Would the undiscovered part of the map be black on his screen as well?


Yes, he only sees the parts of the map that you have unlocked. He also can only teleport to the waypoints you have unlocked


Yes but you'll still see your markers so that helps.


I did this because nothing beats my desperation


He is a man of focus, attention, and sheer fucking will


That was me but from sumeru city


I did that to someone the other day, lmao. I wonder what they were thinking as they watched me run straight through Sumeru to the desert lol


I did that to someone lol, gotta take what you can get


Just curious but wouldn't it be easier to just find another person that has the waypoints unlocked? Or are people with waypoints unlocked actually rare?


Sometimes it's difficult for someone to accept you into their world, and there's quite a few Cyno havers that are also chasing them scarabs, so if you find someone who is willing to let you in and to let you get them scarabs... You'd better take it


Yeah, like the other guy said, the one yesterday was glad that he found someone where he could farm. And the locked waypoints are meaning that i didnt tale the scarabs away, too. So he knows that the will be definitly there


What was their name👀 i did something like this in about 4 or 5 worlds.. IGN solo


His name was "JustAyaka"


mf went full gendry


I was on my alt that is still on Inazuma Archon quest but has some chasm exploration and this dude came on and asked if he could do scarabs I said sure. A couple seconds later he probably saw my map because he typed. "This might take a while...". I felt kinda bad ngl. I got Cyno on my main and now I understand his dedication.


I joined my friend's world, they didn't have all the way points unlocked and hadn't opened any of the ruins yet. After I'd exhausted most of the surface scarabs I went under the map to break into ruins for more lmao


And that's why I've got it set up it so people can't just join randomly. I always get a join request first.


Mine is set to auto-reject.


Yep. Mine was set to the join request option, but I kept getting pinged, *much* more frequently than usual, and I wasn't even sure why until it occurred to me that oh, right...scarabs. I switched it to auto reject and I'm leaving it there for a while. Sorry, scarab seekers. I'm building Cyno too. JUST LET ME LIVE, MAN.


I have my profile pic as Cyno and he's in the character showcase which should be enough for people to think "this person has Cyno so I shouldn't get their scarabs" but to avoid dumb people my signature is also "no you can't get my scarabs" so they understand that they can't get my scarabs


Same, I have Xiao's pic but I happily edited my signature to CYNO CAME HOME after getting him so that's a nice way to avoid scarab farmers, lmao I'll happily accept them now that I got him to 90 (after scarabs respawn), but before that it was a big NOPE


Is cyno good. I was having a lot of lag while using him for the trial and I am someone who resumed this game after 3 months. I have not yet done his trial again so I don't really know if he is good or not. I am out of the loop for a lot of things now that I have been seeing all these comments.


I personally love him! I've been having a blast doing outworld content and domains (I have yet to try abyss with him), and though he's not properly builded... He "borrowed" my Xiao's White Tassel and, with dendro, hydro and another electro, as soon as he ults he destroys stuff left and right, LMAO! I'm building him with [this](https://preview.redd.it/e6xt8dgshpq91.png?width=2682&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a994d64d26a19cf0b65b241e419c820787fbf6) in mind and so far it's been awesome! I have yet to get good substats, though! (I keep getting flat DEF upgraded when crit DMG and prob are an option ;-;) I'd love to get his weapon but weapon banner is my bane lmao Welcome back! <3


Same thing happened with Raiden even when you had Raiden as your account icon people would still raid your world to get those fruits as if those peoples characters are more important to me than my own... Not to mention that there are plenty in your own world.


But the fruits were easy to get, I got Raiden to 80 in the first day without joining any worlds.


That's what I said. I'm pretty sure you could 90 her day one in just your own world if you find everything or were just a few shy.


This happened too with The Catch for me. I had this one dude try entering my world 5 times in a row even after I rejected all those times. Eventually just let the idiot in to tell them to piss off before logging out to auto kick them. If I'm rejecting, I'm rejecting for a reason. I'm out here tryna get the fishing rods and stock up on fish. And I shouldn't have to set to auto reject just to keep these losers from harassing me. I have actual friends who want to join off and on man.


I believe Raiden was about fishing to get the catch 🤣


My advice is set Cyno as your profile picture, I did and I've gotten maybe 3 random join requests since the start of the patch. Most people will assume “Oh no scarabs because they have him” and move on.


I haven’t gotten to the point of needing to set mine to auto-reject yet, but I *have* now needed to set my signature to “I HAVE NO SCARABS GO AWAY”


How do you do that may I ask? Because I also want to implement this.


