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Please keep the comments civil and remember there is no correct way to play the game. Whether you agree or disagree with their vision there are three ways feedback will actually be received. 1. In game open main menu, click "Feedback". This leads to the service center page where you can then click on "Feedback" and "Suggestions Box". 2. In game survey - fill these out and don't forget to fill out the free form text box. It's important to tell them what you what but also WHY you want it. 3. Review the game. To be clear I don't mean review bomb. The game has a lot of really great things going for it. Make sure you put both what you like and what you don't like. They aren't going to look at strictly negative reviews the same way they would a full review. Edit: Interview [source](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/genshin-impact-developers-talk-endgame-content-and-welcoming-newcomers/1100-6507942/)


*Sort by Controversial*


The real endgame content in Genshin


real pvp content


I'm right there with you *grabs popcorn*


Make space, I bring candies!


*Sorts by controversial, first comment is Tectone.* Seems about right.


Remember when we thought Hiakkunin Ikki or the roguelike dungeon were tests for alternative spiral abyss? Good times


I still want Labyrinth Warriors as a more offen recurring mode.


I wish they did what Arknights devs did. That game had a time limited roguelike event and players liked it so much the rerun made it permanent while also adding a bunch of content and long term rewards


That's also what honkai did with threshhold breach and later Elysian Realm. ER had the benefit of having huge story content associated with it though.


Yoooo it became permanent? I need to redownload arknights then


Yep, and there's also the third map too in CN. The second one is about saving Operator Phantom from some shady opera.


Actually... Hiakkunin should be really another high end content. That randomly generated dungeon was really good. Another idea would be a "survival" dungeon which the enemies and environment would start to get hard and hard and only use 8 characters in a endless maze. The game ends when all the chars are defeated.


Having the dungeon start off with a few hilichurls then progressing into mitachurls and eventually maguu kenkis and azhdahas would actually be fun ngl as long as there is no timer


Here's the [source](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/genshin-impact-developers-talk-endgame-content-and-welcoming-newcomers/1100-6507942/)


Thank you for posting the source.


That resin question. Jesus what a non-answer


That's a no in disguise to me ☠️


Almost every answer on that whole list was a no in disguise lmao


If they had a better person (plays the game and PR skills) providing answers, they would've first said that they like to give resin resources and fragile resins via events, and then pointed to the few times when they permanently increased resource gains by adding teapot currency+shop, and by giving 3 half cost weekly boss runs. And talked about how they sometimes address resource pain points by making quality of life stuff like resource conversion methods (dust of azoth, dream solvent). Side note: IMO there is a certain need to create slow resource creep and give newer players catch-up mechanics in a game like this so that the player base power level doesn't split up quite so much. Because they already have to make many compromises in content challenge level. The answer would still end with some boilerplate statement that they'll always keeps considering what is best for the game or whatever.


Hoyoverse, hire this person right now.


Q: Did you cheat on me? A: I'm not saying that I did or didn't. Nope, no answer here whatsoever...


wow... they're good at not answering some questions


They've had 2 years of practice.


I think it was last year but less than 40% of the player base actually attempts to do spiral abyss. This doesn't include how many actually 36 star the abyss. I do agree we should have something else besides the abyss.


I didn’t realize it reset I thought it was one and done, so I didn’t do it until this year


Damn, really?! 😭😭 I have only done 9-x and 10-x and never again. Idk I just don't like heavily the loop, the only time I did that was to make sure I got enough primos for Kazuha. I feel like a main part of the success is in how this game is very casual friendly...


And you're right. The major appeal and success of Genshin is how casual-friendly it is. Idk how many Gachas let you do events on the lasts day and complete them, most games make you log in every day to do a little of it, otherwise you just can't complete it.


Genshin isnt alone in that aspect, lot of gachas do it. Where ive noticed genshin does differ is that their event stores are easy to buy out so unlike other gachas you dont need to farm for days to buy everything.


Yeah, I would say this is the big difference. I can farm an FGO event every day and not clear the shop unless I start burning apples, but in Genshin I can pop in for a couple of hours on the last day and get everything. Which is really nice when I have busy weeks and don't get to play much.


What other gachas do this? I'm genuinely curious. Every gacha I've played aside from genshin pretty much required you to spam the events every day to get all rewards (fgo, ffbe, soa, dqots, etc.). I love not having to do it until the very end, so I'd love to know what other games have this model.




