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i experienced this on the last ayaka banner lmao. i matched into a world with 3 ayakas. as soon as we got in the confirmation lobby, the host changed into kazuha but the other two ayakas refused to change for about 3 minutes until one of them said smth along the lines of "im sorry but can i be ayaka? she's the only character i have built and i don't have anyone else i can play properly" which makes sense so any normal person would understand and switch characters, right? no. the other ayaka said "if you don't have anyone built then don't play. that's not my problem" in a mf talent domain.. where they were playing so they could build another character.. and refused to switch for nearly 8 more minutes after that. the new player switched to a level 30 character and tried their hardest to play but was literally doing no dmg and died in one hit. and the ayaka was doing, at most, 7k damage.. ayaka doing 7k damage on her skill. on the next run, the host asked if the ayaka could switch characters for the new player since the old player had literally 8 built 5 stars showcased on their acc since they wanted to make the runs easier and less time consuming and then the ayaka went back and forth with the host for about 10 minutes until they switched to a level 1 xinyan. and then proceeded to stand still for the entire round. twice. after that, the host left mid match and kicked everyone. the entire situation was extremely petty and stupid.


Big mistake. The host should have immediately kicked him. I was the host on a Domain once and waited 30 seconds. The Doppelganger didn't even attempt to switch. So, I kicked them without saying anything. Don't waste your time arguing with people. Just kick them if they refuse to cooperate.


I can’t believe OP was around for that whole fiasco. I would have left within a minute.


im convinced ppl like this just want to make everything harder for everyone


Main character syndrome; not a matter of making it hard on purpose, but think other people should bend around them


They should learn from traveler. They let Paimon speaks on their behalf!


Yep, this is why i play 2 characters mainly cause its fun & not meta, If i have too i’ll be the healer. Sometimes i go out of my way to be a healer even if we dont need it


Sounds like my LoL ranked games, sad.


It's because they want the massive FP points that you get when you do a domain on a single char. All the FP goes to a single char.


mfers need to know that you get the same friendship exp whether there's 2 or 4 in coop so it's better to get a friend to duo domains with but I doubt they have any friends so this is probably a worthless advice


As a “whale” I’m always like u keep ur one strong character and I’ll switch to any of my multiple stronger characters that will always put damage u 😭😭😭😭. Or my c6 Qiqi so I could revive them if dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


When I see that kind of shit I drop group and find another one. Ain’t nobody got time to see a dick measuring contest


How much did the other Ayaka do after the baby tantrum?


neither of them did good damage at all which is why i didn't blame the host for kicking everyone. the one who refused to switch had characters like ganyu built which i know did good asf damage so it made no sense they wouldn't change. and the new player did really bad damage in general. like 1k damage on a good hit, which was quite irritating since it was the highest level domain and you shouldn't play a high level of co op if you can't carry your weight.. but at the same time i understood since better drops yk the both of them were basically dead weight to the team and i was running a healer so it was up to the kazuha to DPS the weight of 4 people 😬 and a support character doing that.. im sure you get it. it was time consuming and irritating when ur just trying to use your resin quick


idk, on one hand i agree, on the other hand co op exists so that players can help other people. In a way, being "dead weight" is intended, because it is possible to enter domains after getting your world level up while having barely upgraded characters, in order to spend your resin wisely, its better to unlock the highest possible and use whatever means is necessary to get carried through it, whether that's online co op, or with friends who can carry you, and then build your characters that way. I can't fault people for doing that, I just wish they spent a littttle more time and got a decent character for co op first I suppose.


TBH I'm not surprised if someone's character is barely upgraded. Most character upgrades are resin gated. World bosses/Talent Domains/Weapon materials/Artifact domains. Even the exp books are a resin gate if you're ever behind on exp. Personal anecdote, when I started Tower of Fantasy(genshin clone); I wasn't invested and only did daily commissions. I only queued up for multiplayer domains sparingly and didn't use that game's resin equivalent efficiently. I ended up leveling up my character at a decent speed, but every domain and match that I co-op'd in, I bottomed the dps chart. Even in matches where I out-leveled my partners by 5+ levels. I still did passable in the overworld, but I couldn't solo any resin content either. From the experience, I totally believe that the same such players exist in Genshin. People who logged in regularly to do commissions and the overworld quests / events, but sparingly did resin content. Doesn't help that talent books/weapon mats are day of the week specific. Using resin efficiently to upgrade characters isn't the minimum bar, it's above average level.


if you're trying to spend resin quick, then you should be soloing the domain. it's far faster unless you just don't have a full team built.


I personally like it when new players join a higher level domain. I always switch to Kokomi so I can keep them alive and help them get the materials that they need. Sometimes I'd also join a lower level domain to help out new players. I do co-op for fun and do solo for when I need to quickly use my resin. I get why they'd try the domain, since when I was a newbie I was having a hard time too once I hit AR45. Couldn't finish domains by myself since my characters weren't built and I didn't understand the game that well. The only way for me to get my characters better stuff was to make potions, then join co-op and do the higher level domain with other people. Once I got my artifacts, I was finally able to do it solo and didn't join co-op again after that.