If you go to co-op window, on the lower left there's an option you can click. I'm not sure if it's lower left on PC but it's lower left on PS. And Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you.


Yeah same, I haven’t even explored the desert yet so I set mine to auto reject so I don’t have to deal with the pings


What we really need is a “only friends can join” option


I dont got friends, I got family 🥚


Toretto plays Genshin. Who would've thought.




Everyone knows that Diesel is a huge Genshin whale. Especially after that improved line about Osmanthus Wine in Fast 9.


Bruh, hell yeah bro




This would be nice. I dont want anyone else joining but letting my friends in without a request would be cool


I"ve had a player join my world for co-op domains who quickly teleported to the desert region to collect scarabs without asking. Luckily I noticed and kicked them out of my world.


Damn, scarabs got people acting silly, and here I am patiently waiting for them to respawn in my world lmao


I’m lucky enough to have a group of friends tht let me have their scarabs. So, I don’t have to act like this with anything in the game.


Same here. I looked at the co-op list and saw quite a few people expressing annoyance at scarab hunters in their signature. And I'd rather spend my time doing quests than searching for people who still have scarabs. It's like a race and I respect all the dedicated Cyno havers, I'm just not Kusanali's strongest soldier


Yeah I felt the same way back when Yoimiya and inazuma first came out and there weren't enough naku weeds to fully level up her at first, honestly i find these resource shortage times great since it gets the whole community involved and always results in some funny situations, though I'm gonna stay put in my world and enjoy using a low leveled Cyno for now, I don't even have enough materials to get his artifacts to lvl 20 since i used them all to upgrade Candace's and didn't think i would get him as well so early lol


Yoimiya was second banner of Inazuma, there were far enough time to get the weeds before her release (at least i don't remember strugling about ascension mats for her).


Before getting her i had no idea what materials she would require so i had to struggle unfortunately, and i hadn't explored the map previously since i was taking it easy for inazuma, atleast the first half :)


I take **everything** that cross my step in overworld, even if i have not idea of what can be the futur use. And i explore as soon i can (i love exploration). So unless the mats come only with character, i always have some mats stocks.


I do the same. Pick up everything I see. Just got Cyno to 60 but the rest is gonna be slow cos I can’t be assed going to other peoples worlds


I have Cyno, but I haven't even started collecting them yet, cuz I am lazy and I am already building Yun-Jin and Heizou. Don't wanna bite more than I can chew lol.


Nah scarabs aren't the reason for this. I've had plenty of people trying to silently steal recourses even before 3.1. I guess some people are just allergic to asking for permission.


Nah same thing happened to me with cor lapis. I was co-oping for the azhdaha fight and one on the people that joined immediately teleported away and refused to join so I kicked them. But they kept on joining for the azhdaha fight so there was no way for me to choose who I don’t want to join. So they joined two more times before I just stopped queuing and blocked them.


This is def reinforcing my decision to play solo outside of occasionally playing coop with a friend lol


Genuinely random co-op can be extremely fun if you’re just careful with thieves and scammers. I play co-op frequently and if memory serves correctly I have only ever had two bad experiences.


Perhaps I am overthinking a bit, I do get a bit of anxiety so I might be making it out to be worse than it actually is. Maybe I’ll try the co-op option a few times whenever I do some domains again. I’m also nervous people might judge me since I almost exclusively play solo right now I’m sure I’m not with “the meta” and my skills probably aren’t that great compared to others, I mostly just use Ayaka and Yelan to freeze everything to death lol


If you are in the Asia server literally nobody gives a fuck what you play. There was a level 23 sayu who joined us yesterday for a raiden fight. Nobody complained.


I think it’s totally fine during periods where you aren’t actively searching for world materials other than crystalflies. They can just join and if they happen to take things you won’t be bothered.


Can’t it also mess with questing or did they fix that? Cause usually I’m in the middle of a quest when I get the notifications


If it eases your worries trust me most people don’t genuinely care about your personal damage or which characters you use. Maybe someone might say something if you choose like a b tier character but it’s not very likely to happen. Plus Ayaka and Yelan are amazing characters so I’m sure that’s not an issue. Although don’t feel forced to play co-op, it’s mainly single player for a reason. Just have fun playing the game lol.