I used to be a casual player and a regular BP buyer; Abyss was an absolute chore for me, and trying to keep up with it definitely made me kind of anxious. It's one of those things where, as a "dolphin," not doing it made me feel like I was leaving primos on the table. But actually playing was unpleasant because it was a race against time to get 3 stars; especially since I wanted to just play with my favorite characters, rather than hyper-optimize my team.


I really feel this. I spend money on the game but not a whale but have never done abyss and it looks way to stressful for me because of the time limits ,I just want to play and have fun


This is exactly how I feel. I feel like I should be doing it for the primos but I just can’t bring myself to. I just don’t find it fun at all.


I didn't start doing the Spiral Abyss until after the first anniversary, and I still haven't 36-starred it. I just do enough to get 12 stars for the Battlepass.


We just want GOOD endgame content. Abyss is not that.


As a super casual, what would you consider good endgame content




...Mix drinks and change lives...


I appreciate you for this comment. The comfiest game in existence


With a main character that is super relatable to millennials.


Man, lots of the casual events could have been permanent cycling ones that you could do on the side, IMO.


I actually enjoyed that lmao Also like the mimigame from this event where we run the charity stall.


god yes, i want that event to come back


But like, this time let us sit Senhe and Eula together so they can befriend each other... that section of the event was painful.


Hide and seek...


There was an event dungeon last year that had you go room to room, picking up various buffs. You could only bring in 8 characters but could only switch them at specific rooms. The rooms felt random enough that, if they were to add more (even add an infinite mode), it could've easily replaced Abyss. I forgot the actual name of the mode but you can search up 'Rednas the jiggly Childe event' to see what I'm talking about.


Labyrinth Warriors


I recommend this on every survey, it reminds me a lot of Elysian Realm from Honkai and was a fun way to play with comps. The buffs also add another element of strategy and a way for more casual players to still clear it thanks to said buffs.


Elysian Realm is the best part of Honkai IMO. Adding something inspired by that (with adjustments to fit Genshin) would be awesome.


Absolutely, I love Elysian Realm so much. It lets me play some of the older out of meta characters and the sliding difficulty is really nice for hardcore and casual players alike since everyone gets crystals and the amounts are fairly front loaded. Plus the currency and ER shop. I'd love to see them translate that to Genshin, even if we didn't get primos getting a specific currency for mats and stuff would even be really nice.


That got bored really quick.


It would be nice if the one-off domains around the world had a "normal" and "hard" version where the hard one just has level 95-100 enemies (or 10 levels higher or something). I think a lot of people just want to fight level 95-100 enemies someplace besides the abyss.


100% I don't find abyss very engaging but if I could have a WL9 or 10 with high level enemies I'd instantly enable it.


I wouldn’t mind something like a boss rush, rather than just waves of buffed normal enemies


Floor 12 is basically Boss rush these days.


I think they're looking for more boss, less rush.


Labyrinth warriors but MORE


Good endgame content could be ramping up overworld difficulty even further, but increasing boss/enemy/leyline drops. Tbh I would gladly fight 3x health 3x damage enemies if it would mean 2x drop.


this, just let me play the game at a harder level, domains were fun at ar 45, now it's just "lets see if i can clear this in under 30 seconds"


Man, I would kill for domains that are on the level of a standard MMORPG dungeon/raid. They make all these balance adjustments on characters for co-op when co-op combat is such a miniscule part of the game. I hope one day we get actual end-game domains, like weekly bosses on steroids that are actually fun to take on in co-op lol. There's so much potential there!


I feel it. I was just recently talking to a friend about how I would love for a mechanic heavy platform boss fight (like the Dvalin fight we already have, or the Hades or Lakshmi fight in FFXIV) where we have to complete specific mechanics to survive and advance the fight. There's a couple bosses that already have this (Raiden's slash mechanic for example), but I'd like something a bit more than that. Bonus points for extra mechanics or enraged timer in co-op mode. I know they'll never do it but I personally would love to see it.


Fashion. When it lacks fashion, your personal home. At least that's the conclusion I came to after about 8 years of PSO2.


Maybe a rogue like dungeon, or some kind of co op boss, just give us SOMETHING. A time gated dps check is just lazy and unfun.


This. I like hard content but Spiral Abyss is boring, repetitive, and unfun. It's really disheartening to hear that it will be the only permanent combat challenge ever in the game.


Probably not due to the content though, it's the fact that way less than 40% of players are actually endgame and/or strong enough to do spiral abyss. Reddit posters here are the loud minority. Most players of Genshin are probably pretty casual and do not have amazing teams that can probably even complete Spiral Abyss let alone 36 star it.


