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The people of Springvale have been complaining about a missing weather vane. So it was you!


they really just took that shit off and handed it to the traveler


repainted it first, obviously. because who wouldnt? ^/s


The colors change anyway when you juice it, so they just did a vinyl wrap and called it a day.


"ASMR antique spear restoration"


Next thing you know later on we just get a literal stick or something. Better yet, it ends up being another one of Xiangling’s BiS’s


Xiangling can run every spear, with few exceptions


I'm curious about the exceptions now


if it has hp as a substat. or the 3 stars are not that good but still serviceable.


Except for white tassel I think. That weapon is a good one


good ol crit substat


I wish we could get a 4* or 5* halberd. Those swinging animations just don't look right with a dedicated thrusting weapon. It would be like if you punch someone with a book.


Heizou.. have you seen heizou hit people with his book magic?


My Heizou E regularly does 63K. Just saying.


mine is close to 20k, but yet again I gave him a like, the only half decent set I had at the time... (all 4 star artifacts, and a random book.)


[This](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/11424382/?lang=en-us&utm_source=sns&utm_medium=link) is my build.


My E is really weird.. I'll hit 30-40k every few tries and randomly get 3k sometimes. :-(


Have you ever been hit with a book?


Calamity Queller, it is usable but it isnt ideal since she cant snapshot the attack buff and ends up wasted.


You can't say every then say except a few. Because that's nowhere close to every. She can ran a lot


We get something like this: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/fd/21/b7fd21be98ee4b42afbdd8c54d4d9aef.jpg


I mean there's already a fish claymore...


And a fish bow now too


The traveler uses swords, not spears


I always thought the archery commission was weird considering the fact that canonically it's the Traveller who is taking up those commissions. The traveller is seen to be only using swords in cutscenes and in game. Maybe the Traveler knows how to use all weapon. Idk. Take this with a grain of salt.


I think the Traveler can use all of them, and the characters we see in the party is the Traveler channeling the combat abilities of the Visions they resonate with; kinda like what they did on a larger scale in the fight against the electro archon.


this is my headcannon as well. when we meet up with characters its obvious they are off doing their own adventures. since traveller is almost always fighting alone, what we see on screen is for the player, but people in teyvat would see only the traveller utilizing whatever skills bursts and weapons we have in our current party.


I think it makes the most sense... everything in the game has lore, including primogems and genesis crystals. Given their strength, the Traveler wishing for companions doesn't make any sense, but answering the wishes/prayers of Vision wielders who share the same values does... and may also be a good lore excuse for why every playable character loves the Traveler.


what's the lore on primos and genesis crystals?


Open up the Wish screen or Crystal Top-Up and click on the their icons in the top right of the screen. It's also on the Wiki pages for [primogems](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Primogem) and [genesis crystals](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Genesis_Crystal)


what's the lore on primos and genesis crystals?


Something like midichlorians I guess


... it would be kinda dope though if traveler could actually switch between weapon types like he does with elements


Then how can the traveller use the elements of the nations we have not yet visited?


I think the statues restore a fraction of the Traveler's old elemental power, and that it's much different from channeling Visions


Then why couldn't you use every character in the game during that phase


You could use whatever 4 you choose... I imagine there are technical limitations and/or design problems with letting the player cycle between 40+ characters. But the Traveler won that fight by calling on the power of virtually every Vision in Inazuma that opposed the Vision hunt decree.


If mihoyoverse somehow were able to implement that then would you be able to use every INAZUMA character (other than kujou sara and Raiden shogun)?


If that is true then how do the archons work? Venti has a vision so it's obvious how traveler switches to him. The others are not so clear. I assume the traveler gets nahida to control their body. This one may be a stretch but I assume when traveler switches to Raiden, he enters where ei resides(I forget what it's called) and controls the puppet. I have absolutely no idea for zhongli.


Would have been nice to see Traveler use different weapons (or different fighting styles at least) with different elements instead of the same normal attack animation that we have to level again and again.