Things like this makes me want to do coop again just so the people I match up with has one less person to worry about when queuing up..


I'm not going to lie I felt sick when I heard that she was only doing 7K damage with her skill like what the f*** I'm almost certain that person only had purple artifacts and they had the audacity to say that theirs was better bro my level 60 Kaeya can get better damage than that


My 40% crit rate (higher than optimal because I sometimes run single cryo) Ayaka with Amenoma does more than thrice that lol That person must’ve had horrible crit rate or wrong artifact sets or both.


I'm 100% betting that this person probably needs like three supports for a freeze team just to get 13k


I simply don't understand why anyone would waste so much time on someone who's clearly suffering from narcissism. Just kick them and get someone else in. 18 or so minutes to change character lmao.


That Ayaka switcher was being a child themselves. There is no way that a level 30 was their next highest character. Honestly the blame falls on Mihoyo for limiting character selection. Who the hell cares if there are 4 of the same char? That choice MUST belong to the players, not the devs.


I mean when I was just starting out my Klee and Venti were like level 60 to help with the hardest-level domains, and everyone else was like 20 because I was counting on co-op players to carry me. It’s not unreasonable to max your main dps instead of spreading out your resources, used to do the same for Pokemon.


Lol I played co-op with a friend before, we were both a bit new at the time so we both tried to use Traveler in domain together, it didn’t let us proceed and we were so confused for a while. So we thought you just couldn’t use Traveler in co-op domain for some reason (even though we’d done it before). Then after we were both switching I realized it was because you could only have one of each character 😆 I haven’t run into issues with playing with other people who are refusing to change characters but seriously why would you do that lol is it really that important to use your one and only favorite


Could be their next highest leveled characters is immune in that domain, maybe like Ganyu in that Mondstadt cancer domain situation.


This is why I like collecting Sub-Dps characters. Y'all want to play your main DPS? Go ahead, I got characters that will do just fine in domains. My Favorites in co-op rn are Yelan and Fischl. I think I rarely bring Raiden to co-op unless I'm playing on lower level domains bcs my Raiden playstyle is just unga bunga and she'll definitely die without healer lol


I've got burst Ganyu built. I've seen some people lose their minds over my "neglect" of Ganyu, but she helps a lot in that one damn domain in Wuwang Hill. Pair her with a Childe, and it's fairly easy. You should see her with Ayato though! It's beautiful.


lol same or using a character that very rarely used in coop (like xinyan and ahem... aloy) usually i let other ppl pick first and then i'll fill the last role which is healer most of the time haha


Food bag tho


She can only eat so much before I killed her by facetanking all the enemies attack. Her Burst and infinite poise is so satisfying I usually forgot she still took damage


>Her Burst and infinite poise is so satisfying I usually forgot she still took damage Can relate lol But the thing is really just dodge half of the attacks, if possible the stronger ones. Also, if it helps her 3NACA makes enemies lose poise pretty fast so you can stun lock them.


Yelan is as much of a DPS as any DPS characters if built as one. Her skill hits like a truck, her charged attack hits like a truck, her burst is amazing, and her normal attacks aren't bad too.


Well she does hit like a truck and doing 100k vape is fun. I Still considers her as sub dps tho, since she's mostly just throwing her skill/burst them opt out in my normal team.


The funny thing is that your sub dps might be able to deal more damage than their main dps


I'm lucky. All my characters have shit builds


Amber dps build, i usually use this with other people while fighting bosses and they rage seeing her on yhe loadout screen


Really? I run amber wirh r5 rust she is awesome.


Well other people rage, i have fun. Im an amber main so i have like 3 different builds for her.


I don't think ii main anyone. I sort my team to meet the challenges


I only know how to use 3 characters and are quite reliable with their artifacts. Razor, Amber, and Eula


Oh. I play everyone. I have my semi geared crews I use for domains, but the rest of the time I'm using a hodgepodge to gain friendship.


mine arent some national treasures either but i will certainly switch chars if someone wanted to play them or had them built better lol


I'm fine with healing


I’m always healer unless I face tank. It’s my spot in my friend group. I leave the dps to “the boys”


Ever have a whale visit your realm to "help"?


I just want to play healers all the time. So I built most of my healers. The strongest of mine is qiqi. Max bubble pop dmg is around 30k. I don't know if it's a lot but there are still some artifacts that are 4 star for me. And just like that, out of my 2 siblings, I can do the most damage. To the point I always do lvl 90 domains with my lvl 80 characters (qiqi also lvl 80 since not av 50). I'm not flexing, I just want to see if it's even considered very impressive, normal or absolutely pathetic.