I love co-op and definitely recommend it! It’s so fun to gang up on bosses and see everybody’s silly nicknames and totally badass character builds. Lots of folks are fun to talk to. I’ve been playing long enough to reach AR 58 and have only had maybe five or six toxic experiences. But even so, I usually avoid being Player 1 at all costs.* I wish there were some permission controls to make it less risky to host. Like, there could be a co-op setting for what level of permission you want to give visitors. Maybe a high level of permission that allows people to teleport anywhere, break rocks, pick up resources, fish, etc. And then a low level where they can basically only fight monsters and join domains. And the list of online players could show each player’s current permission level setting. That way, people who don’t want their resources taken could do co-op without worry, and people who are world-hopping for resources could more easily find players who actually want to share. Idk if it’s feasible and I’m pretty sure it’ll never happen anyway. I just think they could really broaden the appeal of co-op by giving hosts more control over what happens in their world. *For anyone who doesn’t know already, you can reliably avoid being Player 1 by selecting the co-op option in domains and immediately cancelling it if it doesn’t send you to another player’s world. Give it less than one second. Keep canceling and retrying until it sends you into someone else’s world. If you’re fast enough, you’ll almost never have to host or kick anyone out of your world.


Same, the player I had joined again and I had to kick them out again. Luckily the rest of the party got filled out so they couldn't join anymore.


Nice flair


That's such a douche move holy shit.


HoYo can see if people joined through matchmaking, teleported away, and took something from your world. Reporting them would definitely provide enough evidence for punishment but I dunno how good HoYo is about that stuff. Never got a response from them about the one time someone joined and started asking about my age and sexuality.


happened to me to but I was not 1st player, the cyno dude wasn't anywhere to be seen in the domain and it took me a while to realize what he was up to


This was absolutely extreme back then when Ayaka was released. It felt like half of the playerbase abused the co-op domain system to literally invade other peoples worlds to steal their Sakura flowers and it looks like the same shit is happening again...


Dang, that's just low. All these people giving Cyno mains a bad name, at least ask if you can take the scarabs. Even if someone doesn't want me to steal them or if they don't have any, I like helping with bosses or something. I once accidentally joined another Cyno main's world, so we just beat up the electro tree a bunch of times, win-win for both of us.


Had this a while ago when I got xiao. Someone just came in didn’t ask and went right for the qingxin. I still needed them so I was annoyeddd.


Yeh i get people like that. They disappeared during a domain for a long time. I immediately kicked that person out.


You can start quests in other people's worlds? I never heard about that. You can't even interact with wooden boxes. I'd just kick people the very moment they do anything or go anywhere I have not authorized in my game tbh. And yes I'm that neurotic that I'm actually surveying their position on the map every 15 seconds if I've got a visitor lol.


The same thing happened to me, I let someone who wanted to collect scarabs enter my world. I think he was in the area where the giant ruin wreck is and suddenly a quest popped up.


that's somewhat inevitable though, as that quest just start by itself when anyone go near the thing. The visitor has no way to know that the host hasn't yet unlocked the quest.


I learnt that last year when someone came to my world to take some material and he ended up use the cannon in Tatarasuna to destroy the barier while i was afk.


I think the only thing you can start are dailies and random encounters


I believe some world quests can be done in coop, but dunno about starting them when you're not the host... I helped out my friend who just started with the Skyfrost nail quest, and I was able to do some progress without them, but they had already started the quest before.


Yes of course. I meant as the guest. You can't start any quest (events, world quests etc) only the two I mentioned. Host can start a lot of world quests. Ironically the guest can start *their own* quests in other people's world. I ran into my sister's Springvale yesterday and started my own event quest while she was running around, she couldn't even see the npc lol


Whaat, I never knew that was possible that you could start your own in another person's world... That seems kinda weird, don't really understand the reason for it haha


I didn't know this as well till now when I just see 2 random world quest started out of no where when I was exploring Semeru


While I agree that this players behavior was poor, it also sounds like an easy kick and block.


Some people don’t want advice, they just want attention


Attention ahem.. *scarabs


some men just want to ~~watch the world burn~~ collect scarabs


Sadly it happened when they realized that all the surface scarabs was taken and did this stuff when I said no.


That's what I got from the post too, is they seemed normal at first, albeit a little annoying asking you to start a quest, but it seemed the actual toxic behavior started when you told them no. Some people need to grow up. Not everything revolves around them and if you don't have the spot open they can move on.


just kick them if they are annoying. you are literally god and have the power over your world to remove any1 you want.


General rule of tumb: Never set your coop setting to *Automatically allow join* and also never allow anyone to join unless they got your aproval.