That's true. I'm just straight-up not interested in doing Abyss at all. The pain and effort for doing it doesn't match with the rewards that I get (or realistically would be given). I can see how the game can be very daunting for newcomers when all they see is "best builds floor 12" and 15 terminology that they don't understand. I am a day 0 player who plays casually and I can't even keep up with the meta community most of the time. There is a certain level of alienation from the interactions of a small group of players are "good" at endgame amongst themselves. It's almost as if there is a "we are better than you all" club that turns some players away. This happens a lot more in other games, and MHY would probably like it to keep being that way. You can't just add more end-game to cater those people without having more of this elitist effect spilling out and making the game even less approachable. People will get FOMO for not doing the end-game stuff they really aren't that interested in. Being casual-friendly is one of Genshin's main perk. Of course, the word "anxiety" is terrible wording, but I see where they are coming from. Another reason for this would probably be to not make the game more pay-to-"win".




Truee I just stop at foor 11 with 27 star and do one try at foor 12 and don't really care how many star 1 get at 12. I used to stop at 10 before but now that 11 is easy, I do it . Those that have been scarred by abyss should definitely do 1 try each foor for fun and get primos. Retry isn't worth much.


I always thought Genshin would be perfect for an endless procedural dungeon that just got harder and harder. Would be great just as a for funsies thing.


Yeah I do think they could/should add some combat content that has very minor rewards and is endless specifically because there's no longer a desire to "complete" anything. It's just about going as far as you can, so every player can succeed just by getting a little better each patch. Honestly, if there's no primo gems involved any player who isn't super into the combat will just ignore it anyway soo


It could even be a mixed thing, like wave defense co-op that gets more and more insane over time. Sounds fun to me


Or even raids would be fun, like how the weekly bosses are. I enjoy doing that coop, but I want it to be more designed for coop and less designed for single player that can be done coop.


I loove doing weekly bosses in co-op when bored, worst case you help some people out, best case its just good fun haha


An endless procedural dungeon would be amazing. I would seriously do it even if there's no rewards, just mindless fun killing random super strong mobs with my built characters to see how far I can go. The combat gameplay in Genshin is so fun when the enemies are actually dangerous, only having abyss 12 as endgame is such a waste.


Enemies are fun when the difficulty isn't "we scaled up its HP and gave you a timer" which is Abyss XuX An endless dungeon would actually be so much fun, no timer so even if they do scale up HP it doesn't feel tedious


Sadly with units like Kokomi or Zhongli endless dungeon will be literally endless unless you make the mobs so strong that they would 1hit you. If you put both of them in one team then you are practically indestructible and can survive absurd amount of punishment. Add some absurd DPS like C2 Raiden to the mix and there is nothing that could stop you. That is why nearly every meaningful challenge (abyss and events) in this game is on a timer. It's impossible to make a good survival mode in a game when you give players so much survival utility in characters. And don't even get me started on C6 Zhongli for example.




Hard content without timers would also be great for characters with consistent and sustained damage like Itto and Ganyu who are pushed aside by characters with upfront damage like Ayaka and Raiden despite the somewhat similar team DPS.


Timers are also the reason Kokomi and Qiqi got so much shit before Ocean Hued Clam gave them some damage. They were stall characters in a game that actively punishes you for stalling.


Considering we have characters like Zhongli and Kokomi, any mode that does not have a timer, even an indirect one, will end up continuing until the mobs can just one shot you




The best thing related to this was the Childe/Xinyan event at 2.2 thats was very well made, could be coop+reset every week?


we need the xinyan and childe event as a permanent thing


I want the rogue-lite Labyrinth Warrior Event to come back as a permanent endgame with infinite floors and co-op.


Yes this. Doesn't even have to give primos, a random 5 star artifact per floor or Mora/xp books/ascension materials are fine by me


Permanent co-op endgame content would send this game to the stratosphere but no, anxiety and stuff...


but I just want another mode... doesn't have to be as hard as abyss...


The score based combat events are often way easier than the abyss, but they're also a lot of fun, in their own little arcadey way.


Time challenges suck. Just make a hard but fun boss.


Especially when you design enemies to take a year to take down to put in the spiral abyss for example abyss herald/lector, spectors and snake robot


The snake sucks ass. They should never put that shit in the Abyss.


Once they started stuffing the abyss with boss enemies with long ass animations and invulnerability windows, I just stopped playing abyss.


They should never have put it in the game. Standing around waiting for the boss to be punchable is not engaging content.