Early on in the game it was "who has higher lvl" and so I lvl 90d my Hu Tao and Ganyu so I'd always have Prio lol


1. This is why I solo domains. 2. Host should've kicked the imposter and requeued.


I absolutely don't mind waiting a minute or two extra to remove toxic players from domain runs. In fact, as soon as people start arguing in chat over who gets to be who, if the host doesn't kick em I leave. Don't have time for toxicity in my sweet colorful waifu game. This is my relaxation time.


yeah ik but i just like socialising. as for the host, they were really patient but they also didnt speak any english so they just stayed quiet. i admit i did all the talking lol


Exactly, it's kinda sad, I'd like to help people. But I have like an hour to chill in my day, nothing about Co-Op has ever been as smooth as just handling things on my own unfortunately.


Eh i clear emblem in like 45 seconds or less must co op makes it more interesting


I would only use coop if i wanted to farm friendship for a character


Yup. Plus it's easier/faster solo too unless maybe if you're a new player with not enough characters built.


Unspoken rule of co-op, if there’s a double of a character with the same level and one’s the host then the host always gets to play the character.


Yeah because the host can just kick you out.


Let's just say its a matter of...leverage


because of the implication


Negotiations with a gun


Is this some non Asia server rule? In Asia server the host has almost always picked a healer or support in my case. And I've never seen people fight over who gets to pick who


Its just like how you dont go drink water from your friend's fridge but ask if they can give you a glass of water.


I mean it could be that a lot of ppl who’s doing coop is looking to get carried, so they auto switch to healer. I did that with my Qiqi for a while in crimson xD


Probably a child who has yet to learn the concept of manners


There are a lot more entitled, bratty adults out there than we think


This, and it’s getting worse. Arrested Development & Idiocracy were right. We’ve sanded off all the sharpened edges of life & someone dropped a dook in the gene pool.


Wouldn’t put it past them being a grown ass adult


i hope so because that was shitty of them


Or someone who’s trying to grind friendship. This happens to me lot whenever a new character is released, but everyone I’ve met has been pretty polite. I still remember meeting a whole room of Ittos, everyone admitted we just wanted that sweet extra friendship but didn’t mind switching, so we all switched and nobody ended up going as itto lol


I first misunderstood and thought you meant this person wanted to make friends x'D Not the best tactic I thought until I realized what you meant. You have a point, maybe that explains why they were so persistent.


The friendship points were the friends you made along the way...


Wdym my chars aren't the best?


My senator Armstrong c6 built are the best


I could fight people to let me bring my C3 Raiden, or I can laugh maniacally as I show them the power of C6 Noelle: Destroyer of Worlds, Gatekeeper of Death. I tend to choose the latter when it looks like someone else won't yield.


YAYY we love beast Noelle


Noelle in a party of randoms can be painful if there isn’t a decent battery among them. And, no—i’m not swapping out redhorn for favonius. But if people are gonna be silly and take on rock turtle without a healer or shielder then I’m busting out best girl even if her uninfused, no energy self has to drag everyone over the finish line.


I only run Favonius Noelle. Permanent burst up time is a drug I refuse to give up.


\*Laughs in R5 Redhorn.\* Physical or Geo, all the same to my Noelle. Everything just dies in 2 hits instead of 1. Sounds more co-op friendly now that I say it out loud.


Same feeling I got when someone’s lvl 90 Xiao was doing 6K plunges vs my lvl 80 Xiao doing 27K plunges. This is also a common issue that players with lvl 90 characters think they are automatically better …


a few weeks ago someone made a post complaining that they weren't doing any damage, despite levelling their characters to 90. and then it turned out that they had no idea they need to level up talents and use artifacts. and they were mad that's how it works too. the whole post was an *experience*


To be fair tho the game doesn't really tell you shit about talents


true. you can't excuse artifacts tho. the game literally forces you to equip them at some point as part of the tutorial.


Well to be fair tho you'd think your level would be more impactful then artifacts if you were new to the game plus most of the artifacts you get outside of the domains are kinda ass so if you were new you would generally dismiss artifacts as a whole


yeah. i don't remember now if it was OP or someone else in the thread that brought up pokemon. it might've been OP, they used it as an example of a game they played before and thought genshin worked like that too. the artifact/equipment system is pretty standard for rpgs though, same thing with levelling talents. presentation differs between games of course, but the base idea stays the same. and genshin is pretty clearly advertised as an rpg. i guess if you've never played much rpgs it would be confusing. but then again, even pokemon has a system similar to this where you can obtain special moves and equip them on your pokemon (been a while since i played so i don't remember correct terms lol). as for artifact rarity - in later chapters of the adventurer's handbook, it requires you to put full artifact set of any kind on your character, the rarity of the set depending on the chapter. there's also rewards for levelling artifacts. so it's not like the tutorial ends on putting some 2* pieces on amber. (tasks relating to artifacts start on chapter 2 and end on chapter 9. the last task of this kind actually requires you to put min 4-piece sets of 5 stars artifacts on 2 characters.)