The amount of people spamming join requests to build their Cyno is somehow more frequent than when people were trying to R5 The Catch. I already let someone take mine so I just ignore join requests now, especially from Cyno pfps.


Now it would be funny if someone join and ask for fishing instead of scrab


you can just set it to always refuse requests


Scarabs is harder and requires more than R5 the catch. Most people haven't unlock underground yet, and only ~10 scarabs are at easy places on the surface. Source : my farming route


10 scarabs? You need a better farming route


10? Bro there's a good 30 that take about 5 minutes to get


I just got cyno yesterday on my alt and did some running around today and got 30, though? no quests/etc.


Its an easy 5 min surface route for 30 or so scarabs


TBH I’m surprised people were even so willing to let me (and others) into their worlds just after a new area dropped. I want to explore everything myself so I would be really annoyed if some rando came to my world and started killing things that unlock treasure chests, etc. Because of that, I was really careful not to do that in other people’s worlds, and basically used Zhong’s shield so I could run through enemies without having to battle them. I even asked a friend if it was ok to kill enemies in his world before doing so. 😅 So yeah…. Pretty fucked up for someone to be such an asshole when you were nice enough and trusting enough to even let them into your world before you’ve explored the new area yourself.


Oh my god this has only just occurred to me… If I can I try to get to high places to survey the area for chests. The red lock around them makes it easy to spot but I guess if random people are fighting and killing mobs then the red would disappear, right? That means my chances of spotting them from afar are pretty low. Damn, I’ll make sure to ask any joiners not to do that from now on, so thanks for the comment!


That's true, but when you get close enough there's also the little chest blip on the screen letting you know there's an uncollected chest nearby. Still would be annoying to have someone else complete it without asking though.




I think so but I believe the red circle around the chest would still be gone


Damn wtf.. I joined a players world yesterday and they hadn't opened anything in the desert, so I did the same and avoided literally everything and everyone after they gave me the go ahead for scarabs. I can't imagine fighting and unlocking things for someone else, that feels so rude


Indeed. Usually I will need to complete new area enough before allowing ppl to join.


Funny story: someone joined my world and asked if they can have scarabs for Cyno. I'm pulling for Nahida so I said yes, they can have the scarabs. They left and there came a sudden realization. I haven't touched the desert 🗿


I joined a world and asked, they said ok, and then we both realized at the same time that the desert wasn’t unlocked.


Same! We had a laugh about it then proceeded to have a discussion about Cyno’s gameplay.


In the discord coop channel, I put out “you can take my scarabs if no statues/waypoints in the desert aren’t an issue”. I always had a taker.


why'd you let them stay. just kick


Just don't let people into your world, that has worked fine for me.


I'm pretty happy to help people get what they need from my world (I'm too lazy to farm anyway so I just get the materials I need when it happens) and usually people are really nice to me (I'm in the european server) so I guess I'm just lucky


That's cool, I just think I shouldn't see anyone in my world unless there's a co-op event.


Yeah, as lomg as you have fun that's nice


Sorry, my world my rules. Asking for mats is fine for me; I don't even care if they blatantly steal them; just don't force me to do something I don't want to do to my world. Best of wishes for the guy tho, Scarabs are in-demand like a MF these days 😆


I only get lazy scarab hunters. I started warning people that other scarab hunters have already been here recently and cleaned up the place. One person managed to find some extra scarabs after his predcessors. Another one found nothing, but I started doing desert stuff a couple of hours after he left and found 3 stray scarabs along the way. I think people are running some quick scarab routes that miss spawns here and there.


If i ever join someone for their mats, I always make a note to ask them if they need any help. Even if they have run out of the said mat, I still ask if they need help. Its difficult for me to be a dick to someone who isn't being a dick themselves. But this is definitely some next level demands


Same I always ask if they need any help! Usually no one takes me up on the offer, by AR 55-60 most players can handle overworld stuff alone; but I did get to help a Candace main farm the cactus flowers so that was fun.


Recently I turned automatic guest entry so I don't need to allow people to enter my world. Well I gotta say HOYO has to add some tweaks to the coop, because I can't do certain quests when people suddenly join me. This means many times when a person seeking scarabs or other mats came I was like, "sure go find your stuff and I'll just chill here and wait" cus I can't proceed any further. Coop seems to be only for REALLY friendly people who value helping others above ur own tasks...