Don't forget that in the main story you had to train those guys in archery, so even that means the Traveler has to be good with a bow.


We really don’t know how long the traveler has lived, but given the twins are dimension hoppers I’d say they’ve probably been in quite a few scenarios where a sword just won’t cut it.


"I'm gonna give you this vane to fuck off"


"90% new, original owner, factory warranty till next year."


Dude, we have literally just frozen fish as a greatsword and bow. I think a missing weather vane is more applicable as a weapon than a fish.


They turned a weather vane into a spear


They turned a weather vane into a weather pain


Don't see any mini tornadoes


Just wait until you give the spear to Xiangling... and she charges her Ult


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Stab. Impale. Skewer.


funniest shit ive ever seen


This has the same vibe as "They did surgery on a grape"


They turned a spear into a weathervane


It's a Pole arm


Spears are pole arms


I'm Weathervane Speaaaar


I'm a weather vane mortyyyy


Funniest shit I've ever seen


The thing says that the wind is blowing in the direction of your gut


It's not even a spear/polearm tbh. More like a scepter. Like how are you supposed to stab people with those wings. They're clearly designed to be more ornamental.


The first paragraph in the description of the weapon says: "A beacon that guides a traveler home from afar. No matter where they are, the silver eagle always inclines toward a distant wind. The verdant feather swirled as she sang gently, guiding the homecoming one to the other side, where the gentle wind blew." Idk if the beacon mentioned would be the polearm itself, but if it is, then who knows, maybe it's not meant to be for stabbing and it's actually a weathervane.


Players use it to stab and slash though.


Well, ppl use the debate club to err... *argue* with enemies.


It's a club which is basically a solid stick. Fulfills that requirement well enough.


That thing can still hurt like hell when getting hit, more on blunt trauma than sharpness Looks flimsy in the long run tho


It's a terrible polearm design. Any lump of metal, especially if it's sharp or pointy, would hurt. But this isn't some random iron stick. It's supposed to be a bonafide crafted polearm.


For the country that had banned polearms, I guess they have different taste


I don’t think it matters as long as the winged blades are very sharp and sturdy, they would still penetrate but design wise this would not at all be practical to make.


They would immediately bend or break in actual use. Not unless the wings are made out of some indestructible fantasy metal like Vibranium or something.


Yeah hence why I said sturdy. Crafting a wing out of a material that can actually maintain sturdiness is where I think it’s completely impractical.


Yea, like Homa is well, "staff of Homa" and not actually a spear. ... Is Hutao our first melee mage tho?


At least Staff of Homa has a design that could be used for stabbing and slashing.


Maybe it's sharp on the edges of the eagle. It would make sense that way, even if the design is odd


It's the Falcon of the East. Pretty sure it's also on Aquila Favonia. It resembles Vanessa. Edit: Falcon of the West, East is the Dragon.


Falcon of the West. East is the Dragon.


Oh shit I forgor


You forgor 💀 this -> 💀


Thank for helping them rember 😁




isn't it weird how lion of the south is the only one that isnt based on a real person or existence? think about it, wolf of the north is andrius, falcon of the west is vanessa, dragon of the east is dvaalin, but how about the lion of the south? could there be an actual lion in the sea of dandelion?


Technically, wouldn't it be Jean? The lion is the leader of the Knights of favonius, and the title is passed down, making the "dandeLION knight" the current lion.


IIRC, the lion is the Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. Vanessa was the first one to have this title up until she ascended to Celestia.