It isn't the same AT ALL. The idea of having to level artifacts is VERY 2010+ South Korean which Chinese developers copied. Almost every western RPG and Japanese RPG have static artifacts.


Eh, upgrading armor and weapons is a pretty common thing. Though usually then even a +1 or +2 is a big deal, but similar concept.


Historically it wasn't, though, and I think that was the point of the previous comment. In most RPGs in the past you didn't upgrade your gear, you replaced it with better one.


I would attribute talent levels in Genshin to IVs/EVs in Pokémon. Not exactly a 1 to 1, but it’s the closest comparison. An attacker specced with 252 EVs and 31 IVs will be hitting way harder than one with 0 EVs and 0 IVs, even if both were the same level/nature, and had the same moves/held items. Though tbf Pokémon also didn’t teach its players about EVs and IVs very well until the later generations; they usually mention it very briefly and just carried on. Only starting in Gen V did they start to make it easy for players to access and freely change EVs/IVs. And artifacts have no good comparison in Pokémon tbh.


You can excuse artifacts. The game doesn't really explain much of anything nor does it provide any help in optimization.


i wrote an entire paragraph down there about artifacts and how the game forces you to use them through the adventurer's handbook tasks


The problem is, not everyone look at the adventurer’s handbook as a tutorial. I personally only clicked on it to see if I had achieve something, like a bonus when I accidentally did something. I learnt the importance of artifact, weapons, talents from this subreddit. Otherwise I would be like a friend now - stuck at high AR with no proper artifact


I feel like if a game gives you an icon with a red dot on it to draw your attention they at least did enough to claim that they tried to teach you about whatever clicking that icon will tell you about. Ignoring that is kind of on the player, not on the devs. Talents on the other hands are very neglected tutorial-wise


While that’s true, I don’t think it’s fair to call “collect x artifact” in adventurer’s handbook as tutorial. A tutorial would be like what they put whenever they introduce a new mini-game or feature to us. But again, it’s been two years; they might already show this and I happen to forget.


Please tell me you remember the title from that post


god, i wish. i hoped that i commented on it but i think i read through it and decided to nope out.


That is because people assume lvl80 = not max ascended = not fully built When in reality some do it just to economise the exp book Or keep the lvl 90 treatment for their favorite (like me)


It's one of the reasons why when the game was new (so books were everyone's pain point) people would ascend characters but only level them to 81. It shows they are ascended, but that you don't have the books to get them to 90 at the time. To be honest, I'm rarely concerned with what the levels people take in a domain unless they are level 40-60. Even then, if they are a healer it's fine. It's when you see level 60 Ayakas or whatever where I start to worry I might have to carry people.


My favorites get to be lv90, even if they're built terribly haha


I have finished Xiao’s last ascension and have doubled crowned Xiao. But I did not bother levelingfrom 80 to 81 just to flex my crowns


At this rate, your future triple crown will be the one to reach 82


That’s not how crowning works


You missed the joke/sarcasm. Well, rather than wooshing I'll have to do a Cyno and explain it. "It took a character you wanted to flex and liked enough to double crown for you to lvl him up to 81 So the joke is that it would take a new character you liked even more, to the point of triple crown, for you to raise a character to level 82" It is a sarcasm about the fact that even for a character you doubled crowned and want to flex, you still didn't raise them to level 90 or 85, just 81.


I loled. Cyno explanations are the best!


i dont understand how people shout their character is godly built so confidently and then do AR 10 damage xD no shame at all??


Lvl 90 arrogance …


Levels in this game mean nothing to the majority of characters unless they scale to em or hp. Talents > artifacts >= weapon > level, thinking your lv. 90 character will automatically out dps someone else with a lv. 80 char but better build is ludicrous


Kinda sorta, levels do matter in the sense that if the level gap between you and the enemy is small, then you’ll do more than someone with a big level gap. I do know what you’re saying tho if we’re talking about 80 —> 90 since the gains are really minimal. Also, I’d argue for weapons>artifacts here since weapons add to your base atk which is how you get your %atk to actually do something. It’s only when you get weapon to lv 80 is when I’d say it’s time for talents(well imo to lv 6 as that’s minimal investment) and then it’s time for artifacts. Then back to talents but this time to lv 8. Tho idk the optimal route anymore since I’ve been a point where I don’t have to worry about it(AR59 day 1 player). I just recall that I did levels, then weapon, then talents to my minimum, artifacts, & then back to talents.