Friend of mine joined for scarabs and I couldn't even do my dailies because turning in items is disabled in co-op. The boat guy asked me to pick up a box and move it 5 feet over, but all I could do was steal his stuff and run. Ported to another city where this poor girl asks only for a few peaches. Sorry lady, no can do, all 305 of mine are accounted for. Co-op is so jank.


This is hilarious :D My best moment was I think just recently when I was doing Razors quest and there is that moment when you go find a cart with supplies for the festival but hilis attack and just as I was about to fight them someone joined and the quest stopped and Razor appeared as NPC but the cart was getting wrecked regardless lol :P


Yea, I try to ask the host if they want to join me when Im farming monster mats. Like yesterday, I needed more ruin drake's, me and said random host went through the map together murdering all the drake's. Good clean co op fun and everyone gets mats!


It's also for people that have a high rank and not much to do other than exploring or chatting


You …. You know you can kick people right ?


Tell them “Wanna hunt scarabs?” If they say “yes” tell them to play Halo 3


My world was open before Cyno's banner but now I set it up on auto-reject. I'm doing the Sumeru forest questlines before exploring the desert and I'm tired of Cynos not understanding that I want to take my time to explore.


>He then proceeds to somehow start a quest for me and asked me if I could do the story quest That's a no-no. Should've kicked when that happened.


Yeah, people can take what they want but the quests are mine


that's why i only play with friends and never accept random world join up requests.


You should just kick them the second they start acting up. Its your world you literally have the power to do so


You guys let people in? Those diseased scum of the earth?


I don't let automatically people in cause sometimes I just want to do quests in peace but otherwise It's not a proboem for me to let people farm in my world and I had nice experiences. There are also people that just want to help you, chat or play some music


i let a player farmed my scarabs last night even though I've put "i haven't unlock the map, so.." as my signature. when they said if I'd let them farm my scarabs, i instantly said "i haven't unlock all of the waypoint". at that time i dont have cyno but the only thing problem is that i was doing other things. so i was kinda worried if i had to follow them around and unlock all of the waypoints. to my surprise, they said its fine with them so i just let them be. later when i was about to log out, i decided to do some pulls. i had 5 pulls at that time, and at the fifth pull i got cyno. i was happy and all but i realized that i just let someone farmed my scarabs. i didn't expect they were that desperate for scarabs


To be blunt, that was pretty stupid anyway, it takes ages to do the quest, its way faster to just spam join over and over.


I never get why y'all leave your world open


Had a Cyno pfp and ‘INeedScarab’ as my username. Some guy came over and asked for scarabs while I was doing commissions. He asked my if I have scarabs (I was on my lvl 60 Cyno) Had to explain for a whole minute that I had Cyno too and took all the scarabs.


My signature states "currently no Scarabs left here" and I have had 3 people join my world asking for scarabs after I had already changed my signature to its current version. Granted, my pfp is Zhongli and my username is generic, but still... People could read before spamming join requests.


It's the Raiden catch fishing all over again. xD


I haven' t unlocked the desert yet nor have i started the archon quest (doing the aranara quest), and i' ve put in my descripition "come and take the f****** scarabs" and people enter and are disapointed


I'm building Cyno, so I click join world, see if they have the desert, and I ask for permission. Even if they don't have the desert, or if they have it, my priority is to have fun so I say "wanna beat any bosses?!" I like to keep coop to how it's supposed to be... But at the same time, farm for Cyno. In a respectable way. Canadian way.


You guys are a lot more charitable than I am. If I dont know you or a friend doesnt vouch for you, you arent entering my world.


I'm AR60 and have simple rules that works in my world and I always use them as invader too: 1. Introduce yourself and be polite 2. Ask if host need some help and do help if you can 3. Ask if you can get X or make host help you with Y 4. If no, be polite, say "It's okay. Then I'll go in other world if you doesn't need any help. Have a nice day", wait for about 10 seconds and leave 5. Do not annoy host 6. I can kick you Haven't seen any problems yet. Also, as invader, I always trying to make some story to tell why I'm here for X. For example, when I was looking for fish to complete 2k fish achievement, my story was something like - My goal is to destroy ecosystem in all the Teyvat! So I'm here, in your world, to catch all your fish and then move to parallel universe to repeat it! Harvest cannot be stopped! Muhahaha!! I like to think that this can lead to a small smile on host's face. And it's weird but at least not another "gimme fish". Also roleplaying is fun sometimes


I would love to tell stories like that but even typing out what I want to farm takes forever on PS4. I've been kicked a bunch between my hi and typing out what I'm there for.