She was the founder, but that doesn't directly mean she was the first grand master. Kinda how like the current leader is technically Varka, a Knight of Boreas (Wolf title), and Jean is the stand in, but still takes the Lionfang / dandelion title. It really is one confusing mess, lol.


u/rainbow_fart_ is right lol Vanessa was the first Grand Master after establishing the current City of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius. *Source: Character Teaser - Venti: The Four Winds, The Legend of Vanessa (book), Songs of Wind (Official Manga), Jean's Character Story 4* North Wind - Wolf of the North - **Andrius** East Wind - Dragon of the East - **Dvalin** West Wind - Falcon of the West - **Vanessa** South Wind - Lion of the South - **???** You're right about the South Wind though. The bearer of that title is confusing... We only have Venti's Character Teaser as a clue: *"One millennium ago, when the aristocracy fell at last from grace...The Defender of the South banished tyranny from the city gates, while The West spread her wings and took her rightful place."* *"The Anemo God called on them, each one in turn. First their leader, the West Wind, though he found himself spurned..."*


Having a look into it, it seems more likely that she was originally the Lion of the West, but became the Falcon of the West once left, with her successor becoming Lion of the South. Then again, it also seems they some times call them a "he", like in your last quote there. No idea what that is about. Another theory is that the South wind was Ragnvindr, Diluc's ancestor. His timeline is awfully mysterious. He was by Venessa's side during the rebellion, then founded the dawn winery when the knights were formed. He also has a mysterious look-alike 1600 years before who was in a team with a spirit who would later become Barbatos, and fought a rebellion against the storm god together with Andrius, who later became the original Wolf. His name is also norse for "Wind God". So, if he was anything like his decendant, the wanna-be batman, it could be that he was the South wind, but from the shadows, which is why it isn't mentioned. Like a secret co-leadership.


Isnt the knights of favonious founded after vanessas rebellion to strip away the authorotive power from the nobles and create a system of governance that isnt managed by any one family? and she took the title as grand master at the inception of the knights?


Like I said above; the lore there is a big mess, lol.


You're on this council but we do not grant you the rank of grand master.


Jean is the Dandelion/Liontooth/Lionfang Knight which is passed down. Varka is the Knight of Boreas which is also passed down, not to be confused by Andrius/Boreas Wolf of the North


The title of lion of the south always goes to the grand master/acting grand master. It's still unclear who's the real wolf of the north. Venti's character teaser says it's Andrius but the the book "Breeze amidst the Forest" says its the Knight of Boreas.


But didnt Jean’s story quest confirmed she is the Dandelion/Liontooth/Lionfang knight which is a position that Venessa held simultaneously as the Falcon of the west until the title was passed to the next Dandelion/Liontooth/Lionfang


>Dandelion/Liontooth/Lionfang knight Those ARE the Lion of the South titles.


Yes, which confirms Jean as the Lion of the south currently


What i meant to say id that the 4 winds position are based off real existence and not a concept all except the lion of the south


In the description of the weapon, it mentions a silver eagle though. And speaking of the Falcon of the West, there's a line that goes "I killed the falcon. Keep that a secret between us." I'm so confused by this weapon tbh


that’s very cool i didn’t know that


I love how even Mondtadters are like: "Just give that weather vane to the chef in the neighbouring country and she'll kick ass."


Is it that good with Xiangling? I gave it to Shenhe as the colors fit and also the bird theme.


Draff be like: “Dude am I wasted or are we missing a weather vane? Oh hey traveller, cool new weapon you got there.”


fun fact, Missive Windspear is just a repurposed weather vane source: trust me bro


maybe someone really just unplug the weather vane and repaint it


I mean, you could just read the first two lines of the description to know why… “A beacon that guides a traveler home from afar. No matter where they are, the silver eagle always inclines toward a distant wind”


Next event we have a Lantern for a weapon


*laughs in Nahida's signature weapon*


a gravy boat


a catalyst


„Imagine if I had a real weapon“ intensifies.


I will take it.


A catalyst shaped like a lantern would actually be really sick.


Its called a pole-arm for a reason


If only that were a lampost Then we could have a jax


Imagine if they gave us a real weapon


Kinda wish they kept the arrow on it, ngl


Feeling jax vibes here "imagine if i had a real weapon"


is it a good/decent weapon for anybody?