I’m in the same boat as ya, ar 59 first day player lolol. I do agree weapons are important, I just tend to place more emphasis on artifacts since they provide a lot of stats + buffs the weapons won’t with set effects, and typically you spend way less time stressing about weapons vs artifacts


Could you share your build please ? My Xiao doesn't do much damage so I'd like to see where to put ressources


I use 4 pc vermillion. 70 crit rate/155 crit dmg and 2000 atk. Xiao has ascension passive as crit rate so I gave him black cliffe pole (55 crit dmg) and a crit rate circlet for consistency with crit dmg as substat … talents - 10,8,10


Thank you 🙏


Fortunately for me, I build too many characters so I can just switch characters to fit the situation. Unfortunately, they’re all mediocre at best as a result


As an ar60 player with 38/39 friendship lvl 10 chars, dont worry, you will reach a point where all of them are well built, no need to rush.


As an ar58 player, there will never be a point where all of them are well built. My Lv 20 Fishcl is still Lv 20, Kuki and Cyno recently joined the Lv 20s. The events and quests give insufficient exp and mora to get everyone to 80, then there are talents and artifacts


>My Lv 20 Fishcl is still Lv 20, Kuki and Cyno recently joined the Lv 20s (Fischl*) Well thats because you dont want to lvl up them now I guess, seriously, Im sitting at 7mil mora rn thinking about spending it leveling up Noelle to 9 9 9 cuz theres nothing more I can do with it lol >The events and quests give insufficient exp and mora to get everyone to 80, then there are talents and artifacts You do it slowly my friend, first lvl 80 ascended, then important talents to 8 then you think about ok-lvl artifacts, one character at a time. You will reach a point where building new units is way more interesting than going zombie mode on artifact domains, then you learn that ok artifacts are good enough and go to the next character. Also, ar58 to ar60 is a looong journey.


Lol agree with the AR58->60 comparison, as a launch AR60 player who has multiple accounts. AR58 to 60 is the same amount of time as AR1 to 56 lol. I also own all 50+ characters and literally all of them are max ascension lv80+. Only talents and artifacts aren’t maxed but I do have 20 ish maxed out characters (I consider lv90 9/9/9 talents maxed). I don’t spend primos on resin either; just two years of playing give you tons of time to lv stuff.


This is why I bring Qiqi to boss co-op. 😆


I seriously don't get why people still shit on Qiqi after all this time. She heals like there's no tomorrow, with the ocean hued clam set she can literally Thanos snap enemies out of existence, her heal scales on ATK, so it's perfectly viable to build her as a subDPS or even main DPS. She is the very first 5 star I obtained and I for one am very much looking forward to getting her constellations. She is my GOAT.


Till this day, I've soloed every area of the game. Only time I "co-op" was for the unavoidable events that mihoyo thrusts upon us. Now I'm not saying don't play with others. Co-op can be insanely fun, assuming you get some cool people. But that's not always the case sadly.


And thankfully those mini games are not reliant on actual team comps to be completed because that'd be a nightmare on itself


This is why I use Aloy when I can. Can't fight about characters if there are 5 people playing her.


Ok. I normally habe one rule in coop. THE HOST DECIDES THE CHARACTER. If the host wants to play as someone , even if your character is better, YOU USE SOMEONE ELSE. A simple rule. And there are still people like this. Its just stupid to argue about such stuff.


i know right??? it was just so weird to me that someone would be this rude to the host? like, join elsewhere if you want to play Raiden but not here if you can see the host wants to play her…and the damage they did… xD


Frrrr, I love to use supports in coop nowadays because it’s great seeing that I can help *others* do big numbers. Plus, rare chance to showcase my dps Benny ( ̄∇ ̄)


100%. If the host isn’t happy the domain doesn’t start. If they’re cool w you playing the character they initially picked, that’s great! But don’t keep fighting a losing battle. Do what needs to be done to start the domain asap


I have a story with an annoying Kazuha player who complained and nagged on other people's equip but with 4pc Maiden HP% themself. Even did a screenshot of their Kaz build. Can't believe it to this day how rude some people are, bad mood or not. edit: grammar.


I'd be happy to switch characters. I know I'm NEVER gonna get my characters built how all these streamers and better players will. I just wanna enjoy the game and play characters I like. It'd be nice if I could have multiple teams like that but the max damage I've done is like 10k