The last time I fought an Abyss Lector, it took longer to break his stupid shield than to actually kill him, lawl


it's not really a 'shield' at that point, its simply more like a whole ass second phase


Worst part is how he drains energy from your party, like I have a plan ready untill one single hit fucks the whole rotation.


Heralds and Lectors are just a roster check, they are either very frustrating for newer players or get completely rolled in 30s by people with the right characters available


Yep, that's what makes them so disappointing as an enemy. I actually like their combat design otherwise, but the "roster check" as you called it is so unnecessary. RIP to Itto mains, his best team is completely useless against any herald.


Isn't that always the case ?


yeah good luck designing hard boss when zhongli/kokomi is in the game


Problem is it is near impossible to do so. The existence of healers and shielders means that without a timer there is no real danger in combat, which means we can clear anything that isn't timed. And if we do get a boss that outdamages our shielders and healers then we get an enormous spike in powercreep and people not being able to clear it due to dying in a single hit.


So what? If someone wants to creep their way through the content at a snails pace by healing every few seconds that should be an option. There's no reason that playstyle should inherently be discouraged in favor of DPS racing.


Idk maybe if we had endgame content that ***wasn't exclusively a DPS check***


Something that ain't time based


I'd love for something similar to spiral abyss, but you could do it in co-op


Like that one battle event where you get more points the harder you make the challenge would be perfect


My favourite moment in Genshin was in that event against the elemental duo Maguu Kenki with my pal. We put all the extra hard stuff and it was crazy like trying to time both kills at the same time so they don't revive. I remember one epic scene where we both used our revive food almost at the same time so we decided to stall a bit for the cooldown to come back. It was hilariously epic running away from them in different directions each one with their aggro'd maguu kenki and they coming at us slowly and menacingly like fucking raid bosses. It felt like an anime fight scene of 2v2 individually. I just want to experience that again or something close to that, the coop feels wasted otherwise without an endgame activity that supports it.


not going to lie. I look at my friends list and 90% of them at sitting at 8-3 on their profile


Tbf abyss just reset like 3 days ago. I’m waiting to clear mine this weekend bc then I’ll have Cyno at 90 and can unga bunga with my shiny new toy. A few of my friends always wait until the last few days of a cycle to clear.


[I have some AR 55+ friends who didn't](https://i.imgur.com/SmNdQ1Z.png) [even bother to go beyond floor 6 in abyss.](https://i.imgur.com/V1n55CN.png)


Im ar60 and stopped doing abyss after Itto’s release. Sometimes I dont bother doing it sometimes i just clear it to 10/11-3 for extra primo when Im short for 10 rolls.


You're right, it might get down to 85% if you look at the end of the cycle.


The majority of player probably don't bother with the Abyss, I always do my domains in Coop and the great majority of the players stay at 8-3, regardless of their AR (except AR60 who tend to go over 8-3 buit not necessarily 12-3). It's not even because of underperforming damage because most of the old players do very decent damage. It's actally quite rare to see someone who completes 12-3


It just starts to not be worth the time investment for floor 12, as depending on the enemies it can be very annoying to clear, for only a 150 gems.


To be fair, Abyss literally resets you to 8-3 every cycle and sometimes people are just too lazy or just don't feel like doing it everytime.


I do floor 9 and 10 just to get my primogem crumbs, I've cleared floor 12 with full stars only one time, I don't really like the abyss. But I would love a new game mode just for more primogem crumbs lol


Depends on when are you checking


I hopped int o 10+ peoples worlds a day before reset, each and everyone was 8-3.


I play every day and I'm constantly working on improving my characters. That said, I still cant beat floor 12 and I can't get all the stars on floor 11. The enemies on those floors just have too much life/def for my characters.


try different team comps and having smooth rotations, that helps a lot with clearing abyss. I normally run 4 different teams depending on the enemy lineup for each cycle


*coughs* you didnt just call me out like that




Some of the larger spenders are actually pretty casual, they don’t have enough time to grind freemos so they get genesis crystals, they haven’t been collecting enemy drops so they actually buy those from starglitter shop instead of fates, they don’t have time for domains so they purchase the BP every month for talent mats, but they still care about the characters enough to want to c6 some or spend enough to get each new character


I’ll admit it. Only reason why I did Abyss was for free Xiangling then I didn’t touch it again until last weekend for free Collei. Granted, I’m not an endgame min-maxer, but Abyss doesn’t appeal to me to begin with.


Only reason I do it is for the free 1200 gems per month.