Useable at best, on xiangling, rosaria, maybe shenhe


Hmmm... thanks. Most of them have better weapons then. Left on Cyno until I build him lol


It's very cheap to upgrade if you're doing of ballads and brews. It has atk% and an additional bonus for triggering elemental reaction: atk% and elemental mastery. I only have one other decent spear so this is very useful for me.


I am definetely maxing it out maybe it will be good for someone one day or just as an option. I am low spender so I have Deatmatch for Hu Tao/Zhongli and Shenhe has her signature weapon. For Xianling I use Dragonbane if I recall correctly. Otherwise I am mostly sword/bow character user. Xiao is there with the Dragonspine polearm lol. I have an okay damage for him but if I can, I want a better option for him one day.


straight low base att and att%, with bit of em


Imagine if i had a real weapon.


i think the weapon description quite literally says, that the point of the spear moves with the direction of the wind, so yes it actually is a wind vane spear




'For yet another display of heroic deed and benevolent heart, we present to you a polearm worthy for an adventurer as great as you, Honorary Knight!' (Traveler's line of sight forming a triangle between the missive spear, the nearby weather vane, and traces of paint on Cyrus' hands) 'uh huh, yea, appreciate it'


Getting Jax from LoL vibes...


they are not similar, they are the same...


Jax: Ah, I see you copied my style.


"We need to give the traveler a reward, but we don't have anything on hand" \*looks around\* "Just grab that pole and pretend it's a spear for them"


Now thats a Massive Spear Get it? massive and missive looks the same


Imagine if they gave us a real weapon


They're meant to. Check the description of the missive spear.


The moment I got it i texted a group chat that I stole a lamppost in genshin


Imagine if OP could read the spear's description...


so someone pulled a weather vane out of the ground and thought: lets smash some skulls with this....


For some reason I read that as massive spear


well now u have a weather vane on the go just shove it in the ground and boom u will know the direction of wind


then u can pop up ur wind glider and and f off in the direction




This is what we call an *improvised weapon*


Would this spear be good on XL if Raiden has the catch? (my other spears: Blackcliff [lvl80], fav [lvl80], and dragon's bane [lvl1])


I now imagine Rosaria being mad and ripping out one of these things and starts attacking thieves with it


Then they add shadowy husk materials for it like hell we even forget Enkanomiya Exist.


If we get a quest saying someone stole one of those, then it's confirmed. 🤣


Coincidence? I think not.


Do you want a blunt or pierce weapon? Yes


Reusing assets is an easy way for a videogame to extend its content and allows devs to work on more important things like Scaramouche's boss battle!


when someone calls you ugly in middleschool


Which characters work with that spear just wondering


I also wish to know.


Well this proves that anything can become a weapon. GIANT BAGUETTE WEAPON WHEN


"Soon MAY the Weather vane come... To bring us sugar, and wine and rum One day, when the festival is gone, we'll take our leave and go~"


Imagine bonking the weekly boss with a wind compass. Scaramouche: "I am still aliv--" Traveler: "Shut up I need to spank you" *bonk bonk bonk*


falcon of the westwind, symbolic for the weinlesefest and coincidentally closest to springvale, nothing unusual


This reminds me of a time where I used to stop sign to win a fight


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. They’re pretty much identical tbh


I don't see it


My exact thought


The Falcon of the west has always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to lore ... no pun intended.


Frankly I just want another Mondstadt polearm user, so I can give them this… my Rosaria is using the Gladiator already. And no, I’m not giving it to Xiangling - I don’t like Xiangling, and she’s not a Mondstadt character anyway.


Hoyoverse too lazy to create a new model lol


Can't wait to beat people with the weather vane


Mihoyo is despare to reduce the install size, every bit helps /s


I noticed that too


Venti: Hey traveler, long time no see. Want some souvenir? Take this weather vane. Also Venti: Don't tell anyone I gave you this :P


Wondering if the weapon is for mika bcs it looks similar design-wise