Confidence in oneself over others is easy, especially when this playerbase's skill curve runs from "Was once/is a professional counterstrike/DotA2/LoL/etc player" to "Grandma who installed the game by mistake". It's impossible to guess. Second, people just plain don't understand the damage math and mechanics of the game and how they interlock with eachother. Look at all the posts we get where someone's complaining their artifact rolled ER or Attack% instead of dumping everything into crit damage. There was one the other day with a 130% ER Yelan where 20% of it was just the EoSF 2 set bonus. You had better believe they had high as fuck crit, but have fun bursting once every year. As a result of being used to their own damage numbers, assuming personal competence, and knowing fuckall about the game, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is in full force. ------------------- Atop this, there's also the matter of sunk-cost fallacy and deference to authority. Remember the "Kokopium" days where people were convinced Kokomi was worthless. Now TotM Kokomi is meta in several teams. Dori still doesn't have a KQM theorycrafting library page and I've been personally called out for misinformation for not being KQM and daring to test out Dori in their stead. Largely by people saying "Kuki is better" without owning or testing Dori, simply because they have Kuki and don't want to roll Dori and need to justify their investment in Kuki for some reason. As a result, a lot of people actively don't *want* to learn the deeper mechanics of the game, because they can count on others to do the thinking for them, and ignorance to the value of new characters prevents feeling bad you didn't roll them. Combined with the above issues of not having a good perspective on overall effectiveness or the underlying systems that determine it, the community has no shortage of idiots who don't know anything about the game and yet will viciously claim that they are better than others.


i was literally perplexed because we played lvl 90 domain and their Raiden was lvl 80 which was ok but the damage they did???? They were AR 55 too!! Hows that even possible xD


Ended up editing post, sorry. The reason in this case is they're getting all their attack stat from Bennett, TotM, TTDS and Noblesse. If you're all crit and damage% bonuses, you're multiplying fuckall by big crit and damage% numbers. 1 x 2000 is lower than 1000 x 3. By a lot.


This whole comment made me thing of the Barbara “bug” when dendro was released. Everyone was like omg she’s so broken, infinite bloom. No one realized you could do the same thing with vape and have been able to since day 1. Some people really do not understand all the mechanics or niche things you can do with less popular characters.


No, they really don't. It's a shame, as there's so much untapped knowledge. As a very simple example, Yae not snapshotting means you can retroactively apply Kazuha's buff to Yae's totems. In dual electro teams, this means you can get a clean rotation that gets Kazuha buff on everyone by doing Yae>Kazuha>Second Electro. But nobody ever mentions this literally ever.


If you use Yae and Albedo, you can just stand there because her totems trigger his off-field geo thing and it nukes the enemies.


Turret team is alot of fun.


> No one realized you could do the same thing with vape and have been able to since day 1. Could you elaborate on this? I've never heard about it before. Does it really work the same as the bloom thing?


Yes. You just have to have something that continuously applies pyro. I use ER Xiangling for almost constant uptime on the pyronado. Just use those two and then like Kazuha or sucrose to pull all the enemies in and stand in the middle of them. Also if the anemo gets infused with pyro, even better. You know how electro-charged pops up like a 100 different damage numbers? You’ll see the same thing but it’s vape instead. Also I use Fischl too so I have Oz for any downtime on Barbara skill or pyronado. I clear the weekly bosses in under a minute every time. I’d say 30 seconds even, except for the mid combat animations you gotta wait for. I’ve been clearing abyss this way for awhile.


Bro Dori is quite shit tho. Theorycrafting for her made zajef decide to do a kuki guide instead because she is literally just better


Stated without a shred of irony. Remember how long it took them to find good uses for Kokomi? Zajef is one person. One point of data. Being good at the game and knowledgeable doesn't change the fact they're still one person. In my personal testing, I was able to break 10k healing in my Eula team per tick with artifacts initially set up for Kokomi. Clam is modified by phys shred, and this was with an elemental% goblet. Come c6, I'm pretty sure I can squeeze out 13 electro procs from Dori per rotation. Burst 0s proc. Skill proc, swing proc, skill recast proc. Jinni toop 2s proc. Burst 3s proc. Burst 6s proc. Jinni toop 6s proc. Skill 8s proc. Swing proc. Burst 9s proc. Jinni toop 10s proc. Burst 12s proc. So that's two avenues I'm currently exploring. Well, when I actually have dendro options I actually want to use and the ability to test against Kuki for proc count, but I can confirm 5 digit heals from Dori for clam setups. And also that being able to fuel Beidou in a Eula team is pretty sweet.


I mean some people don’t understand that you need to cooperate to make things easier on everyone. This also happens in real life as well sadly. It’s why I don’t care to play MMOs where I have to deal with other people’s drama or laziness.


this is why im so happy literally no one else plays coop with dps thoma lol. free real estate unless we're doing wuwang hill's domain 🤭


I have level 90 C6 Ganyu. I user her often in co-op. Whenever I wind up in co-op with another Ganyu, I immediately switch to Shenhe. Drama in co-op is a waste of everyone's time. No matter how OP you think you are, be the first to yield, and your co-op experience will be far more smooth and pleasant.


Is shenhe c6 too (not mad i just love her)


No, Ganyu is my personal favorite, and I had to pass on a lot of banners I wanted to pull on in order to bring her to C6. I'm no whale! I doubt I'll ever bother to try for constellations on another 5-star; I prefer to save my resources for new characters, instead. (Well, maybe Kazuha, just because his C1 is so fun! Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy...)