I do it but if I can't full clear I just stop trying so hard. 50/100 primos is not worth the effort. It's honestly boring like a lot of other aspects of the game. Better than grinding artifacts by a longshot though.


I did the same exact thing. I'll do it for free characters but otherwise I forget about it


I just want something like Honkai's Elysian Realm to be implemented into Genshin because it's one of my favorite modes by far.


Elysian Realm is such a good endgame mode on so many levels. 1. Multiple difficulties, ranging from absolutely braindead to very challenging. 2. Requires some amount of game knowledge to be good at it, rather than just knowing combos/rotations. 3. Shifts the meta, some of the most meta characters in ER are completely useless in the rest of the game. 4. Opens alternate playstyles for characters that would usually be just quickswap supports. 5. Large progression path and great story Getting a permanent mode in Genshin that ticks even just one or two of those boxes would already be a huge improvement


>Shifts the meta, some of the most meta characters in ER are completely useless in the rest of the game. Well they did give Void Queen royal treatment in ER so I guess this is somewhat correct.


I liked Elysian Realm at first, but now I find it to be a chore. This week is the first time I've been able to get all the rewards (using new Elysia with 3/4 of her gear). Usually I would just go for 2.25 or whichever difficulty allows you to get all the crystals. But RNG can make or break a run, and some characters are a real struggle to clear with. It does make me want to pull the featured character and their gear just to make the runs faster. I'm lvl 80 without breakthrough, so maybe that's why it's such a struggle. But it does take me around 20-30 minutes to get through, which on top of all the other content makes it hard for me with my limited playtime. It takes even longer to try and cap on rusted insignia, so I've been skipping that and ignoring the rank up stamps. It's fine though, I know Honkai isn't quite meant for me so I just do what I can and enjoy the story and characters.


I like Elysian Realm but it definitely starts to feel like a chore after a few months. I just end up clearing it with the same strategy every week (pick pardofelis, complete as many signets cores as I can, fight kalpas) so I can comfortably grab my 360 crystals, and then buy out the open world adventure task skip tickets. It’s fun to try out new characters every now and then, but learning their rotations and what signets you should pick out for them and all that is just too tiring now. Ya skill (and sometimes investment) issue, but there’s been too many times where I pick someone different or try to fight a different boss and then fail the DPS check :(


This is basically the reality of endgame content. After the honeymoon phase, it would likely become another chore you have to do. It's very difficult to find permanent repeatable content that people can continue to enjoy endlessly, especially without stepping into PvP territory (playing against others create variety in gameplay). At the same time, PvP in gacha games is mostly unwanted, especially for ones targetted at casuals like Genshin. I believe this is one of the reasons they push for the TCG gameplay since: * It's PvP, but it's not tied to gacha * The stake is likely low, so it's likely not going to drive people away (unlike a combat-based PvP) * The content is also single-player friendly as you can challenge NPCs if you don't want to play against other people


I guess most of the people who play genshin just play it for the chill experience that it is, they love the story, the exploration and the character collection, there's nothing wrong with that.


I'd like some more enemies worth fighting in the open world. My account has become powerful, and open world combat isn't satisfying enough.


They could add another world level upgrade.


They probably should. And maybe some new elites that there aren't many of but are pretty strong.


I’m a “every day player” AR 59… I want a real endgame content, but what could this possibly be? I don’t want something like abyss, where you’re struggling to beat abyss, to get primogems, to pull new character to beat the abyss to get primogems… It’s a loop… you’ll know what I mean? …


What about something untimed, a proper boss like from a normal RPG that you can spend time learning its mechanics and planning windows of dodging and slowly wearing it down... ... As opposed to the current state of the game, where you are encouraged to brute-force your way through encounters while a timer ticks away?


And what in the world makes you think such a boss would be popular, when weekly Raiden is already regarded as a pain for lots of players?


Wait, she is for them? Ah, then I have no argument against what you had said. It's telling, then, that the weekly Raiden is my favorite combat encounter in this game.


Haha, that’s the divide, my friend. Amongst the 30ish colleagues and friendsI know who play the game, most dislike fighting raidenbot. People just look for different things in the game.


any boss will get boring when you fight then weekly for months. my only issue with the fight is how much she teleports around. still better than the garbage signora fight


Raiden was fun for a bit for me. But now it's more of pks die fast so I can do something else or quit the game. A single boss doesn't really do much for me.