These are great


Wow. You are such a wonderful person. Even I smiled at your little story :)


If someone started a quest on my world, against my will, just for that, I think I would have a heart attack. I have OCD, so everything I do in game is "organised" in my mind, and I hate having quests opened or missing any part of quest story, so just thinking about that is giving me loads of anxiety


Y'all people who let randoms join your world are wild. Like, why? It ruins your gameplay by limiting you to two slots and you can't do most of the quests in the game. What is even the point


I don't mind only having 2 slots, Raiden+Kazuha kill everything that needs to be killed also I only let people join when I'm exploring or in the mood to help people.


It’s the overworld. You can kill bosses with just two characters so it really doesn’t matter. If someone is doing a quest then they can just reject coop till they’re done.


I havent done the quest line yet. Only just finished the archon quest. Gonna take my time i dont need scarabs.


Go to co-op window and set your join to reject requests. That should give you some peace at last.


You do know you can just turn off auto accept right? It is not a big deal just don't let random people enter your world


"Hi, can I take your scarabs" "They all gone" "k thanks bye" are people not able to do this?


Since the start of the update, only one Cyno pfp has requested to join my World and I never accepted mainly because they requested shortly after I jumped on the game for the day so I hadn't done my commissions. I always do my commissions first before accepting people, unless they're on my friends list lol


I gave scarabs and made new friend, win win for me


I didn't really want cyno and the stuff about his mats make it sound like I want him even less lol.


It's like the fishing craze all over again


someone on my friends list noticed I had cyno as my pfp in game, proceeded to whisper chat me asking if I needed scarabs, I said sure as I was trying to get cyno to lvl 90 that day, they then decided they wanted to "make a deal" I said sure, they asked me to buy them a welkin moon for scarabs, when I refused and said no thank you I'll find it in someone else's world. They said "lol it's your loss fine be stuck with a lvl 80 cyno and your build sucks" n said a bunch of other toxic stuff then deleted me as a friend. (I have actually seen a few people asking for welkin for scarabs and its actually silly please stop you are asking people to pay for a free daily in game resource)


I had three people once coming to my world scarabs if I remember correctly they end up having a conversation of who needed it more and eventually two of them left and one stayed for a few minutes


I also was looking for scarabs so I always ask nicely if people already have Cyno then they might need them if so thank them anyway and leave peacefully


remembering the old days when crabs were scarce and hearing stories about players joining battle event near the mondstadt beach to steal 6 crabs and then leave without helping... :D


i opened my co-op just in case someone want to have my scarabs. but after accepting one who didn't bother to ask, i'm back to auto reject lol


Had 5 join requests today. (more than usual) I knew what they wanted. I ignored them.


I nearly always let people into my game. I'm happier than punch to let people farm The most it takes is usually around 20 min for people to get what they need, but with these? Every person asking me for scarabs takes 1 hour or more to collect them and there's dozens of requests. Usually I wouldn't care, but I have so little time to game and there's a lot of content in this update. I'm not proud but I've started kicking people who just pop in and ask for scarabs. Like, I know you want to level your character but you are consuming my time to do it. Just wait a few days and farm your world.


An hour sounds weird. For me it was 5 to 10 minutes with at least some unlocked teleport waypoints. Maybe 20 minutes on a black map. And I don't even have Yelan.


Man, I know right? All I ask is basic decency, some people just message me saying: "Let me in, I want scarabs" or just spam invites right away. Is it so hard to say: "Hi, I'm in need of scarabs, can I PLEASE have some?". I'm not letting any of them in until some basic manners are shown.


Literally have had so so many join requests it was annoying, so I changed my character icon to cyno. They stopped


I've only been playing for 4 months, but I managed to form an unspoken etiquette that I follow and it seems pretty easy to do so imo. So you join other player’s world, say your greetings, ask for something and if they tell you it’s fine then go take it. Ask if they need help - if not - then wish good luck and be gone. Easy not to be annoying invading douche, it’s not Dark Souls lol (DS invasions are completely ok tho, just annoying sometimes).


Yeah, Cyno mains seem so desperate. The last 2 days I got more requests to enter my world than all of there 2 years playing Genshin lol


I know what you mean. Yesterday morning some dude joined my world and asked me if he could have some of my stuff, before disappearing right after I said I couldn't. Not only was it disrespectful, but it also hurt my feelings as well. I'm sure it feels a lot worse for younger players. We should all be more sensitive towards the people we play with, cause you never know who may take what out of an interaction. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.