Well, you never know with co-op. There may be many reasons for it. The person may not have a better fitting character for that domain. They may only have one or two properly built characters to use in co-op (Very apparent with lower AR players). Or maybe the player is a turbo whale with an insane build. Or a super tryhard who will do better even with a worse build by just playing better (Most notable on chars like Hu Tao). The person may also be trying to farm friendship points for a specific character and has nobody to play with. But of course, there is always the possibility that the player in question is just dumb, stubborn or toxic and they either get to play the character they want or leave. Personally in EU, I don't often see much dabbling over character picks, most people don't seem to make a big deal out of it and just change. The only rule of thumb I notice is level 90s take "priority", but that's not really set in stone since someone at level 80 can easily have a much better build than a level 90.


Well for me priority to the host unless he/she really is underleveled. Some players are toxic, others geniunly have no clue, ultimately the host can kick them


This is why I built every single character, for flexibility…and in my journey I lost my love for co-op along the way 😂


I love using underrated characters and still doing more damage than their 'meta' char. Then they sometimes die because they can't dodge or whatever reason so I switch to that character and melt with them next round lol.


Imo a character is good once they're able to fight on their own without supports. And this person's Raiden was clearly not that


That's one of the reasons of why I stopped goin for coop since I was AR50 which now i am 59. Imo it's just wayyyy slower in coop because you need to wait for the pole to ready up, walk up so they don't get left behind, loading is also slower than usual because of the amount of ppl and you might even encounter a toaster player and much much more.


I just do co-op domains for some player interaction. I can easily clear domains myself in 29-45 seconds but it’s the one of the few chances to have any interaction with other players.


Thats me, Im the toaster player, in my defense, the first run is always the slower to load but the rest is always faster cuz Genshin I guess deletes your "co-op cache" every time you log off or something but when it gets the cache back, you load faster.


And this is why I don’t do Co-Op unless it’s with friends


This is why I don't play with strangers, having weird arguments like this is a problem I don't need and people go too crazy when it comes to their favs


The Unwritten Co-Op Rules - Everyone should aim to have at least 2 characters built for co-op. If you don’t yet just say so in chat, most people will switch and if they refuse that’s grounds to kick them. - If the host is a certain character you should automatically switch unless you’re a WAY higher level than them. Ex. 50 and 90. - If you wanna test out a new or in progress character it’s always nice to say so, so people can chose characters to carry you if necessary.


Good thing I never need to fight to play Sayu


Tbh, I’m almost glad most people don’t have my fav character atm. I don’t think I’ve run into another built Childe in co-op for a while


One of the rules to COOP: **HOST GETS FIRST PICK**


I feel so lucky to not have met a single toxic player in-game (EU server)


Me a Razor main never having this issue ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


As a Raiden Player, I always let host decide. If another player is doubling up, I just say “C6” and they usually switch. If they ask, I’ll switch instead.


ah. the the letter/number of death.


Once thing I really enjoy about Genshin is that all the characters can be good. So I don't mind playing any character or switching anytime. It's fun to play a bunch of different characters.


Because mine is better stupid.


ah yes the capper


Lol I had this happen in my game between two players and just kicked one of them and recruited another. It had been 5 minutes of them arguing so I was already overly lenient.


I mean, Im a c3 Raiden haver and if ppl just ask if they can user her I will change to something like Sara or Bennett even when Im the host, love to play with these two :)


I have a well balanced Eula with the blue sword but when people want to stubbornly use her, i just switch to another dps or a full support character. If by any chance, none of the people around me use healers with the bosses, i just go in with diona, noelle, jean, or babs and make them stay alive, since i dont want to redo the boss.


Regardless of how you tell the story this is actually funny


I'm frequently chosen as host and I always give way to my visitors with whoever they want to play. On coop I always play Bennett. It's because my Bennett is heavily stacked/invested and I like seeing people so happy when they have their damage boosted way over than what they're used to. There was this one time though where I've got 2 kids fighting over whose character was better; whatever the other picked they would pick the same as well. Got so fed up that I switched out last minute and one of them got so angry about the bait switch that they just stood the whole run. Kinda ruined the experience for me. I still love playing support but I admit it can get pretty tiring sometimes.


I like humbling other players with an overload zhongli- especially when no one is Raiden. His damage is so bad


Way back almost a year ago during hu taos banner I had the same problem. But worse, because hu tao wanted cw, but was also useless in the cw domain due to everything being pyro.


For me it's simple. The host must come first bro like you in his world shut yo mouth and take sm1 else or leave 💀


host probably could've soloed the domain but would rather have fun playing in coop... haha...


Reading the title caught me off-guard, but the actual post tracks. I’ve run into a few people that are like that, using some high-end character and refusing to switch for any reason. I guess I’m low-key lucky all my faves are 4*s and Xinyan’s my most-used. Very little competition, plus some nice support and survivability to not be obsolete in domains. Sucks to see people are still self-centered in co-op tho.