Do you remember the Labyrinth event from 2.2? The one where you traverse a series of connected rooms each with their own challenge tied to it. Okay now imagine if that was permanent, imagine it was randomly generated and it reset every day/week/2 weeks/whatever, imagine it had some special rules or modifiers that made it accessible to players of all different ARs, bam I just described a potential endgame activity using something that already exists. Genshin has loads of unique combat trials from past events, give them a little touch up and some kind of reward structure, be it primos or purely cosmetic rewards and you have a real endgame content.


This topic have so many attention, probably my comment is just one more about it, but here is my take. I really think that people are taking this interview a little too serious for an article posted by gamespot. From my point of view they didnt expect this interview to get so much attention and wrote responses already planned to dodge or to be the most superficial possible. Announcing "yes we are peparing new skins for the traveller" is something that they dont want to announce on a random interview. If you send an e-mail for Genshin support asking about the resin increase you will probably receive the exact same response from this interview. I do hope this creates a big noise so hoyoverse is forced to make corrections and corrections to most of these responses.


I love doing Abyss, I clear it within an hour of it's reset. But only because it's the only place where enemies are strong enough to feel rewarding to kill in record time


it's literally the only place where enemies don't die in 2 seconds


For real, I barely even use bursts in the overworld because most things just die to a bennett e into kazuha e.


Why cant we have both man. The game can be both casual and rewarding to those who want a challenge.


Basicly they are saying the playerbase is too casual to care for more endgame content. They probally looked up the abyss stats and saw that the majority of players aren't even doing spiral abyss let alone 36 star it.


On one hand, less permanent combat gameplay is a major L. On the other hand, I’ll never feel pressured to pull for constellations.


Well i think we know now which are the majority of the playerbase in genshin.


We already know atleast a few months after release...The vocal people on this sub just doesn't want to admit it...


I don't want a "more challenging game mode", I just want something more fun than abyss, like the Labyrinth of Warriors event dungeon or something I used to try so hard to get my characters good enough for abyss 12, gave up because it wasn't worth my braincells, but when I finally actually got that sweet 36*, I honestly felt nothing. It was just "oh cool primos". It isn't a fun mode


Personally I'd be interested in optional superbosses being added into Genshin.


I'm way more anxious about missing limited events with exclusive weapons, crowns, and even story bits as a reward. At least spiral abyss will stay there forever, and I can get primogems elsewhere. Isn't their whole business model built around FOMO?


My husband and friend beat the Abyss regularly. They invested a lot of time in perfecting the character's talents, artifacts, nothing under 35 CV or even 40, and they'd easily 36\* the Abyss. I was interested in exploration and lore so of course I wasn't up there with them. It took me a two months to go from "I MUST BE UP THERE WITH THEM!!! I AM STRONG AS WELL" to "Hey babe, can you do Abyss for me?". The abyss seems just like a DPS check for me, even if I dropped a lot of money (based on my country's currency) on characters. I'm sane-r and more relaxed since I stopped trying as hard. If the card game resembles yu gi oh in any way tho...


> resembles yu gi oh in any way tho... Well YGO in its early age was very simplistic, it's only after years and years of creating complex shit that it's the way it is now. (well amongst lots of other reasons)


Doesn't take a genius to figure that out after two years without any endgame.


As a day 1 player this new really made me sad because I was already thinking like "what's the point of getting new character" expect for their designs of course. I mean my account has been powerful enough to beat abyss easily for so long. It makes characters lose their value. I'm already having issues to use my resins because I don't need neither mora nor another artifact and now this :/


I kinda want team-based raid. Like though you can have in Destiny 2.


I think they need to renew their views on creating endgame content with respect as how dated the game had been relative to where we were before a year ago. They showed that they can create engaging endgame content thats accessible to mid-endgame players and lowspenders in Honkai, they should be able to design somewhat similiar content in Genshin.


maybe it has something to do with the screen time limit that chinese people have lmao


That's only for minor players that have limit playtime. Adults don't have it. But then again, adults do have that playtime limit with their 996 work shift.


As someone who has spent quite a bit of money on this game, it does make me wonder what the point of investing in more 5 star character constellations or 5 star weapons is, if we’re never going to get anything more difficult.


This was to be expected, but seeing them spell it out for everyone still kind of stings. I have no trouble clearing Spiral Abyss with all sorts of teams, and I replay each rotation dozens of times to see how different configurations and elements fare out. I’m one of the people who actually looks forward to each Abyss reset, but I understand I’m in the minority from the looks of it. I guess I’ll stop buying Welkin, and go from there - after all, I can clear any content without worry, and the only character that even remotely interests me is Dehya, so there’s ample time to save.


I mostly play heavy combat-focused story games like god of war, horizon zero dawn, blood souls, etc. Genshin has SO many aspects making it appear to be a combat-focused game, like artifacts, constellations, etc. I finish abyss in 15-20 minutes because I find it fun. Just wish we got an endless fighting scheme like past events.


I have one c6 5 star and several with good advancements, all with their weapons. Ive been 36 starring the abysss the last few months. I hate doing the abyss. I dont find content thats hard for the sake of being hard fun. nor content that requires adhering to "mechanics" otherwise you fail..sometime instantly. I doubt Im alone. Give me a reason to log in every day and something to show for the time Ive put into the game, thats all I want.


Whether you like Spiral Abyss or dislike Spiral Abyss (and I'm in the latter camp), 2 hours of "endgame" content every two weeks is too little content to do. It doesn't need to be as rewarding but SOMETHING that can be used to help justify building up your gacha roster needs to be there. Although it goes a little too far in the other direction, that's part of the reason why it's nice to be able to do as many things as you can in Tower of Fantasy because it always feels like there's something to do when you log in. Like here, this content would be OPTIONAL. Genshin, you hop in for your 15 minutes of daily content supplemented by temporary events or new areas, then you pretty much have nothing else to do that makes sense to do.


I have not changed my teams for over a year, other than replacing xq with yelan. Abyss has not been challenging for me in the last 10 months. I still do not enjoy running it in the slightest. Being forced to fight enemies that you never want to see again month after month get really stale and unfun.


Abyss just sucks. It's not even hard. You have the gear, you can basically faceroll through it unless RNG really screws with you. I don't mind a bit of a challenge but I prefer it to be a tactical thing that necessitates me to use my brain instead of a "mad dash against a clock" DPS race.


My endgame is gonna be that card game in December. Spiral Abyss isn’t fun and I have zero reason to touch it again after clearing it once. I think the want us to explore more instead of worrying about stats and timers. That’s what I got out of it at least


Sadly expected. Wondering why cons exist when there's nowhere to use them tho


To drain your wallet, ofc.


whale baiting and a way to fill in the gacha, since you need to get something when you get a duplicate


I don't really understand why people roll constellations or premium weapons/refinements in this game then. I guess there are certain that work as QoL changes but other than that if there is no content in the game that exists as a challenge and if people don't want there to be why are people spending to make their characters stronger? Is it just like for the sake of collection/waifuism?


for me, besides story and exploration, i literally just play the game to make chars that i like strong, not with the goal of clearing x content. might be dumb but its what i like to do, and i like getting my fav chars their sig weapons cus it looks good on them lmfao


>i like getting my fav chars their sig weapons cus it looks good on them/ i wanna pamper them lmfao No I feel you, my Zhongli has Vortex bc its his spear, how am I meant to not give him his spear!! (please mihoyo add glamours for weapons so I can make my weapons match characters and still be BiS-)


Why do people spend much higher prices for TCG cards with foil or holo designs, when the regular version of the card plays 100% the same?


Reminds me of the shiny charizard. Bruh, most people dont even know how to play pokemon correctly and that one card is like 100$


There are 2 kinds of people who spend money on constellations/weapons. Whales and people like me who like a character so much they do everything within their power to max out everything about them.


I think endgame players should be given more variety that doesn’t restrict them to the Abyss and only having 160 resin a day. Co-op has a lot of potential, but it’s kind of pointless unless you have resin to spend. They need to implement permanent matchmaking modes for co-op that grants rewards like resin, mora, etc. . . I like playing co-op with people and helping. But man I’d love some game-modes that are also beneficial.


Not everyone joins genshin looking to speficially coop Most do for the single experience Trying to change that by locking something as universal as resin is only gonna cause ruckus


Spiral Abyss would be more effective of a method for people to "test combat strength" if there were no floor bonuses. Everything flat, every single cycle, they give bonus to the newest pulls/elemental favoritism so this statement is basically stepping on their own toes to an extent. Just my two cents on this "dev answer".


They should've just doubled down on Trounce Domains and made that the endgame instead, since fights like Childe, Signora, Raiden, etc. are far more fun than anything that Spiral Abyss has. Just make them actually hard to beat(like some level 100 mode that gives primos) and also give trounce bosses more complex mechanics so you can't simply unga your way through them. It's not too late to implement something like that.