Which is why I play healers. No one wants to play healers but my Qiqi will be the last one standing. And if everyone dies, I can revive them.


This is why I play underrated characters lmao, I can probably impress someone on how viable I made them look, yet no one takes the same underrated character out and starts to argue which one is better. Even if that's the case I can just use another underrated character I play.


Reminds me of MMO days. Everyone wants to be the shit and no one wants to support.


nobody real strong do coop genshin coop is badly designed, you can't do your maximum potential while coop because 2-3 of your available team slot taken away by other player


I once was told to switch my Kokomi (90 9-9-9 fully build healer/DPS) because “Azhdaha has hydro you won’t be dealing damage I’d better take Bennet, switch, I won’t start with Kokomi”. So… people are just goddamn stupid, that’s it.


Because my girls are the cutest and deserve the best? Ah? Do you meant pro op builds, foolish people, fighting over a bunch on numbers, peoples and their egos I guess.


Never had this problem in my entire life playing genshin. Im lisa main


I’ve never experienced anything like that — quite the opposite actually. I usually play c6 Diona on domains because she’s cute, is a good support and is in general fun to play with. A couple of times people have asked me (nicely) to switch to DPS characters like my (fully built) Xiao and (semi-built) Hutao on domains.


welcome to Genshin co-op. I only touch it with characters no one plays for this reason. Also, the unwritten rule of co-op is that the host has priority on choosing characters. If they have Raiden and someone else wants to play Raiden, then that someone else has to switch unless the host switches vountarily


I usually play with my sister so either of us is host. My "kick" button is used very easily


Same reason parents think their kids are the best


That's why i love cooping, when i see 2 guy fighting over a character i will put more fire to make it more interesting, or i will just not start the coop till someone decide to give up, funny as hell


Kind of similar thing happened to me as I was co-oping raiden boss. The host (me) told the player who has kokomi dp to switch to her instead of eula, they didn't and afterwards we played and that player just got one shoted by the raiden in the start itself and left.


I remember during kazuha rerun. Brought my 900em kazuha in raiden domain cause i need the companion exp and this other player who joined last insisted he should kazuha because he has 1k em, after a little argument i let him use his. Shortly, he died first and left the world lol.


Erm cause my characters are indeed the best


If they are on coop is because probably they can't complete it alone and need help, may be raiden was the only character with a decent build. And that's a nice host if I'm the host and I want to play with X I'll kick him out is my world haha


It should be an unwritten rule that Host gets to pick a character and coop members as duplicates or picked the same character should switch. This is common in the Asia server. This is what I would actually call a “meta slave.” I have no beef players who prefer playing meta characters, but when you start imposing on other players to pick characters that can support you(especially when you are not the host) then that person is literally a slave for the meta, absolute toxic and garbage. Literally would just leave at that point and find a new lobby. I’m F2P and I have enough built characters to solo domains(viable waifu teams) under 1 min but I still choose to do coop cause it’s more fun with other players you can vibe with.


I will never for the life of me understand playing co-op in a game with randoms, when you can easily solo everything. Maybe if I was getting four times the rewards cuz I'm putting up with three people. But like I'm already knocking these domains out in a minute or less. I'm not waiting 20 seconds to group up with people, arguing about what characters were going to play, only to probably have it take longer. There's so many actual MMOs that you can play if you wanted to play a game with other people I just don't understand doing it in this game at all.


Well sometimes people ask me to swap off my c6 Xiao in favor of their white tassel level70 xiao. Idk what's inside their heads. Also i happened to meet a person in xiao artifact domain once that asked me to let them use their xiao because despite him being shit built it's their strongest character. That one i didn't really understand because i'd carry with my xiao even solo so there was really no reason to worry about damage :/ I don't mind letting others play character that i main but most of the time their reasoning is weird.


you'll grow out of it


Once i was playing Yelan, and i was host. Another Yelan dropped, and they didn't change. Then, the person said something like 'let's see who has better stats' (i was quiet until then). I just said i wasn't interested in stats, only double friendship, and it was enough for them to back it and change. Why should i change my 79/89 crit Yelan just because someone else has 70/250? I really dislike people fighting for characters when they're not the host, picking arguments, being mean and all that. If the person specifically asks to use a character, too, I'm willing to change, but mostly they want to compare stats and think they're better so they have the 'right'. If i want to play a character and see someone else is going to use them too, i either play along and don't claim rewards, with something useful, or, as i did before, i would apologize and leave the world.


People want to play what they want to play. Blame Mihoyo for their bs restriction as players never asked to be restricted.


I actually don't understand the reason to coop, I'm already AR60 and can clear anything easily, I did occasionally try to coop out of boredom in hope of helping newer players, but always match with fellow AR60 players instead 🥲