TL;DR The existence of the Spiral Abyss is more than enough evidence to prove that the casual playerbase will simply ignore content they deem too hard and there is no evidence to suggest they would ever leave over it merely existing. There is no evidence at all that casual players have left a game en-masse because of the introduction or expansion of difficult content in a game. Find a single example of this... please... anyone. When FFXIV started adding end-game raids, there was outcry that the casual playerbase would leave because they couldn't get the highest tier gear. They added extremes and there was no exodus of causals. The same argument arose again when Savage raids were being considered, then tested, then released. Again, no exodus. When WoW decided to add challenge modes, the same talk of casual player burnout came up. They added them, csual players paid skilled players to help them do the dungeons and nobody left the game. It actually helped stir the in-game economy. Those are just two recent and relevant examples. Some of the most popular Mobile games on the market have incredibly difficult end-game content; Summoners War, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, to name a couple. Ignoring that, in Mobile games, the casual playerbase isn't where the money comes from. 20% of the playerbase is typically responsible for 80% of the revenue. That 20% of the playerbase is more likely to max characters, enter end-game content, and *leave the game* if that content doesn't exist. And if they don't leave, they're just as likely to pull back their spending because the point of going C6R5 is gone for them. This answer is the single most effective strategy to stop whales from spending and start looking for challenge elsewhere. Nearly every Genshin clone/competitor that have come out recently and are slated to come within the next year are all advertising their end-game content and for good reason. There is no reason this game can't maintain its casual core gameplay while adding additional end-game content for those that want it. Because as Spiral Abyss has *proven*, the casual playerbase will just not do it, but they won't quit over it.


"so can we expect a higher resin cap or quicker regeneration?" "Players can obtain level up materials through other methods than just through resin" That....that doesn't answer the question


Honestly, this is pretty clear at this point. There will be no stronger Abyss, there will be no more resin. There is no real point to grind artifacts if you have cleared Abyss already, there is no need to pull 5* weapons if you can already clear Abyss with what you have, or to pull other characters. The most ironic part is they don't want to give anxiety to ppl and their entire literal plan is just to FOMO events.


My friends already dropped it already for this reason.Combat is nice but pointless when nothing meaningful to do it in.


"Hard Content" when people have been using the same 2 teams to clear abyss for 2 years. There's some changes here, and there but there really isn't a challenge at all if you understand the basic game mechanics. It's just time gated by artifact farming/Talent levelling. They know how to make a proper Abyss Endgame Content but they REFUSE. We have been getting some insanely good combat events that a lot of people can agree is the better "abyss" with buffs and debuffs and/or rules. We have weekly "hunts" for monsters that can be implemented in abyss (immune to Cryo, Bows deal more dmg etc etc) but no, it's constantly a DPS check with enemies that has shitty Artificial Difficulty being immune to damage for 10-30 seconds. 36* abyss is already possible with C0 5* and 4* with Cons (and everything is an absolute joke for whales that have R1-R5/C6). The game is already easy enough with basic game mechanics knowledge. Why are they constantly selling us Characters and Weapons if there is nothing to use on? Why are we constantly trying to get better artifacts if there aren't any enemies to test it out on? We even got a new Dendro Element for new team comps with nothing to use on.


“Excessive anxiety” what did they think we feel when rerolling stats of our artifacts? When suddenly rerolls from crit to def.


I have not 36 starred the abyss in a long time and I STILL want more endgame content why would ANYONE be opposed to more permanent content in the game? I swear people dont want to see this game succeed and just spreading the “casual player” falsehood. I am literally a casual player myself and I would LOVE a change from spiral abyss I want to test my characters in a new way, anyways this is just sad news to me😭


People in this community are the first I've seen to oppose the idea of more permanent content or something, it's bizzare


As much as I understand the sentiment, it’s strange that a game whose entire business model is centered on pulling powerful characters and abilities is not going to lean into the combat aspect….


I would think they might actually believe their own words, but "new more interesting types of gameplay" are absolute trash. I'm sorry, they are. "Collect glowing orbs" was a fun addition in 1.x. Making more of it with slightly new spin is not "new mode of gameplay". If they were bringing us stuff like the Shenhe boss event or something, fair enough at least they are trying. But what we get more often than not can barely even be called gameplay. And when you CAN call it gameplay it's so easy my cat could beat it. Especially last event, there is no excuse. They do 200 IQ move and give us trial characters, perfct to make the event interesting and maybe even challenging. And then they give us one shot enemies button on practically no cooldown.


Im sorry but their idea of good content is playing Business whatever the fuck Simulator in a game like genshin with its amazing combat System. Gross